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Sunday, May 26, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival

Threats from a Neo-Nazi

Things wouldn’t have gone this far without support of “UFO researchers and investigators”

The internet has made it easy for people of low, or no, character to hurl libelous, defamatory claims and statements against innocent people with impunity. This is done not only on blogs and forums, etc., but in abundance on sites like YouTube.

The Billy Meier UFO case is of course a frequent target for such vile actions. While paling in seriousness and danger to the 23 assassination attempts on Meier’s life, they perpetuate the false, unsubstantiated charges against the case.

A recent example is that of Kevin Randle, who plastered his blog with false claims and attacks that he, admittedly and shamelessly, copied from long refuted and debunked skeptics. Randle’s behavior was cowardly enough since, despite his decades as a so-called “UFO researcher”, he’d never done any actual research into Meier’s evidence.

The Neo-Nazi

It’s one thing to just be a phony and an incompetent, but it’s quite another to be a neo-Nazi, anti-Semite who spews vile attacks anonymously…and then threatens a law suit for exposing him. Such is the case with Mr. Silvio Santini, who masquerades under the name Magic (and possibly other names) on YouTube.

I recently received a number of emails from Mr. Santini claiming that he isn’t the same person as Magic and threatening that, unless I remove my public comments identifying him, he will sue me. We exchanged numerous emails where I provided various links, etc., that seemed to indicate that they were, in fact, the same person. I asked him to provide me with a sworn, notarized statement to the contrary, where after I would remove, and apologize for, my comments.

Sunday morning, I received another email demanding my retraction and again threatening legal action. Talk about irony and cowardice (and chutzpah!), a defamer who considers it…defamatory to reveal his defamation and identity.

I have sent the following below to Mr. Santini…complete with Mr. Santini’s threats “to take you and Meiers cult out once and for all” and his request to Bob Wiegand to arrange a visit to FIGU, specifically, “A day with the least amount of traffic/visitors and an empty parking lot is certainly preferred.”:

“Mr. Santini,

We are prepared to make the following public statement and publish it on my blog (with the photos):

‘The person who posts defamatory comments under the names Magic, Oliver, Jo Weiss, etc., is not Silvio Santini (photo bottom left) but actually Silvio Solaris (photo bottom right), who is obviously a completely different person, bearing absolutely no resemblance whatsoever to Mr. Santini.

It is Mr. Solaris who is associated with the anonymous person Magic who is indeed a degenerate, racist, pro-Nazi, anti-Semite, etc., and the author of comments like:

Magic2 months ago (edited)

The pedophile huckster and mongoloid Michael Horn is trying to challenge a man who is waaaay beyond the scam and game he is pulling. Well…good luck Mike ‘the impotent midget kike’…>You never know what is gonna be around the next corner… :-)) Btw. I am not Silvio` lol…. I am so much ahead of this game to take you and Meiers cult out once and for all you have no idea -:))

Magic3 months ago (edited)

Christian Bachinger I challenge you because Meier is full of SHIT. He protects the Zionist agenda of a one world government. He NEVER mentions that ISIS is a creation of the CIA and Mossad to destabilize the middle east. Wonder why? Ever heard of greater Israel?

It is also a mere coincidence that Mr. Santini and Magic are cameramen, cinematographers, etc. Obviously Mr. Santini couldn’t be Solaris/Magic because Magic endorses pro-Nazi sites like

Further, the following email to former Navy Seal, Bob Wiegand, is also obviously from someone impersonating Mr. Santini:

From: Silvio Santini []

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 1:50 AM

To: WiegandsFiles

Subject: Billy Meier / Control Pictures

Dear Bob Wiegand,

I hope you are well and in great spirits.

I posted my comments at your youtube channel as ‘Magic’ in regards to Billy Meier and Michael Horn.

Mr. Horn said: “Skeptics are always welcome to visit Meier”. So I would appreciate it if you can schedule a date about the second week of May with FIGU to visit Meiers property for some control pictures.

A day with the least amount of traffic/visitors and an empty parking lot is certainly preferred.

Please do not share my personal- as well as contact information with Michael Horn, Taro Istok or anybody not directly involved with this procedure.

Best Regards,

Silvio Santini


Michael Horn’

Why litigate when I am prepared to make this very public retraction on my blog, which has readers from 192 countries? Certainly, this will help clear your good name in the industry, internationally, etc.

Unlike your attorney, I’m willing to do this for free.


Now perhaps Mr. Santini will make some real magic and disappear along with all of his hateful comments, under any and all of his various screen names.


While each person is responsible for their own thoughts, feelings and actions, things wouldn’t have gone this far without the support of the relentless torrent of false, irresponsible, defamatory, unsubstantiated claims and attacks against the Meier case and its evidence by the “UFO researchers and investigators” in the UFOCI.

Packed with profiteers and phonies ,who saw an easy opportunity to make a buck with all their speculative, dead-end theories and claims, they also supported and promoted the attacks on the Meier case, often, like Kevin Randle, without a piece of self-researched and verified contradictory evidence, just their own lust for fame and fortune.

As Meier was told, in 1953, that MUFON would be his “greatest adversary” *, they along with others in the UFOCI who specialize in disinformation and chasing lights-in-the-sky, like Open Minds, have close ties to all the various “UFO experts” and host numerous expos and cozy club conferences, from which any presentations of the singularly authentic Meier case are noticeably missing. Many of the presenters are also openly anti-Meier. So, in the grand American tradition, the truth has been marginalized and made subservient to profits and the inflated egos of wannabes who managed to land themselves in the midst of the least scientific field that would allow them a forum in which to conduct their charlatanry.

All of this plays nicely into the agenda of the intelligence agencies, deep state, globalists, military-industrial, religious and political interests the consequences of which, ironically, Meier has long warned about (see: 40,).

In this environment, is it any surprise that the internet attacks proliferate and that degenerates, like Mr. Santini, not only chime in and pile on but feel empowered to threaten those who dare to call them out on it?


*71. In regard to that, take note especially of the coming worldwide organisation for ufological work, MUFON, because – along with various pathological know-it-alls and slanderers of truth – it will be your greatest adversary.


See also:

How MUFON Helped the Spread of ISIS

You Can’t Handle the TRUTH

An Open Letter to the Human Community

“I Don’t Want to Find What I’m Looking For” 



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Corey Müske

All I can say is Billy said in 2009 that natural catastrophes will reach proportions not seen since the primeval times in the future. All I can say is due to my research into effects of overpopulation, Meier is telling the 100% truth.

In the current-time (optimum time) skeptics can run fumes out his/her mouth talking a good game of deception, but once we cross over into the threshold of future calamity, arrogant boasting may indeed become a thing of the past.

I’m convinced overpopulation effects will change our entire societal-structures. The Earth will probably eventually echo with wails of “how could we have been so stupid?” if we collectively smarten-up.

Ashton Collins

he’s so screwed……………..PROPER SCREWED “sigh”…….. Unbelievable. I’m hungry now thanks Michael for referencing pizza and jacobus.

Dolly Worby

Hiding behind the veil, but it keeps coming off. Seems to me they are really threatened by you. Besides their intention on visiting FIGU, I think there’s more to this statement:
“to take you and Meiers cult out once and for all” and his request to Bob Wiegand to arrange a visit to FIGU, specifically, “A day with the least amount of traffic/visitors and an empty parking lot is certainly preferred.”
Makes me suspicious. Black magic.

Joseph Borg

Michael Horn,

Do you know what happened to Bob Wiegand’s Youtube channel?

Jacobus Kotze

Mr Tiny Santini is lacking in certain “areas”, shall we say. Now that he is barking like a bulldog, in actual fact, he is a tiny chiwuawua typing inanities on his keyboard with those tiny paws.

Chris Lock

As for the Meier never having commented on ISIS being a creation of the CIA: Check out the recently made and posted video of Michelle Delafaye (sp?), the Asket doppleganger, and her teacher Suzie’s video interview with Billy Meier and Christian Frehner on YouTube. There Christian, if not Meier, unequivocally state that ISIS was a creation of the CIA.

Chris Lock

I think that should be Michelle DellaFave.

Chris Lock

Here is the link to the very recent Suzy and Michelle DellaFave interview with Billy and Christian. The part where Christian — not Billy, but Christian has heard this from Billy – talks about the formation of ISIS as a result of US miliary and intelligence actions begins around the 45 mins and 58 mins parts as they are leaving the FIGU center:

Marco Kaiser

Why are you still wasting your (and our) time with people like that? They are not worth 1 second of attention. It seems all the intelligence agencies have to do is create some convincing social bots, slandering you and the Meier Case and you will never leave your home again, being too busy writing emails and blogs about this garbage. You should really focus on the important things. Internet trolls, no matter of which kind, are a distraction from the important things in life, like the spiritual teaching and the evolution of the consciousness.

Marco Kaiser

Well, I’ve read pretty much every blog entry, listened to most, if not all of your shows and interviews etc. and of course it’s a good idea to stay vigilant, but the way this guy is throwing around threats tells me that he’s not really going to do anything. He seems like a basement-dwelling loser to me. I could be wrong, of course, but the truly dangerous people usually don’t announce their assassination attempts on youtube or other social media. There are exceptions though and I agree that the number of crazies is increasing exponentially. The context of the comment you quoted was WW III or IV, Russia and the fact that agencies are watching and listening to you. If they wanted to kill you, they probably would have done it by now, don’t you think? You’ve been at this for many years now. If I was in your shoes, I’d not blog about this guy until everything is 100% clear, there seem to be some uncertainties here. Also, I have to say Bob Wiegand seems a bit delusional to me. Also on one show one of his children came into the room and the way he treated him was not good, to say the least. Ex-Navy or not, I would stay away from this guy.

Marco Kaiser

I’ve posted a pretty lengthy reply 2 times now, but for some reason it doesn’t show up as “awaiting moderation”. I don’t want to waste any more of your or my time, so I won’t post it again. An updated version of the comments sections would be nice, it’s pretty outdated with buttons for newer and older comments showing up all over the place etc.

Marco Kaiser

Thanks Michael,

no need for that. Could be that it was too much for this outdated blog-software. I didn’t save it and writing it again would take too much time. Reading it would waste too much of your time. It’s much better, if you spend it with interviews and studies instead. 😉

Taro Istok

Case in point. Here is one of the most recent comments from “Jo Weiss”:

“Taro you lack the real science and what constitutes a valid investiagation you pathetic looser, good for nothing piece of shit momma boy. When I am in Canada next year I find you and give you a little surprise mongo head.”

I doubt it’s a basket full of posies.

Ashton Collins

Mr. Santini Fettuccine Linguine should really take into consideration to pull his head out of his butt and find the truth for himself. He should also eat a snickers bar and he’ll feel better about himself.

Jason Thomas

Michael and everyone else on this blog please take a look at this video and report this immediately, this is an utter disgrace and completely disrespectful!:
This was uploaded from a user who goes by the name “Jordan Zangrillo” on YouTube who decides it would be funny to mock and make fun of Meier and the documentary “The Silent Revolution of Truth.” I however find this flat out rude and incredibly immature knowing that Meier, The Plejaren, FIGU, Windelle Stevens(now deceased) and his investigative team, and all others involved including yourself Mr. Horn who have all taken very serious major risks to help get this entire story(and the most imortant) where it is today and onwards.

Garret Moore

For the intelligent and broadly informed, racism or in this case a military racist ideological idea is a clear indication of a very low intelligence operating in the dubious understandings of this person. Such ideas are as archaic as bleeding is to curing illness, but as these ideas have affected mortality of millions in history to the present, such words or ideas can only keep our species at Type-0 lowest standard.

Matt Knight

SS Magic is obviously frustrated by his inability to really explain how Meier did it. A little bit of research may explain his personal mission to attack Meier’s “fans” and his comments do read like someone with a pathological professional jealousy:

$5000 was up for grabs in this public remote viewing challenge that Silvio accepted:

The result: “Silvio has unfortunately been unable to make a solid attempt”.

In all fairness, Meier is probably a Magician’s worst nightmare as he treads on all those (Religious and Magic Circle) cultic “codes” and states that his “tricks” are real and Jesus’ ones were fake. It takes time. 🙂 If anything, he just goes to show how unreasonable, materialistically-minded and nasty Meier’s detractors are.

Corey Müske

MH, did you warn FIGU-Switzerland about this SS psychopath with a likely threatening bodily harm temper due to jealousy psychosis? I find it highly suspicious he wanted the Center closed to visitors, blocked off of other traffic, etc.

We don’t need one of the 171,000 “terroristicly indoctrinated lone-perpetrators”, and/or “also a psychopathic and psychically confused nature” from the US showing up in Hinterschmidrüti causing trouble.

Sheila Clark

The video appears to have been removed due to copyright infringement. Good job Michael.

Jacobus Kotze

I think if a particular individual wanted to do harm, he probably would not announce it beforehand.