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Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Stunning New Information About COVID-19 from the Plejaren

Once again, still unknown information about the true scope of the disease is provided in order to help humankind…survive

The following official, authorized translations were just received:

731st & 734th Contacts

Each person can draw their own conclusions about the extreme and unprecedented threat this rampantly spreading, mutating disease poses to the survival of all humankind.

Conversation with Doctor from MAYO Clinic

MAYO Clinic Doctor: Real Number Infected 2 – 3 Times Higher Than Listed

On March 30, 2020, former aerospace executive Kenneth Smith had an opportunity to talk face-to-face with Dr. Mark Byrd, of the MAYO Clinic in Phoenix, Arizona, regarding the COVID-19virus.

Here are excerpts of their conversation:

Kenneth: I can provide you with information that ascertains that a patient’s quarantine with COVID-19 should be longer than 2-weeks; it’s recommended to be 1-month to 3-months.

Dr. Byrd: We (Mayo Clinic) are now aware that the 14-day quarantine period needs to be longer and are currently working to extend this time line; it’s an uphill challenge.

Kenneth: You must be aware that the COVID-19 virus can pass right through the paper/cloth face masks?

Dr. Byrd: The medical community is aware of this fact; these masks predominantly stop a large amount of the saliva droplets from speech and coughs.

Kenneth: So to be 100% effective, a full face mask with the proper virus filters are needed along with the proper outer clothing?

Dr. Byrd: Yes

Kenneth: I’m sure that you have also heard that the official numbers of sick and dead in China are much larger than what is reported?

Dr. Byrd: Yes, we are aware of this. There are other issues that the general public is not aware of and may not get media exposure until a later date.

Kenneth: Are you at liberty to talk about on this information?

Dr. Byrd: Yes. Firstly, the medical community has identified a Chinese couple that left China with no symptoms when the news first broke aboutCOVID-19 and resided in Canada for several weeks. Upon their return to China this couple tested positive for COVID-19 which suggests that they may have contracted this virus in Canada?

Secondly, the Chinese officials refused to provide virus samples to the West, when the pandemic was first declared, until much time had passed, this is why we are now behind the curve. One cannot produce antibodies or formulate serums without the actual virus samples.

Kenneth: What would happen if a woman got pregnant when she was infected the COVID-19 virus, but had no noticeable symptoms?

Dr. Byrd: This in fact did happen, we are aware of two different married couples that were infected and conceived a child.

Kenneth: So does the COVID-19 virus pass through the placenta to the fetus?

Dr. Byrd: Yes

Kenneth: Then, when this baby is born, would this child be naturally resistant to COVID-19?

Dr. Byrd: Yes, the fetus’s antibodies or immunoglobulin, produced by plasma cells used by the immune system to neutralize pathogens such as pathogenic bacteria and viruses. In other words, this baby would be immune to COVID-19.

Kenneth: Is it factual that the D-32 (Delta 32 gene) does not exist in the Asian communities, making them very susceptible to death from a virus, but does exist in Europeans and the rest of the Earthly human beings that helps ward off certain virus illnesses? A DD-32, or Double Delta-32 means that a person is most likely resistant to all viruses?

Dr. Byrd: Yes this is factual, the American Indians also do not have this Delta-32 gene. This is an area of intense research.

Kenneth: In the last two or three days the COVID-19 infection rate doubled. I assume that this is because there are more test kits identifying the virus symptoms, which means that it is much worse than most people realize?

Dr. Byrd: Yes, it is much worse than what most realize. In fact, if you have a family of four people and one of the four tests positive for COVID-19, all four are considered infected, but only the one person that was tested is added to the list of infected. In other words, the infected numbers that are broadcasted are at least 2 or 3 times higher than any current listed count!

Kenneth: I have no other questions at this time and have to run, thank you very much for your time Dr. Byrd,

Dr. Byrd: You’re very welcome, my pleasure, stay safe and follow all the health protocols, goodbye, have a nice evening.

As Usual, We’re Well Ahead of the “News”

Here’s a recent headline on Zero Hedge:

West Faces “Social Bomb” As Pandemic Sparks Unrest Among Poorest

And then there are these from February 29 and March 10.

Just sayin’.

Thanks to Nathanael Mallow for the translation.

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Terry Carch

Iv cecently been doubling up on vitmin C, B12,D, and multyvitamins to help boost my immune system from COVID 19 as Dr. Oz recommends we all do. but I coldnt find the zinc vitamin that prevents naucia from the COVID 19.

Nicotiana Al-Wethanani

Add Selenium to that list, and one multivitamin with zinc is called “Stresstabs”

Barry Smith

Imagine if we had another 600-700 years in the same body , instead that’s 7 lifetimes 7 different bodies where others that’s one lifetime in one body . We don’t live long enough to learn anything. This epidemic proves how stupid we are.

Al Jedd

Hi Michael
Here is what the Telegraph has said about the number of Covid19 deaths.
As of:-
30/3/20 death rate 3 times higher than reported.

Will the government officials ever learn to tell the truth; instead of worrying how much they are loosing on their investments, due to the pandemic.

Rocky Waters

Symptoms after 18-26 days: New case in Lucknow puzzles doctor
Read more at:

People dying of covid-19 caught the coronavirus a month ago, says [Oxford University] expert:

It’s not massively important, but, I have a question: As the translations may contain errors, I’m still not 100% sure if Ptaah is saying that Covid-19 is a natural aggressive mutation of SARS, e.g., has been in bodily incubation for years and mutating and then infecting others, or, if Covid-19 / SARS2 was developed in a secret lab based on the SARS virus? In this sense, the 2 scientists it is mentioned who died may be referring to the original accident whereby SARS was released, not SARS-2 which was, by, the above hypothesis, released by human infection? Apologies if I’ve missed something obvious in the info, but, I couldn’t find that when reading.

Rocky Waters

Please ignore my question. I didn’t read the updated translation until today which clarifies that it was Covid-19 that was made in a lab.

Christian Brown

Hope everyone is doing alright – your work is much appreciated Michael. I’d like to post a link to an article below where scientists make the claim that this virus is naturally occurring. Their conclusion is remarkably soft for scientists and essentially amounts to, “If I were making a bioweapon virus, I wouldn’t have done it this way.” Of particular interest to me was the section “Finding Peculiar Features” in which they identify a very suspicious gene which essentially increases infection rate via the spike protein. A good article to get to know the biology of the virus if you are into that:

Rocky Waters

More evidence corroborates Meier’s information that the incubation period is much longer than the current WHO advisory of 14 days…

“Symptoms after 18-26 days: New case in Lucknow puzzles doctor”

“People dying of covid-19 caught the coronavirus a month ago, says [Oxford University] expert”.

Tony Vasquez

As I have been saying for weeks, the numbers reported about COVID-19 are not accurate. They are at least 2-3 times more in every country. So the actual numbers are closer to: WORLD – 2.4 million cases, 120k dead. USA – 495,000 cases, 9,000 dead. Every country is under reporting the numbers to try to save their economy, but that won’t work. The economy, world and USA, is already crushed beyond repair.

As the Ps have said, it’s mainly the fault of the incompetent people in charge in every country, like Trump, that this pandemic has escalated beyond control, and will probably kill millions! The good doctor supports my statements below.

Dr. Byrd: Yes, it is much worse than what most realize. In fact, if you have a family of four people and one of the four tests positive for COVID-19, all four are considered infected, but only the one person that was tested is added to the list of infected. In other words, the infected numbers that are broadcasted are at least 2 or 3 times higher than any current listed count!

Those of you who continue to think that this biological war pandemic is not serious, or will go away in 2-3 weeks, STOP IT! You are probably helping to spread it!

Tony Vasquez

Those of you who continue to say that this virus is of a natural origin, you are incorrect! The Ps and Billy clearly say it was created in a lab – that it is a bioweapon! Read carefully what is below.

Billy: But if I may, I would like to return to the China epidemic, in relation to the pandemic and the secret laboratories where the virus escaped.

Billy: Also regarding the secret laboratories where the virus originated, which we indeed call ‘escaped’, it should at least be made clear that the Chinese government has nothing to do with it…

Ptaah: The secret laboratories, in which not only research but also experiments are carried out in three different places, are not maintained on behalf of the (Chinese)government.

Ptaah: In fact, it is experimental research carried out by a secret group (Illuminati/CIA) that…as I explained to you in detail…

If you think that the Ps and Billy are incorrect, then you are grossly mistaken and possibly brainwashed.

Also many scientists in many countries, after independent scientific studies, have come to a clear conclusion that it was created in a lab. I will not post links to that information, because it isn’t necessary, the Ps know what they are talking about! Google it yourself if you want to. But be aware that many people are lying about this for various reasons.

Greg Dougall

Thanks Ken! Thanks Nathanael!

Robert Stewart

It is so sad to read how underrepresented wisdom is in the world. Truth appears to be a footnote in the grandiose demise, planed and unplanned. I want to change so much. However it is impossible, as fact has no weight. People howl for their cause and eagerly await favours for such dogma. That is the world we have, the world we built, the world we live in. Have I really brought my children into this, how can I help them?

Tony Vasquez

If you can, home school them, and keep them away from brainwashed people.

Tony Vasquez

The time for parties is over with, probably for 1 year. No birthday parties, no graduation parties, no bachelor or bachelorette parties, no holiday parties, no beer parties, no marijuana parties, no beach or pool parties, and no dorm parties. So, you’ll have to drink your beer or drinks, or smoke your pot alone now, or with a friend 6 feet away. Take this virus very seriously, 1000s will be dying in the USA every day for a long time. Don’t think that you won’t get it because you’re big, strong, healthy, smart, or cute. Many healthy people are catching it and dying.

Tony Vasquez

Michael has been warning about FOOD for weeks. It’s starting to happen. Americans are feeling the frustration and anger of not being able to buy food and supplies, and this bioweapon pandemic is not going to let up any time soon. Read my other posts on this blog for more details and explanations about this horrific virus.

All across America, store shelves are emptying and people are becoming increasingly frustrated because they can’t get their hands on needed supplies. Most Americans are blaming “hoarders” for the current mess, but it is actually much more complicated than that. Normally, Americans get a lot of their food from restaurants. In fact, during normal times 40 percent of all Americans eat at a restaurant on any given day. But now that approximately 75 percent of the US is under some sort of a “shelter-in-place” order, and most of our restaurants have shut down, things have completely changed.

Suddenly our grocery stores are being flooded with unexpected traffic, and many people are buying far more than usual in anticipation of a long pandemic. Unfortunately, our food distribution systems were not designed to handle this sort of a surge, and things are really starting to get crazy out there. With most of the country locked down, normal economic activity has come to a standstill, and it is going to become increasingly difficult for our warehouses to meet the demand that grocery stores are putting on them.

The United States of America is basically closed for business, leaving citizens jobless, broke, and without options. We’re facing restrictions on movement the likes of which our nation has never seen. The stores that are open have never fully restocked after the “panic buying” of previous weeks, leading to shelves barren of things like meat, flour, toilet paper, and rice. It’s only a matter of time before these issues combine to become the flashpoint that leads to an explosion of civil disobedience and violent crime. When degenerates and desperate people get hungry they will rob and steal. In reality, there are major issues with the supply chain, a problem many people aren’t seeing because they’re not at the stores. Grocery stores will be empty soon!

Distribution systems are breaking down. Very soon grocery stores will have a very hard time stocking shelves, if at all. It would be smart to stock up right now for 6 months, if you can. If you live in a high crime area, keep your head on a swivel, don’t go out much, and go out in pairs.

Terry Carch

Tony Dont forget the social distancing from 5ft to 10 ft. You dont want to get too close to other people due to the corona virus pandemic.

Tony Vasquez

You’re correct Terry. Thank you.

Tony Vasquez

Let me give you some examples of how moron Trump greatly contributed to the spread of this pandemic. Below is what he said that put his 35 million supporters and many others off their guard, and probably caused millions of people to get infected.

Jan. 22 – “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”

Feb. 10 – “Looks like by April, you know, in theory, when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away.”

Feb. 24 – “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. … Stock Market starting to look very good to me!”

Feb. 28 – “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”

March 4 – “Some people will have this at a very light level and won’t even go to a doctor or hospital, and they’ll get better. There are many people like that.”

March 9 – “The Fake News Media and their partner, the Democrat Party, is doing everything within its semi-considerable power … to inflame the CoronaVirus situation.”

March 10 – “We’re prepared, and we’re doing a great job with it. And it will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.”

March 14 – “We’re using the full power of the federal government to defeat the virus, and that’s what we’ve been doing.”

March 15 – “This is a very contagious virus. It’s incredible. But it’s something that we have tremendous control over.”

People think that the President of the USA knows what he talking about since he should have excellent advisors and good judgment. They trust him and listen to him, make decisions based on what he says. What a mistake with this guy! I think more and more people are starting to realize this man is severely mentally ill, and not very smart. He’s unfit to be the president! With him at the helm, this virus pandemic will be totally mishandled, and millions will die that didn’t have to!

Barry Smith

Don’t know why they don’t bring ships to port and place the infected on board , take them 500 yards just off shore. The docs/nurses can be flown out in shifts, in full hazmat gear. it takes the virus OUT of America. This should have been done when we had 16 people sick.

Greg Dougall

Tucker Carlson calls out the WHO

Who on Jan. 14th said, “Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China”