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Tuesday, May 7, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Courageous USAF Fighter Pilot Takes Hostile Fire from UAP!

Unscientific Adolescent Pretenders attack Chris Letho for daring to explore singularly authentic Billy Meier UFO contacts

A Reminder for Those Who Chase Lights-in-the-sky:

US Astronaut Gordon Cooper

If you want to fully understand what Billy Meier and Ptaah mean when they speak about the hopelessly stupid people* – those who are willfully unthinking – look no further than the pathetic, self-important wannabes that have embraced the trendy UAP topic, which supposedly stands for Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, but more accurately Unscientific Adolescent Pretenders.

As is frequently the case with members of various kinds of low-intelligence cults, many of them are quick to attack their own, should they dare look outside the narrowly circumscribed, implicit rules they’ve imprisoned themselves within.

The Search for Truth Goes Not Unpunished

I very much appreciated my recent conversation with Chris Letho of the UAP Society. A former USAF fighter pilot for 18 years, Chris is admittedly relatively new to the overall field of study, such as it may be.

Chris had been informed of my appearance on Redacted by his webmaster, Danny Overton, who strongly suggested that Chris interview me on the UAP Society channel. The UAP Society presents itself as a very sci-fi, pseudo-serious, comic-book-consciousness, crypto collective and, true to form, they seem to have interviewed the usual bunch of know-nothing, delusional dim bulbs and disinformation dispensers, not a one of whom has any unique evidence of…anything.

While Chris was completely unfamiliar with the Billy Meier contacts, he was very courteous and open-minded. I think the evidence and information was quite far from what he expected, perhaps based on the fact that there is nothing of significance in all of the content pursued by UAP enthusiasts, who drool over noted warmongering UFO toilet paper purveyor, Lue Elizondo, and low quality evidence like the Tic-Tac video, which Billy Meier seems to have preemptively explained rather well.

So now Chris is taking some hostile fire from UAP enthusiasts who, bluntly, are dumb as dirt and so addicted to entertainment, phenomena, and ceaselessly seeking sycophantic significance that they close ranks to attack anyone, including the genuinely curious among them, who dares to bring them what they claim to be looking for.

Here’s an interesting example:

“Why are you giving this guy a platform? This is the way that good channels starts getting the ‘kook’ into them and everyone loses in the end. Chris, please do better research before you go forth with these guys before people start losing respect for you and start pulling you down and we no longer get the usually great info you put out on this channel. I know you are trying to be open but this guy is easily shown to be putting out disinformation. Maybe take a break and figure out what you want out of this channel, just views?”

What made it noteworthy wasn’t just the adolescent demands but that Chris himself was taking hostile fire for daring to have the discussion. To which Chris responded:

“UAP society members got him on the channel. I said I would interview whoever they get on the show. If people can’t watch the opposing view then don’t watch. Why not take a break from watching other people do research and join the UAP Society and help make an impact? Help with the research and give me better recommendations?”

Chris didn’t exactly unleash his M61A1 on the joker but perhaps he awakened to exactly what kind of unscientific, shallow, Saturday-morning-cartoon-watching, wannabes and dabblers he’s beholden to.

While he didn’t intend it that way, what he called my “opposing view” was absolutely accurate. I oppose the current crop of millennial-minded, techno toy-obsessed, fanboys and their driveling, dumbed down, dismissive cheapening and trivialization of the most important development, evidence and information in all of science and human history. And – if they are “fortunate” enough – they may live to regret that they didn’t trouble themselves to learn the reason for Meier’s contacts and how it relates to their own future survival.

As Joe Tysk concluded his article:

“I will end by saying I did not write this article with the intention it would change even a single skeptic because I know it won’t. It was simply written for those with an open mind, reasonable intelligence and a desire for the truth.”

Unfortunately, that rules out the many Unscientific Adolescent Pretenders who, instead, trample a treasure beyond compare, as they run around chasing lights-in-the-sky.

*815th Contact, July 29, 2022

Ptaah: For decades, especially since the mid-1980s, the degeneration of logic, intellect and reason in Earth-humans has been spreading more and more as a result of gross and rapidly increasing overpopulation. The strength of knowledge has already sunk to such an extent that a stultification is recognisable, which is not only noticeable in the field of learning and in grasping reality and truth as well as in not thinking for oneself, but also in general dealings with fellow human beings. The stultification, however, also shows itself in the senseless and meaningless and very often ridiculous talk and in the primitive forms of expression in the use of language. The stultification of the human being, which also reaches into the world of science and produces nonsensical things, is also becoming more and more conspicuous in the way we judge, behave, behave and deal with our fellow human beings, the animals, the creatures, the very diverse other life-forms, the environment and nature, the trees and plants of all genera and species and the waters, as well as the planet itself, the atmosphere and thus also the vital air we breathe.

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John Webster

Another bright and shiny, truth-telling blog, Michael! Hats off to Chris Lehto! I wanted to contact him when I watched the posted video interview, but, I’m not a twitter user. If he has an email address, I would like to express my appreciation of his willingness to demonstrate an ‘open mind’.

Oh, and, I applaud the graphic header, Melissa!

John Webster

Thanks much, Michael, for Chris Lehto’s email address.

Dear Chris,

I received your email address from Michael Horn. The core reason for my contacting you is to thank you for helping to make your audience aware of Billy Meier, and, the great work that Michael has demonstrated as the North/South American media representative, including the credible longevity that and shares with our troubled planet!

I am a southern BC resident, and, in 1987 I became aware of the Billy Meier [pre digital age] photo / video / sound recording, and metal samples evidence given for scientific analysis to the Col. Wendelle Stevens – Lee and brit Elders – Jim Dilettoso team. I offer a [1993] video link in which Dilettoso is interviewed explaining his observations using early digital analysis of Meier’s photo/video evidence.

In the past [1995] I also had the privilege to make a phone call to Col. Wendelle Stevens, as I wanted to place an order for some of the published material he was making available to ‘inquiring minds’. I found Mr. Stevens to be a very courteous, honest, and straight forward person to speak with about his work with the Meier material. He advised me, “well John, if you continue to research this material, you will likely aggravate some family members, lose friends, but also gain many more!” Indeed, this has come to pass!

Michael Horn does make a most important point when he states that the visual / material proof that Meier is known for, is actually secondary to why he exists on Earth in these most uncertain times. If Meier has survived 25 attempts on his life, it only shows how stupid individuals, and, fearful groups of controlling people go out of their way to suppress/kill the truth. Of course, Billy Meier is known to say, “there aren’t enough shovels to bury the truth!”

I can only encourage you to investigate the totality of the Meier story . . . many lessons to attend in the school of consciousness evolution!


John Webster

Francisco Liranzo

I’m baffled as to how we treat the concept of truth these days, one might think we just don’t care anymore.
Many in the media — and even some in our so called “institutions of higher learning” — have all but abandoned their responsibility to set the record straight.
The fact that Chris Letho is already encountering some resistance for having Michael Horn on the AUP Society Channel should indicate to him – by way of the insurmountable evidence and his own cognition – that he is on the right track.
Ironically, the same things these enthusiasts are attacking and are refusing to look into objectively, hold the answers to all their unanswered questions… and then some..

brigitte de Roch

According to NASA
“The organization maintains that there is no evidence yet that connects UAPs to extraterrestrial life.”

“NASA announces the team members for its UFO study”
NASA selects team for UFO study : NPR
Is this part of the same group that created a special investigative committee that Michael spoke of earlier?

John Webster

I think you probably hit that nail square on the head, Brigitte! Thank you for the link.

brigitte de Roch

I will see if I can get hold of them and send them an email. It would be nice to read what they have to say.

Barry Smith

Billy has the only case with actual EVIDENCE in Every category. Let any other contactee place on the table , oval shaped laser holes, a pic of them holding an ET ray weapon, daytime clear upclose photos, ET hand prints, landing tracks, mineral samples, 100 witnesses, The pilots name, age, planet of origin, a teleported CIA file, a UN diplomat as a witness, predictions of events 30 years in advance, one of their ET friends chased at area 51, and let them do it with one arm. Forgot sounds of the ships, to be tested by Naval undersea labs. Let them go for a contact clean shaven and return 20 minutes later with a six month beard. Why didnt the other contactees publish the covid info before Billy ? Why didnt they mention the Russian troop movements ? Why didnt they mention pie is incorrect before Billy ? Why havent they taught about fluidal forces before Billy ? Why havent they mentioned the seven absolutum forms beforeBilly ? Do know about April 13th 2029 between the North sea and the black sea- the coming red meteor ? asking for a friend.

brigitte de Roch

I ask myself the same questions, Barry.

There has to be people who after listening to mainstream media, reading articles, watching news stories, listening to the UFO community and all kinds of rubbish who think and feel in this way: do you think we are completely and utterly stupid?

But NASA’s new team of UFO study I posted above takes the biscuit. Starting on Monday, a group of 16 researchers (all, though cheap, with high titles) will spend the next nine months studying unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP). ” They also state that “the lack of existing research on UAPs “makes it difficult to draw scientific conclusions about the nature of such events.”

Oh silly me, I didn’t realize ALL this time as an individual person who thinks for myself, who does my diligent research on Extraterrestrial life, who listens to those who provided mountain of evidence, who studies and practices the Creation-energy Teachings, who follows the blog closely, who shares the blog with people involved in different fields, that it was because of censorship, GREED, IGNORANCE, prejudices, running after lights in the sky, failed leadership, politics that go no where. Not to mention that some citizens carry evil agendas and could care less about the well being of the people, while others are addicted to their screen watching nonsense instead of getting a real education and saving their lives.
I thought all of those factors were responsible for the lack of research on UAPs which leads to the unfolding catastrophe that we are seeing across the Western world especially the United States.

But I was wrong. NASA obviously is completely unfocused on this problem. I expect nothing from them. I thought it was all related to the only true and accurate case of Billy Meier.
So, all of these arrogant and bogus UFO scientists and ignorant government entities that I am hearing about that I never heard about before like Robin Hanson, Lue Elizondo, Chris Mellon, etc., are showing me that I was wrong. The lack of existing research on UPas appears to be responsible for the dissolution of mankind.

Silly me. Thanks UFO scientists and unnecessary UFO government committees for informing me!

Paul Moechner

wow this is amazing. Now I know why Jimmy Church and Cristina Gomez COMPLETELY ignore me whenever I attempt to encourage them to look at the Billy Meir case. A Ufology type journalist finally does interview Mr. Horn and then this happens to him. …so much for being “truth seekers” lol. I guess I was right all along with my instinct, feeling that ufology is just another religion. And how they are treating the Billy Meir case like a rival church down the road haha.