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Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Now that You Know, What Will You Do?

Thinking we know what’s coming, and being prepared to deal with the reality, are often two different things

For many years, Billy Meier has made available the most abundant, specific and accurate information about everything pertaining to humankind’s survival. This includes scientific, environmental, geopolitical, financial/economic and medical information, etc.

There are things that may be worthwhile knowing that you can’t do anything about and…those that you can.

For several years, I’ve published articles like these:

Will You Be Among the Survivors?

It’s Graduation Day


America One Year Later

An Opportunity Not to Be Squandered

They all dealt with concerns about our future survival. In fact, in 2004, I produced The Meier Contacts – The Key to Our Future Survival.

A key element to our future survival is people’s ability to come together to form meaningful, healthily interdependent, cooperative relationships and communities, based on the principles in the Creation-energy teaching. Not everyone involved has to be a student of the teaching per se. Most important is that the individuals are living in harmony with these principles and choose to coexist in love, peace, freedom, harmony, etc. History shows that this is no easy task but one that must be taken on and mastered, if humankind is to survive.

In order to survive, to preserve life and limb, there are numerous things to consider. A few months ago, a benefactor bought several hundred copies of this book and I partnered with him to make it available to you for free. Your only cost is the $15 for insured shipping.

At the end of March, any remaining copies will be shipped back to him. I highly suggest getting a copy while they last. I guarantee you the information in this book can help you to prepare, in ways you haven’t yet imagined, and for situations and conditions not yet encountered. We ALL will face some challenges, of varying degrees of severity, in the times to come.

Coming Global Financial Collapse

To refresh your memory about somethings predicted to occur with certainty, I suggest reading this article and searching for terms like global financial, dispossessed, etc.

You may also be interested in what a mainstream commentator has to say, based on computer predictions, and the similarities to what Meier has long ago been foretelling:

New Interview: Insane Globalists Collapsing World Economy

From Billy Meier:

An e-mail that reached me from the war zone in Ukraine via a detour as a fax, and which was transcribed by Bernadette that I can publish it in the ‘Zeitzeichen’, March 2. An e-mail stating that not everything reported in the daily news about the war in Ukraine and Russian atrocities is true.

Dear Billy
Thank you for writing something on the Ukraine war, also thanks to Bermunda. Could you please write to the Ukraine war also that there is a genocide in Ukraine. That there is a large number of fascists who murder and rape in various cities. A crime and atrocities in Donbass and so on. People from the areas report that they have been bombed for days by their own people and not, as the media reports, that it is Russian forces. A war is never a justification for what Putin is doing, but on the one hand he had to act and come to the aid of the people who are otherwise being systematically murdered by the fascists. This state of affairs has been going on for 8 years and no one in the Western world has done anything about it in that time, let alone denounced what is really a crime against minorities in Ukraine. How do you see the future and development in Ukraine? What will happen there if Russia wins the war? The people there will not accept a puppet government of Russia.

Then I have to say that Selenskyj takes drugs. Especially amped up in the last few days. You can see it in his confused look and dilated pupils.
Sincerely B.

Whatever happens in the world:
Calling all who really want peace!
FIGU Core Group Members – FIGU Passive Members
FIGU friends – FIGU like-minded people

Keep yourselves in permanent neutrality in what your opinion is, what you say, represent and otherwise express. Do not politicize when you express your opinion, but say in a neutral way what is right and what is wrong; but do not be in the form of a personal FOR or AGAINST a thing or an event, etc., that is thought or done, but remain neutral in expressing yourself that, without taking the side of one or the other, it is right or wrong, regardless of whether it is a matter of thought or deed, because it makes no relevant difference.

Evidence and attacks
Why do you adversaries, critics, know-it-alls, complainers cry out for proof, overlooking the truth and your own inadequacy, your ignorance and stupidity and stupidity? Why do you rise up in enmity against the truth and wander about with your attacks in a world of evil and negativity, making yourselves bigger than you really are? Why, you antagonists, you scoffers and you know-it-alls as well as critics, why do you indulge in enmity against the effective truth, why do you pollute ethics with false morals? You adversaries, know-it-alls, complainers and antagonists, you who turn to lies and deceit, if only you see yourselves as great as you really are! Let yourselves descend to the level of the normal and honest, because that is the way that never creates anger and enmity, but peace, friendship, love as well as harmony!

March 6, 2022, 19.13 h, Billy

People of the Earth

Do not wallow in hatred, revenge, retaliation and destruction, but make in you and yourselves a hearth of love, happiness and peace.

Banish in yourselves hatred, revenge and retaliation and stop everything that brings death, sorrow, suffering, misery and destruction.

Do not create discord, strife, war and destruction, as well as wretchedness, gloom, harm, affliction, distress, tribulation and pain, but grow beyond yourselves and be greater in yourselves than your enemies and all antagonists.

Only he who is weak seeks in hatred, revenge and retaliation to gain a victory, his right, satisfaction and contentment, but he thereby destroys his right and creates injustice, which makes him an enemy among his fellow men and the spawn of evil, as well as an outcast of society.

Create justice and peace in yourselves and in the world, do not judge and recognize that those who are poor to you are poor in their thinking, decisions and actions, because they are weak, pathetic in their speech, as well as incompetent and bunglers in their actions.

Create in yourselves love, happiness and peace, be good and do right in your thoughts, decisions and actions, if you are self-confident of what is right and without guilt, if you defend yourselves in a just way against injustice done to you, and that without strife, quarrels, war, death, violence and destruction, for such only brings new strife, war violence and death.

Be a true and effective human being, who protects and preserves the precious life of every single human being from mischief and death, as you grant yourself every protection and preserve yourself from every mischief, for your neighbor is a human being like you.

SSSC, 10.3.2022, 12.51 h, Billy


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I could not agree with you and Billy more Michael thanks again for all you do for us Billy and the future of peace on the planet/ jay

Irene Clow

The link to Putins speech which l transcribed in a previous post. It is poignant and touching.


Link to is listed as “Private” – unable to see it.

rex resa

This is a chance to reflect on the world around you; and make small changes to how one views and overcomes obstacles.

Every-Single-Thing is connected.

Merely by going across the street and smelling a flower, you change the Universe.

I have a hunch that the global economy is not gonna collapse. It can’t. The invisible dominoes are not in place.

Thoughts have incredible power to transform the world.

If just a few percent of humanity got it together; we would really be having things( ie peace, harmony; sustainability…etc.)


-rex resa


Everything will be fine. If not today, then soon. If not soon, then later. Later may mean in our next lives. But whatever happens, no bad thing is forever.

Paul Mustafa Ebrajm Saleh

Wise words from BEAM. If only the people of Earth had ears to hear!

Nathan Gant

What’s happening in Ukraine is an invasion from Russia. IMHO it’s no different than the Nazi invasion and occupation of France in 1940, and it lasted for four years. Putin is Hitler with a nuclear arsenal.


In the aftermath of the Russian Revolution, a Ukrainian national movement re-surfaced and the Ukrainian People’s Republic was formed in 1917. The short-lived state was forcibly reconstituted into the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, which became a founding member of the Soviet Union (USSR) in 1922. From 1932 to 1933 the Holodomor killed millions of Ukrainians. In 1939, following the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, Western Ukraine was annexed by the USSR. Ukraine was the most populous and industrialised republic after the Russian Soviet Republic, until regaining its independence in 1991, following the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

Ned Duke

Zhirinovsky seems to have promoted this conflict since December. You can use Youtube to “CC” and auto-translate to English the video below. The description says Zhirinovsky made a speech at 27 December 2021 to not wait for peace on Feb 22nd. While Zhirinovsky’s timing might be off by a few hours but this is the time when Russian “peacekeepers” were ordered into Donbass shortly before the launch of the special military operation on the 24th.

Zhirinovsky’s support of the upcoming return of Russia:

Reuters report:

Billy and Ptaah on the matter:

“31. On the one hand, the prophecy of the Vatican-Israel alliance has become a reality, which actually speaks as a bad omen for the beginning of the Third World War, and on the other hand, the extremist Zhirinovsky really is an unusually nasty warmonger and tyrant, through whom not only a forced Third World War is to be expected, but who is actually working towards it in this respect.
32. The change to the better and to peace in an increasing form, which was brought about by Gorbachev, already suffers a strong abatement through this, which can be changed quite quickly into a disaster, if the maniac actually comes to his targeted power.
33. In this regard, it now depends on the Russian people, as well as on all responsible persons of the entire world, as to whether this warmonger will actually arrive at supreme power or whether he will be overthrown and be permanently removed from the sphere of influence.
34. He is a threat to the entire world because if he actually arrives at his targeted power, then the worst is to be feared.”

Ned Duke

I also dug this up from Contact Report 251:

“If the prophecy about another world war is fulfilled, if Earth humans do not rethink very quickly and steer everything in a good direction, then also the consequences of the Third World War will be very devastating, as well as a huge revenge campaign against the war triggers, which will be triggered and directed by a bloodthirsty man, who, how could it also be otherwise, will once again be a ‘representative of God’, a pope. But this is also subject to the condition that prophecy be fulfilled through the guilt of earthly man.”


Stephen Lane

The Ukrainian Neo-NAZI forces, which are a recognised part of the main Ukrainian armed forces, have been attacking Russia for 8 years killing many thousands of people. Why is it wrong for Russia to counter this? Why is it wrong to illiminate Neo-NAZI, white supremacist, ultranationals who hate other ethnicities and those of LGBT… orientaion? Why is it OK for the most violent aggressive nation in the history of Earth humanity, the only nation to use nuclear weapons against mass civilian populations … twice, to surround another nation with military installations and for that surrounded nation to feel threatened by it? Why is it OK for the thoughts and feelings of an entire people to be considered irrelevant?

It is curious that you believe that a group of people who actually subscribe to a NAZI ideology are on the ‘good’ side while you consider the one man who is trying to get rid of them being the same as Adolf Hitler. If you were correct then Putin would support the Neo-NAZIs in Ukraine!

Dan Williams

Hi Mike. Look what our darling British government has put through parliament. This is well and truly dictatorship to the Nth degree, using children’s safety and well-being as the insidious catalyst to emotionally whip people into agreeing with something they will likely never read nor understand is not about children but about 100% criminal authoritarianism eroding all freedoms of speech, rights of opinion and access to information.
The people over at UK Column did a piece on it today and it is by far one of the most dangerous moves reflecting the image of Nazism I have seen so far. They want this global, just like the MHRA want to go global as an independent regulator who answer to no-one.

Terry Carch

Lets forget the Lemurians. Her is my point Billy Meier said in no uncertain terms of WW4. Right? There is a rumor that the war in Ukraine might just spark a nuclear war for 888 days. Am I right? Rumor has it that this war may also bring on "The New World Order" If this NWO and WW4 Nuclear war starts as Billy predicted with Sfath We now have TV, radio, computers, cells phones, the internet where we can access information and "possibly change these predictions by gett all this information out to the various organizations such as the UN, ICAN and so on why not form a giant organize plan of action to stop all theses wars including WW4 and stop all the animosity and hatred of one-another with a plan of action to band as an alternative party with protest, advertising, pamphlets' flyers, booklets and so on on the internet etc, we might be able to stop all these dangerous nefarious political New World Order Military Industrial Black Ops and so on, after all weve have had several close calls in the past such as the Cuban Missal Crises and so on. We need to change the coerce and find alternatives such as birth stop, birth contol, birth checks for example and so on ect. I suggest we try to start with the UN and also try to get the Plejarens to show themselves without all these stupid blinders and facades to hide behind their beamships, metal samples etc so that our message of peace, logic, freedom and so on can finally be heard and seen without all thise stupid blinders and scenes be put up in front os us. If the Ps would just show themselves not just to Billy but to this world then mabey we might just stop all these terrible things from happening and finally put Planet Earth on the right track to peace, logicand so on we might be able to move up into the next path of evolution to grow and finally join the Plejafren Federation once and for all times.” Think about this and please find alternatives before we all die in “Hel- WW4 a nuclear war etc.”

Melissa Osaki


What do you think we’ve been trying to do all these years? Twiddle our thumbs? You need to forget about the Plejaren showing themselves. The Plejaren have done more than enough. Stop with the delusions! It’s time that YOU start making pamphlets and flyers and contacting all these politicians and world leaders. Many of us have already been trying to contact these groups. It’s time for YOU to take some personal responsibility and do something to save your own life, otherwise everything will continue to degenerate on and on.

I don’t understand how you can come on here telling Michael to do more when he’s been at this for decades trying to get the truth out to people. It’s time to grow up and start doing something for yourself. The Plejaren are NOT going to save us from our stupidity, aggression and overbreeding. We must save ourselves.

Charles V.

Well stated Melissa. It’s a bit annoying and frustrating “taking orders” from someone who clearly isn’t doing their part.

Terry, it appears you tend to have a lot to say/state, yet, your lack of actions on your part speak louder than what you’re saying/stating. In other words Terry, you’re a bit of a hypocrite.

Making suggestions to others as to what we should be doing for the mission, yet, you put NO EFFORT into bettering yourself, your life and/or your fellow inhabitants of this planet. Furthermore, your stagnant position on always looking for the easy way out (i.e. the Plejaren taking us off this planet) tells me you’ve a massive hill to climb before you accept reality for what it is.

I’d apologize if this appears harsh Terry, but I’m not going to. You personally frustrate a lot of individuals on this blog, fact. I’ve done more than my fair share in helping you try to progress to a more harmonious point and position in your life. I’ll always love you as a fellow human being Terry, but as far as I’m concerned, I’m done, you’re on your own from here on out. I cannot do any more for you, especially when you do nothing for yourself or others.

Again, well stated Melissa. I truly thank you and Michael and all others for what you do for the mission and our future incarnations. All as one! 🙂

