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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

It’s Not Just Ebola…It’s Us

Hopefully, it will now be realized that all of the brain dead conspiracy theorists, who see an evil plot behind every misery like Ebola, and coming epidemics, are wasting their time and, of course, neglecting the real, underlying causes, i.e. overpopulation, mass tourism, illegal immigration, etc. The core of our problems is human ignorance of how life works, of the law of cause and effect and of our submission to false ideologies, religions, sects, beliefs, which we’ve allowed to make us passive and powerless. It’s not Ebola, or “evil aliens”…it’s us.

An example of what will become a growing concern is the following unofficial English translation, by Jacob Smits, of an excerpt of Contact 592* and which may contain errors.

Contact 592 of July 27th 2014 20:14 (8:14pm)

Also through global climate change and the warming of the northern hemisphere, for which the degeneracies and criminal activities of the people with their overpopulation are to blame, opens up probably more and ever more northerly settlement areas for the Asian tiger mosquito in Europe.

Presently it must be assumed that since the dissemination of the first predictions in the 1950s until today, there are worldwide 20 serious new diseases and illnesses.

The most important is the rampantly spreading AIDS disease , as well the rampantly spreading SARS disease, which, as I have read, is cause by a virus of the family of coronaviruses, which not only damages the respiratory tract, but also the spine, spleen and the nervous system. It also constantly mutates and becomes more dangerous and resembles the so-called anthrax spores. Then there is also the ‘new flu’ to mention, which is referred as the ’swine flu’ or ‘H1N1’ virus, as well as the bird flu with the ‘H5N1’ virus.

Additionally of importance to mention are other illnesses and rampantly spreading diseases, such as Dengue-fever, which amongst other things is spread by the Asian tiger mosquito.

This mosquito is originally native to the South and Southeast Asian tropics and subtropics, which as a transmitter is also responsible for diseases such as Chikungunya fever, and is very significant for people in regards to health damages.

Since the 1990s, these mosquitoes have also spread in Europe, from the south, where we’ve have been singing a loud sad song of their presence and venomous bites at the FIGU Center.

Because contrary to the claims of the Swiss entomologist, respectively the insectologists who still claim that no tiger mosquitoes have been found in our region, these critters make problems and wreak havoc for a little more than two years in the FIGU center. Especially last year they were with us en masse at the center, and this year they were very active on warm days, whereby Kunio even had to go to the doctor because he got serious health problems caused by the bite of such a mosquito.

NOTE: Meier answered that pure unrefined coconut oil was one possible  means of protection against insect bites.

The Goblet of the Truth

As situations like this unfold, I suggest reading the Goblet of the Truth and in particular begin reading “What the truth knows to say”, on page LI (Roman numerals ). Proceed to read “What must be made known comprehensively in a prophetic and predictive wise for the third millennium…” as this leads to an extensive section of very specific information.

In fact, the specificity of the prophetic and predictive information spelled out by Meier in this 2008 document far exceeds anything in the Henoch Prophecies (where Meier predicted the Ebola epidemic, in 1987), or any of the other prophetic information.

And Meier specifically exhorts people to rise up and take action before it’s too late. In regards to the bio-chipping already underway he says:

“And it will be increasingly the case that you human beings will be treated like animals for the slaughter, implanted with electronic data chips by means of which you will be completely controlled and robbed of freedom by authorities, public offices and governments, although in your ignorance you will think that you live as free human beings although you are in fact servants of the governments. So public authorities, official bodies and those in government will rule over you in a wise that has never happened before, meaning that you will no longer chart the course of your own fate in the collective, because this will be done by those who exercise total might and control over you. In this wise, every one of you will be a servant and slave of authorities, public bodies and governments, i.e. of those mightful ones and their vassals who possess might in this respect. Still, in the early part of the third millennium, there might be time for you human beings of Earth to prevent this if you would unify as humanity and rise up against these threatening future machinations of governments and the scientists and technicians who obey them, in order to prevent the threat named in this regard from occurring.”

The Dark Order

While we already touched on information about the secret societies, Meier elaborates (page LXIX) on what is meant by the Dark Order – and the pathetic, sheep-like state of human consciousness that has allowed its ever-expanding control.

The Courage to Fight

We are long past the time when we should focus on things like UFOs, extraterrestrials, conspiracy theories, etc., for it’s the spiritual teaching that must become the focal point of our understanding. The Goblet of the Truth exposes and illustrates how we have absolutely no idea, no real understanding of just how lost in consciousness we are. The effects of millennia of degenerate, mind-enslaving, truth-suppressing religions, having resulted in humanity’s complete ignorance of and lack of regard for how life works, how it’s governed by immutable Creational laws, is so extensive that it may take an unimaginable 800 years before we will emerge as true human beings. If we have any hope of mitigating, diminishing and avoiding what is otherwise unfolding then, as Meier spells it out:

“And all you human beings of Earth who have the courage to fight against evil, negativity and the ausgeartet must provide help through your sharp rationality and your intellect, through your love, peace, freedom and harmony and only use these as weapons.”


* Original German text:

Auch durch die globale Klimawandlung und die Erwärmung der nördlichen Hemisphäre, an der die Ausartungen und kriminellen Machenschaften der Menschen mit ihrer Überbevölkerung selbst schuld sind, erschliesst sich die Asiatische Tigermücke nunmehr wohl weitere und immer nördlichere Siedlungsgebiete in Europa.

Heute muss davon ausgegangen werden, dass seither, eben seit der Verbreitung der ersten Voraussagen in den 1950er Jahren bis heute, weltweit von etwa 20 schweren neuen Krankheiten und Seuchen zu sprechen ist.

Da ist am wichtigsten die AIDS-Seuche, wie auch die Sars-Seuche, die, wie ich gelesen habe, durch ein Virus aus der Familie der Corona-Viren hervorgerufen wird, das nicht nur die Atemwege schädigt, sondern auch die Wirbelsäule und Milz sowie das Nervensystem. Es soll zudem ständig mutieren und gefährlicher werden und den sogenannten Milzbrandsporen ähneln. Dann ist auch die ‹Neue Grippe› zu nennen, die eigentlich als ‹Schweinegrippe› oder als ‹H1N1›-Virus bezeichnet wird, wie auch die Vogelgrippe mit dem ‹H5N1›-Virus.

Ausserdem sind an Wichtigkeit noch andere Krankheiten und Seuchen zu nennen, wie das Dengue-Fieber, das unter anderem durch die Asiatische Tigermücke verbreitet wird. Dabei handelt es sich um eine ursprünglich in den süd- und südostasiatischen Tropen und Subtropen beheimatete Stechmückenart, die auch als Überträger von Krankheiten wie Chikungunya-Fieber verantwortlich und für den Menschen in bezug auf gesundheitliche Schädigungen sehr bedeutsam ist.

Seit den 1990erJahren verbreitet sich diese Mückenart auch in Europa, und zwar von Süden her, wobei wir im FIGUCenter schon seit rund zwei Jahren ein lautes trauriges Lied von deren Gegenwart und giftigen Stichen singen können.

Denn entgegen den Behauptungen der schweizerischen Entomologen resp. der Insektologen, die noch immer behaupten, dass in unseren Gegenden noch keine Tigermücken gefunden worden seien, machen diese Viecher bereits seit wenig mehr als zwei Jahren im FIGU-Center Probleme und treiben ihr Unwesen. Besonders letztes Jahr waren sie bei uns massenweise im Center, und auch dieses Jahr waren sie an warmen Tagen sehr aktiv, wobei Kunio gar zum Arzt musste, weil er durch den Stich einer solchen Mücke schwere gesundheitliche Probleme bekam.






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Does Michael Horn give any ideas/ any suggestions to pick up/meet a girl?
Why it is so diffcult to date somebody?How to raise the chance to be successful
What is the Universal rule for me to date someone?

J. Smith

Sorry, but I found this quite funny!

Matt lee

Hi Gary put a date on it.
But seriously what would I know.
Anyway be yourself and that special someone who will accept you for who you are, warts and all, will most probably end up being that other half.
Not all of course but society nowadays tends to produce insecure, image obssessed, bitchy, money hungry, egocentric, treacherous, moronic and dimwited skanks who will spit you out once your flavour runs out.
So be aware that pretty face and gorgeous body isn’t everything.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Try dating in your next lifetime, however use this lifetime to study the spiritual teaching.

Andrew J.

What about dating a girl that wants to study spiritual teachings? Then you can combine work with pleasure 🙂


good plan 🙂

Philip Brandel

Where is she… I would like to meet her:)

Andrew J.

“Where is she… I would like to meet her:)”

For now, only as a mirage on Sahara Desert. Nowadays most of the young women aspire to finding a young bachelor with a Ferrari, so they spend most of their free time in a Tanning Salon, getting ready for a “chance of a lifetime”.

Philip Brandel

I hear that… just as the men look for the ‘tannest’ of the bunch… I have never had a big issue finding a ‘partner'(because of some of the stereotypes always given), but someone compatible to the point of seeing the world as an equal, That has been another story…
Can only hope that my girlfriend of 4.5 years isn’t listening in… though she does intermittently. She would be one of my biggest adversaries to seeing life as I filter it. Stuck in those religious ways….. and calls me the same:) Quite the pair we make.
Though as Michael has said…. maybe for a different blog of his.


Sad but true.


“We are long past the time when we should focus on things like UFOs, extraterrestrials, conspiracy theories, etc., for it’s the spiritual teaching that must become the focal point of our understanding.”

Couldn’t agree more.

Paul Russell

Bio-chipping & Tagging : 60 seconds in a Microwave Oven is really BAD for microchips. Tends to screw with their tiny brains.

Andrew J.

If the chips are to be implanted in a forehead, screwing with the “chip’s brain” would equal to cooking ones own, too. Not very pleasant option 🙂

Matt lee

Usually I put chips in my mouth dipped in tomato sauce and munch on them but hey there is a first for everything and I just might put it on my forehead next time to see what happens.
Oh I see they don’t call it ‘fried chips’ for nothing

Andrew J.

Those microchips taken out of the microwave will also be “fried”, but may not be very tasty, even with tomato sauce.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Microwaves can’t hurt RFIDs because they are mostly an antennae.


My 2003 Chevy has been “recalled”. . . . I wonder what GM’s really doing to it as I wait in anticipation.. . . . . Is it being fitted with a tracking device or ???? something only the new cars have?


Hi Carolyn, they are refitting your key because the way they are now, if you have lots of crap on your keychain, it can make the car shut off while your driving, then you would have “armstrong” steering and could cause an accident. All vehicles have black boxes (just like airplanes) and if were ever to get into an accident they will know exactly what speed you were doing. The GM trucks from 1995 don’t have the black box but am not sure which year they started installing them.

Chris L

Our eternal vigilance and action is required on this one. Some of the main current researchers in this biochipping-humans area are from my old hometown of Reading, England.

A couple of leading Profs at the uni there have already inplanted themselves. Their implants switch on all the electrical gadgets in the environment/office/home.

They say these will become as prevalent as iPhones and be necessary to operate all our digi gadgets.

Chris L

Couln`t agree more with you. Check out Kathryn Albrech`s 3 websites. She`ll give you all the information you need to know about those horrible RFID radio bio-chips. She says there is a way to remove thsese chips using sewing instroments since these chip are no bigger than a grain of rice,however removing those bio-chips from human beings I`d love to know about since chipping human beings is against MY free will. “HOW DO I GO ABOUT SAYING NO? WE ARE HUMAN BEINGS WITH FREE WILL”!


Hi Terry, don’t carry credit cards or bank cards as they are also imbedded with the RFID chip which tracks all your purchases. I just want to thank the TD bank for giving me (and not telling me about) the new debit tap card which allows anyone who steals your bank card to access up to $100 per day without a PIN. I thought the PIN was used for security but apparently they want people to just steal your card and use it at their leisure. I went to the bank and took that option off my card. Looks like the TD Bank Bilderberg attendee thinks we are all retarded.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Sheila TD will repay your losses and they do track your purchases and will stop payments on purchases if they see irregular activities, they stopped my card when I was vacationing in Vancouver, however they did contact my boss at work and then he text me to phone TD, and when I phoned them the guy was very helpful and did reinstate my card.


That is all well and good on the surface Darcy, but ask yourself who exactly gave them the “right” to disable your bank card in the first place?


Perhaps one can best prepare oneself to say no by becoming more self-reliant….

If one doesn’t need government assistance for anything, or the banks, then one can say ‘no’ to these chips, if the day comes when it becomes mandatory for people to get chipped to get certain benefits out of them from those organizations.

But, hopefully people would rise up and say “no” en mass when these kinds of proposals come up from the organizations and government, and revolt, so that kind of decision won’t even be necessary, which is really the point of what BEAM is saying, I think….


Hi Rob it’s pretty hard not to have a bank account because there is not one bank in Canada which will cash your pay cheque if you don’t have an account. They used to do it but there was too much fraud (some simply had to sign an affidavit saying they didn’t receive that cheque, that’s how easy it was) and the banks had to eat it. The banks don’t want to eat it so currently the only cheques they will cash here are government cheques. Is it the same in the USA?

Andrew J.

Total control would for example mean that part of the microchip responsible for bank transactions could be switched of. With that no way to pay for anything would be possible. Should anybody want to help affected person (it would be known by tracking movement and picking peoples thoughts), their microchip would be treated the same way – creating the chain reaction. So, in short time, people with problems would be treated worst then lepers – nobody would help them. As to self sufficiency, unless you would be willing to live like tribes in Amazon, I do not see it as an option. If the only way to pay taxes for property was electronic, you would be out of the house and your supporting land in no time.
I suspect that aside from monitoring and controlling ability, the main purpose of all of the micro-chipping will be to screw with peoples brains. Why? If one can get free in his consciousness – and you need balanced brain for that, what follows is that: Semjase CT 10 “54. Cognition of the truth brings liberation from all restrictions.” I suspect that walking on water (like Jmmanuel) would be the least one can do in that state. Do you all think THEY want people to live like that?
Microchips would be a tool to stop that transition, and keep people in their own mind prison.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Interesting, so my inner voice uses my voice box as an intercom speaker, so my inner voice is a microphone?


Thanks for that link Michael, that does explain why the local health store lady (whose son works for NASA) told me a few years ago not to receive any remote healing. She alluded that it was being listened to.

Philip Brandel

It seems most are already within this stage of constantly being tracked if wanted too: cell phones, computers, cars, towers, satellites, etc, etc… We are living it. This is what amazes me especially about the internet, so many hide on here yet don’t do anything other than change their name thinking they are ‘anonymous’. It doesn’t seem to hard to see where we are going on this front… and as usual people will think they are ‘free’ and can hide tell it is starring them in the face, as per today at this very moment in time.
Though part of it seems to break this chain of ‘hiding’ by just becoming the person one is, in that maybe if we come back to see what we are on our own without ‘big brother’ always following us we may find a faster way to change and break away from the chains that seem to invisibly enslave so many without even knowing it.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Now we all know how these guys feel

Chris L

“Brain dead.” Certainly incapable of thinking things through and perceiving effects from given causes. That’s what it takes to reach high Professorial status in the top 1% of universities on our planet. Makes eight hundred years look about right for our planet to acurately see and accept reality.

Darcy Wade Carlile

What does Billy mean when he mentions the third world fire? My guess is he is talking about how we are in a hurry and don’t know why, sort of like watching everyone on this planet and wondering where the fire is because the inhabitants are all running around like there is a fire.


I would think it would probably be caused by the retaliation against North America by the Russians after we are drawn into the fight due to our NATO obligations.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Hi Mike, that one prophesy you gave to us years ago about 4 heads of state are killed in a week, then WW#3 will be predicted in 2 years following those events? What about the shooting that took place in Ottawa where our Prime minister hangs out and also those White House fence jumpers in Washington? Are these all leading up to those warnings from Billy?

Darcy Wade Carlile

Hi Mike, I read the bulletin on the FIGU website about Obama and his job as president and it read in there that those other countries were torn apart by invasions and civil wars and then followed later on by anarchy. So to my understanding I would use those comparisons towards the coming civil wars in the USA. Anarchy is predicted in the USA by the year 2020 so I think civil war will happen anytime now to within the next 5 years leading up to the year 2020, and so the California super quake could also happen before the year 2020 also.


When I read the info about ‘ “chaos” breaking out in America by 2020’, I was quite certain that Billy was talking about a possibility and in his discussion with Ptaah, it was pointed out that there was a (good?) probability for it to happen. But still, not a prediction. MH, what would you say?


Thnx. Our bank cards already have RFID chips and I have been thinking, what kind of event would lead to people implanting these chips into their bodies? (Besides the usual fee/tax discount offers or the usual massive propaganda that an implant is best for everybody). I thought that an emergency event would be a possible way. In order to protect crowds from lawless evildoers, and prevent larceny, the big solution is to bio-chip the lawful ones and start a cashless society. The idea of a revolt can fit into the bio-chip story, imo. Also, Billy gave a more recent warning about bio-chipping and his warning gave me the impression that it could be just around the corner.
I have been wondering also if the Fema camps are a reality, or if some conspiracy theorists take this subject too far and blow it out of proportion. If it is indeed true that the amount of camps has passed 100, then…

Michael Haines

Every conspiracy theorist I know, including myself, has an extremely active mind and wealth of intel, which is ultimately the quest for truth, knowledge, and wisdom – Eduards suggested decree. It is flawed in principal, by lending energy to the negative – I would agree..

Darcy Wade Carlile

Excuse me but the word” decree” is a soul lie religious term and is invention belonging to the dark powers.

Chris L

Our “knowledgeable” professors would no doubt say that you can say “No” the exact same way you said “No” to email. I do know some well connected and well-known people who do not use a mobile phone or Facebook so it may be possible to just avoid it. Do you not use a mobile phone either Michael? Know you don’t use FB.


Hello Michael, yes it is entirely possible to meet people you’ve met first on FB. . . . in fact my boyfriend came out of such a relationship, where I was commenting on things he was posting on a public page, and went on from there. . . . he even came to me from overseas. . . . so that’s how things can work on the internet. .. . Never say never!


The voice recognition on smart phones isn’t that smart. I sent a voice text to my daughter saying that Peggy will be dropping off some buns, but instead it read Peggy will be dropping off some bombs. Imagine if I had sent that without checking it, SWAT would have shown up 🙂
The AsteroidAlert app, the GoSatWatch app and the GoSkyWatch app all want to know your location. I never wanted a cell phone in the first place but since I travel I need it in case I break down. My land line isn’t any different though, I once called Telus to ask if my phone was being tapped and they said even if it was being tapped, they wouldn’t be able to tell me. I asked a Telus employee who came to fix my land line which had been cut, how exactly they tap into phones and he said it’s all done right there in the office. How about Google Earth who is in a lawsuit for stealing computer passwords and other passwords as they drive by your home to upload to google earth. How about the new Smart TVs which are able to spy on you (I like to pick my nose and scratch my bum when watching tv just for their viewing enjoyment). So for anyone who thinks we aren’t being spied on, well we are. Another notch for Billy who speaks the truth even when we don’t want to listen.


Haha, since I posted this, I just got a line land call from a private caller with an automated voice saying goodbye. Five Eyes always on duty.

Darcy Wade Carlile

The ET ones spy too when you scratch your bum Sheila, ect, ect, ect, I am certain you have been seen anyhow from anyone of the billions of overpopulation here on Earth also without your permission, perhaps by accidental ships passing by.


Well Darcy that may well be true but I do save that specific activity just for watching tv. The very next day after posting this I received a call from “anonymous” (that’s what it said on my caller ID) who identified themselves as Microsoft and they told me there were issues with my computer. So how would they know that and my computer techno wiz didn’t? Why would they call me on my land line instead of just sending me an email? Haha I hung up on them. But I really do hope they steal all my info so they can read all about Billy Meier 🙂


I detest cell phones and all its ramifications but I too have one for urgent messages and possible help if needed. I work part time at a city parking lot seeing 300/400 cars past my booth per shift, you would not believe how many people in these cars have their noses in their phones. Here they are all together and not one talking with each other. I am also seeing this with the older folks more and more. I cannot not really say anything as I am working and working under the city banner but when I have a car pull up where the people are conversing and actually being with each other I tell them how great it is to see them talking and enjoying the company.

Philip Brandel

Ya ones again I am an outsider on the whole phone deal as well. I always get odd looks when I pull out my dinosaur(as most call it). Call and txt is all it can do and that seems to be to much for me often. Sometimes feel as though I came from a time long ago…. being 33 years old and not having all the gadgets and crap that most around me have. What a way to live having that thing strapped to ones person constantly in need of checking, gaming, chatting anything and everything other than what is going on around one in the real world. Who needs to be chipped when they have that thing to control their every action…. and or lack of it.