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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

The Stench of Cowardice

Cowardly Kevin Randle, spineless skeptics, still suppress Billy Meier UFO evidence

People who, through their own research and investigative efforts, have already concluded that the Billy Meier UFO case and its evidence are singularly authentic, often wonder why I bother with skeptics, dolts and cowards who rush to attack the Meier case.

The fact is, with the epidemic of ignorance (that also pervades so-called “science”) I mainly push back on the ones who have been most vocal in their unsubstantiated, often vicious attacks.

This isn’t grandstanding, showboating or bullying, nor is it to convince them of the authenticity of the case, its evidence, etc. It is to create a strong counterbalancing presence to the decades’ long proliferation of unchallenged negative information, and outright disinformation, spread by supposed “experts”, though none of the skeptical attackers possesses any demonstrable expertise on the subject.

In every case, I’ve responded to the attacks of know-it-all bullies who thought the Meier case was easy game, or those who deliberately distort and misrepresent the case in order to discredit it. Tap dancing on the heads of such people is not difficult; with the democratization of information on the internet, anyone can determine the truth for themselves, and express it, if they have the willingness and courage to do so.

Cowardly Kevin Randle

On July 20, JimG, a participant on Kevin Randle’s anti-Billy Meier blog, challenged me to provide “irrefutable proof to support the Billy Meier story using publication dates, copyrights and international book serial numbers”. While, for unknown reasons, I only yesterday received notification of it, I immediately submitted the following information, which Randle…censored:

“Since you’re using a screen name here asking for a ‘credible source’ I must first point out that it’s nice when someone making that kind of request (read: challenge) is also a…’credible’ person. You’re not. You’re anonymous and, of course, present no credentials that would indicate that you have even a nodding acquaintance with what’s ‘credible’.

If you were, you probably would’ve, long ago, challenged the credibility of any and everything that pertains to ‘Roswell’, since there’s ZERO actual evidence to warrant much discussion of it, though I have good reason to accept its authenticity, based on my first learning about it…in 1957, and other factors.

That being said, it’s very easy for a qualified researcher to determine the truth about publication dates on most of the prophecies, etc. For instance, I received the first 1,800 pages of the Contact Reports in 1986. They are the same material from an early English translation that were subsequently published in the Message from the Pleiades, four-volume series that began with this book (Amazon):

Message from the Pleiades

Publisher: UFO Photo Archives (December 1988)

ISBN-10: 0934269149

ISBN-13: 978-0934269148

Now, while the copyright date shown above is 1988, the actual book’s copyright dates go back to 1978. That’s because the transcripts in these books spanned from 1975 – 1978. Wendelle Stevens and his team began the process of having translations done at that time, hence the 1978 date. In fact, they included some of the quotes from those contacts in the following photo book:

Contact from the Pleiades

Publisher: Genesis III Productions; First Edition edition (1979)


You’ll find the Revised edition bears the publication date of 1980…and also has ISBN numbers:

Contact from the Pleiades

Publisher: Genesis III Pub; Revised edition (1980)

ISBN-10: 0937850020

ISBN-13: 978-0937850022

Now, if you go here: and simply do a search for 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978 – you see specific information quoted from the Contact Reports of those years alone…which are intros copyrighted, dated, published books. The contacts continue to this day, which is why when you go here:

…you’ll find that there are now hundreds more contacts, not all of which have been translated, with the most recent translation here being from November of last year.

There are other contacts, prophecies, predictions, etc. – which have proved to be impeccably accurate – that have been online since 2002, some of which are in my own DVDs from as early as 2004.

I suggest that you begin there and I also suggest not trying to be dismissive of investigators, who between them, have about…100 years of combined investigation into this singularly authentic, still ongoing contact case, which now spans more than 75 years.

Further, if you’re really interested in the truth, it would be helpful if your comments, questions and challenges are presented in that tone.

Lastly, we’re absolutely not interested in ‘converts’, etc., as this isn’t a religion, cult, belief system, etc. It’s a field of study.”

Randle – who promotes himself with a photo in military uniform – behaves in a  way that is without honor, censoring information that refutes his own lies. While he no doubt wanted to create the false impression that I didn’t respond, Randle’s stated reason was:

“You don’t like the use of a screen name… that’s not your call. So, no, with the opening comment, I will not post. If you wish to rewrite it, then probably…”

I resubmitted it with only the publishing and linked information.

Hero that he is, Randle still was too afraid to publish it.

The Three Stooges of Skepticism

In trying to debunk Billy Meier, Randle had relied on skeptic Evan Bernstein, who failed to note that Meier did in fact verifiably predict the attacks on France, as early as 1981. Even more telling of the prejudicial, belief-based agenda of both Randle and Bernstein is their failure to give even a moment’s consideration – let alone jaw-dropping awe – to just how and why someone, in 1958, was indeed predicting the now ceaselessly unfolding, worldwide irrepressible terror of fanatical Islamists. (The irony of Randle relying on a UFO-debunking skeptic is another curious matter, perhaps a twisted case of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”?)

Bernstein blithely dismisses Meier’s painfully prescient warning, saying, “Just like many of the other “prophecies” of Meiers, this one is so general, so unspecific that it could be applied to any number of Islamist terrorist attacks since 1958.”

Really? So who indeed was solely predicting all those “attacks since 1958″…which continue to this day? Not a moment’s consideration to all of the implications of the hundreds of undeniably specific examples of prophetically accurate information from Meier, is given by Randle or Bernstein, so hell bent on “debunking” Meier are they.

Bernstein linked to comments by Dr. Steven Novella, who I long ago revealed as another failed adherent to the religion of Skeptology. And as I also already pointed out before, Novella overconfidently and incorrectly asserted that the WCUFO photos are part of the evidence for “a many-decade UFO hoax“, relying on his own amateur assumptions and those of the equally inept CFI West.

But since his foolish assertions have been throughly dismantled and destroyed by Rhal Zahi’s 74-page analysis and authentication of the WCUFO photos, Novella’s remained strangely silent about it. And while he cited his, at the time, 8 year-old daughter as telling “more convincing ‘fibs’” than Meier, the fact is that now even 8 year-olds can prove to themselves the authenticity of Meier’s pre-computer, pre-digital age WCUFO photo.

So Randle relies on the failed and inaccurate Bernstein, who cites Novella’s demonstrably false conclusions. The Three Stooges of Skepticism strike again.

No Answer Is also an Answer

Since many of the failed skeptical attacks were initiated by Novella, I recently challenged him to substantiate all this and that failing to do so would simply be conceding by default. The “no answer is also an answer” rule applies; it means the non-responding accuser is admitting he’s wrong.

And there’s been no answer, no evidence, no retraction, no…nothing from Novella. He’s defaulted and thereby conceded. I’ll make sure that Bernstein gets this and also has a chance to step up or, more likely, also run away.

Who Cares?

So, I make noise.

I took the fight to the skeptics at CFI West, beginning in 2002, and from there to many others, like Michael Shermer, Derek Bartholomaus, Stuart Robbins, the cocky Phil Plait, etc.

People who practice medicine without a license are quacks, as are people who peddle pseudo-scientific bunk and junk and pretend to be genuine scientists.

The truth doesn’t need defense but there’s nothing wrong with standing up for it and letting people know where to find it.

Avoid the Flailing Oars

If we lived in a time when people were overflowing with integrity and courage, then if someone was wrong, they’d openly admit it and even sincerely apologize. But we live in the blessed internet age, which has evolved along with the devolution of ethics and values, where every envious wannabe can easily hurl defamatory statements, often anonymously and without any accountability.

Unfortunately, this is something that America as a country has, to a great degree, given rise to  through its neglect of real values and its warmongering, cowardice, bullying and lying its way around the world, not wanting to learn how life really works. The American philosophy amounts to, “Anything for a buck.”

In a country of some 330 million people there certainly are many, many good people who want to know the truth. While they have to avoid drowning in the sea of irrational religions and dead-end politics, they are also outnumbered by, and have to avoid the flailing oars of, those who like nothing more than frantically paddling around on, as well as submerging themselves in, those dark and murky waters.

The Stench of Cowardice

Those waters are rapidly rising, as are the temperatures in the, equally denied, cycle of the primarily unnatural, manmade climate change, environmental destruction and the approaching chaos and anarchy. As the heat rises, we more easily notice that something…doesn’t smell right.

There’s no need to be puzzled, it’s the stench of cowardice from the widespread, putrid denial of the truth, by those who care only for profits, at the cost of anyone and anything that stands for the often harsh, real truth.

Don’t Let the Door Hit You

We should welcome and help speed along the long overdue dissolution of what is – at best – the insidiously useless field of ufology, with all of their phony “experts” and money-grubbers, and the cultic and equally pointless, truth-suppressing, pseudo-science that is skepticism. A plague on both their houses, one that, should he choose a more honest, courageous and truthful approach, Dr. Novella could perhaps one day also contribute to curing. The truth is the best medicine.

“No matter how fast a lie can be it can always be overtaken by the truth.”

The OM, Canon 32:1189

See: FIGU Canada Newsletter


See also:

The Answer




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Taro Istok

FYI, the “Jeremy Smiles” who just chimed in(December 24, 2019 at 1:08 PM) is Silvio Santini.

Taro Istok

I’ve debated him enough with all of his fake names, I just know his style. Plus he’s not very imaginative. Same stuff over and over in slightly different form.

Taro Istok

I guess I’ve unwittingly turned myself into some sort of a Santini-The-Troll bloodhound 😉

Taro Istok

Well, I think the ET reality threatens his little dome-covered, flat Earth universe. It’s spinning his noodle around like a fork in pasta(it’s messing with his brain).

Melissa Osaki

That guy has the nerve to call us gullible when they believe all their crazy UFO stories without a single shred of evidence. They are too dense to understand that our science is not the be-all end-all of the Universe. There are far more advanced beings that can and do understand advanced physics, astronomy, mathematics, energy and time manipulation. So for him to say that someone’s memory couldn’t be erased is ludicrous and shows just how gullible HE is. Science would seem like magic to cavemen too. They will find out soon enough that Meier was right about everything. What a doofus!

Taro Istok

So, apparently Krandle didn’t feel my reply to Santini was fit for his blog. Here it is for anyone interested:

*sniff-sniff* I smell the unmistakable stink of Santini the troll. Is that you Silvio? Anyway, “Jeremy Smiles” if that is in fact your real name, you talk big with respect to science. But how much do you REALLY understand? Have you studied it at all? Regardless of the level of open academic “backing”, there is BASIC high school science which supports authenticity of the Meier case. Do you have the scientific knowledge to understand it? I’ve been trying to get a skeptic with some stones to have an OBJECTIVE discussion about Meier’s alleged, physics-defying UFO model. No takers. You game? HOW DID MEIER DO IT?

By the way, if you don’t have any real clue about science, why do you believe you would know how to distinguish pseudo-science from real science? Think about it.

I’m wondering if it was because I accused “Jeremy Smiles” of being a troll or because of the skeptic with stones remark. He’s so finicky.

Sheila Clark
matt lee

Hehe hey Sheila I think you might have the wrong company but what the heck they all sound the same.

matt lee

Hi Michael I was wondering are there any advanced search function on your blog where you can search out individual poster’s comments or to type in a word to get a return on the content of their posts?


matt lee

Ok thanks
BTW Happy new year and all the best in the new year Michael.

Melissa Osaki

Hi Matt,

I don’t think you can do it on the front-end, but I can do it on the back-end. Is there something specific you are looking for?


matt lee

Hi Melissa happy new year and good health to you in the new year.
I was wondering if there were any posts posted by a person by the name of Michelle, Msmichelle, Michele, Mischele or Miscelle here on this blog.
Would you be able to find out.
I’ll keep this action of mine transparent to all concerned in the coming days so as not create any possible grievances.
I just wanted to establish certain facts so that certain things are cleared up.


Melissa Osaki

No problem, Matt, I’ll run the names and report back as soon as I have all the information.

Happy New Year!!

Melissa Osaki

Hi Matt,

The interesting thing is that we’ve only had one Michelle to ever post on this blog. There is also one reference to a MsMichelle in a separate comment. I’m going to link the exact pages those comments are on below.

We’ve also had a handful of comments that referenced Michelle DellaFave and Michelle Obama. I would say there are roughly 35 to 40 of those comments. Since there are so many of them, I can email them to you if you need them for your research.

Comment by Michelle:

DECEMBER 20, 2017 AT 5:17 PM
“Posting of a short clip on his site does not constitute agreement with Billy Meier’s story. In my view, Barthalomous has simply included the clip on his site for reference purposes. Keep dreaming that he has suddenly lost his mind.”

Comment by Sheila referencing MsMichelle:

FEBRUARY 2, 2017 AT 8:57 PM
“So none of you have read MSMichelles explanation on the FIGU forum? Go enlighten yourselves. The Metis for example want to be white but still want their Indian treaty rights so are torn between their cultures, which a lot of times leads to self destruction, as I have observed. The real problem here is most of you live in cities and never really get to know your neighbours or even talk to them. And none have ever asked questions about how they really feel. I do.
All races have their own culture, no blurring involved. My friends daughter-in-law came from India. Her father was a pastor and had to be told he’s not allowed to beat his wife and children. You’d think that was a no-brainer. It’s not. The Somalis employed at a meat packing plant who single handedly got the plant shut down because they didn’t wash their hands after using the bathroom. You won’t read that in a newspaper but that’s how the e-coli got into the meat. Domestic violence by Muslim men warrants a Muslim RCMP officer to go out and never lay assault charges.
Before you start claiming I’m a racist, I’m not. Just giving you known examples of why integration of cultures is not working.”

matt lee

Thank you so much Melissa and yes if you don’t mind I would love to receive the rest of your finds via email.
