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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Looking Back at the Coming San Francisco Earthquake

Billy Meier’s photographs of the devastating future SF quake showed cars without side view mirrors 

I recently contacted some futurists who will be involved in programs at ASU.  While we’re often told that real scientists don’t like the word “prediction”, it seems that it’s actually a key element of what futurists also do.

I’m therefore optimistic that they will evaluate Billy Meier’s predictive and prophetic information with scientific objectivity, especially in light of Prof. Scott Antes’ having paved the way for the Meier case to be presented to, and studied by, students, scientists and professors alike.

The Coming San Francisco Earthquake

One of the most controversial claims in the Meier case is that he was taken into the future by the Plejaren extraterrestrials, where he took 11 photographs of a devastating future San Francisco earthquake. Lead case investigator, Lt. Col. Wendell Stevens (USAF), reported seeing these photos, along with the two other (skeptical) investigators, Lee and Brit Elders, and a number of Swiss FIGU group members.

In trying to identify any elements, landmarks, or features that would give them clues to the time at which this event would/did happen, they noticed that the visible cars on the streets of San Francisco didn’t appear to have side view mirrors (external projections), as did the cars of the time (1978), or even as those of today.

Now the development of camera technologies to replace side view mirrors has taken another large step. Add to this the latest discovery about  the underwater connection of two dangerous earthquake faults in the Bay Area and, well, the time of the quake appears to be drawing even nearer.

The Coming NW Earthquake & Tsunami

Within two years of Meier’s warning about the coming 9.0 earthquake and tsunami in the NW, scientists at OSU echoed his information, though they haven’t done anything to really warn, prepare, or advise relocation to the endangered population. It is hoped that the…futurists will carefully examine Meier’s abundant, specific and impeccably accurate foretelling of events and discoveries so that they may realize the significance of this opportunity to mitigate some of the loss of life that will otherwise occur when this looming future SF quake occurs.

Look Behind You to See the Future

Even in the face of such undeniably accurate predictions, from decades ago, about the now very present, international terrorist attacks and threats from radical Islamist fundamentalists, some people still want to hear “something new”. The real truth is that Meier’s predictive information is so voluminous that it constitutes a study in itself, as more and more of it is being corroborated all the time.

As we can look to the past to also verify its authenticity and preemptive publication, we now approach the time when a new way of looking to see what’s on the road behind us will signal the end of the road for many, should they not heed these warnings in time.


See also:

Billy Meier’s Environmental Warnings

Elon Musk and the Coming San Francisco Earthquake

The Future San Francisco Earthquake

As the Prophecies Fulfill


BMW Shows off Mirrorless Car at CES

New Canadian Military Alliance and the Henoch Prophecies: UPDATE

Thanks to Erwin Bauer and Brock Bradford for the new info on the replacement of rearview mirrors with cameras.

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Billy Wilson Until someone wises up and filters out some scientific advancements being made they can be spotted for those that are looking, and that can comprehend what they are seeing, not what they are being told. Locations are being better hidden than what is in Alaska. (,-18.0178487,1479m/data=!3m1!1e3 ) Live testing caught by unexpected equipment which moves weather control from fancy to fact. ( ) Just little time researching a hurricane named Fred and it timing may help with finding the truth for yourself.
Billy Wilson

Dennis Ryan

Hi MH,

But the SF big quake can’t happen for quite a number of years yet? Probably not for a decade or so because Billy said it will happen (long) after he gets his angel wings.

matt lee

Michael did Billy mention Mt St Helens and Yellowstone Calders blowing up as part of the San Franscisco earthquake in any of your private conversations?

Mait Kingumets

Hi Matt,
In this video Billy is mentioning of Yellowstone and eruption. Maybe it help you a bit.

Seth Whitaker

So the giant NW seaquake/tsunami isn’t supposed to occur until after Meier passes? I really need to know as I am planning on living on the Olympic peninsula in WA for most of 2016, possibly through 2017. Any theories or ideas graciously appreciated.
Peace & Love,

Darcy Wade Carlile

To my knowledge it is all just good advice and not something we should try to fixate on because we don’t know, Billy however does know because he was the person hanging outside the Plejaren’s flying craft while filming shots with his own camera.

Terry Carch

Last I heard you say on c2c that Billy said that the Yellowstone Coldera will not bow during Billy`s lifetime which could be well into the 21rst century after you(MH),I and Billy are all gone.

George M


My apologies if I am being a little dense today, but I am a bit confused as to the sequence and wouldn’t mind a little clarity if you have the time.

So, is it 1) California wide quake 2) angel wings 3) San Franscisco quake, or is the order different?

There are an awful lot of these disasters mentioned to sort through, what with Mt Varsuvius, Mt Etna, the Canary Islands, tornadoes/storms in the Northern hemisphere heralding various things, tsunamis due to hurt a lot of people etc and so I find myself a bit boggled.

George M

Well that makes sense, MH.

I was awfully confused because the SF event appears likely to happen within a handful of years, and yet you appear a bit too relaxed for a person about to earn “angel wings”.

So, to take it a bit further:

SF is to be destroyed by Earthquake, not war, at least initially.
The US is to fragment by 2020, possibly by way of war.
New vehicles with fancy windshields etc suggests prosperity and progress, which doesn’t really happen in times of war, and certainly doesn’t happen when nations break apart.
If SF is destroyed by earthquake rather than, or preceding destruction by war, with signs of prosperity evident, then it suggests that war may be averted, or that the destruction of SF is to be prior to disintegration of the US, which means before 2020.


Russ Mason

Is there a reason you can’t show the pictures? I would love to see them.

Moshe Levy

“But the Plejaren took back the photos and Meier doesn’t have them any more.”

Darn the luck! So close!

Reynold Bergerwillis

Human beings are more real than we can tolerate during certain life stages

Matthew Reed

It’s very funny that you consistently lurk around here Moshe, hoping that Michael will allow you an occasionally jab at us “Meier-folk”. What on earth do you gain from this, other than silly amusement?

Taro Istok

The REASON is the Plejaren are very careful to limit the nature of the evidence they permit. They will never intentionally allow DIRECT evidence(until our society is collectively ready for open contact, of course).

Matt Knight

More likely, IMO, the Plejaren knew that certain groups, who surveilled the SSSC & know the case to be real, would kill to either profit from viewing those photos, or, to keep them from us. MIB were real (IMO). Photos alone cannot provide conclusive evidence of contact. The only reason why the Plejaren do not appear in photos is because they visit here. Those that take heed are warned anyway. The smart move.

Taro Istok

There’s no real reason they both can’t be true. Although it’s true, photos alone are not direct evidence, I think they can potentially be “too good” for their purposes. Hard to say without actually seeing the SF images. I do believe they would prefer the controversy survives as long as needed.

Timothy Allen Anderson

As a resident of the state of Washington for my last 46 years, I was on the beach when Mt St Helens erupted and vividly remember seeing the ash cloud and wondering what in the world caused it. It took over 20 years before the state started making Volcano evacuation Route signs in order to make any attempt to stem the devastation should this type of event take place again, or at any one of the other large mountains in the Pacific Northwest. When the article in the New Yorker came out detailing the investigation by the professor at OSU regarding the last Sea Quake and Tsunami due to the Cascadia quake back in 1700, the locals talked about it for a few days, some for a little more, but overall the pervasive attitude has remained “wait and see”. Not one single state representative has made any sort of suggestion to create any type of plan to relocate schools, or any other steps to minimize the possible effects for when this event finally takes place. If it took twenty years to make road signs to help aid the evacuation of residents to higher ground should another volcanic event take place, I do not expect the state of Washington to take any sort of proactive measures within the next 5 to 8 years, and in my limited ability to decipher the between the lines information Billy has provided regarding the “most destructive natural disaster to EVER effect the North American continent”, this seems to be the time for this event to take place. I have and will continue to make as many people here aware of this by handing out copies of the article in the New Yorker, along with a copy of CR 392 in the hopes some will actually pay attention and investigate the freely available information at theyflydotcom.

Billy Wilson

Timothy Allen Anderson, That area was warned about wildfires then about mudslides maybe when you and others start building large lifeboats in your back yards. The people in midwest build underground storm shelters maybe someone will take notice.May Just don’t name it the Ark, they may think you are crazy.You could start a portable survival shelter company, just price them around the listing price of a tesla car so they will take you serious. .
Billy Wilson

Timothy Allen Anderson

Billy, Did you google earth my back yard? or are you astral projecting again?
Sorry, I couldn’t help myself, seriously though, it is simply astounding how people have such a hard time understanding that being paid to tell people what they want to hear does NOT constitute knowledge of the truth. Since I don’t see any possibility of moving to the southern hemisphere any time soon, I am doing my best to prepare for the worst. Currently my home is at a 2,500′ elevation, on the peak of a large, mostly granite hill in a relatively small town, so If things work out I may be able to sell my home as Oceanfront or Island property after TSHTF, however I am only 10 miles from Puget Sound and only 20 miles northeast of Joint base Lewis-McChord so It could also come with a “glowing” view.

Billy Wilson

Timothy Allen Anderson, The manager of the USGS office for your region which I think is number 7, is really quick at seismic data from the volcano that is just off the coast to your west. Research making your own seismic event alarm the Chinese did it a 1000 year ago with just round balls. As the papers you listed shows the pressure is already there for both shaking and flooding. And most importantly get to know your areas wildlife if it seems like everything that can fly is in the air it a good time to get to high ground.If the USGS was not erasing data so fast from there site so fast for your area I would not have even noticed that they are watching and waiting for something.
Billy Wilson

Antony Edge
Antony Edge
Dennis Ryan


with all the trouble coming soon to the US is it wise for some people to move out of there and into safer countries like Australia, NZ, ect ? (I said safer not safe)

Billy Wilson

George M, There is no other place for this, but here is were you can find and see the effects of magnetism and Paaths statements about fine fuildal energy. This guy has way more money than sense. His last video helps explain how magnetic fields affect human vision.
Billy Wilson

Sheila Clark

Billy, that might explain why Betty and Barney Hill experienced false memories of their fake abduction.

Philip Brandel

Hello all,
My sister just got a new 2016 ford edge. This suv has the double moon roof and a very advanced backup system. Two aspects she has said are way more advanced than her previous, older model of the Edge. A very rapid change and move within these to aspects of car technology.
It seems the time is ever closer for this event to transpire. A few articles floating around out there(read in the past?) say the mirror technology will be more readily used before 2020, the ‘double moon roofs’ are already here.
As it has already forgone, and within many aspects of life and reality, events happen at a slow but steady pace. Is hard sometimes having a potential view of the future and to focus within it rather than in trying to change and sway the very moments we have in front of us.
As so many would disagree on this all being about anything other than what it is. This is our world no matter whom may be watching from afar…talking down here, and even in this many god fearing folk would find any reason to see it as it isn’t. The world we have created and call home is being threatened by the very creatures created to partially enliven it, learn within it consciously conscious. Is there no unity in the face of disaster even as it comes to in the end helping prop up this dog and pony show. Interesting events and the next five years in the states are geared to be turbulent non the less. Watching the petrodollar slide away from being the world currency is going to be a rocky road for the fearing Americans, and their lazy, assisted ‘living’. Civil war is all that seems to remain for many to rub the crust from their eyes.
As I recall it saying when this event unfolds we will be so enthralled with our own created problems that most will do nothing more than turn their heads. The way this world is turning(and my own actions) only strengthens the obvious future we are creating. Who will care about what nature is doing when we cannot even see what we are. Always fixated on blaming and want change from one person if not another…. including Billy Meier. When it truly is our own responsibility and world for us to change. Easy to blame on another, anyone but the self

George M

Philip Brandel,

I might be wrong, but it would appear from the latter part of your post that your present mood might be clouding your thoughts a little bit.

Philip Brandel

Might be… On this rock it is one day at a time:)

George M

Philip Brandel,

Would it make you feel better if I promised that I wouldn’t be one of those people who only turned their heads during times of catastrophe?

At a very minimum, I will definitely turn my head to and fro, while blaming lots of people, and demanding that they change, at the same time. With great vigor, too 🙂 I will possibly even throw in a few wisecracks for effect 🙂

In all seriousness though, we as individuals cannot really accomplish great works without the help and participation of those around us. If those people around us cannot yet see the need for those works to be carried out, then there is little we can do apart from get frustrated, or quietly wait for circumstances to convince others of the need to do those things, while laying the information foundation to help people’s thoughts to straighten out in those hard times.

In the meantime, clever or informed people are forced to experience and observe the results of collective stupidity, which includes being ignored and/or ridiculed for suggesting obviously sensible things – often viciously. Just ask Meier, or MH.

Philip Brandel

I hear ya….
It seems beyond logical thought continuing to read the ‘one liners’ that come here and spew their utter disregard for at least acting like they have looked at this ‘case’. It does worse to my mood than the brunt around me physically will ever understand. A passive individual bystander whom can only read so much of this stuff before getting involved?…. Though over the last 11 years it has come and gone.
As much as one must be hopeful and obviously responsible for their own being, my above post was in some was ‘coded’ with the reality’s of my own world. Maybe not the one shown as much in inner thought, but the world of the physical and the laps in turning the might of the thoughts into something of tangible action. Stepping away from beliefs and the need to blame and coerce anyone to do anything other than see the truth of what love, freedom, wisdom, and harmony may represent in its most natural state.
Among many other things obviously……..
It hasn’t been just Meier and MH whom have seen the vicious cycle of the world we live on, many here are truly living in the shadows. If more people stepped out and stood for these ‘things’ instead of hiding behind others, things would be moving to the better. Especially as most can’t even reside behind a real name, and actual verifiable ‘real life’ to account for.
A step I have been more than willing taking and have met no such luck in finding anyone that would put the physical on the line, in my area…. Though I am hopeful that this will be met with me only putting the invitation to unite out there. The local MUFON group is less than desirable in doing anything else but wasting time.
Phil b.
Shakopee, Minnesota USA

George M

Philip Brandel,

Saying this without (much) vanity, I have more than average personal experience with being “ahead of the curve” in identifying patterns and proposing pre-emptive remedy, nly to be rebuffed.

I am well aquainted with the great many people “in the shadows”, who have the ability to change things greatly, who, for whatever reason (usually a lack of both personal conviction and courage), do nothing, and so allow bad petterns to persist or manifest.

In my ponderings and observances, I have concluded that a confluence of events is required for those bystanders to make use of themselves. A kind of critical mass must be reached, at which point involvement increases dramatically.

In the meantime, I have resigned myself to the fact that putting out endless invitations, or expecting that people act in a certain way, is simply wishful thinking. It is unreasonable to expect people to act other than as they do.

The amount of time that has passed, whether it is 5 years or 11 or 100 is completely irrelevant. All that is relevant is the progression of events unto the required confluence. Which, by the way is especially annoying, since the timescale for those things is mostly measured in decades, and I (like you) tend to be impatient.

So, I say that your upsetness at the people who drop one liners is unreasonable. You know that the circumstances required for them to be more than people who deliver one liners do not yet exist. Being upset about it is, therefore, a personal choice.

My suggestion, therefore, is to selectively expend your energy in doing what is possible for you. That is what I do. Which might be totally wrong, by the way, but makes sense to me.

I’m just biding my time, like a crocodile – waiting, lurking, with one pocket full of good ideas and another pocket full of “I told you so”s, for my big chance. How can I be upset when such glory awaits? 🙂

Philip Brandel

I get it but it never seems to amaze me the level of patience we seem to have for a moment that might never come. If we don’t fight for the better in life, we may never have a chance again, in this life. One thing that many here and beyond complain about is only seeing the bad things in life…. seeing the reality of the world we have created in our own way, and expressing our associated feelings, mood therein. Yet, how will anyone change anything without sticking our necks out ones and awhile.
I guess this was my ‘not being able to be quite’ moment ones again and if there was even one person here that gave this all even a small amount of thought. I would be more than happy in joining, making that cause something worth while in writing, let alone in the physical. It seems I am partially in the situation I am because of not looking to get anything from anyone they themselves have not come to.
Look I have tried hard lately not to be the guy that complains and constantly goes on about things that must happen far from this rec hid machine. There are many things more important than being here complaining about my life and the one I reside in. Though if it allows me the opportunity to peak within the thoughts and see the errors of my many ways…. maybe it will help with someone else as well. There is a lot of work to do and everyday seems like a lost opportunity to do something, anything that may change the urgent disastrous courses we are taking. The one not many seem to care about or are waiting to see change while sitting on their hands. This would in many ways include this average middle class human from the ‘heart land’ of this delusional, suicidal, belief stricken country.
It seems in this world that I might as well bide my time waiting by building an underground bunker, storing food, water, medicine, power sources, etc, etc, etc. When this is all said and done what is next? What more can be done without letting it go and trying to find others that see this all worth fighting for.

Andrew Grimshaw

G’Day Philip,
I have chosen to be a cleaner, for the most part, of my life, so far. I thoroughly enjoy creating environments that give most of the others a feeling of peace and harmony. I think it is a part of my self-imposed purpose of coming to the fore in the future as one who will be on the front lines in the clean up of this rock, including the cleaning up of other’s thinking, feelings, actions and psyche. I am also in a body that was designed for long distance physical achievements, which took a blow when I started smoking at the ripe old age of 13years. My mission from this point onwards is to use my consciousness powers to resolve my errors so that I can reduce the self-imposed barriers to my development and advancement. I admit I have a ways to go. By the by, I am currently in the process of an additional career change. I have recently taken on the job of cleaner/emergency responder at a couple of retirement villages and am studying Aged Care at the end of this month. I initially wanted to teach our little people how not to drown, but I don’t know how to abuse a child and refuse to put myself in a position of being accused of it. Such a shame as I would have preferred to help our next generation but alas must now TRY to help the generation after that one.
Anyhow, best of luck in life and Salome

George M

Philip Brandel,

I don’t see that there is much choice. If you do too little, you’re a bystander shirking responsibility. If you do too much, you get too agressive, breach various moral codes, create various bad patterns, and become the thing you wanted to get rid of – albiet in a different form.

The most important part of a building, and the least glamorous, is the foundation. If the worst you achieve is to be a stable, rational person that is necessary for those who follow to build on, then you succeeded, imo.

Philip Brandel

Hello Andrew,
Without purpose life seems to fall into many categories of dis pare.
Its great that one can find meaning in their work. We will need a lot of cleaning and it is a task that must be done with no regret of the past and only an eye for the betterment of the future. I have been within a family business my entire life and have also seen the fruits of ones labor….. good and bad.
My life has taken onto more turbulent times within work, friends, and life in general lately. Something only I may change. Though these winter months can get gloomy up here…. there is always time to focus on the better in life and to think, feel, see the beauty in the world with which we call home. Its just when I turn back around the reality of our world catches up to me and I get dragged back into the mess we all helped create. This not so smart computer, phone, tablet, etc, etc, seems to at some times cause more harm than good. Well, for many people at least. It is a fine line to walk within finding concern and voicing opinions of things and not falling into the trap of discord and negativity, with no true plan, or action. As is the case many things will only come to pass while we complain and fall down the hole with it. That does not mean we should not try and unite and take action though…. a stage that has few outlets and a lot of disappointment.

Philip Brandel

Wise words George,
Being enlivened in this techno phantasmagoria, can be hard to loose focus of what truly matters most. Though it is also hard to watch this beautiful planet be trampled by its ‘thinking’ inhabitants. Especially as we know what awaits us where we are going…. in the foreseeable future. I am no extraterrestrial and my lineage means nothing at this point….. just an average American human that is learning and seeing the realities we face, good and bad…. with the associated positive or negative thinking that comes forth there-in.

Carolyn Snyder

Hey Michael, did the Plejaren say anything about Donald Trump? Just asking. . . . .

Carolyn Snyder

If the Trump-machine wins the next Presidency, then I will expect the San Fran earthquake to follow within a few years. . . . .

Sheila Clark

I’m pretty sure it’s going to happen regardless of who the president is.

matt lee

Good one Sheila
As they say ‘only in America’

Darcy Wade Carlile

I agree with you Sheila, because presidents are human beings.

Carolyn Snyder

A little bit off topic. I have read theories that America was Atlantis and that after the destruction and the sinking of the continent it has risen back out of the sea, higher than before. Therefore what is now San Francisco and the entire western mountain range would have been small islands to the west of Atlantis. Canada would have been entirely submerged. I’m not very good at geography but you can look at the map yourselves and figure it out. The mountain range in Quebec would have been islands. The east coast states would have been under the sea, as would the Florida panhandle. You can see where the island of Atlantis would have been if you peruse a topographical map of the USA. . . . I think it includes the proverbial Mt. Shasta! Plato describes Atlantis as being of the size of “Libya” (northern Africa at the time he wrote) and of having mountains, vegetation, lots of creatures and rivers and etc. So if the USA is Atlantis (I’d be curious what Billy says about that) then it has risen up out of the sea much higher than it originally was (since sea levels have been fairly consistent at least around Europe. . . . if anything, the sea has risen there) The grand sequoias out west would have been near sea level. The Grand Canyon and Arizona and Texas would have been underwater. And this is kinda what that landscape resembles in my humble opinion, any time I look at it. I’m just dumbfounded about it.

Sheila Clark

Hi Carolyn Billy has stated that Greater Atlantis is where the Azores are now. Look up Lake Agasis to see that yes most of North America used to be a giant lake.

George M

Sheila Clark,

Your statement is supported by the discovery of a pyramid under the ocean at the Azores, and very old ruins/remains on the islands in the chain.

Sheila Clark

Nice find George. Is it too soon to add another score for Billy as confirmation?
Correction on the spelling of Lake Agassiz. Two S’s and a Zee, I mean Zed.

Matt Knight

Wow! A very interesting journey Sheila and George M has set me on.

Right where Billy told us, in 1987, the island of Greater Atlantis was (, Scientists are finding evidence of ancient Megalithic rock art that would connect Atlantis to the later megalithic structures found in Britain & Ireland, e.g. Stonehenge. Rock-related myths and cults seem to be closely associated with Atlantis and be a major theme that survived it. This PDF contains the only publicly available photo-evidence of this:

Maybe Atlantis traded with ancient Ireland & Britain and/or had a settlement on the mythical island of Hy-Brasil, East of Ireland, which is directly north of what would have been Greater Atlantis:

We can still see Hy-Brasil today, submerged in images provided by Google Earth. According to early descriptions, Hy-Brasil was an island with a giant river running through the middle of it (See the large submerged island, left of Ireland, top of this map):,-11.7323244,2854558m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en

The fact that Hy-Brasil is now submerged, but, myth tells of it being above sea level, points to the catastrophic effect of an asteroid hitting the Eurasian side of the mid-Atlantic rift, just as Billy states and seems to suggest that the Eurasian plate has dropped. This may also explain why the UK is poised to fall into the Atlantic in some of Billy’s prophecy poems, i.e., that plate has dropped due to immense impact of an Asteroid impact.

Interestingly, Rock bowls found on Terceira Island (which was part of Greater Atlantis according to Billy) are like Irish “Bullaun” (, which are very difficult to age. Some believe these are Mesolithic and others Neolithic, but, noone knows for certain. The bowls do collect natural, drinkable, rainwater at a time when the atmosphere was free of pollutants. We know from rock findings and from Billy’s Arturian legend, that ancient druids revered places where rock collected natural water, e.g., the Grail. Maybe, the way ancient Atlanteans used rocks and water was legendary, but, misunderstood, i.e., the Atlanteans used rocks for irrigation, sanitation, healing, meditation, etc., which lead to the Druidic and ancient Greek derivations in grails/natural springs and blood-letting cults at stonehenge and in ancient Greek christós cults.

Why would ancient scientists aim an asteroid at Greater Atlantis, as told by Billy ( Would not an asteroid be absorbed by the mid-atlantic rift, causing submarine volcanoes to both swallow and cover Atlantis with lava along the mid-Atlantic rift? Lava spill is especially extensive around the mid-atlantic rift where the Azores (Greater Atlantis) is in the Google Earth map above.

The pyramid “discovery” in the Azores is a red herring IMO. All the news concerning this, dates from 2013 and even the Portugese Hydrographic Institute (IH) have no interest since this: Wouldn’t amateurs have found the pyramid by now? If ancient Atlantis was completely destroyed by an asteroid, I doubt pyramids would survive, but, could be wrong.

What is amanzing about Billy’s info is that it seems to provide the vital pieces to a jigsaw of history that only emerges from real scientific discovery, long after he has presented the information. This is how the genius of case continues to prove itself both now and well into the future in my view. Fascinating.

Matt Knight

We may even have examples of phrases of Old Atlantis surviving to this day. According to Billy, “The administration of the various Atlantises took place through authorized representatives, who were called the ‘Litent'” (Source:

Two Latin terms, “locum” meaning “in place of” and “teneris” meaning holding, together mean “holding in place of” e.g., someone else. Locum became the French word “Lieu” and “teneris” became the French “tenant” which together became the French word “Lieutenant” which has the same meaning as the Old Atlantis root-word – Litent. Interesting, eh? Especially as Old Atlantis, according to Billy, was in Troy (Turkey) from which the Latin and French languages may have derived.

Darcy Wade Carlile

It could be the NSA or Russian or Chinese built structure George, they all roam the seas in submarines and can build things like underwater secret cities.

Terry Carch

Sorry to be off topic again MH but the headline news on Democracy Now with Amy Goodman stated in the last paragraph “Smaller US Missiles May Incrasese Likelyhood of Nuclear War”

Billy Wilson

Terry Carch, I have “DEMOCRACY NOW” as reference myself but the main reason was for the power of the term. I hope in doing so that I did suggest they were a clean media source. Read here to understand all media has a price never trust just one.
Peace Always
Billy Wilson

Terry Carch

Hey MH Did the Plejarens say anything about Bernie Saunders? Just aksing?

matt lee

Hey Michael if I had any suggestion try telepathy that’ll get you going.

Sheila Clark

Michael, quit giving Mufon ideas sil.

Billy Wilson

Michael, Deep in the contact reports is the clarication on the Barney and Betty Hill event being caused by magnetic fields, and with the information we have in many other aspects on the human psyche along with gravity waves and to mention the vast amount of power we humans are being hit with from the climate control waves anything is possible. We currently have such a small understanding our very own concentration-powers are being renewed even with humans that have not read a word of The Psyche by Billy Even in the massive delusion they may project upon themselfs. And since they found even this blog they are starting to search and have chosen this path on thier own accord, some will walk off the cliff others may learn the truth. Flip a coin which is which?
Billy Wilson

Sheila Clark

Strangely I just replied to your post on page one about that. Great minds think alike…or was that fools seldom differ haha.

Billy Wilson

Terry Carch, as bad as they try to make Bernie Saunders sound he is nothing compared to what Roosevelt did. And we are to the point we need even more changes than he is suggesting.
Billy wilson

Sheila Clark

Well Michael here’s to hoping sil.
“The Psyche” by Billy came to me at a time that I needed it the most. A wish dream that can be realized. It’s a masterpiece.

Billy Wilson

Sheila Clark, Maybe a link in the deep past is being renewed.
Billy Wilson

Sheila Clark

Maybe…peace to you as well.
Things that Stan Friedman doesn’t understand because most of his platform is about Betty and Barney Hill and how he co-authored 2 books with the Hill’s neice Kathleen Marsden. Hard to believe an astrophysicist could have missed that hey? I seriously think he was either part of the experiment or he was used as a tool. A useful tool perhaps?

Darcy Wade Carlile

Dreams are real. They work in the real world.