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Saturday, May 11, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

The Dangerous Arrogance and Ignorance of Pamela Geller

Such fearful false bravado is the antithesis of calm and careful, strategically effective tactics.

I recently posted comments on the Jihad Watch blog where people were extolling the virtues of Pamela Geller’s spit-in-you-face cartoon show, featuring defamatory depictions of Mohammed. That was the event at which two terrorists were killed before they could attack.

It’s a strange thing that so many Americans still perpetuate the adolescent “We’re number one!” behavior at every opportunity, in this case with total disregard for others who think, feel or believe differently than they do. The majority of Muslims have nothing to do with terrorism but are deliberately, publicly insulted by the characterizations, which are perpetuated on that blog.

While Ms. Geller Is Jewish, America is often referred to as a “Christian nation”, our institutionalized violence being revered in such sports as football, which had its origins in the “Muscular Christianity” movement. Many countries, societies and cultures in our aggression-based world have their rough and even violent sports; boxing and now the UFC are ubiquitous. Along with our own propensity for violence we have a shameless disregard for honesty; winning at any cost is the unspoken – or spoken – rule of the game. And it’s all a game to many here.

But this kind of disrespectful, defamatory behavior is ineffective in dealing with the realities and unpredictability that are even now being warned about by intelligence agencies, etc. They certainly don’t help either in bridging the communication gap and encouraging understanding between people. The terrorists aren’t intimidated by such ill thought out nonsense. To the contrary, it’s making some “targeting” much easier and contributes to their recruiting the disenfranchised, the vulnerable, etc., to their murderous cause. It’s said that our policies in the Middle East not only created such entities as Al Qaeda but also continued to result in more and more terrorists being recruited to their cause. Ms. Geller and her supporters, with their own form of bullying, are now continuing to serve that foul purpose, ignorant as they are of cause and…effect.

But these cowardly, impotent acts make some people feel as if they’re really doing…something, now that they’ve taken a moment to look up from their cell phones, video games, TVs, sports and realized that suddenly they and their families are now at risk, right here at home, that these things aren’t just happening to someone else, to those people over there, etc. Such fearful false bravado is the antithesis of calm and careful, strategically effective tactics. When Ms. Geller talks about “wearing a bulletproof vest” to the next ill-conceived fiasco, a stupid kind of “Go on, I dare you to try!” gesture, she neglects to consider not only any and everyone else who’d be put at risk but also that there are some things that the vest are completely useless against. I won’t go giving any more ideas to those who are already working on their plans for carnage; some of our overly competitive TV shows have already provided plenty of scenarios to pick from.

It’s no secret that there have long been not only the disaffected here at home but dedicated sleeper cells such as give concern to intelligence and police agencies. It doesn’t help that the kind of organized military action at home looks like it’s more to prepare for the two coming civil wars and breakdown of the US also foretold by Meier. One doesn’t have to be conspiratorially mined to wonder just why such exercises are being done here when we’ve already failed to seal our own borders, use appropriate military force against the ever encroaching drug traffickers, etc.

I was attacked on the blog for trying to encourage people to be reasonable, despite pointing out that Billy Meier first warned about the real dangers from fundamentalist Islamic terrorism in 1958 and that we’ve tried to do our part to get a petition to the White House calling for an international military force. So, the easily incited flail about, blustering against anyone who would pose rational criticisms and questions, talk about their faith in their imaginary, equally impotent gods and saviors to bail us out of our long, long self-created mess. They also forget that the god of the Old Testament was a maniacal, genocidal terrorist himself, commanding as well as participating in the deaths of thousands, according to that particular holy book. Ms. Geller is an outspoken supporter of Israel, which oppresses the rights of the Palestinians for who conditions in Gaza are described as intolerable.

In case you want to peruse all the comments there you’ll get insight into the mindset of these folks. I’ve been blocked from responding further, which has spared the various anonymous online heroes, tin soldiers and worshippers of tin gods any more of my pointing out that we’re needlessly bringing even more misery down upon ourselves.


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It is hardly a surprise, given that many (most?) Americans have been indoctrinated into a false reality. They live in the land of the free, yet they are routinely robbed or killed by their police protectors. They are a proud democratic nation, yet their votes count for naught against corporate bribes. There are many examples of that kind of disconnect. As important, they are an island fortress, where war has not been brought against them at home by another nation in living memory. In the mind of the average American, war happens “over there”, or on television. Is it really so surprising that these kinds of unreal, irresponsible, absurd attitudes thrive in a country where stupid behaviour is not only not punished, but often rewarded? The whole society is absurd, in my opinion. Not to mention that, thanks to US “entertainment” propaganda, the mind virus of the degraded US cultural system has spread to many other nations. They have done such a good job with it that I am probably half an unknowing hypocrite. Wonderful.


Heehee best to put that dumbness to use in nature? As for me I just clutched my spade in nature today in huge spookableness, got a good dose of the anxiety I was so certain I was immune to 😛 It was good times. I come back and it’s a peaceful day in Canada, all news be damned!! Bob Marley music helped. I wanted a coconut and a sippy straw, but then thought nahhh I’m good


When I traveled it seemed in so many countries the people wanted to be like us “Americans”, course that was some time ago, maybe now esp after the dam Bush years people are waking up, not so much so there even now but there does seem to be a low grade depression that has taken over here in the states and indeed over the world at large. The continued falsely held lifestyles and the increasing demand of having to keep up with the expense of it has turned people into self serving zombies medicated by media and I wondered why in the heck people wanted to be like us years ago!

Philip Brandel

My sister has had a knack for going to Paris a lot lately. In fact she met a man over there, and is now going to go back to Paris for two months coming up this summer. Against a lot of concern within my family for her safety traveling there alone so many times.
The man she met is Muslim. After one of her recent trips I asked her what this man and his family thought of the entire ‘war on terror’. All she said to me was they asked her, why do all Americans think we are Jihadists, without her asking them, they asked her this. She said her response was we don’t, just our media, government, religions do?
We truly are our own worst enemy. Thinking we are controlling, confronting something while at the same time we are actually just expanding and creating more mayhem out of the need to inflate it beyond need. Interesting perspective from a couple Muslims in Paris whom think we label them under one flag of chaos and disharmony when in fact we have under the guise of there being no such thing in the real reality of most ‘peaceful’ Muslims. Fanning the flames of disharmony while both ‘sides’ get the wrong assumption of the other by inflamed actions of half wits like Geller and her supporters.
Interesting place to interact Michael and of course get to deal with those atheist ones again:)


I like that your sister said, Philip, “we don’t, just our media, government, religions do”

Philip Brandel

Interesting also that they came at her and not visa verse, though she is in their neighborhood, backyard. A brave consciousness if you want to see it that way, my sister!
Seems one thing is for sure, within our media, government, and religions there is A LOT of misunderstandings that stem the world over. I for one found it comforting to know that at least a few people over in Paris are getting the Minnesota hospitality, and that we are not all freaked out about ‘jihadists’ and peoples beliefs, as much as it is within all of them to not find respect, in but only the truth. No need to conflate things that only divide us more within erroneous beliefs found within religion, non the less. To boot my sister is a very loose catholic, loose, in all over the place within what she as so many others must believe.
Sure she would love me sharing this here:) Though she has gotten more than one warning about what awaits her home away from home, France, Paris, if things don’t change course urgently. She may be doing more than she knows, to help keep the prophecies from fulfilling.


Hi Ev & Philip, I almost always agree with you but have to disagree with you on this. Islam is a religious that treats women as property. Have either of you ever talked to a muslim woman and asked what she thought? I have. Alone in a university hospital bathroom I asked the question…why do you wear the head gear? She said (and it was only because we were alone) she girl was forced to cover her face in case one of their dog men thought she was beautiful and decided to rape or murder her, it would be her fault. I don’t care if it’s a religion or ideology, it will never sit well with me treating women as slaves. The honour killings that have happened and continue to happen in my country. Apparently they are sending muslim RCMP officers out to muslim domestic abuse calls and are finding nothing wrong and laying no charges. At least in the home of the free you can sue for hurt feelings, muslims kill for hurt feelings. That’s the difference. Remember this never came from a politician or media.
Philip I sure hope your sister comes around but maybe it’s easy to go from a catholic slave to a muslim slave. Watch for the signs, because they are acoming.


Hi Sheila, I do agree with you about being on alert and watchful of Philips sister, so many stories about western women going into relationship with islamic men to find out what a nightmare they have gotten themselves into. I was commenting that over all I do think the media, governments and religions cause so much harm and divide people from each other and this divide cannot be good, the ability to come together even though one does not agree with an others way of life. We must be given the chance to communicate for this will be helpful, in the long run, in bringing the truth of life around to some sanity. That being said, I have not had a talk, like you did, with a woman about her plight within the Muslim culture but I do meet muslim women, they seem very nice and actually quite peaceful although I very much understand how brainwashed they and all “faiths” are. The stories of Muslim women are horrifying!

Yesterday I had a jehovah’s witnesses walk up to my house as I was working outside, I never run from these interactions as I find many times good comes from them. After a bit of chit chat, him trying to give me some religious pamphlet, me saying I wasn’t religious at all, he didn’t push anything and said “you really seem to balance and grounded”. I know he will be back and then we will delve into more and I look forward to having this talk 🙂


Hi Ev, the other night I watched an interview with a muslim woman who agreed with PM Harper’s fight against ISIS, much to the disappointment of our liberal biased media. The muslim woman even went as far as saying that liberals have a false sense of humanism when it comes to muslims. She said that anyone who dares speak out against the treatment of women will just disappear and that is why there is a price on her head, by her own people, due to her book and film about it. If I were ever to reveal the identity of the woman I talked to, she too would disappear. Slaves always look like they are happy because if they dare show signs of unrest, well you know what happens next, the muslim police are called in and it’s well within the Islamic doctrine to beat your wife, no charges are laid and later that woman becomes the victim of an honour killing. How are we ever to help change the plight of our sisters if we are unable to speak out against it? So I thank you dear Ev for doing just that. But please know that muslim women are discouraged by their men about speaking to people not of their faith so I’m not entirely sure how this open communication is possible?
Good job with the JW. They don’t like it much when you tell them Jehovah was known as the cruel one haha.

Philip Brandel

Hello Sheila, I am far from the only one whom has warned her about what she is doing. Though in a way as my loose correlation to Michaels blog post, it is interesting that many keep pushing the separation rather than finding any sort of common ground. I am obviously very concerned for her safety!

As my sister is far from letting men push her around, as it is interesting she has to find a man half way around the world when there are plenty within Islam right here in Minnesota, if that is what she wanted. As it would be she seems to be going into her actions blind when it comes to the others ‘faith’. Seems all religions and the ‘humans’ that fill their ranks are full of an array of discriminatory unequal people that create their own version of these things, for themselves, as it suites their individual motives. Plenty of christians and catholics beating each other with gender as there purpose as are within atheist and those whom find no beliefs necessary. Seems we as a planet use religion as an excuse to separate us in more than one way. And within this seems woman loose the most as they have more to fight against than man. In that they are stronger if not equal in every way to man…. even if typically not in physical strength, obviously. Being discriminated against more as they are truly ‘stronger’ within the truth than their fellow men, generally speaking this day and age.
I commend my sister for having the courage to go so far from home and mingle with those whom have been given such a bad rap here in the states. Its correlation seems to spread far and wide and just like Billy’s case, with those whom label things in a way far from them really knowing. She is going to the front lines of the divide, that has such negative consequences in the near future. As a general statement and one I need to think and act on as well, if we let religions and beliefs separate us than we are truly separated on lines that have no real purpose and meaning other than to do exactly what they do. One more reason why we should look past religions and see the ‘human’ that is no better or worse than another. Though obviously not all think this way, and we let our defenses down when think within lines that are more fantasy than reality this day and age.
Oddly being in the rental business have had a few conversations with muslim woman as well, and find that they have more freedom here in the states within their religion than over seas obviously. Had to deal with a few clashes of cultures with different tenants over the years and is interesting seeing and observing people trying to live amongst each other, whom are far from close in their cultures.

michael greenup

Well said Michael. These people just do Not get it that by doing the cartoons they are throwing gasoline on the fire. If you were poking the stick at Me I would hunt you. You do Not want that. If they keep attacking them they will come and they are very good at it. Just more stupid Earth Humans doing more stupid stuff. (Cause and affect) Take cover.

Erik the Modernslave

great post again Michael,
wish i had to money to buy those books and films ,70 dollar a book ,lol.
maybe in my next life.
Maybe the P’s could give a few impulses to a group of billionairs so that the beam material is available to all peoples


Hi Michael, you probably meant this link:
[ ]
The last pdf contains the German and the English text.


You are welcome.


Thanks Thom.


No problem, I hope you enjoy Billy’s book.


In this moment war is coming in Republic of Macedonia. Terrorist 2 days ago came FROM US PROTECTED KOSOVO (Bondstil military base is there) and started to shoot randomly at people and police in the city of Kumanovo. 8 policeman are dead, and many other wounded. And YES- terror groups they are Islamic. They were planning more than 1000 targets to be bombed, and country to be destabilized. All in the name of Greater Albania. No mention of this in any media in EU, or US whatsoever. Terrorists are not a terrorist, but rather military man, i suppose they will be pronounced later on as ‘FREEDOM FIGHTERS’ by cnn and fox news, just like in the case of Kosovo when they were terrorizing Serbs.

Just AS MC CAIN WAS PICTURED WITH ISIS leaders in Syria, former US ambassador in Macedonia Paul Walhers, was pictured with one one the dead terrorist, that was killed in the battle.
In the same time Sorosh payed campaign to launch NEW UKRAINIAN SCENARIO IN Macedonia to overthrow legally democratically elected Government of Macedonia.
Beautiful.. beautiful.. Bravo for US foreign policy.

And Bill Klinton after Proclaiming Independence of Kosovo , after invasion of Serbia by NATO forces, and proxy Islamic fighters on the ground, said ‘KOSOVO NOW IS BEACON OF FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY, STABILITY AND PEACE”. In reality Kosovo became factor of instability, migration, war mongering, war invasions for surrounding countries, traffic organ state, drug smuggling, military logistics base for invasion of the Middle East.

Michael, Islam is used today in both directions.
One direction is for domestic theater, for advancing propaganda and strengthening Dictatorial laws against american people.

In other direction Islam is used BY THE FINANCIAL INTEREST OF THE WEST, for military purpose, as a proxy ‘warriors’ on the ground working to achieve geopolitical gains.
ISIS, Al CIA EDA, Kosovo Liberation Army, Bosnian Mujaheddins, – all Islamic and fighting for NATO interests.

At the end RADICAL Islam will be strengthen-ironically because of the help of the west, and will turn itself AGAINST THE WEST.


Just curious Boromir, if the “US” is so good and apparently robotically-mind control these folks to help blow up itself then it seems uncharacteristically an inefficient form of a suicidal tendency where the US is actively making things difficult for itself on the world stage.

That’s what in a nut-shell you posted to Mike in a long form of antagonism everything with regards to the US (and extension, the West), whether real or unreal (i.e. imaginary). If you consider the total way ISIL/ISIS is doing, where things are starting to no longer being traded or sold, you’re looking at the stark reality of the Prophecies Mike has posted becoming reality.

After all, this is an EARTH HUMANITY ISSUE, not a catchall blame the US as an example. Sure, the US holds an important role but so those everyone else on this no longer green Earth. Also, the steaming over population issue cannot be heard more louder and clearer than in your very post with capitalized lettering.

And for anyone else reading, please bear in mind the rapidly expanding zone of “no longer trade or sold” means on the wider context of the planet. It means when the lights go off and the folks busying themselves on their ipads, phones, and other things of modern society, which they have zero interest in understanding how the global economy worked before to land it on their doorstep in the first place, then comes the next phase of the prophecies which is pretty deadly when Earth Humanity goes destroying everything else faster than the Bronze Age collapse from 1200 BC. The prophecies are no joke and I wouldn’t be surprised if the “Christian” pope finally left per the prophecies because I’m pretty sure “Christian” Russian Federation is going to party like its Arkhangelsk and not really bother to care but would buy them a plane ticket out instead.


Oh yes, I can blame US foreign Policy. Very openly, very logically.
You do not live in the Balkans area. I live here.
NATO invaded and destroyed Serbia in order to steal Kosovo. What has become of this country. Mad Max drug cartel of state, just to make problems, and TO BE LITERARY US MILITARY BASE, FOR FURTHER INVASIONS.

I am STATING HERE that Kosovo terrorists came in Macedonia and made near Civil War two days ago. It was an attempt to destabilase country, in order to make coup d’é·tat OR CHANGE OF THE LEGALLY ELECTED GOVERNMENT. THE SAME STORY AS IN UKRAINE. For this purpose the old ambassador was changed and Jess L. Baily was appointed. He was working in Turkey since 2011 as a deputy chief of mission in Ankara. He was instrumental for staging “Tahrir Square ” demonstrations in order Erdogan to apply US policies regarding Syria.
Now he is working to overthrow Mr. Nikola Gruevski, an actual Prime Minister of Macedonia. WHY.

It is just as Billy Meier stated, that US is using every means to achieve its economical objectives. In this case, your government is using their FOOT SOLDIERS, OR TERRORISTS in order to make havoc in my country.

The protagonist towards ARMAGEDON are financial interests of the west.

Russia is encircled by NATO bases, as well as China. They are guilty because they do not have any US bases on their soil.
Armageddon can be ONLY AVERTED IF RUSSIA DO NOT ACT, OR DO NOT DEFEND ITSELF. OR IF THERE IS REGIME CHANGE, AND some Poroshenko orange revolution people are in Kremlin.


My personal opinion is that OF THE BILLY MEIER. WEST VS THE EAST, AND EAST WILL FIGHT THE WEST. However he did not specify who will invade and attack first.

My opinion is that after Ukraine, Russia will be invaded directly, in the same manner as Hitler did. We in the Balkans, now this, because NATO invasions in the Balkans in the 90s mirrored those of Hitlers invasion of Yugoslavia in 1941 year. Almost everything was the same. Even the proxy warriors on the ground.

I am very sorry to say this, but this is my opinion. America has lost its way, after that Bush (father speech) regarding NEW WORLD ORDER.


“You do not live in the Balkans area. I live here.”

And its comments like that which just prove nothing really can be said, at least for you to see things differently. So, just like the era we live in, all these distractions of wars and rumors of wars folks are losing what it means to be an Earth Human. Old wounds need to be healed, and yes Old wounds going back some considerable time before the Slavic migration into the Balkans, and work to be done. We’re looking at centuries, if not, a 1000 years of work ahead of us for all given the time tested way Earth Humanity plows the Earth under.

PS: There isn’t going to be a “new world order” but anarchy and chaos.


Slavic migration. Haahahha. There was Slavic migration. But not in the Balkans. But from the Balkans towards north and north east. 3500 years ago. At least this is what Haplogroups are stating . And Bishop of Kievian Rus was stating THIS in the 11 Century – which was the mantra that was manipulated and used by the so called RELIGIONS institutions (reed Vatican) in falsifying History of Europe.

Anarchy and chaos – Yes I agree.
DO YOU KNOW THAT THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE – REFUGEES ARE PASSING EVERY DAY From Greece thru Macedonia, toward EU. Mass exodus from people from Iraq, Syria, Libya and other Islamic countries into western Europe. Every day…

And who destroyed this countries, and why… who bombed them and why.. who destroyed their economies and why….

Everything that Billy stated will become reality starting from 2025. Western Europe will pay for its ignorance, for participating in the UNHOLY ALLIANCE of Joint Criminal Enterprise in participating in the false ”WAR ON TERROR”” and the staging so called “””Arab Spring””” in destabilizing country after country, bombing country after country, starting from Invasion of Yugoslavia.

Every action brings reaction. What do you expected when somebody kills dozens of countries and kills millions of people for interests of Wall Street and Oil corporations.

Today NATO is staging war military exercises in Romania so called “Wind Spring 15” (again the word SPRING), massing military personal and military equipment at the Mihail Kogalniceanu air base near the Black Sea port of Constanta and the at the Smardan Polygon in Galati. Bravooo…. Guess who was making the same military exercise, in the same country. Even in Poland, as it was the case several months ago. It was not NATO as today, BUT HITLERS NAZI ARMY BEFORE THE SECOND WORLD WAR. Target was Russia, as it is today.

West haven’t learned nothing from history. That is why HISTORY WILL REPEAT ITSELF, BUT THIS TIME IN ARMAGEDDON SCENARIO.
That is why celebration of the Victory day in Moscow 2015 WAS CANCELED, and IGNORED by idiots – politicians from the west, almost whole Europe. President of my country (Macedonia) was in Moscow. In the same day more than 100 people from so called “NATO” artificial state Kosovo “Beacon of freedom and democracy” (OHH PLEASE…) came into Macedonia and started to shoot randomly at everything. Coincidence … hmmm…

Macedonian president made meeting with Putin and Chinese president, as well as Milos Zeman (Czech president) EU skeptic, and TOLD THEM EVERYTHING WHAT HAPPENED . Told them that the leader of this TERRORIST GANG WAS CALLED Mirsad Ndrecaj (now killed in the process) and his nick name was no other than “””COMMANDANT NATO”””, that they were paramilitary group that fought together with NATO in 1999 in Kosovo. That US ambassador Beily, and EU parrot repeaters, were NOT CONDEMNING THIS ACTION. Actually they made a statement THAT democratically elected government of Macedonia should make resignation. What a MORBID statement.

Read my words. Destabilisation of Macedonia will continue, than after is finished, nato ‘proxy warriors on the ground” will be used in Montenegro, South Serbia, and finally in Greece. Greater Albania. Yes, this is the Objective of some circles in the West. Greater ISLAMIC Albania. Bravo….


Well you can believe whatever you like. After all, I do agree you should be responsible for your own thinking, neighborhood, and how you treat your neighbors and reap the “rewards” from that. Believe me, I don’t intend on taking THAT responsibility away from you, not the least bit.

Speaking of religion, Let’s quote the Meier material:

Then came the Jewish prophet Jmmanuel’s (Jesus’) Galilean disciples, who preached Christianity.

The Greeks promptly fell away from their belief in their half-gods and turned towards the new teaching.

In later times the Greek Orthodox faith was constructed from that and essentially represents the true origin of the entire current Christianity in Europe: a religious false teaching, which indeed finds no equal in the civilised world.

True Origin, who would have thought?

It’s all Greek to me!


I just had a thought, you think it would be marketable to have Meany Babies? Beanie babies weren’t popular until something like a decade after. So, it means to take some time to mean up. It may be a very meanful opportunity in this meanful times!


Thank you for your comments Boromir. Anyone that knows the history, knows what you are saying is true. So sad that many will not understand unless it is happening to them.


It is the elusive third party that is referred to as the “Dark Order” in the Meier material that isn’t quite mentioned exactly who they are but clearly a third party is gumming up the works that isn’t pinned down to one group of people, religion, nation, or blood line contrary to the nutti explanation given by Conspiracy Folks and UFO who clearly have some other agenda and MMO than plainly trying to reveal the truth. This Order (which is named in opposittion of all the Sun-Light Orders that exist clear as daylight shines in the world but not disconnected from) extends to all countries which will go very long to explain how the US and USSR worked to keep certain things under-wraps … together; whilst Earth Humanity can’t even get along to agree to disagree on who’s dirty laundry stinks the most.

That’s why it is unwise to come across as unilaterally blaming all Jews for Jmmanuel’s crucificion. This same principle should be extended to all folks in their religions (including Catholics and Muslims), people’s national background (no matter how they came to be), or anything else that detracts from the real core of the problem, namely over population. If more time being self-responsible for ones society was spent rather than trying to play a game of whodunnit and the blame game for all of the ills the world, we would do a lot more … together … to achieve something evolutionary the Dunkle-Donuts folks seemingly unmistakeably see no redemption from.


It is true; untill now ie. for now all terrorist groups, including Al-CIAeda, Boco Haram and ISIS, were created, organized, trained, armed and are working for US and its allies, for their geopolitical games and for the purpose, under excuse of “the war on terror”, enslavement of their own populance;

Sooner or later the tables are going to turn; when US gets in some kind of big inner truble, being that masive natural dissasters or civil war in US. Then those terrorists are going to be unleashed and they are going to start working for their own purpose. Like, for instance; Ibrahim Awaz Ibrahim Al Iraqi, currently known under nick “Abu Bakr al Baghdadi”, who is for now also working as US/Israeli double agent, as CIA asset, under CIA/Mossad code name “Shimon Elliot”, is then going to try to conquer the whole world for his own megalomanic and tyranic desires. It is not the first time that the “elite” – Vatican, “royal” and other Zionists loose control over their own prodiges; like they already did in the past in the case of Napoleon and Hitler; when they gain enough power. “Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely!” As it seems, Putin also got somehow free from his master`s chain; or is it just an act; to stage the WWIV!


How does Abu find the time to work for so many of the groups you have named and articles linked that translates into the estimated force of 300K forces that Abu is alleged to possess?

After all, there is such a thing as dis-information and the truth can sometimes be very plain and boring to folks.


“to work for” in Abu`s case means “taking orders from” (CIA and Mossad); so working for them (CIA and Mossad) does not takes him almost any time at all; maybe a few minutes per month, when he receives and reads orders and instructions. It takes him less time than figuring out that tactics for himself. But it is going to take him more time to figure out tactics by himself in the future, when he becomes “unleashed”.


I have a concern. MH’s article chastizes this woman for antagonizing moslems, yet simultaneously, the article itself would be seen as antagonistic towards anyone who believes in an organized religion. Saying that people believe in “tin gods” etc seems like it would cause them to reject the material immediately. Is the abrasive tone chosen the most effective? Is it sensible to risk being perceived as a hypocrite? This post is not meant as an attack, but rather, input meant to help foster an effective, mindful strategy.


Perhaps I communicated poorly. What I meant was that many people seeing the Meier material for the first time are religious. If you immediately offend them, causing them to turn away, then no good outcome is achieved.
I think that you’re safe from harm, though. Your words might annoy a few people or trim your audience a little, but aren’t overtly inflammatory (or pervasive) enough to make MH HQ an unsafe place to be 😉 The people mentioned in your article are in a completely different orbit (thankfully).


I know quite a few “religious” people who take this all seriously, including BEAM and the Plejarans. You should not say that all religious people are crazy. In fact, some of the “religious” people I know are the best people I have met in my life, and the most helpful to other humans who are having problems. Altruism doesn’t grow on trees, it is a plant that needs to be cultivated. . ..


Religion was never the thing that started altruism Carolyn. But I’m sure your catholic priest will tell you differently.


Carolyn, I did not see words within this conversation saying that all religious people are crazy.
Obviously, such a statement would be untrue, since there are so many people of various faiths, of varying levels of commitment, that there would always be exceptions.
It has been my experience that, in any human population, most people are mostly unthoughtful, “follow the leader” type personalities. The number is probably about 80%.
People within this group will accept the strongest set of ideas presented to them. If they’re born in a religious place, they take on those ideas, and apply them in their lives.
The acceptance of those ideas does not change their goodness or badness, in my opinion. They are generally the same person that they would have been.
The problem, though, is that they have a bad set of tools for thinking, which results in bad ideas, then bad behaviour, that then ends up affecting the lives of everyone else, which then causes a big set of problems.
For example, take a person who is a great person, and is a Roman Catholic. They behave wonderfully in their own community, and donate money at church. The money goes to the Vatican, who then uses it to buy a weapons factory (which happens in reality). If you tell the person to stop donating money, they will likely experience great mental conflict, because the idea indoctrinated into them by their religious leaders is that giving to the church is always, always good – even though it clearly isn’t in this case.
In contrast, think of what would have happened if that person never found the church. They still would have been a great person, and likely used the money donated to do something else good for people.
I perceive that manifestation to be a corruption of a good human being.
Hence, I don’t think that anyone here is really trying to insult religious people.
I think that many here are just very, very frustrated, because intrinsically good, intelligent people are given a flawed toolkit for thinking, which creates outcomes that are either outright bad (for example, the Vaticans weapons factory) or less good than they could have been (eg the person becoming a church choir singer, rather than a scientist).
The people mightn’t be crazy, but the overall pattern sure is, in my opinion. 🙂


Pamela Geller’s actions = sheer stupidity

David Scott

My question amongst this is that if every action has an opposite yet equal reaction , where is all the positive ? Their must be a treasure trove of positive in the bank , right ? Where is it , and when is it coming out ? I hope its soon , because the onslaught of negative is shocking at this point.


I couldn’t agree more, David!


Perhaps a positive effect is what is happening to the 80% of people in our society who are mostly passive, who are watching what is happening, who are stirred into thought.
For example, take a semi religious person who is mostly okay with their religious leaders, who was happy to go along with things as they are. If that person sees the outright absurdity in what this woman is doing, and understands that she is stirring up trouble for no good reason, then that person might think “I don’t agree with this woman at all. Perhaps my own religious leader is as fallible as she is. I have doubts about everything that I was formerly okay with. I knew there was something wrong with that bible story about a talking snake. And what’s up with that Jonah guy holding his breath for 3 days in a whale’s stomach…why didn’t he get digested?”.
End result: a person who would have let others do their thinking for them their whole lives ends up taking responsibility for their own thinking.
Maybe I am a sadist, but I get equally excited when I hear about economic recessions. I love the idea of people fearing about losing their jobs or houses, because nothing in the world makes people learn about politics, how rotten/incompetent their leaders are, and the awful state of the world, than when it affects them personally.


I received the Goblet of Truth a few days ago and what a beautiful book it is. I was so excited (and still am) 🙂 I simply cannot wipe the grin off my face. It is a very impressive volume of work and so needed. Thank you to FIGU Canada for their ability to put it together. Great job! I’m thinking I’m going to pass it on to my children (just like the family bible used to be passed on) so further generations can enjoy it and incorporate it.

Harry Lear

Hmm, I would disagree with you on this one, Michael. Here’s why: so called peaceful or moderate Muslims still believe in Sharia Law. Sharia Law doesn’t recognize inherent individual rights, natural rights, especially for women. I am not here standing up for any of the other major Earth religions vis a vis individual rights, so don’t go off on that tangent, please. Therefore, since Sharia Law is the Islamic initiation of force and fraud against the inherent rights of individuals, those who initiate(d) this force have lost their rights and the victims gain the right of self-defense. Part of self-defense is to react to your perpetrators with the use of rataliatory force in any way, shape or form. Remember those who initiation force have lost their rights. So, Pamela Geller is well within her rights to hold Cartoon Drawing contests of phony baloney fake omniscients or Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck, whatever she chooses. The fact that there are those individuals who are afraid to antagonize the bullies is too bad. They should not subsidize bad behavior by saying and doing nothing, which is how entire groups get herded into concentration camps. There is a war going on out there, a war of moral philosophies, and if one thinks that there are goody goody rules of nicey nicey conduct when somebody is threatening to take your life or property, you had better soon wake up or you will not exist. Pamela Geller’s actions of chiding oppenents out to kill us all is not an act of all those parameters expressed by you above, Michael. They are actions of self-defense, and actually a quite peaceful method since she did not threaten physical violence toward Muslims — only the drawing of a cartoon. Compare the two. Drawing a cartoon of anything does not justify somebody else to try to kill you. However, drawing a cartoon does justify as a form of peaceful self-defense. Wait until you get into hand-to-hand combat for your life and then write your dissertation about how nasty it is to draw cartoons as an expression of self-defense and as freedom of speech. Lose the Dr. Phil psychology and wake up to reality AND the moral philosophy of inherent individual rights vs. state/religious collectivism. You will be facing this decision in the future, at the rate Americans are afraid of challenging the “bullies” because it might make them mad. Guess what? They’re already mad and us infidels are the targets.


Terry Carch

Micheal,”URGENT! Please check out article from for Thursday May 28th,2015 by John LaForge Nuclear Weapons Proliferation:ade in the USA” The US government has violated thje Non Proliferated Treaty by bulding H_Bombs and exporting these H-Bombs to other countries to say they agree with this treaty when we know that this US government has repeatedly violated every rule in the book including the Fast_Track to the TPP and TTIP ect! Micho Kaku has stated that once an H-Bomb is detonated the H-Bomb can not only explode but the H-Bomb can multiply without stopping and expand well into the DERN Univrse! Please get this information and this article out to Billy,Ptaah,Quetzal and the Plejaren Federation PRONTO due top the seriousness of this article on H-Boms”. Thanks

Mitch Slacks

I certainly agree that Ms. Geller is a dangerous individual inspired by the dark side, but referring to the God of the Old Testament as a “maniacal, genocidal terrorist” is rather silly. Sure, the Hebrew Bible is often worded in a way that may lead a simpleton to draw such a conclusion, but if you dig deeper into the full underlying story of what the Christian bible represents, you gain a better understanding of why God is presented in such a way.

God is required to hate things that are against him, for if he loved things that were against him, he would contradict his dedication to the side of good and truth. The inspired human wisdom and thought that evolved into the Hebrew Bible would have been faced with the same struggle of trying to understand why God’s people would go through horrible suffering, so it makes sense that they would have been led to conclusions that God gets angry at things that go against him. The Old Testament in its Christian interpretation is mainly about establishing a distinct picture of why man essentially needs God – because without God he is nothing but fleshy sin and death. With this central concept established, the New Testament shows us that despite our flawed nature, we simply have to establish one thing: faith – a completely internal acceptance that God is real, living, and is the ultimate authority on truth.

But Christianity goes a little deeper than that too – thanks much to Paul – for it tries to drill into our hearts this idea that being a Christian truly requires a denial of self – that we can’t consciously “do things” to make us more or less Christian, or even Christian at all. It requires us to separate our minds and heart from everything that this world calls “truth” that we know goes against God (for we need a basis of truth to know what aspects of our life lead to God, and which ones lead to death, for everything about us must point to one of those two directions if God does exist). When people do this, and truly submit to God and his authoritative will, they truly see the power of God’s will in their personal human lives. This is why many people who “find Jesus” have such a life-altering transformation and a positive change of perspective. While man has somewhat muddied the truth with his own created concepts of true state of this supernatural world, most of us with at least some moral compass would probably agree that there are still two sides in the end, and God assures us we only want to be on one of those sides, and to be on it requires a very quick, simple shifting of our internal perspective on the truth of the universe.

It is not Christianity itself that is driving people away from God – but the concept of religion. Religion is a man-made concept that basically boils down to man’s attempt to simultaneously serve God while continuing to support his carnal desire to submit to sin. God is not falling for this trick, and we can clearly see this by our failure in over the 100,000 years or so of human existence to harmonize the world through religion. But that doesn’t mean religion’s existence in itself is a mistake – in fact it makes sense – if man is naturally inclined to rebel against God, then his acceptance of God would have to somehow spawn out of such rebellion, which is what religion has done, and quite well.

But contrary to the views of many ignorant Christians, God is not looking down on us saying something like “All Jews – hell. All Muslims – hell. All Jehovah’s Witnesses – hell. All Hindus – hell. ” If you seriously have that narrow minded of a view of man’s relationship with his true higher power, then I pray the light of truth will someday enlighten you.

The truth is clear – submit to God, admit you are weak and a slave to sin, communicate directly with the living God, and most of all, reveal your full desire to devote your earthly life to his will. This is what Jesus was desperately trying to teach us. God is fully aware that only a minority will truly accept this call, but in theory, if every human being did, that is the only way man would even come close to any conceivable concept of utopia. We have tried to do so every other way but God in these past 1,000 centuries, and all we have done is make things much, much worse. We are never going to overcome the universal law of John 14:6, no matter how hard we try.

If you are reading this, God has chosen you for his army. Repent and rest assured that you are forgiven for your sin, for you had no choice but to be born into it. God is real, God will communicate with you if you desire, and he will use you to support his will. Ignore everything else this world of lies tells you about Christianity. Don’t do it just to form a worldly identity like so many in America do – you will only fail and walk away from it, You must accept that this entire world is run on lies, and God is fully aware of it. Trust me, this is the side you want to be on.


Very true Michael, for those too blind to see.

Mitch Slacks

Wow, you people are seriously weird and disturbed. And why don’t you come try to censor me to my face freak?


I’m sorry, do you want Mike to pay your bills as well? What does Mike owe you boss? Some kindness can go a long way.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Mitch you sure learned how to really disturb the peace.

Tyler Rutland

Mitch you’re just in the wrong place to spread a sermon, and you didn’t do your homework. That’s why they are saying those things. well writing, but you see what I mean?

so much of what you write about has a fresh perspective in the contact reports – so refreshing and deeply resounding with truth. it’s a relief and great fodder for thinking. check it out sometime man – then see how your opinion is and come back to share. i’ll like to read your thoughts about what is written in the contact reports



I love what you said here “so much of what you write about has a fresh perspective in the contact reports – so refreshing and deeply resounding with truth. it’s a relief and great fodder for thinking” to Mitch, Tyler and inviting him to share his thoughts on what he reads and learns.

Tyler Rutland

Somebody extended the same sentiment to me in the past, so I’m happy to pass it along. Also at times I have to go back and re-acquaint myself with the basic rules of FIGU, so I don’t get myself into entitlement to see others as this or that. Just something I share to the general forum. Salome

Tyler Rutland

Actually, that way of writing “deeply resounding with truth” is not really my own words – and I would like to say something myself instead. So I can say, it is something very interesting in the contacts, especially about the topic of “sin”, that is just a relief of a kind. To me, it’s a relief and a lighter thing on the mind to consider – and I’d say it is refreshing for its logical sense. Check it out if you would like 🙂


Hey Mitch, the only truth I found in your rant was this “Religion is a man-made concept” and “this entire world is run on lies”. Why don’t you put two and two together and realize that religion is used to control people? As per John 14:6, my father passed away so why would I go through some wrongly named person by the name of Jesus to channel my dead father? Sounds kind of creepy to me.

Gabby F

MH is controlling the content, combination of letters and words used in discussion on his blog. BM is controlling the content as well as the translators, for errors and carefully, sensitively wording.

What I am saying is that religion to ‘control people’ is a completely different type of material control, its built around a narrative that permits a level of confusion. And with a money rich group must have already infiltrated its core in order for a stability to have taken hold, for the doctrine to have woven itself into peoples lives and life, poor people can do cults ok I guess so, but its the rich that really cause a cult to boom like a fighter jet going through the sound barrier. And the most efficient way is to socially stratify the cult, separating people based on their monetary assets, and they’re non-spoken evolutionary status, to vet each comment, each vote, each discussion, one by one, in a pack that hunts together, to ensure that no one dare try to question the parameters of the original base of agreement.

Thank you.


Oh so that’s what happened to my profanity laced comments…
Gabby, you are confusing this site with all the others out there that actually ban people for speaking the truth. If you have no truth to speak and just want to shower us with religious crap, sorry but we’ve heard it all before. Everyone is allowed to make mistakes on this blog without being banned. It’s only when they won’t post their real name and hide their true selves, or have been asked numerous times to clarify their position or bring forward evidence of their claims and refuse to do so, that they get banned. Most other sites won’t even offer you that before banning you. You are barking up the wrong tree.


“If you are reading this, God has chosen you for his army. Repent and rest assured that you are forgiven for your sin, for you had no choice but to be born into it. ”

Mitch, If you’re reading this then the Dunkle Donuts benefit from this line of submission as there is a small group of the Dunkleberries that will follow to the letter end time nuttiness.

“The human seeks, and here and there floats a soft whisper, a faint whisper of growing anticipation of something that corresponds really more to the truth than to any empty gibberish. If the human is ready, then he anticipates the arrival of that which makes every nerve within him become fidgety and unconsciously brings his yearning for the effective truth, for knowledge and wisdom as well as for true life and harmony, to its peak. In the human, it begins to seethe and surge, while within him, however, are still doubts that rampage, gloomily brooding, numbing and calamitous, in the thoughts and feelings as a result of the fear of having to endure punishment if the old and nonsensical things are discarded. This is the moment in which it is important that the path of reality is courageously followed and the truth is acknowledged, otherwise it brings forth confusion, faintheartedness and disaster if the dark, thick veil is not torn once and for all with full strength. If strength and courage are not summoned up, then the thoughts and feelings are again pulled down with powerful tenacity into the filthy morass in which all efforts for soaring thoughts of illumination are nipped in the bud. Therewith, a frightening silence with respect to the effective truth then sets in because all well-wishing is suppressed, stifled, undermined and destroyed in the swampy morass, whereby a possibility to once again find the path to freedom hardly exists anymore. The chance for this is vanishingly small in such a way that it can hardly be grasped anymore and be useful again if the situation is not changed for the better again through a tremendous influence of one’s own. If this does not happen, then the cry of longing and seeking for light and truth, love, knowledge and wisdom is diverted and goes unheard in the all-consuming morass, which is deliberately created by all those false prophets, saviors, gurus, esoteric ones, masters, sectarians, enlightened ones and lofty ones as well as by misleading false assertions of uncomprehending and wrongly interpreted spiritual sciences, and they pretend to help, to bring the truth and salvation but, in truth, teach horrendous nonsense. Their teaching material is false, wrong, dishonest, hypocritical, irresponsible, misleading and unreal. They do not teach the truth but rather lies; their words are hollow and their desire is only power and profit, a life like a king as well as in arrogance, virtueless and without honor and dignity, because they do not bring love, harmony, peace and freedom to the seeking human but rather misery, distress and fear. As false prophets and saviors, etc., they know neither the laws and directives of Creation nor the truth in regard to the teaching of life, the teaching of the spirit and the meaning of life, which leads to them robbing the human of the water necessary for life. “


An example of the mass of morass that hits someone that independently tried to do something can be felt with Bob Lazar’s 25 year interview:

For the record, he is the only other person I have come across in the UFO subject that plainly stated the test craft cannot safely hover in an earlier interview. This is something the alleged PJ Semjase stated from the beginning of the CRs and one that is missed by the folks that worship lights in the sky. You get a sense of this 5-6 minutes in when he says they went to take cover behind the car as they thought the disco ball in the sky was going to blow up crater into them.

In short, the UFOs themselves are the Mother of all Lemons!


The F-35s can hover and have been tested out in your skies (and probably mine too) for a number of years now. Billy and the Plejaren have stated that about 98% of current UFO sightings are man-made.


Sheila, he’s off by 2 percent.


According to you Moshe, it’s 96%? Sil.