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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

We Were Warned

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I have always said that in the future when children are taught History, they will be taught about all the different ages but when they come to speak of our time they will say, “Today class we are going to learn about the Age of Stupid”. Almost sounds like I’m writing a joke for a comedy sitcom, but isn’t sad that it’s not a comedy but a tragedy.


it’s amazing to me that the liberal and far left people continue to oppose intervention, they cling to flowery and unrealistic notions of pacifism. these people will be easy prey when the islamic state invades the west.

Matthew Reed

I agree…I used to think pacifism was a noble trait, but then I discovered that self-defense is a creational law. The problem many people seem to have is distinguishing the line between agression and self-defense.


I thought this way too, but now, with this mess going on, it seems the big guns have to come out….. good grief, never in my life would I have ever thought I would think or say such a thing!

Matt lee

When the red menace strikes the US these liberals you talk about would’ve forgotten all about what they’ve said earlier as they would be too busy defending themselves literally.
Maybe the Chinese have already learned from the Japanese how effective the economic warfare is and so they are buying up America like they are in a fire sale gobbling up everything before they decide to subvert it from within and help break it up into five territories the Henoch Prophecies talks about.
You know the usual racial divide where there is the whites then the Asians then the blacks then the hispanics and then the Jews.

Daniel Zumon

You’d get yourself in there more successfully wafer thin Matt Lee, if you looked more at the real human beings and what they were doing, rather than what the various commentators were saying. Some say they (red menace as you named china) are maintaining an artificially low interest rate as you try to say, sure I accept. But the truth of it is that people are just as diverse and free (aka human being, naturally occurring equality) as in any other country, they are doing all the same things the humans of north america europe russia oceania are doing, they are trading with africa, south america, all other international states (aka nations) there is just as much trade online, there are entrepreneurs, business people, families, elderly, entertainers, politicians, commentators in every nation, especially all the advanced developed economies, and really china should probably be categorised as an advanced developed economy. They have a lot more people than most other nations.

Matt lee

I was shocked and my heart ached after seeing the video of the death of the Jordanian pilot.
It must have been so painful and an agonising death.
The world must do something immediately before they start knocking on our front door.
We have to wake up out of our denial that it only happens to other people.
May you rest in peace Moath al-Kasasbeh






finally the King of Jordan is doing something and perhaps he will, per his example, get others to man up


Hi Ev, until your left leaning media (ours too) actually starts reporting the news instead of being more concerned about hurting people’s feelings, then no, it isn’t going to happen. Did you know about this one page spread in the New York Times? Don’t worry, no one did, except Tarek Fatah:


Well BEAM’s name actually shows up on that blog now so he can’t say he’s never heard or knows about him.


Shelia, yeah, I understand. I was to emotionally involved posting that comment, I admit, and see that now. As Billy stated in his letter about the IS, the recommendation was to have a huge multinational army on the ground – this would lessen the casualties of fighter jets strikes.


It’s hard not to be emotional when those dogs have burned the pilot alive. I could not watch the video otherwise I’m sure I would bawl my eyes out and am doing just that just thinking about it…and all the other atrocities they have performed.
That really is our only hope – the multi-national peace keeping troop.

Matt lee

Frankly I was disturbed after watching that shocking footage of the immolation of the pilot and for some brief moments wanted to do the same to these barbaric degenerates who in turn beget the same kind and treatment through the laws of cause and effect.
So no wonder in the article ‘there shall be peace on earth’ Billy advocates application of forced forcelessness in controlling our thoughts, feelings and actions


I’m sure I would feel the same if I had watched it. I didn’t need to actually see it to know the horror and pain the pilot went through. My tears were not because I am weak, it’s because I can visually feel his pain by putting myself in his position.


I relate to how you feel and how you understand it, Shelia.

Matt lee

I feel with you Sheila in agreement.
Its getting harder and harder to watch these kinds of shocking footage as the years roll on.
When I do some part of me seems to be taken away every time.
Imagine how it would’ve been for Tajida.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Nice Sheila, I read your link and the comment you typed on their blog.


Thanks Darcy.

Philip Brandel

Truly we are already within a 3(4) world war. With almost 80 different nations fighting in the middle east area, within just a hand full of countries, all that is left is this conflagration from representation of persons, to representation of land. Quite disturbing and all these events are ones again but a speck of what awaits us if we don’t change. Most here have seen the future within thought, if cannot imagine it as it will be.
May we prove the prophecy’s wrong!!! At this rate seems like but a dream, though that is how reality can come to be.

Matt lee

Phil I think what is happening is that instead of the prophecies preventing these disasters from happening, due to people preoccupying themselves with it, its having the opposite effect through Heinsberg effect.

Philip Brandel

It would only help prevent these prophecies if people actually paid attention to them. As many aspects of our world would change towards the good. Though in stupid thinking creature fashion, 99% of the people that even take the time to read Billy’s information, don’t go farther than plainly reading it. Let alone the 99% on top of that, that doesn’t in any way actually look at it, at all. So this assumption might work if people were in mass looking at it. At this stage, it is painstakingly clear that ‘humanity’ will run long headed into these events, while a very few have a glimpse to our future. As per this all partially being about our ‘own future survival’. More are concerned with fairy-tales, beliefs, power, greed, than the created future we face by not preoccupying themselves with it. Cause and effect, the most basic premises shows what are lack of awareness and thinking will allow us to end up right where we are going.

Daniel Zumon

That is a true and absolute Philip, of the real.

Matt lee

More degenerate barbarism Billy warnned about.
Islamic terrorism and terrorists does not represent Islam.

Luis Sanchez

The current situation is been brought because the following:
1). As some are speculating without due diligence that Meier is
Current and active practicing Muslim: This is creational law and teachings are against this. Second and to conclude meier studied mediation India that doesn’t make him a Buddhist. Therefore fear due for whater personal reason if there own concern. The fact is many cannot the reality of the Meier data/material/teachings that the rest of humanity excluding understands.

2). The is Federation and a “Federalration: the fact that Gov/sect/elites are under the delusion that humanity living in the dark of stupidity is best for them, being they have practiced this for centuries from hiding mathematics/science/cognitive psychology from the masses for ages. Also they are under mental distress over the fact a civilization that over 30,000 advance in all these subjects including humanities are governing collectively the cosmos (excluding none federation civilizations).
3). Jealousy: Elites are in fact disturbed these events have taken place with meier and not them. Therefore jealousy & hatred will drive as it always has since ancient times…to the current state were at.

My personal opinion is its unfortunate we as society have not valued education, womens rights and have only promoted religions, divide and ignorance. We are in fact as a civilization a danger the creation itself. It is in my honest opinion that Billy spirit has done enough to assist this planet as well as many others. High Council should in my opinion should advise the P’s/ or federation members to a least spare billy his spirit form from Terra/Earth. One one creations Nobelist does no way deserve the disgust of this planet any further.

Daniel Zumon

Who is speculating that; that he’s a practising muslim. Look, you’re going to need to strengthen your ideas a little bit more if you want to begin making sense. BEAM could be considered as practising every possible religion and belief system in the history of mankind, but wait it does not stop there does it, every strong human being from any part of the world who has received a modern education, combined it with independent study, lives within the law, knows the man-made modern law, including the natural laws, the international trade agreements of the modern world, who have studied modern subjects in a reasonable way, ALL of them, every single one of them, could be considered as a person who embodies every possible imaginable religious belief system that has ever occurred in the history of mankind.

The only exception to that is of a small number of people from atlantis, who had developed something altogether different as a result of having a much greater grasp of real knowledge and the creative natural laws and sciences, had beamships etc. – but that is not exactly known history, that’s privileged history out of the remit of modern belief systems and modern educational practices and understandings.

Daniel Zumon

Join us would you? – that is all you need to say to a religious person living in a 1st world country, nothing more.


AIH said “Concerning the Sheik-title there has to be said, that he still bears the title rightly, as Mr. Meier has never officially quit ( in the form as known in christian churches) Islam. He did and does maintain, that it is amply sufficient to stop practising Islam, because he entered this religion only for means of studying it, and not out of conviction.” My literal translation”
Hello AIH the quitting form as known in christian churches. Do you honestly think that people who quit christian churches make a public announcement when they quit? No, they just quit going to church, it really is that simple. So for you to claim that Billy never formally quit Islam means absolutely nothing. The proof is that he doesn’t go to mosques. To study a religion doesn’t mean that you have to be one, otherwise my daughter who signed up for world religion classes would be every religion she studied, but the truth is, she’s not religious at all. Use your head man.

Matt lee

Great now I could become a doctor by reading a medical journal.
Surgery by Matt lee anyone?

Daniel Zumon

You have hit a point though, though you might not have quite known you did that, you did. Some of the very best of the worlds professions (the men of men so to speak) basically got there through independent freelance, trial and error in a knowing and uncivilized sort of way over many years of due diligent action reactions. – you are basically right that it takes much more than a little light reading, but it does not necessarily have to have a badge or stamp associated with it. Good point matt


Haha Doc Lee. I would trust a doctor if I had a broken bone but quite frankly I have to diagnose myself before seeing a general practitioner because I find they really don’t know much. My son had to tell the doctor that his tendon was cut because she was unable to see that for herself. If he had not said anything, they would have stitched him up and sent him home and the tendon would have migrated right up his arm. That last doctor I saw claimed that no disease can be transferred between animals and humans, but turned around and gave me a prescription for exactly what I told her it was, even while she was denying that it was possible.

Matt lee

Ya know Sheila back in Australia when I had the odd occasion of seeing a doctor for myself or for another person with them all these general practitioners generally did every time I or we saw them was to write a prescription and that was it.
10 years at uni and residency just to be a pen pusher for big pharma! This would be quite a shock if these pharma Docs got this revelation through their prescription obsessed heads.
So every Goddamn time I see a doctor my blood pressure was higher after I left than when I went in.


Haha I hear you Matt.


A FIGU Coregroupmember’s words, not mine, Sheila. I just translated them in english


Mr Meier a Practising Muslim; very probably not. Muslim formally; yes. You have to perform certain acts to enter Islam.. and to leave it again..


The “certain acts” you claim are needed to start and stop a religion is only in your own mind. Most people just say hell no, I won’t go and be done with it.

Matt lee

Why are you desperately wanting or even wishing that Billy was a Muslim?
Do you want have a persecution mania as a hard done by Muslim who feels that by linking Billy to Islam you can redeem the image of Muslims?
Are you desperately hoping and wanting Billy to be the Mahdi, the messiah Muhammad prophecied who will return in the glorious name of Allah and Islam?
Well he is the Mahdi or Medhi

Philip Brandel

Let alone Sheila never seeing it as a need to begin with. It seems like a constant battle as it is, to repel peoples delusional, degenerate religious thoughts. The joke is on them saying they don’t like ‘pushing their beliefs onto other people’, all the while never seeing that they don’t even need to be labeled to begin with. Or let alone need a exit pass to be within themselves. Maybe instead of a proclamation of ones religion, one should just announce their entire name in its place. Something like, instead of saying only god can get me out of beliefs, one should say only John, Jacob, Jinglhimer, Smitt’s can get me out of beliefs. As most know, taking personal responsibility to act like a rational ‘human’. Better than leaning on beliefs to do everything for you.
Oh and AIH what is your name? Would serve more purposeful thought for your equals here, than the nonsense your ‘sud o’ keeps pushing.


That’s funny Philip. I personally like it when people tell me they are religious within the first 5 minutes of meeting them. It makes my job easier because my red flag goes up knowing that they are more likely to cheat on their taxes. How sad is that when a person’s religion justifies them into thinking they can?


this speculative future map illustrates the reality of the islamic state threat,it’s shows a IS conquered middle east and north africa.


“””Do you honestly think that people who quit christian churches make a public announcement when they quit? “””

In Switzerland yes of course : You have to formally make known your will. If not, you will still be part of the gang and have to pay taxes for them (protestant church)


Hello AIH, I think I know which document you are talking about. I myself signed one, here we only have the catholic or other option. This is not done publicly and is kept private by the municipality to be used to allocate the portion of your property tax which relates to schools. If I decided one year I wanted my taxes allocated to the catholic school, I would mark myself catholic, but since I’m hoping they will close their doors for good, I feel no need to do that. As far as I can tell, signing this document is a private matter and it’s not shared for any other reason except to allocate school tax and probably for statistics in determining percentages of each religion per country. Doesn’t your country guarantee freedom of religion? So I’m very doubtful that that type of information can be retrieved through FOIA. Which means you have nothing…no document, no proof of anything…and too afraid to ask directly as Michael has pointed out numerous times.


“Unknowingness is a matter of being,
While ignorance is a matter choice.”

Beliefs stand in the path of insight,
Step back, is it easier to bath in light?

Even the wise would walk away when it becomes unwelcoming,
If not, poops may rain down a dog barking up the wrong tree.

This, my friends, is my advice,
Not so different from the heading of this device.



I did not know that. 🙂

Matt lee

Hey who would give a flying f#~@ if you made a declaration that you did or didn’t quit the church.
No one did when I did and they aren’t exactly hanging out for my declaration to verify that I quit.
What’s with all this nonsense!



Veterans Today Radio (10-1-14) Stew Webb, Gordon Duff, James Fetzer, Jim Dean, Preston James

Targets in Syria have been hit that have no military value to ISIS and are intended to break up Syria infrastructure.

Gordon discussed the following

There’s not a single legitimate government in the middle east. We have US puppets in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Egypt, Libya, Libya, Iraq and more.

ISIS was created by the CIA, Mossad and Saudi Intelligence but Gordon reports that it has grown so big now that they can’t control it any longer. ISIS was created by psychological warfare experts to appeal to disenfranchised Muslims. When ISIS took over Mosul, the power plants, buses etc all were kept running and most people liked ISIS better than the corrupt Baghdad government. ISIS expelled or killed those that opposed it. The basis for ISIS has been around forever. Many people now want to join ISIS. ISIS Daish appears to be a very successful genocidal operation created by evil geniuses.

McCain has tried to get rid of General Dempsey to put one of his favorite Generals in that is tied to ISIS.

(Edited for length)