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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts β€” singularly authentic β€” ongoing for 80 years β€” the key to our future survival

We Told You So Moments

You may already know, be living next to, or even be one of the Pod People yourself

The doubters of the singular authenticity of the Billy Meier UFO contacts are akin to climate deniers, flat earthers, skeptics, etc. They stubbornly cling to their unscientific prejudicial premises in the face of all substantiated evidence to the contrary. This primitive, greatly underdeveloped kind of thinking is actually one of the reasons that we, the people of Earth, have had to receive the truth in small doses, often inserted obliquely into our overly aggressive, easily enraged, violence prone world.

The Current Mindset

It doesn’t matter that Meier’s UFO evidence has been independently authenticated by experts over a 40-year period. Even the newest and most definitive authentication by the former top investigator/supervisor for the USAF OSI doesn’t register among the professional (and amateur) skeptics. The current mindset, certainly among Americans, is more in tune with polarizing partisan politics, conspiracies, celebrity worship, sports and entertainment, not exactly a recipe for survival or evolution these days.

Prophetically Accurate Information

I’ve frequently pointed out that we’ve found over 250 specific, error-free examples of prophetically accurate information. And more items regularly appear that move towards further fulfillment and corroborations of information verifiably published by Meier up to decades earlier.


Among the greatest examples are those in the various sciences, such as the information about Mars, published long beforeΒ β€œofficial discovery”, that had a USGS astrophotography expert stumbling all over himself trying to explain away as β€œMeier’s lucky guesses”.

Age of the Universe

Scientists may have to correct their pathetically inaccurate estimate of the age of the universe in light of this information. Of course, the information from the Plejaren space-traveling, extraterrestrial human race, which places the current age of the universe at around 46 trillion years*, will be impossible for the know-it-alls to even consider.


On the other end of the spectrum, i.e. the unscientific β€œtrue believers” may go apoplectic, or at least be in deep denial, about this article regarding the lack of any real historical record for the most famous person to walk the earth, i.e. β€œJesus Christ”. Again, this has long been explained in the Meier material, i.e. that there never was a man by the name of β€œJesus Christ” but that the real man upon whom the falsification was based was named Jmmanuel. The late Prof. James Deardorff delved into this aspect in his own research into the Talmud Jmmanuel, co-discovered by Meier in 1963.

Science Marches On

Scientists long ago succeeded in putting the brains of monkeys in human beings, otherwise known as politicians. They’re now beginning to fulfill another one of Billy Meier’s prophecies by putting human cells in monkeys, though the difference in the resulting creatures may be slight.

India and Pakistan

Only a few months ago the ever-intensifying conflict between India and Pakistan almost led to an exchange of missiles between them. This brings to mind the warning from the Henoch Prophecies:

47. Also Pakistan will allow herself to be misled to instigate a war against India, which will be especially dangerous in view of the fact that both countries are developing atomic weapons.

Breaking Up Is HardΒ to Do

And while many people laughed at the idea that the USA could have new civil wars erupt here, as Meier also long ago foretold, it seems that the breakup of the country is already filtering into the mass consciousness.

Too Stupid to Survive

Returning to those troublesome monkey brains, reminiscent of when Bill Clinton facilitated the transfer of nuclear technology to China in the 1990s, Canada’s apparently decided it should share dangerous, potential bioweapons with China. Since human greed, power-hunger and stupidity know no bounds, we can reflect on β€œthe most important part of Henoch’s prophecies”, i.e. the ultimate – and now inescapable – Β consequences of ignoring the law of cause and effect:

187. Due to the fault of scientists, enormous power will be seized by the power-hungry and their military, their warriors and terrorists, and power will be seized as well through laser weapons of many types, but also via atomic, chemical and biological weapons.

189. However, this will not be all of the horrors; as besides the genetic technology and the chemical weapons, far worse and more dangerous and more deadly weapons of mass destruction will be produced and will be used.

227. Even when the North American continent will be stricken by the most terrible catastrophe which has ever been recorded, evil military powers will wreak havoc with computerised and nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, whereby it will also happen that computerised weapons become independent and cannot be controlled any longer by human beings.

245. China will attack India; and if biological weapons are used, around 30 million human beings will be killed in the area of and around New Delhi alone.

246. However, this will not be the end yetβ€”because the effect of biological bombs and missiles, etc., used cannot be controlled at that time, and terrible epidemics unknown up to that point in time will arise and will spread quickly to many areas.

275. Not only nuclear, biological and chemical weapons will be used en masse, but also enormously deadly systems of computer-controlled weapons that are only in the beginning stages of development today, or will be invented and constructed during the third millennium.

Comic Relief

Fortunately, we have this latest example of politically correct white guilt, generously provided by an Β idiotic actress who feels “ashamed” that she couldn’t undo – wait for it – being born white.

WARNING:Β Should you be considering enrolling in an American university, or be a parent about to tragically put your child into one of these lobotomy factories, please reconsider. It’s not necessary to spend outrageous amounts of money to be infected with the kind of mind-rotting stupidity now contaminating the educated and non-educated alike. In fact, you may already know, be living next to, or even be one of the PodΒ People yourself. Save your money and donate it instead to the Michael Horn Wildlife Fund, you’ll be glad you did…and so will I.

*Contact Report 238: β€œOur DERN universe is now just 46,000,000,000,000 years old, even when the smart Earth scientists ignorantly and uncomprehendingly assert that this cannot correspond to the truth, because, since the formation of the universe, only 13,000,000,000 years have passed, over the entire course of time.”


Please, let us learn how to think, to direct and live our own lives in accordance Β with Creation’s universal laws and recommendations, while the now unstoppable external events fulfill as they must, because of the unreasonableness of humankind for far too long.

The Might of the Thoughts

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Terry Carch

I was just watching “Messsage frm the Pleiades which unfortunately a channeled mesage but here is my point with all the negatives and horrors of these predictions from Billy and the Plejaren there is one very serious issue that is almost never discussed and that is “we need to take repsonsasabilty for the way we are thanking and not taking action for our thoughts and thinking positive thoughts and taking actions to stop all these insantities from ever even puting a stop to all these predictions. I think there are alternatives that we can and should persue if we are going to stop all these horroble nightmarish predictions from ever even happing and getting and taking control of all these nasty predictions. We need t balance all these bad negative predictions with good posative actions and take back our power. If we have the power to change this world for the better why not use that power to take the inishative to get and find alternatves if we want to save oursevels and live longer happier lives NOW before things get even worse. We need to balance all the negatives and take positive action and positive thoughts and positive actions NOW Thee ARE alternatives!”

Luis Sanchez

Hmm, I really sense that all these events are transpiring in the same way that did on Malona

Contact Report 004

109. Man on Earth must get accustomed to the thought that his predecessors have forced all of mankind and Earth itself to the brink of ruin, and had to partially evacuate the planet in a wild escape.

110. It should also serve as a warning to him that thirst for power and barbarism are attributes that bring death.

Since the artificial genetic manipulated terrestrial people have their unatural alarms set to a 10th of a natural human life, then collectivly and unconscioulsy the illogical desire for the rest of natural world/ the material word to have its clock set for a shorter duration as well must be prevailent in fluidal forces and in swinging waves ….so the bell around the earth it’s negitive influence in correlation with this must mean terrestrial man’s illogic will not stop tell it can actually shorten the time span of the natural material world that surrounds it unfortunately, in other words the collective consciousness of terrestrial wants the matieral world marriage to nature to always be ….short lived, because the material collective is…short lived.

Love, love and more and love and friendship and all many high human values can only stop this illogic.

Luis Sanchez

And add this perhaps why in comptemorary times the GMO food wasnt enhanced, but the clock was set to the same duration.

Linda Goodman

Hi Michael.. I’ve debated on whether to write this, for so long, but here goes… I was a Billy Meier fan [and a democrat] until Climategate, when I realized that the Pleiadean/Plejaren philosophy [and the democrat philosophy] is aligned with the globalist agenda of an eco-fascist, techno-totalitarian world government. And man-made climate change and overpopulation are the frauds it’s dependent on.

I know you’re aware that ‘gorebull warbling’ is a fraud, but I assume you did not know that the late, great Julian Simon indisputably disproved overpopulation and scarcity. He was the strongest voice of opposition until he suddenly died in 1998, but not before he famously won a bet with overpopulation guru Paul Ehrlich and wrote some very enlightening books:
The Doomslayer:

Mr. Simon collected exhaustive facts in his resource books and titled one of his books ‘Hoodwinked’ and that sums it up, imho. Since then the full extent of ‘globalism’ has become all-too disturbingly clear.

Actual Pleiadeans surely know what’s true, though I do believe Billy Meier is sincere, so the question for me was: “Who was Billy actually meeting with?’ Well, in the 30s and 40’s in Antarctica the nazis reportedly discovered and reverse-engineered extraterrestrial spacecraft, of which there are photos and which surely became more highly advanced by the 70s. And the ‘Pleiadeans’ could have simply been actors.

I can believe there is and was contact with the Pleiades and for over 30 years I did, based on Billy’s photographs, like everyone else at FIGU. But I do not believe that actual Pleiadeans would be so wrong about overpopulation and silently align with ruthless globalists.

I’m sorry if this is offensive to you Michael, or anyone, but if what I’ve stated is false, why should it offend? I’m not suggesting that Billy is lying; I’m suggesting that he and his followers have been hoodwinked into passionately supporting the ruthless globalist agenda. You might ask ‘Why would they go to such lengths to fool a relatively small group of people?’ But there was no way to know just how many people would get on board, right? Yet despite periodic help from the media, awareness of Billy’s story hasn’t expanded by much, not here in America. Perhaps if more people were ‘in on it’, less professional skeptics would be on the attack. But it’s an exquisite ruse, assuming it is a ruse, that Americans may not be privy to. And as an aside, Switzerland is a center of globalist power, so it’s surprising to me that Billy has so little to say about that, yet so much criticism for America. Have you seen the opening ceremony of Switzerland’s Gotthard Tunnel?

But as the saying goes, don’t take my word for it; Julian Simon’s research is impeccable and indisputable, and I’m sadly not surprised that he was silenced. This is a very big agenda, built entirely on deception, so truth is its kryptonite and it can only succeed by stealth.

β€œOne America burdens the earth much more than twenty Bangladeshes. This is a terrible thing to say in order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it’s just as bad not to say it.” – Jacques Cousteau, UNESCO Courier

Melissa Osaki

There’s a giant seeping hole in your theory. Billy and the Plejaren have never advocated for globalism. They have always loudly stated that every country should be independent and free of interference from other countries and/or races.

It’s a simple fact that the Earth’s resources are finite and overpopulation is giant bomb waiting to explode. A 12 year old can work that out if given the numbers.

Billy’s case is rock solid, scientifically proven and available to anyone who has the ability to think for themselves. If you haven’t heard Billy discuss the cabalism and evil groups in this world, then you haven’t been paying attention. Every single prediction to date has come to pass along with the prophesized events that are happening right now in front of your very own eyes. How can anyone be so blind?

All these theories are unsubstantiated nonsense. There’s a reason why Billy’s information can’t expand and reach the consciousness of the masses and it has nothing to do with who’s “in on it,” but rather everything to do with who doesn’t want it known. That’s some seriously illogical propaganda you’ve written there.

Last edited 1 year ago by Melissa Osaki
Linda Goodman

To claim that something you know nothing about is ‘seriously illogical propaganda’ is irrational.

To simplify: The globalist philosophy and the Plejaren philosophy are BOTH founded on the ‘problem’ of overpopulation and scarcity, though globalism presents some more extreme ‘solutions’.

Yet Julian Simon has definitively demonstrated that overpopulation and scarcity are NOT a problem and we are being ‘Hoodwinked’. And until you learn about his research your opinion is worthless [to use Billy lingo].

And I don’t know any statement quite as casually appalling as “There are too many humans!” Should you be the first to go? Maybe a few of your loved ones? Who decides? You know?

We are all spirits having a physical experience that WE ARE ALL ENTITLED TO HAVE. And our Earth is an abundant, nurturing, regenerative mother garden where our souls can grow and evolve. Mother Earth never says ‘Okay, that’s enough!”, which would defeat her purpose and our own, of spiritual growth through many incarnations. A mystery that can’t be defined by physical boundaries.

The REAL ‘problem’ is that a few thousand “ELITES’ control the world and ruthlessly use humanity as their personal ‘resource’. Darwinism run amok. And for over 100 years they’ve suppressed advanced energy technologies that could raise the quality of life for ALL humanity in a myriad of ways.

So the perps blame the victims by blaming ‘overpopulation’ for the chaos, destruction and misery that THEY have caused, by DESIGN. And apparently the Plejarens approve. Why else would they stay silent about the suppressed Tesla and other advanced technologies that can heal the world? Plasma too, which grows food in ABUNDANCE! Why else would they blame the victims too?

Plejarens make dire predictions and scold us like stupid children, but what information or solutions have they actually offered to help humanity counter the destructive, secretive actions of the ‘ELITE”? If they truly want to help us why not offer helpful information within the bounds of Cosmic Law? Knowledge is Power.

Linda Goodman

MH: No one can dispute the results of Julian Simon’s research, though no one has to now that he’s dead. But please feel free to try. He proved with exhaustive factual data that overpopulation and scarcity are fear tactics. And they advance a globalist agenda by a relative few ‘elites’ who’ve gained control of the organs of world power like a cancerous malignancy, and blame the victims for their destructive actions, just as the Plejarens are doing.

And humans don’t need to be micro-managed by common sense ideas that reasonable, intelligent people are well aware of; we need information that’s been suppressed in one way or the other by the ‘ELITES’ to gain and maintain control and manipulate humanity, from advanced technology to cervical caps.

Have the Plejarens awakened anyone to that simple solution to avoid unwanted pregnancies? Or do they not know about cervical caps, used for thousands of years and disappearing from the market when big pHARMa introduced The Pill? How could they not know about cervical caps, when they’re so focused on overpopulation? They surely know that our media is worse than useless in educating the public, nothing but lies and omissions.

Is big pHARMa a Plejaren concern at all? It’s surely the most destructive force on the planet, the root of so much evil and misery, and we need to strike at the root to heal the world, not blame humanity itself for the sins of the few.

And what does Billy Meier have to say about Switzerland, as a center of globalism? He certainly has plenty to say about America, none of it good. What are your thoughts on the disturbing opening ceremony of Switzerland’s Gotthard Tunnel? Do Plejarens address the fact that the ‘elites’ are Luciferian psychotics who’ve spread their special brand of cancer across the world? They can only succeed by stealth.
Satanism on display!! Gotthard Tunnel ceremony 9/25/16

Linda Goodman

MH: My point is that overpopulation and scarcity are not real, according to the FACTS exhaustively compiled by Julian Simon, and I posted an article that summarizes his research – did you read or even skim it?

I understand why you might be hostile to what I’ve shared here, but that’s emotion, not rational thought. The rational response would be curiosity.

Billy’s predictions aren’t the issue I raised, the veracity of overpopulation and scarcity are, and it’s unreasonable to expect me to veer off into other areas, then accuse me of ‘parroting’ because I’m staying on point, while having my intelligence insulted again and again. And only one person [that i’ve read so far] has shown any curiosity about Simon’s work. Is that how it rolls here? Not so rational or logical.

Melissa Osaki

She’s trolling Michael. She knows darn well that what she’s saying is nonsense. I’m sure she won’t mind living in an overpopulated slum when there are another billion people added to the tally in about 7 years.

Matt Knight


Please can you explain, in a couple of sentences, how Julian Simon, “proved with exhaustive factual data that overpopulation and scarcity are fear tactics”?

From the little I’ve read about Simon, he did not prove this at all and that’s your interpretation. Simon’s showed that the idea of future scarcity and cost of a few base metals and materials would be negatively impacted as a result of increased population over time was unfounded and was, of course, right about those particular metals as it’s a no-brainer and whilst things tick along nicely. Billy does not argue that base metals will become scarce as a result of overpopulation and so your point is moot.

Simon was wrong about a lot of things and claimed expertise in areas he had no knowledge of as a business professor and he lost his second wager on Timber with a Forestry Professor, so, didn’t even “prove” his point at all.

Linda Goodman

I strongly disagree with your characterization of Simon’s work. Certainly no one is right about everything, but most of his research was right, and strongly threatened the plans of the overpopulation & scarcity crowd, who’ve risen to power with no competent opposition since Simon’s death. Now their public enemy #1 is Donald Trump, who’s rejected their ecofascist climate change agenda, which was on the verge of worldwide success with Queen Hillary – not a ‘conspiracy theory’, a conspiracy reality. Fascism is always by way of conspiracy, since no one would support it if they knew the facts. And ‘the left’ is undoubtedly fascist.

I’m sorry I don’t have time to answer you point by point, but anyone who’s curious can read the Wired article and make up their own minds about THE DOOMSLAYER, Julian Simon. And maybe give his books a read. Heaven knows it’s a far healthier outlook. Being fearful and wrong only serves the darkness.

Melissa Osaki

I’m going to have to agree with Michael about his conclusions and suggestions. It would be fruitless for us to continue with this nonsense. You clearly didn’t do any REAL research and make some very asinine as well as emotionally charged claims.

One final thought: we absolutely ARE stupid children who need a good scolding to get our heads out of our rears. The fact that you can say that the Plejaren have offered no solutions or help to humanity tells me all I need to know. As Andrew would say, G’Day Mate!

Greg Dougall

The population has doubled from 4.5 billion to 9 billion in my short life time. Your argument falls to pieces when you claim the P’s philosophy is “an eco-fascist, techno-totalitarian world government”. That’s funny, thanks for the chuckles!
The article DOTEATCOO could be the best explanation anywhere about the environment and population, because all of the negative causes and effects are laid out in plain language.
or watch
I’m not offended by your statements. At least you know Meier exists and are working things out in your own time.

I actually wish more fence sitters would come forward with their concerns, because there are clear answers, but they are often buried deep in the contact reports and other writings.

Linda Goodman

Greg Dougall: Please read Julian Simon’s research if you want the other side of the story.

“Your argument falls to pieces when you claim the P’s philosophy is β€œan eco-fascist, techno-totalitarian world government”. That’s funny, thanks for the chuckles”

I was referring to globalism, cushioned in the ‘utopian’ language of UN Sustainable Development and Agenda 2030, via the demonization of carbon dioxide. My point is that both globalist and the Plejaren warnings center on the false problems of overpopulation and scarcity. Fear tactics are ALWAYS used to gain control, but as they say, ignorance is bliss… until it kills you.

This is a fantastic article on Julian Simon – what harm can it do? It might even pick up your spirits: THE DOOMSLAYER:

Melissa Osaki

You’re losing it. How is an actual scientific fact fear-mongering? The Earth’s resources are finite and certainly can’t sustain the number of people who currently live here and continue to multiply like rabbits. It’s not just resources that are affected, it’s also consciousness, swinging waves and aggression. There are too many dang people on the planet. In my short time on Earth, the population has doubled and I can feel the ever increasing and suffocating effects from it.

Your theory holds no weight. You think telling someone the truth is fear-mongering? Maybe you shouldn’t read the contacts because the Plejaren and Billy pull no punches, unlike the media, politicians and the global elites who like to lull you to sleep with hogwash.

Billy said that folks wouldn’t be able to handle these coming times and many people would lose all common sense and plunge into idiocy.

Linda Goodman

Michael: The phrase ‘conspiracy theorist’ was devised by the CIA after the JFK assassination to ridicule skeptical questions about the official story, and it’s been to censor any scrutiny ever since. The fact is, the world is run by conspiracies, and globalists and the Plejarens are in agreement in blaming humanity for the actions of a few. And the Earth is not a terrarium and the solutions to the chaos in our world don’t involve micro-managing humanity, they involve disempowering the cancerous few and sending the malignancy into remission And that means outing the real villains. Lies are cancer.

And advanced energy technology will free humanity to be the creative beings we were born to be, so why don’t the Plejarens share Tesla’s suppressed energy technology and other tech invented and then hidden away? They would undermine the cancerous ‘elites’, not break Cosmic Law. Or is their outlook more like these servants of our Superior Leaders…

“The prospect of cheap fusion energy is the worst thing that could happen to the planet.” – Jeremy Rifkin, New York Times journalist on climate change

“Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun.” – Prof Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University

“Complex technology of any sort is an assault on human dignity. It would be little short of disastrous for us to discover a source of clean, cheap, abundant energy, because of what we might do with it.” – Amory Lovins, Rocky Mountain Institute

“One America burdens the earth much more than twenty Bangladeshes. This is a terrible thing to say in order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it’s just as bad not to say it.” – Jacques Cousteau, UNESCO Courier

Melissa Osaki

This sounds like every conspiracy theory video I’ve ever watched on YouTube. You have some small truths mixed in with a horse load of idiocy — insert any title you want: holographic universe, reptilians, hollow Earth, flat Earth, fallen angels, Nibiru, Tesla and free energy, etc.

Free yourself from the chains.

Linda Goodman

Melissa Osaki: Insults clearly come easily to you. But I prefer substance.

Melissa Osaki

I’m sorry you feel that way, Linda, but I won’t censor myself to keep from stating the truth. People need to grow a spine a quit letting others lie to them. Your false assessment of the Plejaren is completely slanderous and unwarranted.. If you had actually researched Meier’s material, you would know that everything you said about them and what they are doing are lies.

Now, as Michael already noted below, if you want to continue posting here:

“unless Linda starts to respond to specific with specifics, while we’ll leave her existing comments here (heaven forbid that she feels she’s being censored, etc.) BUT we won’t accept any more time and space wasting drivel.”

Last edited 1 year ago by Melissa Osaki
Matt Knight


Please can you tell me, in layman’s terms, how Julian Simon “indisputably disproved overpopulation”?


Hey All,

This Simon character is real beaut; from Wikipedia: Julian Lincoln Simon (February 12, 1932 – February 8, 1998)[1] was an American professor of business administration at the University of Maryland and a Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute at the time of his death, after previously serving as a longtime economics and business professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.” Or in other words, a greedy human being focused on material treasures. This guy’s whole argument that overpopulation does not exist is from an economics point of view. He is not recognizing nature in the very least; but was concerned with building economies. Again from Wikipedia: “Simon argues that our notions of increasing resource-scarcity ignore the long-term declines in wage-adjusted raw material prices. Viewed economically, he argues, increasing wealth and technology make more resources available; although supplies may be limited physically they may be regarded as economically indefinite as old resources are recycled and new alternatives are assumed to be developed by the market.” Yes “new alternatives” often prevent resource depletion, and yes technology makes things cheaper, but only looking at things from an economics point of view, thus taking dominion over the earth instead of living in partnership, discounts the necessity of living equalised with our outside, and instead nature is just a means to make money and grow economies. Logic dictates that living outside the bounds, or taking advantage of something, is a breakdown or eventual destruction…

Linda Goodman

Anthony”A11A111″AlagnaL: It’s fairly common knowledge that Wikipedia is an Officialdumb mouthpiece that ‘cleanses’ everything that threatens the globalist paradigm. And Julian Simon certainly does. Enough said.


Good try Linda;)

I grabbed facts about Simon from the Wiki… not opinion.

So the guy was NOT an economist in your conspiracy filled mind?

So I suppose the guy did not push the idea that scarcity of natural resources does NOT exist, despite you using his nonsense in all over your arguments on this blog?

Please get real…

Linda Goodman

Sure, Matt… The truth is in the details – how’s that? I’ll just excerpt this article on Julian Simon titled THE DOOMSLAYER:

“”Population has never increased geometrically,” says Simon. “It increases at all kinds of different rates historically, but however fast it increases, food increases at least as fast, if not faster. In other words, whatever the rate of population growth is, the food supply increases at an even faster rate.” These, he says, are the actual and empirical facts of the matter, information available to any inquirer. […] The trends were the same for food supply. Rising population did not mean less food, just the opposite: instead of skyrocketing as predicted by the Malthusian theory, food prices, relative to wages, had declined historically.. […] So if you look at the facts – as opposed to spinning out theories – you find precisely the reverse of the situation described by Malthus. Just the opposite! […]

“The paradox is that those abstract principles and speculative analyses seem so very logical and believable, whereas the facts themselves, the story of what has happened, appear wholly illogical and impossible to explain. After all, people are fruitful and they multiply but the stores of raw materials in the earth’s crust certainly don’t, so how can it be possible that, as the world’s population doubles, the price of raw materials is cut in half? t makes no sense. Yet it has happened. So there must be an explanation.

And there is: resources, for the most part, don’t grow on trees. People produce them, they create them, whether it be food, factories, machines, new technologies, or stockpiles of mined, refined, and purified raw materials.

“Resources come out of people’s minds more than out of the ground or air,” says Simon. “Minds matter economically as much as or more than hands or mouths. Human beings create more than they use, on average. It had to be so, or we would be an extinct species.”

The defect of the Malthusian models, superficially plausible but invariably wrong, is that they leave the human mind out of the equation. “These models simply do not comprehend key elements of people – the imaginative and creative.”

The rest of the article will leave you wanting more. But Julian Simon was dead one year later.


I guess you were too weak to confront me, so you tried to throw some Simon shade as if economics and your possessive and wanting desires have dominion or supersede nature/reality?

Matt Knight

Hi Linda,

Billy does say that human beings will find solutions, that there will be scientific discoveries made that will provide for abundant sources of energy, etc., but, he also says that we will be in breadlines and suffer very badly for centuries as a result of overpopulation and even possibly to extinction.

In relation to food, the green revolution already happened and the inventors of that are saying now that there’s an agricultural crisis today and evidence proves that fertile soil is decreasing year on year, disproving your basic assertions.

The idea that the speeding train can carry on because we can always make more track if it runs out, even though we’re not sure when it will, is a crazy gamble I wouldn’t find any true peace in. I’d much rather lean towards caution and life.

Overpopulation is the real global elitist plot which is why most cannot recognise it as such. As religions know, it keeps us pliable and teetering around death for profit for warmongers. They’ll just kill us off when it becomes unprofitable.

Luis Sanchez

Hmmm, I’m currently reading A sky of my own, writtten by Molly Bernheim ISBN 0025101404 (the discover of MAO) aka the β€œartificial genetic manipulation. β€œ She’s discusses her journey, into becoming a pilot. Apparently she a FEAR of flying…and also feelings of abandonment and anger resentment towards her husband because he would go flying while she stayed at home, obviously she overcame these issues….I think a lot issues the world now can still be overcome humanity can triumph in peace and love.

Tommy Fury

Why are you pretending you are Linda goodman who died in 1995.

Melissa Osaki

No Tommy, Barry has come to the realization, through personal research, that Billy’s reputation of truthfulness and repeated accuracy speaks for itself. It follows the logic of the scientific method where higher pattern levels in scientific data shows that something is less likely to be caused by chance.

No human is infallible.

Linda Goodman

I’m guessing there are lots of us. And her name was actually Mary Alice, not that I’m casting aspersions. I’m honored to share her name and her book Sun Signs ignited my lifelong interest in astrology.

Tommy Fury

Give me your email, Linda I will explain something in more detail

Linda Goodman
Tommy Fury

Fromtommy??? how can that be your Email??

Simon Walsh

Hi Melissa, not this blog but another one which was recent β€œ Demise and Destruction by Default β€œ you posted a link were Billy writes about the CIA and there inner secret group. Do you think that this is the β€œ dark order β€œ which Billy always states is really in complete control, and the masons, illuminati, Rockafella, the Rothchilds and the like are just small time evils ?? Or are these people above I’ve mentioned connected to the CIA/dark order ??
Thanks, Simon…….Salome

Melissa Osaki

Hi Simon, it’s like a spiderweb of corruption and evil. It’s the upper echelons of the secret societies and other groups. The money and the resources for the ground soldiers who operate lawlessly throughout the world has to come from somewhere.

Last edited 1 year ago by Melissa Osaki
Terry Carch

Hi Melissa Are the The Deep State also part of the spider web of the Dark Order you just mentioned in your last blog to. Thanks Salome Terry

Melissa Osaki

Hi Simon, I’d like to make a correction regarding my previous comment. I overlooked a couple items in your question because I was a bit busy yesterday, but the illuminati and the Freemasons are a conspiracy theory. Elements of the CIA and certain other groups are behind the worldwide lawlessness and inhumanity. Billy has never openly named specific people to my knowledge, but one can certainly use their reasoning and intellect to figure out which groups or powerful folks may be steering the ship.

Xila Clark

Not only will the National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg be held responsible for the upcoming release of bio weapons, Canada is also responsible for selling both India and Pakistan the Candu nuclear reactors, of course with the expressed wish that they not be used for nuclear weapons. Like giving candy to a child and telling the child not to eat it.

Terry Carch

I also heard that Canada will also be selling nuclear weapons to China too as well as chemical and biological weapons to China but I think China does have nuclear weapons of its own including H bombs too I heard years ago.

Andrew Grimshaw

G’Day mate,
I recently recognised as a result from exchanges with John Webster (you know the one who claims to know of BEAM from the 80s or for at least 30yrs) that the deluded, irrational, illogical etc. know-it-alls are stuck “with repeating, with parroting” themselves BUT especially NOT sticking to the subject at hand BUT throwing in a new subject. They are void of the skill of deep thought on even ONE (1) subject.
So, apart from the odd quoting themselves back to them and letting them know that it is untrue, from me to them from now on, there will be only ONE (1) solitary mute legless cricket in a vacuum.

Melissa Osaki

G’Day mate, I’ve noticed that too.


Let her stay! Her tragic UFO community claims are great opportunities for folks to counter with the truth. But it seems to me she is either a spook or just trolling us. If she spent any time looking into Meier, which she must not have, she should easily be able to differentiate between Meier’s humane solution, and concern for humanity and the planet compared to the rants of Alex Jones and others, who made famous overpopulation as some crazy genocide plan. Linda is no doubt highly religious and clinging to ideologies of “go forth and multiply” as well as “man’s dominion of the earth.”

Carolyn Snyder

Hey Anthony, for those of us who have been around for awhile (59 years for me), we have experienced many movements and gurus who have come and just as quickly disappeared, and who in their time were just as believable as Meier. It is an act of “faith” and a leap of “faith” to give over my rational mind to an Old Testament Prophet (Henoch) who is reportedly now incarnated in the modern time and wants to steer the world in a certain direction.

I am no fan of Russia, remembering quite well the fear that was imposed on the western world during the time of the Cold War. I am not happy with the fact that most of Meier’s prophecies predict a cataclysmic disaster for not only Europe and England, but also the United States, leaving ? Russia and China to govern the future earth. I am no fan of either Russia or China, nor am I a fan of the Muslim governments of the Middle East. If Democracy falls in the West, it will be as if Sauron has won the War of the Ring on planet earth, and it will not be a planet I will want to live on in the future.


Hey Carolyn,

It is NOT an act of faith. The spiritual teaching is just a blueprint for nature. Meier is just providing some “leading thought” so that folks can discover their natural world for themselves. The spiritual teaching is logic which can be observed in nature. Meier did not invent the spiritual teaching, he discovered it in nature. This pursuit of nature can be better compared with that of a witch rather than a guru.

No one is “happy” with the prophecies! BUT we made our bed… and now we got to sleep in it. The evidence for the fall of the west is all around us, not just coming from Meier. You are blaming a messenger which is illogical…

Linda Goodman

MH: I just noticed this. I’ve been bombarded with comments and doing the best I can to read and respond to them, while also trying to get some work done. It would take days to respond point by point and it’s grossly unfair to be booted for not responding quickly or comprehensively ‘enough’, esp. with so many comments to respond to.

Andrew Grimshaw

My silence is me not casting my pearls before the swine!
There are only TWO (2) reasons folks have found this blog: in their search for and desire to continue negative untruth or in their search for and desire to continue to develop neutral-positive truth.
It is not an exercise in rocket-surgery to be able to distinguish one from the other.

Tommy Fury

Melissa, Is Linda Trying to somehow Make a point? One that Tells us quite a Shocking claim that “Meiers Plejaren are Evil and are working with a One world Government? one that is totalitarian?? and she is also a Climate Change Denier? Why is she using a Dead Womans name from 1995?

She also comes out with contradictions like The Plejaren are actors as they are Nazis??? WTF?? but claims Channeled Pleiadians are Real??

By the way, Holographic Universe is a Fact, not a Conspiracy. i know it goes hand in hand with Hollow Earth, Flat Earth, Etc but it is a valid concept… Many Great Scientists support this notion. Meier has never commented on it so we should never be so sure the Universe is physical, having said that, its something currently not important right now..
Like Ghosts ETC

Melissa Osaki

Tommy, the Universe is real and FIGU has talked about this. We live in a material Universe and if a tree falls in the woods, it does make a sound.

Andrew Grimshaw

To know that if a sound is made when a tree falls in the woods, you must have talked to a very leggy cricket! πŸ˜‰
or at least left an audio recording device on in the forest for some time.

Melissa Osaki

Well, now that you mention it, I do like to talk to caterpillars. =]

Tommy Fury

Melissa.. I am Sorry but Living in a Material Universe is not the Same as Living in a Physical Universe. I have also never heard FIGU mention it…. Meier hasn’t even mentioned it.

I have read this many times and interestingly it seems Meier is describing the Universe as Non Physical.

The Brilliant Michael Talbot said so in his book “Holographic Universe” Ghosts, Channelling, Automatic writing, Pantheism etc is Impossible if the Universe was Physical. Einstein himself quoted “Reality is an illusion albeit a persistent one” You had Nikola tesla say it, David Bohm and Niels bohr say it, David Icke has said it and Many many other researchers and scientists.
Not to mention, Thomas Campbell, Neale donald walsch, Leonard Cramp, T B Pawliki, Josef Blumrich, Thomas Townsend Brown, John Searl, Wherner von Braun and many many more…

I am not going to get into some heated debate like you and linda. BUT I will calmly tell you that it really does depend on how you look at it.. You really don’t understand the science, they is really hard working people who have admitted it is not as physical as materialists think… I won’t go out to conclude its fully holographic though.. but as I say it depends how you see it.

UNFORTUNATELY, I am not on a computer so I can’t really discuss this with you but all I can say is that the real world isn’t what we are perceiving irregardless of if it is built with Atoms or not. ATOMS have 99 empty space inbetween them, so how can that turn things into solidarity? Why can’t Meier answer the Q, and anyway solid or not, we don’t get to see the real world we get to see a copy world as it is seen through our Retina and Brain. Even Basic Mainstream science accepts this theory. Refuting it only makes you a crank, it is indisputable. Incredible but irrefutable.
JOHN Eccles work is indisputable, have you cared to read it? CLAUDE Swanson is another Genius, go read his research… no matter how superior you think Meier is.

And as for Nicola Tesla, sorry but you don’t have a Clue.. Free energy is no conspiracy. TESLA built a tower called Wardenclyffe. It could have gave us Free electricity over 100 yrs ago… the problem wasn’t that it didn’t work but because Tesla wouldn’t let a charlatan invest like Royal Rife and Morris Fishbein. They destroyed his project, raided his office , stole his secrets and Tesla died of depression or due to assassination.

Tesla was a Super Genius more than Meier could ever dream, the same goes for Albert Einstein. Knocking these men and claim Meier bet them to all their discoveries is laughable, so Meier found out about Black holes before Albert because Superfical Aliens told him so? That doesn’t make Meier educated, he holds no medical or scientific backgrounds.

Why didn’t Meier admit dinosaurs had feathers or a T Rex never roared it mumbled or cooed or nothing or its a descendent of birds… instead he makes a bizarre assumption that it hunted in packs.. and dinosaurs never coxisted with humans..

Meier isn’t infallible or indisputable as you say so remember that!

THE truth is forever changing, so your truth becomes my truth and vice versa, PEOPLE’S perceptions are always changing, Meier has even changed his Information like saying Daniel Fry and Travis Walton are Frauds after admitting in the early days they was truthful and then admitting albert bender lied more than told the truth.. why would he do that?

Melissa Osaki


I never claimed Billy was infallible. Billy is the same as all of us and makes mistakes, but he doesn’t lie. That’s the difference.

The Universe is physical and material, they are absolutely the same thing. We are not living in a holograph or a computer simulation. Our scientists are still in their infancy and do not understand the Universe and how it fully works. The Creation was created in a all its splendor by fine spiritual energy. This energy is so immense and powerful that a single idea started the whole chain of events. And I also agree that the Universe is not fully material, and in fact, is more energetic and non-physical, but not a simulation or a holograph.

I can’t find the information right now, but I will.



1. relating to the body as opposed to the mind.
2. relating to things perceived through the senses as opposed to the mind; tangible or concrete

synonyms: material, substantial, solid, concrete, tangible, palpable, visible, real, actual

Tommy Fury

Since I can only post one comment at a time here (Since your such an Awful Moderator, who thinks you have a right to respond to people here when you should be Moderating the site) I will be responding to both you and michael simultaneously.

I have never claimed, “You Claimed, Meier is infallible” However i might be implying that you still Treat Meier as if he Is. .Hmmmm isn’t there a name for that??? Confirmation Bias. Telling people what they want to hear (or in your case Not hear) and then Still going along with it anyway.. it reminds me of Politicians who pretend they agree with you and then try to encourage they heavily flawed laws and polices that you are there opposing… in some cases, Agree with you and then carry on with there flawed plans..

Your Erroneous Accusations that “Scientists are all dolts because they are in there infacy so if Meier says something different to them is gotta be true is laughable”

Scientists actually all said the Universe was Physical, Now they are getting clued up about it being not so Physical as they thought…. and now your calling them all Pseudoscientific… You really like using Buzz words like Corroborated, Pseudoscientific, Unsubstantiated, Neuroscience, illogical, etc you must think your really scientific don’t you. Puh Please, even my GP doesn’t use such words.

So one minute, People are conspiracy theorists because they don’t stick to the facts, and then they are Still wrong even if Scientists state it because Meier said something else????

I am sorry but you are turning Meier into some Religious occult with all this Nonsensical Nonsense ( wow i used a Buzzword)

Its interesting you are back tracking a bit and saying now, the Universe isn’t physical as science thinks but it is no Hologram. I agree Hologram doesn’t sound appropriate but Physical is also inappropriate, maybe we need a new word Eh?

Shall we call it Material-Holographic or MaterialGraphic to be nicer to people who share deep beliefs? IMO it seems you only allow for it to be a little less physical than realized so you can get to substantiate all that Stuff Meier does like Writing to Arhat Athersata, Why talk to Arhat and not Petale if Petale is Smarter?

As for you Michael

Yes, You are more on Par than Melissa but Melissa doesn’t get it. You seem to Get it Mike but your interpretation doesn’t. call it physical, non physical etc but your description seems to match the beliefs of Scientific geniuses like Tesla. As for a Contest, Yes it does piss me off a bit when you know nothing to the great minds of Douglas Hofstadter who wrote Godel Escher Bach (Kurt Godel, Ms escher, Bach the musician) etc who advocated for the Universe Holographic model (without using that word) in Favor of a couple of paragraphs from Meier. To you, Meier is 100 Real or 100 Fake, to me that is as good as being infallible. Blah blah, Meier hasn’t been wrong yet? how do you know, you take his words at Face Value…

calling Tesla a Con man is ludicrous, Without that Tower Tesla Legacy was nothing… Saying Free energy is conspiracy is ludicrous.. Solar energy is free energy, ever heard of Solar panals, Solar panels??? what about Beamship propulsion electromagnetic??? Borrowed energy from the universe?? it is still free?? Tesla was borrowing the energy of the universe from his Antenna… he built death rays and also invented lasers… It is not speculative… “Oh but it is not free, you would still need to buy light bulbs” is that a Joke? have you heard yourself… Least you don’t put no cash in your electric meter… Geez

When Meier knocks everybody in history but Adolf hitler and Nostrdamus, what does that tell you??? Why ridicule the scientific minds of the earth for speculative Plejaren contact?? and calling people like Graham Hancock a drug addict only make me chuckle.. least he doesn’t just sit on his bum like the Armchair scientist hurling insults at every great mind in history by accusing them of all sorts and every person who doesn’t succumb to the cult 100 percent. Hancock is an archaeologist who works hard… maybe science is speculative but least he gets his hand dirty. He smokes cannabis and DMT to help open doors to the mind.. he is on our side… the peoples. Hancock has never heard of Meier, how is it is fault?? he is siding with the people by being open minded… You Ridicule Ancient aliens yet admit all ancient monoliths was instructed and built by aliens from orion Inc the Nazca lines… The Irony

Tommy Fury

Talking of Contests… i actually nearly this contest recently but came second…… it was a dating competition….

Mike, Eminem, What ever preference you prefer, i will tell you this. I have already picked a Subject. Tesla and it can’t be argued with. Tesla was a man of exceptional talent, and he was very well known for his Wycliffe tower. Without it, Tesla wouldn’t be Tesla. he invented the Tesla Coil, The Tesla Tower, Tesla car, contributed to the remote control etc etc.

Free energy has a ring of truth to it, just like Meier Moon landing Hoax, Though i can’t see Meier had factual information from his Alien Friends because if Meier is indeed telling the truth and is factual, that means Nasa (All of Nasa) was in on the Hoax, Skeptics have debunked that theory to smithereens. A conspiracy is possible but nothing on a Grand Scale. The Conspiracy would be the Footage was Fake and nothing else.. The Apollo 11 events would be documented as real… Buzz Aldrin admits Apollo 11 was real even to this day… Since your so against conspiracies, Why still go against Buzzes words? The Great Buzz who hasn’t been to space? The Great Buzz who inspired Buzz Light year?

Are you calling Neil, Buzz and Michael Liars?

That’s a Big Claim…

It seems out of your character to do such a thing…
If Meier changed his claims as of 2020, WOULD yours change to???

You might not realize it but i aren’t just another one of Meier fans, Skeptics, Dolts, etc i am very unique, so unique i could just be an under developed mind of someone as Great as Tesla or another one of my so called heroes, but i have yet to get there… i live in an unusual part of the world that is as bizarre as living under ground Mount Teide. or In a Sacred mountain in Tibet, or even on the Isle of Man, or even HY Brasil.. who knows??? who i am and where i am… i could even be the reincarnation of the spirit of Tesla for all you know and my ways of knowing that is off limits to anyone..

Having said that, you could be the reincarnation of Ted bundy or Jeffery Epstein (Grins) So my point could remain invalid unless proof is Shown…

Anyway my dear (Grins) lets pick the moon landing or tesla to debate.. Off you go my dear, Don’t rush speaking to me My dear dear friend, i will even wait for you to make a nice hot cup of coco before we mildly discus certain topics but let me remind you i am only using my apple watch when typing all THIS so. i can’t be on top form in my debates..

Sorry about that old chap

Thomas Furious

By referencing old CR isn’t debating in your own words how the Moon landing Hoax is Legit? I have read that report and still have the Question how can all of them be in with it? if they aren’t then how could A couple of people fool everyone at Nasa. Explain in your own words.

By reading that report, there is more surprising inaccuracies, because it tells us that Wherner von Braun, Hitlers top corrupt scientist and Walt disney was behind the Moon landing fraud, no mention of Stanley Kubrick. And it states, Hitlers top scientist sidekick, Ernst Stunlinger was beamed up in Semjase Spaceship while flying to America.

isn’t this breaking 2 rules?? Entering The USA, and leaving the mission in Europe behind and having direct intervention with Earth members, which is altering earth events.
Also the Moon landing Hoax will always remain secret even by 1000 of yrs according to the report. Why does not the plejaren get the truth out of these 3 fraud astronauts if she can get a frightened scientist to confess????

It also seems by this report the Plejaren only knew the Moon swindle due to someone confessing it? Why go to America in the first place then? And why would the Plejaren who are a million steps ahead of the game not know until a Scientist confessed? How do we know he isn’t lying to them?

Melissa Osaki

Hi Thomas,

There are certain things in the contact reports that can’t be proven point blank. There are many other things that can. You have to look at the whole picture and consider the means, motive and opportunity. Why would Billy provide all this information and what has he gained by going public? It seems to me that he’s gained harassment, intimidation and attempted murder among a few. He certainly hasn’t gained what one would call riches. You really have to consider these things when looking at the material as well as all the scientific, environmental and geopolitical corroborations.

No one on this blog can make you “believe” anything. This is something You have to do for yourself out of personal responsibility. Of course, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.


Thomas Furious


when someone fails to get accurate data or information like the typo or Pleiadian Error like “August 20″ Not ” July 20″ that is unforgivable . it is not something very amazing or complicated to get your head around, it is an obvious inconsistent in either MEIER Story or Michaels Typewriting.

Semjase in America is against the rules ,

so when a Massive contrivance happens like that, it is noteworthy to be skeptical of MEIER claims. Unfortunately on this site, Everyone mind is already made up the case is 100 real undeniable, so by the small chance if meier was making it up, we would be all fooled.

Unfortunately, Until Mainstream Science accepts this and/or world leaders have met these creatures which has somehow been broadcasted and the Zoo Hypothesis has been Lifted, we will never know truly and fully if meier is indeed telling the truth, no matter how strong our faith is.

Melissa Osaki

Please see my previous comment. Thanks

Tommy Fury

Hi Michael

I am in no way denying Billy Meier has not contacted any Plejarens and i am not inaugurating anything else. i just wanted to know how the moon landing information can be fake? i read the report and it makes sense, but isn’t it “Easier said than done” i wanted you to fully explain how this attempt went under way. i only can assume you don’t know but is unimportant as the fraudulent event taken place and Meier is of course Right..

Analysis is Very important to Meier which is why we should be so skeptical and questionable in regards to the CR Claims. i don’t understand what Semjase is doing in america and i don’t understand why she is contacting Government Scientists. this is against the rules no?

I am well aware of your responses, so responding to me the way you did is hardly surprising, however it doesn’t mean my mind isn’t racing with confusion. Semjase in America ? Huh?

isn’t Semjase only allowed to enter America unless Time Travel is involved??? Such as the San Francisco bridge.
Why no mention of Stanley Kubrick? and Why state August 20 1969 when it was July 20 1969??

Melissa Osaki

Again, it’s this inability to connect the dots and look at the larger picture that absolutely cripples folks. You get stuck on something completely irrelevant to the larger purpose at play here. There are always going to be things in this case that make you wonder and scratch your head. Every single person who is a part of FIGU will tell you the same thing because we’ve all experienced it. It is only when you start to dig deeper, while practicing meditation and study of the Spiritual Teaching, do things really start to fall into place.

The internet generation has a very hard time with connecting the dots, anticipating outcomes and understanding the larger perspective. I know this very well because I work with many in these age groups. I’ve tried to mentor some of these folks because it pains me to see such inability to process information and think about the larger picture.



The first law of thermodynamics, also known as Law of Conservation of Energy, states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed; energy can only be transferred or changed from one form to another. All Meier is saying is that energy is not free, it comes from somewhere. Solar panels are NOT free energy. The panels are exchanging energy from the sun…? Just because a system may be highly efficient and environmentally friendly, does not make it “free energy.” Rather it is energy aligned with nature.

“Free Energy is defined in the mainstream as a thermodynamic quantity equivalent to the capacity of a system to do work.” Again this deals with efficiencies in the transfer of energy, not that the energy is “free” and not exchanged from somewhere or something else. The term “free energy” is sloppy. It deals more with the economics of machinery. That is why Meier does not like it.


Tommy Fury

Ah i see M8. Depends on how your looking at it though don’t it M8. i wasn’t looking at it like that. You are Correctly right in Your Explanation. energy can’t be created so if you believe there is a Machine that can create energy, then the person lacks a understanding of Science. it doesn’t matter how Advanced you are, it is universally impossible.

I was actually telling someone that the other day on YT but they didn’t seem to believe me. Haha. i was just defending Tesla by defending his Extraordinary Genius. Watch the Tesla experiment documentary and be prepared to be blown away.

I think it is Semantics, From what we term as a Hologram or what we term as Free energy, it turned out me and Melissa actually agreed with each other but our definitions or descriptions was different.

Free energy machines (if exist) wouldn’t be Free but borrowed or received energy from the Universe which is what the Tesla tower was doing. JP morgan would not fund the project because he was a Capitalist moron who didn’t want the world to get rich with him.. Tesla was actually receiving information from Extraterrestrials in his Visons, which gave him the wisdom to build what he did. i personally discount the claims of him being an Alien but saying the Plejaren or other species was putting things into his head via thought impluses and Storage banks is Very Plausible.


Tommy “gun,”

It’s M1 not M8. 23 or 2+3 or 2/3 or law of 5 or 666. Even M9 would be more accurate.


Tommy Fury

i am From England, We say M8 meaning Mate. i am not Australian. Australians use it slightly differently as in Good day Mate. over here, men say it all the time to other men. Sexual Identity


Mate? Okay friend. I am a Yankee.

When you got the “M” thing right I thought for a moment that you were on to my puzzle (spell)… only to be something as innocent as short form used everyday.


Ned Duke

Tomm the Furry says, “Hancock is an archaeologist who works hard”.

Absurd and troll bait.

Hancock claims to be a reporter/investigative journalist who threw Samual Noah Kramer, one of the experts on Sumerians, under the bus on the Joe Rogan show because Hancock’s pet fascination with 14500 bc as the mother of all arguements. This makes sense as Graham has a grudge against Zahi Hawass, an actual archaeologist, who didn’t buy into the baloney and superficial arguments constructed by his co-hoodlums with Egypt 20 years ago. Repeating 14500 bc over and over again like some ayahuasca mantra doesn’t make it more true than when it was first postulated.

Also, you don’t like whatever Billy Meier has stated and guess what, big whoopie doo. Don’t post here pretending to be part of some spiritual/UFO sleuth audience when you were never following what’s in the material in the first place. You have this wierd idea of what Billy Meier had stated and what was stated. Your ideas on Billy Meier are 10 years out of date and were never true in the first place.

If there was this massive audience backing Hancock and the other aburdities you mentioned we’d be in a different discussion right now at a different place. Except, that UFO/spiritual audience isn’t there and a phantom. Instead, it’s an audience people have pretended to have existed and claim it on blog posts and forums as if that would make it true.

Tom Fury

it is “Tommy “The Beast” Fury actually i am a

NOTE: Since “Tommy” isn’t a real person, i.e. doesn’t have a verifiable email, online identity, etc., he won’t be commenting here anymore.


Andrew Grimshaw

definition of a hologram, β€œa three-dimensional image formed by the interference of light beams from a laser or other coherent light source”

There is a very easy way to prove that we reside in a β€œHolographic Universe”, all one has to do is stand in front of a speeding train or speeding bullet directed at the forehead and wait a few seconds before taking the video of the results on a world tour!

Melissa Osaki

Yep, folks can have whatever beliefs they want. The truth remains a constant value.

Xila Clark

The Plejaren received new technology and were allowed to revisit some of those persons in question which were found out to be liars. I think it was that their previous technology only allowed them to only go so deep in accessing someone and they admitted that they had also been under the assumption that human beings always tell the truth. So even though some in question really believed what they claimed, the technology was able to go deeper to find the truth.
As with everything, even science, new understandings and clarifications are a constant.

Barry Smith

The missing link that the earth human being is not aware of, for those who haven’t studied the spiritual teaching —- the negative swinging waves of over 9 billion people and their effects on nature , the climate , the flora , the fauna , animals, etc.

Carolyn Snyder

I think it would be helpful for the forum, for those who are insulting posters who don’t “belong” to the group to refrain from using scurrilous words like “asinine”, “stupid”, “idiot”, and I’m sure you get my point here. Nothing is being accomplished with this kind of obvious bullying. It seems like you only want to interact with yourselves in the same old way, going over the same old stuff, the same old ideas and flogging that dying horse “overpopulation” to an early death.

Also, some of your English is substandard, particularly the spelling of ordinary words. I suggest that if you want to be taken seriously in the English speaking world you clean up your written English! Your use of the language borders on the ridiculous. In fact, you show your relative lack of good education and this may account for some of the attitude I have personally experienced in this forum.

Linda, clearly you and I are not welcome here as this forum is only used as propaganda for Meier’s “mission”. It is not tolerant of “outsiders”. I don’t fear banishment at all. . . . .I have learned in life that if my welcome in a place runs out, it’s better I find another place. Best wishes all.

Melissa Osaki

Carolyn, if what you are saying is nonsense, you should expect someone to say so. There are no safe spaces in the real world. Should you just post your unsubstantiated claims without anyone responding to them?

If you had one shred of evidence for your claims, that would be different, but you come on here talking about things that are clearly idiotic and wonder why folks say anything. This blog is about the Billy Meier case. You are certainly free to have your beliefs, but we are certainly free to call out the idiocy in the claims that you make.

Going forward, please substantiate your claims about FIGU, Billy and all your other beliefs, or we will not be posting them.

Andrea Logue

I ❀️ U Miss Melissa, kick’n butt for the TRUTH. Looks like it’s been an exhaustive day on the blog, have yourself a peaceful evening!

Melissa Osaki

Awe, thanks Andrea. Salome to you as well!

Luis Sanchez

Carolyn, theirs only so much living fertil soil on earth , square footage per living life then it’s even less (because there’s a per square footage of fertil land per human requirement according to arahat athersata book). Also to mention the plejarens/ the federation Billy, personally assisted so much in preventive measures from deflecting asteroids, removing the intelligence from under the great pyramid, preventing the malicious ones from the Pegasus, stoping the detonation of a time bomb connected to earth on the far side of andromeda, anotated historical events in accuracy
Provided medical, sociological, ecological imperative information. High level storage bank recovery of information for the benifits of assisting the evolution on earth, assisted the the laboraious undertaking of assisting in the annotations of the all the encompassing teachings…this doesn’t including sending impulses for technology and technical development as well. And impulsing science fiction writers to inspire better things, thank you isn’t enough, a dinner and glass of wine to toast to them isn’t enough. You know what’s enough?…the whole earth actually listening one day to be capable to thank them in person and continue the path of human development and not human destruction. I’ve learned more from life and beyond from these groups of people more then anyone else in my entire life I’ve every come accross.

Carolyn Snyder

“Impulses” and “storage banks”. . . . now how are these “scientific”??? What kind of a machine is a “storage bank”? You folks have a strange definition of “science”. You say, that the extra-terrestrials sent thought impulses in the form of some kind of wave energy into certain individuals to inspire them to create things. Where is the scientific proof for that? It is all conjecture. . . . could possibly be true or not. We really don’t know, do we? At least I don’t see any scientific basis for asserting that ET’s are “beaming” thoughts at us. We have to rely on Billy Meier’s testimony for that. . . . so everything hangs on what Meier said. There is no scientific proof of any of this. And “storage banks”? What exactly are “storage banks”? Is that some kind of great machine in outer space somewhere which collects all our thoughts and memories and stores them, much like a giant computer? Is it visible? Is it tangible? Can one visit it? What is a “storage bank”?

Melissa Osaki

You’re just being silly now. You’re making no sense at all and showing everybody your inability to THINK or make connections with A, B and C. I see this over and over again with the majority of people who can’t comprehend how things work. It’s really sad that the people have sunk into such non-thinking idiocy. They can no longer anticipate, work out, detect, research, calculate, see the big picture or make any sense of the world around them. We truly are on the brink and it’s not going to be pleasant folks.

We can’t help you if you don’t help yourself.

Carolyn Snyder

Well, this much is clear Melissa, you certainly have never seen such a “storage bank” and you are not able using your own words to explain what it is. I rest my case.

Xila Clark

Hi Carolyn, Impulses are sent to people to invent new things is my understanding. An example would be the Wright Brothers Flying Machine. Check out the other half a dozen people around the world who had the same impulses during the same time period. Ask yourself why no one was impulsed one hundred years before that with these “ideas”.
Storage banks are accessible and my own proof is that my practitioner told me things about myself that she couldn’t have possibly known. As opposed to the occult witch I went to 30+ years ago who could only get things out of me by asking questions and much of it was flat out wrong.

Carolyn Snyder

Yes Michael, now I must point out that you have brought up the subject “Catholic” and “religion”, which I have not! I do my own thinking, and no I wasn’t raised as a Catholic, I was raised by a Nazi father (German “son” of Hitler) and a Canadian mother, who was a music teacher, and not at all religious. I actually came to Catholicism because I was opposed to the Nazis and everything they represented. Some of the staunchest opponents of the Nazi regime within Germany were Catholic priests and bishops. The people who have not studied history at all would be ignorant of all the processes which led to the terrible genocide against the Jews which we now call “Holocaust”. I began to realize that only by going to the inside of the Catholic church would I be able to explore the otherwise hidden realities and politics which are closed to outsiders. So for me this has been a long journey, and not motivated by religious feelings as much as a need to find out the how’s and the why’s of how the Church of Rome works. I am a historian and have an M.A. in history from the University of Toronto. Because I know the history of the twentieth century, I see how Billy Meier fits into the history, and what his role seems to be.

I am no friend of atheistic forms of government. . . . such as Communism or Fascism. What brought down the Iron Curtain in Europe in 1989 was the efforts of the Catholic church working through Poland, its priests and bishops. We can also thank the Church of Rome for the re-unification of Germany in 1989, with the fall of the Berlin Wall. For us Germans (I am half German) it was the most significant event for us, seeing that wall come down and families being reunited.

Politically, now I am thinking of what I read in the “Zeitzeichen”, Billy Meier is someone who seems to support Communism in some form. He has unending contempt for the European Union and seemingly unending contempt for all our western democratic governments, and seems to wish the worst on us. I can in no way support that agenda and the attempt to undermine the fragile stability of the West. I have no love for Russia, remembering the terrible atrocities committed against German women in Berlin at the end of the Second World War. There is no way that I will ever support the idea of Russian world domination. And I guess in that way, I am obliged to support Donald Trump and his cronies, even though obviously the American government needs to be cleaned up! The Masons, well again, they helped to rescue the West from the Nazis. . . . so I don’t think we should come down too hard on them, do you?

Study the history. We don’t support the study of history in schools much anymore. Probably that’s part of the general attempt to dumb down the population as much as possible, in order to create unthinking clones who will follow instructions from a charismatic leader. Billy is such a charismatic personality and he has attracted some followers. Take care, learn the history and don’t be fooled!

Carolyn Snyder

Thank you Michael. Perhaps, someday, God willing if he lives long enough, I too will meet Billy Meier and have a chance to get to know him. If not in this life, then maybe in another!

Carolyn Snyder

By the way, that Pope you mentioned who “collaborated” with the Nazis was Pope Pius XII, who was also responsible for “saving” a lot of Jews. His collaboration was for the sake of helping Jews escape Hitler’s henchmen, and to save others from the death camps. Michael Hesemann wrote a book about this not too long ago. Regretfully, it’s not translated into English yet, but I’m sure that at some point it will be.

Terry Carch

I would add that the people from Russia have suffered very badly through centuries of brutal dictatorships over the centuries and are now learning the same way that we here in the US are learning that politics and relgions have no place on Earth. Trouble is that some of the people in Russia are still very devoutly religious thanks to Putin but I think very soon that will end as religions will end all around this world along with politics etc. The people of Russia are not the same people they were when they once had to live under an totalitian communist rule so trying to fight a war with Russia to me persinally is not the answer since they are now in the same boat as we are and are learning and struggling just as we are here in the US too. I think China will be the next country to ched ist brutal dictatorship son too and learn and struggle as Russia and the US are doing now. “Blaming Russia and China is very very wrong. You have to think of the people themselves not their stupid religious leaders and their stupid pioliticans who like all the rest of the worlds politics and relgions are so corrupt that sooner or later will have to just cave in and die out the sooner the better!”

Ned Duke

Mikhail Gorbachev singly and alone brought the end of the Cold War. Sorry, it was not Ronald Regan or anyone or anything else struting around the parade grounds claiming victory and ignorantly failing the grasp the significance of one of the Soviet Union’s own members to bring about a change of that magnitude. This was proven recently by Stephen Kotkin (a real scholar) and something Quetzel the alleged Plejaran ET unequivocaly stated to Meier in the Henoch Prophecies. The significance of Gorbachev seems to not have percolated much and continually ignored with its the implications and self-congratulatory manner folks ‘remember’ that time to their own detriment:

“241. The Soviet Union will be dissolved in this decade or at the latest by the beginning of the next.
242. The man decisive for this action will be Mikhail Gorbachev.”

More revealingly Ptaah says THIS:

“485. Thus, he will continue his positive reforms, even against all adversities that are placed in his way, whereby in particular, the power-hungry Boris Yeltsin will become a talking point, in terms of hostility against Gorbachev.
486. But unfortunately, many are not as strong in their truth conviction and in their actions as Mikhail Gorbachev, which is why many fall to the hostility of the sectarian forces, either in the way that they fall into doubt and dissension or in that they become sick in consciousness and confused and overtaken by delusions, as this becomes more and more prominent the more that the time approaches the point when the power of the worthless number, 666, openly manifests itself by force, namely in the sense of the murderous, criminal, and destructive power of sectarian Christianity, which, in many respects, holds the lethal value of 666 in itself, as you know very well.
487. The Anti-logos will become more and more apparent and will demand more and more victims, from which also group members will not remain spared, but also not many outside of the groups, who strive for the real creative truth and for the observance of the creative laws and commandments.”

Terry Carch

“I think this is the very reason we MUST do away with religion and politics otherwise we will end up with this sinister 666 and biochiping as soon as possible if we don`t band together NOW the sooner the better off we will be!”

Linda Goodman

Thank you for your kind words, Carolyn. After this experience I’m convinced that the ‘Plejarens’ are very much human and aligned with globalism. And I hadn’t realized until now that they also promote man-made climate fear, so no surprise that Billy’s reportedly written a hit piece on Donald Trump, globalism’s public enemy #1, who’s derailed the climate fraud by withdrawing from the rapacious Paris Accord and rejected the insane ‘environmental’ regulations designed to destroy our economy and make way for an eco-fascist world government. Unfortunately it’s full steam ahead in Canada, Europe and Australia.

Although I expected the information I shared on Julian Simon to be greeted with suspicion, I assumed there’d be an effort to conform to the Plejaren philosophy with ‘rational and logical’ debate. So I was frankly stunned by Melissa’s bullying, wildly false and insulting assumptions and vicious ridicule, and how she and Michael wield their power to censor anyone for any reason. Basically the playbook of Silicon Valley and fascists in general; they certainly share the same goals – micro-managed control of humanity. And Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals #5 is clearly a favorite: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”

And such bigotry and contempt for entire groups of people, which history has proven never ends well. And the belief that you’re chosen by a higher power and superior to your fellow humans is typical of all religious cults.

I regret giving Bllly Meier any thought over the last 30 years. I was always a bit put off by the ‘Plejarens” contempt for the human race, which did set off those alarm bells, but I tried to reason it out as impatience for our slow evolution. But it was all just Billy, whose unusual history does hint at the possibility of sophisticated nazi mind control.

It was Climategate that freed me from ‘liberal’ smoke & mirrors and revealed the true villains, the eugenicist ‘elite’ who Blame the Victims for all their crimes – ‘overpopulation that requires a ‘final solution’. Then I recognized the alignment with the ‘Plejarens’.

The shared ‘utopian’ wet dream of ‘the elite’ is carved in granite in multiple languages, per ‘karmic law’; it seems they must ‘respect’ our free will and inform ‘the masses’ of their intentions. Isn’t that special? And now I see that the ‘Plejarens’ are just the sci-fi branch of their twisted psychopathy.

And thank you for your thought-provoking comments, Carolyn. I was relieved at your assertion that the ‘Plejaren teachings’ have communist overtones; I’ve heard that some call it communitarianism – now that’s a mouthful. I suppose it’s to avoid any association with the genocide of 100 million people.

btw my mother was also Canadian and I posted some concerning information about Justin Trudeau here, but it was censored by our Dear Leaders for some inexplicable reason. I’d post it again but this whole comment may be censored. Actually, it may be anyway since free speech is obviously selective in these parts; all fascist systems do fear exposure.

I hope this comment reaches you! All the best!

Melissa Osaki

Hi Linda,

Since you feel that I’m bullying you, please see Michael’s previous comment. Thanks.


It’s very clear that you’re unable to respond to either my or other people’s points raised and that rebut your complete lack of knowledge of the extensive contents of the Meier contacts, even those few thousands of pages only available in English.

Instead, you want to plunge ahead with repeating, with parroting, the conspiratorial, irrelevant bilge from the β€œonline experts”. Most importantly though, what actual benefit will rummaging around in all that crap have for you in your life now, and in the lives of those you know?

Yes, we point out how unerringly accurate the Meier material has been and also how the spiritual teaching is indeed the key to our future survival.

You can be certain that if anyone is interested in playing ping-pong with you, they’ll respond to your supposed β€œquestions” and challenges, inaccurate and insincere as they may be.”


Carolyn Snyder

Hi Linda, I don’t believe that the Plejaren have a negative agenda for the earth, and I do think that their contacts with Billy Meier are benevolent, and that their intention was and is to be helpful to the human race. After all, we are their descendants and some of us hearken back to the ancient Lyran civilization. Some are Vegans, from the Vega star system. I believe myself to be of Lyran descent. I have wondered from time to time how the ancient Greeks fit into Billy’s cosmology. . . . I suspect they are Lyrans. Someone please correct me if you have any more definite information about that!

I do have a few issues about the conduit of information, the translator, if you will, that transmits the Plejaren knowledge to us. As I see Billy Meier he has a couple of roles here. First, he is a reincarnation of two people who the world knows as “prophets”. . . . the first is Henok (Henoch) and the second is Mohammed. From some of his written works, he lays out what are the “spiritual teachings” which were corrupted, as he says, by people who didn’t understand them. These corrupted teachings became the Koran, which is the foundation for the Islamic religions. I say “religions” because there are many brands of Islam. . . . some more tolerant and some very intolerant to other peoples and races. The second role Billy Meier seems to be fulfilling is that of a communicator between the race of Plejaren peoples and the earth. Why they chose him to be the communicator is explained in many of the contact reports. In any case, we are either to believe him and accept the whole package, as it were, or not. If his information is partially true and partially fabricated, then it presents a complex problem to sift through it and try to separate the truth from the part which he has made up out of his own thought processes. For him, this may be one and the same, as he may indeed think that what he thinks is accurate and true information. I am not in any position to judge him, and since I’m not in his mind, I don’t know what (of all that is presented) is fact and not fiction. Are his dates and names accurate? Are the events long ago accurately explained? We have nothing to use to verify his information, so it’s again left to the realm of “belief”; it’s up to the individual, whether to accept what is presented or not. For myself, I accept some things and reject others. . . . and this is what infuriates the “opposition” on this blog and other places where I have interacted with FIGU. They do not allow a person to pick and choose from the information presented. It’s either the whole package, or nothing. And this in itself bothers me.

The story of Atlantis, for example, appears in Plato and was written more than two thousand years ago. If I am confronted with disparities between Plato’s account of Atlantis and Billy’s account of it, I will sooner accept Plato’s account.

The third role I see Billy Meier taking, is that of a modern political revolutionary, a rabble rouser of modern times. His Zeitzeichen (online publications) are full of the most scathing critiques of almost every existing government. And he encourages everyone to literally take up arms against the governments of our time. In my eyes he is an anarchist.

The fourth role Billy Meier is playing is that of the prophet and seer. His predictions for the future of the earth are nothing less than catastrophic and leave no stone anywhere unturned. He predicts the collapse of the Catholic Church, the total collapse of the American democracy, the destruction of Europe through cataclysms that will flood most of the continent and England. However, his negative predictions don’t seem to include much of Asia. . . . Russia and China and even Africa emerge relatively unscathed from the future disasters. This in itself leads me to believe that he sincerely hates Democracy and Democrats, and would prefer to imposed some kind of atheistic dictatorship on the world. Religion of any kind is to be abolished. Well, folks, that’s what the Nazis and the Communists did, and we all know what happened to the unfortunate populations of both Germany and Russia under these respective dictatorships. Nazism and Communism are godless forms of government, devoid of compassion or even basic ethics. Now, I know this post (if it is posted by the moderators) will generate a huge assault on myself, for not providing “facts” and “science” and “quotations” to back up what I’m saying. So my early reply is, those facts are all at your fingertips, who are so schooled in the Meier material. I don’t have to dig through it all again and quote sentences from contact reports to back up what I have presented.

Xila Clark

Hi Carolyn, I think the reason you may not be able to “swallow it whole” is that you have preconceived notions of what truth is and these do not conform with Billy’s material. I think everyone has had this experience going through it. The truth is harsh. You don’t appear to like harsh as you feel you are being disrespected. Maybe harshness reminds you of your father and you just don’t like it.
If you want to know what happened to Atlantis you should read Otto Muck’s book as Billy says he’s the incarnation of Plato.
Billy has NEVER said “to take up arms” against governments or politicians. He HAS said we should start electing those of high values. The taking up of arms should only be for ones own self preservation.
What Billy predicts WILL affect the whole world. Understand that if positive predictions are made, they will be turned negative. That’s why Billy makes negative predictions, so they do have a chance at being positive or at least give us the chance to prepare.
How can you possibly think religion and politics are the answer? Ethics means doing no wrong and not even allowing any suspicion of wrongdoing. Politics in all earthy forms are about greed and advantage, even our beloved democracy. The reason Trudeau will win the election is because $595 million given to the media to help elect him. What kind of democracy is Canada anyway, when the election is already decided as soon as the votes are counted in Ontario? Why do the votes in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Colombia, Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut not matter in a supposed democracy?

Linda Goodman

Hi Carolyn.. Thank you for your enlightening observations! My main reason for posting here is that the fear of overpopulation and scarcity aligns with globalism and Julian Simon disproved both. And I was shocked to learn that Billy also promotes the man-made climate change fraud. My understanding is that he holds humanity responsible for the dismal future world he predicts, and not the small group of ‘elites’ who’ve taken control of all the organs of power over the last 100 years of technological progress. Blame the Victims.

And the claim here that Nikola Tesla’s inventions were worthless is interesting. It would mean that human evolution wasn’t thwarted by this small group of ‘elites’ and Plejarens have no such withheld technology to correctly share with us. That’s convenient. Yet the evidence that Tesla’s inventions were fully functional and suppressed, and that other inventors since have met the same fate and worse, is far more compelling than evidence of Plejarens communicating through Billy Meier.

Concerning the 666 prophecy, I know of nothing that fits the dual meaning quite like the fact that carbon is 6 protons, 6 neutrons & 6 electrons; the human body is mostly carbon; and globalists intend to replace cash with a carbon chip, presumably in the hand. They talked openly about it until Ciimategate derailed them for awhile. They intend to start slow, of course…
Carbon Chastity
“Only Monday, a British parliamentary committee proposed that every citizen be required to carry a carbon card that must be presented, under penalty of law, when buying gasoline, taking an airplane or using electricity. The card contains your yearly carbon ration to be drawn down with every purchase, every trip, every swipe. There’s no greater social power than the power to ration. And, other than rationing food, there is no greater instrument of social control than rationing energy, the currency of just about everything one does and uses in an advanced society.” – Charles Krauthammer, May 2008

‘Gorebull warbling’ is based on computer JUNK science, so isn’t it Perfect that Prophecy would take the form of REAL science? The Creator does have a sense of humor. :} I posted the carbon 666 fun fact here two days ago, along with info on Justin Trudeau, but it was censored. Can’t imagine why.

And of course the passionate opposition to human ‘overpopulation’ that Plejarens share with the ‘elites’, was literally carved into stone, or rather their intention to reduce it to 500 million was. So over 6 billion of us should not be here, once robotics can fully replace us. I wonder how many from FIGU will make the cut? They might want to take note that demonization of carbon dioxide is the means: forced migration into ‘low carbon smart cities’, where bio agents can be released to efficiently eliminate millions of ‘useless eaters’ at a time without the agents dangerously spreading. We’re talking psychotics, after all. Does Billy talk psychotics? The ones in expensive suits?

I do believe we’re being visited by benevolent entities from the Pleiades and elsewhere. The most convincing evidence, to my mind, is a 2001 press conference with retired military officers from across the world, who’ve testified that their nuclear facilities were messed with in ways far beyond the capabilities of terrestrial forces. They were asked at the end of the press conference why this might be so and all agreed that we’re being warned against nuclear power. Military minds are not inclined to be easily convinced, so their testimonies are all the more compelling, imo. Here’s the press conference if you’re interested:

This comment has already gotten so long, sorry! I just want to include this fascinating 3 part video series that presents compelling evidence that Atlantis is the ‘Eye of the Sahara’ – the Richat Structure. The evidence aligns perfectly with Plato’s writings so I thought you might enjoy it. The videos were made by an Iraq war vet inspired by ancient history, who goes by his first name, Jimmy; they’re posted on his Bright Insights channel. The first video went viral literally overnight, with millions of views and it even hit the British mainstream press; the follow up vids also went viral…
Part 1: The Lost City of Atlantis – Hidden in Plain Sight – Advanced Ancient Human Civilization
Part 2: This is How We Know Atlantis Existed…AND Where – Lost Ancient Civilization Hidden in Plain Sight
Part 3: Ancient Map PROVES The Lost City of Atlantis is The Eye of The Sahara – Ancient Civilization

Jimmy was inspired by the documentary Visiting Atlantis, made by an English couple from academia a few years prior. Their video doesn’t have the high energy of Jimmy’s, though it’s quietly compelling…
Visiting Atlantis Full Documentary

And so it is that ASTRONAUTS DISCOVERED ATLANTIS! Proving once again that truth is stranger than fiction. And AFRICANS WERE ANTLANTEANS, not surprising when you think about it. Interesting that Marvel Comics came out with Wakanda in 1966, one year after Atlantis was first seen by NASA.

[there’s nothing Officialdumb hates more than a prole threatening their Darwinian narrative; so Google and Wikipedia are on it, like hobos on a ham sandwich]

All the best, Carolyn!

Linda Goodman
Greenpeace Founder: β€˜Climate Change Crisis’ Is a β€˜Completely Made-Up Issue’

Today’s β€œenvironmental movement” subscribes to an anti-human ideology, observed Moore. He described his 1986 departure from Greenpeace following the organization’s shift from a β€œhumanitarian” orientation towards an anti-human one:
β€œBy 1986, the evolution that occurred was something I couldn’t live with…So I left Greenpeace, because we started with a strong humanitarian bent in order to save humanity and the environment from all-out nuclear war. That’s what the β€˜green’ is and the β€˜peace’ is in Greenpeace: the environment and people living peacefully.”
“By the end of the Save the Whales campaign and all the others, the rest of the environmental movement and Greenpeace, my fellow directors, were basically treating humans as the enemies of the Earth. It had switched over the years from humans being part of nature and part of what we were fighting for to being the enemies of what we were fighting for. And I don’t see it that way because I am an ecologist, and I understand that we all evolved from life on this Earth together. We’re all part of the same ecosystem and the same planet, and we shouldn’t look at it as if we’re separate from nature. We should look at is as if we’re a part of nature, and of course we are.”
“As time went on, I watched as Greenpeace evolved, basically hijacked by the extreme left. We were pretty centrist when we started. We were basing our positions on science and logic, as I saw it, and I’ve been a scientist all my life; that’s my orientation β€” not to make up stories and not to exaggerate unnecessarily. And I found that Greenpeace was just going off into this sensationalism and misinformation, and using fear to get people to send them money β€” fear that the world was coming to an end, which we hear repeated over and over and over again now with this final declaration by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that we have 12 years left until the end of the world. The fact is, people have been saying that since the beginning of time, and it never has and it never people, but they get away with it.”
“Through history, you see organizations that start of with noble causes β€” and this applies really often β€” they start off with a noble cause and they eventually evolve into a business, where fundraising actually becomes the most important goal because you’ve got to keep 200 people on a salary. When we started, we were volunteers. We didn’t have any salary. But as it evolved, that happens, people have to live, and people send money in for the cause that you’re promoting, and you become a business. But then the really nasty part happens. It turns into a racket, and that’s what’s happened with Greenpeace, and it happened a long time ago.”
β€œThe Al Gores are basically snake oil salesmen, charlatans. They are dealing in this complete hoax of a scare [about] the climate, and as you say, scaring young people into thinking that they’re going to die.”
β€œThe environmental movement as it was in the Sixties and Seventies is not really necessary anymore in North America or in Europe,” declared Moore. β€œIt’s done its job, and yet it’s perpetuating itself based on this so-called climate change crisis or catastrophe that actually doesn’t exist.”
“[They] invent ever-more far-fetched problems that in the end don’t really exist. The climate change issue is a completely made-up issue. Of course, the climate has been changing ever since the Earth was born; and, of course, it’s still changing now. It hasn’t really changed very much. People don’t even realize that 20,000 years ago there was a mile of ice on top of New York City and three miles of ice on top of Montreal. That change from then until now is substantial, but the little bit of temperature change that has occurred in the last couple of hundred years on the planet Earth is nothing compared to the changes that have occurred in the past over time. It is completely exaggerated, and it being used to scare people.”

“Our addition of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere is fertilizing all of the plant life on Earth, including all the forests and all the food crops on Earth, and we have something like a 30-percent average increase in the growth of plants over the last 50 years because of the CO2 that we’ve put in the atmosphere. CO2 is the primary food for life, and along with water, H2O and CO2, plants make sugar, mainly glucose, which is a carbohydrate, which is the basis for all the energy for all of life, beginning with photosynthesis.
If people just understood that basic fact, and the fact that CO2 is now lower than it has been virtually in the history of the Earth β€” because life has taken it out and deposited it in sediments, called fossil fuels, and carbonaceous rocks like limestone and marble and chalk, all of which contain carbon that used to be in the atmosphere or dissolved in the ocean where they were absorbed by living creatures to make themselves. Over time those creatures have fallen to the bottom of the ocean when they die, or have been buried in sediments on the land to form fossil fuels, and they have removed that carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and the oceans. So we come along after 4 billion years of this, and start burning some of the fossil fuels, and finally start putting some of the carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere where it came from in the first place.”
β€œ[Carbon dioxide] isΒ actually the main fertilizer and building block for life” The climate change narrative is β€œnot just fake news; it’s fake science,” Moore said. β€œThat is a fact, and I will put my reputation β€” 45 years as a scientist studying these subjects β€” on the line. I don’t get paid by the government to make up stories so politicians can scare the electorate into voting for them on the climate issue.”

Linda Goodman

Michael, to be clear, when I posted a link to the comprehensive Wired article on Julian Simon’s research on overpopulation and scarcity, I did expect to trigger some hostile emotions, but I also expected any responses to be rational and logical, in line with the Plejaren philosophy. And I wanted to be respectful and not seem combative for challenging Meier’s assertions, so I didn’t excerpt the article so as not to ‘get in any faces’ with the material. I figured anyone who’s curious would just check it out and/or maybe ask me a question or three. Or just ignore it.

Being ignored would have been preferable; I was personally insulted and ridiculed and accused of being a liar. Nearly all the responses were illogical, irrational and offensive and most offensive was Melissa, who seems to fancy herself a ‘rational and logical’ superior intellect, the opposite of how she presents. Her lack of self-awareness is almost comical, really. But sad, too.

I began to wade through the avalanche of appalling comments and responded first to the one or two reasonable questions. At that point I was accused of deliberately ignoring others and warned that I must immediately respond to everyone or be banned. Basically “You and your information are stupid, but read and respond to Billy’s stuff NOW or be DELETED!”

That was fine, since I’d ‘led the horse to water’ as I intended and I’m no fan of abuse, which is apparently the norm on this platform – actually reminds me of EST and Scientology – but I wished to correspond more with Carolyn Snyder, whose views I find enlightening – and isn’t that the ideal of any communication?

You wrote: “you’ll have to provide credible facts and figures”, yet there are DECADES of Simon’s facts and figures, so I posted links to his various areas of research so anyone who cares to can pursue what they’re most curious about. But you wouldn’t post the links, claiming they weren’t sufficient, when in fact the links lead to an abundance of riches! And there’s obviously more than one correct way to share information, so your reasoning doesn’t seem at all reasonable to me.

But to sum up Julian Simon’s research in one short paragraph: OUR MOST PRECIOUS RESOURCE IS HUMANITY. His facts & figures over many decades and 20 years since his death continue to demonstrate that when population grows, human creativity does too, which includes MORE innovation, MORE sustenance and MORE and better solutions to make a better world.
And the more free humanity is allowed to be, the better off we all become. The root of the problem is oppression, not population. Darwinism run amok.
But don’t take my word for it. I’m happy to re-post the links to Simon’s indisputable findings for anyone who cares to step outside Billy’s invisible electric fence and risk getting zapped by ridicule and insults.



Do you have any verifiable evidence for your claims and wild assertions? Enough is enough. Michael has repeatedly asked you to substantiate your claims with verifiable evidence.

Linda Goodman

Melissa: can I be frank with you? I think you’re an educated idiot, and I know from painful experience that it’s pointless to try to explain anything to an educated idiot, especially the zealot variety.

Melissa Osaki


…Many unwary people permit these denouncers and debunkers, know-it-alls and intrigants to mislead them. In so doing, the unwary actually enable those who deny our existence and undermine you and your mission for reasons of hatred, envy, religious-sectarian delusions, know-it-all attitudes, perpetual criticism, upgrading their own image, lust for admiration, arbitrariness, inferiority complexes, megalomania, feelings of superiority, a need to show off and the like. Also, the desire for financial gain, which is of particular importance to those individuals for whom money means everything, frequently plays an important role in this scenario. No intrigue or defamation, no lie or fraud is too low for them…

…Not only will you be included in these attacks from every corner of the globe, but all Core Group and Passive Groups members will be affected as well. Additionally, all your efforts to disseminate the truth and to fulfill the Mission will be increasingly defamed and affected. This also includes the efforts by the Core Group and the Passive Groups. Even the individuals’ personal rights and personal freedom and work may become influenced…

…You will all need even greater strength from now on as you face the defamations, attacks and false accusations, which will become ever more drastic because the time is now ripe for certain “elements.” Another reason may be that the attackers even sense setbacks in their passion to boast, their vainglory, arrogance, power hunger, greediness for financial gain, their fear, or in their deceitful actions to suppress the true facts which discriminate against the truth. You and your Core Group and Passive Group members will be subject to undue stress from now on and, therefore, the chaff will separate from the wheat. Those who are not completely on the side of the truth will fall by the wayside and drown in a sea of irrationality and the denial of the truth.

Xila Clark

Linda, would you like some cheese with your whine? You’ve admitted to posting for a reaction and then did nothing but complain when you got it. Melissa is a way better person than you could ever hope to be, as is Michael. Don’t go away mad, just go away.

Linda Goodman

Michael.. That phrase is based on Julian Simon’s factual evidence, it’s not just a ‘feel good’ sentiment.

And your viewpoint shows such sad contempt for humanity and entirely overlooks the cause of the rampant desperation you describe – a small group of rapacious ‘elites’ who have systematically caused devastation, nation by nation, like a cancer, dramatically accelerated over the last 100 years of technological advancements that have given them a tremendous advantage over nearly all of humanity.

At the same time they’ve suppressed advanced technology that could free all humanity to become the creative beings we were born to be. Instead, most humanity is still chained to poverty by design, because the ‘elite’ want the world to themselves and fully intend to reduce the world population to 500 million souls, once we’re fully replaceable by robotics, and before releasing any advanced technology to create the ‘utopia’ they’ve carved into the Georgia Guidestones for everyone to see.

And thanks to ‘elite’ control of all the organs of power, every effective attempt to improve the lives of the suffering on this planet over the last 100 years has been undermined and dismantled, while ineffective means are touted but never achieve success. There is a deliberate, slow genocide of the human population and Africa is the most appalling, overt example. Rich in natural resources and in ancient cultures that have been slowly destroyed by christian missionaries and by the money of the ‘elite’ and hapless taxpayers with no say, that pays criminal factions to attack their own, and allows big pharma to use it as a deadly laboratory, among other horrors. People forget or don’t even know that the worst criminals of nazi Germany were doctors & scientists, who were transplanted here, along with their ruthless philosophy.

One example of hundreds, maybe thousands of suspicious deaths of those who try to find solutions to suffering is the sudden death of Harry Chapin, who’d begun a charity to help feed the world that started to succeed. Six years later he was dead. And Julian Simon was on the verge of completely exposing the lie of overpopulation and environmental ruin – the foundation of the ‘new world order’ . And dead men don’t tell tales. Just summing it up briefly.

The ‘elite’ is an octopus with many tentacles that all work together under the umbrella of ‘globalism’. And their vast control includes the media, by way of five globalist multinationals. And that brings me to your PS – Live Science is also controlled by a globalist multinational. ALL major media, most NGOs and most government organizations, including public education are controlled by globalist factions that ALL promote the big lie of man-made climate change. The demonization of carbon dioxide is literally the foundation of world government, the ‘new world order’. It is the most effective means of controlling and restricting all humanity and all energy. It is the MONSTER of big lies.

In FACT, the ocean is the primary emitter of carbon dioxide and in FACT, more carbon dioxide means more plant growth, which means more food and more oxygen and cleaner air and a healthier environment and so on and so on. Nature is Powerful and Perfect and self-corrects as history has proven over billions of years.

And in FACT, carbon dioxide levels FOLLOW the rise in temps, they do not cause it, which was proven in court when Al Gore’s crockumentary was on trial. The judge found no less than 40 lies, but it served its purpose in scaring the hell out of millions of people, especially children. I volunteered for Al Gore in 2000, even gripped his love handles for a photo, so it was TOUGH finding out the truth through Climategate. Did you inform yourself or did you just believe the globalist media’s claim that ‘there’s nothing to see here, folks’?

So having had to face the painful reality that my heroes were villains, I have no respect for the intellects of people who ignore facts in favor of Beliefs. And I’m especially disgusted with people who cling to terrifying beliefs rather than admit they might have been fooled – or worse, have a ve$ted self interest in Believing. In any case, the climate change fraud is terrifying and WRONG. But what’s more terrifying is the eco-fascist world government planned for us if this fraud takes full hold of humanity.

And I posted the climate skeptics’ quotes because they’re scientists and other experts ignored by the media as though they don’t exist. The 97% consensus is a proven LIE, and the only way it’s protected is by steadfastly OMITTING the truth and those who tell it. Climategate exposed all this and the junk scientists who blacklisted all honest scientists who didn’t get on board – in collusion with the media.

Globalist Obama’s watermelon laws did a lot to destroy our economy and globalist Queen HIllary was going to usher in the new world government, but globalists unexpectedly lost the WH. Ironically Donald Trump’s win was a result of their ‘racist’ tactics backfiring, so internal polls were wrong. They showed Trump ahead, but millions of voters lied, afraid to be thought of as racists, so he was far more ahead than they knew. So their ‘fractal magic’, illegal voters and state-by-state DNC fraud wasn’t enough to beat him; it gave woefully UNpopular HRC the popular vote, but Trump won in an unanticipated landslide that overcame the election fraud. So globalist tactic #2 was “The Russians did it!’ and to call him illegitimate, weaken his mandate and divide the nation. And when you own the media you can sell whatever lies you want.

Donald Trump is not a globalist and not owned or controlled by anyone so his very first moves derailed the ‘new world order’, canceling TPP and the Paris Accord and bringing attention to the open borders that are destroying western culture and economies. The wars in the middle east were part of the long-range forced migration plan, and Trump has said many times that it would be FAR cheaper and far more compassionate to help these people reestablish their lives in their own countries. Of Course! But his common sense is steadfastly IGNORED by the globalist media that pushes the big lie that plays on people’s guilt about being charitable and compassionate.
Ruthless globalists in both parties are using good people’s emotions to support the open borders to serve their human trafficking racket and destroy America for their world government.

And the truth is, most Americans DO want strong borders, including legal immigrants who became citizens the RIGHT way. So the media just ignores them.

And although Billy supports borders, he supports globalism in nearly every other way.

Incidentally Donald Trump is the only person on the planet who’s offered common sense solutions for our economic problems for over 40 years and been asked for just as long by some very smart people to please run for president and fix our nation. There are a number of these interviews online that you can see for yourself, but some would rather close their eyes and ears and project their ignorance onto Trump supporters. The earliest video I’m aware of is this one in 1980, just a fluff piece, though Trump was more prescient than he knew; it was before he developed his tough New Yorker shell that the liars use to demonize him further.. why not demonize Ralph Cramden too? “To the Moon, Alice!” OMG He’s a MISOGYNIST HITLER!…

Linda Goodman

I didn’t ‘cut & paste’ anything, Michael. I took time away from other pressing obligations to respond to your opinions with my own opinions and some factual information. Your kneejerk response to anything you don’t like has been to call it a ‘conspiracy theory’. That’s just lazy and dishonest. And who has time for dishonesty? Especially when you have the power to simply DELETE my comments at will. If you have no awareness of fairness then it’s futile to converse with you.

But please, present factual proof of Meier’s claims of horrible humanity about to destroy the planet and ourselves. I’m genuinely curious.

Or maybe you’ll delete me now that I’ve responded in kind to you, as rudeness can only go one way in your little kingdom.

Melissa Osaki

You’ve had plenty of chances to provide evidence, but you insist on character attacks and avoidance of the REAL scientific evidence that was presented to you. You play the victim of “oh I’m being censored and bullied” when you’ve been free to call people names and spew your nonsense.

Unless you present some type of verifiable evidence, we will not be entertaining anymore of your opinion/hit pieces.

Linda Goodman

NOTE: Linda again posted a bunch of links that didn’t deal with the specifics raised.

For example, nothing to refute Meier’s SCIENTIFICALLY CORROBORATED information on the ozone damage, the oil/earthquake connection, nor did she even try to respond to the specific figures on the rapidly increasing population and its effects on natural resources, etc. Of course, she also ignored the report from …the Pentagon, giving point-by-point validity to Meier’s warnings about manmade climate change.

We’re leaving up her previous posts in case anyone wants to go through them and see if they can find specific rebuttals to the Meier – Plejaren information.

Recommended for Linda: Back to school.


P.S. I guess that the title of this blog also turned out to be…prophetically accurate, i.e. “We Told You So Moments”.

Carolyn Snyder

Linda, isn’t it perfectly clear than human kind is destroying the planet? The Pacific ocean is as good as dead, through decades of underwater nuclear testing and now finally the nuclear radiation coming off the dead nuclear reactors at Fukishima has finished her off. All the sea creatures are dying. Moreover the ocean is full of debris of every description and totally polluted. In China, Africa and South America populations are expanding at an intolerable rate; they are not able to sustain themselves. Sooner or later, we are going to come to the end of finite earth resources, and people are going to be hungry and fighting one another for food. Climate change, in my opinion is peripheral to the other issues: 1) the ongoing “poisoning” of the earth and its finite resources and 2) the increasing population which at some point will implode the earth’s resources, which are already imploding. Why are these illegal migrants coming to America and Europe? Why, because their own countries are destroyed and cannot sustain life anymore. Agriculture has been obliterated by ongoing droughts and these people are literally starving. They are beggars, and it behoves us as compassionate people to take them in and help them start a new life in a more prosperous part of the world. Moreover, many of the countries that have been destroyed were destroyed through political activities of other powers, be that the United States, China, Russia or Israel. We need to have some compassion for the suffering billions on our planet. If we don’t resolve this crisis soon, we (in the West) will be confronted with the same disaster in our more comfortable countries: crops will fail due to bad weather and other natural disasters, people will be starving and fighting each other like primitives for the next piece of bread. If you think it can’t happen here, you deceive yourself!

Linda Goodman

Hi Carolyn.. I’m well aware of the devastation and suffering across the Earth, but you’re blaming the symptoms and ignoring the cause. In other words you’re blaming the victims and ignoring the perpetrators: a small group of ‘elites’ with a long-range plan to form a ‘new world order’.

I’d elaborate, but there’s no point in spending the time if it won’t be ‘permitted’ . Censorship says everything about this cult of thought that unwittingly serves the same perpetrators.

Melissa Osaki

The elite plan for world domination does not include destroying the entire planet that they too have to live on. They have to breathe the air, drink the water and eat the food the same as we do. They also have secret plans to decimate the population because they already know that the severe overpopulation is not sustainable for the planet. The elite are responsible for a lot of the ills on this planet, but even they KNOW that overpopulation is the ultimate threat. If you ever listen to some of those bigwigs talk, they openly admit there are too many people on the planet.

Your theory falls short when one does the actual research into what’s causing the rising CO2, the melting glaciers and a whole host of other rapidly changing climate phenomena. The runaway greenhouse effect is not a theory and can be done as a science experiment.

The rapid deforestation, extreme overuse of fossil fuels, overfishing the oceans, garbage and plastic everywhere you turn are not symptoms of a small group of elites, but a huge problem caused by the massive 8 billion people on the planet.

Linda Goodman

Melissa Osaki: The ‘elite’ are certainly aware of the destruction they cause and they do not care. No doubt they have advanced tech to solve many of the problems they’ve created. And they’ve observed the population growth and have done nothing to stop it. If they’d simply made the cervical cap available to all females it would cut the birth rate dramatically. But the ‘elite’ consider humans a ‘resource’ to be used until we’re no longer useful. Once robotics are fully operational the population will be reduced to 500 million – it’s carved in stone for all of us to see. Do you think FIGU will make the cut?

The establishment of the Federal Reserve and the IRS in 1913 made war big business, the first big step in the ‘elites” long-range plan to create a ‘new world order’. War has devastated nations and ‘elites’ have funded their continued degradation, through criminal politicians and military to run totalitarian systems that force populations into poverty and desperation. And forced migration is the next big step, to destroy the west and the beacon of liberty to the world, America – the jewel in the crown of the NWO.

The cancerous ‘elite’ and their faithful servants are the perpetrators of worldwide misery and destruction, so of course they blame humanity – all villains blame the victim. And they must surely approve of FIGU.

Melissa Osaki

Overpopulation can’t be solved with advanced tech unless the tech is used to slaughter billions of people.

WHY do they need to get the population down to 500 million>

WHY don’t you address the causes of runaway greenhouse effect?

WHY don’t you address the REAL reason so many people are poor and starving?

WHY don’t you address the fish, birds, mammals and insects that are rapidly disappearing?

WHY don’t you address the earthquakes, volcanoes, sea quakes, floods, hurricanes, fires and other severe and violent storms that have rapidly increased?

WHAT, do tell, is causing all these things to occur?

Since we know for a fact that rapid increase of CO2 causes the planet to warm, we can logically deduct that going from roughly 3 billion to 8 billion people in around 50 years is what’s causing the global climate catastrophe. The single most urgent threat to the planet is and has been…overpopulation.
Giving birth control is a band-aide to the real underlying issues of religious delusion, greed, materialism, megalomania, hate, violence and hunger for power. Until we learn how to live in accordance with the laws of Creation, we will not fix these underlying issues.

By the way, we don’t need any more links to the opinions of Julian Simon.


MH and Melissa have both presented excellent counter arguments that would cause any reasonable person to at least consider some of the points. Instead, Linda is countering with the same thing over and over again… as if she is trying to sell us on her ideas. She thinks that just because scarcity does not exist in an economics equation because of market factors, that somehow this also extends to the natural world; and that somehow natural resources are not depleted, abused and polluted, because markets flow smoothly for the time being. Linda is NOT self responsible to herself and instead blames only the outside (elites) as if she is a perfect being who is without fault as a fat consumer; and certainly she is not self responsible as a guardian of the Earth since she can still buy stuff at the store while most of her brothers and sisters in less developed countries could do well for clean water, thanks to resource substitution and technology.

I find it interesting another poster here commented that the name “Linda Goodman” is from a deceased person. I think we are being trolled and Linda is not being honest with us or herself.

Linda Goodman

Melissa OsakI: I didn’t have time to respond to the other issue you raised til now …. Climategate exposed the ‘top global warming scientists’ at the University of East Anglia as junk scientists. Anthropological Global Warming [AGW] is the computer-based theory that carbon dioxide is warming the planet and it must be restricted to avoid out-of-control warming. And restricting energy is the means, and coincidentally the most effective means to control humanity. What we do, what we buy, what we use, where we go, how we get there.. everything we do depends on energy; and humans exhale C02 of course, so every one of us is allegedly putting the planet at risk.

In truth, heightened carbon dioxide levels follow warming, they doesn’t cause it – this fact was visually obscured by Al Gore in his crockumentary, which was put on trial and found to contain no less than 40 lies. More carbon dioxide actually means more plant growth, more food, more oxygen, cleaner air and a healthier environment. And the ocean emits the most carbon dioxide by an Incalculable amount. And the SUN is the driver of climate, not C02. And in fact, the climate is now cooling via the Grand Solar Minimum. Not great news since life does better in a warmer climate. Though it’s good news in the sense that it highlights the falsity of global warming, so they just renamed it ‘climate change’.

The demonization of carbon dioxide is what the nazis called a Big Lie.

But don’t take my word for any of this, you can easily confirm these scientific facts, they’re simply kept out of the globalist-owned mainstream and alt-left media, including the print media.

The truth IS out there, but the ‘elite’ control the flow of it, so all you’re meant to see is one side, the wrong side. the ‘consensus’ lie is the means to avoid debate, because the alarmists always lose. I posted a slew of honest scientists’ views, but it was censored. I’m happy to post it again. And there are some excellent books on the ‘other side of the story’.

And fyi, contrary to the repeated false accusation, skeptics aren’t being funded by big oil; in FACT, big oil supports the climate change fraud – they make more money for using less product. Literally money from thin air.

This was just a quick overview. I was an AGW believer myself until Climategate. It was a terrifying realization after 30 years of voting democrat and volunteering for Gore and Obama. What was terrifying? Realizing they’re all LIARS, all globalists who want a ‘new world order’ where only ‘elites’ are free. Realizing they have pure contempt for the rest of humanity. Read UN Sustainable Development – none of that applies to them. Haven’t you wondered why the ‘elite’ are completely unconcerned about their MASSIVE ‘carbon footprints’? They won’t sell their multiple mansions, cars, jets, their beach houses before they wash away with the rising sea levels. it’s all a FRAUD. Fear is a powerful manipulator. Know Thy Enemy.
A-listers flock to Google summit in private jets, mega yachts to talk climate change

Matt Knight

Linda, what did the “elite” have to do with any child you know in your life being born and please explain how?

Whilst I agree, history shows us that living bodies are stock commodities manipulated to over-reproduce by every power group you could name, this is proof that overpopulation does not serve us, it only serves them. Therefore, it’s completely illogical to suggest, as you have, that these same power groups, the elite, would advertise a lower figure of 500 million like it’s an elaborate “escape game” they’re playing and clue is only found in Georgia. There’s no evidence that they want us have any clue about keeping our numbers that low and the sectarian elite plot you are promoting on this blog is exactly what they want you to think, which is why the world’s going to hell in a hand-basket and very few know why.

There have been a few good messengers and your raging against these because it’s easier to just blame a faceless elite is weak and stupid.

I would recommend you doing more research about the climate, ice and oceans and a good place to start would be Paul Beckwith on YouTube videos as he reports regularly on recent scientific data.

P.S. Re. Harry Chapman. Billy stated that food aid is false humanitarianism as it causes more deaths and misery in poor nations than it solves because when all your basic needs are provided for, idleness leads to excessive reproduction, when the real, outside, conditions are feeding back that this is not in harmony with that immediate natural environment.

We each have see the world and know its, and our, limits and act accordingly.

Linda Goodman

I need to clarify something before anything else..

NOTE: No you don’t, Linda. Since you didn’t provide the requested verification of identity, and arrogantly think you can come here and dictate the way this blog works, you’re invited to get lost.

Feel free to whine and moan somewhere else…whoever you may be. Your rudeness and disrespect for people is completely unwelcome here.


Andrew Grimshaw

The know-it-alls are roaming in packs, of TWO (2), with they’re spell checkers on over-drive, sowing the seeds of UNTRUTH.

We are well aware that we will be accused as guilty of the very things that the accusers are.

Xila Clark

It’s the Grammar Nazis! The ones who look down their noses at anyone who dares make a spelling error or OMG a grammatical error because…that’s important to show how superior their education has been.
The rest of us will continue to make mistakes because that’s how we learn important non grammatical lessons.

Terry Carch

G-Day Mate sore for all my mispelled word words. A have Google spell checkers but last night i think I lost them and will have to restore the Google Spell checkers. sorry about that but I hate to type. I just wish we had all those Star Trek technologies such as voice commands and touch screens on pcs too if and when all these ideas rom Star Trek ever happen? Salome

Melissa Osaki

Maybe in another 20 years we’ll finally have touchscreens and voice commands. Keep your fingers crossed. Salome

Xila Clark

At work I have a touch screen for the computer but find that I always use the mouse instead lol.

Terry Carch

I fianlly got the spell checkers back on I hope?

Terry Carch

I finally got the spell checkers back on I hope?

Simon Walsh

Thanks Melissa πŸ™‚

Bruce Lulla

Dear Linda

Your premise that — “… when I realized that the Pleiadean/Plejaren philosophy [and the democrat philosophy] is aligned with the globalist agenda of an eco-fascist, techno-totalitarian world government. And man-made climate change and overpopulation are the frauds it’s dependent on.” — is wrong, period. No truth can possibly emerge from a wildly incorrect starting point.

Firstly, if you had read and understood the Meier material, you would know there are no Pleiadeans and why, and therefore to write “Pleiadean/Plejaren ” is error #1, i.e. lie # 1.

Then you equate the Plejaren’s words, which you call philosophy, with the “democrats” philosophy, and I assume you mean the current Democratic Party in the USA. This is absurd beyond compare and with that you don’t present your case, whatsoever, to prove that there is the tiniest shred of similarity between the Democratic Party’s philosophy of profit and power with the Plejaren’s ‘philosophy’ of living in accordance with creational-natural laws and the recommendations emerging from the natural laws of creation, so that it will go well with the human being and all forms of life on planet Earth and throughout the universe.

Then you make yet another absurd statement beyond compare, that there is no such thing as overpopulation, without citing a shred of evidence for such a conclusion.
Instead of accepting the words of some guy, whether your overpopulation guru Simon, Meier, the Plejaren, X, Y or Z, all you’d have to do is keep your eyes and senses wide open.

I have been here for 63 years. When I was born, the global population was estimated at 2.8 billion. If you accept official statistics, the global population stands at 7.7 billion, which is nearly triple the number at my birth.
I can tell you that as a child, even from my small vantage point, it seemed like there were plenty of human beings populating this world and now it seems obvious to me, that the place is way too overcrowded. That is no scientific study but my own sense of things and that’s what I go by. It just so happens that my view aligns with Meier’s view on the subject and that his thousands and thousands of words on the subject make complete sense to me and hold logic like a leakless cup holds water.