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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

URGENT: To ALL Hospitals, Don’t Pretend – PREPARE


By any name – SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 – threat to humankind is unprecedented*

In order to not risk contributing to the spread of this disease, ALL hospitals, medical centers and facilities, personnel, etc., must be prepared to implement the strictest protocols, including hermetically sealed quarantines, for all people infected, or suspected of being infected, with the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, etc.)…without delay.

Anyone who doesn’t realize the unprecedented scope and danger of this situation is stuck in normalcy bias at best and possibly fatal delusions at worst. This isn’t theoretical, nor intended to promote fear. We must take extraordinary steps to get ahead of the existing, anticipated, and otherwise overwhelming, crisis.

The Plejaren made clear that:

  • The WHO is culpable for not immediately proclaiming pandemic risk
  • China, US and other countries suppressed truth for political and economic reasons
  • Real number of infections and deaths much higher than reported
  • Actual incubation period up to four weeks to 3 months
  • Hermetic quarantine required, must be much longer than 2 weeks
  • Breathing masks useless, virus penetrates because so small 
  • Disease spread through air, clothing and animals as well
  • Full-body protective suit, breathing apparatus only real protection
  • Asian races initially most susceptible but is spreading to others

NOTE: The WHO’s culpability may be explained by this from Bloomberg:

“The WHO’s funding is part of the problem.”

…which, as Ptaah said regarding “political and economic reasons”, also applies to China, the US and other countries.

The Basics

“One should avoid airplanes, ships, mass transportation and large crowds whenever possible and rather stay at home than expose oneself to the risk of infection.”

All small clinics, independent health providers, dentists, massage therapists, acupuncturists, holistic centers, etc., should seriously consider suspending services requiring contacts with the public. It will be necessary, possibly even mandatory at some point.

Of course, all means of preparing for living with limited contact with, and access to, outside sources, people, supplies, etc., should be a priority. It’s better to have resources you may not need…than not to have them when you do.

Let’s Get Real

It should already be clear and evident that, as usual, many of the leaders of our governments are woefully shortsighted and uninformed. If past history is any predictor, there will be debates, arguments, “studies”, concerns about “how much it will cost”, etc., all of which can lead to tragically inadequate and ineffective actions, accompanied by a lot of recommendations for people to…pray.

It would be far wiser to see the reality of the situation, and consider that our government has plenty of resources should it decide to act prudently. There is no shortage of money allocated for invading, attacking, warring upon and destroying all of our “enemies”, which can be spent combating this invisible, microscopic pathogen, a true threat to all humankind.

We’re All In It Together

Consider what one person recently wrote regarding their working environment, and which any people can relate to:

“I work in an office environment that is occupied 24-7 (not a medical environment). It’s like working in a petri dish with people coming in and out the door all the time. The door’s finger scanner makes it even easier for germs to pass around easily. It’s a wonder I’ve only managed to get the flu 3 times in 20 years I’ve worked there. Knowing the probability of the coronavirus being spread so easily makes this even scarier. At this point, I think the only thing I can try to maintain is a healthy immune system by means of healthy foods meant to help boost it and to try to keep my environment as clean as possible (even though it may not be enough). Scary times, folks.”

We’re all in it together. And we must now demand that the information provided by a far more advanced – and proven impeccably accurate – source should be heeded and implemented immediately.

*While there have been major health crises in the past, with today’s overpopulation – real total global population is over 9 billion human beings -and rampant, economically-motivated globalization, virulent diseases can and will spread as never before, resulting in deadly pandemics.

See also:

Harsh Truth from Plejaren About SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic

REAL News from 1948 to…2250!

108. These will be the amphibians, fish, mammals, insects, animals and other creatures, plants, reptiles and birds of various species and kinds, but then, through globalisation, also various illnesses and rampantly spreading diseases will be transmitted and start to spread worldwide as epidemics, endemic infection and pandemics [Note Billy: Epidemics are regional or area-specific, a pandemic is global].

Cover-up Over As Media Reveals Billy Meier’s UFO Contacts!

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Paul W

Hi Michael,
Looking at FOM website, it seems it was Billy who said “A lung disease will also break out in humans through the guilt of China, where bioweapons are being researched and a carelessness is releasing pathogens.” as part of his prediction.

Wayno Sunter-Smith

I think Billy and the Plejaren read the 1981 Dean Koontz book “Eyes of Darkness” which has Most of the predicted info there… Including The year 2020 and the scientists name .. etc etc etc .By the way … Dean must of been writing that way before 1981 … that was just the year when the book was publushed

Melissa Osaki

None of that is true. I researched that entire situation and while there are some coincidences, the differences are bigger.

Snopes points out that in the original version, released by Koontz in 1981 under the pen name Leigh Nichols, the virus originates in Gorky, Russia, and is called Gorky 400. It is not until a 2008 re-release under Koontz’ own name that the virus’s origins are moved to Wuhan.

Besides, we know that the Plejaren influence movies and books through the impulses they send to Earth people. I’m calling fake news.

Matt Knight

Straw man argument. Billy never mentions “Wuhan” in relation to his prediction. It’s the least important thing because ‘The Wuhan Institute of Virology’ was founded in 1956 and ‘The Wuhan Bioengineering Institute’ in 1993.


This is interesting. We just had what’s called a town meeting at work. For those who don’t know, I work at the hospital in Ottawa. I was unable to join but my supervisor filled me in on how the hospital is going to prepare for this. My supervisor is one of the people I shared Michael’s recent blog. With. I’m trying to get a copy of it and share it with Michael.

Tyler Rutland

Just before this post came out, I contacted our minister of health in Canada, Patty Hajdu, and sent her a link to MH’s earlier blog post. I was too early to include this link, but definitely would have.

Another email in her inbox from another Canadian, including this link and the earlier one on the harsh warning, would probably give the information more apparent weight and significance.


Hi Tyler,
I have sent emails to the Canadian space agency concerning The Apophis meteor. They push you aside because who the heck am I trying to tell them that someone might know better. I sent emails to the federal minister of Health Canada, same thing. How can you get anyone to listen when they already know what’s right. Now with this Corona Virus, it’s a major hill to climb. I want to approach the CEO of the hospital I work at. I just don’t know how to sell this to him about What Billy and Ptaah are warning us about. So not to put down what you’re doing, at least you’re trying. But you’re just another email to them. It’s very frustrating dealing with the human race in general. Just my opinion of course.

Tyler Rutland

That’s why I think it makes sense to send staggered emails from different people, but say more or less the same thing. And give a link to MH’s blog post.

There’s a reason why my profile uses a woodland animal as its icon. No one thinks a squirrel (or any small animal) has any might, and one squirrel barking is easy to ignore.

But when 2 or 3 or 4 squirrels chitter their voice at the same time, there’s a lot more chance to get some attention, because of repetition.

Tyler Rutland

The core group managed to save the Olympics just by sending out letters together. So I just know that if we coordinate with each other too, we can achieve the same sort of thing.

Even if we’re still blind and can’t see it working, we just have to trust the example set by the core group.


I’m not disagreeing with you but getting a petition out could hold more weight.

Tyler Rutland

Something else too is

even if we don’t succeed in getting anyone to change the quarantine type right now, if we prep our leaders now (plant the seed) then they might listen once they discover that their quarantines are not working to stem the disease’s progression.

John Webster

Joe Ottawa, I’m John British Columbia . . it’s becoming more apparent, that, except for a small % of rational humans, it matters not what you / I / they / attempt to communicate! Anyone resembling ‘whistleblower volume’ may as well be on the Titanic, falsely thinking, that if we concoct the right bandaid to the big hole in the starboard side of the hull, the humanity on board won’t sink to peril! I read your reply to Tyler, ” . . . So not to put down what you’re doing, at least you’re trying. But you’re just another email to them . . ” is what I’ve been telling myself too! Even our beloved theyflyblog owner, Michael Horn, is bogged down by mucky people who refuse to acknowledge truth ! He tries relentlessly! Once in a blue moon, a forward stride is made, and, I can only surmise, that any one stride forward is a blog member’s inspiration to a continued support.

Reaching out to so-called authority figures, is, to my perception, like scaling infinitely tall ‘n’ thick impenetrable castle walls. In the case of CBC investigative journalism programming, one can send countless emails, make phone calls to a conveniently provided ‘audience relations’ phone # . . ya DO get a call back, ya DO receive a ‘form letter’ email reply, but, you’re really communicating with a ‘programmed gatekeeper’!

To me, it resembles talking with a religious person about the first book of Genesis. Verses tell of a ‘singular’ god creating this/that/the other . . then, next thing, another verse tells of a plurality god, ‘let us create man in our image, after our image’. THEN, the very next verse reads, god is a HE! Ask your average ‘biblical believer’ about the terminology, ‘the Lord God works in mysterious ways’, may be the ‘generalized’ response.

Today, I spoke at length with a much younger, [than myself] somewhat critically thinking woman, wonderfully endowed with the English language, answering to my concerns as a consumer of broadcast media. In a matter of seconds, I KNOW the young woman represents [just another form of belief system rhetoric] My question was, “is there any such thing as bias free investigative journalism?” Her answer, “we’re all biased humans, one way or another.” I will come to a stop here, because, re: my aforementioned, ‘programmed gatekeeper’ to CBC audience relations . . . on Dec. 7, 2021 I made a call to audience relations . . received a call back from a different young woman, and, she answered one of my several questions, “in your opinion as a CBC representative, is there such a thing as bias free objective investigative journalism?” Her answer was mirrored by the second call back I received. I think I’m done with it all, except for minding my own evolution to the far end of ‘this time around’.

Barry Smith

Spot on Michael , this is serious. This virus spread around the globe in30 days. 30 days . Some reports say people who got over it have relapsed into the virus again. A person could carry this virus for 3 months. Imagine how many people you come in contact with in 3 months.

Kenneth Smith

Hi Michael,

Thanks for putting all of this information out there, hopefully people will take action and see how serious this coronavirus really is, time will tell.

Thanks again.

Al Jedd

An update on, UK’s actions with respect to the virus for the “working class” to read.

WHO- Cov-2 virus as 27/2/2020. You will not be surprised by the comment of a Doctor near the end with respect to the wearing of masks.

Spanish flu of 1918 and its spread.


Barry Smith

A new case confirmed today in Northern California, a woman who hasn’t traveled outside the country, they are trying to track down everyone she has come in contact with.


I wish to know how many have really died in China alone in ref. this virus. China is giving unbelievable very very low death numbers. I hope ptaah reveals the number of deaths.

Melissa Osaki

That’s a very good question. If you look at the numbers in all of Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau, it’s super obvious they aren’t being truthful. The rest of the world is lying too, but this thing is blowing up all over the place, yet China is moving in slow motion. How anyone could ever trust the leadership after this chaos and obvious deceit is beyond me. This is truly despicable and shows how much they love money and power over the people.

Also, please use your first and last name when commenting. Thanks.

Nathan Patterson

Here’s some positive, potentially very important news.

Metals could be the link to new antibiotics:

And even more relevant, Using copper to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses:

May relate to the electron medicine mentioned by Billy here (Billy, right below Ptaah 418):

Mark Weatherly

It is amazing how the USA government is complicit in not truthfully reporting the serious nature of the corona virus. Now, it has been revealed that the governments of the U.S. and China are under-reporting the number of deaths, those who are sick from it and those who are suspected of carrying it. The reason for this is the potential negative impact on global markets and particularly our stock-markets ( code words for profits or lack of). I wonder what the elites will do if most of the earth’s population is dead? How will they they profit from this?

Lotus Halter

I’m comforted by the fact that I can come to this blog to know the real truth of what’s going on. I work in a hospital and asked the question to my superiors “What is the hospitals plan to deal with this pandemic” and was basically brushed off. They said “Don’t worry, our managers have a plan” but I fealr they don’t. The attitude is that Covid 19 will not affect us. My coworkers laugh at me and say it’s only a ploy to get the people in a panic. Again, my only comfort (and greatest fear) is that I do know the truth thanks in whole to this blog and the work of MH and Billy and the Plejarens of course.


I feel for you. Most in the medical field are clueless and have a chip on their shoulder.


The hospital here are using the N95 Respirator masks. Are not the ones that Ptaah had warned Against?

Diane Grebe

To all:
I commend all of you who are doing what you can and sending emails out to important people that are in a position to do something. My hat goes off to you. You are good people. Unfortunately, from listening to my fellow neighbors here in rural Virginia, it looks like it will go unnoticed or be laughed at. As you know already, everything here in America eventually becomes political. The local Repubs and religious right are 100% behind Trump and feel that the Left or Dems are over reacting. They have told me that if anything goes wrong and it spirals out of control, the blame lies solely on the Dems because they did not allow Trump to do what he wants to do to get this under control. Some have also told me that praying will help many people from not becoming infected. Basically, I find the whole thing not well thought out here in America. There should have been a travel ban immediately. I have friends that are still planning to go to Japan for Spring Break with their kids!!! They especially feel confident after listening to Trump’s speech in addressing the nation. This does not look good, but I am trying to plan as best I can.


Chris Lock

Diane, You could tell your friend that many places are closing in Japan in an attempt to minimize the risks. Disneyland, USJ, and almost all places previously with mass turnouts are closed and taking time off. Schools are closed until April for the time being. Everyone is advised to only go out if necessary.

Diane Grebe

Thanks Chris for your comment. I have spoken to her about it but only briefly as she is not a very close friend but still in my circle of people I know. She appears to be one of these know it alls and has said to me that “All will be fine”. She said that Trump does not seem to be over concerned about it and that is good enough for her. She said that if the level goes up to 3, then she will cancel the trip, but right now it is a level 2 so that is ok with her. We have to realize that there are people who are very thick headed and feel they know better. Thank you for your concern.


Melissa Osaki

Well, I have to call out Japan like I did China because this is really getting disgusting. There’s no way that Italy has more cases than Japan already. According to U.S. sources, Japan has 234 cases which doesn’t include the Diamond Princess cruise ship. Do you mean to tell me that Italy blew up to 889 cases in about one week and Japan only has 234 cases? Japan has been dealing with confirmed cases since January. Some of their early cases were people who worked in public transportation. I am so disappointed by the deceit from some of these countries, but not that shocked. Money is everything in our world and I can’t wait until all these greedy and power hungry leaders completely fall from their ivory towers.

Al Jedd

Hi Michael
As you said back in 2019, it will all kick off in 2020, and it has. Ignorance abounds with the general public. However, we, the minority must keep telling people, of the dangers and the disinformation that the “experts” are putting out. One may feel as useless as a handbrake on a boat, but persistence may save some people.
Watch someone using a “vape cigarette” as they breath out. The cloud dissipates and if you can smell it, you are breathing in second hand air, which could be carrying the virus.

As of 28/2/2020

weak news

Mass burial sites planned.

Britain’s PM is up to speed, well, next month maybe

The ignorance of a tourist destination “The Canary Islands”, including La Palma!

This came in as I was typing.

Be aware and take care

Barry Smith

Just a moment ago they said a dog in CHINA has tested positive for the virus. This a day after the know it all’s said animals can’t spread the virus. Source Fox radio.