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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

The Cynical Fraud that Is SETI

The ongoing, deliberate cover-up and concealment of the Billy Meier UFO case keeps SETI in business

“If some day we receive an information-rich signal from another star, no one expects it to be written in English, Chinese, or Swahili. Instead, researchers engaged in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) often suggest that mutual comprehension will come through the language of math.”

Thus spoke SETI’s resident prophet, Douglas Vakoch, who in the most unscientific of terms confidently declared how an extraterrestrial race would make contact with us, while also leaving out German, the actual language in which the Billy Meier contacts have been conducted for the past 73 ½ years. Vakoch’s prognostication has also proved to be further incorrect because thousands of pages of the information have already been translated into English and other languages.

Why do clueless people like Vakoch presume to speak for extraterrestrials – who already made it clear that they chose not to communicate with him – or is that rhetorical?

Jill Tarter, Vakoch and Seth Shostak (who’s apparently very busy…at cocktail parties) are quite aware of the inconvenient reality of Billy Meier contacts with the Plejaren extraterrestrials. In order to avoid drawing any attention to it – which would put them out of business – they don’t even dare to publicly call the case a hoax. In their so-called “Search for Extra-Terrestrial” Intelligence they’re like the hierarchy at MUFON, who also avoid the Meier caseand collect their salaries for not finding what they say they’re looking for.

Jill Tarter even said, “I wish that TED would empower Earthlings everywhere to become active participants in the search for cosmic company.” So how can one not regard SETI as a fraud when they call for assistance from the public…and then refuse to look at, or acknowledge that they have, it?

It’s the Salaries Stupid

It’s nice to know that the salaries at SETI “…are competitive with comparable work environments in the Bay Area.” – considering how much money this organization tales in. But it doesn’t cost anything to look through the proverbial telescope. Maybe they forgot that not so very long ago they were students who were being taught to be scientists, to suspend prejudices and preconceptions, to test claims and evidence using the scientific method, logic and reason in pursuit of…the truth.

Did Shostak, Tarter, Vakoch, etc., simply keep the Meier case from the rest of SETI over all these many years? How do their fellow scientists feel about being part of this farce, the cover-up and concealment of the Meier case?

Granted, this may be an ego buster for those nice folks listed below* who, somehow, seem to have been kept out of the loop on the most important discovery in all of science and human history, one that their organization is supposedly dedicated to discovering…as millions of people worldwide already have.

Regarding Vakoch’s question, “What would you say to an extraterrestrial?”, the answer from anyone who’s studied the Meier material might be, “Thank you for coming here and caring enough to try to assist us to assure our own future survival, despite our belligerence, arrogance and suicidal stupidity.”

The odds that any of these people – including those at the equally pointless NExSS – will rise to the occasion is very low, simply because their first considerations appear to be their funding, tenure, so-called reputations, etc.

When know-nothing “scientists” (science fiction writers) decide just how an extraterrestrial race will contact us, it only shows that they’re deliberately ignorant of the Billy Meier contacts…and more interested in perpetuating their careers.

It also shows how people are easily fooled when they put their faith and trust in outside authorities and don’t do their thinking for themselves.

The Billy Meier UFO case is what the cover-up is really about. And SETI is complicit in that cover-up.

Asteroid Apophis

It is no different of course in regards to the danger posed by asteroid Apophis. As we pointed out before, despite the feel good fanfare and promotional fervor over movies and T-shirts having died down…Apophis is still coming.

Having failed to elicit even one response from any of those parties, scientists included, we are left to consider what Meier said, on May 27, 2015, about the likelihood scientists coming together to do something about this very real threat.

Let’s hope that real intellectual honesty, scientific curiosity and the search for truth can be revived at SETI, which otherwise seems to be a very badly misnamed enterprise, to say the very least.

(For more information from the Meier contacts on outer space related topics click here.)

Please see today’s video here!

See also:

NASA Engineer: The Billy Meier UFO Case Is Real

The Great “Scientific” Masquerade

Concealing Contact at all Costs

Apophis: Let’s Try This Again

NASA’s “New” Mars Report Published by Billy Meier DECADES Ago

* SETI personnel…do they really not know about the Billy Meier Contacts? Feel free to ask them, that’s what they’re paid for:



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Dyson Devine

2001 “chilbolton”
2002 “crabwood”
“crop circle cartoons”

Antony E

The Search For Terrestrial Intelligence would be a better name for their organisation 🙂

Daniel Zumon

That name is already taken by the FIGU

Matthew Deagle

SETI is a joke. They are “listening” for signals that would only be intelligible if they came from this solar-system or slightly beyond it. The NEAREST habitable solar-system is far beyond the region of “indecipherable noise”.

Shostak gets paid to listen to white noise.

matt lee

SETI is fine

matt lee

Believe it or not if you add -1 at the end of SETI you get the director’s name
SETI’s cause will always be minus but then again so is SETH

Paul Wrenn

I agree, that we will never find any radio signals and in fact I would love to see them spend some of the 100 billion they were given recently to look for signs of ET drones in our own solar system. The Plejaren telemeter discs may be tracked!
I suppose the powers that be would shut down any real disclosures anyhow 🙁

Thanks Michael,


Moshe Levy

If I understand MH correctly, astronomers are hiding proof of extra-terrestrial life to preserve their fat astronomy pay checks? They’ve entered a profession at the bottom of the science and math doctorate pay scale and any alternative for-profit job would probably earn them much more money, but it wouldn’t make up for no longer doing what they’re passionate about. How can anyone argue that they’re in this for the keesh?

As was previously pointed out to MH in an exchange with a scientist, the problem is that there are much more likely explanations for Meier than that he’s talking to aliens. That’s why scientists aren’t climbing on board the Meier love train.

Moshe Levy

MH, the reasons I don’t email them are that they’re busy people doing something that matters and that it would be embarrassing for me to talk with normal people about this as if it warranted debate.

Moshe Levy

Insipid, evasive, ineffectual, boring, predictable and resentful? I’ll only believe all of that if Sheila confirms it. I trust her judgment.

Philip Brandel

Moshe Levy…. is this you standing by you motorcycle with sunglasses on, within your facebook page? Same one thought was last time, From New Jersey? What my dear Moshe is your religion of choice? Or are you to good to even be who you are here, also?
So in respect, dear Moshe seems to be just another average person like the rest of us. Yet unlike some here, to scared to talk to anyone but those that see validity, have a interest at all. And even then ignore some within the scientific community that very much do endorse the Meier case. Even the head of MUFON as I recall has privately stated to Micheal the he thinks it is real.
So what do you have Moshe, unlike the rest of us here that allows your words to be any different. In that, like some facebook pages, etc, this is and very much does seem to be a place dedicated to the friends of FIGU and Billy Meier. Not a place for another know it all arm chair expert to spew their nonsense of a fantasy world!

Moshe Levy

Why are you guys interested in bringing in information and images from other places about people who disagree with you? I remember when MH (in a bout of infantilism) posted a photo on this site of someone cooking who he perceived as an enemy. It’s like a subdued form of stalking.

Philip Brandel

Moshe I look up people all the time! Its partially called living in the real world! Not the fantasy so many have succumb to on the dumb phone, computer, etc. So its not just people that ‘disagree’ with one another, there are plenty of people that I learn more about that are VERY ‘pro’ Billy Meier. There is actually a whole group of people(around 850) on the friends of FIGU and Billy Meier facebook page. Maybe it is time for some here to start their research and actually begin to see and recognize those they have such strong words for. You know…. do some research and actually become accustom to the people that are per-sieved to be delusional and being fooled, maybe start with the man himself, Billy Meier!
Again as we get into the subject of frauds and people using one aspect of life to suppress another. What is your religion of choice Moshe?! It is a rather simple question! Don’t worry, I wont tell your ‘friends’ on facebook that you are here… maybe if you will be my friend you will get some accolade in this regard, in another reincarnation maybe:)

Moshe Levy

Oh, man. Philip started this exchange. I was just responding. I feel like the second grader getting caught shooting a spitball back at the kid who shot one at him. (Insert insult regarding maturity here.)

Philip Brandel

Sometimes in life you get what little respect you give! If you want to act like a 3rd grader, than you shall receive the corresponding treatment.
As usual, ones homework is due, it is a rather simple curriculum for some…. others it will take lifetimes! Especially if they cant answer simple questions!
Sorry MH for getting of topic in this regard as up to this point I felt rather on topic in this blogs, blog related form. My elementary lesson is over for now:)

Philip Brandel

Sorry, second grader:)

Matthew Deagle

Moshe, just what “more likely explanation” do you propose? I don’t see any.

SETI’s website by the way claims that they make competitive Bay Area salaries – that is not on the order of the average astronomy-professor.

Moshe Levy

Matthew, I’m trying to understand your argument. I think your argument is that SETI astronomers make more money than they could if they pursued other careers. The average Bay salary is $67K. The average physicist nationwide is much higher, and probably even higher than that in the Bay Area where the cost of living is higher. Again, an astronomer isn’t in it to rake in cash-there are much higher salaries in other science, engineering and technology disciplines at the doctoral level. “Competitive Bay salary” notwithstanding.

Moshe Levy

You might be confusing me with someone else. I never said I was contacting anyone.

Moshe Levy

Matthew, you’re making my point for me. That figure is primarily private sector. Those astronomers ain’t making that.

AND you’re changing the argument from “They want to protect those fat astronomy pay checks” to “they’re deluded”. It’s a completely different argument.

Matthew Deagle

Actually, the figure you quote refers to a bare minimum rent-paying wage in the area. The average tech-salary is almost $300,000 now.

Besides that, however, we cannot forget the element of sheer delusion. People sabotage themselves by means of delusion all the time. “Educated” people like Shostak are no exception, from my personal experience – many of them are under total mind-control, and still carrying out the programming installed over 30 years ago, like good little robots, Santa’s elves happily assembling away in his fantasy-factory.

Matthew Deagle

Moshe, my main argument is simple – the evidence of the Meier case lies in the impossible amount of scientific and other knowledge possessed by Billy, published in his books decades ago, which puts every university and every religion on Earth to shame. Therefore, anyone who ignores the Meier case either has a precluding delusional belief, is apathetic, or simply has not bothered to look into the real evidence, i.e. the contact-reports. According to Billy’s latest video from Michael, most of these scientists are only interested in their own research and in things related to that research if they be in the contact-reports, but simply do not care about the bigger picture, or the problems that do not pertain to their personal interests, etc.

Moshe Levy

Speaking of better explanations and doctors, here’s an exchange MH had with a very articulate correspondent. When reading it, I ask that you try to view this Meier-alien stuff through the eyes of the uninitiated.

Matthew Deagle

I didn’t read the whole exchange, but at the beginning he admits himself to having an “a priori” prejudice that alien contact is “unlikely”. That is not scientific in the least, besides being ignorant of the facts and the math (see: Drake equation).
Also, I don’t know if he is associated with Boghossian, but in my mind it is not a coincidence that Mr. Atheist is Armenian – from the “first Christian nation” that now goes around pretending to be the Illuminati and promoting degenerative ideologies all around the world, while terrorizing Turks and anyone else that get in the way of their narcissistic delusions of grandeur. Not all Armenians are involved in that behaviour, but a significant minority are.

Matthew Deagle

NOTE: Matthew, you have two comments that didn’t make it since they had NOTHING to do with the topic. Back on topic, please.

Moshe Levy

Oh, Geez. Here we go with the Illuminati. Illuminati, Men in Black, Sirians, politicians, astronomers: is there anyone not fighting to keep Meier under wraps?

Moshe Levy

That link doesn’t have anything to do with astronomy. Why would I show that to an astronomer?

Daniel Zumon

Moshe, you are in the right actually, many average ordinary normal people from all over the world voluntarily, able to discern as much perhaps more as you say some of the best funded, established, smartest educated etc, the money going to them instead, with few benefactors that beg to differ. And it is as you say confidently, the evidence is layed out in such a way that individuals cannot confidently jump on the Meier love train, the information cannot confidently undermine anything scientific, political, militaristic, socio-economic, because as you say the evidence is not presented in a way that is categorical and undeniable and in the face of the individual, it has no multi-million dollar advertisement endorsements, no lavish funding, political endorsements, in fact its not even profitable to report the information because as you say we follow the leader and the leader is the individual with the weight of public popular massive overwhelming support.

That will never change, that situation is never going to be any different or alternative to the current situation, because people want to know what the public popular massive overwhelming financially supported individuals know. The evidence for the meier case is as is, in the realization that if it was just handed over to boost profit and productivity the world over, cause revolutionary social changes in governments the world over, then that is tantamount to properly undermining the planets evolution and the P’s are not permitted to just do that, and if that was they’re objective they certainly would not have gone about it in the way they’ve gone about it. A centralized monopoly on all commodities would develop, the rich would get bored and then fly around with weaponised beamships and kill people just for wanting peace, even if that means less profit more countryside and a lesser sheared natural world.

Does that sort of make sense? That they are aware of the way Earth is run and the various injustices and mismanagements that occur, the stage we are at as a people, that they realize certain things, injustices will occur anyway and by offering anything more, publicly, openly, they are essentially acting as the administrator of the worldwide situation.

Moshe Levy

I’m not saying anything for or against the truth of your comment right now, Daniel, but your argument could be used to explain any hair-brained claim that scientists disagree with.

Daniel Zumon

Your right yet again Moshe. My concern is that you do not have the full perspective, that you have not developed the psyche yet of the full knowledge, what might be commonly called the full parameters of Earth and the full real life. See, what I know Moshe is that I can walk up to any scientist and by giving the right words, at the right time assuming theres a research grant, can walk around them unseen, it is only when that research grant is not available to them that they then become more savvy, sharp and alert, they’re consciousness becomes invigorated, because they have to struggle, they have to work, and those parameters change yet again and are heightened yet again further as we go from one country to another around the world.

Look if your looking at the small evidence and have no interest in what I am saying then be honest with me about that. But if you are genuinely looking for the biggest possible picture, and the persistence has to be quite pronounced, then I will entertain a few things with you Moshe. What I wont tolerate is any special learning disabilities, please, if you could be respectful and lay any of that out I would appreciate it.

Daniel Zumon

Assuming that was not too offensive for you. Your not involved with any other story time conspiratorial groups, subjects, have been, but are not any more, or are more into those than this, or just remain unconvinced but are partially in a position where you feel you probably need to be more convinced of meier group, you have studied the real information right, not just the silly tapes and images, not just the silly websites and movies, the real information, you’ve studied it, have answered all your personal questions about politics the whys wheres hows, you’ve also got some basic knowledge of language, math, science, natural world, possibilities and non-possibilities etc, right? am I right or where am I wrong?

Sheila Clark

Hey Moshe, have a look at this:
The Nasa tether incident.
This was the first video I watched which made me think that we are not alone in the universe. Using the 12 mile long tether, it’s easy to measure that a few craft are at least a couple miles wide.
There are at least 4 or 5 different craft in this video and it’s not dust. This has nothing to do with the Meier material (or does it?)
This may have been the reason the Plejaren left in 1995, to stop the unknown devastation it may have caused.

Daniel Zumon

I wondered the very same Sheila, I was hoping Ptaah was going to offer some interesting cognitions about that, sort of has but is probably likely protecting the group and perhaps will reveal those things at a later time. The ISS cuts the live feed each and every time anything appears that should not (should?) be there, or so several groups of internet geeks have been able to discern by recording many days, weeks, months of HD footage and carefully going back on that footage and meticulously checking the 1 or 2 single frames before a random cut and then carefully checking the frame for interesting things. There has been some interesting discoveries, and something that looks like a terrestrial secret winged aircraft too. So much for SETI

Daniel Zumon

Apparently if SETI invested in a single HD internet live camera in space, the mystery would be solved in a matter of months.

Matthew Deagle

The Milky Way Galaxy alone, just this galaxy, is around 1,000 QUADRILLION kilometres across. If you actually believe that there is not intelligent life somewhere in a space that vast, and that radio-signals are some way of judging how much intelligent life is out there, then who can help you? Besides that, it takes thousands of years for light, i.e. a radio-signal, to reach many parts of this galaxy alone. It is not a feasible means of communication for that reason, on top of the fact that the signal deteriorates into white noise after only a couple light-years.

Barry Smith

Great article Michael , also thanks for the link to the video , I love hearing from Edward in his own words and thoughts .. what a unique person he is ..

Terry Carch

Thanks for the videos and the info from you and Billy. I`m glad that there are finally English subtitles when Billy is speaking in German on the You Tube Video. As far as SETI is concerned I agree with you those SETI guys and astronomy guys are all a bunch of frauds waiting for a fast buck to get even with us “truth-be-told humans. After all there are other humans from Erra,Timers,etc,etc,etc. I also remember Ptaah once told Billy some time ago that the stars in the DERN Univerdse are all too far apart for any radio contact to take place in our dimention. In the DAL Universe and the next dimention the stars are much much closer for contact to take place by radio signals. Thanks for the videos and the message. Keep up the great work as always.:-)))

CS Swalby

Some time ago, you told me what you call your Plejaren language, as well as the intercosmic language and the language of the people, to whom Menara belongs; you mentioned specific names, but they have all escaped me again. Please mention them to me again.

32. The Plejaren language, we call SARAT; the intercosmic language, we designate as KOSAN, and the language of the people, to whom Menara belongs, we call JENAN or DERON-language.

“If some day we receive an information-rich signal…” –Douglas Vakoch

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son! –Rudyard Kipling

Kelsey Bryant Anthis

The emails are fine for copy and paste to send them your opinions on the matter. I emailed them all and hopefully everyone does. I am in Martinsville Indiana getting my previous misdemeanor charges expunged in order to get a better career once I move back to Flagstaff in about 3-5 months.

Kelsey Bryant Anthis
Daniel Zumon

Such a valuable article, I suppose it would help if they knew by logic that the electromagnetic spectrum was not the common medium of exchange (currency of exchange). And with all these flight devices flying around since before we even invented the dish, pointing a SETI dish at them even by chance or happy mistake would have by now surely proven your statement that its a monopoly of fraud

Ah Peng

I had discovered Meier long before I even heard of SETI. I am really glad that I am not distracted by those noises intended to obscure his contacts.
Thanks MH for your dedication to bring the light of Meier case to the world. Its must be terribly difficult but you got the staying power just like the late Wendelle Stevens. Thanks

Luis Marcelo Badano

Just wrote all these guys and Jan again. What an incredible lack of balls.

Philip Brandel

Wrote to almost everyone on the list also and have not gotten a response from any of them? Tweaked my email to Margie a bit as per bellow. Has been almost a full day and still not one response. Probably like some here, to good in their precious careers and beliefs to see what they are supposedly looking for at the end of their nose.

As a regular of most things worthy of attention within the so called field of ‘ufology’, It strikes me as odd that Billy Meier’s ‘case’ is not considered by those within SETI? Or am I wrong?
If in fact Billy Meier is in contact with humans from the depths of the cosmos, would it not entail one of the most, if not the most compelling story in all of memorable history? And yes, obviously there are some things within this case that have become focal points of speculation for many whom have not looked closer. This ‘case’ is fraught with people trying to bend the truth of it at every angle and corner, with as minimal amount of time and effort put in!
As someone whom has independently investigated it for over ten years, I just don’t see what is so threatening? Is it the length of these encounters of Billy Meier’s, 70+years and still going? The physical evidence, a thousand+ pictures, 20+ videos, crop-light-snow circles, finger-foot prints, hundreds of eyewitnesses, private investigators that DID go to Switzerland in the 70’s to present and found no evidence of a hoax from the one armed, rural Swiss family man driving around on his moped. Taking pictures and videos of things only possible with technology available decades later? Lest I regress into only a small fraction of the evidence beyond the many thousands of pages of information that also reflects the reality of our world, the world we most definitely call home.
One would think, non the less, that SETI would be more willing to look into things with time, evidence, witnesses to back it up, for ones. How can an organization(be it non profit or not) ignore and suppress something it apparently is looking forward to investigating? So again as much as I don’t understand I just wonder why an organization apparently looking for evidence and cases to propel the entire reason for its existence, would ignore one such as Billy Meier’s? Or is the search for intelligent life to ‘complicated’ to not be potentially found right here on our planet?
How would intelligent benevolent life from the depths of the cosmos make ‘contact’ with earth humanity? Is SETI so sure that we have not already been contacted for the sake of our own comprehension and motivation to change for the good, better, best, all on our own? What good would ‘finding’ intelligent life do us if we cannot even find a small fraction of true peace, love, harmony, wisdom, truth, on our own world?

Thank you,
Phil B.

Daniel Zumon

There is today much pressure on the working individual than 50 years ago, many are unable even to basically think, if that is even not normally been an issue historically.

So we have to study the history of the time after the war and that special bracket of time when the population growth was at a dull roar inconsistently, and then look at those middle aged men and the decisions or lack of decisions that were made at that time, in order to develop any sort of cognitions of the human condition, and even why things are the way they are today, the decisions that were made and the directions that were taken.

Philip Brandel

It seems as our technology gains momentum on our world, our ability to think logically, independently goes the other direction. On this scale and trajectory it will be easier than ever in the not so distant future for people to line up around the block, beg for their implants. Most will fall prey to the entire thing without even knowing or really caring how enslaved they really are…. mentally and physically.
As Billy himself says in Michael’s short video, ‘It is chaos on this world’. His body language alone, one can feel the thoughts. Truly it is in so many regards. In many ways is seems we must become the change we want to see. If our parents, parents parents did nothing than it is up to us at this time to make the correct changes…. even if on just a personal level. Not so easy to do I will also admit but we have to start somewhere, and the self is a better place than any.

Sheila Clark

Very nicely done Philip.

Philip Brandel

Thank you Sheila,
Many times my feelings within the swing of positive and negative get to me when writing. Sometimes, as everyone one time or another, peer emotions come out within writing as well. Yet, life is partially about the positive- negative and as I am sure many know we have to deal within both aspects of our material consciousness. To neutrally positively see things as they are and think things through as much as possible in this regard.
Have tried more and more to keep it neutral in as much as not falling prey, or sinking to the seemingly pubescent level portrayed by the many shills, know it all’s, scarred, wanna be arm chair experts. Opponents to anything that might just be good for OUR world, no matter where it is coming from! Lest they have to break their bondage of beliefs, profit, and utter ‘human’ made chaos that rules the day. Though it is a stretch these days to think they would listen to anyone beyond our world, as it seems they cant and wont listen to logic and reason here on ours.
Work in progress, got to keep moving forward and try and change oneself to all the things that represent the best in being human. Not an easy task, yet we have very few truly good role models this day and age. I for one am glad that I can be here with some of those, in my thoughts at least.

MiroslavStanko - Saalome84Blue

What people at SETI want to achieve: they want to be the first to receive signal from ETs, to win Nobel Prize for this, and historical record in human history. They want to be celebrated by whole world, be famous, etc… So they are searching and searching and searching with their radiotelescopes, looking into Cosmos for their imaginary signal, like religious people for their imaginary gods…

And they do not want to see, hear about Billy Meier, because he is in real contact with extraterrestrial human beings, which makes him “special”, and this is very bad for their own egos…

Matthew Deagle

Actually, despite the fact that any signal beyond 2 lightyears would be indecipherable noise, SETI actually received a signal, the “Wow! Signal”, back in 1977. It was probably generated by Ashtar Sheran’s group or some other pseudo-“extraterrestrial” group, however. Yet they act like they have never found any evidence of extraterrestrial life to this day. And then there was the Chilbolton Reply to the Arecibo-message, which was also likely made by an intelligence based on Earth.

Thomas Turk

What Earth intelligence, Matt? 2 guys with a plank.. the complex pattern done overnight?

Greg Dougall

They’re only trying to find evidence of life with either a telescope or a microscope.