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Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts โ€” singularly authentic โ€” ongoing for 80 years โ€” the key to our future survival

Alex Jones and the Great Leveling

His relentless attacks against the government, big tech, media, etc., perhaps led him to poke a number of bears one too many times

There is the familiar, old saying, “Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.”

There is no denying that Alex Jones has foreseen some of the breakdown coming upon us and some of the causes. But, as is so often the case, when someone tries to parlay their foresight into personal, financial advantage, they also all too often lose sight of the higher purpose – such as promoting peace,ย love, freedom, harmony and neutrality – and shun those who maintain that purpose and who freely offer far more accurate, life-saving information.

Such is the case with Alex Jones. Over the years, a number of people and I have sent Jones Billy Meier’s detailed, accurate prophetic and predictive information. There were never any responses, nor any public acknowledgment of Meier’s information, from him, as far as we know.

But in his lust for the limelight, it appears that Jones may have “borrowed” from it.

As anyone who’s watched his show – or seen the information about the trial – knows,ย Jones has a tendency to give credibility to, and promote, various unsubstantiated conspiracy theories. His relentless attacks against the government, big tech, media, etc., perhaps led him to poke a number of bears one time too many times.

This isn’t to say that his recent trial was entirely fair, with what appear to be clear violations of his right to free speech, prejudicial statements to the jury by the judge, etc. ย But one has to wonder how seriously Jones took all of hisย own rhetoric and hyperbole about the powers-that-be. Did he really think that he was immune to what they could, and ultimately did, do? Did he really think that he was immune to the…law of cause and effect?

So Jones portrays himself as the victim…failing to mention that he’s mainly a victim of his own excesses.

He has used every opportunity to act as a rabble-rouser, pitching heavily – sometimes bellowing through a bull horn from an armored vehicle – to the politically right-wing, Christian fundamentalists who comprise a large part of his audience. Like many others who play to this crowd, he offers more heat than light, fueling their frustration and anger, and encouraging the easier-to-come-by, impulsive actions that eschew all thoughtful reasoning.

The left of course has its own comparably irrational provocateurs and foot soldiers.

Jones claims, probably sincerely, to be a “true believer”, invoking the imaginary God and Jesus now and then, though perhaps not quite as frequently asย the commercials for the other products he sells, which allegedly have made him a multi-millionaire.

With Jones’ large public platform, he could’ve reached multitudes of people with the…truth. Of course, it would’ve required him to not be awash in brain-dead religious delusion, nor so materialistic. Being a bull-in-a-china-shop, a physical mass with a lot of energy that favors forceful impulsiveness over discernment, he gave no consideration to the consequences.

Of course, the conflict-provoking Jones has a War Room broadcast on his Infowars site,ย to further promote the Ramboian American ideal of bluster, bravado, brute force and…miscalculation. Ingrained in much of the collective American psyche, this is the institutionalized anger, aggression, and violence the country was founded on, and perpetuates to this day.

It’s the hubris of power that oversteps its bounds, such as the taunting and arrogant defiance that even many females in leadership positions man – ooops! –ย personifest, recently exemplified by Nancy Pelosi, dutifully doing her part to contribute to the face-slapping of China that will, in time, be responded to with great vengeance.

With no immediate or long-range intentions to pursue reasoningย and living in harmony with people, Jones – like Pelosi and the rest of the warmongers – only care about fomenting conflicts and seeking advantage and domination over theirย perceived enemies. They use the, tried and true, flag-waving and hocus-pocus about “God’s will” to manipulate the masses…and increase their bank accounts.

Jones is not alone in peddling a complete lack of personal self-responsibility. His conspiracy laden, blame-it-all-on-the-evil-elite agenda is typical of, and plays to, many fundamentalist, right-wing Christians, who claim their deity has bestowed upon them certain special divine rights, but few responsibilities other than to believe…instead of think.

People like Jones deliberately feed mob mentality which, as demonstrated countless times throughout history, never brings the true peace,ย love, freedom and harmony. As is often the case, whatever good intention any aspiring leaders may have had before they became demagogues, are neglected once they get a taste of power and wealth.

Jones has expressed some contrition about participating in spreading false rumors about the Sandy Hook massacre, while simultaneously playing the victim and begging for money for his supposed financial woes. Still, we should also remember that he made this bed of nails for himself and doubtlessly would’ve defiantly continued, had some people determined to stop him not succeeded. And there are more trials to come.

But, in his narcissism, he will no doubt continue to beg for money and play the martyr for the cause, should he manage to not be successfully, and wrongly, silenced. Ironically, he’s right that the powers-that-be now really do intend to shut him up and/or tie him up with costly legal proceedings.

The lust for wealth and power, along with delusional beliefs and polarizing political partisanship, are evolution stultifying, dead-endย degeneracies. True peace, love, freedom and harmony require personal self-responsibility, not millions and millions of dollars, nor any form of hysterical mob mentality.

See also:

Demise and Destruction by Default

The non-religious, belief-free, Creation-energy teaching books give the best, clearest guidance for improving our lives and evolving our thinking as well.


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Dan Williams

I have zero sympathy for this man. For years, much like Icke, he is resembled a jack in the box, who only appears when the opportunity strikes to play Pied Piper and exploit 1001 conspiracy theories to further his own agenda for fame notoriety and of course, money.

For 20 odd years this man with his harsh growling rhetoric and bandwagoning has steered many a curious man or woman astray to forevermore be locked in conspiracy limbo, unable to move back for fear of admitting they are wrong, unable to move forward for fear of admitting others are right.

All while these martyrs loot the minds and paypal accounts of the easily coerced non-thinking internet folk desperate for the easy solution, the simple finger pointing loophole where they can wax lyrical about the big bad illuminati and tattoo false flags on everything so it blocks any reason for them to alter their thinking and heaven forbid, their lifestyles.

Jones are the pinnacle gobsh*te no-one should emulate, for they inflict more damage on the credibility of truth and reality than any other and it the foolish people who follow these narcissist martyrs and become their 24/7 always ‘on-the-air’ echo chambers who proudly boast of their apparent impeccable wisdom yet elude themselves to be the catastrophic catalysts furthering the exact agendas they scream and shout against.

Jones has added yet another turd to the punch bowl, making it even harder for people to speak about truth. I’ve always known the man and his mouth to be dangerous, but once he took to the streets to incite civil war like some swollen Napoleon trying to lead his right-wing army to conflict, it was clear he was behaving much like Icke, in that once the opportunity presented itself they took full advantage, and as usual they overplay their hand and walk straight into the trap.

I mean, when Jones was denouncing the school massacre as a false flag, like the bataclan in France etc. it epitomised the undeniable truth that there is no low these people will not reach when it comes to polishing their conspiracy beliefs and the endless need to validate themselves.

I just hope Jones learns his lesson.

John Webster

Dan, you have a clean and colourful command in communicating truth . . even if it’s in English! Oh, and, by the way, let’s hear it for the succinctness to the law of cause and effect! Surely A.J. has a better grasp on such reality!

Terry Carch I Love Erra

Well MH all i can say is Alex Jones is not only a mob boss but also a dead end clown!!! Go Figure!!! Ha ha ha:)))

Eric F

My only question is the timing of this trial.
For decades he has done his thing and I can even remember him being interviewed on mainstream tv shows and documentaries very cordially.
So the only thing that changed was his support for Trump. That had a real effect in getting him elected and that is an unforgivable sin for the elites. He used to say that both parties are the same. He became a Trump rebuplican in 2015 and that was when he got a target on his back. It was then when big tech censored him on all platforms and this lawsuit got really underway.

Dont get me wrong. He is a liar, bullshit artist and a fear monger but he was also one of the few who stood against wars in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen etc.


99 dark conspiracies
made from an airconditioned high tech studio
everyone’s a super sleuth
everyone’s a viral tuber
With google searches to identify
With logical fallacies and red herrings classified
Scrambling in the summer sky
99 WEF balloons go by

Terry Carch I Love Erra

I just heard on the news that the FBI is scouring Trump`s Maralargo Estate in Palm Beach, Fl for any documents that Trump has or had.

Bruce Lulla

This was an epic moment in his dog & pony show trial


Alex Jones is a ferocious warrior of a man. I love him he is everything a man should be brave assertive and honest.

Utube has scoured and scrubbed its site of anything which casts doubt on the reality of false flag and even completely contrived shootings.
A video of a “father” joking with people before crying on camera is non existent now.
He literally gets the call to face cameras and goes into an actors deep breathing mood change moment, unaware he is being videoed. Everything is sterilzed and scrubbed now, our minds are made up for us and clowns gloat at Alex who would lead a charge accross a feild at an enemy.

Alex Jones is a mans man and as brave as a lion.. I prey l am fortunate enough to have a man like that next to me in life to father my children.

He has more guts in his crap than most men have or will ever have in their entire bodies.

Please dont patronize me either Michael. Youve made your sermon on him and it made me vommit.


The use of predatory animal analogies usually is not something you would not want to be descriptive of the person’s character but instead for their capabilities depending on what is being spoken of. The higher up the animal pole the more authoritative the presence.

For example,
As capricious as a Fox;
As viscous and greedy as a Wolf;
As ferocious as a Tiger (or Lion)

That being said, folks in this sphere of dis-influence are preoccupied with the reputations of people instead of treating all men with honor and sincerity. I would imagine if we had a time machine and Captain Bullhorn decided to derisively call the peasants sheeple that it would not go over so well. There is a large resounding amount of discord caused when whatever flavor of global disorder pops up that someone would arise and claim their flavor of wailing and crying caused the Phantom menace to suddenly disappear and take flight. Usually the general mass of people are on average aware or are cautious not to believe everything that comes their way. Hence, Billy’s aim at sending information directly to folks with those types of authoritative responsibilities and not lording oneself over the common man.

Stephen Dillon

Any question about the reality of Sandy Hook should be answered here as we watch father Robby Parker prepare to face the cameras.

Irene Clow

Thankyou, anyone who cannot or will not recognize the smuggly contrived countenance of this actor is incapable of seeing what is right in front of their eyes.
Insulting and judging Alex Jones when he is down is the cup of cowards.
Their is a will to disarm us and if anyone refuses to believe it involves false flag events, then they are blind to American history.
We are under a socialist communist attack from within yet we are laughed at for the mere suggestion that it is happening.
We are “conspiracy theorists” a dismissive and derogatory term bandied about by shallow minded fools who are joyfully applauding our countries destruction and cheering the conquerers as they exterminate the modern patriots like Alex Jones and Donald Trump.

Where will you all be when the brave are gone? Who will you jeer and judge?

Our brave men are being hunted and destroyed by our dark government while a chorus of pios clowns clap and jeer.

Melissa Osaki

So your ideal man is a conman and a bully? A real man is neither.

A real man has strength of character, and he strives for wisdom and knowledge. A real man cares about his fellow human beings. And he would never use his knowledge to amass millions of dollars for his own luxury and pleasure. A real man would never bully others about the death of children, even if all the facts weren’t in order. Real strength doesn’t come from testosterone, it comes from love and wisdom. A real human being strives for peace, love, harmony and freedom. Alex Jones does none of those things.

John Webster

Gender is a secondary issue . . likely less than secondary.

Melissa Osaki

It should be, but some people are stuck in their primitive and macho thinking.

Terry Carch I Love Erra

“DITTO Well said!”

John Webster


Tim Thomas

Communism definition:
A theoretical economic system characterized by the collective ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the common advantage of all members.

Socialism definition:
Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.

Fascism definition:
A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.

We are not under a communist/socialist attack, the system we are under in the USA most closely resembles fascism.

The communist/socialist red herring has been propagandized by the dark state for at least 80 years, but does not line up with reality.


per Miles Mathis, the trial was fake.


The following ordinal entries appear in Miles Mathis’ blog:

8/16/14, Decoding the Sam Harris/Ian Murphy Flamewar. More misdirection on Sandy Hook.

“Although both Harris and Murphy drop the terms โ€œscienceโ€ and โ€œmoralityโ€โ€”and many similar terms โ€”the logical, scientific, and moral thing to do is first be sure the event actually happened. Before you start debating the correct reaction to an event, you should verify the event. Sandy Hook has not been verified. In fact, under scrutiny, it has completely collapsed. The mainstream told a ridiculous story that has not held up to even the most cursory analysis, and then refused to clarify it. When they got caught telling a mountain of lies, they basically shut down. They red-taped and then bulldozed the scene, changed the timestamps, put a gag order on everyone involved, and threatened all investigators with prosecution. They broke all sorts of transparency and reporting laws, rewrote others, and ignored the rest at will. When a large percentage of Americans expressed doubt and asked for clarification, all they were offered was a soundbite debunking that failed utterly to debunk anything. In fact, the form of the debunking only increased the suspicion. Seeing the failure of all their primary gambits, the mainstream fell back on the secondary gambit that has been used with great success in the past: pretend that their failure was a success.”

3/29/14, The Andrew Solomon Award, for fictional news reporting. A Sandy Hook update.

4/23/13, The Boston Marathon, or the Case of the Four Fences. Like Aurora and Sandy Hook, another mystery it takes no Sherlock Holmes to penetrate.

2/15/13, Is Alex Seitz-Wald still Typing? I respond to his latest puff-piece, continuing my analysis of the Sandy Hook story and the hired litterateurs fronting it.

1/24/13, The Sandy Hook Conspiracy Debunked? No. I show that nothing has been debunked, and even give you more evidence.

1/6/13, The Alleged Sandy Hook Tragedy. Another staged event


Sofia Smallstrom has a presentation called Creating Reality – Part1 and Part2 on Sandy Hook.


The Pozner v. Fetzer trial appears in favor of Pozner that his son N. P. died December 14, 2012. But, the FBI report of murders in Connecticut, 2012 still as of this post shows ZERO murders for Newton. Fetzer’s attempt to contest DNA Test Report failed.

Why has the FBI not updated their records for murders in Newton?


That should be Newtown CONNECTICUT.

Al Jedd

Alex Jones must pay the Sandy Hook families nearly $1 billion for hoax claims, the jury has said.

For other damage done by Alex Jones, see:-

It’s so irritating that the motor-mouth AJ continues to spew out his manic, scare mongering B.S. etc, whilst Theyfly is being threatened by Youtube with removal for telling the Truth/Warnings.

When the death toll reaches 500 million due to the coronavirus pandemic, I doubt that AJ or Youtube or any of the other non-thinking people on this planet will blink an eye; that is to say, that IF the government powers allow the true numbers to be put out to the public.
These stupid people are putting a noose around the neck of humanity, especially when it comes to the plague.
Also not forgetting the war in the Ukraine. Which is so obviously being made one sided in favour of EU and NATO, and playing on people’s emotions with the constant reference to the refugees and the people still in the Ukraine. Which sounds like Propaganda to me.
Peace Meditation this weekend October 15th/16th.
