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Monday, May 13, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival

Threats from a Neo-Nazi

Things wouldn’t have gone this far without support of “UFO researchers and investigators”

The internet has made it easy for people of low, or no, character to hurl libelous, defamatory claims and statements against innocent people with impunity. This is done not only on blogs and forums, etc., but in abundance on sites like YouTube.

The Billy Meier UFO case is of course a frequent target for such vile actions. While paling in seriousness and danger to the 23 assassination attempts on Meier’s life, they perpetuate the false, unsubstantiated charges against the case.

A recent example is that of Kevin Randle, who plastered his blog with false claims and attacks that he, admittedly and shamelessly, copied from long refuted and debunked skeptics. Randle’s behavior was cowardly enough since, despite his decades as a so-called “UFO researcher”, he’d never done any actual research into Meier’s evidence.

The Neo-Nazi

It’s one thing to just be a phony and an incompetent, but it’s quite another to be a neo-Nazi, anti-Semite who spews vile attacks anonymously…and then threatens a law suit for exposing him. Such is the case with Mr. Silvio Santini, who masquerades under the name Magic (and possibly other names) on YouTube.

I recently received a number of emails from Mr. Santini claiming that he isn’t the same person as Magic and threatening that, unless I remove my public comments identifying him, he will sue me. We exchanged numerous emails where I provided various links, etc., that seemed to indicate that they were, in fact, the same person. I asked him to provide me with a sworn, notarized statement to the contrary, where after I would remove, and apologize for, my comments.

Sunday morning, I received another email demanding my retraction and again threatening legal action. Talk about irony and cowardice (and chutzpah!), a defamer who considers it…defamatory to reveal his defamation and identity.

I have sent the following below to Mr. Santini…complete with Mr. Santini’s threats “to take you and Meiers cult out once and for all” and his request to Bob Wiegand to arrange a visit to FIGU, specifically, “A day with the least amount of traffic/visitors and an empty parking lot is certainly preferred.”:

“Mr. Santini,

We are prepared to make the following public statement and publish it on my blog (with the photos):

‘The person who posts defamatory comments under the names Magic, Oliver, Jo Weiss, etc., is not Silvio Santini (photo bottom left) but actually Silvio Solaris (photo bottom right), who is obviously a completely different person, bearing absolutely no resemblance whatsoever to Mr. Santini.

It is Mr. Solaris who is associated with the anonymous person Magic who is indeed a degenerate, racist, pro-Nazi, anti-Semite, etc., and the author of comments like:

Magic2 months ago (edited)

The pedophile huckster and mongoloid Michael Horn is trying to challenge a man who is waaaay beyond the scam and game he is pulling. Well…good luck Mike ‘the impotent midget kike’…>You never know what is gonna be around the next corner… :-)) Btw. I am not Silvio` lol…. I am so much ahead of this game to take you and Meiers cult out once and for all you have no idea -:))

Magic3 months ago (edited)

Christian Bachinger I challenge you because Meier is full of SHIT. He protects the Zionist agenda of a one world government. He NEVER mentions that ISIS is a creation of the CIA and Mossad to destabilize the middle east. Wonder why? Ever heard of greater Israel?

It is also a mere coincidence that Mr. Santini and Magic are cameramen, cinematographers, etc. Obviously Mr. Santini couldn’t be Solaris/Magic because Magic endorses pro-Nazi sites like

Further, the following email to former Navy Seal, Bob Wiegand, is also obviously from someone impersonating Mr. Santini:

From: Silvio Santini []

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 1:50 AM

To: WiegandsFiles

Subject: Billy Meier / Control Pictures

Dear Bob Wiegand,

I hope you are well and in great spirits.

I posted my comments at your youtube channel as ‘Magic’ in regards to Billy Meier and Michael Horn.

Mr. Horn said: “Skeptics are always welcome to visit Meier”. So I would appreciate it if you can schedule a date about the second week of May with FIGU to visit Meiers property for some control pictures.

A day with the least amount of traffic/visitors and an empty parking lot is certainly preferred.

Please do not share my personal- as well as contact information with Michael Horn, Taro Istok or anybody not directly involved with this procedure.

Best Regards,

Silvio Santini


Michael Horn’

Why litigate when I am prepared to make this very public retraction on my blog, which has readers from 192 countries? Certainly, this will help clear your good name in the industry, internationally, etc.

Unlike your attorney, I’m willing to do this for free.


Now perhaps Mr. Santini will make some real magic and disappear along with all of his hateful comments, under any and all of his various screen names.


While each person is responsible for their own thoughts, feelings and actions, things wouldn’t have gone this far without the support of the relentless torrent of false, irresponsible, defamatory, unsubstantiated claims and attacks against the Meier case and its evidence by the “UFO researchers and investigators” in the UFOCI.

Packed with profiteers and phonies ,who saw an easy opportunity to make a buck with all their speculative, dead-end theories and claims, they also supported and promoted the attacks on the Meier case, often, like Kevin Randle, without a piece of self-researched and verified contradictory evidence, just their own lust for fame and fortune.

As Meier was told, in 1953, that MUFON would be his “greatest adversary” *, they along with others in the UFOCI who specialize in disinformation and chasing lights-in-the-sky, like Open Minds, have close ties to all the various “UFO experts” and host numerous expos and cozy club conferences, from which any presentations of the singularly authentic Meier case are noticeably missing. Many of the presenters are also openly anti-Meier. So, in the grand American tradition, the truth has been marginalized and made subservient to profits and the inflated egos of wannabes who managed to land themselves in the midst of the least scientific field that would allow them a forum in which to conduct their charlatanry.

All of this plays nicely into the agenda of the intelligence agencies, deep state, globalists, military-industrial, religious and political interests the consequences of which, ironically, Meier has long warned about (see: 40,).

In this environment, is it any surprise that the internet attacks proliferate and that degenerates, like Mr. Santini, not only chime in and pile on but feel empowered to threaten those who dare to call them out on it?


*71. In regard to that, take note especially of the coming worldwide organisation for ufological work, MUFON, because – along with various pathological know-it-alls and slanderers of truth – it will be your greatest adversary.


See also:

How MUFON Helped the Spread of ISIS

You Can’t Handle the TRUTH

An Open Letter to the Human Community

“I Don’t Want to Find What I’m Looking For” 



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Greg Dougall

If you all want a good long laugh, I would like to repost a comment from youtube referring to MH. The video is “Billy Meier UFO Evidence 2016” uploaded by “Non Human Entities” and has over 30,000 views. Magic is happy to chime in and reply to the comment….

John Penuel – 1 year ago

“Meier is a plagiarist! He stole his “Might of Thoughts” book from James Allen’s “As A Man Thinketh” book. Who knows what else he has stolen. He’s also a wife beater, and a child beater, and he’s not a spiritual person. He thinks he is, but he is self-deceived. He believes and teaches many spiritual untruths. He’s a megalomaniac, who thinks he’s clever, and he thinks he has messages and knowledge that can change the world. Yet even though he has been at it for 50 years, there is nothing but need, suffering, and death all around him. The most outrageous thing about him is he claims to be the reincarnation of Jesus Christ! Yet he acts more like the reincarnation Lucifer. He and his “mission” are complete failures. Anyone who believes his lies and incorrect teachings can only be called stupid. Horn is a stubborn old man who won’t admit the truth on many subjects. He argues with and condemns anyone who disagrees with him, and he has zero diplomatic skills. He makes money off of Meier, so he will never criticize him. He calls the predictions found in the case, Meier’s predictions, when they all come from the ETs. The case is real, but the people on Earth involved with it, including Meier, do not understand what the Plejaren teach. Horn especially does not understand what the ETs teach, and he is an unspiritual ego-maniac self-deceived know-it-all. You can gain good scientific, historical, and predictive information from the Meier case, but the people involved are deceived fanatical followers of a false prophet!”

Andrew Grimshaw

LOL! The case is real, but because I am not anywhere near the reality of a true Human Being……. only garbage spewith forth from me!

Taro Istok

-Santini Update-

I’ve pretty much cornered him using his phoney Jo Weiss identity:

…which is probably why he’s created yet another one:

Mario Marin(joined YouTube Aug 15/2017)

Taro Istok

He makes it easy.

Jaco Coetzee

He does bring up the image of a deranged monkey.

Randy Arena

Yeah I’ve had run ins with this guy. (Magic, Mike, Mario Marin) He likes to scam my youtube site. I just ask him to source his material and the defamation stops. He does not research and tends to mirror what you say to him so he may be interested in the case but he has called me a liar since I told him I do not listen to invisible men in space but use logic and reason to understand a way explained carefully for peace and why it is all caused by overpopulation. If this case is true and I am very close to sure that it is… then THIS IS THE MOST INTERESTING CASE IN HISTORY. WHY ARE THESE SHILLS INVOLVED IF OTHERWISE? The bad press only HELPS the Meier case. Source your stuff Mario or Magic and whose the liar I use my own name, funny as it may be.


Be greeted in peace and wisdom.

Taro Istok

Update: Aaron Friedmann (joined YouTube Dec’17) is yet another fake account held by Silvio Santini(“Solaris”), AKA Magic(/Magicspirit11), Oliver(/silvio8008) Mario Marin and Jo Weiss.

Same arguments, identical canned posts.

Taro Istok

That was my first thought too.

Martin Lapierre

Jo weiss has been harrassing me for three days now online..under all is various alias magik oliver marin martin and so on… he has stalk my music channel and social media (colosphonium)
Saw i have a daughter and try to threathen her of calling social services…he has promoted suicide and gave me instruction how to kill myself… this started on a sandy hook conspiracy video where i didnt share is view.
I am taking legal action againts this piece of s***. If anyone here has more info or has been harrassed he is still going on youtjbe with the same account i have report all comment he left promoting suicide etc and he has deleted it. But i could need witness or other people harassed by this f*****.
Cheer M.J

Michael G.

He’s harassed me on YouTube in the comments section of my videos too.

Melissa Osaki

Hi Michael,

Please use your first and last name when commenting. Thanks

Michael Gimson

The only reason I abbreviated my last name is, I don’t know who is reading these comments and there are a lot of weirdos and stalkers out there.

Melissa Osaki

I can’t say I blame you. There are many delusional and degenerated folks out there.

Taro Istok

Just came across a new alias Santini’s been using: “Jeremy Smiles”

Al Jedd

The police raid the police here.
Police raid homes in three states as Germany bans far-right group that wanted to re-establish Nazi dictatorship

The German interior ministry has announced the banning of right-wing extremist group Wolfsbrigade 44 as multiple raids were conducted at the homes of many of the group’s members.

Regarding the Freemasion’s cult, who have little books, that are full of rituals, and procedures that are worse than the tom foolery, that the catholic s and so on … do for their faith.
I would guess that the bracketed [ ] spaces, one would use some form of numerology, so making sense of the sentence’s.
Interesting stuff.


Screenshot_2020-12-02 Police raid homes in three states as Germany bans far-right group that wanted to re-establish Nazi di[...].png
Al Jedd

It looks like these simple minded macho numb skulls, still have err… friends in places of power.

US & Ukraine vote AGAINST anti-Nazi resolution proposed by Russia at UN General Assembly, eyebrows raised as Germany abstains

No doubt these morons will be in the news again


Ned Duke

“revisionism in respect to the Second World War”

This was going to fail for obvious reasons and not because of some hidden agenda stemming from the second world war. This one sided extremist view that obviously is motivated by modern politics (the art of the advantage) and not history where we can forget about Wilhelm Gustloff, Dresden, and all the atrocities committed by the ‘Allies’ to the ‘enemies’ in the second world war as the article quotes Merkel conveniently taking blame for all-time. So, I guess we can casually throw the Japanese and all other non-allied nations in that as well and call it a day.

Like all extreme views, this makes it easy for people remove complexity in their judgement (righteous indignation) so that one side is “good” and the other “bad”. Surprise, RT is no different and expects ever lasting exultation from the lesser nations to continually thank a particular nation for all time, forever and ever. It’s very religious and on par with what Earth Humanity is capable of not surprising. I think if the article was honest it should examine why, without American or Western European involvement, do the ex-Warsaw Pact or Communist allied governments universally have issues stemming from the last 30 years rather than the last 80.

Al Jedd

Some days I think, the news is the same, its the day that’s different
A picture is worth a thousand words etc. The photo I chose showed the infantile, moronic, violent thugs, that they and similar cults are. Thugs for hire?
Well there was a choice as you can see below. Neo Nazi’s are a real threat. maybe you would like to see what other news reporting and money companies; have to say for that juicy story, to what they have printed.

A global network of neo-Nazis is recruiting in the UK. Reporter Daniel De Simone unmasks some of its most concerning figures.
Politics-the art of lying, as politics make people stupid.
Scroll down for 34 minute audio- ” File on 4 “.
The picture that accompanied the article, did not quite have the effect.

Yes, one can go back 30 or 80 years, and see the connection and the horrendous atrocities that were committed by humans for revenge and/or power, mainly by the people who corrupted the symbol of “Life in the Light” (Not referring to the early christian use of the symbol.). One can also go back over 2,000 years and read about a cult that was given “The Promised Land” by their god. They were racist’s as written down in the bible (O.T). and they, according to the CR’s, a most unsavory bunch to put it mildly, also some older history books also echo this. “A History of Israel” 1933.
Or back another 2,000 years to the time of a guy called Abraham (from Sumer), and so on and on.

This mental illness that some people have , has a real negative effect on us and our planet. It hasn’t gone away, and appears to be spreading, under what ever label they use.
Today is PM. day-w/end


Al Jedd

Tens of thousands of union members and other Italians gathered in Rome to stand up against the rising Neo-fascists on Saturday. The head of the CGIL union confederation, Maurizio Landini, led the protest with other labor leaders under the slogan: “Never again fascism.”

No doubt that we will be hearing more from these degenerates.


Melissa Osaki

Silvio is at it again with his plethora of bogus accounts, including Samuel Shulz, Jeremy Smiles, Moishe Shekelbag, Anthony Richardson, Andy Newman, etc., etc. He’s over on YouTube spewing his same old slander and derogatory remarks about Meier and Michael. It looks like many of his comments were deleted, but he keeps coming back with new account names.

This guy isn’t fooling anyone, but in his delusion, he thinks he’s bringing down the Meier case. Sorry Silvio, there aren’t enough shovels to bury the truth.