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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Prophecies or…Predictions?


Russia warns Denmark its warships could become nuclear targets*

For those of us who have eyes to see, ears to hear and minds to reason with, the only question  now is how to prevent the prophecies from becoming predictions.

As most regular readers now know, in 1981 Billy Meier first published his warnings regarding Russian military movements (“red storm flood” “Bolshevism”) against Scandinavia*, the US, Canada, etc. In fact, because the Prophetien document is owned now even by avowed skeptics and attackers of the Meier case, it’s even easier to prove Meier’s foreknowledge of these events than it may be in regard to the 1987 Henoch Prophecies. We started to discuss the situation on this blog in 2011.

Now with Russia’s and also Canada’s latest military movements, it appears that unless more people wake up it will be ever expanding, as Meier said in as the time fulfills.

As is also now known, Meier and the Plejaren warned about the seriously underestimated, worldwide dangers of the IS, about which we created a petition as well. Of course Meier actually spelled it out succinctly and specifically in 1958, along with many other things:

83.) And it will be that fanatical Islamists carry out bloody revenge on the distant descendants of the Christians, for their earlier crusades when they accomplish their deadly and destructive acts through irrepressible terror all over the world.

This assessment is now being echoed in current, financially focused news media. Maybe the buck has finally found a place to stop,

So for those who want to nitpick and/or contest the exact provable date of every single one of Meier’s prophetically accurate pieces of information let them be left to indulge their luxurious folly. For those of us who have eyes to see, ears to hear and minds to reason with, the only question is how to prevent the prophecies from becoming predictions.

Theyfly had its first visitor from Fiji, the 147th country.

Thanks to Chris Lock, Greg O’Brien, Jacob Smits, and others who sent me links to these stories.

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Dyson Devine

Thank you for that link!

christian martinez

This is radiation channel . this is also at 9.00 minutes in weak radiation afecting film footage .just wanted to share somehow I found it relates to the authenticity of this . ENJOY!

christian martinez

It’s all real now. Yet, how are we to proceed in the now and going forward? They simply refuse to listen. They lay down the very things that will destroy them, willingly. The masses are caught, like a struggling animal, tortured and writhing within a bear trap. They know it’s broken, even the liars and cheats, yet they pursue even deeper into darkness. The others may be correct in saying that we must go backwards yet again before we can go forwards. It does not scare me like it used to, but it is extremely saddening for some reason. Something is just right there, yet out of reach. I simply do not understand it.


Yes forto something is just not right with this world. It`s sick and dying one way or another these sinister nefarious melavolent know-it-all think they have an agenda and destiny to try and kill us all any which way they can be it WW3,incarceration environmental distruction,election fraud you name it yes this world is now becoming very critically very very sick and ill and earth is on it`s last breath of warm green fresh air becusethis stup world refuses to listen to Billy and the P`s. “That is why I`ve been trying for a long time to apply for citizenship on Erra or even vary much higher evoled world within the Plejaren allied world even thousands of years ahead if Erra spiritually and technically etc,etc,etc”. I just don`t see how I can live on a world that dosen1t care about it`s people etc,etc,etc. So much fior my faulty DNA, I`ll be damned if I get to even live to be 80 years old instead 1,000, 1,080, or even 100,00 years old.


What to do?
First, Calm and Center your minds. There is no chance to win when emotional (divided within)!
The masses will do nothing for they must to go to work to pay for their weaknesses (debts – lots of them).
Therefore, those with ears to hear truth, eyes to see it and a mind to reason, you must go within, seek, ask, be open for answers and guidance. Only there will you see correctly, clearly what to do. No dependency.
IS has a weakness! Find it and use it!
If you take the fuel from the fire it will burn out!


Yes forto there is something very very wrong with planet earth. Earth is very very sick and on life support and dying! For years I have been trying to apply for citizenship on Erra in case of a nuclear war so that I won`t get killed by a nuke etc. Insidently I just heard George Noory say we are now in the second cold war. “I just don`t see how I can live on this planet that is sick on life support and dying. I`ll be damned if I can even live to be 80 years old thanks to the shortened faulty DNA of earth let alone 1,000,1,080, or even 100,000 years old”.

Antony E

I didn’t realise the Plejaren were offering green cards


Life in the Hollow Earth might be preferable. . . .


I think we all better learn German. . . . so at least we can talk to them when they take over the earth. . . .


Hi Terry, just a suggestion…every time you feel the need to listen to George Noory…just stop. The people I know who listen to him on a constant basis are very much confused as to what the truth really is. Instead I would suggest you read these contact reports:
Then you would be able to know when some guest is just a disinformation agent, just by the information they are offering.


MH Sorry about the mishap I thought your blog wouldn`t published my essay,they still insist on Confirm you are NOT Spammer. Is this a security check etc? When I typed the first essay I thought They Fly Blog wouldn`t take it so I typed the second simmerler one hoping Thy Fly Blog would add it this time. Sorry about that mistake. I don`t know why I have to confirm “:Confirm you are NOT a spammer”. Sorry about that:)

Philip Brandel

Straight to the point…. and yet we plunge down the path towards predictions, and so few seem concerned with their outcomes. The most basic thoughts, feelings, actions within cause and effect are yet to be found for many.
The overly positive, soft, timid, babied, fat Americans have something coming their way and the fact that they cannot even try and see it is just sickening.
Though it is a push, zeil to find that for oneself, a place within this mess that we can find our connection within ourselves, with the truth. What a beautiful world to live within, as is also within the thoughts, though it truly is as if we must try and smell the flowers within a huge pile of (pick your flavor) shit.
Read the other day that China will be unveiling its version of SWIFT this fall(Sept)… Which could mean the real beginning of the end for the petrodollar. This seems to be the catalyst that will continue to drive the ‘west’ into the arms of destruction and fulfillment of so much unnecessary thoughts, feelings, actions. Power, control of currencies and mere paper, all at the hands of our very existence. Though it is a very thoroughly orchestrated game by those whom we do not even really know ‘control’ us…. I cant seem to wonder if we are really this stupid all on our own, or if the dark order really does still have some connections, plans still active from the banished ones. Though it is overly obvious that this mess is ours to deal with and ours on a collective, individual basis to change.


It takes 800 years for the world to get it right because of the SPEED at which truth is PUBLISHED (spread) and then accepted. Who will publish truth?


Hi Philip, I think I know how the U.S. civil war is going to play out:
” In an e-mailed statement, Ms. Vines said the NSA protects the United States from “terrorist plots” and “foreign aggression.” She added that the spy agency never collects intelligence “to provide a competitive advantage to U.S. companies.”
However, some documents show the U.S. intelligence community has not ruled out such activities in the future. One previously leaked strategy document envisions a future, in 2025, when U.S. companies are falling behind and policy makers push government spies to conduct aggressive economic-espionage campaigns.”
And if you are ever in Alberta, please come and join us.

Philip Brandel

Its insane the things going on! Definitely have to start to see when next meetings are in a few places, coming up this summer. I would like to Sheila and might have to get your email and come and meet with you sometime. Though would have to get a passport:)

Allen Anderson

Never one to think I have it all figured out, but there are some easily recognized common denominators to understand exactly the effect and the cause for it. We are a reactionary society, rather than a proactive society, and we have adopted a wait and see approach to everything, yet at every turn we fail to recognize how waiting to see only assures the eventual outcome. The common thread contained in ALL the major religions is the story that ends in death and destruction, and the “hope” that the “savior” comes to rescue those who maintain a high level of admiration for the truly impossible, the omniscient and omnipotent disappearing “sky daddy”, whose fickle nature is still not explained in any way but “mysterious”. Nowhere in the grand scheme of the religious based ridiculousness is there a plan to avert the inevitable death sentence to the masses who do not pay daily homage to their “sky daddy” in order to “prove” their worthiness in order to be spared the fate that they created through their unwillingness to recognize their absurdly based premise that they are not in control of their own lives. At every turn, the “believer” must show unconditional “faith”, “hope”, and most ridiculous of all, “belief”, rather than base their thoughts, feelings, and actions on real logic, and reason based knowledge. As a result of thousands of years of “wait and see”, we have gone even further out into deep waters by creating a monetary based society where every single materialistic thing has a value in order to create a hierarchy that commands reverence for those who have the most valuable “stuff”, effectively creating the divide between those who have and those who have not. The effects of these missteps are easy to see, we now have a built in system that creates corruption, jealousy, greed, and lust for power and control, all of which lead to senseless destruction of life and the planet. As I explain this to my adult children, the common utterance is, “don’t worry papa, we’ll be fine, you’ll see.” Since we have created the religions, and the monetary system, we have effectively guaranteed more lies and corruption by those few who sit at the top of the materialistic mountain, and their legacy to remain there as long as we continue to pursue ever more “stuff” and ever more desire to be entertained in order to keep our minds off of the truth that remains hidden in plain sight. Until we stop searching for the “easy” button, and finally come to the realization that the “reset” button has been collecting dust waiting for the attention it so rightly deserves, we are bound, as a whole, to continue “waiting to see” with the masses regardless of a few who have clear vision, and understand that seeing before waiting IS possible.


“sky daddy” 🙂

Allen Anderson

Ev, I must admit, I plagiarized the “sky daddy” term from, I think his name is Ramirez, one of the participants at the FIGU forum by way of Michael’s reference from a while back.


well, it is a good one and I myself have plagiarized it a few times now! Of course, makes sense, a term coined by Michael 🙂


now I know, thanks 🙂 Ramirez of Australia, good one 🙂

Daniel Zumon

It would be an ok way of catagorising the situation if only we could wander around advanced developed economic countries and find these people often, but the truth is that they are rare. I dont disagree that it forms part of the problem, but the real problem is much more serious. Its that we dont know what we are, and the plejaren have attempted to explain what we are. It still does not matter anyway even if we work out what we are, because unless people in the leadership know, and adjust the arangment of laws and legalese, then we can just forget about it.


It is a matter of spreading truth as fast as it can be spread. Many will laugh, spit, etc at it just before they adopt and then spread it. It is a time tested fact. The truth has been revealed.

Daniel Zumon

I take a slightly different position actually, “reactionary society, rather than a proactive society”, we are both, I say all societies in the universe are both. I also say the Atlantians didnt suffer from the equality delusion, which allowed things to run beautifully for them given the evolutionary disparity of the earth and its humans.

My argument strips things back much further, that the free markets, education systems, trade and consumerism etc, allows us really to take any newly emerging knowledge and use it, package it well, sell it, adapt it, develop everything out properly. The shortfalls of the big thing then stems into the distribution of wealth and how that detrimentally effects the stability of the overall etc.

Oh sure we have all these stupid little churches and religions and stuff, but for most of the good upstanding thinking reasonable humans, it never effects them. And we surely have a desperate need for it, because many of the 1st world countries governments have had the ability to strip earth of all these things for hundreds of years, and they have to be fair, school children learn about science, languages, maths, keeping their body healthy, about other nations cultures and a whole range of other different things.

Its down to around 15% of humanity to do anything about anything ever in history and future history because they basically benefit from a richer longer evolution. But we’ve limited that ability by all the laws regulations legislations etc, and that is why the old prophets explained in their prophecies that people would create their own laws, we’re not lawless, some of us are incredible moral and never go against our own moral code of ethicacy. Its the good people that may as well throw away their time in aimless wild projects that never manifest into anything, because its the good people that need something more befitting their evolution, to be more more represented on earth.

Daniel Zumon

If we want to do that we are going to need to be able to identify who exactly, specific personalities, is preventing those abilities to talk freely and to open everything up properly, either that or we slowly destroy everything. Yeah yeah, look, the cival war in america and europe is absolutely in the pipeline, we’re going to have to destroy everything its inevitable, we cant have a situation of governments collecting premium data about the planets people and then rewarding us with absolutely nothing but the same old difficulties. Its a question of time actually, people will inevitably realise what is going on in time, this is why the plejaren explained that much could be saved if we only got a grip, we meaning those that form our governments, at least half of those in government are religiously delusional, its all inevitable, so we can even verify these prophecies cant we, in accepting that. It would be nice if we could just bang one out, a war, but really and truly these things have to grow in perpencity over plenty of time, and consumerism and entertainment is a helpful thing in slowing that, governments really should subsidise these industries for the great work they do in calming people and preventing them from doing what they were always going to do.

Allen Anderson

Hello Daniel,
I think that had corruption of the true origins of our existence, as well as the true historical records of events and occurrences, not taken place, at least then the citizens of the planet could have stood a chance at attempting to make a monetary system work, but the risks of corruption whenever value is placed on material things, combined with acceptance of religious “belief” systems instead of truth and knowledge, history has shown, is inevitable.


CR 251

Some people just can’t remove ye-ole 1st lords of Earth before the Bafath’s hands took over. You can see the Onions and Cereals out there starting centers and studies quite misleading about our own non-locality-history.

But, these days anyone can become an ambassador to the universe if that is someone’s cup of tea. As a bonus, you can become a real snake eater as well.

Daniel Zumon

I concur Allen. Its an evolution thing, or lack of an evolution thing, combined with a bonus disparity evolution thing and an undermining intervening evolution thing. Making one whole thing, a difficult to understand conclusively whole thing.


“This is the only world that has and believes in religion,money,econics,ploitics,corporations,environmental destruction etc,etc,etc. The Universe and many many other universes don`t have and believe in such stupid ideas just lisited ubove.We are now in the second cold war with never ending warmongering that will never end. This planet Stupid is STILL in the 2-year-old diaper stage of de-evolving evolution and likely will sow the seeds of the Grim Reaper due to the fact that nobody will listen to the prophecies and warning signs from Billy and the Plejaren Fedreration etc”.


Hello Terry,

You said, “The Universe and many many other universes don`t have and believe in such stupid ideas…” This is NOT true; and more to the point, this statement is ridiculous. Billy Meier has shown us seemingly utopian worlds with Erra and now the “Peaceful People” in the 3rd universe. Remember the planet in the contact notes that also had atomic reactors like Earth, but even more, and that eventually many blew up being hit by asteroids? Billy even told us about a planet that was even more overpopulated than Earth; and if I am remembering correctly this planet is the closest to Earth in terms of distance away from, in this space-time. There are countless universes carrying out countless living conditions for living things. It would be irresponsible and religious to think that your planet Earth is the WORST planet in Creation.

The thing I dislike about this blog is that it is so negative and doom and gloom. You folks go on and on how you are neutral-positive-equalised; yet in reality you are about as balanced as an elephant standing on a trapeze. I do not see this as “…how to prevent the prophecies from becoming predictions.”

The prophecies and predictions are there WARN human beings. Once a human has been warned, it is up to them to see the forewarning information and act upon it. If folks, trying their best to apply the spirit teaching, make decisions that put them in safe places to live, even putting materialism aside to lose financially to live in a place that you can continue, AND set examples for your fellow human beings is how the Earth humans will eventually crawl out of the abyss. When SHTF, if you are applying the spiritual teaching from before and into the disaster, you will have a huge change to survive and be the SEED for the teaching of truth, the teaching of spirit, and the teaching of life for this beautiful blue planet. It would be naive to think that enough human beings will magically wake up to the Truth to prevent the worst prophecies from becoming predictions on this dangerously overpopulated, world warring, starving, collapsing ecosystems, collapsing climate, life form extinctions, diseases, crime, corruption, etc.

Should we then say bleep it, these idiot earthlings are going to blow the civilizations and send us to a dark age because they are stupid and will not learn? Or is it better to see the storm coming, but to be finding shelter for yourself and setting an example for others all along the way?

Kind regards,


Wise words indeed. We must use caution here when deciding what to do. Not everything here is a complete and utter waste. There are many good and decent Human beings here. When my “experience” occurred, I spent endless days and months comparing myself to a race and culture which I will not know of for eons to come. This is not healthy. We have burdens here they will never understand, and I’m glad for that. We are who we are, but that should never stop us from evolving and becoming better Humans. One thing is for certain, it will not always be like this.

Toni H.

Hi Anthony,
you mentioned some interesting points and you are right that we are not the only planet with big problems. Despite we are life forms and we have the duty to help, save, protect other lifes on this planet, especially if you have the opportunity and possibility to receive important information from Billy, MH and FIGU.
An example: a parent is explaining his /her child not to eat that certain toxic plant. Wouldn’t use a parent all reasonable methods and powers to prevent the child from eating that toxic plant, saving life(s) ?
I don’t think it is enough to only say it once, we have to repeat and remember the earth childs. We have a responsibility and can’t put our heads in sand, hiding and hoping while lifes and our planet is going to be destroyed.
Do you think you have no responsibility?
Taking only the benefits and profits of living on this planet? I really think what MH is saying in the warnings: giving and doing charity! That’s neutral-positive thinking. Think about that.


Hi Tony,

You said, “We have a responsibility and can’t put our heads in sand, hiding and hoping while lifes and our planet is going to be destroyed.
Do you think you have no responsibility?”

My friend your are misunderstanding the concept of self responsibility. Here is the logic. I am responsible for making changes in my thoughts, feelings and actions. BECA– — — USE, there is not outside force that bring evolution to the human being. The human being has to do it him/her self. And I AM NOT responsible for another person’s actions because they are free to choose their will. However, I should warn my neighbor(s) to take personal responsibility so that we have a better life as a group. I understand your concern to help humanity. But here is what you are not getting: For some odd reason Figu thinks that there is some DIRE need to promote Billy Meier because HE IS HIDDEN. Maybe this is the case in other languages, but not English. Figu really needs to get a clue here: Billy Meier is ALL OVER THE INTERNET. You can search Youtube, eBay, and Billy Meier stuff pops up DAILY and there is a huge following/marketplace. This is a huge chunk of the internet, like it or not. Anybody who understands English, has access to the internet can search the internet, with a thirst for an understanding of aliens, UFOs, prophecies, etc, (all popular by the way!) and after about 6 months of searching and comparing cases, and looking for alien contacts and cool UFO pictures, a person is almost with certainty to encounter something relating to Billy Meier. If you think otherwise, you are lying to yourselves.

Billy Meier has a billboard on the internet. And then we have the active official sites, for official support. TheyFly blog has more activity than most of the blogs on this blog server, I would bet. Billy Meier is not under a bush Figu! At least not in English.

Now, Billy Meier has A LOT of NEGATIVE and slanderous, harming, etc. media, info on the internet. And MH and Figu must somehow think that they are in competition with these parties and that they have to get Mick Jagger, Madonna, Russel Brand, Barbara Streisand, etc, to hold up a Billy Meier book and say “I support Meier.”

This type of thinking is creating dependence or religion, because the outside world is now responsible for producing a superstar who can tell people to follow Billy Meier. Independent thinkers interested in UFOs have a superhighway to Billy Meier; and people locked up, shut down, and following will not go along with Meier no matter how much you slap them upside the head. Self responsibility is allowing the human to make the decisions by and for himself/herself. No rock god is going to give people the thirst for knowledge about the universe, give them openmindedness, give them the desire to give up God, give the courage to do it themselves. And if other people want to join in because I’ve done my best to get there, and tried to help folks along the way do what I’m doing, well then that is the best I can do.

This is how it works. Interested parties who have done a competent job following their interest, looking at UFO cases, contact cases, abduction cases, crop circles, psychics, doomsday prophecies, Bermuda Triangle, Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, etc. and all that make this huge community/industry, will find Meier if they can work a computer and have access to the internet. Disney Star Wars VII will make hundreds of millions and drive Christmas 2015 and beyond. If you have a heartbeat, AND think for yourself, and go into it with an open mind, and don’t mind being a bit of a rebel, and dislike religion, and thirst for information about the Universe, then you will become a Billy Meier fan today. But this is rare and this is why you only have a few supporters. Most people are followers and have no control over their thinking, bodies, health, etc. I mean I’m in line in the bleeping grocery store and the brand new TIME magazine is about the universe/NASA/Space exploration. It is everywhere in English! So pull you head out of the sand Figu!

People have to come to the case; they can not be dragged kicking and screaming. I promote the problems of overpopulation all the time! I try to demonstrate self responsibility and show how a person can ‘win’ by being so. I never promote religion. I let people know all the time that I am not religious and don’t believe in God. I come to this active, popular blog and try to post progressive things to stir the pot to help the “young-lings” learn. Remember, to never however, “throw pearls to swine.” In other words, choose your students wisely.



“With current events concerning the IS, Russia-Ukraine, the environment, etc., the increase in obviously negative, life-threatening events, etc., has accelerated quickly beyond even what Meier and the Plejaren were foretelling shortly before then.”

PEOPLE DO NOT NEED BILLY MEIER TO KNOW ABOUT THESE THINGS!!! The Russia vs West tensions, the ISIS, etc are front page news on DRUDGE, RENSE, RT, INFO WARS, Young Turks, ANONYMOUS, Bill Maher, etc. I talk to people everyday who are concerned about the state of the world… Christians, Jews, atheists, materialists, phoney spiritualists, crazy people, etc. Billy Meier is NOT the only person warning people about these things!!! It is asinine to think that unless people learn about Billy Meier, they will not know the danger posed by the Russian-Ukraine, IS, etc. Anybody who thinks for themselves and has read the news, knows that we are in great danger now.

“So while it’s nice to just keep a low profile…” Coming here, racking my brain to post something of value, putting myself out there for one of the most controversial figures in history, is NOT keeping a low profile.


“The p.o.v. you present is like saying that we don’t need to know how things like cars or airplanes work because we have pictures and stories about them already…but not instruction on how to make, drive, fix them.”

WTF? This is not even on the same planet, let alone ball park. My friend, these postings of mine have been an essay on “self-responsibility;” and to clarify that the Meier material in English is abundant thanks to the web.

For the sake of refining the balance here, this is what I think is GREAT about your “going out and bringing it to the world at large.”

1. You are creating a wealth of movies/Youtube/radio shows presentations that fuel the thirst for all us Billy Meier fans, and for people just learning about the case to find current material.
2. Your blog gives a “safe harbor” for Billy Meier supporters to come and fuel our interests. You are an outstanding moderator who is allowing a full spectrum of ideas to go through. Which is not even happening on figu forum.
3. You are stirring the pot of the so called UFO experts and researchers. This brings controversy that actually backfires and brings people to the truth eventually.

I am very grateful now, which might be called the Michael Horn years, for all the Billy Meier activity that you are producing. I cherish this time because like all things, it will not last. I often wonder, if there will be a successor to you in the future who carries the torch as well.

Best regards,


strange world we live in,the only way people can become informed about vital information regarding their survival and the larger questions of their lives……..
is by hearing it through celebrities,our culture is so messed up. no self responsibility.

Allen Anderson

Guilty as charged Michael, I have neglected to comment with reference to theyflydotcom, and the Billy Meier information several times when I sent you some of the news stories. I will do better. I will continue to take the time when ever available, approx. 5 news stories per day, to make comments referencing the Meier story and theyflydotcom, on every story that pertains in any way to the case. I will continue to use my birth name in my posts as Timothy says ASK BILLY.

David Scott

Anthony , those are some wise words friend . I am guilty of this and although I feel I should apologize , its more of an urgent feeling to make awareness omnipotent in order to break through the zombie like state that is amuck . Your right , this blog is different , I shout so to speak to the wrong masses here , because we are already enlightented . My hope was to have the information shared with others . I always promote the way we as a whole can make the most difference . And that is one friend tells two friends and the exponential result grows . In doings so via the internet . Email your entire list of friends with a warning or an awareness and send it out . I don’t think its so much fear mongering as it appears , its more of an awareness bomb . In doing so the hope is that when your list finds the truth they come back for conversation and we have a credible platform to introduce BEAM . Yes those works speak for themselves . I have sent no less than four blockbuster posts that Michael never received . Inner earth and the Arctic , Russia and its expansion related interests , the inner workings of USA INC . and the blockbuster food chain reality . It got grabbed from my computer . I copied myself and pasted to my E mail to self and it got grabbed their too . SO , the information is dangerous to someone . And we here are being monitored . So enough of that . But to emphasize your point its true that we are best to decide where to go and what to do to prolong our ability to project the positive and in doing so lead by example . Here too we will find commonality with others and its the same point . We share the light and together build might . Accentuating the positive is always the message , but the contrast towards the downfall is potent and has a place . That’s why I suggest the Email bomb . Send it out and it will come back . Same with the positive points . We have an advantage that the positive is still in the bank based on equal yet opposite reaction or neutral positive . In this mindset their is a lot of positive on the way , I feel that this concept is fair and the time is what concerns me . I hope it equalizes soon .


Well, do any of you guys have good computer use skill? I have ideas, but my hands aren’t adept to be able to execute them.

Reach me by email if you do.

David Scott

Interesting enough , I still have this thought going on because I know we all may get caught doing the right thing and loose our lives from immense wrong doing amidst this current climate . Yes we are all coming back and able to continue the march , however , I think I have an urgency to limit the loss . In this mindset more of us can come back sooner and in and of itself its exponential . I do not want to see several hundred years of despair and struggle to insue . I would like to think what we do in the positive sense limits this time to a soon as possible result . Its influence is far greater than just earth . We alleviate the mindset of those that are aware of the carnage earth is amidst in doing so . They , including the Plejaran have meditated for peace and harmony for years numbering in billions . Without that positive forward transmission we would be in much worse shape .


Hi Guys; I remember reading years ago when Samjase stated back in the Mid-70s that there are also worlds just as savage and melevolen as Earth. Also there is another world five lightyears away called Akart that has a population of over 24 billion people living under a dictatorship as this world is about to become a dictatorship too if the TPP and the TTIP goes through unnoticed behind our backs any minute now thanks to those who just DON`T give a flying damn wherether we suffer,live r or die! While most of this world is asleep at this world there are the few of us trying as best we can to educate this world of the prophecies and preidictions of Billy Meier and the Plejaren Federation and its allies. I agree with Semjase that there are good and bad everwhere in our universe and other universes too as well. Semjase has said it is the universal law of cause and effect,a constant that will always be no matter what this universe and universe evolve into for us etc.