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Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Lue Elizondo Now Promoting UFO Toilet Paper

Part of his more prominent role in spreading UFO disinformation to the public

While any serious investigator of UFOs would be extremely hard-pressed to find anything of significance to humankind in all of John Greenewald’s Black Vault project, “former” intelligence operative Lue Elizondo is enthusiastically promoting what is essentially the biggest storehouse of UFO toilet paper:

Greenewald, who started out as a wide-eyed young UFO enthusiast has, in my opinion, morphed into a determined opponent of the truth, quite possibly with the, unknown to him, help of the behind-the-scenes manipulators of all things UFO, who cunningly played on and encouraged his futile desire for significance in the field…as they have with any number of other overly ambitious dummies who clog up the field.

Elizondo, of course, first publicly popped up not too long ago as part of TTSA which, after having no more use for the dopey Tom DeLonge and assessing the ease with which he could influence the infantile, celebrity suck-ups and wannabes in UFOlogy, he left to take a more prominent role in spreading UFO disinformation to the public.

His oh-so-sincere pledge is remarkable:

…especially for his open contempt for being held accountable to honor it. Fortunately for me, so far, our rugged hero appears to be thick-skinned – and shameless – enough to not bother with things like this from little ol’ me:

I’ve previously posted a number of articles* pertaining to Elizondo, who started beating the drum for the phony “threat” charade, along with his partners in crime, war-mongering and deception, Chris Mellon and Daniel Sheehan.

Many of the American people have become a rare breed of sheep, having grown their own ample flap of thick, impenetrable wool which, in addition to allowing it to be pulled over their eyes by the cynical liars, manipulators,  and traitors to all of humankind that breed like roaches, they now do it to themselves.


The topic of UFOs has long been used to further what is now almost certainly going to culminate in massive, worldwide destruction and…the obliteration of America.

As often stated, the confirmed existence of intelligent, advanced, space-traveling extraterrestrial life would be the single most important development in all of science and human history.

The independently analyzed, singularly authentic Billy Meier UFO contacts – still ongoing in Switzerland for over 80 years – contain the collective evidence, information, and the essence, purpose and reason for the contacts in the form of the Creation-energy/spiritual teaching and the Salome Peace Meditation. It is the culmination of a mission to this planet that involved seven contactees/prophets, spanning over more than 13,500 years.

The mission is both effectively complete and regarded as somewhat of a…failure, due almost solely to the stubbornly maintained and nourished, collective stupidity of the utterly religiously deluded, politically poisoned, power-addicted, unthinking mass of humankind, which has gifted itself with many coming centuries of now unavoidable, brutal suffering, the inevitable consequence of ignoring and violating the law of cause and effect and squandering every opportunity to prioritize the evolution of consciousness over the endless fascination with techno-toys, phantasmagoria, weapons of mass destruction and self-annihilation.

Elizondo’s appeal to the escapist, hero-worshipping, male adolescents of all ages, raised on ever more sophisticated sci-fi and murder-as-entertainment, is an understandable phenomenon, deeply rooted in the very foundation of the real “American values”, i.e. violence, aggression, world domination, exploitation, etc.

As a human being who loudly professed his interest in, and knowledge about, UFOs/UAPs, Elizondo’s refusal to acknowledge, address and inform about the peace-promoting Meier contacts is evidence of his pathetic cowardice and long-trained aversion to the truth.

Whatever long-range agenda he – and those who approve and allow this soap opera may have – it is a, direct or indirect, product of the same powerful, shadowy forces discussed here.

Clearly, neither Billy Meier, the Plejaren, or anyone purposefully involved in the study and dissemination of the material, are willingly party to this degenerate, civilization-ending agenda. We are simply the minority who choose to live in love, peace, harmony and freedom, with reverence for all of life and…Creation.


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George Champaninh

A lot of hype generated by Lue for something that will take 16 years to disclose to blackvault, I guess he forgot to add that bit of information in his twit post. Don’t wait 16 years, we can all assume there are thousands of pages of “lights in the sky but we don’t know what it is”.

Still making dogs chase their tails endlessly with these disclosure projects that really have amounted to nothing but lights in the sky.

Al Jedd

This indespicable guy is only helping to bring down himself and humanity. Maybe Lue should have his face on the paper, he will see his sales increase 🙂


Grigory Dougallovich

I emailed John Greenewald last year, since apparently he is the “undisputable King of FOIA”, I asked him about the existing Billy Meier FOIA case, which I gleaned from documents on his website. I’m still waiting for a response. Perhaps other readers of this blog can send him a polite question about this….

Oh, NOW I get it….Lue Elizondo takes the documents from John Greenewald’s website and makes toilet paper out of them. An excellent business model.

cia foia 2015 meier 1.png
Grigory Dougallovich

Be sure to buy John Greenewald’s book (/sarcasm), which needs a modified image of a Plejaren beamship on the book cover, with a little dome added to the top in order to get your attention. This tactic of using Plejaren beamships while hiding the Billy Meier case is used by all of the UFO peddlers- Rich from GUFON, Night Dreams Talk Radio, Ozark Mtn UFO conference, Corey Goode’s comic book, David Wilcock, Bob Lazar, Leslie Keen, Joe Rogan, etc. It’s so absurd it allowed me to come up with a new term: quantum irony. Like the fact that Dr. Avi Loeb’s Galileo Project searching for evidence of ET life is ignorant of the connection between Galileo and Billy Meier.

Charles V.

Lou and the others (i.e. skeptics, deniers, profiteers and charlatans) are all degenerates and an astronomical DISGRACE to humanity as they all lack any form of integrity and dignity, fact.

These individuals truly make me sick. With all the BS going on in the world, and barring a helpful intervention, we’ve a very difficult future. All this is going on and these d’bags are more concerned about their bottom-line than the top-shelf life we humans could be living.

Merely thinking of these idiots simply makes me glad I am who I am and that others on this blog are of the same ilk as myself. In other words, the Creational Teaching students who recognize and apply the Creational Teachings and strive for Peace, Love, Wisdom, Freedom and Harmony for ourselves and the rest of humanity.

I’d rather die a poor man with my integrity intact than to live as a rich man with a shallow life and no integrity.

Last note, I find it a bit ironic with the peddling of UFO s***-paper as no matter where these degenerates go, they always leave a trail of s***.




There has been two times (that i’ve seen) were women pass out while talking about forcing people to take the vaccine. I wonder if the passing out is caused by their high stress false beliefs? my mom is religious and she talks about how before she starts praying she gets an intense headache. So maybe the two are related.


Of course depends on your beliefs praying can be good ive read too

Charles V.

Speaking of those who lack integrity, further, those who know the truth and refuse to admit Eduard’s case as being real. I’m wondering if anyone else saw the following, I happened to come across it in passing and couldn’t fathom Avi’s ignorant position.

It appears Avi Loeb needs $100 million dollars for his research project to determine if aliens do exist, or whatever bullshit he is promoting. Yet again, profit over prophet.

He needs $100 million, yet Eduard has already provided the proof ANYONE needs for FREE!

Pardon my language, but I’ve to state it; I’ve had enough of these degenerative, integrity-lacking f***sticks. These m’f’ers make me sick. F*** Avi and his kind. He has proven that he has no integrity, no backbone and as a “man”, no balls.

To everyone else (i.e. us and other Creational teaching students), just know you’re on the correct side of history. What we do today and/or create for ourselves is automatically etched and recorded in history and cannot be changed, that in and of itself is a great thought to have.



Dalibor Moyzes

I posted the entire cosmic disclosure here:

Michael , you are fighting paid misinformation trolls … Not worth your energy

Cosmic Disclosure Part 4 = Inside the secret space program with Corey Goode and David Wilcock = government troll data center

William Colvard

That guy is a terrible Magician, also the encounter I had, with One of his many Aliases, was under the spectrum of consuming lead paint and a Tom and Jerry episode.


I thought the TV series unidentified was a great series!
If Lue gone off the end he dead
wrong! UFOs are real stuff! And
if he part ways with Delong that
his problem! UFO are real . If some are Government? That I’m
sure of as are the super Natural
Real Alien beings and other
Things related as well! So bring
back the series with or with out
Lue! Dose matter the show was
great there are other guys to fill
his show if he doesn’t believe in
what is the real deal!