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Saturday, April 27, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

COVID “News” You’ve Known for Over Two Years

How many millions of lives could’ve been saved had Billy Meier’s life-saving information not been – and continue to be – suppressed? 


May 13, 2022

Life-threatening inflammation is turning COVID-19 into a chronic disease

May 12, 2022

Deaths from COVID begin to rise again

GOING VIRAL Warning to anyone who’s had Covid as scientists discover symptoms that can last for TWO YEARS

NOTE: In our New Online COVID Test, we linked to this information from Billy Meier – from February 3, 2020 – about what is now being called “Long Covid”:

“This is the result because no recovery occurs, rather only the appearance of a recovery occurs, and at the same time, the rampantly spreading disease only continues to exist as impulse, without direct pathogens.”

All of this was preventable. As Billy Meier stated, on April 9, 2020, the disease could’ve been contained, controlled and conquered within 3 – 8 months…if the Plejaren recommendation would’ve been followed.

You’ll notice that was the first time he warned the ultimate death toll could reach…500 million people, which he again warned about on December 21, 2020.


May 11, 2022

Well, well. Now CNN is finally – and certainly begrudgingly – admitting:

Growing share of Covid-19 deaths are among vaccinated people, but booster shots substantially lower the risk

But you already knew about that in October 2021, as Meier first published it in 1949:

“The whole thing will not be changed by the fact that here and there women may experience difficulties in childbearing as a result of the vaccination against the crown virus, perhaps even becoming infertile or also having to reckon with annoying cycle disturbances. In general, however, late effects in men and women are not uncommon, as well as relapses of those who have already been vaccinated or post-infectious diseases that are life-threatening and require intensive hospital treatment. However, relapses or so-called vaccine breakthroughs, which will occur over time as a result of the unsuitable vaccines, or only half-suitable ones, will be trivialised by the medical profession, with the false claim that they are normal, which they will not be. The late effects will also not be normal, which can last a lifetime and occur as severe subsequent vaccination reactions that have to be treated in clinics, some of which will be fatal.”

Vaccine breakthroughs will also increase over time, especially from the middle of 2021, whereby it will be a question of breakthrough infections arising, which in turn will have to be treated in intensive care units in hospitals – but unfortunately often in vain, because the patients will die from the new infection of the crown disease. A fact, however, that will largely be concealed by those responsible – which will also include those in power – until they are forced to face the truth. This, however, will not stop them from creating a nonsensical vaccination obligation for ‘responsible persons’ or for those who in good faith accept the wishful thinking and scaremongering of those in power, who will then call those irresponsible and lacking in solidarity who do not allow themselves to be vaccinated out of common sense.(NB. 2021: Vaccine breakthrough infection is a symptomatic infection that occurs in a vaccinated person and is diagnosed by an RT-PCR test or isolation of excitation. Vaccine breakthroughs have various causes, e.g. as a result of a mutation of the pathogen that was vaccinated against, because the pathogen is no longer recognised by the immune system, which according to Ptaah is a consequence of the immature crown disease vaccines, consequently a previous vaccination or a survived infection is useless and everything leads to a new disease, which can possibly be fatal).

While that should be enough to get anyone with a functioning brain to start calling everyone they know, news and media outlets, etc.,

The Lancet just concluded:

Ten scientific reasons in support of airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2

But you already knew about airborne transmission because Billy Meier first published it, over two years ago.

The FDA just restricted the use of a vaccine:

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: FDA Limits Use of Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine to Certain Individuals

But you already knew how dangerous the vaccines were because Billy Meier first published it, over two years ago.

The nature of the virus is still a mystery to medical science:

Why do people get long COVID? A virus called EBV, which causes multiple sclerosis, may hold clues

You already knew about the complications of what’s called “Long COVID” because Billy Meier first published it, over two years ago.

And when you read:

Nearly 1 Million COVID-19 Deaths: A Look at the US Numbers

You remember:

CDC Admits Billy Meier Right 10 Times Number COVID-19 Cases

This Doctor Warned

Over two years ago, in his Al Jazeera World News interview, this NYC frontlines doctor revealed what his source accurately foretold about COVID-19. His source was…Billy Meier:

See also:


New Online COVID Test Gets Thumbs Up from Prominent NY Doctor

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Worst case scenario, if the powers to be where to use an intercontinental ballistic nuclear bomb and attached chemical and bio weapons to the bomb. Which festered the condition within the blast zone and the radiation zone a new atomic super bio plague, syphilis, leper, polio, staff infection flesh eating disease on top of that add financial collapse and ruined and then hunger and starvation no water. The people outside the blast and radiation areas would probably not be as Affected one could even say uninfected where the people within the black zone are infected with airborne flu like Covid like diseases. I imagine the infected we look a lot like zombies and the people who ran into the mountains into the jungles, deep into the forest deep into caves away from high populous areas like the city, metropolis we have to stay away from the people who got infected.….Food for thought excuse my pun.

rex resa

Way to keep it positive…

What about the best case?


Your best case scenario depends on what you do as an individual or the community that you develop for best case scenario. My hint to you would be to look at past history of what people did to survive war. For example Afghanistan ran to the mountains in caves, the Vietnamese ran into the jungle and underground caves, in the Highlands of Ireland in Scotland Wales when they were fighting ran to the hills. The question is are you a leader or are you a follower of your own life? Let’s not judge but instead think for selves


I cannot control nuke weapons and I will not build my own cage that is built out of lack of knowledge or lack of belief. If we look at reasons of why cities metropolises exist in such a way as To understand that: the population into one area is more useful.Just like you cannot control what someone would use a metropolis for from overseas.

Rex Resa

I’m willing to make a gentleman’s that nuclear war does not break out in the next year…

Do you accept terms?


For such a heavy topic I do not dare give my opinion on that if I did I think I would need to balance my ego more. The sadness the suffering the torture The hurt that would come from another man’s fantasy, I don’t have a bed for you and now I must go and rebalance my inner compass

rex resa

I think; hope and pray it will not, and will do everything in my power to will it…

and that is really all I can do.

If it does, then We failed; and that is Unacceptable, and a damn shame.

Perhaps Creation and Divine Providence wills it…who is to say.

We write the future with our actions.

Salome and Blessings

Melissa Osaki

Are you referring to god’s intervention when you say divine providence? Don’t forget that everything is based on cause and effect, created by us. There’s no mystery or divinity, it’s the fundamental basis of physics.

rex resa


It is similar to saying that all the assassination attempts against Billy weren’t successful because the Universe willed it.

As you stated, it was logic and love that protected him.

rex resa

Divine-Providence; i.e. the true-mechanics of the universe, includes cause-and-effect, and governed by two different A.A. Levels; if I’m not mistaken…

Melissa Osaki

That’s exactly the thought it gave me when Rex used his mystical language. It reminded me of some of the religious fanatics I knew when I was a young.

Melissa Osaki

How did the Universe will it? The universe isn’t thinking about Billy and taking precautions to save him. That’s a purely human/material endeavor. Cause and effect is the driving factor. It’s more likely that Billy used the might of his thoughts and his foresight ability to protect himself.

rex resa

The universe wants to continue evolving… Billy one of the keys to this.


Melissa Osaki

The universe will continue to evolve regardless. Helping Billy survive is none of its concern. Are you connecting a god complex to Billy? You shouldn’t do that. Capeesh?

rex resa

I don’t even like using the G word… Even uttering this word is not helpful.

He is the wisest human, w/ the most potent Creation-Energy; but he is a mortal-man, flesh-creature like all of us; so no.

We’re getting lost in semantics.

How is that new Billy book?

Melissa Osaki


I think you are making it more difficult than it needs to be. It’s not me associating religious dogma with Billy Meier. I’m trying to speak in clear and scientific terms to explain what’s going on, but you insist on adding the mystical language. There is an explanation for everything, though not always simple, it’s there. How about we leave it at cause and effect? Capeesh?

rex resa

Fine with me.

The Chronons are effecting my Neurons, anyway…

Melissa Osaki

While it’s more likely to be anxiety or incorrect thinking, maybe an aspirin will help.


Say no to drugs, kids…

Melissa Osaki


Don’t be ridiculous. Medication is fine when taken responsibly.


On top of praying you can actually physically do something and try to stay alive and be the ones who will make a new world with new knowledge and new perspectives. All you gotta do is look at history regarding war, where do the Afghans run to, where did Vietnamese run too, how did the north beat the south for independence? Everything has to do with surviving in jungles in force there’s your hint. Run Forrest run


Run “forest” run!

Chris Lock

Although I do not like to joke about serious matters, A positive response is that the extreme temperatures of a nuclear detonation would probably destroy the bioweapons, certainly any viruses would be burnt up. Nuclear weapons are, of course, and especially now, a real threat to humanity.


A glass-half-full mentality; no doubt…

Joe Vicente

Omega Man?


I had to look it up to be honest and that interpretation that I saw may describe attributes of certain characters that we can all recognize in others and ourselves.

John Webster

Doesitmatter, do not despair, ‘Dare To Prepare’ was offered FREE . . maybe, just maybe, there’s one in the stores with your name on it. If not, I will ship one to you.


Hello Mayor I hope the day finds you well. Mayor I believe we’re in a different time than our Previous space & times in life. I am part of a group that believes in being proactive is important just as much as being reactive. We would like to know what provisions and planning has been put into place if we were to enter the same conditions as the current war in Ukraine in 2022.

In Europe while World War II was going on already in the 1940s London England what’s to join the war that summer with the bombing of its dock, which Later they named Black Saturday.

We have a few questions in regards to preparation for the war time conditions that we may have to experience but also being prepared for such devastating situation such as major earthquakes.

1st-where in the city would be some of the best but also designated facilities or underground areas that could be used as bomb shelters?
2nd-where and how will the facilities or designated areas be able to set up food or water stations so people can get food?
3rd-does the mayor and the city have power to sequester all the food trucks in areas designated for food distribution, in war time conditions?
4th-does the mayor or the city have the procedures in place to be able to confiscate large grocery stores and items to be part of the relief of the population in regards to starvation.
5th-is there an evacuation plan to get off the island to relocate to the mainland which May require the mayors office to have a relationship with BC ferries so we can maximize the amount of population we can transfer to the mainland from the island?
6th-How many of the city’s police force would you lose to the military and or Navy in these conditions?
7th-in such chaos and such devastation, confusion, what role do the police play in regards to crime and or saving lives, we feel that saving lives would take priority over crime which would mean all police would upgrade to just being nurses and paramedics, what does that look like?
8th-in such times if the police paramedics and fire departments were to be thrust into their rules of saving lives where is the mustering station for their families safety in order for those institutions be freed up to help the population?
9th-just like pre-war times in 1940s London we wonder if Canadians will have access to gas masks?
10th-with everything in accordance how and what are the plans to inform or coordinate the population, through what forms of communication can we counter on.
11th- Potassium iodide radiation tablets does the city have an abundance force population?

Sheila Clark

6, 7, 8 can be answered by watching the Nova Scotia Mass Casualty Commission currently going on. The RCMP and EMO chose NOT to use the public warning system to warn the citizens and instead just called their friends and family to warn them about the crazy person who was dressed as RCMP and drove a fully functioning RCMP car and who ended up killing 23 victims in a 13 hour spree. Oddly all Americans in the area were warned but not local residents. The EMO and RCMP both decided Heather O’Brien was dead even though her Fitbit registered a heartbeat for another 8 hours after that, as she lay dying on the side of the road.
Apparently Environment Canada is at the top of chain and can use the public alert system unfettered. Flashback to 2000 when they knew a tornado would hit in 3 minutes at a certain area and instead of warning that area, they chose to call the RCMP to tell them they would be needed there to help with the aftermath.
Never rely on government or government entities to warn you about anything or even help you, would be a good place to start.


The messages if you have the courage and your belief is solid and you thought everything out and it feels right then do as I did use the template change certain words to fit your city and send it off. That is doing something

Melissa Osaki

The way to the truth does not lead through religion and belief

Religion as the epitome of connecting back to a god or creator is synonymous with stagnation, inhibition of progress, restriction, constriction and adherence to prescribed ways of thinking and false philosophies, ideologies, dogmas and other church and faith teachings. Likewise, cult-religious and sectarian beliefs forbid and deny people their very own right to explore and fathom creative laws and universal connections in their own intellectual work.

However, there is only one way to knowing the truth: This is the only possible evolutionary journey of human beings in thinking about everything that has ever been read, heard and experienced thoroughly and honestly and with the necessary healthy critical ability as well as with reason and mind is thought about in order to gain clarity about the real connections in oneself and thereby in turn to acquire the necessary knowledge oneself.

So the members of the ‘Free Community of Interest’ are not blind believers who cling to any doctrine, but they are people in search of the truth.”

Sheila Clark

As a former administrative assistant in a municipality, I can guarantee your letter would go directly into the trash bin or sent to “emergency management preparedness” and you will be fed BS by them. We had a local alert system in place for the tornado that could have been used, but no one notified the person who could have used it.
The best way to handle emergencies is to have a list of people to call who have their own list of people to call focusing on the most vulnerable. Have a designated area available for the public to gather. Have food and water available.
It has nothing to do with courage to send a letter using your template, but has everything to do with reality. Municipalities and Councillors usually only care about their power and fat wallets. Very few are there for the citizens they are supposed to serve. One of the first things I learned is you must lie to the residents as they are the enemy and will just cause you trouble if you are honest with them. Think about that.

Terry Carch

The other day there was a woman who took the J&J vaccine and wound up in the hospital with a severe case of hair loss and her hair saw STILL falling out due to the Johnson and Johnson vaccines, but since this incident there is now a recall of the J&J vaccines.

Stephen Dillon

The sectarians own the NSA completely.
The CIA is positioned exactly above the US govt.

These Satanic appendages are populated with drone personalities.
Theyre hoping they can ride on the coat tails of power and not have to face what that power has planned for humanity, simply by disowning their own humanity.

I see its an illness of the consciousness.

If Judah Ihariots modern day incarnation devotes itself still to the destruction of jmmanuels teachings, then l have to wonder how many lifetimes these spiritual illnesses go on for?

valdinilson de souza martins

you wrote spiritual diseases, but there are no spiritual diseases because the spirit is neutral.


“Don’t go along with that.”
