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Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Symbols of the Spiritual Teaching

This beautiful new book is now available!

The Symbols of the Spiritual Teaching, previously only available in German, is now available here! This new edition contains a collection of 624 symbols of the spiritual teaching, which includes 24 new symbols, as well as 6 color symbols.

All symbols are cross-referenced in a German-to-English and English-to-German index.

You can order now and expect delivery within two to three weeks, depending on your location, etc. Please note that international insured shipping may cost more than the initially indicated amount.

Symbols of the Spiritual Teaching

Now Available Here!

Meier Scoops NASA on Mars Discovery by 42 Years

It’s always exciting to learn about new scientific discoveries, such as this one pertaining to life on Mars, even though Billy Meier was informed about life (and water) on Mars by the Plejaren…decades ago.

Finally Found What They’re Looking For?

For all you music fans, here’s an exciting new discovery about one of the earliest relatives of the lead singer for the group U2. And more, as yet unknown, information about Bonobos, Yeti, etc., from the Plejaren can be found here.

Environmental Update

There is an important environmental show on Facebook called True North. It would be a good idea to also inform them about Billy Meier’s vast, specific environmental warnings.

FREE Shower De-Chlorinator! Details here!

For your own personal environment, get a FREE shower de-chlorinator with any purchase of this highly rated drinking water filtration system. There are concerns that at least as much chlorine is absorbed from a shower as in the drinking water consumed by many people…who don’t have a filter.

That Sinking Feeling

Regarding islands, sinking lands, etc., see the following information from Billy Meier:

1948: 222. Off the east coast of America, in the Atlantic and the Pacific, islands will be lifted from the waters, and New York and parts of the coast destroyed, while in the South Seas great upheavals will take place.

1976: They let in the oceans new islands be formed, while people on sinking land are pleading.

2008: It is not only the climbing sea level, as a consequence of the melting poles and glaciers, which again and again drives entire groups of humans and even entire peoples to seek refuge – especially those who live on the oceans’ islands which are increasingly, and ultimately completely, flooded by the climbing water – but it is likewise also the increasing demolition of the oceans’ shores, and the loss of ground.

Restored Links for Humanity Matters Videos

Why “Bad” Things happen to Good People

Knowing The Truth is a Responsibility

Remember The UFOs (Beamships)

Red Meteor, aka Apophis

Creative Productivity and Technology Balance

Creation and Striving

Extremes, Balance and Sensitivity

Freedom, Harmony, Order and Chaos

The Truth is Stranger than Fiction

Thanks to Keith Davidson for the new article on the Bonobo.



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Corey Müske

Does anyone have a list of the 24 new symbols the German-only book doesn’t have? Thanks in advance:

Diane Grebe

Hi Michael:

The book looks interesting. What exactly do we do with the symbols? Do we meditate while looking at one? I am not sure.


Eusebio Apellido

Wow, this totally makes the concentration exercises on the Psyche worth it, the one about the word ‘sun’ . Where a word is a two dimensional object that lies on a plane, like a piece of paper, I always thought it helps to remember the 77 points of meditation, formulas like the quadratic formula, Newton’s law of gravity and other such two dimensional objects.

Patty Fletcher

Hi Michael, how long do we have to pre order the Symbols of the Spiritual Teaching? I would love to have this book, but I can’t pre order right now. I’ve been preparing for other things food, water, etc, and can’t pre order til around the first week of July.

Terry Carch

Hi MH How much will the book of cymbals cost? Salome Terry

Melissa Osaki

Hi Terry, the book is $60. You can email Michael for more details about shipping. Thanks


Book looks interesting but how do I test its practical value? Is there some sort of procedure on how to use these symbols? Thanks in advance.

Terry Carch

Hi Melissa thanks for the information but not sure if I can afford to buy the book? It`s expensive? I`ll have to think about it? Salome Terry

Melissa Osaki

I understand Ms. Terry. Put a little bit away each time you have some extra money, and before you know it, you’ll have enough to buy the book. Salome

Kit V

SWEET! I’ve been waiting for you to get this because I dont like have to do wire transfers to FIGU. It’s even better than what I would have gotten (German only). I will be placing an order this Friday. Thanks Michael!

Anthony"porg chop"Alagna

This is what I have figured out so far. Take for example the symbol on page 43, “Existing Peace in the House and in the Area.” I think what you can do with it is to imagine your roof at home with a dove, with a branch in its beak, sitting on top to promote peace in the neighborhood. I don’t think it has to be black and white and it does not have to be the exact picture Figu drew, just so that you have a dove with a branch sitting on a roof top. An important observation about this particular symbol is that the bird is facing forward. So it would be important to picture your dove, with a branch, sitting atop your roof FACING FORWARD. Why is this important?

These are powerful symbols. I really think that they can EASILY be misused. PLEASE notice the polarity of the message changes depending upon which direction the dove is facing. Things that are neutral seem to be represented if the dove is facing forward. Like existing peace in the neighborhood. And ProcreativePower/Patience/Settledness/ Stationariness page 615, also represent a neutral state. HOWEVER, if you imagine the dove flying or facing to the right it is of a positive state, like Powerful Life in Evolutionary Fulfillment page 289, and Peace Coming About page 622. Both of these conditions are in the act of striving toward goal. So if your bird had its beak facing to the right, instead of forward, then you have not yet reached “existing peace;” your peace in the neighborhood would still be in the process of “coming about.”

But if you imagine the bird flying or facing to the left, or reversing the image, this creates a negative state or an elimination, like Destroyed Peace page 611. If we see one bird facing another, both polarities are represented in an equalizedness like Endless Love in Union page 486.

ALSO, keep in mind this is NOT MAGIC. Imagining a dove on top of your roof with a branch in its beak is NOT going to automatically create peace. The act of imagining this picture in your head on a regular basic is not only affecting the subconscious of your neighbors, but is also a personal consciousness related exercise. This act not only reinforces your understanding of peace, but at the same time sends (impulses) loving or peaceful thoughts to your surrounding neighbors thus harboring the peace a little further in your area. We are taking personal responsibility for our own peace by going through this effort to create an effect.

I think there are prime symbols; in other words base symbols that can used to help figure out more complex symbols. For example: take the balance symbol, page 30. IMO the line with the triangle blip represents “man made.” I think this represents like a pyramid or made made structure, or just simply something made by the hand of man. The line above it with the semi-circle blip represents nature. In other words, this has natural curvature like we see in nature with cells, to seeds, to planets, to suns, etc. So to solve the balance thing, imo, you have the two lines of one of nature in parallel with the actions of man. So when man’s actions are in accord, next to, in alignment, equal to, etc nature’s we have balance. Now we can take this prime symbol to help solve other symbols that have the same curvy lines or straight lines in them to represent man’s interaction with nature. So when you take a symbol for a man made illness, like Deviancy page 1, there are no curvy lines to represent nature because man is out of balance with nature; so nature is not represented in this symbol, only straight man made lines. I think there is a pattern here but I need to do more research. Take for example the symbol for Error page 135, again no curvy lines just straight to represent a man made predicament and not in balance with nature. So take a symbol that is neutral or in balance with nature, like Gain page 209. Here you have what appears curvy lines AND straight lines AND they seem to be equalized or proportioned equally between the location and number of “man” to “nature” lines.

So what is the point of trying to solve these puzzles? Somebody by the name of Jacob on the Figu forum just posted this, “The possession of knowledge, unless accompanied by a manifestation and expression in action, is like the hoarding of precious metals—a vain and foolish thing. Knowledge, like wealth, is intended for use.” ~ The Kybalion”

Trying to solve or understand these symbols is a manifestation and expression in action; we go from simple believers, or holding someone’s fact as opinion at best, to KNOWING about these topics thru rigorous practice. It is the difference between being a believer of Billy vs having real knowledge.

Anthony"porg chop"Alagna

Please ask if folks must also visualize the square box that is around every symbol. Thanks

Anthony"porg chop"Alagna

A note about the polarity of symbols, including words. Everybody here by now knows about the incorrect peace symbol used by earthlings. We learn from the spiritual teaching symbol book that the correct peace symbol, has the exact opposite meaning to the mainstream or accepted one which is upside down. So getting the peace symbol wrong in this case got us war instead of peace!

Have any of you folks ever played around with the words “god” and “devil.” God of course backwards is dog. But how does dog have anything to do with the word god? In the positive the word god means an advanced human being, full of wisdom and knowledge, and of course a master of technology, who has the ability to see over a planet, like Ptaah. But when we turn the word “god” around we should get the negative. Even though advanced humans, like gods, seem to have an advantage, the flip side to that is that often being far more advanced over a people can be a dog’s life of hardship. Just look at how hard Billy is treated even though he is such a master on this planet compared to everybody else. Imagine if Ptaah got stranded here. Do you think the earthlings would treat him any better? I think it would be worse. They would certainly throw him in a cage like a dog for starters.

We all know that the devil is bad; so if we turn it around we should get a polar opposite, or an opposite but true meaning. If anybody is wondering why this is working is because of the natural law of contrariness that exists with everything. So how is a devil good you might ask? We if we “lived” a full life of mistakes, we are bound to have overcome some of them to get as far as an evil person can get. We all know the secret to evolution is overcoming imperfections, a continual refinement. The only way we get evolution is if we really “lived.”

See how fun this can be? So folks might be wondering, what other real world application for these spiritual symbols. PLEASE understand that all that I am saying is MY OPINION, however backed up with hopefully well thought out logic. I would estimate that I am about 89-93% chance of being totally correct, and a chance that I am full of bleep. So please keep this in mind….

A painter who is going to paint a picture of a dove for peace, for example, would NEVER want to have his/her bird facing to the left. This would be anti-peace. So armed with the knowledge of these symbols, artists, movie makers, illustrators, advertisers, etc could better convey their messages. If only these folks would trust Billy… not a chance but they will in time. Folks will come running for this goldmine of a book.

Of all my Billy Meier books, this is probably one of my top favorites. I certainly would recommend this book over other Meier books if you are limited on funds. Of course if you are still trying to wean yourself off of religion, and you might think religion is still okay, the Goblet of Truth should be must have in your library. But if you are strong on not being religious, and can see all the ills and are working daily to rid yourself of any residual, then the Spiritual Teaching Symbol Book is the most important book Billy has given us so far, imo.

Melissa Osaki

Interesting opinions, Anthony, but how do you reconcile all the words that have no meaning when spelled backwards? The English language is probably the worst example though.

Interestingly enough however, the word love spelled backwards is evol–somewhat like evolve, which would make sense. The whole point of everything in our evolution is and should be LOVE.

Anthony"porg chop"Alagna

Hi Mellissa,

I think you are getting the hang of it. Some puzzles are easier than others. We may have to rely on sound or how they sound. The trick is to find meaning where there appears to be none using the structure of the universal laws and directives; this is the exercise. This is just an exercise and NOT an exact science. It is more like art, it is. If we can become practiced at trying to find the meaning in random things, it becomes easier to find meaning in these highly ordered symbols. We do NOT live in a chaos universe, remember the Creational law of order or correct state. Your observation (view point) may differ from mine, just as you may see the elephants trunk, while I can only see his tail; but if we are honest about what we are seeing and using reality’s laws as a template, both viewpoints are still correct.

Melissa Osaki

I definitely think there is more than meets the eye here–what it is exactly, remains to be seen. I love to solve puzzles, so I was instantly intrigued by your theory.

I’ve been contemplating the code in Billy’s writings for a very long time. I can’t prove it, but I feel or have a suspicion that the code sequence is related to the Fibonacci spiral of life. We know the Fibonacci numbers appear in all of nature from flowers on up to galaxies. It’s literally the becoming and the passing, the striving, the expanding consciousness, and the evolution of all Creation–converging towards the golden ratio, or being one with everything.

Ned Duke

To add, we also read a word normally and do not carry over the inflections and pauses of the words read one way and the reverse. So, there is a difference between saying liv-ed and li-ved just like there would be if we said de-vil and dev-il slightly differently.

Anthony"porg chop"Alagna

You know what is funny Ned is that when music is played backwards, often folks think it sounds like the devil or demons. I think the reason it sounds strange is because of the syllable differences as you have pointed out.

Sheila Clark

Hi Anthony, not sure what happened to previous comments but there is definitely a difference between meditating on dark colored crosses and light colored ones. Probably the reason why Asket’s people chose a white cross above Billy’s head in India.

Anthony"porg chop"Alagna

Here is more to be said about polarity. You may ask yourself, why would positive represent, for example a bird facing right? And likewise, why does left represent the negative?

I think the answer lies with the 7 belts of Creation.

If we are to depict the 7 belts of Creation as a two-dimensional drawing we learn that our material belt is the 4th belt. This is of course the material universe in which we live. The belt to the right of the 4th belt is of course the 3rd belt, Ur-Space which is POSITIVE. So then the belt that is to the left of the 4th belt is of course the 5th belt, the Transformation Belt which is NEGATIVE. So the orientation of the material realm is between the negative and the positive.

At this point you may ask yourself, why would the inner belt be positive and then the outer belt to our physical one be negative? From this illustration of Creation we learn that the 1st belt, the Central Core, represents the Big Bang. So everything is moving away at great velocity from this center toward the outer belts. So with this logic in mind, the 3rd belt would be moving faster than the 5th belt which is further out. We could say that the 5th belt, relative to the 3rd belt is standing still, even though it is not. So here we have the two different states of polarity, the positive which is change compared to the negative which is stagnation.

Anthony"porg chop"Alagna



“If we are to depict the 7 belts of Creation as a two-dimensional drawing we learn that our material belt is the 4th belt. This is of course the material universe in which we live. The belt to the right of the 4th belt is of course the 3rd belt, Ur-Space which is POSITIVE. So then the belt that is to the left of the 4th belt is of course the 5th belt, the Transformation Belt which is NEGATIVE. So the orientation of the material realm is between the negative and the positive.”

Disregard this paragraph. Obviously the belts can be counted going out from the left side of the illustration or they can be counted going out from the right. Which would change the, right/left, orientation of the negative and positive. Brain freeze….

The second paragraph I am pretty sure is correct.

matt lee

That is actually a very interesting point Anthony
Unfreeze that brain as you may be onto something here or at least being the catalyst to further discovery.
Now from CR if my memory serves me correct the orientation of the big spiritual bang was from the center radiating out in all directions.
From what created the big bang but the sizeable idea from what was created before, namely other creations right up to the chain of other 6 levels before Absolute Absolutum.
This indicates that path of evolution is uniformly unidirectional .
Now from there take into consideration the + and – aspect of Creation and everything within it add in the double egg shaped looping torsional field like structure of our earth’s magnetic field and also factor in the double egg shapped configuration of our universe/creation and vola there is an incessant to and fro activity of both + and – polarities of all 7 belt of our universe/creation drawing finest of energies from each other but also from AA which in turn interacts with 6 other levels of AA right up to the absolute nothing.
So I would surmise that your theory could be half correct.

Anthony"porg chop"Alagna

Thank you Matt for the reply. I think you might be describing a swinging wave with your “to and fro activity” explanation. And this is turn is how everything interacts with each other to form a ONE, as you say.

Do you have the Symbols book, Matt? I still am trying to figure out why polarity shift works from right to left or from east to west in Figu’s symbol drawings. But that is where my silly back and forth word game comes in because most earth languages read left to right. Even Asian languages have adapted to more western ways, as I am sure you could provide excellent commentary. So I think this is a clue why right is positive and left is negative to human beings. Plus a majority of human being are right handed which is their positive hand because it is the most active. Right here I think of my favorite new lyrics to new Gorillaz Humility song, “…the lonely twin, the left hand.”


matt lee

No Anthony right now I absolutely don’t own any of billy’s books like I use to nor anything I had owned of Michael’s materials as I have given it all away.
The first time I started giving billy’s book away was back in 2005.
I hope it has some effect in the future be it a drop in the bucket.
Yes you are correct even as recently as the 90’s you had newspapers in some asian countries that read starting from top right downwards going to left now its top left to right.
As they say right is left, left is right so our brain works the same just as our sciatic nerves and eye balls do.
It must have substantial effect on why people are left brained seeing as most are, as you say, right handed.
But its an interesting theory of yours in terms of the 7 creational belts and how the direction of polarities might effect the coming into being of our universe.
I mean who is to say that there isn’t also 7 spiritual belts for 6 other creation or Absolute Absolutum that is geared on ultra finest spiritual energies beyond the material as everything is based on 7 right?

Anthony"porg chop"Alagna

Hey Matt,

My friend it is nice you gave your books away, but what do you study? Like you, I try to make good use of the Figu stuff on the internet, but the books are special, especially to a student. I would never recommend that you have to own them all, but get one or two make them your own by spilling your unique fluidal forces. Just saying….

“I mean who is to say that there isn’t also 7 spiritual belts for 6 other creation or Absolute Absolutum that is geared on ultra finest spiritual energies beyond the material as everything is based on 7 right?”

Matt, the Symbols books show this law of 7. Billy has said this number is special, but how?

In the Figu material we will often encounter the number seven. In this example we are talking about 7 belts that make up a Creation/Universe. Another example are the 7 Spirit and Consciousness Evolution steps

“The Creation itself lives during seven great-times in conscious, creating state. – Afterwards it lies itself to the slumber during equally many great-times, however in seven-fold itself duplicated form, in order then once more to awaken and to create during seven great-times in 7-fold duplicated form. (One great-time = 311,040,000,000,000 earth-years; seven great-times = 2,177,280,000,000,000 earth-years, also called an eternity, and 7×7 great-times is one ALL-GREAT-TIME.)”

Another example,

There are many more examples that appear seemingly unrelated, but nevertheless consist of the number 7. So what does seven represent? The best clue is at the bottom of the chart that displays the spirit and consciousness steps the seventh step, which is “relative absolute fulfillment.” You will notice if you look at anytime Figu uses seven it represents a “fulfillment” or a completion. Example: seven rings that make up a Creation to complete it.

In the new Symbols book there are symbols for Absolute Absolutum all the way up the seven Creations to the seventh SEIN-Absolutum on page 10. Folks who have the book or look up the symbols on-line will notice in the center of the symbols a squiggly line. It looks like a fusilli noodle. Upon close inspection folks will notice that each of these lines has seven humps as well as seven valleys. It is my opinion that these squiggly lines, which appear in more Figu symbols, represent this rhythm of seven steps or seven things it takes to complete something or fulfill a task. If folks look really close he/she can see a tail at the end of the line on the far right. This extra tail or half hump represents the start of the next phase. There has been a becoming and passing away and it then repeats, at infinatum. There NEVER is an end to Creation, just relative absolute fulfillment along the way.


Andrew Grimshaw

G’Day porg chop, I just wanted to say that it is evident that humour in Australia = sarcasm, apparently; I thought you would’ve known this by now from our past forays in to contrariness. I have been working on this myself as it appears that Matt has been too, 🙂
I haven’t entered into the comments until now as I don’t have the book, yet; am awaiting FIGU Australia to get it.
I am loving your imput here by the way and all those naysayers can go and …….

Anthony"porg chop"Alagna

Hi Andrew,

It’s good to hear from you. You know what is funny is that my whole moniker choice for “porg chop, had a little to do with the Aussie slang for a “pork chop” to symbolize a foolish person who goes on and on about nonsense.

I am glad you are loving my input. My interests usually get folks stirred up so maybe I am a little gun shy. So thank you and Matt. I will work on this too.

As a music lover I am often inspired by songs. I have gotten many a great ideas from listening to profound lyrics along with the appropriate melody. The song that was the big inspiration for these series of posts is the new song “Gold Rush” by the musical group Death Cab for Cutie. It shows how material things pass and give us no permanence; and then we curse change when we lose things. I see it as a song that shows that we need to look and find permanence elsewhere… and that thing is spirituality. We will never find a material “goldmine” that comes and goes. It is only when we look for gold within that we really find something.

“I’ve ascribed these monuments
A false sense of permanence
I’ve placed faith in geography
To hold you in my memory
(Gold rush) I’m sifting through these wreckage piles
(Gold rush) Through the rubble of bricks and wires
(Gold rush) Looking for something I’ll never find
(Gold rush) Looking for something I’ll never find

(Gold rush) Digging for gold in my neighborhood
(Gold rush) Where all the old buildings stood
(Gold rush) And they keep digging it down and down
(Gold rush) So that their cars can live underground
(Gold rush) It seems I never stopped losing you
(Gold rush) As every dive becomes something new
(Gold rush) And all our ghosts get swept away
(Gold rush) It didn’t used to be this way”

Mary Kingsley Joshi

Namaste Mellssa,

Hoping this finds you well. Michael Horn suggested that this project can be put out to people on this site that there is a feeling of affinity with. As a techno dumbo, unsure of how to do this. But here it is for you.

Most welcome.

Melissa Osaki

Hi Mary, it looks like you have the techno down just fine. I haven’t watched your video yet, but thanks for sharing. Salome

Matt Knight

Hi Mary,

Thanks for sharing your story. There are a few things I would like to say in response to your video.

Your definition of love is really good and well-received.

Earth as a child
A child cannot be left alone by human beings and survive. Earth can.

Polar shift
The Earth’s poles have shifted, slowly by differing degrees many times throughout history. There is geological and deep ice sample evidence for this. Billy reported in 1975 that Florida was once where the North Pole/Greenland is today. Compare that to a discovery made in 2007:

Constant changes to the polar regions are inevitable as the Earth’s crust, bodies of water, inner structures, etc., constantly change. There’s the influence of the sun, planetary bodies, meteors and man’s crazy atomic bombing; all of which will affect the physical structure of the Earth. Billy reported that polar shifts have been happening for ages (Contact Report 248) and that the North pole will, very slowly, not suddenly, move to where Mecca is today.

“You don’t need money”
I do. In my experience, only those who are after it tell me I don’t need it. Many of the promoters are, in my experience, not willing to work for it themselves, but, will use tricks like calling me a Western ‘brat’ to tease it from my hand.

Many of the problems you highlight I put down to over-breeding, or, overpopulation. In my opinion, it is the root of all our woes today and will continue to be as we head towards extinction. Billy’s information even provides hope for what happens to our spirit form in the event of that, which isn’t exactly determined as yet, but, the fact that there are many fake humanitarians on Earth probably increases the likelihood. In my opinion, forcing a birth stopgap law and imposing this on everyone alive today is akin to the law of self-defense.

Mary Kingsley Joshi

Matt, thanks for your extensive response and feed-back about the film.

Of course, I don’t know about your monetary experiences or the problems you may have had with certain people trying to get one over on you in relation to it.

But this I can say because it’s been a living experience for 18 years;

As mentioned in the video, once I was wealthy and had standing in my field which eventually crossed over to spiritual teaching. This was intensified by being married twice to two (now) well-known spiritual teachers; one who is a complete fraud/hypocrite and the other who is a world famous philosopher and translator of Gnostic texts. For many years in London, I was ‘in with the in-crowd’ in the growing movement of the day.

Deep inside, one thing kept nagging; the fact that when all our worldly prestige was taken away, all the money we had made from it was suddenly gone, where would our high talking be then – and what would be left? And as Billy, M.H and Jedi says, this day will shortly be upon us all. People can stock up all they like and hoard for their personal safety, but all of it will be useless when push comes to shove. The day is coming, and especially for new-agers, where the laws governing existence will demand they walk their talk.

So, when my children left home and were settled, I cut all the ropes entirely (talking millions of pounds) and retraced steps from many life-times, walking a certain ancient mystical path that Christ also demanded of his disciples. This runs through many ancient mystics lives but these days it’s been cunningly manipulated by those who sell their spiritual wares for exorbitant prices.

‘You don’t have to go off to a cave in the Himalayas…’ is the new-age cry. Well, I say if you really want to cut your ropes – then it’s the best way and way proven and recorded throughout our history here.

Not sure if you have heard of Indian Mira-bia who in the 14th century also walked this path? She once wrote; ‘Don’t forget love; it will bring you all the madness you need to unfurl yourself across the Universe.’

No one can tell me that walking this path doesn’t test us to the very limits. There has been not one single day when it’s been regretted for all the wisdom and clear understanding it has given.

Because of undergoing three different psychotherapy training’s where personal therapy is compulsorily, and in my case with top psychotherapists and supervisors of the day, I can honestly say that none of that self-exploration has come even close to what has been experienced here in India.

So, sorry dear, but you can not tell this old boot anything to the contrary in relation to our unconscious holding onto worldly inflation. As Kabir, the famous Indian mystic/poet, once said; ‘Let go of all imaginary things and stand firm in That which you are!’

Om Namo Shiva from an old (64) Sadhwin in the Himalayas! %)

Mary Kingsley Joshi

PPS (!!!!); check out artifacts now being found of advanced civilizations here dating back over 45,000 years. And this must go beyond – only we either have not discovered them or they have been worn away over time.

This is why the movie ‘The Green Beautiful’ has been recommended, because it’s the best personally found in relation to explaining everything. It must be good otherwise it would not have been banned by the EU, US, Russia and most of Europe!

Through personal revelations, and research in to quantum physics, I know that we have created this Earth dimension to learn about the depths of the primary energy of existence; love.

Melissa Osaki

Hi Mary

I’ve been researching the ancient artifacts and some of the things they are finding are well beyond our current capabilities. Some of these artifacts are so heavy, so large, and so precise that we would have problems trying to build or move them around today. Yet these relics are thousands of years old and are being dug up and/or found all over the world. Some of these things are well beyond any understandings that Earth researchers have today. The larger monuments are sometimes aligned with different star systems and confound our brightest people.

These are interesting and thought provoking times we live in. And although the times are becoming perilous, it’s a most amazing time to be alive.

Melissa Osaki

I watched The Green Beautiful last night and all I can say is WOW! Someone, in 1996, was very in tune with the truth. I’ve never heard of that movie and I can’t understand why it could possibly be banned in Europe and the U.S. It’s a wholesome and feel good movie, but I guess I can understand why they wouldn’t want folks thinking about those kinds of things. If more people came to those conclusions on their own, the whole house of cards would come tumbling down. If only we could be more like that now. Thanks for sharing, Mary, that was a great movie.

Mary Kingsley Joshi

Yes, Mellssa. It was also banned in Russia, Europe and Australia, which means the westernized world.

With perversions and pedophilia now off the scales, quite clearly this film shows how/why ‘they’ have tried to destroy our innocence, which cut us off from ESP. Now Google search with all the sexually tantalizing images and materialism has replaced our innate knowing/sensing what the true nature of reality is.

As Albert Einstein once said, ‘The principle of the Universe would be found to be both beautiful and simple. Natural playfulness and openness is just this and fundamentally, that’s what our true nature is.

I have watched it many times; it’s full of hints, such as Nature is balanced because they are, and so they lie down in nature under the stars to sleep like babies.

Glad you liked it!


Melissa Osaki

Yes, there were many hints, but most notably regarding how knowing and true to nature the children are before we brainwash them. They are curious, intuitive, vibrant and logical. We learn these barbaric behaviors and societal hierarchies that are forced on us. It’s terribly damaging to the psyche when we are coerced into disregarding our natural instincts and tendencies.

I remember thinking this way as a child and I never thought certain people were better than others based on their job or position in society. I can’t remember ever having more respect for one person over another. They were simply all human beings who I knew and loved—equally. It makes me sad and at the same time it makes me yearn for the future—for a time when nobody needs money for food, water and shelter. I’m also angry at those who have taken our free will and innocence from us. They had no right to decide and give consent for us. I completely understand why Billy feels such pain and anguish for his peoples. We have completely turned against the Creational natural laws and recommendations.

Mary Kingsley Joshi

I totally feel the same. Here, in some of the lower remote regions, where I once knew people to be sweet, open and kind, they have completely changed since free satellite dishes were given out by the government and then having access to over 300 channels.

They have become greedy, competitive and envious of each other, with the young becoming narcissistic and turning drugs – and heading for cities or westernized tourist zones.

In the lower Himalayas, Naga Babas (the wild naked ones) have told me their duty was to go into villages and tell stories of the ancient legends and this is how they would receive food. Now the villages are empty and the elders won’t leave their TV’s because they are addicted to soaps.

We can’t totally blame it on to the deep state mind-programming (or whatever) because we have free will and an inbuilt conscience. Hitler alone could not have changed the hearts of Germans to make some of them do what they did – if that shadow side was not already there.

A lot of this, I blame on the fact that there are so few authentic spiritual teachers in the last fifty-years Wise guides – because of the rise of ’empower me’ new-agers.

In my work in London, I specialized in those who had become entangled with these jokers and stories would make your hair curl – and many of these ‘teachers’ are still out there making a fortune. And also there, I also saw the changes in the hearts of people, this all important ‘self’ that has consumed them.

Mellssa, this particular dimension appears to contain beings from all over the Universe at different degrees of awareness who have come to learn about what love really is. And what a playground it is…

In the sixties, when this song first came out, my friends and I thought it was ‘corny.’
I found it the other day – and now it’s my mantra %)

Have a love-ly day!!!

Mary Kingsley Joshi

PS; check out children who have grown up in the wild taken care of by animals.

The Earth being our ‘child’ in the context of the video is in relation to both mystical and revelations in physics ; that, indeed, we are creating the field.

‘Message in a bottle’ refers to those who are coming from the same perspective. No ‘nit-picking’ because there is no time left.

Matt Knight

Hi Mary,

Re: That ‘in-crowd’ thinking.

Many suffer with thinking they know better than those outside their circle, Brexit being the most recent and stark example in London-centric thinking. I’ve experienced poverty and also travelled the world with no money, surviving by working and it’s important to not let the obtaining wealth and status define us as you say.

Re: “artifacts”

I agree that there were many advanced civilisations upon Earth in ancient times. The pyramids now discovered in Bosnia and Spain, Devil’s Canyon mountains that look smoothed out by a devastatingly powerful bomb, metal tools found in ancient rock, the Baghdad battery, face on Mars, etc., all suggest this isn’t advanced civilisation’s first gig.

Re: ‘The Green Beautiful’

There’s a myth that this film was banned: It wasn’t and the film is heavily promoted today. Reflecting upon the reasons why it’s being promoted, I realise that the film is a liberal and globalists’ wet dream, e.g., those ETs use their telepathic abilities to force Earth humans to their way of thinking and to make their traditions look stupid. This represents a disdain of free will and those ETs, despite supposedly being advanced, cannot assist others to live more consciously, like the Plejaren for example. The film makes the main effects of globalism – unemployment and homelessness – as something “spiritual” humans should cartwheel their way through and even something we should strive for. It’s Teletubbies for adults in my opinion.

Re: Feral children.

These didn’t birth themselves and so couldn’t exist alone.

Mary Kingsley Joshi


Thanks for your response, although I don’t understand what you mean by ‘Ferral children?’

Indeed, Matt, The Green Beautiful was and perhaps still is banned, because I just checked and can only find its trailers.

I was introduced to a person who is a close friend of Coline who made the film, and who was on-set with her and that’s how I know about this. I also saw a film where Coline was discussing why it was banned to a well-known media outlet and at that point there was a number of other sites talking about it – and at the film was definitely not found on the Internet. There was also something from the EU itself. Even though the film is still well-liked, all this information is not available now.

So you are researching it now and not when all this was happening. Many people think there is free speech on the Internet but from what I can see, they are really playing with our heads.

Mellssa enjoyed it so I’m saying all this so your opinion doesn’t put off others on this site who may get relief from seeing it. It was obviously not your cup of tea, but there are millions who resonate with this light-hearted story – especially when we are bogged down with so many heavy ‘facts.’

As mentioned, I was on the cutting edge of the holistic and therapy movement and knew a large number of people who were inventing/introducing all sorts of therapies to help with the fallout of what took place in the 1960’s. I used the term ‘the in-crowd’ not to brag, but to show in short that I knew what was going on during that period because of being heavily involved.

For example, I was one of the first psychotherapists to work with doctors in general practice – and with one of the main pioneers who was also in a psychotherapy training I co-founded. After 2 years of intensive research, we discovered that over 80% of people seen by doctors where actually presenting psychosomatic symptoms costing the NHS a fortune in wasted tests.

When these people were referred to psychotherapists in training (because it was cost effect as psychotherapy is expensive) they quite literally ceased going to their doctors.

But would the government then pay for more psychotherapists because it was costing them a fortune in medical tests and drugs? No, because the pharmaceutical companies rule, and as you may know, they want to sedate us. Primitive ECT is still being given to children as young as ten years old in the UK.

Now psychotherapy is out of flavor and many people are turning to quick-fix techniques, or have diluted some very important psychological understanding leaving out where we really need to have the integrity to look at ourselves. For me, this is one of the reason’s people today easily project their unresolved issues onto , or rather into, others without being aware. It’s why human beings have become far more cynical and downright nasty – as if it’s being ‘cool.’

I’m sure M.H would vouch for a time when people were kinder and more generous with each other. Google says generosity (without even looking at it including ‘praise’) has fallen by over 50% in the last ten years.

Adam Curtis award winning documentary ‘The Century of Self’ shows how the Deep State used Freudian psychological manipulation to turn us into self-obsessed consumerists.

I hope this suffices!

With warm regards – and glad to hear you have seen the world and perhaps when it was a far safer and less materialistic place?!

Melissa Osaki

I can vouch for a time when folks were far kinder and it wasn’t that terribly long ago. I can also say that moving from a small town to a larger city was quite the culture shock. The cities are full of irritable, impatient and rude folks. It wasn’t like that in my small town. Sure there were a handful of a rude folks, but the majority were friendly, generous and kind. The quality of life tends to be lower in the bigger cities because there are too many people and everyone is out for themselves. Everything the Plejaren have said about humans needing their own plot of land with space in between from other humans is so true and obvious to me. The root of every problem always comes back to overpopulation.

Mary Kingsley Joshi

We really do have a very similar perspective, or perhaps have come here from the same comsic tribe… %)

Matt Knight

Re: La belle verte (1996)

“Definitely not found on the internet”.
Except here:

And for sale here:

I’ve searched through the internet and cannot find any official record of this film being banned, but, the £61,247,280 or $80,396,000 cost to make the film might explain why it was hyped, i.e., lied about, that way.

Where I travelled it was not that safe. The world is not any more materialistic that at any other time in my opinion; there are just many more human beings in it now… no, now… no, now:

Melissa Osaki

Hi Matt, it’s a lot easier now to get access to this movie than in 1996. I’ve seen several articles and blogs stating that this movie was banned in the EU and most of the western world back then. We didn’t have YouTube and Vimeo back then, so it’s reasonable to assume that access to this movie was limited.

This is a comment from IMDb from 2009.

La bella verte (The Green Beautiful 1996)
It will change you:
“When I first saw this movie on Youtube, I was amazed about the foresight of her maker, Coline Serreau. That’s why it’s a shame after its release in 1996 this movie was banned in the EU and neglected in the rest of the World. It was far ahead of its time, and the ones who banned it knew that it would change the people, as a result of which they would lose their power. However, times have changed and the DVD can now be downloaded for free at with English, Russian or Portuguese subtitles. This movie is no SF anymore but will be our true reality in the next few years. Dear ones, watch this amazing movie, and let it change you, so that you can change the world.”

Matt Knight

The spreading of the hype in comments doesn’t constitute proof of the ban which would be mentioned on imdb, or, within other online reports from the time and it’s not.

Melissa Osaki

That’s fine Matt, but neither does saying it wasn’t banned. There is no definitive proof either way so I guess we will have to go with our own thinking and logic on this one. And since there are umpteen articles and blogs discussing this movie being banned and/or extremely hard to find after its release, I guess I’ll keep my analogy that this movie was either banned or was purposely extremely hard to find. Salome

Matt Knight

So I’m guessing you couldn’t find any official mention of the ban either?

Using logic: Why would it be banned?

Melissa Osaki

I have never seen a logical reason for any movie to be banned, other than maybe extreme violence, but I don’t claim to know how those with the power to ban movies and books come to those conclusions. They have their reasons and it’s not for the benefit of mankind, that’s for sure.

Sheila Clark

Hi Anthony your assessment on the opposite of god being dog reminds me of the old slang term that’s used for Catholics – dogans or dogons.

Anthony"porg chop"Alagna

Hi Shella,

You are definitely on to something. Speaking of Christians…

If you have it already, where you surprised to see in the new Symbols book what appears to be Christian Crosses. On page 308 we have a black, and this important, cross for Inhibition of Life; or in other words a negative state. Now if we go to page 306 we have this same cross, But now it is white, for Development of Life, a positive state. So it seems we have another way that polarity is being expressed thru, black vs white or two polar opposites. I would imagine this applies to all the rest of the symbols.

I think the reason we see this religious cross in a spiritual teaching book is because of the huge disaster Christianity, along with its Catholics, have created on this planet. So it seems appropriate that a Christian cross is used in the symbol book to show that it represents an anti-life message. I think the reason it turns to a development of life, is when we make it invisible, so to speak by making it clear or white or really not there on a piece of white paper.


Mary Kingsley Joshi

Yes, Mellssa,

It’s truly is a amazing time to bear witness here. Graham Hancock’s discoveries, in particular, especially the 45, 000 year old city/temple discovered after the 2004 tsunami, and also the pyramids in Europe (forgotten the location) dating around the same time.

Personally, some of the ideas in physics, that we are creating this field as we go along, makes sense in relation to all of this…. Therefore, it’s so important that we come into our power to imbue this field with things like beautiful/loving intentions and not become fixated on all the destruction….

You may know about this water experiment? There are more detailed investigations but this link below is easy to digest. If we can pollute water, surely we can help it heal? Personal experiments have been done for a number of years in relation to healing ugly CT cloud formations. But time is needed and so many are pressurized today.

We need not only to talk about all the madness going on but to share ways in which we can heal and restore this field. Such as the effects of people unifying to meditate on peace as done by the TM people a number of years ago that reduced crime in Washington which even shocked the police!

If only there were more interested…

Have a good day %)

Melissa Osaki

I have an interesting video for you regarding water. I’ll have to find it and link it for everyone. Water is absolutely amazing and you can make your water better just by having loving thoughts towards it. Same with anything really, but the higher frequencies, e.g., love, peace, harmony, etc., make the water more harmonic, which is better for you in the long run. I agree we need to prioritize cleaning our water up, but we really need to rid the planet of the inharmonic vibrations, the destruction and all the other chaos going on. Salome

Mary Kingsley Joshi

Thanks – I look forward to seeing it – and totally agree with everything you are saying.


Mary Kingsley Joshi

I meant thank you, Anthony.

Anthony"porg chop"Alagna

Has anybody ever wondered why the Peace Meditation pyramid that Figu uses has the ring at the top with the 8-points?

I think I may have found the answer in the Symbols book. In this book we see many different star patterns, like the 5-pointed one we see on the many flags of state. I have been fascinated with two-dimensional symmetric stars. For those that have the book, if we study the symbol for Consciousness page 49, we see a central 8-pointed star. And behind it is another 8-pointed star. We know the 8-pointed star is significant to consciousness because if we turn the page the next symbol is for Consciousness-Telepathy and again we see the same 8-pointed star, but without the star behind it. There are many symbols in the book that have 8-pointed stars; which would represent how consciousness relates to that particular symbol. For example, the symbol for BEING has an 8-point star in the middle. It is my opinion that this 8-point star represents consciousness in its relation to BEING. Another example is the symbol for Initiation page 256, we have a central 8-point star surrounded by a ring of 8, 8-pointed stars. My interpretation is that an initiation involves having a consciousness (yours for example) in the middle of a group of other strong and weaker consciousnesses (other folks or to books in a library for example). The weaker consciousnesses are represented by smaller size stars compared to the central and similar sized outer ring stars. Obviously this is my personal interpretation which is my opinion.

The symbol for Subconscious page 508, again we have an 8-point star, but this time not pointed; but rather looking more like the ring we see on top of the Peace Meditation pyramid, not exactly though. It is my thinking that the ring or 8-pointed star at the top of the pyramid is somehow related to consciousness. If I had to take a wild guess I would say that the ring accumulates the meditator’s consciousness then sends it down to the pyramid. Please I am only playing Star Trek here. Please do not shoot me. That can hurt….

Mary Kingsley Joshi

Course I won’t shoot you! That’s a very interesting perspective.

Thank you!

Anthony"porg chop"Alagna

“Really? What’s the significance of this, forwards or backwards: ”porg chop”?

Is it a “joke”?”

Here are some more thoughts on two-dimensional symmetrical and asymmetrical stars. Take for example the asymmetrical 5-pointed star, the pentagram. Just like on flags of countries, we see this particular star in the new Symbols of the Spiritual Teaching book. Perhaps some folks know the symbolism of the 5-pointed star; it really is simple it represents man. When the star is in the positive position the top point makes up the head of a person and the rest of the points make up the arms and legs. The 5-pointed star also represents “the hand of man” or the 5 fingers. This is where the whole mystery of the number 23 comes into. When the star is in the positive position, if we draw a line thru the equator of the symbol, 3 points are above the line and two points below, or 32. Often in witchcraft and occult religions the 5-pointed star is flipped upside down, which makes up the infamous goat’s head with horns. If we do this same equator thingy this time we get 2 points up and 3 points below, or 23. It is worth noting that the US Republican party just recently changed their elephant logo to have the stars in the negative position. Look it up. So if in the positive the star represents a person or the hand of man, what happens to the meaning when we turn it upside down or reverse it? It represents a dead man or death or burial. In terms of nature it represents self defense. And this is the symbolism interpretation that I am applying.

In nature when the herbivore evolved to develop horns, finally was a match for predators. My favorite example is the venerable horned triceratops who could defend itself when it was peacefully eating leaves to turn around on T-Rex. Scientists think they where probably a pretty even match.

Even to this day horns play an important role in nature for self defense. So when we flip the 5-pointed star over and get horns we really have gone from a peaceful stance to one of self defense or used as aggression in the wrongs hands of an occult religious follower. So the 23 Chromosomes thing, and other seemingly enigmas of the number 23 represents nature in a defensive mode or posture, imo.

Again, as I have mentioned on this thread above, this is not magic like a witch might believe. However when folks focus on a particular symbol, whether it be a drawing of a dove or a word that makes up a language, it has an effect on them, first on their subconscious. The more folks focus on this the more that it has an effect. Horn’s last name is the really humorous thing. In the positive it means an announcement thru sound or a thing a triceratops has that is used for self defense. It should be obvious that Michael Horn is indeed a loud sounding song of spreading the Mission, and at the same time he is a guard against lies against Meier. If we turn Horn around we get Nroh.

The negative to Nroh is, “You feel a limitation in your own expression when it is necessary to reach another through tact and understanding. Although you are honest and fair, a directness in speech is a source of much consternation to you, and you often regret what you say.” Obviously Billy’s book of names would be MUCH more accurate. But I think folks can get the general idea, right?

Anthony"porg chop"Alagna

I picked up this example on the fly. You are right, your sounds out to “No.” I was going to go this way until I surprising found the site which fit the meaning of ‘no’ anyway. This is the least important aspect of that post. No should be obvious? Why don’t you try to find other examples and look for polarity instead of thinking this is bogus.

Whether you know it or not, my whole backwards name “nonsense” has proven that having a dove face west means one thing and having it face east means the opposite. I have shown there is something to Billy spiritual teaching symbols. This is proof Billy is for real! This is the kind of bleep you look for, right? I should have increased book sales for you for those that find my posts intriguing. I really am glad I bought this from you; can you tell?

Like any healthy person looking at the Meier case has to consider this is not real, just as much looking for proof that it is real. In my study of these symbols I considered that Meier just made them up from other earth symbols. With many of the symbols in Billy’s book there is no mystery. Mankind has been using triangles, circles, lines, stars, colors, black and white, etc. as symbols. What makes Billy’s book so special? What makes him any more right? Everybody knows that a dove means peace. They have been using the whole west to east in the occult. The difference here is that I am applying the spiritual teaching (applying examples of nature), instead of looking at it religiously like a witch or satanist might.

Of course I have found interesting things with Billy’s symbols to think that this is NOT b*****t, but rather something pretty powerful. Smile:)