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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

We Were Warned

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James Moore

On the 8th of December I informed the MI6 Secret Intelligence Services about the warning by Billy Meier that ISIS threaten to bring a return of the dark ages to the entire world. It seems that the dark ages have now truly begun. Very disheartening indeed. The leaders of our world must act soon to stop this evolution-stunting sadomasochistic psychopathic organization before more humans are tortured and killed for revenge and insane-religious reasons.


Hello James.

Is there a way i could reach you.

James Moore

Sure via james [at] futureofmankind. co. uk

Darcy Wade Carlile

James does Queen Elisabeth have any thoughts or ideas to help us all?

James Moore

Sadly she hardly ever gives her opinion on anything. She’s an inactive queen that is really only good for tourism and the young who dream of kingdoms of yore. Her husband on the other hand is very active and vocal about a lot of important subjects like overpopulation: . I’d rather have a republic anyway as its more representative of the people’s needs and desires.

Daniel Zumon

They’re religious basically, and as very little wisdom is on offer from the church, very little is on offer. Though a few ideas have recently been produced as James points out about overpopulation, they are very unlikely to be original ideas sadly. Very rich in material goods though, still after 800 years, if you wanted to learn anything about that and how to accumulate vast quantities of material goods, they really know how to do that and keep it going.

Terry Carch

James, I heard a rumor that ISIS may have a nuclear bomb or is trying too steal nuclear material to make a nuclear bomb etc. is this true? If so you not only have to notify M16 but also the CIA, FBI, NSA etc to let them know here in the USA too and warn ALL the various agencies in the US, UK, and so on so they can ALL get after them BEFORE the IS fantatics can even get their filthy hands on such nuclear device!.

James Moore

I’d rather not send rumours to MI6!

Matt lee

Good on you James
We must also remember to expose state sponsors of terrorism like the Saudi government and the Qataries for aiding this dealy organisation and supplying them with weapons.


o me it is not to be understood…. Would not those who commit this horrible action against a fellow human have the bells ringing hammering within as this violates Creational laws of peaceful existence …? Would these people of this crime have PTSD nightmares the rest of their lives?

Damian Jones

Brock, these guys are psychopaths, they probably sleep better than you or me, they are even starting to talk about impaling people. The thing that I cant work out is why the power elites are not doing anything when we (the west), have started wars spuriously, against the will of the voting public for decades. Also, as an earth idiot it does my head in thinking about the laws of cause and effect, why should all the innocent people especially the children and women, who have/will have to suffer rapes and torture from these filth. Not that I would wish it on anyone, but if the universe is fair then wouldn’t all the scum who were responsible for invading Iraq have to suffer?


Hi MH,

Where in the prophecies does it say return to “dark ages”? I can’t find it.

Daniel Zumon

He is really right about that in theory, all the way through history, a set back in the development of ideas and knowledge occurs right after a religious revolution. Google boss is right in what he says about printing off the pictures and text if you want to preserve it, even if he does not mean anything like what we are talking about.


Foul ball ! Meier must have back-dated that info!

or he cheated and got in his time machine to the future, saw events currently taking place, went back to our present existence and then disseminated them … cheater! hoaxer!

Antony E

Exactly and he also got some terrestrial disk shaped craft from the 22nd century, brought them back to the 1970s, and photographed them claiming that they were alien spacecraft!!
Andy and Mahesh, you can have that one if you want:)

Matt lee

Kinda gives you a new meaning to the word ‘back’ ‘date’ doesn’t it and come to think of it Billy did back date.
Get it?


A fact,:
Eduard Meier is a Muslim (Pakistan): Did you know? He never critizies Islam directly, unlike other religions.
Eduard Meier shot a pistol-bullet between the eyes of a portrait of Kemal Atatürk, the man who abolished, after 1924, the califat, the sultanat and the rule of sharia in Turkey and introduced laicism. Nowadays this land is confronted with a rise of islamism and insidious return of sharia implemented by the sectarian Sufi Erdogan an his gang. Atatürks heredity is dead. The problem of ISIS is minor compared to Erdogans gang, which, together with the Muslimbrotherhood, will try to reintroduce the califate as it was under Ottoman rule, and ISIS will just serve heir goal.
Meier supports, as far as I can see, the policy of the Muslimbrotherhood, p.ex. it’s spreading of “islamophobia”-hysterics, and called the caricaturists of Mohammed and Islam years ago as follows: In German: “Sie haben die Bezeichnung Mensch nicht verdient” (E: they have not earned the merit (not elligible to) of beeing called human beeings).
And so now, they lie slaughtered, as is suggested in the Koran. Please consider the fact that Meier bears the title of a Sheik Abdullah Mohammed and considers himself to be the Mehdi of Islam, which would give some weight to his condemnation of those caricaturists in the eyes of some troubled islamists.


Michael CR 214 have some information about that insident, Quetzal explains that Billy shot a bullet to that portrait in his delirium after his serious accident.

Dyson Devine

“He never critizies Islam directly, unlike other religions.”

Unknowing nonsense.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Dyson is Australia a commonwealth with the QE2 or is down under corporate privatization? Some western world we live in.

Daniel Zumon

Darcy, QE2 is redundant (the young probably dont even know what QE2 means), the agreement is that UK keeps it for tourists (and so that our entire regime does not have to evolutionarily change, mostly for the cost of that change actually). Australia and NZ are absolute in freedom just as the english and americans are (as well as everyone else). – I know you know that, your right in that it needs to be taught, understood and that it is a myth and misconception that we still have even to this day in the third millennium. – You’ve done well to point those facts out Darcy. The commonwealth collection of nations is a relationship that is basically enjoyed though if we look at it, it basically gives people a cause to work with one another in common agreement and I think people generally speaking enjoy that even if it is not associated with any old medieval agreements, in sporting competitions, groups and trade agreements, tourist destinations – we’ve all gone our own way anyway as nations, culturally and as individuals, with such colossal distances between these nations. – and its basically a voluntary arrangement/association, voluntary meaning, in the absence of myth. For many nations in the voluntary association, its almost the only known association they have with other nations, meaning absolute freedom in other words, and others argue that the historical arrangement has been good in various different ways for average everyday normal people.

For anyone else reading this, heres the info about the voluntary association of 53 independent and sovereign states.

Daniel Zumon

Young people think your talking about quantitative easing, the second round of austerity, when talk is of QE2.

Daniel Zumon

The english language being used around the world has put the english human (from britain) at a disadvantage not an advantage as is popularly thought, I mean on a real terms reality situation, and relationship building level, and that is because of a knowing and familiarisation, because of history and stereotypes and attitudes etc, its the german people (that speak english) that get on best around the world
There really are so many myths that exist in the world, and they are so unfounded really and mostly were never founded in anything, and especially around the british empire in the US especially, around visas, the commonwealth countries, relationships, even though as I said before the US is at the centre of all of our lives, in entertainment and other things, in the news and developments etc. If we think about the british empire for a moment and what that actually represents in the modern world, its nothing like any myths, if anything it is about the only remnant of any multi-national union of nations the commonwealth voluntary union that still remains, if it was not for that it would be US style go it alone style, build no lasting friendship or relationships style.
A myth exists in europe that english people can just wander into commonwealth countries, australia and canada and vice versa. Visas are exactly the same for any of us, if anything the english person is at a disadvantage for various reasons, especially the posh and privately educated, because of various myths and traditions and histories (and I frankly speaking agree with the Australians for that, its actually why I like them more so than otherwise, they are tasteful realists in many ways) (Its the common average english/british person that gets on well with the Australian person), the truth of australia is its the german english speaker that gets on best there, Australians like german people the most out of all the europeans, especially when it comes to german women (I’m just saying it as it is, and also I agree with Australian men for that too). And its the USA that is at the centre of all of our lives for all kinds of reasons, mostly in terms of entertainment. – the relationship with europeans in australia is much stronger than it is for north Americans in australia, but that is more down to the volume of travelling people rather than anything else, more trade comes into australia from america than it does from europe, more trade still comes in from asia than it does from either, yet more tourism comes in from europe than all, and Australians most like travelling to asia than either too apparently – and NZ people most like travelling to Australia, yet there appears to be some strange territorialism or whatever, on some small level, but it is a minor observation, it is more like the minor territorialism between US and Canada, very minor, small insignificant, most people get on very well with each other, its a talking point rather than anything else, people the world over enjoy nationalism. And the myth about england and france having some kind of strained relationship is just that too, a myth. But anyway look, all the myths that we have somehow developed internationally over hundreds of years are mostly wrong or misplaced, but as I said, we like keeping them in place as it gives us something to talk about, but they really are truly wrong in reality and in real everyday relationships.
The truth about US america is that it has connections with people all over the world, but they are not always valuable relationships, even though there is large body of humanity in america that does look for that and enjoys that, with several passport holders etc, basically some areas of the US has different ideas about people from other nations than other areas, the west coast has its own thing going on, the midwest is varied, the east coast has several different things, florida see’s tourists from everywhere, south of it a more relaxed thing going on, and north of it new york etc, again something different. And there are people from every nation apparently that dont like the queen of england including england itself. Look, the thing going on in america with the myths about the queen, is some damaging assumptions really, because as I said before its not only not how it is, it has never been like that with some of the myths. Its all due to people talking about stuff, and not really knowing they’re place, something about politics etc.
US americans in that way tend to just want to destroy everything, but look the capitalism consumerism thing can only go on so long, eventually we all have to get along with one another. And the attitude import to europe, where the european has become more americanised (as I said before America is at the centre of all of our lives), is the thing responsible for everyone wanting to destroy everything. All within reason the world probably should be opened out better than it currently is, but the US is not exactly offering the solution there is it. And I just want to say a few more words about it, because some say the UK is the US’s only ally, and that is exclusively due to various historical facts, but the relationship has in no way benefited the UK one little bit, in fact its really f**ked the UK beyond measure if you look at the facts of it, and the reality of the relationship that is real. But anyway, myths, many myths, and its understandable and acceptable that a lot of confusion exists, we should appreciate that and accept it, relax about it, because there is no leadership going on here, its every man for himself apparently, as I said the US and its entertainment industry is at the centre of all of our lives. All this is quite important to know if we want to make some real assessment about what is really going on, assuming we really want that, rather than want myths to rule our lives, we are all ordinary normal people here, no elitism, or greed-might going on, but we are right to conclude various things, because of the small number of leaders we have had, most of them have been doing the wrong thing by us all, and destroying relationships and creating rifts between us, and its stupid if we all think about it, because as I said before, we are all ordinary normal people, average, with a normal schooling etc.


just for example, at minute 37:00 in this video



Thank you for the link. This one I have not seen yet. 🙂


AIH doesn’t see the wider problem.

See, Earth Humanity isn’t dumb in the comical sense of what being “dumb” or stupid is supposed to be that you get from the classical TV actor-version of dumb. Now, being literally stupid in the latin sense means being struck sense-less. That being said, and taking into account natural human intelligence, it is how Earth Humanity’s evolution is directed and given with the appearance of willfulness that other folks make the Evolutionary steering done on this planet. Therefore the Creative potential and responsibility people have are not used or function no longer around natural means between one another starting with your next door neighbor for example.

Now, in accords with CR 251, this is some old stuff that’s been around for quite a long time here on Misery. Since people like having the position of being Creative Director, and I’m not talking about a specific corporate title that actually exists, erroneous beliefs and Earth Logic will just go forward into the abyss that is very senseless and truly stupid. So, you don’t have the classical stereotype of unintelligent fanatics as people think of as quote on quote dumb, but rather very intelligent folks that will use essentially the kitchen sink to be kings of the corpse party.

How you someone missed CR 251 which paints the grim reality of the 21st century is a bit wondrous unless you have some sort of other things you want to let go on your chest?


Back in 1964 there wasn’t an established notion of terrorism as it is nowadays, so it is very likely that those customs agents acted in a humane manner knowing of his situation.


This is but a taste of what’s to come. We’ve recieved the curse and perpetuated it for eons. We were a race that was never meant to survive. Now we see the truth in it all now, don’t we. I hate this place.


If governments around the world do not fight this together, we will die together. The prophecies are now fulfilling themslves. If those in smoky rooms do not see this, then we are doomed. Those who know must now act, now.


Well forto, they won’t come by MH’s blog looking for answers, you know. I think you’re right, so I’m not arguing with you there – something must be done. But you got a brain, so do something. Don’t just talk that somebody needs to listen – do something about it to encourage them to listen. There’s enough info provided by Billy to gather a sensible individual course of action in my opinion. Be part of the solution, not just a side spectator commenting on how we’re doomed. It’s bad for morale.

(Paraphrased perhaps from the English translation of KdW:) “There’s always something that can be done to make the best out of any situation, no matter how hopeless.” These aren’t just nonsense words – so use them!

Darcy Wade Carlile

Michael Horn is the Authorized American Media Representative for the Billy Meier Contacts. He can be reached through or at


The “Atatürk-front-shot” in a portrait which I am referring to happened in a turkish border control post, in the time shortly after E. Meier lost his left arm in an accident. If I have read correctly, he was not in his normal state of consciousness, but in a kind of “psychotic* state. He relates that the border police didn’t jale him for this -in those times – scandalously iconoclastic deed, because they already knew him. If you would do this nowadays say in Thailand with the Kings portrait (or with Erdogans) you would get 10 years imprisonement, as happened to a swiss drunkard.
I just wonder why he has to relate this event. I just observe what he says generally about Islam, and how he says it.
His predictions concerning wars with possible link to Islamism just fit with some lomg established islamistic-sectarian-Jihad-tactics and -plans.(Brodtherhood). the formulations are just the same, justifications for war, the west hates muslims, west is not a civilisation , Islamophbia as a western problem etc. He never mentions hate with muslims, only as engendered by christians and Jews. He says terroristic christians but never ever terroristic muslims, only terr. Islamists. etc. As the Brotherhood and the mainstreampropaganda do, he maintains that islamism has nothing to do with the Koran or sharia etc. well..
What puzzles also me is the fact, that with his convesion to Islam, he automatically (following islamic law) made his future children to muslims, endangering them in the eventualitiy of apostasy. Whereas In his Geistelehre he maintains that one should not influence the children religiously to a quite advanced age, until they can reason and form an opinion by themselves.
Just observing, there is nothing to lose, nothing to win


I have read them, and again, there is no axe to grind when observing .
I clearly did not say (and spread) ” raised as Muslims”, but “made to Muslims” (formally, as per islamic law)), and “endangered in the eventuality of apostasy”, (also as per islamic law).
And by the way, I am not opposed to anybody being a Muslim, Christian or whatever.
I am just generally opposed to propaganda, also when done by Eduard Meier.


Many, many hours over some years with a devout Passivmitglied who had always the newest book/CR at hand.
Much less time with some Kerngruppen-Mitglieder.
My impression: They seriously lack of a sceptical sense, independence of “spirit”, oftentimes just repeat Meiers statements,their one and only truth, suffering from an authority-complex. They feel bound to the Group and Meier by a belief in a loyality anchored in previous lives etc. There are some elements of sectarianism. Read f.ex. here (German):
But I feel that this blog is not the place to go further into it

Matthew Reed

You really believe what you’re saying? Have you read most of the Meier material? I’m trying not to laugh at your assertions but I’m utterly confused as to how you would conclude such non-sense. Please read the Talmud Jmmanuel where it clearly states Islam will become an evil-cult. Does that sound favorable to you?


Please read all passages, where Meier mentions Islam, Muslims, Crusades (Islamic expansion, slavery ? never mentioned),the west, sharia, religions etc.on the website, but also in the “Gotteswahn”-book. And form your own opinion. Show me where he criticizes Islam .You will likely see that he just keeps explaining it very gently..
Which version of the Talmud Immanuel are you referring to ? I have read them both and felt sorry for Prof. Deardorff who commented elaborously on the first version as beeing truthful.
To your point, Isn’t it remarkable, that this Imanuel/E.T.-team knows in advance of the deletarian effects and consequences of a future deed in a certain environement , and still performs it ?
But as Meier lets Ptaah say in the introduction of the second version TJ: The Plejarians have no clue about how the human mind works.
That’s just it. They dont know what they are doing, here on earth, never did. ( should they exist )


Yes Michael,
but you seem to forget that Mr Meier maintains that IS or Islamistc fundamentalists have nothing to do with Islam, Koran or Sharia.(as the political mainstream and the Muslim Brotherhood maintain) So those his statements can not be taken as a critizism of Islam. On the contrary, he stresses that the Koran corresponds to the teachings of the prophets of the Nokodemion lineage.
BTW, IS obeys certain laws in its actions, which have been the constant unchanging guide for the jihad for over 1300 years. stemming from Koran, Sharia etc. Neither the US, nor Bush (Meier: 97 % responsible) or the crusaders are responsible for those.


As a response to your post of 9:51 :
Taken from bulletin 2010/53, chapter “islamistische Terroristen”:
“Der terroristische Islamismus ist aber nicht aus dieser Lehre der alten Propheten hervorgegangen und damit auch nicht aus dem Religionsbuch Koran, sondern…”
My literal translation:
The terroristic islamism has not come out of this teaching of the old prophets and hence (thus, consecuently, therefore) not out of the religious book Koran,..,1

Stephen Lane

“On the contrary, he stresses that the Koran corresponds to the teachings of the prophets of the Nokodemion lineage.”

He has never ‘stressed’ in written or spoken word, any such thing. You have the wrong end of a very long stick.

“The terroristic islamism has not come out of this teaching of the old prophets and hence (thus, consecuently, therefore) not out of the religious book Koran,..”

And that is exactly correct! It does not mean that Billy Meier is Muslim or supports Islam. It simply means that the statement is true! Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was raised a Muslim and, due to his inability to cope with the realities of life, has grown into a delusional psycopath and has therfore ‘interpreted’ the Koran to suit his own insane ideas of Wahhabi or Salafi or whatever you want to label it. People like him come along every so often. Islamic State does not represent mainstream Islam. There are many Muslims in my country. 99.9% are pleasant law abiding peaceful people that simply want to live their lives. They do not go about murdering people. Regarding Meiers lack of critisism for Islam as opposed to Christianity? Hmm, I wonder why? A real mystery that one isn’t it? Why, it’s such a peaceful, loving little cult. 😐

I think Billy Meiers views on ALL religions are crystal clear:

Kelch der Wahrheit. Page LII

Einen der wichtigen Gründe, warum die Religionen und Sekten in bezug auf ihre Lehren falsch und irrlehrig sind, ist die unbestreitbare Tatsache, dass sie allesamt die wahre Natur der Schöpfung und ihrer Gesetze und Gebote und damit auch die Natur des Lebens und des Todes grundlegend ver kennen. Was die Religionen und Sekten ihren Gläubigen lehren, sind Irrungen und Wirrungen bösester Form, und sie stürzen die Menschen in schreckliche irratio nale Ängste, in Furcht und quälen sie auf inhumanste Weise.

One of the important reasons why religions and sects are wrong and false in their teachings concerns the indisputable fact that they all fundamentally misconceive the true nature of the Creation and its laws and recommendations, and therefore also the nature of the life and death. Religions and sects teach their believers errors and confusions of the
most evil form, and they throw human beings into terrible, irrational fear, anguish and torture them in the most inhuman wise.


Check it out! (my thought is of childlike excitement in this moment, not challenging you or anybody) Just look at the Koran!

But read a few verses from the first chapters in the German. English mangles everything. Verses there are almost exactly the same as the verses from Kelch der Wahrheit. (from this my mood is seriouser, but it’s pretty amazing still! And really this shows to me even more that the hate speech toward religious people has to end at some point! … but wow this opened my eyes for a moment!)


Hmm … well, it’s not exact – some parts are different, just slightly. But I’m amazed at how similar it is, and to me the German shows that it manages to capture a reasonable sense of the same message …


Islamism … a real danger, yeah no doubt. I do not know what Allah means, but being translated in German “dem Herrn”, is not exactly identical as English translation “the Lord” – but I gave up expecting English to be sufficient a long time ago.

If my German understanding is correct, then this could really be possibly used in the same sense of “der Schöpfung” – it is dative, which to my intellect hears itself as referring to the non-tangible form of something … But without being able to understand Arabic, it’s hard to say what derived “dem Herrn” from, which just sounds to me like “Herr” as in Mr., but with the addition of the letter “n”, it is … well, it sounds different, that’s all I can say. Not typical – so interesting. It’s very interesting. And not at all like English “the Lord” – that means what? a man in the sky right? That is different with the German cases, very different.

It’s plausible, at any rate. Really plausible that it’s authentic from Nokodemion’s teaching. the Koran I mean.


-To Michael:
..Show me where he says that “the Koran corresponds to the teachings of the prophets of the Nokodemion lineage.” Nonsense….
I think I did it in my previous post. Why do you keep silent now, after accusing me of talking nonsense ?
à propos the “fearful feelings towards Mr. Meier “: just forget it

-To Michael’s and Stephan Lange’s erroneous assertions that Meier is not a Muslim:
read this excerpt out of a letter of member of the Kerngruppe FIGU to me:

“”Bezüglich des Scheich-Titels ist zu sagen, dass er diesen Titel noch immer zu Recht trägt, denn Herr Meier ist niemals offiziell (in der Form wie es die christlichen Kirchen kennen) aus dem Islam ausgetreten. Er war und ist der Ansicht, dass es völlig ausreicht, den Islam nicht mehr auszuüben, denn er ist dieser Religion seinerzeit nur zu Studienzwecken beigetreten und nicht aus Überzeugung.””
transl: Mr. Meier never has officially quit (secede from, leave) Islam .
The FIGU member also implicitly says that his title of “Sheik Muhammed Abdullah” is linked to his still being a Muslim (No title in case of apostasy)

Few people know that he entered Islam and isn’t an apostate, so still a Muslim

some amusing playing around with words and letters : or, why is Ptaah written with 2 A and an H ?
(a)PTA(ll)AH contains: Abdallah Allah Ptaah
Abdallah (Meiers Muslim name) meaning serf (slave) of Allah

So there is no major problem saying: No god but Ptallah and I, Billy, am his prohet ?

To comprehend the expression “Herr”, “dem Herrn” (ital.: il Signore) best in a religious context, I would propose the relationship of “god” as the aristocracy versus the bondsman/-woman, serf etc. The one who possesses the serf (believer, Abdullah) as body “and soul”, including the “jus primae noctis” law of the first night. ( as for ex. start wearing the veil at first menstruation to “please Allah, the moon-god”) . I think this is also contained in english “Lord”, english lord-system, landlord etc.

Stephen Lane

transl: Mr. Meier never has officially quit (secede from, leave) Islam .
The FIGU member also implicitly says that his title of “Sheik Muhammed Abdullah” is linked to his still being a Muslim (No title in case of apostasy)

Few people know that he entered Islam and isn’t an apostate, so still a Muslim

Hang on a minute. That’s it??? The title of “Sheik Muhammed Abdullah” was
bestowed on him by people from another country because they wanted to honour him. Because they recognise him as a man of greatness, of power, a leader. How right they were! So it’s similar to when some celebrity gets an honoury degree from a university? Good grief. We must be thankful that there are no serious issues in this world to talk about.

So, we need the name of this FIGU member in order to corroborate this vital, Earth shattering information.


“That’s it ???” Yes Stephen, that’s it. You pretended that Meier is not a Muslim, and I furnished the proof of his beeing formally a Muslim. Other wishes for “vital, Earth shattering informations (Ironie of yours ?)?
I can disclose the name of the FIGU-member only with his/her aprouval. You seem to think that I would post invented citations…….what for ? There is nothing to be gained, there is no grudge, fear, envy ( for what the hell ??) or whatever else Michael likes to projects into my motivations. Observation —Communication , basta.

To Michael
Do you feel threatened in your identifications to the point of being obliged to resort to your heaviest verbal artillery ? To accuse me of the vilest attributes of character ? Instead of going seriously into the documents I indicated. Please show me where I “grudge” against the spiritual teachings (strictly natural laws), as you pretend.
As I said, I dont dispose of sufficient command of english vocabulary to defend myself, so just let it be.
Ok, I translated only partially the text, which however I gave as a whole in german,, so please read the rest; it probably wont make any difference: He is a Muslim.
“Concerning the Sheik-title there has to be said, that he still bears the title rightly, as Mr. Meier has never officially quit ( in the form as known in christian churches) Islam. He did and does maintain, that it is amply sufficient to stop practising Islam, because he entered this religion only for means of studying it, and not out of conviction.” My literal translatin

And no Michael, I dont reproach anybody to be part of a god-delusion-organisation. And as far as I know, Meier never entered Hindu, Buddhist, Christian etc. religion. (Jewish yes, for study…..just kidding)
And as I was reproched on this blog of being an Ego-filled man, angry and full of envy, I wont disclose my name, as this would be interpreted as egocentric.

Michael, if you want to meet a truthhater, just look into the mirrorto see if there is one


Just to be clear Michael

Meier is a Muslim. He entered Islam.

If you are not able to face and tackle this fact and truth, ok, but dont blame me, blame your self as a follower.



the only one insulted and defamated here is not Meier by me, but me by you, Michael.
This is a common tactic practised by the Kerngruppe (especially Lanzendorfer) and you are also quite good at it.

IF Meier is a Muslim (pronounced the sharada publicly) and IF he didnt leave Islam officially, THEN the majority of his books, writings have been written by a Muslim. By a Muslim, and not by an infidel.
IF the mission expands in the future, books get read etc. what will reading Muslims do with his affiliation ? If they think Meier to be a honest man, he must still stand to the shahadah (declaration of faith, no god but allah).
See the implications ?
There is surely a reason he is still a Muslim.
If you want clarity on this point, why dont you just give him a phone and ask if he considers himself to still be part of the umma ?
Simple and efficient



Ja, verstand!!!

🙂 🙂 🙂

Ohh, stop being so fighting!! AIH tries to help!!
But you guys : ( ..

Just listen at others … you got to be not like a brawler!! Why be so fighting? When everything is freedom for exploring and finding out? Why you got to fight and not have the lightbulb instead …? Isn’t it interesting, to think “Oh! Hmm… what that means? What that means about Islam, if Billy is Muslim? Is it possible Billy can be Muslim because Islam is not so bad?” … Don’t you have curiosity …? : (

Please stop fighting : ( Nobody needs to fight because the truth is so perfect …



Ok so AIH can I buy some rats from your “collection”? I need help to get me a job and since you are said to be a rat catcher you can let me have some, they can help me have a job?

Heeheehee teehee I make from happiness, now for a smoke teeheehee


hey, I know how we could make a lot of money, we could sell cheese, you know, the kind of cheese with the big holes in it 😀


resheathe your sword
judgement day isn’t for me anyway

“”Instead of passing the buck like a coward, pick up the phone yourself – or go over three, you’re close enough –””

Been there, done that years ago. Asked Meier, got a written honest response via a Kernguppenmember. I posted the text here in this blog in german and english, for everyone of you to read.
Now read and form your own opinion
I wanted clarity and got it, if you want it for you, phone Meier, where I guess you will be able to get my name, whichgenerally is required when corresponding with the FIGU.

Meier entered Islam, didn’t step out ( by 2011). Compare the document mentionned.
IF this isn’t true, I was induced in error by a document fron the FIGU, and still would be willing to beg your and everybody else’s pardon for having spread false info, signed with my name.

If you are not a coward, Michael, call him now !!


“You can’t handle the truth.” as the saying goes.
More aptly — “The Ego cannot handle the truth.”

As a reference, I’d like read that 2nd edition if it is freely available.


Ego maybe not, insight yes. Also prophets may have egos. so better build on independant insight
If you refer to the TJ, it’s less a second edition than a second version, heavily modified compared to the first. The explananation of the necessity for a second version by Meier is quite adventurous and farfetched. Now I don’t know, if there is already an english translation freely available.



Can you point me where the explanation can be located more efficiently as you may have it handy?



My lecture of the book (TJ, new) dates some years back and I dont have one at hand. If I remember correctly, the explanation can be found in the introduction.
But there is a reference which contains part of the explanation in the ” 501. offizielle Kontaktgespräch vom 1. Septemner 2010 ” in the FIGU-websites “Sonder-Bulletin 2010/52” chapter “Leserfrage”, pages 3 and 4 : (in german),2
Abstract in english (from me): Ptaah had always known (in contrast to Meier) that the translation of the roll by Rashid was biased by his religious beliefs and contained omissions. But they preferred not to inform Meier, as he would have insisted in publishing a correct content. This (correct translation) would have put him in danger of being murdered, so they let out the biased version. The circumstances having changed (2010),i.e. no danger for life, time has come for the correct (more challenging) version.
The plejaren say always having been in possesssion of a sort of copy of the rolls (if I recall the TJ-introduction correctly)

This I call adventurous and farefetched an explanation

Matt lee

Hey Tyler can you read about the topic on ‘false humanitarianism’ to get a better idea of what your ‘perpetual turn the other cheek’ peace at all cost aquiescent to the wrongs action represents in the grand scheme of things.
Billy said to fight for the truth not cuddle up to lies


So AIH, let’s go a bit further for a second and try to link two things from the Meier material … together.

If ISIS, oh I don’t know, require people to hold a badge or mark of allegiance in order to buy or sell things within their little enclave and do not accept any other form of currency without this, would you still **think** Meier didn’t warn us about that? After all, the Western News sources reported again and again ISIS would kick out folks that don’t follow their particular brand or just kill them outright and somehow economics has to work if they want to accomplish anything internally. Sure, the specific how-to is missing if you just focus myopically on a single thin thread but it’s becoming clear this religious judgment-day is leading towards what Meier has stated since the 50s.


I tried to help. If you want to honour the teaching actually really try to live by its principles, like delving into every teaching down to the last detail. Not believe but live in curiosity. You still have a chance to learn something interesting about Islam, but it’s up to you. No debate can locate the truth for you. You have to look for it.

So it has been proposed that the Koran corresponds to the Nokodemion line teaching. Did you check? Did you even wonder for 1 instant about what that could mean? Or did you just assume your belief is correct?

It’s not about that point specifically, or about whether Billy is this or that, the problem is that you don’t even try to figure anything out. Your defending so hard against those people who write Billy slander that youre becoming fanatical believers yourself. I looked into that saying by AIH and guess what? I’m still alive! No I didn’t turn into a religion slave from doing 1 hour approx of necessary investigation! And by giving his idea a chance, no I’m not in his rat cage. All that happened was I went, investigated, and learned something new. And it’s interesting! I have a new respect for Islam. Do I think that religion is healthy? No. But religion is not just a book, it’s how people treat the book and implement it into their lives.

You all remind me of the USA penile system that doesn’t care about the truth, just about harassing until you break somebody’s psyche into confessing to match your beliefs / assumption.

Matt lee

Tyler investigate all you want because at the end of the day the truth can never be made into a lie and a lie can never be made into truths so what you’ll end up after all that investigating the lies is a head full of lies. O K?



Maybe I was unclear??

You had it worded in front of you that the Koran corresponds to the teaching from the Nokodemion line but you, MH, yourself said automatically “thats nonsense”.

That’s what you believe but you didn’t even try to investigate. You didn’t even try to see if that statement has any wisdom behind it.

Did you wonder at all about that statement that is even on the FIGU website?


Don’t accuse me of believing when that’s your problem not mine. Do you think I am a radical believer now of Islam?

I just went and confirmed it for myself, what AIH said! From what is written on!

It is true! And yes, it still allows Billy’s reputation as his fine character to stay intact! But you didn’t even try to figure it out for yourself, you didn’t even try!


Sorry Tylor
no rats today.
I was supposed to have rats yesterday, today after the recent demonisation by Michaels swordlike tongue, I’ve been promoted and guess I should have a pretty collection of flies.
Another illustration that german Herr and english Lord are analogous.


that is utter nonsense!


Sorry Ev
I missposted this post, it was an answer to tylers post on the “rat-catcher” and ultimately to Michaels hideous insinuation towards me.


Yes, I think the sports are done, enough of foreign language acrobatics for me.
I just came here to point out, that following my information Meier is FORMALLY (not religiously) a Muslim, and provided those reliable information for you. I also showed a citation of Meier where he relates to or even includes the Koran in the Lehre der Propheten. That’s all. What you do or not do with this is up to you.

BTW, A rat-catcher has necessarily to operate with ageold group psychodynamics, so must endorse a leading role within the group, as by power, authority etc, like a Guru for example, to have followers.
Group Loyality/identification and psychodynamics are the main obstacle to observe freely and so to learn. But of course, standing alone is way too frightening for most of the people.

You wont find me in a group, not in any role. The cloak of scapegoat or devil is just a projection of the group onto the free, so that they can combat their own unconscious wrongs in him. As you did, Michael.

Good Bye, all the best to everybody

Matt lee

AIH are you related to AIA or AIG.
I would like a comprehensive coverage instead of partial.
Time and time again it’s man’s egoism and sense of self importance that clouds his better judgement and makes him weak.
Are you here to learn with an open mind or are you more interested in propping up your ego with your self impressed speech of yours.
From WM to AIH what next FIFO?


no kidding, I was wondering about all these initials used as names, couldn’t quite help copy MH. We know MH but all these others…..oh, I know maybe it’s a take off of Billys BEAM 🙂 Seriously, is there some reason you initial people don’t use actual names?

Matt lee

Yeah good question EV
BTW what does EV stand for if you don’t mind me asking?


Matt, my name is Evelyn, my friends call me Ev 🙂


Ev = the smile reflected in a stream
Evelyn = she may be the beauty or the beast? You never know!
Thank you, Matt! 🙂


btw, yes Phili, the Evelyn you know on fb.


Hi Matt
I am not a native english speaker, this can perhaps explain the “self impressed speach” ? (Wkat’s that ?)
I have never heard of AIA or AIG, and relations with groups whatsoever is surely not of utility if one wants to learn.
Whatof exactly do you want a comprehensive coverage ?

Matt lee

Hey the English language isn’t my first language either but irrespective of it I am sure you know what you are talking about or rather you write what you don’t know regarding Billy as if it is the truth.
That AIA and AIG was just my little attempt at sarcasm, you know the insurance group, do you get the comprehensive coverage thing now?
Why not have the decency to use your real name instead of cowardly hiding behind the safety of your anonymity.
Why hide cowhide

Matt lee

Good on ya Eyelyn

She may be the beauty or the beast
May be the famine or the feast
May turn each day into a heaven or a hell
She may be the mirror of my dreams
The smile reflected in a stream
She may not be what she may seem inside her shell.

Matt lee

Your welcome Evelyn
I ripped that one out from Elvis Costello’s song ‘She’
Beautiful lyrics and it suits you fine

Philip Brandel

EV You are obviously the Evelyn from Facebook? One thing I like about that mostly irresponsibly used site, at least people are forced(more) to be who they really are:)


True, Philip. When I met Michael last year in person, Ev was established in our meeting as my name, and since I didn’t know anyone here when I signed on to this blog, I used Ev.

Philip Brandel

Have as of recently begun to use facebook openly, though have been active at Michael’s blog for sometime longer. Is nice non the less, to get to know some people a little more, as per facebook and its push to be known by ‘those whom know you’.
A good mix and has been interesting to correspond with people in a semi more ‘truthful’ manor.
Lets face it, not many are doing face to face these days, anymore!! Though time and space are an obvious issue.
There is only a handful here that I could say can find and learn a little more about, beyond what is presented at Michael’s blog.
Though don’t correspond on the Figu forum all that much, always found that odd why I don’t, as I know a few here do often. Think the layout was just not for me.
Nice to put the thoughts here, with the person there, Evelyn:)

I regress non the less, back on topic……..


Hi Matt
Ok, I understand better, thanks.
We are heading to times at least here in Europe, where the relativly most comprehensive covereage will be provided by the insurer AK fortyseven.
And à propos cowhide, I hate computers, internet and nsa, as I dont understand none of those.


“Why not have the decency to use your real name instead of cowardly hiding behind the safety of your anonymity.
Why hide cowhide”

Bleep you, Matt Lee. The man stands by his words; that’s what matters here. AIH, you seem reasonable and decent to me. However, Billy is NOT a Muslim. He may have studied Islam and been part of the religion at one time; but that does NOT mean that he is a practicing Muslim. It is your right as a religious person to think that just because Billy has studied your religion, that makes him bound to it. But that would be incorrect thinking. In reality Billy is just “a person who learns” about a universe of topics.


So it is okay for peeps to mock folks here ie, “AIA” or “AIG”?
Also, AIH is a newbie here. Cut him some slack. His words are just as useful as yours or mine. I for one welcome AIH; and appreciate his participation. I personally, could care less what his real name is. I only care what he is trying to say. Figu is welcome to their views.


“They are obviously intelligent and well spoken in a language that isn’t their own, so it’s not a matter of misunderstanding them.”

My friend, you are misunderstanding AIH. Let’s assume that AIH is a Muslim. And he is a person familiar with the Meier case. AIH thinks of Meier as a Muslim because Meier in fact knows the most about the religion. It can be said that Meier is the world authority on Muslim. So AIH, being the religious person he is, professes that Meier is Muslim or… he is just trying to say that Meier is a great guest in the eyes of Muslims.

Maybe I am wrong, but I don’t see AIH making accusations against Meier; all I see is a religious person, who has learned about Meier, that is using a second language to make sense of what he is experiencing because of it. In other words, he is a Meier interested party. And he is learning everyday. Welcome this man here!!! That is what I am saying.

I mean you go way out of your way to wake people up about the Meier case; AND then once some of them find you, you boot their bleeps to the curb, because they are… too wrong? I mean where do you draw the line for us Earth human dolts?? I mean I certainly deserve to have some of my posts banned along with my sorry bleep. BUT, I try to learn from my mistakes. So I should be allowed to post.

Treat AIH as a welcomed guest and allow him time to see his errors. This should be the case for everybody.


Plus, as we know Mohammed was a former personality of “the great prophet.”

I can see how a religious Muslim would see Billy Meier as the greatest Muslim of all time… however, this dear Muslim has to learn that religion in general is harmful for the human being. It is like poison. That is why Billy Meier is strong enough to learn everything about ALL Earth religions, yet not get captured in the religion. He is just a man who learns. And once AIH learns that he is no different than you and me and Billy, he will shed his faith, yet still hold Muslim with respect.

Terry Carch

“I hate this place too forto”!

Matt lee

Bleep you, Matt Lee. The man stands by his words; that’s what matters here.

Anthony I don’t know what goes in your neck of the woods but in the real world that I live in it does demand of me some level of self responsibility, the requirement of honesty, the need to distinguish between what is right and true vs wrong and lies and the importance of integrity.
Now just as you yourself have had enough self awareness to state here that sometimes you rub people the wrong way and be honest enough to admit it I’d figured it wouldnt’ve been such a bad idea to coax AIM or whoever he is to be more forthcoming, self aware and honest in his dealings here by throwing down the gauntlet.
Mind you this was only after Michael has given AIM ample amount of opportunity to question the veracitu of his own statements and why the members here kept rejecting them.
Obviously he failed the challenge on the more important front namely the spiritual challenge.
He didn’t have the courage to admit wrong when he was in the wrong but kept persisting with his unsubstantiated claims continuing to cast aspersions about what Billy was.
Now Anthony by you entering this dialogue as it is the case for me also you will no doubt understand that you bring your own unresolved issues and make them visible here so surely by you also having judged falsely by coddling in defense of that which is wrong aren’t you also being the cowards like AIMs of this world who don’t have the spine to stand up for principles of right and true but continue to defend the wrong and untruths with that degrading pascifistic turn the other cheek peace at all cost idiocy so prevalent in our false humane world that the truth Billy has delivered has so much difficulty getting the recognition it deserves.
Its high time you also looked at yourself in the mirror Anthony cos no amount of lashing out at people is going to solve your personal issues by further lashing out at people and this is the most easiest thing for anyone including myself to do.

Philip Brandel

We were warned, very few listened, even fewer did anything to stop it. What a world, what a destiny to reside within the centuries tell ‘humanity’ starts to wake up from its mental slumber. Excel in this life, as the next will be that much better!


Seeing is believing Philip,i.e.I`ll believe it wen I see it. Like I always say ” When will this world EVER wake up and grow up”? YIKES!


Hey Terry,
People don’t grow up they just grow old!!!

Philip Brandel

When we finally see ourselves within everything, conscious of every waking thought, taking responsibility for these thoughts in every way within a knowing neutral positive reaction to them, based on the most basic elements to be found in ‘creations’ laws and recommendations. Basic, uncomplicated logic that most blow right by, stupidly, to say it lightly.
Some here and many within the world wish to think life is so simple to put all aspects of reality into the hands of ‘someone’ else, let alone a fairytale of choice given unbelievable might and responsibility over one. As they will not soon get how free they truly are! Especially as pertains to Billy and the Plejarens writings!!!!
No need to believe anything within what the sense’s are able to show, the truth, with enough of the 6th and 7th ‘senses’ added, will guide logic to reality.
Though how is anyone going to get through this when we don’t as individuals. Personally, it often feels like I am shielded from the truth by the world we have all created here in ‘the land of the free’. The thoughts are always there, constant, in perspective guiding every waking moment. Yet, the feelings and actions don’t always correlate correctly. The lies we make as having that most fundamental aspect of reality twisted and contorted by that which radiates like a swirling hurricane over head. Part of the reason I have for many years taken great pains to try and survive the world coming all of our way. Is because I am apart of this world, an earthling, no better or worse and slowly clawing my way out of the lost connection that will complete my inner peace, ones I let it. Long since given up trying to (for the most part) find with ‘humanity’s’ hand in guiding me. I personally, have gone to extraterrestrial measures to help see the truth of the world we have created, sure doesn’t present well down here. Will be the rest of my life striving to be a true human. I have a lot of work to do, as we all do.

Barry Smith

I wonder how bad the ET’s had it before they changed as a society ? it looks like we are headed for tough times , over 60 years of contact and people still don’t get it .. I also wonder about ET talking with one person , the teaching corrupted , they do it again , and again expecting a different result . Seven times , and look where we are today . I guess we are just hard headed people .

Daniel Zumon

We have enough millionaires (money) milling around, to sort out every possible localised affliction, now, not in several lives time, now. The reason I point to the millionaires is for the simple factual basis that they need never concern or worry about anything any more, the entire social system is catered exclusively for their every need, they can thereby turn their attentions to more meaningful things for their remaining short time of their life. – So getting back to your thoughts about how it might have been possible in real reality terms. The truth of it was probably that they had enough people that comfortable and secure in their most basic of needs, overcame their religiosity, their blandedness, their conscious weakness, and they moved around the world, as if they meant to be, as if they belonged to the existence of their future and their worlds evolution. They developed a method of thinking clearly and accurately basically.

Daniel Zumon

Our millionaires wander around the world pleasure binging (excessive or uncontrolled indulgence), all the way to their death. Leaving a handful of poor struggling people to follow the same path but with the opposite behaviour, generative behaviour towards their follow humans. Add those two factors together, to work out where the problem actually is, and reverse engineer that to see how the Plejaren managed to reach civilization on their world Barry Smith. The answers are not in thought space fiction, that are found in the exacting reality found on earth (no other planet either).

Daniel Zumon

I enjoy conversation about worlds and evolution much more than any of this other petty material. So heres some more for you;

Its important that I get these layers of truth out to you Barry Smith, so that you can make your own evaluations and use the information to make sense of what is occuring yourself with your own brain. The millionaires I described above, decided that they would not help the poor and their communities and this arrangment has been established over around the last 100 years. The reason being that they were deemed too disrespectful, dishonest and beast like in their behaviour, as well as it being much less than a good economic decision to do so. Which made way for the possibility to find a way, while making a profit, and so people of lesser economically advantaged people were used instead, those of the weaker economic currencies (so they ended up helping the poor anyway apparently).

And so if you see what I have done there very simply, i’ve outlined two major things;
1: The globalisation has not been a proper one as yet.
2: Civilization is only as yet a veneer (thin decorative covering)

Therefore if the talk is about stability and jobs in first world countries, such as north america and europe (they are an example of advanced developed economies), then its due to those jobs, occupations, family businesses and traditional handed over generationally businesses and occupations, now residing in developing economies. And therefore if the talk is about tax avoidance in those particular economies, through using tax havens, like the swiss banking system etc, then the reason that emphasis is placed at that location, is because the situation threatens to undermine this ‘veneer’ of civilization that we might have developed, up to the present time.

Getting back to what you’ve postulated about the Plejaren stability of their world, then its a question of the decisions and consiousness of their earth human being. And one last thing I must explain is that worlds divided in the way it is on earth, into nations, and into beliefs, very rarely if ever reach the higher evolved civilization status in the universe, its basically an impossibility, and that is probably why the north american human lives as if they mean not to hang around for an evolutionary period of time, as if they mean to go and live on another world, in the way they consume and address various issues.




This sounds familiar; wonder where I heard this before?

Scientists already have reported finding what they called a 1,235-square-mile “bathtub ring” of oil on the floor of the Gulf of Mexico left over from the huge 2010 BP oil spill. Now it appears this ring is part of a washroom set: A different team of scientists has found that up 10 million gallons of oil have created what can only be called a “bath mat” beneath the sediment of the gulf’s floor.


“Aside from that, the crude oil’s toxic substances are secreted ….., as these toxic substances, however, also disperse in the ocean water itself and store themselves on the ocean floor whereby further contaminations come about, a fact which is likewise kept silent by the responsible authorities and by the scientists.”


Seven times, but this time is not like the rest. This time the correct record will survive. And we can help it do so.