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Thursday, May 9, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

The Journey of a Thousand Miles

The first step is to fix what is broken where you are

Thousands of people are marching northward, mainly from Central American countries, with the expressed purpose of breaking into this country, supposedly because they love it, and everything it has and stands for, which they want to take advantage of.

If they – as a motivated mass of many thousands of people – have the time, energy and intention to come to a country with better conditions, then there’s an obvious, beckoning opportunity that could save them from the hardships of this ordeal.

Our message to them could be:

Now that you know what you really want for yourselves and your families…return home and create it.We’ll share with you what we did and how we did it. Then you can learn from it and truly make it your own. Rather than trying in to break in, steal and exploit what others have built, create something of honest, lasting value for yourselves.

Why would you feel entitled to force your way in and take advantage of what was accomplished here, through generations of hard work, and ignore and abandon your own self-responsibility? Is that the “ethic” that you want to contribute?

Being many thousands strong, you could unite and turn that energy, that will and determination towards changing your own countries for the better, instead of abandoning them. Instead of imperiling your families, in the erroneous belief that you can make us responsible for them, you should improve the conditions in your own countries, as the citizens of every country must, if they are to survive and have a country and a life.

You erroneously think that if you endanger yourselves and your families that it will somehow bestow upon them safety and reward. But you teach them a wrong lesson, lacking in true self-responsibility, whereby you actually make yourselves dependent upon, and subservient to those whose countries you invade. You disregard the natural order of things, and instead attempt to jump to the head of the line, without making the necessary, stepwise efforts to attain your goal with real dignity.

While you want the benefits and comforts you perceive this country possesses, you neither respect nor want to emulate the means by which these things were attained. And yet, if in truth and modesty you asked for assistance to make your lands and homes as you wish them to be, then your call would be heard and answered willingly by the good people who would also take joy in contributing to your successes.

It will still take more time to change your countries and improve your lives. Things worth doing and having often take much time. But we will help you to help yourselves, through your own hard work and self-responsibility.

It’s said that, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.” The real first step is to see things as they really are, then to think how to take complete self-responsibility to fix what is broken where you are – and to repair what you’ve allowed to fall into disrepair.

Cause & Effect

The underlying cause of environmental destruction, as well as things like illegal immigration, was also explained here, in The Silent Revolution of Truth, filmed 12 years ago. All of this and more is now upon us…as the time fulfills.

The European Invasion

Meier was first told about the European invasion, by Sfath, in…1948 :

194. And this will arise especially from the year 2005 onwards, and namely through a confused governing woman in Germany, who will evoke the movement of streams of refugees to Europe from socially poor and war-stricken countries, such as Africa, Arabia and Asia.

195. Among the real refugees, however, will be many work-shy ones, criminals, gangsters and terrorists, who will carry out much evil mischief in the European countries.

196. This woman, who is ill in her consciousness and might-obsessed, will also be significantly responsible for many terrible things which will occur through work-shy ones, criminals, felons, those who exert physical and psychical Gewalt and terrorists who have crept into Europe, and this will happen in Germany and in other European countries that belong to a dictatorship union from the 1990s onwards.

Environmental Refugees

And it must be pointed out that there certainly will be environmental refugees, in the many millions, but who are not to be confused with people who, because of self-irresponsibility – or having allowed themselves to be manipulated by outside forces for political reasons – seek to take advantage of better conditions in other countries.

Reverse Engineering

Meier didn’t specifically mention the US in this regard, perhaps because the country won’t be around near as long as Europe and will soon have huge problems, both from already in place (and increasing numbers of) terrorists as well as various other contributing factors to the breakdown of the country into anarchy and revolution:

16. The USA and the rulers of the USA shall be imperiled in the future in many ways, which arise from both governmental and non-governmental anti-government and anti-state actors, as well as from large parts of the United States population, so that the US population breaks up into different population-groups, the basic causes of which are already present, so that the USA is already separatized into various groups at the present time.

17. Ever more, new hostilities are arising between different states, which shall lead to political and economic conflicts and to terrible and destructive wars and skirmishes – so a fourth world war must ever be considered a distinct possibility. Again, the main culprits for this are the criminal and lawless global dominance and global police aspirations as well as political machinations of the USA.

29. Even in the USA, the people will be dispossessed as a consequence of the global financial crisis, which shall become a pretext for deploying the military and police forces against the angry and partly also heavily armed population.

Time will tell if the migrant situation is solved from behind-the-scenes maneuvering, backdoor deals, bribes, etc., or if it becomes one of the so far missing pieces of the puzzle in our reverse engineering of the predictions.

Reasonable People

It’s always encouraging, as well as rare, to see interactions between people with opposing viewpoints who can conduct themselves in a…reasonable manner with each other, such as in this debate between Tucker Carlson and Cenk Uygur.

More Perils of Pot

While many young people will want to find ways to escape the unpleasant realities of these times, the consequences of doing so, with things like marijuana, are now being more honestly revealed.

The Spiritual Teaching

Of course, all this takes us to that which offers real sustenance, guidance and inspiration. It’s where we find the answers to, “Now that I know, what will I do about it?” More than just giving one-size-fits-all answers, the spiritual teaching is really the practical, insightful means by which one can learn how-to think, solve one’s problems and create the life they want.

Creating your own personal library of the spiritual teaching is to gift yourself with the most profound, yet practical information you’ll ever find and which will constantly renew you, each and every time you turn to it for sustenance.

One of the best books to start with is:

The Might of the Thoughts

Humankind doesn’t have the faintest idea regarding what life’s all about and how to live it. Learning how to think for ourselves is, and will be, of ever greater importance. Consider this your personal sanity and survival system.

Special Offer FREE $26  $85 Value!

 I will have other special offers for you in November and December.

With the ever-increasing concerns about water quality, and situations like hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, etc., that can very suddenly create dangerous levels of contamination, the purchase of a high quality water filter system is now a necessity.

Since it’s a good idea to get a water filter that removes most chemical contaminants, bacteria, metals, etc., I’ve long used and recommended the Multi-Pure systems.

There’s a very special offer through Multi-Pure that allows you get an $85 Water Emergency Treatment System (WET System) FREE, you only pay the cost of shipping when you buy a water filter system. And of course, you can also just purchase the WET System on its own. (Use code SA912PROMO when you check out.)

I truly hope you’ll take advantage of this offer to create a little “water insurance” for yourself and your family. If you need any help with ordering, let me know.

See also:

Why UFOs Won’t Matter After 2020



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Corey Müske

Often I wonder what is the best way forward to save Europe from the prophecies.

Deport the refugees? Banish them back to a middle eastern country? It would have to be a massive-scale deportation unlike anything the world has ever seen to be successful. The bleeding hearts would never let this live on, but this might just be what needs to be done to save Europe from massive-scale terrorism in the future.

The world needs a mixture of open-minded liberal & progressive policies that are good for humanity such as free healthcare, mixed with closed borders that is good for humanity.

Gary Lomas

Hi Corey.

Re’ – ‘The best way forward’ – There is much to be learned, and followed by Billy’s e.g. of the ‘Dismanteling of religions’ The same principle can be applied by dismanteling the un-elected powers that be in the European union … Great Briton is perhaps the first crack in the dam, towards that end, should other Countries follow the lead of Brexit… Then, there is also ‘People power’ such as the dismanteling of the Berlin wall…
Also, if the powers that be were not so spineless, then a deportation back to thier Countries is indeed a partial solution… after all why should the ‘powers that be’ cringe away from the ‘bleeding hearts’ brain dead, as they never cringe away from any form of control over ALL of us, in any and every other matters…Could it be that they will not even follow if the mass majority of the people demand it… Only if it was of ‘Gain’ to themselves…
Thier thinking is so short spanned, and ignorant, that they perhaps think to themselves – ‘ Oh well, it will never really bother me, as I will no longer be around’… Giving NO thought to the fact that they themselves will have to reincarnate into the mess they are creating… and further will have to pay off all they have created – Effects, before thier passing from this present incarnation…
One has to be carefull here, as unfortunately certain laws such as treason still exist…
People power, and self education play a strong ingrediant into the formula for success in these matters…
Enjoy your day…

Terry Carch

I recenty heard on the news that this wiil be Angala Murkl `s last term in Germany. She said that she will be retiring when the next election of the new chandler takes place.

Luka Botica

Refugee supporters not willing to actually support the refugees:

Showing the true face of those activists and human-rights-fighters just barking and doing nothing.

Melissa Osaki

Exactly, Luka, most of these do-gooders don’t want to actually help the migrants and refugees. They just want them here for their agenda and to make sane people look like racists and bigots. In actuality, they are the most demeaning and condescending towards the migrants. I saw a comment yesterday, from a supposed do-gooder, who said that the folks who don’t want the migrants here should be ashamed of themselves because all these people want to do is scrub your toilets and pick your fruit. They act as if these people have no brains at all and can’t do anything except what they think are menial jobs. I’m sure some of them are looking for that type of work, but to imply that that is all they are capable of is truly the definition of racism.

Jamie Coffey

Well said MH

Luis Sanchez

You should send this letter to NASA and SpaceX Michael as well, before contact 251 unfolds meaning this would be relevant…to space migration. Make Earth Great Again.

Luis Sanchez

Amigo…amigo. We are like those amigos in the big barrio called earth. Were the real “moving on up to the east side”…amigo it’s far. We are all amigos on this big barrio earth, we all share the same big fence amigo, the meteors that surrounds the earth…the old Mal Amigo…build that wall…amigo The wall been built amigo it’s called “The Great Wall Of Malonia” amigo

Luis Sanchez

Just to add amigo with Yellowstone volcano in the contact notes erupting, a very long earth quake from the San Andres Fault lines…amigo the “environmental refugee’s” amigos could be from the USA amigo into Mexico and South America the poles of migration can shift amigo.

Luis Sanchez

Also to add and almost forgot amigo, were do the civil war refugees from to the 2 consecutive civil wars in the US go to Amigo ?

Melissa Osaki

The self responsible will start over and rebuild when the time comes and the others will probably run off to Canada.

Jason Awuku

Hi Luis,

I’ve often wondered, if the border wall that Trump wants to build, will eventually be used to stop Americans escaping, rather than keeping people from Central America out.

Michael Basiewicz

Before we condom to migrants to return and fix their own country maybe we should fix our government to stop placing thugs into their government. The USA constantly controls every country possible for the benefit of the wealthy.
Maybe we should begin at home.

Melissa Osaki

We could also say the same thing about the elites who run their agendas in every country, including the U.S. We need to kick them out and fix our government just as much as the migrants need to kick out their oppressors and fix theirs. Regardless of who the instigators are, it doesn’t absolve them of their responsibility to fix their own country.

We are all victims of this autocratic plague that has taken over the whole world. The good and decent people of America do not want to be the world police and would rather mind our own business. It is up to each one of us to take responsibility to change our country for the better and it will take time to make these changes.

Terry Carch

Melissa,That`s the very reason I joined wespac not only because I am a peace activist but also because I wish this U.S. governrment would stop trying to police this world with guns, nukes and what ever else this stupid U.S. government would stop trying to control the human race here on Earth andlearnto keep it`s hands off of the rest of this world and mind it`s own business. The U.S. has enough problems of it`s own such as the infrastructure which is in shahmbles already as it is with communications, transportation, I could go on and on. The U.S. has to stop fighting wars and pay more attention to the health and well being of it`s people if we`re ever going to get anywhere here on Earth! “I`m ashamed to be an American and I`m ashamed to be on such a diplorable despicable savage barbaric primitive world such as this and I also consider myself as a dissident like Noam Chomsky!! I`m just fed up with these primitive ideas of religion, politics, wars, economic forcast !!! It`s high time we learn to take the next step in our evolution and just move on as the people from Erra did 50,000 years ago when they left Earth for a new more peaceful world called Erra!!! Why arn`t we doing the same thing the people from Erra did 50,000 years ago when they moved to Erra!!!”

Terry Carch

Here is an article Ijust found about Elon Musk from Vox: “Why Elon Musk fears artificial intelligence” by Kelsey Piper Nov 2,2018 12:10 EDT Maybe we should tell Musk about Star Trek The next Generation`s user friendly Data and how Data manged to destroy his twin brother Lore and later on in the movie “Star Trek Nemesis” Data found B4 Datawas built by the fictional character Dr. Noonian Sung wh also creat Data`smother when Sung`swife died so Sung created another android replication od his wife I forget the name of that character but if you get the idea of user friendly androids like Data etc you will understand and get the idea that we need to find a way to make these adroids helful rather than harmful is Billy predicts in his prophecies and predictions. “I wonder if we on Earth are doing everything wrong here on Earth rather then helping one another?”

Arnoud Schutte

Well put Michael, thanks for your clarity of thought/speech!

Carolyn Snyder

In the long term it’s not going to be possible to create “Island America” to which only the ones who are invited are permitted to land on. In Europe migrants aren’t walking, but arriving on boats which ferry them over from Africa. Some of these boats sink, due to overcrowding on board or stormy weather conditions. The migrants who are walking towards Mexico and then to America are no different than the migrants going to Europe from Africa. They cannot be stopped, unless by very inhumane and brutal methods. They cannot be convinced to stay where they are because obviously under dictatorships like in Venezuela, they have no rights and freedoms, and ordinary things we take for granted like food, medicine and clothing are becoming scarce. I have a Venezuelan friend who has told me about medical care in her country. . . . they are running out of antibiotics and drugs needed for cancer and other treatments. People are dying daily because they either can’t access appropriate health care, or the drugs which would help them simply aren’t there! These people believe, whether accurately or inaccurately, that in the U.S.A these problems will disappear and they will be able to live a more normal kind of life again. I don’t think they realize what is actually happening in the U.S.A. these days, and how it’s no longer guaranteed to be the “land of opportunity” where all their dreams and desires will come true!
Therefore, these migrants should be treated with compassion and “processed”, just like immigrants from other countries who want to make the U.S.A. their permanent home. No one should be shooting at them, nor threatening to shoot them if they step across that invisible border between the U.S.A. and Mexico. America is not showing its greatness if it stoops to the level of barbarity to shoot at unarmed (for the most part) and helpless civilian refugees. Just my 2 cents worth, and it ain’t much these days!

Melissa Osaki

They’ve already been offered asylum in Mexico. America has too many problems of its own now. Our own people are starving and sleeping on concrete beds. We have no obligation or responsibility to take them. We could of course help them get to Canada since you are willing to house and feed them.

Carolyn Snyder

-Melissa, with all due respect, I speak for myself and not for the Government of Canada. I am glad not to be living in America, because the “system” down there has failed many Americans, and here I’m thinking particularly of health care and welfare. I am a social democrat politically, and don’t believe in the aristocracy of wealth. I wish those people well. Capitalism has failed, especially since it has no social agenda for the benefit of all people. It’s time for a new way of looking at the world. Perhaps a world without borders would be the way to go into the future.

Melissa Osaki

The world without borders is a terrible idea. Capitalism has failed, but we are still not responsible for every other culture in the world. I’m so tired of do-gooders who can’t see the problems that are so painfully obvious. Mixing all these different people together is a massive fail. The people self segregate themselves and then we end up with division and hate. Can’t you see how bad multiculturalism has failed? That’s exactly why the highly intelligent ET’s don’t do it. Let these other cultures build their own countries up and make them great. America, Europe, Canada, Australia and all the other so called first world countries have put the work in and built their countries up to the standards that they enjoy. We don’t owe our hard work to anyone else.

Luis Sanchez

English…failed. According the notes theirs multiple cultures on Erra (they can speak Sarat or the universal language Kosan) and Edward’s present personality was NOT reincarnated in the US. Yesterday it was Malona or the great Atlantis today it’s the USA. If you look at the chronology’s the plejarens have explained things happening their or here then or now Kudra or Nissan or earth or were ever explained…it’s the same issues…overpopulation of a genetically engineered society…that is surrounded by their own misfortunes is literally shrouded in a bell around the earth of disbelief and aggression that continues to overpopulate and want to anilate everything. Today it’s earth, in 3999 when mission continues somewhere else ? What’s the excuse then? “…English 101 around the earth is big F- as well as land theft from native Americans that’s big F- fail as well, their universal laws of effects for such things happening.

Melissa Osaki

There are multiple cultures on Erra, but they don’t mix. It would be a very rare thing for them to mix. They have their own languages and one national language that each culture learns so they can communicate with each other. As far as Atlantis and the past, there’s nothing we can do to change any of that now. We need to focus on the things that we CAN change now, which is the present and the future. All land masses had indigenous peoples and there were also other peoples on these continents prior to that. Our history is rich and we are all to blame for the past, but it’s time we focus on the current pressing situations.

Luis Sanchez

Agreed Melissa, at some point people just have be true humans, anywhere really.

Carolyn Snyder

I hesitate to point out that in Canada we are truly multi-cultural and it seems to be working for everybody. At the University of Waterloo where I live in Ontario, many of the students come on visas from Asia or the Middle East. They all seem to get along studying engineering or computer science. . . . . I am often among them, and I see people from vary diverse ethnic backgrounds talking, chatting and generally seeming to like one another. I don’t buy this idea that races need to be separated. Contrary-wise, I think the more different races can get to know each other, the better everybody understands one another and works together as a team to accomplish something good! Computer software engineers at the University of Waterloo come from all over the world, and work as a team to develop new technology. It doesn’t wash with me that humans can’t learn to work together, no matter where they come from! Canada also is a nation of immigrants, and we accept them from anywhere in the world. We have also taken in a significant number of refugees, and they are becoming part of Canadian society. Every day I sit on the city buses with Muslim women and children, sometimes men as well. They are no different from us Caucasian-type people. There is only one kind of human being, and we must learn to accept and tolerate each other, else there will be never ending war on this planet for generations yet to come!

Melissa Osaki

It sure seems odd that only certain cultures on this planet are allowed to exist and remain unchanged while others are forced to accept all other cultures and forever be changed. Only certain voices are allowed to be heard and the many millions who don’t want to live in a multiculture have no say. Unfortunately, this is what will cause more war and civil wars.

Matt lee

Melissa from my perspective it’s not whether we live in a multicultural society that is the root cause of the problem but simply the masses ignorance of the Creational truth and spiritual knowledge.
If everyone knew about the truth of Creation, spiritual teachings, spiritual truth, the Creational natural laws and recommendations and the reality of truth and the truth of reality and living by them do you think that we will have the kind of problem we see today.
I hate to say it but it takes two to tango and rightly living a spiritual life has to happen in tandem with all others to realising it and our society of peoples must step up to create the conditions for individuals to be able to live a genuine spiritual life for how could it be otherwise when you are the only moron buffetted here and there by the forces of the masses degeneracies from having to try to live by the natural creative laws only to end up doing damage to yourself from the insidious perfidy and intrigues that others do to you.
So when it comes down to it might and force has to be met with equivalent might and force to achieve balance
If it means saying no to living with other cultures incompatible with yours then you should use your might of force to have your way.
Forced forcelessness that is.

Melissa Osaki

Yep, that would make a huge difference for sure. Western nations have always had immigration from foreign cultures, but I remember a time when those folks submersed themselves into our culture and assimilated. Now, not so much, and that is a huge part of the problem. Ultimately, I still think each race and culture should have a right to exist without being changed against their will. But yes, you’re right, if everyone had knowledge of and practiced the Spiritual Teaching, most would want to live in accordance with Creation.

Sheila Clark

Hi Carolyn so nice that you get to see a small glimpse into what’s happening at the university level. You ask why can’t we all learn to work together? Maybe you would like to ask my friend Amanda that question when during the course of her work, she was paired with a Syrian refugee. He wouldn’t let her drive and he wouldn’t listen to anything she said, not even directions on where to go, because she’s a woman. As she was texting her boss telling him what was going on the Syrian refugee got stuck in a bog with a tank of roundup on the back. Long story short, she ended up being fired because she couldn’t control him. My question is – Do you know why they couldn’t work together?

Matt lee

Hehe it must’ve been the language barrier Sheila, men are from mars women are from Venus variety that kinda thingamejig

Carolyn Snyder

Well Sheila, I think it’s optimistic that young people at the university level are able to communicate and work together. The more these kind of relationships are fostered and encouraged, the better people will get along with each other as older adults working together for a better world. I agree about the problem with Muslim men having little respect for women of any race or nationality. I am personally frightened of them myself. . . . . and it’s not like we have a big Muslim population in Kitchener-Waterloo. They tend to be aggressive and emotional people, and not very rational thinkers. . . . that is to say their emotions are governing them, not their rational minds. This is not the case with the Oriental people I see, who are very rational and calm, for the most part. Also the people from India and even Pakistan (which is Muslim) seem to govern themselves very well. The problem is with the Middle-Eastern and African races, as far as I can see.

Andrew Grimshaw

What if the Middle-Eastern and African races just don’t care about your optimism or the Oriental people or the people from India and even Pakistan and whether they are male or female of any race or nationality. and just murder everyone?

Carolyn Snyder

Andrew, I have spoken about what I see happening at the university level, in terms of positive interactions. This thread seems to be focusing only on the negative and people are ignoring what is positive. I hesitate to say that some of you folks probably don’t interact with anybody that isn’t “white” and “western”, or am I mistaken. . . . . . It’s a darn good thing that we haven’t got anybody on this planet who is a non-human civilized entity, eh?

Melissa Osaki

See, that’s the problem. You accuse anyone who has an ounce of common sense as being racist. Since when does not wanting to live among 6 different cultures make someone racist? It’s not just European folks who want to live among their own people or we wouldn’t see such massive self-segregation. We can still love all people and know that the diversity is strength motto is a huge load of bullocks. Maybe you should refresh your reading on why the Plejaren say that mixing races and cultures is not good for people.

Carolyn Snyder

Well Melissa, I guess as a person with kind intentions I don’t have any business interacting with folks on this Blog! And it looks like you’re the “it” person right now. Where is Michael in all this? He certainly didn’t seem to be to be a racist, nor condemning people who choose to live with races other than their exclusive “own” people. You’re sounding rather like a member of a family where the father tells his children that they may not date a man/woman of another race or nationality. I wish you all a good day!

Melissa Osaki

You are very confused, Carolyn. Have you read any of Michael’s blogs where he discusses this very issue? Are you saying that only Michael’s words matter to you? You can try to put it on me as my opinions, but I think you’ll find that many millions of people feel the same way. I won’t even entertain your childish accusations of racism because it couldn’t be further from the truth. You do-gooders are all the same. These poor people who can’t do anything for themselves, we have to take them in and take care of them because they are weak and uneducated. I’ve never heard such horrendous and condescending remarks as I have from do-gooders.

In another comment, Carolyn talks about how she’s afraid of middle eastern men because of their violent and emotional tendencies, but others who don’t want to worry about living around strange cultures are racist and not entitled to have a say. Hypocrite!

A little something to read from probably the most intelligent race on the planet.

Melissa Osaki

That is spot on Michael. These folks who are brainwashed to yell racism at every reasonable comment can’t comprehend caring deeply for others and treating everyone with respect, but also expecting everyone to be self-responsible. I don’t want to go to work everyday to pay for those who want to live off the hard work of others. I want everyone to go to work everyday and we all share the load equally. I want folks to stop treating migrants and refugees like they are little children and start treating them like grown adults who have the same equal responsibilities as you and I. We can’t have one law for us and another law for them because they didn’t know it was wrong to rape or beat someone. That’s highly insulting, degrading and not fair to the innocent victims. It also causes hatred and animosity among the different cultures, which will eventually lead to civil unrest. We need to get out of these other countries and stop trying to police the world.

Carolyn Snyder

Well, I “do- gooder” Carolyn can’t seem to comment on this Blog without being personally attacked. So it is with a heavy and sad heart that I must say “adieu” and see you sometime somewhere . . . . Bye. And I hope that some Plejaren is looking in on us here and checking the temperature of this forum. . . . for the good of all concerned!

Melissa Osaki

No one is attacking you, Carolyn. This is called debate where two or three people discuss different opinions. And the Plejaren aren’t our babysitters. They consider us as equal human beings and not inferior little ants who need keeping an eye on.

Andrew Grimshaw

At the risk of throwing my pearls in the mud in front of the swine, google “Honor killings and Islam”

You will hear that Honor Killings are not a part of Islam and yet there it is in plain sight, just like you might have heard of a little commandment, “Thou shalt not kill” and yet there in plain sight are the truths of the crusades and other murderous deeds.

Your irresponsibility is not my responsibility or I am not responsible for your irresponsibility.