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Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Minister of Propaganda Lue Elizondo Wants to Kill UFOlogy

Useful idiots of UFOlogy no longer useful, close lid and flush, pump up bogus UFO “threat”, rush to war and self-destruction

While Lue Elizondo showed, from the beginning, he was an untrustworthy, dishonorable shill for the US government’s UFO disinformation agenda, he finally said something I agree with him about, though for different reasons.

In his recent article the new Minister of Propaganda, Lue Elizondo, explains his kinder and gentler approach to exterminating UFOlogy and its – formerly – useful idiots who infest social media platforms.

While Lue formerly heaped, er, praise on confused UFOlogist John Greenewald, it looks like he’s now flushing him down the drain. Astute readers will recall that Elizondo magically appeared on the scene, as a “former” intelligence operative, to join with, and enlist the invaluable services of, sleepy doper musician Tom DeLonge in the TTSA scam.

After cutting out of there, with the equally dishonorable, disinfo-spreading, war-monger Chris Mellon, he descended the ladder of delusional UFOlogy to rub shoulders with Greenewald and other prominent poseurs and charlatans, like Jeremy Corbell, George Knapp, etc., in often short-lived, pretend buddy-buddy, wink-wink UFO-based fellowship.

The dummies in UFOlogy – gushing with enthusiasm, hero-worship, and a chance to gain some significance in their sycophantic lives – were easy pickings. And Lue had the Tic-Tac video and “threat” issue to ramp up hysteria among all the know-nothings falling for, and playing their parts as extras in, the entire soap opera.

I’ve long called for, and would welcome, the demise of the unscientific field of UFOlogy. I just don’t think filling it with government sponsored, promoted and supplied stooges and more disinfo is the answer. But Lue’s and Mellon’s cynical exploitation of the stupid, unthinking masses inside and outside of UFOlogy is part of the evil-aliens-more-weapons-for-more-wars of the dying American empire that I recently wrote about…once again.

The intelligence agencies must’ve been rubbing their collective tentacles together with glee, as they prepared for their seduction of the millennial-minded UFO nuts of all ages, who live their two-dimensional, unthinking and undiscerning lives on social media. The mecca of born-yesterday “UFO/UAP experts, researchers and investigators”, social media overflows with dedicated chasers of lights-in-the-sky none of whom have any credible, published research, investigative experience, evidence, etc. In other words, they’re just the kind of useful idiots to exploit so as to divert attention away from the singularly authentic Billy Meier contacts. What better way to keep the key to our future survival from the hands of those who might seek a truly free, saner, safer, more harmonious, abundant, peaceful and loving way of life?

The now walking dead of UFOlogy, still unaware that Lue’s killed them off, don’t realize they’ve been used (but hardly abused). The theatrics, the sock-puppetry, the boatloads of expendable, clueless, self-important, wannabes and hobbyists for whom the whole thing was merely entertainment to assuage their terminal boredom. Some will flop around a bit longer, desperate carp trying to suck up more oxygen before their well-deserved return to the sea of oblivion.

Sit back, get some popcorn and get ready for the Minister of Propaganda, along with his chosen “experts”, to pump up the bogus UFO “threat” scenario…while the US increases its now unstoppable rush to self-destruction.

You can’t outsmart the prophecies. We once could’ve learned how to prevent their fulfillment. But that time has now passed.

217. Far in the West, it will be different; the United States of America will be a country of total destruction.

218. The cause for this will be manifold.

219. With its global conflicts which are continuously instigated by it and which will continue far into the future, America is creating enormous hatred against itself, worldwide, in many countries.

220. As a result, America will experience enormous catastrophes which will reach proportions barely imaginable to people of Earth.

221. The destruction of the WTC, i.e., the World Trade Center, by terrorists will only be the beginning.

See also:

Will Lue Elizondo Reveal the Billy Meier UFO Contacts and Why Not?

How UFOlogy Was Used to Gain Control of the Media and You

Welcome to the Clown Show of American UFOlogy



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Stephen Dillon

Prophesy remains potential until it occurs or not, its a lot like an arrow approaching a target, when the arrow is released a percentage can be assigned as to whether it will strike the target and that percentage grows or diminishes as the distance closes.

Its never a certainty until it strikes the target. The percentage can grow to 99.9999999% but the fact remains that any freak occurence can stop or divert the arrows at any point prior to impact.

Thus prophesy can never be assigned a 100% probability of fullfillment.

Only a prediction can be assigned that percentage.

There is an absolute difference between the two terms, so as bad as things look for us here now on earth, as long as the worst has not happened, it is avoidable but the closer we get to the possible event, the less avoidable it becomes.

Melissa Osaki

There’s also the point of no return, and prophecies that turn into predictions.

Stephen Dillon

Mellisa, the point of no return is only reached when the event occurs and at that point it does not become a prediction, it becomes a fullfilled prophesy.

A prophesied event only exists as a diminshing or increasing potential and is never ever certain. Like the arrow its impact is never certain to a 100% value. The value may reach 99.99999999999999% but it remains a potential until the event occurs.

A prediction is the only future event which will occur with a 100% certainty.

The two terms are absolutely different and not interchangeable, nor can the lines between them be blurred.

Melissa Osaki

That doesn’t make sense. How can the point of no return be when the event happened? A point of no return happens prior to an event. It’s too late to change it. Maybe you’re unaware that Billy and the Plejaren have made it clear that we are past the point of no return. There’s also been several prophecies that have turned into predictions, like Apophis. It hasn’t happened yet, but we are past the point of no return.

Stephen Dillon

I can only use the arrow and target to demonstrate and lam sorry if it seems tedious to you.

If an arrow travelling at 100mph is a foot from a bullseye it would seem inevitable that the arrow strikes the target. In fact you may say its past the point of no return.

However a bullet travelling at right angles at 7000 feet per second striking that arrow head and shattering it would stop the arrow striking the target.

You may say thats impossible but
Its still a possibility no matter if you dismiss or not.

So the arrow hitting the target can never be certain until it hits the target and until that happens it remains a possibility only.

Melissa Osaki

Not if the prophecy changes to a prediction. Predictions will happen with 100% certainty. I’m sorry if this seems tedious to you, but prophecies can go past the point of no return, like Apophis. They can no longer be changed. They will happen with 100% certainty. You’ll have to take it up with the Universal Prophet.

Stephen Dillon

Lets hear it from him then.. oh when l said lam sorry if this seems tedious to you l was being freindly and sincere.

Melissa Osaki

So was I. I can’t go through the contact reports right now, but the last several years have been very clear that we can no longer change the prophecies.

A quick look at this article brings up the Red Meteor prophecy that was changed to a prediction.

According to Contact Report 471, the Red Meteor “prophecy” becomes a prediction meaning it will definitely happen. Billy says, “…the Red Meteor… is not a prophecy, but a prediction and, therefore, a cosmic event. If I remember correctly… the great danger by the meteor would threaten Earth on the 13th April, 2029, while at the same time he also named a date for the year 2036.” Ptaah “And what to say about Quetzal’s prediction regarding the meteor; I can only confirm his information.”

Irene Clow

Oh what an interesting conversation.

No, that contact does not say anything about a prophesy becoming a prediction.

I read that section. In Billy’s conversation with Ptaah, it was clarified that a prophesy involving the Red meteor talked about certain human events coinciding with the meteors approach.

Ptaah confirmed that the human events outlined in the prophesy need not occur but that the meteor component was a prediction and would definately ocurr.

So your example of a prophesy becoming a prediction is proven to be humorously false.


Melissa Osaki

You’re un-humorously predictable. Prophecies change to predictions once they pass the point of no return, like it or not. By the way, Irene, did you confirm your identity for Michael? He’s patiently waiting.

Irene Clow

You poor

NOTE: Your petty comments will no longer be approved. This will no longer be a place for your obsessive and petulant attacks on me. (MO)

And also from Michael. He’s still waiting.

I’m deleting your latest sniping and requesting that you substantiate your REAL identity privately or, if that’s too much to ask, please use another screen name that ISN’T a name that can be mistaken for a real other person.

Stephen Dillon

Oh thats nice Mellissa, l was thinking you took me for being intellectually condescending when l said that.

Terry Carch I Love Erra

Or if you can get NASA to send a probe out to gently nudge Apothis away from this solar system back out to where where it cane from and can no longer harm us here on dumb planet earth!:-(

Dan Williams

Stephen, with all due respect that’s totally false and doesn’t factor in the certainty of inevitability.
So the arrow that is hurtling towards you under the definition of prophecy has within the inertia of its movement the likelihood of striking its target.
There are variables here as to when and how the recipient will see it and act to divert himself/herself from the incoming missile that will 99.9% cause fatal wounding based on 1+2=3 should nothing be done to avoid impact.
So with each incremental movement closer the arrow gets, the less time the recipient has, not just to move out of the way, but to recognise the danger and make the necessary cognitive assessments to activate the flight reflex mechanism to dodge the incoming missile.
So with every milisecond the recipient ignores the danger, the more that arrow shifts from being a possible direct hit to the recipient no longer having enough time to avoid being hit.
There is a cause and affect law here. Once it ‘crosses the line’ between recipient swerving from the path to no longer having any chance of avoiding being hit, that is the moment prophecy becomes prediction.
If you see a car hurtling towards you, there are two ways the perceived impact can be avoided. In order for this to happen the awareness, thought, reaction and action must appear before this ‘crossed line’. Therefore, if the driver slams on the brakes and the pedestrian jumps back or away, enough time existed before the line for the prediction to be avoided. This is being alert to the inevitable end result and acting quickly to stop it.

But delay applying the brakes and not pay attention to the car for a second more, and suddenly the line is crossed where there is no longer enough time to stop and avoid a collision, not enough time and space to jump away.
Once this line is crossed, everything changes from possibly being hit to absolutely being hit.
Everyone who has experienced this in one way or another know what the line is and knowing that opportunity of avoidance has passed, they await the inevitable end result. Those who do that, especially when personal harm is the result, use that time to shield themselves or lessen the damage by changing from flight to either freeze or fight.
It is acting in a preventative way with enough time to stop what is visualized and contemplated either from innate instinct or previous experience and being taught as a child about risk and dangers etc. as the end result, for it is knowing no more time exists anymore to avoid the inevitable and accepting that it’s going to happen and there’s nothing you can do about it. This before anything has happened, until it does happen.

It is equivalent to terminal disease. On the diagnosis of the signs of poor health, warnings of a serious illness is the prophecy of suffering and death. If all preventative measures are ignored and the illness appears as prewarned, the line has been crossed, turning prophesied suffering and death to predicted death.

Stephen Dillon

Mellisa, points of no return referred to by the Plejaren were applied to specific events.

If you can site an example with link where a prophesy is now deemed unavoidable by Billy or the Plejaren, l would be interested in reading that.

I was unaware that Apophis was prophesied, I thought it was discussed as an event “programmed by cosmic forces”

Melissa Osaki

But you said points of no return didn’t happen until the event happened. That’s not possible. It happens at some point before the event. It’s the same with prophecies. If the thinking and actions of human beings doesn’t change for the better, we go past the point of no return and can no longer stop or change it from happening. Prophecies will happen if nothing changes for the better.

Last edited 1 year ago by Melissa Osaki
Stephen Dillon

“Prophesies will happen if nothing changes for the better”

Yes Mellisa until the prophesy is fullfilled it can be averted or even mitigated.

There is no 100% assurance either way.

Iam still interested to know how Apophis gets catagorized as a prophesy?

It was my understanding that the impact was “programmed by cosmic forces as a rebuke.” according to Quetzel.

The dates for flyby in 2029 and impact in 2036 were locked in from the start by cosmic intelligences.

Stephen Dillon

Mellisa says the Apophis is now a prediction and you’re saying Quetzel may not exist.

With this logic nothing is certain including any civil wars or any Russian invasions, so how do you assert that prophesies are becoming unavoidable?

There is no uannavoidable if your reasoning is based on the assumption that sources such as a Plejaren commander, may not even exist.

Buddy C’mon throw me a bone here!

Stephen Dillon

Meanwhile Mellisa has destroyed my eyebrows..


Charles V.

Self-responsibility, YOU destroyed the eyebrows on your sculpture.

Writing of, the sculpture looks rather good, Jim Morrison I presume?



Stephen Dillon

Thankyou Charles, l will reflect with the utmost humility and shame upon my evil as hell decision to Blame Mellisa Osaka for all my mistakes in life ..

Yeah, it’s Morrison.

Charles V.

I trust you know Stephen that I wasn’t meaning any disrespect nor being a deliberate smart-ass with my prior statement, far from it. I was merely being a “self-responsibility” reminding grammar na*i, that’s all.

I’m sure you needn’t any reminding nor advice from some bloke you’ve never met, however, you should keep on creating and expanding upon your sculptures Stephen, seriously. You clearly have an excellent talent, in addition to your attention-to-detail skillset; something I wish I was good at or at least had the skillset to improve upon. I definitely have a very well ingrained creative skillset within my being, however, sculptures, painting, working with clay, are not it/them. lol

The eyebrows look fine/great by the way, not sure why you’d want to mess around with them, although as a fellow “creator”, I do understand. Art is subjective, a personal creation and never finished; there’s always room for improvement. If my memory serves correctly and as Eduard’s prior incarnation stated, (i.e. as Leonardo Da Vinci) “A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned”; so true in the art/creative world.

In summary, your sculpture of Morrison is awesome, truly.

Kudos Stephen, keep up the great work and take great care of yourself and your loved ones, we’re all on the same and correct side of history my friend.



brigitte de Roch

I have been using Rhal Zahi’s presentation using Billy explanations in my communication regarding Apophis. In it he analyses the asteroid and the future events that will lead to an impact on Earth.

Note: I am using the verb “will” instead of “shall” as it now a prediction meaning that it will take place based what we are told.

Stephen Dillon

I respect your logic Dan and for me it comes down to this question. At what point is a prophesy deemed inevitable?

In the case of a civil war, it would be a cascade of many many seperate events.

How is inevitability defined?

Your model of a stationary person in the path of a high speed arrow, only allows for escape based on the victims evasive actions and does not factor in any randomly intervening force, which could divert or stop that arrow.

The responsible assignment of inevitability to a prophesy should rely on the weighing of all possible intervening factors.

Even then one should assign a value for unknown factors.

Many things seem inevitably lost or won yet the results defy that. This is can certainly be because of unknown factors.

Its an interesting subject.

Stephen Dillon

Masturbation isnt a term i would apply to someones reasoning, unless l was looking to diminish or insult them.

I have been very careful to remain freindly and respectful of other peoples opinions and reasoning even when my urge is to agressively dissgree.

Kindly consider using language you would be comfortable using in someones home Michael .

Dan Williams

At what point is a prophesy deemed inevitable?

As I stated, when that preventative line has been crossed.

Ok. Another tl;dr analogy. Bear with me.

A chap on his bicycle is cycling down a hill, and when applying his under-maintained, worn brakes they suddenly fail.
There’s a cliff edge at the far end of the hill with a 1500ft sheer drop to the sea below.
He’s ignored the brake repairs for quite some time despite experiencing numerous problems and narrowly avoiding collisions and accidents. Now he’s in serious trouble.
The gradient of the hill declines even steeper and the speed of the bike increases. Already he has denied jumping off the bike because he deliberates how much he paid for it and what he’ll do if he loses his bike.

Letting it go to drift away by itself crosses his mind which, without his weight and arms steadying the handlebars,it would swerve and even likely collapse well before the edge. The high likelihood of a crisis averted, and limited damage to both himself and his bike.

Time has ticked by and multiple signs have passed already, whether it be years, months, weeks, days, hours or seconds which have all been ignored.
The prophecy of this particular scenario for serious danger began long before the eventual failure, yet now it is approaching the critical point of no return. Cause and effect.

The increasing speed of the bike means that now his own downward velocity and inertia has doubled, narrowing the time and space he has to jump to safety the nearer he and the bike approach the cliff.

Foolishly he tries the brakes again, and again thinking by some miracle they will work. He shouts for help.

The simple aversion was to see the risk and either fix it early on or jump away once the brakes failed and let the lifeless vessel, i.e the bike, become rudderless, lose steam, fall over or take itself over the edge. The moment the brakes showed signs of deterioration and neglect, along with the decision to continue riding the bike, a prophecy materialised.

Therefore the prophecy transforms into prediction when the rider, even though 10 feet away from the precipice and not yet arriving at and over the edge, no longer has enough time and space to jump to safety.

The accumulated forward momentum that has built up with greater and greater might, requires a specific distance now to stop which far exceeds how much he has available because, that line has been crossed: thus it is with absolute certainty once the point of no return has been reached, to make any attempt to jump will make no difference to the outcome. He will now take himself over the edge with the bike even though it has not yet been reached, and anyone else who tries to intervene whilst within the moment of certainty aka prediction will themselves be taken over the cliff by the riders own forward momentum, bringing yet another prophecy/prediction in the actions of the good samaritan.

Stephen Dillon

I cant talk about this anymore,, its giving me s headache (lol)
I am working on a sculpture and the eyebrows conflict they have to be the same but different .

So l take break to look at this forum ,, now lam chewing this splintering bone with Melissa and MY EYEBROWS still look like,,. AaarrrrrrrrrrGH!!!!

Barry l

They keep saying ET threat , we need to determine if they are hostile, etc. If they were hostile, the moment an air force jet tailed one , poof , game over. When The Roswell event happened, if to get were hostile, poof game over. When any one of the thousands of sightings happened, they would have attacked. They wouldn’t wait for us to get nuclear weapons to or lasers, etc. They are not hostile. If people would only think for themselves.

Stephen Dillon

The US govt is certainly not above falsifying an ET attack, in fact in the 1960’s Werner Von Braun talked about such a thing occurring.
This has been out there as part of the elites deception portfolio for a very long time.
With todays hologram technology fleets of a thousand hostile ET space craft could be made to appear.


One thing I don’t get is when we human beings read something we than think we are professionals and start preaching to others when clearly we don’t know what we think we know, this is not directed at you Melissa Osaki.

Stephen Dillon

Keep working on it Cliff, l’m sure youll get it sooner or later. PS you know what ranchers do with sidewinders?

Gary McCusker

great article, well worded. Made me smile.

Petri Vaatainen

Thank you Michael for your ongoing work trying to bring sanity and true message to the ’field’. Let’s hope humanity will wise up to the destructive path we are on. Not holding my breath though.

Terry Carch I Love Erra

“DITTO 100%!” Salome

Useful Idiot

Well, . . . . seems these are always available.

There IS a statement that 4 world leaders would die in a ‘short’ time period, and THAT would mark the beginning of fulfillment of events have ‘no return’ (completed).

Anyone care to quote which CR has that?


John Webster

Does Queen Elizabeth 11 count as one of four heads of state.

Eusebio Apellido

Or two, if Gorbachev is counted. He may not be presently but he was previously a head of state

Eusebio Apellido

Just checked on the date of death and both individuals are separated by a span of 9 days – my mistake. However, upon the passing of the former Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe, I started to take notice.

John Webster

Thanks, Michael, all the best to you!

In the context of things prophesied / predicted, and, as interesting as any unfolding events can time out to become human reality, along with the Queen’s death, I had the current pope in my background thoughts too, so, it’s why I asked for your take.

Melissa Osaki

There’s also this.

Extract from the book Prophetien und Voraussagen

“Predictions concern as a form of foretelling the future, which is established as such, that extremely extensive kabbalistic calculations lead to very exact results, or that via travels into the future of different types, the future will be explored. A process which can occur technically or via travels in consciousness. Certain forms of future visions are also of this category. Through this is clearly discernible that predictions occur with absolute certainty and are inevitable, without the possibility that a change or avoidance would still be possible, because due to visioning the future, the event will be seen, which actually and inevitably will occur at a future point in time. Predictions are based on logical consequences of already firmly established facts, so that from their source and development a very exact effect has to result. However, it is different in the case of prophecies, which a rule only have a warning function and only show the result of a matter, which would result of certain facts, if no change in time would be affected. But if a change is not affected, then the prophecy becomes a prediction, which unhesitatingly has to occur.”

Charles V.

Is that Avi Loeb on the far left side of the top image header? As smart as he is as an astronomer with Harvard – I’m giving him the benefit of doubt – he’s not that brilliant. I’m sure he’s a very nice man, however, when intelligent and KNOWING people – of Eduard’s mission – purposely discount, negate, suppress and/or oppress Eduard’s and the Plejaren’s attempt to save humanity, all it tells me is that they’re completely fine with killing themselves and the rest of humanity. I know, it appears harsh, but what other outcome does the aforementioned cowardly acts create?

I remember reading within the past week or so that he’s seeking $1.5 million dollars to investigate some “crashed” UFO in the sea somewhere, or some shit like that. I’ve provided three linked articles describing his intention.


Scientific American:

Harvard Website:

If only Avi and his kind would confirm and/or admit the Meier case is real; I know, he’ll never admit it.

Over 15 years of studying, following and applying the knowledge contained within Eduard’s mission, and I’m still learning as much as possible as I’m very far removed from perfection obviously, I simply have one thing to write.

After all these years, and trust me when I write I’ve done my diligence seeking to find contradictory statements, falsified evidence, incorrect information, etc., I STILL have not found ONE shred of evidence that Eduard is lying, falsifying anything, etc.

From my standpoint, only one sentence perfectly describes Eduard and his mission, I borrowed the following from one of your documentaries Michael, thank you:
“This man is telling the truth.”

Take great care of yourselves everyone.



Melissa Osaki

Hi Charles,

They do look a little similar, but that’s Chris Mellon. Salome

Charles V.

My bad, sorry for the discrepancy. Thank you for the clarity Melissa. I didn’t mean/intend to take away from the conversation Michael and Melissa. I accept my screw-up(s). As previously stated, I’m so very far removed from perfection.

I still stand by my thoughts relative to the recent Avi Loeb news. As stated, I’m sure he’s a very nice man and personally, I’d probably get along with him just fine. However, those who deny the validity of Meier’s mission (i.e. the very valuable information contained therein and Eduard’s and the Plejaren’s ongoing and relentless efforts to save humanity) are doing themselves, their loved ones and all of Creation’s creations an astronomical disservice, especially for the future and our future incarnations, very sad.

Thanks again Melissa, appreciate the clarity sister! 🙂

Take great care of yourselves everyone, all as one!



Melissa Osaki

You haven’t taken away from anything. Your thoughts on Avi are logical and very much relevant. Salome