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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

The People Were…Warned

As the Cascadia Subduction Zone rumbles the masses still slumber

There was a magnitude 5.4 earthquake reported off the Oregon coast.

While we don’t know exactly when it will happen, it’s certain that the earthquakes and tsunamis in the NW that Billy Meier was forewarned about, and published, in 2005 will occur with certainty.

The same is true for the 1975 warnings about the Cumbre Vieja volcano  which, along with all of Meier’s environmental warnings,  should have long ago been heeded, while there was still time to prevent their now unstoppable consequences.

The 1976 warnings about dismantling all nuclear power plants takes on additional urgency – as if it was even needed – in light of the potentially life-ending, chain reaction consequences of quakes affecting the many nuclear power facilities, many of which already existed even years ago.

Of course, there are ways to access virtually unlimited natural, deep geothermal energy, without the insanity of nuclear power, or toxic, polluting petroleum products.

Not only did stupid human beings build these facilities in the US but also in Europe, where the pyrotechnics could take on even more spectacular proportions when Apophis slams into the earth, also despite ample warnings from the Plejaren. Fortunately though, we have these publicity happy, clueless dopes on the job ready to protect us…or not.

With no Sky Daddy coming to save us, and not a so-called leader anywhere to be found with functioning brain matter, it looks like humankind has chosen the path of painful lessons in place of learning The Way to Live in logic and reason, etc..

Get it here now!!!

See also:

Nuclear Accident: Did It ALREADY Happen Near…YOU?

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Ramiro Estrada

No Sky Daddy?????

Melissa Osaki

It refers to Allah, Adonai, Brahman, God, etc. Since none of them exist, they won’t be coming to save us.

william lacefield

what do they say about the 5g about to come on line?

Melissa Osaki

Hi William, this is from a discussion from Ptaah and Billy from contact 330. 5g would be included as electro-smog.


15…Electro-smog (is) is not invigorating for all forms of life, but very harmful, and in particular the human being is very susceptible to it, besides domestic animals and wild animals, as well as plants.

16. Electro-smog fields occur wherever electrical cables are running or where electrical apparatus, systems, generators or transformer stations etc. are located.

17. Radio, television and mobile telephone transmitters as well as similar receivers, i. e. radio telephones, radio-communication equipment and mobile phones, or the so-called ‘mobile phone’, also emit high emissions of electro-smog, which is nothing more than ‘low-energy electromagnetic fields’ or ‘low-energy electromagnetic oscillations’.

18. Effects of electro-smog on human beings may include dizziness, loss of consciousness, headaches, brain warming, concentration disorders, allergies, blood diseases, rheumatism, nervous disorders, psychological damage, eating disorders and aggressions, sleep disorders, forgetfulness, personality changes, depressions, visual disorders, even cancer, etc., as the facts show, but this is usually vehemently disputed elsewhere by the earthly ‘experts’ and ‘scientists’, as well as by the manufacturers of products emitting electro-smog.


I love Michael, every post is a reminder I’m not doing enough. Even when I’m not seeing eye to eye…it gives me substance to contemplate. Keep up the good work…it really is a call to action for the mission.

Melissa Osaki

Please remember to also use your last name. Salome

Terry Carch

Just this past weekend there was a huge fire in Philadelphia Pa due to an explosion at a natural gas station that finally calmed down but the Indian Point nuclear power plant is still running in Winchester County which won`t shut down until 2021 and I`m still “Sleepless in White Plains” and can`t still get a decent night`s sleep so I`m always sick and tired of this realty in my co-op who refuses to switch to safe clean alternative energy such as solar and geothermal energy! When are the people of Earth ever going to wake up and learn to grow up and face the real facts that there is NO sky daddy savior on Earth! This boiler is STILL under my bed!:((( Salome “Sleepless in White Plains” Terry

David Arsov

There also was a 7 point something earthquake in Darwin Australia today, there might be a connection. Salome

Xila Clark

Hi David, there is definitely a connection. As per the contact reports all earthquakes and volcanic activity is intermingled.
Why do corporations get government grants to try and start up a predictive model at the same time trying to destroy the only person on youtube (Dutchsinse) who does have a predictive model of earthquake warnings? Citizens will always be the last to know.

Terry Carch

Here is an article I just read from Coast to Coast am home down in the bottom left hand corner under In The News for Monday June 27th, 2019: From Literary Hub “How an Asteroid Could Destroy the World Before Impact” By Gordon Dillow You may need and want to read this article because the impact may be getting shiorter come 2021 and this will be another precursor for the red meteor Apothis come 2029 and 2036. Time to start getting your thinking brains working should anyone not heeding and taking these warnings seriously,so we were warned!

Luis Sanchez

The test results came people stop asking like Luke Skywalker, no sky daddy is the father.

Terry Carch

Sorry for the date on Coast to Coast article from Literary Hub ” How an Asteroid Could Destroy the World Before Impact.” The article was on Monday june 24th not June 27th. There was no date in the article but I got the date wrong. Sorry about that. Salome

Barry Smith

All we can do is prepare , set back some extra food/water and learn to live by creational law. Those who want to know the truth of the life, truth of spirit, can freely read Billy’s material. Beginning to contemplate what Billy and ptaah have said etc, will open the evolutionary path for any human being that makes the effort to find the truth of Creation and it’s laws and recommendations.

Terry Carch

Here is another article from Coast to Coast am In the News even though this article is mostly about architecture but this article gives you the basic idea about how lang not just buildings will last but about frgility, and resisiancy but also how long things will last. This article will give you at least some idea about why these prophecies are now turning into predictions called resiliency: “The simple rule that can help you predict the future” -BBC Future Tusday June 25th,2019

Terry Carch

Also I recall years ago when the Enterprise D from Star Trek TNG was forced to deal with the Borg cyborgs there was one instant when Giunan said that “As long as there are a few of your or a handful of, you will survive from Star Trek Voyager there was one line that Captin Janeway said when her crew were forced on a very primitive world by the Kazan that you have to have hope and resiliency to survive. These are the two thoughts we all need to keep in the back of our minds if we are going to get the hell out of this mess we are in NOW!” These two positive thoughts should be a must in the back of our minds if we are going to survive and get by each day in our lives no matter how bad things get. As human beings we are and can be resilient if we are willing to think and work at this through the spiritual teachngs and be consciously aware of our thoghts and our actions etc.

Terry Carch

Here is an article from Coast to Coast am you may need to read due to Billy`s predictions etc: From I the News two articles down: “Killer robots declared human threat” -Daily Star ” I did not read this article because this article is very very frightening and too scary for me to even read due to Billy`s predictions of the human race on Earth becoming Borg Drones after WW4 etc!”

David Chance
“The Blanco Transform Fault Zone off Oregon’s coast is famously active, and it has not disappointed in the past 24 hours, generating at least 50 earthquakes, including two at a 5.8 magnitude.
That sounds like a lot — but scientists say the fault is virtually incapable of generating a cataclysm, by either a tsunami or a powerful quake affecting the U.S. mainland.
The swarm of quakes hit around 200 miles from shore, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. As people took notice, they worried that the seismic activity might portend The Big One.”