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Friday, May 17, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival

Symbols of the Spiritual Teaching

This beautiful new book is now available!

The Symbols of the Spiritual Teaching, previously only available in German, is now available here! This new edition contains a collection of 624 symbols of the spiritual teaching, which includes 24 new symbols, as well as 6 color symbols.

All symbols are cross-referenced in a German-to-English and English-to-German index.

You can order now and expect delivery within two to three weeks, depending on your location, etc. Please note that international insured shipping may cost more than the initially indicated amount.

Symbols of the Spiritual Teaching

Now Available Here!

Meier Scoops NASA on Mars Discovery by 42 Years

It’s always exciting to learn about new scientific discoveries, such as this one pertaining to life on Mars, even though Billy Meier was informed about life (and water) on Mars by the Plejaren…decades ago.

Finally Found What They’re Looking For?

For all you music fans, here’s an exciting new discovery about one of the earliest relatives of the lead singer for the group U2. And more, as yet unknown, information about Bonobos, Yeti, etc., from the Plejaren can be found here.

Environmental Update

There is an important environmental show on Facebook called True North. It would be a good idea to also inform them about Billy Meier’s vast, specific environmental warnings.

FREE Shower De-Chlorinator! Details here!

For your own personal environment, get a FREE shower de-chlorinator with any purchase of this highly rated drinking water filtration system. There are concerns that at least as much chlorine is absorbed from a shower as in the drinking water consumed by many people…who don’t have a filter.

That Sinking Feeling

Regarding islands, sinking lands, etc., see the following information from Billy Meier:

1948: 222. Off the east coast of America, in the Atlantic and the Pacific, islands will be lifted from the waters, and New York and parts of the coast destroyed, while in the South Seas great upheavals will take place.

1976: They let in the oceans new islands be formed, while people on sinking land are pleading.

2008: It is not only the climbing sea level, as a consequence of the melting poles and glaciers, which again and again drives entire groups of humans and even entire peoples to seek refuge – especially those who live on the oceans’ islands which are increasingly, and ultimately completely, flooded by the climbing water – but it is likewise also the increasing demolition of the oceans’ shores, and the loss of ground.

Restored Links for Humanity Matters Videos

Why “Bad” Things happen to Good People

Knowing The Truth is a Responsibility

Remember The UFOs (Beamships)

Red Meteor, aka Apophis

Creative Productivity and Technology Balance

Creation and Striving

Extremes, Balance and Sensitivity

Freedom, Harmony, Order and Chaos

The Truth is Stranger than Fiction

Thanks to Keith Davidson for the new article on the Bonobo.



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Anthony"porg chop"Alagna

In the Symbols of the Spiritual Teaching book, folks will notice many use of circles and triangles. On page 126 folks will notice the symbol for Eternal Intelligence/Root of all Creation is JUST a circle. Then on page 410 the symbol for Creational Fire is JUST an upright equilateral triangle. So obviously both of these symbols seem to represent similar things, two different aspects of Creation. And these two appear to be base symbols that appear in many more. But what does a circle have to do with a triangle?

In the Figu material we learn about the importance of the number 3. But what makes the number three important? Playing around with equilateral triangles inscribed in circles reveals some interesting numbers. For starters folks know that a circle is 360 degrees, a multiple of 3. On a unilateral triangle all three angles are always 60 degrees each, again a factor of 3. Yet just looking at a circle compared to a triangle one might consider there is nothing to do with each other, which couldn’t be further from the truth.

With a equilateral triangle inscribed within a circle, if we know the length of one side of the triangle, we can solve for the area of the circle. Or we can take just the radius of the circle and solve for the perimeter of the triangle. So there is a strong relationship between circles and triangles.

When we draw the radius of the circle, it splits the triangle to 30 degrees, or half of 60 degrees. If we then draw a median line down from the center point we of course get a 90 degree angle, and the third angle is…. wait for it, a 60 degree angle or yet another multiple of the number 3. The side of an equilateral triangle is equal to the radius of the circle times the square root of 3. So when we compare the two shapes we surprising get A LOT of multiples of three. What does this all mean?

Just like the spiritual symbol for Eternal Intelligence/Root of all Creation is a circle, the number three represents a root number or basic foundation or origin number, in my opinion. Just like it takes at least three legs, and no less, to make a table or stool stand, or a mother and father to make a family with a baby, in nature 3 represents a root foundation. This makes me think of a Schoolhouse Rock song, even thought there is some religion in it, “3 is the Magic Number.”


Anthony"porg chop"Alagna

Since we know there is a relationship between circles and triangles, let’s go back to our fusilli noodle that we saw used, for example, in the symbol for Absolute Absolutum page 4. I think this line represents a sine wave because it starts off climbing to a maximum point to then end at a minimum point before repeating again. The reason we have a sine wave rather than a cosine wave in all these symbols is because the Universe was positive before it was negative as the Big Bang shock wave spread outward. Remember the 3rd belt is positive and then finally the shock wave hit a reduced velocity to create the 5th belt or the negative. Another example, a human starts off as a baby then becomes a fully mature adult and then passes away before it can repeat. A human does not start off dead, he/she starts off as a baby.

As we know a sine wave goes on into infinity; but there is a initial period of a sine wave that has to represent equalisation in its basic form ( the positive and the negative equally represented as well that it repeats into infinity instead of fizzling out after one time) which is a total of 360 degrees of a circle, the full rotation, or the value of 2 pi.

If we then take a look at the symbol for Spirit (part-piece of Creation) page 185, we will notice that we have 4 lines made up of 3 circles, essentially a 4-pointed star. But what is the significance of four? We will notice that each line of 3 circles makes up the 4 points again seemingly representing the initial period of the sine wave or quite simply how a circle is related to a sine wave, 90 degrees or half pi, 180 degrees or pi, 270 degrees or 3 pi divided by two, and 360 degrees or 2 pi.

Now let’s turn to the symbol for Creation page 411, again we have a 4-pointed star, with the points again in position representing these same points along a circle. The reason the number 4 is significant is because in order to show that an initial period does not stop but rather repeats, we need to divide the period into 4 sections to show that the line has to intersect the x-axis more than twice in order to show this repetition.