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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

It’s Not Just Ebola…It’s Us

Hopefully, it will now be realized that all of the brain dead conspiracy theorists, who see an evil plot behind every misery like Ebola, and coming epidemics, are wasting their time and, of course, neglecting the real, underlying causes, i.e. overpopulation, mass tourism, illegal immigration, etc. The core of our problems is human ignorance of how life works, of the law of cause and effect and of our submission to false ideologies, religions, sects, beliefs, which we’ve allowed to make us passive and powerless. It’s not Ebola, or “evil aliens”…it’s us.

An example of what will become a growing concern is the following unofficial English translation, by Jacob Smits, of an excerpt of Contact 592* and which may contain errors.

Contact 592 of July 27th 2014 20:14 (8:14pm)

Also through global climate change and the warming of the northern hemisphere, for which the degeneracies and criminal activities of the people with their overpopulation are to blame, opens up probably more and ever more northerly settlement areas for the Asian tiger mosquito in Europe.

Presently it must be assumed that since the dissemination of the first predictions in the 1950s until today, there are worldwide 20 serious new diseases and illnesses.

The most important is the rampantly spreading AIDS disease , as well the rampantly spreading SARS disease, which, as I have read, is cause by a virus of the family of coronaviruses, which not only damages the respiratory tract, but also the spine, spleen and the nervous system. It also constantly mutates and becomes more dangerous and resembles the so-called anthrax spores. Then there is also the ‘new flu’ to mention, which is referred as the ’swine flu’ or ‘H1N1’ virus, as well as the bird flu with the ‘H5N1’ virus.

Additionally of importance to mention are other illnesses and rampantly spreading diseases, such as Dengue-fever, which amongst other things is spread by the Asian tiger mosquito.

This mosquito is originally native to the South and Southeast Asian tropics and subtropics, which as a transmitter is also responsible for diseases such as Chikungunya fever, and is very significant for people in regards to health damages.

Since the 1990s, these mosquitoes have also spread in Europe, from the south, where we’ve have been singing a loud sad song of their presence and venomous bites at the FIGU Center.

Because contrary to the claims of the Swiss entomologist, respectively the insectologists who still claim that no tiger mosquitoes have been found in our region, these critters make problems and wreak havoc for a little more than two years in the FIGU center. Especially last year they were with us en masse at the center, and this year they were very active on warm days, whereby Kunio even had to go to the doctor because he got serious health problems caused by the bite of such a mosquito.

NOTE: Meier answered that pure unrefined coconut oil was one possible  means of protection against insect bites.

The Goblet of the Truth

As situations like this unfold, I suggest reading the Goblet of the Truth and in particular begin reading “What the truth knows to say”, on page LI (Roman numerals ). Proceed to read “What must be made known comprehensively in a prophetic and predictive wise for the third millennium…” as this leads to an extensive section of very specific information.

In fact, the specificity of the prophetic and predictive information spelled out by Meier in this 2008 document far exceeds anything in the Henoch Prophecies (where Meier predicted the Ebola epidemic, in 1987), or any of the other prophetic information.

And Meier specifically exhorts people to rise up and take action before it’s too late. In regards to the bio-chipping already underway he says:

“And it will be increasingly the case that you human beings will be treated like animals for the slaughter, implanted with electronic data chips by means of which you will be completely controlled and robbed of freedom by authorities, public offices and governments, although in your ignorance you will think that you live as free human beings although you are in fact servants of the governments. So public authorities, official bodies and those in government will rule over you in a wise that has never happened before, meaning that you will no longer chart the course of your own fate in the collective, because this will be done by those who exercise total might and control over you. In this wise, every one of you will be a servant and slave of authorities, public bodies and governments, i.e. of those mightful ones and their vassals who possess might in this respect. Still, in the early part of the third millennium, there might be time for you human beings of Earth to prevent this if you would unify as humanity and rise up against these threatening future machinations of governments and the scientists and technicians who obey them, in order to prevent the threat named in this regard from occurring.”

The Dark Order

While we already touched on information about the secret societies, Meier elaborates (page LXIX) on what is meant by the Dark Order – and the pathetic, sheep-like state of human consciousness that has allowed its ever-expanding control.

The Courage to Fight

We are long past the time when we should focus on things like UFOs, extraterrestrials, conspiracy theories, etc., for it’s the spiritual teaching that must become the focal point of our understanding. The Goblet of the Truth exposes and illustrates how we have absolutely no idea, no real understanding of just how lost in consciousness we are. The effects of millennia of degenerate, mind-enslaving, truth-suppressing religions, having resulted in humanity’s complete ignorance of and lack of regard for how life works, how it’s governed by immutable Creational laws, is so extensive that it may take an unimaginable 800 years before we will emerge as true human beings. If we have any hope of mitigating, diminishing and avoiding what is otherwise unfolding then, as Meier spells it out:

“And all you human beings of Earth who have the courage to fight against evil, negativity and the ausgeartet must provide help through your sharp rationality and your intellect, through your love, peace, freedom and harmony and only use these as weapons.”


* Original German text:

Auch durch die globale Klimawandlung und die Erwärmung der nördlichen Hemisphäre, an der die Ausartungen und kriminellen Machenschaften der Menschen mit ihrer Überbevölkerung selbst schuld sind, erschliesst sich die Asiatische Tigermücke nunmehr wohl weitere und immer nördlichere Siedlungsgebiete in Europa.

Heute muss davon ausgegangen werden, dass seither, eben seit der Verbreitung der ersten Voraussagen in den 1950er Jahren bis heute, weltweit von etwa 20 schweren neuen Krankheiten und Seuchen zu sprechen ist.

Da ist am wichtigsten die AIDS-Seuche, wie auch die Sars-Seuche, die, wie ich gelesen habe, durch ein Virus aus der Familie der Corona-Viren hervorgerufen wird, das nicht nur die Atemwege schädigt, sondern auch die Wirbelsäule und Milz sowie das Nervensystem. Es soll zudem ständig mutieren und gefährlicher werden und den sogenannten Milzbrandsporen ähneln. Dann ist auch die ‹Neue Grippe› zu nennen, die eigentlich als ‹Schweinegrippe› oder als ‹H1N1›-Virus bezeichnet wird, wie auch die Vogelgrippe mit dem ‹H5N1›-Virus.

Ausserdem sind an Wichtigkeit noch andere Krankheiten und Seuchen zu nennen, wie das Dengue-Fieber, das unter anderem durch die Asiatische Tigermücke verbreitet wird. Dabei handelt es sich um eine ursprünglich in den süd- und südostasiatischen Tropen und Subtropen beheimatete Stechmückenart, die auch als Überträger von Krankheiten wie Chikungunya-Fieber verantwortlich und für den Menschen in bezug auf gesundheitliche Schädigungen sehr bedeutsam ist.

Seit den 1990erJahren verbreitet sich diese Mückenart auch in Europa, und zwar von Süden her, wobei wir im FIGUCenter schon seit rund zwei Jahren ein lautes trauriges Lied von deren Gegenwart und giftigen Stichen singen können.

Denn entgegen den Behauptungen der schweizerischen Entomologen resp. der Insektologen, die noch immer behaupten, dass in unseren Gegenden noch keine Tigermücken gefunden worden seien, machen diese Viecher bereits seit wenig mehr als zwei Jahren im FIGU-Center Probleme und treiben ihr Unwesen. Besonders letztes Jahr waren sie bei uns massenweise im Center, und auch dieses Jahr waren sie an warmen Tagen sehr aktiv, wobei Kunio gar zum Arzt musste, weil er durch den Stich einer solchen Mücke schwere gesundheitliche Probleme bekam.






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Paul Russell

Amazing how most people think they live in “the land of the free and the home of the brave.”
The unreality is mind-boggling. I’ve struggled to find inner freedom for many years and can lay claim to being only a babe in the woods – yet one who at least knows he is not free. And I still yearn to experience and express freedom, so the struggle must go forward.
Most excellent blog today and yesterday, Mr. Michael. Much good food for thought, enough for many days. Thank you. Carry on.

J. Smith

Very eye opening blog Michael. Its crazy that in this contact 592 Meier speaks of Chikingunya when this disease is now becoming a focal point here in the Virgin Islands and many people have already gotten sick from those infected mosquitos (I do my best to limit the bites and keep my arms and legs moving).

Since accepting reality as it is the correct way to live, I can’t ignore the fact that we’re as a whole heading down the path to as Meier says becoming slaves in a sense to those in power by way of bio-chipping, etc. It seems like no one cares about what’s going on anymore and keeping an eye on the government because in all truth they work for us not the other way around and we aren’t correcting them. There’s so much hate, distractions, division, etc. in this world right now. How can there possibly be unity?
I know religion is a major problem, but racism and prejudice still exist and those are two HUGE problems in this world that will forever stun the growth of unity between humanity. People love to generalize other races (Skin colors) based on the actions of few instead of looking at the individuals, and this is a huge problem. A lot of black folks won’t gravitate to the Meier material because Meier is a white man and most of the people around this case are caucasians this is a reality. Many people don’t trust others that don’t look like themselves.

Michael I think these are major issues that have to be addressed if this mission is going to prevail. It does begin with us, but there’s so many problems with us, as a whole, where do we start?

J. Smith


Thanks for that info it so happens that I have a large jar of coconut oil (I’ll have to see about it being unrefined) in my cabinet! And I agree with everything you said, I just hope others realize that also. Some people may be to ignorant in their ways to even take a glance, but at the same time I don’t see those people disrupting the mission.

J. Smith

Will do.

Philip Brandel

It seems not only is our world filled with prejudice within the physical…. it also falls deep within the ‘spiritual'(I put spiritual in quotations as it is so broadly defined on our world to the point of pure stupidity). Beliefs of what intelligence and truth are meant to mean.
It is an interesting thing to go the other way sometimes with people. To bring forth the spiritual teachings before the whole extraterrestrials, and the materially poor, one armed, uneducated, rural Swiss night guardsman’s tales, mainly in the 70-80’s but still ongoing. It is an interesting thing to see people come to light of the power they posses within beyond any human, belief, race or color. Something we all are apart of if we like it or not! Yet, even on this accord the earth way of life blurs the meaning and falls prey to the always present pulse of divide and conquer through our thoughts, feelings and actions.
What does it mean to unite. Is it in the defining of reality as all see or just the unity of one amongst many….. as religion seems to create the belief of servitude….no true unity based on utter personal freedom within.
In my physical world, I am but one that sees the world in this way…. As here on a world with little regard for logic, love, wisdom, unity… truth.
I find myself slowly teaching/sharing the joys of creations laws and recommendations with my daughter. In that there is no one else around me willing to even go the next step and think about what I am saying to the degree in finding common ground about the truth of our world. Let alone investigate farther about this Swiss man. Though most don’t investigate farther than their bible of choice…. and even as in every aspect of our created world that religion shines through…. it does the most in the thinking creatures of our world. And yet those thinking creatures whom do see the true reality have the biggest task of all. Uniting to change our world to the good, better, best. Whom will do it if we don’t at least try and show those willing to look for themselves, by leading in at least the examples the truth has to offer. Not easy I will personally admit, and I for one have a long way to go in saying I did all I could. Though the fire rages on within me waiting for the unity within and out to finally come together and do my part. The road is long, but we have to do all we can in any way… even if just within! I keep hoping that someday someone else from Minnesota…. a US state with some 5.5 million people will start interacting and see logic where logic is present:) Though that task is partially up to me!!!

Greg Dougall

J, I disagree that black people would ignore Meier’s advice because he is white. My reason is that he has been visited by several black human E.T.s, among many others. I think black people would be fascinated to learn their galactic origins and the galactic history of all humans as well.


There is an old Original Star Trek Vucan beliefe which is “Infinet Diversity In Infinet Cobinations”. If we can`t learn to love,respect and get along, how else we EVER learn to travel beyond the Earth into the stars and the cosmos? That is the ONLY way we will EVER get out into the stars if we can`t learn to get along with other races and cultures etc. As for bialchips, check out Katheryn Albrech website, She also has two otherwebsites and That is how I found out about We need to get a jump on this horrible chpping problem before its too late! Occationally George Noory has Kathryn Albrech on c2c. check out her 3 websites so we can stop this chipping of human beings before it starts.


Terry, those links other than do not work when I tried them. Strange things happen.

Anyway this one works:

Her name is correctly spelled as “Katherine Albrecht.” It is important to have it correct since searching under the other one produces the wrong person. 🙂

The importance of ending this before it starts cannot be understated. 🙂


The “fight” against chipping will be a long one, as chipping proves it’s benefit to the rest of the society over time, such as controlling theft of merchandise in retail business, improvement in efficiency in at check-outs. Imagine walking to your car without keys and starting the car because you are “chipped.” These are just a few of the examples. The key to the “fight” would have to be focused on having a chip tagged to you personally to identify who (and indirectly, “where”) you are, either through implants, or its lesser cousin, things you always carry, drivers license, credit card, etc.


“… there might be time for you human beings of Earth to prevent this if you would unify as humanity … in order to prevent the threat named in this regard from occurring.”

I cannot recall this type of specificity in other parts of his prophecies. Urgent calls, yes, but it is more like … pivotal.

Dubhaltagh More and more this attention to this region lately.

Chris L

Presumably it is okay to copy this (together with your URL?) and send in an email to selected friends, Michael?

J. Smith

Great interview Michael! Seems like these interviewers lately actually know a little about the Meier case, which makes it better from my perspective.


Here`s another idea,how about requesting membership to join the Plejaren Federation as son as possible so we can get some sort of help to start the birth stop and birth check. Also find a way to try to get Earth back on the correct track,stop the religious fanataism,politics,corperate takeover of Earth,etc,etc,etc. Also get good advice from the Andromedians too just like the people from Erra do. “Why can`t we do and follow as the people from Erra do to clean up this foul mess to right the wrongs that has plagued Earth so many many millenums?


There’s a catch, it’s done on a planetary level. So if you mean Earth Humanity as a whole then the whole would have to orient themselves that way in order for that to work prior to doing the needful. Also, I don’t believe or recall Andromedians have a physical body any more. Correct me if I’m wrong though but I recall it that way.

J. Smith

How about we wake up and do it all ourselves or suffer our own begotten consequences? I like this idea. Mom isn’t always going to show you how to hold the glass and fill it, when you do things yourself its one of the best feelings in the world. The Plejaren have already held the glass, do we really want them to fill it too?

J. Smith

Or should I say that the Plejaren have already showed us how to hold the glass, do we really want them to fill it too? (I think that’s better)


Michael, The Plejarens consult with the council from Andromeda. Do the Plejarens mean from the Andromeda Galaxy or the Andromeda Constalation in the Milky Way Galaxy? This is confusing me. Thanks.


I once dreamed about a celestial city in a nebula of colours somewhere that was being attacked by screaming dragon-like creatures which seemed to be flying at that city with fire. . . . the creatures were enormous, much bigger than dinosaurs, and seemed to be coloured as reddish metallic with scales. Would this celestial city maybe be where the Andromedans lived?


listening to Betseys’ show right now and as usual I learn something I didn’t know or didn’t realize. Thank you, Michael.


We have to ALL be together as ONE WORLD but WITHOUT the corperation and politicians dictating,owning and running this world to the ground etc. The Andromedians do have bodies however they are only half human due to the fact that they are half ghost and are very small at last that is what I read from the Meier contacts and books etc,but I could be wrong.Correct me if I`m wrong on the Andromedian Council. Semjase has said they are the Nebulander or as the Plejarens call the the Hourult?


Hi Terry

My Thoughts:
The Nebulander are hard for Terrans to see, they are not small but you need to be in a high frequency (live in love,peace,joy,health,un burdened,freedom, harmoney) to see an apparition (outline) of a human shape, if you have this maybe they will contact you

I think If you learn Billy’s teaching it’s likely to meet them, we need to be neutral positive and use our logic to be sure it’s positive in nature 😉 or to throw negatives away

I think similar entities exist on all planets as Thoth explains in emerald tablets before the earth was quarantined

There are dark and light beings throughout The Creation, we need neutral positivity and reverence / venerability to see clearly, it’s so joyfull to know Billy’s teaching, I believe after studying his teaching you can tell those who have it in them, it’s a spirit thing that shines through

Print the meditations and learn the lessons from Billy and The Trek lessons from the Plejaren 😉

I never forget
Fear is the path to the dark side 😉
Beings of light know to fear nothing
For there is nothing to fear when you are eternal 😉

I also think
If ww4 happens it will benefit earth and only higher evolved will be born this time as it’s the age of light

Priority is to evolve, learn before then

Even the Plejaren learn from Billy

Truly I am the most shiny creation of all The Creations idea , know it 😉

Brothers and Sisters of light love each other as they love the same things, to evolve and and feel obliged to show others

To Shine!

Ilovebilly and Michael Horn


In Fire Be My Form. .. . .

Terry Carch

To IIovebilly and Michael Horn, Thankyou both for such a beautiful message. I just added this message to my notes so I can`t forget it. I will addthis message to my big permanent notebook so I will remember it always. Thankyou very much,that was just beutyful.


goodness, is this – “The Nebulander are hard for Terrans to see, they are not small but you need to be in a high frequency (live in love,peace,joy,health,un burdened,freedom, harmoney) to see an apparition (outline) of a human shape” – in the Meier material?


They can probably manifest a visible form at will, if they choose to. . . .


Curious, these “beings of Light” do you have, say, a reference point where Earth Humanity has kept down for generations of such ideas? I’ve not read such terminology from the Meier material that I can recall.


Dyson Devine


“Francis A. Boyle is a leading American professor, practitioner and advocate of international law. He was responsible for drafting the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, the American implementing legislation for the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention. He served on the Board of Directors of Amnesty International (1988-1992), and represented Bosnia – Herzegovina at the World Court. Professor Boyle teaches international law at the University of Illinois, Champaign. He holds a Doctor of Law Magna Cum Laude as well as a Ph.D. in Political Science, both from Harvard University.
He is also the author of “Biowarfare and Terrorism”. The book outlines how and why the United States government initiated, sustained and then dramatically expanded an illegal biological arms buildup.”

If anyone has the truth behind Ebola, it would, IMO, likely be Prof. Boyle.

And I think this interview with him is required reading:
“US Bio-warfare Laboratories In West Africa Are The Origins Of The Ebola Epidemic.”



Thanks! That is an interesting interview. In trying to establish a date of publication I came across this link, which has the original interview — it has some visual references which helps. Also, he seems to have written some pretty controversial books listed on Amazon.


G’day Dyson

I would like your opinion on mms1 and mms2

I have been using mms1 for 6 years daily and mms2 now and then for 3

Best info about this is

I think it will help Ebola victims
And any other virus suffers

Jim Humble hasn’t commented on Ebola yet but mms1 is meant to kill a virus by pulling an electron from anything with a negative charge

All viruses have a negative charge

I think it’s important for figu folk to know this especially ATM



You’ve been on it as a preventive for 6 years on MMS1?

How did it work out? How frequently and dosage?

It has worked for some people I know.


I’ve been thinking hard, “go to sleep Ebola”. . . . maybe it will work?


“Mind over matter” … don’t believe it is covered in “Might of the Thoughts,” as it stands.


Okay … if you put it that way….

Carolyn, do resume. 🙂


Hey Carolyn, here’s some reading for you:
Who knew Curious George was ahead of the game?


Thank you Dyson, I can’t say I’m shocked since the WHO never did name the 20 countries that the swine flu was sent to. Even my own questioning to our National Institute of Microbiology (first ones to map the genetics of the swine flu) refused to tell me if the swine flu was genetically engineered instead they told me twice it came from Mexico. So even our Canadian institutes know enough not to leak the patent on “intellectual property”.


Listen to this song by Abba and you will feel uplifted! Nice lyrics also…

Despite all the horrendous things happening, I will not let it affect the neutral positive outlook that the teaching of the spirit bring me. I will also not fear the future, because that will only enchain the love, peace and joy that makes me inherently human. What a challange to stay cool and calm in these changing times? 


Agreed Jacobus


Abba disappeared from the link? Abracadabra or just me again?

Cannot agree at this point when the song was lifted out of cyberspace.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Your link Jacobus goes not to ABBA, only to home page on yew toob.


The Dark Order

“While we already touched on information about the secret societies, Meier elaborates (page 69) on what is meant by the Dark Order – and the pathetic, sheep-like state of human consciousness that has allowed its ever-expanding control.”


Are you saying that Billy actually wrote a book about the Dark Order?

Darcy Wade Carlile

I think after studying CR 251 and CR 215 that we will be able to strive for being human in the real and true sense after we stop overpopulation and the Sirrius laws are applied to repair their genetically modified Earth humans/us back into normal human beings. The Sirian law will prohibit procreation and only the normal humans can procreate. So I think there will be both normal humans and the phasing out eventually of this human body we have today with that modified aggressor gene we have built in us from a long time ago. Plejaren are true humans because they are higher evolved humans and are very high on the evolution totem pole so for us to get to their level would still take a very long time after 800 years in the future perhaps many thousands of years in the future.


“Darkness of Degeneracy” I recall.


Sauron lives on earth too!

Terry Carch

Carolyn,”GIVE ME A BREAK”:( Ha Ha Ha:)


No really, I’m serious. . . . you know, maybe that story is true? Maybe it really happened somewhere. . . . that’s why it had such a great impact on everybody who read it. Hey, I know some folks who literally live in Tolkien’s Middle Earth. . . . . like it’s “real man”, REAL.


An, you know, maybe those elven ships were like “space-ships” and your wizards were like Ishwish who were trying to help on that planet, and like Sauron (Gorthaur) might be like Aruseak or sumbody like him??? And Billy, like, he could be Tom Bombadil and Asket could be Goldberry??? And maybe what really happened there is that ? maybe Sauron destroyed the planet and everybody died, and ended up on the earth????