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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Richard Hoagland Interviews Michael Horn, Really

Will explore the evidence and prophecies in the Billy Meier UFO contacts

The previously scheduled interview hosted by noted, cutting-edge science researcher, Richard Hoagland, will be:



Be there, or be hyper-dimensional!


THIS Saturday, November, 25th, 2017

Saturday, Nov. 25th, 9 PM – 12 AM PST

Sunday, Nov. 26th, 12 AM – 3 AM EST



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Terry Carch

Hui MH Sorry to be off topic but I just heard George Noory at the opening ofc2c state thea Trump has been phoning Putin in Russia about trying to end the wars in Syria and Yemen,etc. They talk for an hour everyday trying to end the wars in the Middle East and come to a diplomatic solution on North Korea. Here is my point “We NEED the Russians and the Russians NEEDS us otherwise this world will not survive if we don`t learn to cooperate and get along with each other and this also includes China too if we want to have world peace here on Earth!” Isn`t that what you,Billy Meier and the Plejaren Fedation want from all of us here on this planet called Earth? “This is what we NEED to do NOW!”

Luis Sanchez

Look forward to it, simply put get past the front end, whether you think they look like a bimmer or beamer learn about the true symphony in motion…from the mastreo. The reason is sound.

Jedaiah Ramnarine

Good luck in tonight’s show Mike!

John Webster

At this moment, [wow! congratulations MH!] having consumed the exchange between Hoagland, his other guest [John} and Michael, I’m so very positively energized that the program has now taken a first step toward shining a great light onto those who make it their business to nourish and become examples of how we all have equal opportunity to cultivate and radiate Love and Peace to each other. Perhaps even RH will someday GET IT, and incorporate the necessary MAIN ingredients into the mix of his own current understanding. I’m indescribably grateful that the program delivered what it did .. and a part 2 tomorrow is to come? Hooray! Thank you for your awesome communicative ability Michael! Can’t say enough!

John Webster

… or is it a part 2 to come somewhere down the road?

Anton Koch

Listened to the live broadcast today and felt your frustration and pain Michael! Well done for keeping focused on the Truth and highlighting the fact that….they had……few facts! It is hard to be patient with constantly being cut off, jumping from topic to topic, and trying to keep the lines of rational, logical thought connected when they get rerouted by BS!
Looking forward to next show to see if they can get a grasp on Self Responsibility concept!

John Webster

In agreeance, Anton.

Richard Matthesen

Yes, very heavy-handed interviewing from RCH. And that’s someone who believes the basic core Meier material. Hate to see RCH interviewing MH if he’d been a thorough skeptic.

Indeed, Michael did well under the difficult circumstances of trying to fully respond thoughtfully while being constantly interrupted. And Hoagland I felt exposed himself as being too rigidly wedded to his theories of an alleged Plejaren hidden agenda, as well as his still-unproven beliefs about the supposed secret highly advanced space program. Rather closed-minded with his beliefs, and rather unwilling to seriously entertain contrary views — so who’s the one bringing religion to the table?

Overall an interesting interview, certainly a lively one, but marred by RCH’s own agenda of wanting to promote his own beliefs. And Michael is to be congratulated for being mostly patient with the situation, despite some obvious frustration.

Terry Carch

Hi MH I`m fianaly caught up with all your interviews from 1 to 6. I hope there is a #7 and RC interviews next so we can all learn to become more responsible for all our action and learn from Billy and the Ps to become more moral, ethical, logical and reasonable in our thinking when we use the creational laws and spiritual teaching in our everyday thinking. “Hoorya for MH and I hop[e more will come soon. Salome Terry

Greg Dougall

I’m surprised Richard Hoagland just doesn’t get it. He can’t connect the dots. It took me about 6 months to 1 year to piece things together. He knows of the late Prof. James Deardorff. He knows about Cydonia on Mars. He’s been aware of the case for decades, but all his questions would be answered if he only read “We Came From The Stars, And Then From Mars”. In addition to the books on the spiritual teachings.

Sheila Clark

Well Michael you sounded like the only adult in the room, with the utmost patience. I still don’t think Hoagland understood the concept of self-responsibity, still wanting them thar aliens to save him, and why don’t they interfere. So if he’s reading this I would like to ask him whether the aliens should have stepped in and decimated the US when the NSA started the false flag invasion of Vietnam? I mean by his standards it would have been warranted.

Sheila Clark

Who was that other guy who claimed there’s no such things as accidents? People die every day due to accidents but somehow it’s all cosmically coordinated? Wow is he really that dumb or is that a side effect of reading the Washington ComPost and watching CNN?

Sheila Clark

Well being book smart has never transferred itself into common sense. Either you’ve got it or you’ve got to learn it. It appears he’s done either.

Sheila Clark

The booms being heard are mini-earthquakes due to the shifting tectonic plates, fracking, overpopulation, hydro dams. It didn’t take an astrophysicist to figure that one out. I only had to look at history from several years ago when they were being heard in New Brunswick and it was due to mini earthquakes. The causes were not listed though.

Sheila Clark

Contact Report 516 –
Or were you thinking of a different one?

Sheila Clark

No, I couldn’t find it either, sorry.

Marco Kaiser

You did pretty well, Michael, considering all the jumps and cutoffs by Hoaxland but you are also pretty scatterbrained sometimes and have a habit of only starting some words without saying them fully and then jumping to the next thing, which will be really confusing for many listeners who don’t know you or the material. Also, the Yellowstone thing will not kill billions, as the host claimed. He basically thought this will be an exstinction event and you agreed without really meaning to, which then led to other misunderstandings later on. I would highly recommend not to say “Yes” or I agree” etc. when he throws in stuff like that and then quickly jumps to other things. It’s better to take more time to make good, solid points about a few things than to make weak, confusing points about a lot of things. In other words, it’s better to slow down a bit more sometimes and really drive important points home, than to jump to the next thing or go off on tangents. That is one of the things you can still improve on, just some friendly advice.

Marco Kaiser

Would an eruption be catastrophic? Yes. His opinion though is that when Yellowstone blows, pretty much everyone will die! Do you agree with that? I hope not, because there is nothing about that in the Meier Case. Actually I know you don’t, because otherwise I wouldn’t have written my comment. Will “billions die” (= at least 2 billion) from an eruption? NO! Will hundreds of millions die? MAYBE. Is that a huge difference? YES!

Short version: RCH: “We all gon’ DIE” Meier material: Nope! MH: “Yes” (unintentionally)

Because you basically, unintentionally, agreed to him saying that, he later made a point about you contradicting yourself with your “In 800 years things will be better” argument, which then took more time to clarify, if it ever was at all and I predicted that misunderstandings would and will arise from that. My intention is to prevent such things in the future, hence my first comment about improving your interview skills.

To put it in one sentence: You HAVE TO quibble with the host in his intended emphasis of the severity of such an event if he claims total annihilation of the human race on this planet, which is not going to happen.

I know you can be stubborn sometimes, that’s why I’m giving it to you in several different ways here, hope it helps.

Marco Kaiser

Michael, one can also see the forest and still give recommendations for improvements (slow down) by picking one example. Some people will listen, some won’t, that’s fine. I think the first part of your suggestion to me is pretty good too. I should do that more often, but you gotta find the right people for that, which is not that easy in the current times and my nutso country called Germanistan.


Sheila Clark

Hi Marco the Yellowstone caldera has the potential of killing billions of people when you factor in starvation due to nuclear winter scenario, where nothing will grow.
I also think people have to understand death first before they are able consider incarnation. And technically everyone does die except for the part piece of creation – our spirit form.

Marco Kaiser

Hi Sheila, yes, it has the potential to kill billions but where in the Meier material can you find information that “Yellowstone will kill billions of people”? That is my point here. Michael represents the Meier material and not some “could be scenarios” that aren’t in it and won’t happen.
I don’t know what you mean by ” people have to understand death first before they are able consider incarnation”. (Re)Incarnation is not something anyone can choose to do or not to do, it’s a fact of life. Do you mean “grasp”, “understand” when you write “consider”? English really is a very unprecise language. But we are way off-topic here, so I’ll stop. Have a nice day.

Marco Kaiser

I couldn’t reply to the actual comment, so I’m putting it here. Of course everyone can and should think for themselves, you are missing the point again, Michael, so let me try to explain it:

You are invited because of the Meier Case, you go into the interview as the american media representative for the Meier Case, the topic is the Meier Case, the host asks you somehting like “So Meier foretells that Yellowstone will blow and I think when it blows billions of people will die! Then you say “Yes”, without taking the time to think enough. Then he goes on about “Why are the Plejaren not saving us from that, yada yada yada?” How is that not about the Meier material but about “thinking for yourself” (except the fact that the material is hugely about thinking for yourself, that’s beside the point here)? I’m not a religious person, never was, never will be and I don’t believe everything that’s in the material but if Yellowstone will kill billions, it would be in there for sure because that would be such a huge event, that references etc. would have to be everywhere. Henok would have predicted it, as would have Jmmanuel and others. This very logical conclusion was brought to you by my own, non-religious thinking.

Marco Kaiser

Sorry Michael, don’t know if it makes sense to go further with this. We’re going in circles. I don’t seem to be able to explain it in a way that you understand it completely, maybe it’s the language barrier. I’ll try one last time:

You would have a point if it would say something like “Even when the North American continent will be stricken by the most terrible catastrophe which has ever been recorded AND WILL CLAIM THE LIVES OF BILLIONS OF PEOPLE…” But it doesn’t say that and it also doesn’t elaborate on what is meant by “recorded”, because the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs has not been recorded, the dinos didn’t have anything to record it with, did they? So what’s the biggest catastrophe that has ever been recorded by modern technology like seismographs, does the Atlantis tech count? Are we only talking about things that have been recorded on the North American continent or worldwide? Recorded by who? Only earthlings or do extraterrestrial recordings count too? This is so vague that it’s value isn’t that great, we only know that it’s gonna be a very big one and my point is that they would have mentioned it, if it was sooooooo big that it would kill billions, compounded or not. I know about the potential nuclear winter scenario that scientists are talking about and all that stuff of course.

And yes, billions would be way more terrible than millions, that’s a huge part of my point there. A billion is 1000 times as much as a million, 2 billion would be a bit less than 1/4 the current planetary population, so why would they not mention it? They do mention that 2/3 to 3/4 of the population would be wiped out by WW IV, right?


Marco Kaiser

You still don’t get it and insult me instead, very nice, Michael. I can understand more and more why some skeptics are really hostile towards you if this is how you treat someone who spends hours trying to show you where you can improve your interviews. It’s not about 1 yes, I just chose that as 1 example, as I have explained some comments ago. A simple “Ok, thx but no thx” would have sufficed and saved us both a lot of time. So much for commenting on this Michael Horn Ego trip blog, my goodness. I won’t make this mistake again.

Ned Duke

Would it help with the perspective if we talked about a ga-zillion instead seeing as folks are all worked up with numbers and missing the self-responsibility for the questions being asked?

It sounded like on the interview that some folks were mixing up the information regarding the spiritual teachings with hard questions. So it seemed like throwing out the said teachings as the actual answer is too difficult for some people. WAY TOO DIFFICULT FOR A WHAT-IF!

After all … the phantom gods and angels people mistake for reality is way too good to throw out along with the other UFO feel good stories. It seemed like there was some unproven belief someone was going to step into a mess in our own making where fanciful explanations is taken above actual proof.

I’m happy Mike burst the physical UFO bubble saying that our essentially science lab experimental craft, that careens into the ground faster than a speeding bullet, isn’t all that it is purported to be and more mendacious than fact. Even denying the utility of such technologies seemed sacrilegious during that talk when it should not have been.

Bear in mind folks, the actual physical UFO is the most celebrated part of this whole shoe that it has reached the point to being a religion unto itself and loaded with money making opportunities for the princely gullible. All one has to ask if Hitler’s UFOs won him his wars and we know how useful such devices were. Only actual ETs would know the difference between the genuine article and a facsimile of a space faring craft. We have the facsimile and can’t actually reach other star systems yet mainly due to the conflict in conscious evolution we face here (and continue to do so until 800 years has passed — bear that in mind if you can handle a ga-zillion other problems here 😉 ).

Danny Brignoni

Michael, your interview with Mr Hoagland was superb. You expressed honesty and true passion for the Billy Meier case. You have been a great inspiration to me. Thank you so much. Keep up the great work.

Terry Carch

I hope to get to the Hoagland interview soon. I`ll let you know. From what I heard is that Billy and the Ps predicted the Yellowstone caldera will not happen in our lifetime, at least that`s what I heard on c2c some time ago.

Keith Davidson

Hi Michael. I listened to the interview last night. I think you would be hard pushed to find a better example of highlighting why the Meier case is SO important to mankind. Both the host and the other guest, just could not fathom why ET wasn’t coming to save us. ‘It so Darwinian’ said the host, over and over. Yup, time to grow up people. I think you did an exceptional job especially given the irrationality of thinking on display. It just highlighted to me, once again, that these people struggle to think rationally, fail to use their intellect and reason, and cannot handle the concept of taking responsibility for their lives.

Barry Smith

The whom reason for the contacts is to get us to begin to discuss, debate, think, explore, learn , that we are not the only rational thinking beings in the universe. Slowly they bring us into the reality of humans from other worlds. Just like they do everywhere they go. It’s not a keep score thing, its the slow evolution of consciousness. Baby steps for some walking or running for others .