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Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival

Don’t Donate a Dime

Here’s why one shouldn’t give money to environmental organizations

Before you, as a person truly concerned about the environment, donate a dime to any environmental organization I suggest a couple of things. First, you might want to ask if everyone involved in their organization is a volunteer, or working pro bono, or if donations also go to cover salaries, etc.*

While that will tell you a little bit about them, you may as well…stop there. Why? Because, as far as I have been able to determine, there isn’t even one so-called environmental group or organization that has a clue about the real nature, cause and true extent of what’s no longer climate change but is now unstoppable climate destruction.

Also, all that the governments – who supposedly can and should “stop this thing” – actually will do is find ways to impose taxes, levees, fines and penalties for the purpose of raising money (i.e. taking it from you) that will do nothing meaningful except mainly go to…them.

Forget it. Don’t waste your money on things that money alone can’t fix and that governments have long demonstrated ineptitude in addressing. The return on investment is very low and, more importantly, even the little victories are giving a false sense of enthusiasm and progress. It’s too late to overcome this massive problem with any of the means being employed.

Of course, the argument can be made that there are groups and individuals fighting the good fight, trying to make a difference, etc. Certainly, join with them and with others who want to pool and contribute their resources and mutually decide how they will be spent. But in the coming years and decades, everyone will have to face and deal with the inevitable, sobering realities of the climate destruction in order to assure their own future survival.

As much as we like to rejoice in small victories, we may as well prepare for the inevitable sense of let down and futility that we cannot long stave off.

The real truth is quite often harsh, and it’s all the more harsh since it’s basically been suppressed, covered up, sugar-coated, etc. So, let me say it again. The climate destruction is now unstoppable and no amount of feel-good strikes, marches, concerts, impassioned speeches, costly and hypocritical climate conferences, etc., is going to significantly impede the juggernaut and all its expected, and unexpected, manifestations.

What will be required from here on, if one hasn’t already embarked on this course, is to create cooperative, healthily interdependent relationships with like-minded people, who will share and exchange useful survival skills, including the growing of foods, building of homes and shelters, sanitation, healthcare related services, various kinds of barter, etc.

The actual core of the environmental problem is the unbridled, ever-increasing overpopulation. As unpopular as the recognition of the undeniable cause has long been,  so long has the inevitability of the climate destruction proceeded unimpeded. Never even considered in real terms is the staggering reality of over 20,000 births per hour worldwide, let alone the inhumane and far-reaching discrimination against women to whom birth control, and the right to use it, is denied around the world.

And not a one of the environmental groups that I’m aware of will even acknowledge these inescapable, causal realities. After all, most rely on your donations and even the truth itself must be subservient to the almighty dollar, as usual.

Please watch this important video and understand that the impeccably accurate, ceaselessly fulfilling warnings contained within it actually date back to 1951, when at 14 years of age, “Billy” Eduard Albert Meier began disseminating them worldwide.

Now – if you think you can handle it – read the most comprehensive, detailed, never before known, actual facts and figures about the REAL, unimaginably monstrous magnitude, of the now truly UNSTOPPABLE climate destruction and its causes, known and not known, in excruciating detail…here.

The people were warned…and did they listen?

*This organization has a paid staff of about 200 people.


See also:

Catastrophic Events Threatening Humanity

Greta Thunberg, Phony Environmentalism and Famine

The Now Unstoppable Environmental Destruction

Enviro-Nazis Censor Dissident Environmentalist

The now unstoppable external events fulfill as they must, because of the unreasonableness of humankind for far too long. For those who wish to remain alert and clear-headed in the extremely demanding coming times, nothing is more important than learning how to think. Our thinking determines everything about how well we live our lives and in fact our thinking is what forges our destiny.

The Way to Live

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George Champaninh

I remember a reading long ago about the shams these companies were, but I cant remember which contact report it was. However, you can consider these companies simply pyramid schemes. The money is collected and paid out from the top down.

These donation companies have been around long enough that you’d think they’d have some sort of establishment to house people that are having the issues that said donations are to support.

Xila Clark

Whenever charitable organizations call I ask how much of the donation goes toward administrative costs. Once I was told 92%, only 8% goes towards the actual cause? Reminds me too much of the Haiti Earthquake relief in which the Clinton Foundation only gave 9% of the total received to the Haiti government.
The federal carbon tax is going to be hard not to pay when the Canadian Liberals get reelected next month, as it will be imposed on us.
The climate destruction is a reality and Greta has only muddied the waters with her 4 bandaid solutions of not flying, go vegan, be an activist, vote.

Melissa Osaki

Why do people keep voting these thieves and liars to office? That’s what baffles me.

Xila Clark

Well Melissa, here’s my first hand experience in municipal government. I find that it’s always well off people who don’t work (or have never worked) who have the time to do it. The most unaware people of what the citizens want or need. They parade around as do-gooders who pretend to want to fix things but once elected are told right away they can’t. There are proper procedures, laws and bylaws you must follow and that’s the way it is say the unelected bureaucrats who are really running the show. The elected officials are told that you must keep everything away from the citizens because they could potentially do a lot of damage if they find out certain things, so all must keep hidden. It might even destroy their “impeccable” (meaning never having accomplished anything in their lives) reputation and that’s something no person wants and will do everything in their power to stop it. Eventually it becomes that the citizens are the enemy. That’s government in a nutty nut shell at all levels.

Xila Clark

Thanks MH, will do.

John Webster

It’s not new news, Xila … it’s the way things have always been done in government. Earlier I asked about the party-ticulars in the Swiss way of doing governance. Is there any difference? My guess … ya have to go live there to see first hand.

Xila Clark

I never said it was news John Webster. In case you didn’t notice I was replying to Melissa’s comment. No, it wasn’t always this way, people used to care about the citizens. The only thing that has changed is overpopulation.
Billy gives a detailed expose on the Swiss government.

Melissa Osaki

You are so right about that, Xila. I hate to say it, but many of the well off people are clueless and live in some bizzaro world of make believe. I live near Silicon Valley, and as you probably know, many of the wealthiest snobs live out here. Talk about delusional, greedy, materialistic and completely unaware, this place tops the list. I can barely find three people to engage in rational, meaningful or thought provoking discussion. Everything is politics and money. It’s extremely sad how self-absorbed, apathetic and unfriendly the world has become. The larger the population gets, the worse it gets.

david fraser

Mellssa in the U.K i live in a “Labour party” area whilst some of my friends live in a “Conservative party” area and these parties get in by less than 10% of the actual people that can vote. Most people do not vote as there sick of politics usually because there are no suitable candidates for example Corbyn the Labour leader has brought out a policy of unlimited immigration and he wants them to have a vote in our politics and in my area Romanian gangs are making peoples lives a misery and there “Bomb Proof”, i’m slowing coming to the conclusion that people are incapable of thinking for themselves (Billy right again)

Melissa Osaki

I couldn’t agree more, David. Welcome to the blog.

Ashley James

I agree with this post. donating to Environmental organisations, including Greta Thunberg’s activist group and among others, do not bother. not much is done, most of it just goes to…Them.

Donating to this site is more useful though I have never made a donation. too many girls with charities these days, who do it for fame and not the planet. too many snowflakes and Triggered people.

The Princes Trust has to be the worse one IMO. never give to that charity. The England Princes are Hunters and Make Money off the kill, they then put it in their charity and act as if it is for a good cause. most of the money just gets funnelled back into the hands of the Aristocracy rich. no kids get the money… just funds the charity that gives one child, one blanket, a couple of food tins, and probably a couple of showers a month with clean water. then they go to the next child. Mind you, aren’t all charities like this?

Children are Children and have no bank accounts, not to mention are located in Africa. I hardly doubt Money is distributed into their hands.

John Webster

Every letter, every word, every sentence found in every paragraph … is TRUTH! And because truth is found on [this blog] .. I am donating to [it.]

Ashley James

John, Make sure your donation is a Min of 1000 dollars and a Maximum of 10,000 dollars. These are the rules of the site. 😀

Ned Duke

I thought this was a relatively useful article to add some depth to the problems we face in trying to master building a civilized future and show the hidden risks we face if we suddenly find ourselves in another disaster.

John Webster

l-o-n-g read … but, thanks.

Tyler Rutland

Time to get squirrely and gather nuts .. :S

Thanks for the sobering salts, Michael .. I needed that.

Michael Basal

I agree Michael, in particular this;

“Also, all that the governments – who supposedly can and should “stop this thing” – actually will do is find ways to impose taxes, levees, fines and penalties for the purpose of raising money (i.e. taking it from you) that will do nothing meaningful except mainly go to…them.

Forget it. Don’t waste your money on things that money alone can’t fix and that governments have long demonstrated ineptitude in addressing. The return on investment is very low and, more importantly, even the little victories are giving a false sense of enthusiasm and progress. It’s too late to overcome this massive problem with any of the means being employed.”

Yes. and I earlier this year started telling the VERY few people that can understand the reality we are all facing, that government imposed laws or taxes, carbon taxes, etc, etc, etc claiming this will help if not fix our climate disaster are only going to make the governments, and others, more wealthy and do NOTHING to fix any of this climate destruction. IT IS TOO LATE! Sorry, that is the reality we were long ago first warned to do something about and did not. Sadly, the relative few of us that do know the serious of this are not enough to change anything. You need a “MASS AWAKING” TO THE TRUTH ABOUT THE CLIMATE AND ALL ELSE. Is that going to happen? NO WAY anytime soon. For the climate it is downhill all the way now. Here is a link to to a VERY short video one by person that knows the truth of the reality we face and speaks out about it. Though just like the Meier material / case, I will guess most have never even heard of him.

Edge of Extinction: Why “They” Will Not Fix Anything – Nature Bats Last

The only thing you can do, is what I have now said for a quite some time, Change yourself. Prepare for the reality that we now all face. Sadly so.


Michael Basal

Tyler Rutland

I think there’s still some value in what Greta is doing, even though it probably won’t change anything.

I think that even if we’re going to bump hard on the rocks (and I get scared of that from time to time), we have endured worse before in other lifetimes, and there’s still value in pushing for the idea of change.

After each disaster, the might of the thought is going to help reshape society. So I think there’s still value to what we’re doing.

Tyler Rutland

Well .. ok, I’m reminded now to see what’s been said before in the spirit teaching. If nothing gets done to address the overpopulation problem, then when the time to rebuild comes, people will just allow the population to climb right back up again and create more of the same misery.

We’ll be left in the same predicament as now.

Melissa Osaki

It’s much worse than that. Read contact 721 and 722.

Nathan Patterson

On the topic of the future… A recent study has found that nuclear war between India and Pakistan, with only 250 nuclear weapons, would cause temperatures to drop to levels not seen since the ice age, and mass food shortages:

And of course… nuclear war between NATO and Russia would be worse.

david fraser

Apparently “Climate Change” is big business and Carbon emissions is on the stock market. My knowledge of all of this save the whale save the snow leopard etc has high paying salaries involved. David Milliband a one time Member of Parliament earns just short of 500,000 dollars a year in America (unisef)
Bang on again Micheal
Best wishes to all

Matt Knight

In my view, the time is absolutely right for someone to address the overpopulation issue with a title like, “Why the left and right are both wrong about overpopulation and climate change.”

In recent weeks, the topic has been on the lips of many social media celebrities, but, interestingly no-one is sure where to stick their flag as they all know there is not enough information on this issue and the recent info from Billy would be the glue to all the factured opinion that’s currently out there.


can the world get anymore corrupt it is covered in greed
it is greed that is behind most problems in this world
from there deeds you will know them this was said by someone
in the past apparently Micheal someone who was apparently called jmmanual who you talk about there is a story about those who where possessed and he apparently sent the demons or possession from the minds in to pigs and they fell of a cliff i think this is a metaphor and the real meaning is they have the level of consciousness of a pig and it will lead them to there own end off a cliff because they are possessed with greed and are no longer true men and woman

Melissa Osaki

Hi John, please use your first and last name when commenting. Thanks.

Simon Walsh

Hi MH, tried to watch that video but as true as it is, oh my does he go on so slowly and monotone I canny listen to any more. Imagine any youngsters who know nothing about the Meier Case listening to that at first glance into it all, they’d be half a sleep in no time!! The case needs a more up beat approach to get the message out there quicker and to a much broader audience than just the existing Meier fans (not sure what the correct term is, I know we’re not fans but you get the message (no pun intended) )
Good interviews recently too!! I listened to a pod cast today with Lee and Brit Elders, from 2014. They day that they KNOW that 98% of the Meier Case is true and authentic. Made up to hear that as I thought that they never ever mentioned if they’re 5 years investigation concluded either to be real or fake. Take care and thanks for what you do!! Much appreciated 🙂

Tyler Rutland

Hey Simon, add me on Facebook, I’m 29 and could talk in a bit more of a modern way about the spirit teaching, I’m buying a good quality mic anyway to start song making (I’ve been practicing my singing at my labour job). I’m a little academic and dry, but if there was a bit more of a charming and warm personality to talk with in a podcast or whatever, I bet I could make something with my personality.

Melissa Osaki

Modern? The spiritual teaching is already translated into present day languages.

208. Only what is true and what remains truth can be regarded as truth; something on which one can rely in eternal times and which is never and under no circumstances ever in need of revision.
209. Truth never has to be adapted to another and a new time, for it is constant for all times.
210. It is eternally constant and always sounds the same, even if it is pronounced in other words.
211. It is the rock on which one can build in eternal times and in all spaces.
212. The truth was before life, and the truth is after life.
213. What only lasts for a short time is a danger, a bad deception, a false doctrine.
214. Creation and truth are always the same, today as tomorrow, they are always constant and of eternally equal value.
215. They do not change, neither by name nor by form, for creation and truth are nameless and formless.

Matt Knight

Matt Knight likes this. Smiley yellow-skinned face.

Simon Walsh

Hey Tyler, I’m don’t go on Facebook, are you living in the UK ?? Do you already have a podcast channel ??

Simon Walsh

Matt Knight – I like it too 🙂