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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Looking Back at the Coming San Francisco Earthquake

Billy Meier’s photographs of the devastating future SF quake showed cars without side view mirrors 

I recently contacted some futurists who will be involved in programs at ASU.  While we’re often told that real scientists don’t like the word “prediction”, it seems that it’s actually a key element of what futurists also do.

I’m therefore optimistic that they will evaluate Billy Meier’s predictive and prophetic information with scientific objectivity, especially in light of Prof. Scott Antes’ having paved the way for the Meier case to be presented to, and studied by, students, scientists and professors alike.

The Coming San Francisco Earthquake

One of the most controversial claims in the Meier case is that he was taken into the future by the Plejaren extraterrestrials, where he took 11 photographs of a devastating future San Francisco earthquake. Lead case investigator, Lt. Col. Wendell Stevens (USAF), reported seeing these photos, along with the two other (skeptical) investigators, Lee and Brit Elders, and a number of Swiss FIGU group members.

In trying to identify any elements, landmarks, or features that would give them clues to the time at which this event would/did happen, they noticed that the visible cars on the streets of San Francisco didn’t appear to have side view mirrors (external projections), as did the cars of the time (1978), or even as those of today.

Now the development of camera technologies to replace side view mirrors has taken another large step. Add to this the latest discovery about  the underwater connection of two dangerous earthquake faults in the Bay Area and, well, the time of the quake appears to be drawing even nearer.

The Coming NW Earthquake & Tsunami

Within two years of Meier’s warning about the coming 9.0 earthquake and tsunami in the NW, scientists at OSU echoed his information, though they haven’t done anything to really warn, prepare, or advise relocation to the endangered population. It is hoped that the…futurists will carefully examine Meier’s abundant, specific and impeccably accurate foretelling of events and discoveries so that they may realize the significance of this opportunity to mitigate some of the loss of life that will otherwise occur when this looming future SF quake occurs.

Look Behind You to See the Future

Even in the face of such undeniably accurate predictions, from decades ago, about the now very present, international terrorist attacks and threats from radical Islamist fundamentalists, some people still want to hear “something new”. The real truth is that Meier’s predictive information is so voluminous that it constitutes a study in itself, as more and more of it is being corroborated all the time.

As we can look to the past to also verify its authenticity and preemptive publication, we now approach the time when a new way of looking to see what’s on the road behind us will signal the end of the road for many, should they not heed these warnings in time.


See also:

Billy Meier’s Environmental Warnings

Elon Musk and the Coming San Francisco Earthquake

The Future San Francisco Earthquake

As the Prophecies Fulfill


BMW Shows off Mirrorless Car at CES

New Canadian Military Alliance and the Henoch Prophecies: UPDATE

Thanks to Erwin Bauer and Brock Bradford for the new info on the replacement of rearview mirrors with cameras.

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Dennis Ryan

MH, if you weren’t Meier’s American media rep and were young now, would you leave the US before things got much worse there, and if you would, where would you go to if they accepted you?

Dennis Ryan

Good to see the mission is most on your mind! 🙂

You have good choice but I do not know why Brazil would be one of them? I heard it was not safe to live there and government is very corrupt too.

Dennis Ryan

Don’t be fooled! You were quietly being watched by unknown forces! 🙂

Darcy Wade Carlile

There are ways of watching right back at them, it is called reality and truth.

Terry Carch

Hi MH, I would not only skip Saudi Arabia but also the whole entire Middle East because the Middle East is just too dangerous to even bother with what with all the wars, terroisms etc. Better off being in Switzerland where it`s safe. At least that`s what I would do if I had a lot of money I would move there in an instant but you need to study the German language first if your going to move there. Although Australia would be better due to the warm weather in Northern Australia and most of Australia is all flatland which I like better than the cold winters in Switzerland but that`s if I had a lot of money though. Just my personal thoughts. “I would NOT want to be anywhere where it`s so dangerous!”

Terry Carch

P.S. As my father used to say when he was alive “There is no place that is safe on this planet.” Personally I`d want to live in a place that is safe besides in my own personal thoughts and fealings ALL politicians are corrupt and criminals as far as I`m concered!

Billy Wilson

I for one would be one of those that know how wonderful it would be live on an ocean city staying away from any land by at least a thousand miles from any land. Six months north of the equator and then six months south, no city fancies or waste. May sound nuts, but when you have seen the moons of Jupiter unaided with your own eyes it is something that stays with you.

Jan Švankmajer

He means only Ganymede or the much lesser secondary only possibility of Callisto.

Philip Brandel

On a lighter note and something that I will always remember as we create the world we have.
‘Never forget to smile and never forget humaneness as well as striving for love, peace, wisdom, freedom and harmony, may the times of darkness and of insanity be ever so gloomy and cruel. Nurture the good, worthy and the respectful at all times and as often as opportunity is given to you even when you are thrown into the depths of darkness. Always create joy in yourself should even sadness befall you. Find delight in life, nature and the universe. Enjoy the stars, the moon and the sun as it rises from the horizon high into the blue sky and brightens a new day.’
Sorry I could not provide a link but it seems fitting here and is all over the friends of FIGU and Billy Meier facebook page.

Dennis Ryan

MH – “There’s more truth to that than you may know. Someday I’ll tell…THAT story.”

I know the story about the P’s telemeter disk watching you there. That’s what I was referring too! 🙂

Billy Wilson

Michael, You would not be hinting that you found a little Bliss in the mountains of Brazil.
Billy Wilson

Dennis Ryan

Make sure you tell us it one day soon then! I would love to hear it! 🙂

Billy Wilson

I have a sister in law that lives in San Fransico that knows what happen there before and that it will happen again, but her comments are that i love it here. Even though she has maining places that she can be she will not even give it a thought. As Paath once mentioned that strong Ionic winds from across the pacific ocean affect the people that live there. The effect must be so strong that all reason is lost to them, after seeing the effects of just six-inch magnet has on the human mind it will require force to get them to leave. But as long as our science does not see this effect or choice to look the other way due to economics, much suffering will come to those that are addicted to the feeling that they are sensing. And with all the people making the decisions about public heath and safety living in the same area the management will remain substandard. Just an educated guess.
Billy Wilson

George M

Billy Wilson,

I hadn’t really considered that properly. I read the CR’s about copper pyramids in which to meditate etc which are said to block incoming radiations that affect thinking (which is a fascinating idea) but hadn’t so much thought that various signals actually alter the thinking of entire societies.

The idea came to me after reading that some scientists are considering covering hospital walls and floors with copper, because pathogens supposedly cannot survive on copper surfaces. I wonder if that would make hospitals ideal places to meditate, or perhaps might drive people a bit bonkers.

Anyhow if I read about a midnight painter in San Fran who painted his sisters house by moonlight in copper impregnated paint, followed by her rapid departure due to sudden onset earthquakophobia, I wont tell anyone who it was 🙂

Terry Carch

Hi Billy Wilson, That is a fascinating and great idea, however I`ve heard those copper pyrimids are $500. I could use copper flooring in my apartment to help me meditate more. Great idea:-)))

George M

Terry Carch,

First things first, I have no idea about the real life effect on living creatures using such a structure, and don’t want anyone thinking that I do.

I can however possibly be helpful regarding how to construct a copper pyramid cheaply, if a couple of questions were to be answered by the FIGU people regarding dimensional accuracy, crystalline structure of the final copper material, and whether other adjacent materials are permitted.

This is what I would do, if I were to make one:

First, I would get hold of a cheap, stiff material such as plywood, foam, or plastic panels. I would use these to make a dimensionally accurate pyramid, that is perfect down to the fraction of a millimeter.

Then, I would get hold of some scrap copper metal, from pipes, or pennies, or whatever is found in a junk pile, and simply use electroplating to deposit that material on the surface of my perfect wooden/plastic pyramid.

Most people don’t know that copper can be electrodeposited in quite thick layers (several inches thick if desired) over a length of time, with the added benefit being that the structure really is a single piece without joins or welding.

But, like I said, I would have to know which dimensions are important, and whether or not I would have to remove the material holding it all together in order for it to work, before describing more details. Plus, I don’t know if it is a good idea for people to be using these things if they don’t know what the effect will be, and so suggest that someone who knows more than I do be referred to.

Billy Wilson

George M, Dimensions for building Copper Pyramids has been given to us the following link will aide you in your quest.
Peace to All
Billy Wilson

George M

Billy Wilson,

If you look at the plans linked, you will see that the instructions are quite limited. The instructions are clear enough to build a small meditation pyramid using sheet metal and pipe stock, but are not adequately scaleable or translatable to alternative building methods.

Apart from one half of the dimensions being missing, there is no indication of tolerances. I don’t like guessing about things like that.

Billy Wilson

George M, I had the chance to study Contact 249 were Paath talks about pyramid designs and make-up?

Billy Wilson

George M, Member Kiwiseeker Post Number: 129 may also have some of the information you are pondering.
Billy Wilson

George M

Billy Wilson,

I had read some of that material a while ago, and in addition, have done some study of things produced by people like Les Brown, Walter Russell etc and others regarding different oscillation and pressure effects produced by different shapes and materials.

I am therefore still full of questions.

Here is the problem: A perfect pyramid would be composed entirely of pure copper of sufficient thickness to be structurally sound so as to stand up or be moved around without deformation. That is easy to understand.

We therefore have 3 critical aspects – the shape of the outer surface, the shape of the inner surface, and the actual thickness of the pyramid, which, being a boundary between the two previously mentioned things, may be significant. I have insufficient information about this.

Next, we know that a copper pyramid blocks outside oscillations without and positively amplifies/focuses oscillations within, while a non copper (eg plastic or stone or wood) pyramid does the opposite.

Logically, we should therefore make a strong wooden pyramid and coat the inside with copper, so as to have a “good” pyramid of stucturally weak copper within a “bad” pyramid of structurally good wood, with hopes that the inside copper pyramid will make the outside pyramid irrelevant. While being a good idea, I have no idea if this will actually work. It should, but I don’t want people doing it and accidentally being hurt by the actions of what you would call, I suppose, a compound or composite pyramid.

The super ideal way to make such a thing would be to make the entire thing out of non copper materials and electroplate the outside only, but that would only be viable if we could be assured that the encapsulated non copper structure would not have an effect.

Then we have the issue of rounded interior and exterior corners versus very square/angular corners. Examination of ancient structures in Egypt shows that the stone used was often rounded at the corners, which has been postulated to reduce or eliminate unwanted vibrations. Given the inherent difficulty of making perfectly angular corners, the use of rounded corners is attractive, but again, I have no idea of the effect of doing this, and what the tolerances are.

It is all well and good to say “make big copper pyramid” which is great if you have the budget of NASA, and can make perfect mandrels to be used either in electroforming or its opposite, electric discharge machining methods, but we normal people are practically limited, and so must use other methods, which neccessarily requires a few more answers than those provided in the writings that I have seen.

Actually come to think of it, a lost investment casting using a 3D printed wax form would be ideal, given the advances in availability of those sorts of services…if someone were to answer the wall thickness question.

Billy Wilson

George M, Total of all angles of the pyramid ( ) plus ( ) the top angles equals the precision angle of the N/S poles of a magnetic. The word pyramid is derived from the Greek words PYRAMIS and PYRAMIDOS. The meaning of the word Pryamis is obscure and may relate to the shape of a pyramid. The word Pyramidos has been translated as “Fire In The Middle” which also makes sense if this form is placed over a oil fire with a hole in the top a tight torndao or rope of compressed energy will form. And if all that was not fun enough to ponder. If one merges the great pyrand with a MRI of the human head the pinail gland fall into the kings chamber and the well grotto falls near the vocal cords. Just thought you would like to know that this topic leaves many of us with mysteries to work out.
Billy Wilson

George M

Billy Wilson,

Your first link points to a political video featuring Ralph Nader, and has nothing to do with pyramids.

The math of pyramids is relatively straightforward. What I am concerned with is that the large ones on this planet were constructed by people that we do not understand, for use with energies that we do not understand. Without verification from someone who is a legitimate authority on these things, or a lot of experimentation, chasing math around will just make us run in circles to no end.

To be honest, I think that the meditation pyramid plans given are a “start your learning and experimentation with this form” message, which stinks, because most of the decent thinking scientifically minded people around are without the resources to properly investigate, while the ones with the resources will likely interfere with those of us who do. At least at this juncture of history, anyway.

Terry Carch

Here is an article from the website Truthout that explains my very point of why I think the Middle East will not only turn into a crater the Pentagon wants to build more bases there”New” Base Plan By David Vine,Tom Dispatch/Op Ed for Thursday Jauary 14,2016 I heard a rumor years ago that we might lose the entire continent of Africa. I also heard there are two more other terrorist groups that are much worse than the IS terrorist. One of those two is from Saudi Arbia called Wahabi but I don`t kniow about the other group,so it`s NOT a god idea to even visit the Middle East etc. MH” Skip this who Middle East not just Saudi Arabia!” If I were you Skip all the Third World countries too because they are just too dangerous, unhealthy and unsanitary and niot even safe etc.

Jacobus Kotze

Terry = fearmonger

Jacobus Kotze

“I heard a rumor years ago that we might lose the entire continent of Africa.”

i also heard a rumour, years ago, that some people don’t know when to stfu.

Jacobus Kotze

Ok, next time I’ll try my best to be more politically correct.

Jacobus Kotze

I’ll keep in mind, thanks.

Dennis Ryan

MH, I know this may not be the right blog but did Billy ever say which candidate might make the best US president out of that bad lot?

Terry Carch

Thanks for the info MH and JK. We DO NEED more positive thinking!

matt lee

I guess at the end of the day in regards to this San Franscisco earthquake people are constantly going to leave themselves in suspense with this one question still firmly in the back of their minds.

Terry Carch

P.S. “We NEED a more just and peaceful world and society. A president with a more diplomatic salusion to the ills etc of this world would be more preferable than all the fearmonger and warmongering president. Hilary Clinton`s forein policy is more hawkish while Bernie Saunders is more of to end all this hawkish warmongering.”

Billy Wilson

Terry Carch, I have no dog in this fight yet but I do have have a 100% success rate not one person I have voted for has ever won. If you have the time and are inclined to do so watch Days of Revolt – The Corporate Coup d’etat with Ralph Nader ( ) just after the 20 minute he tells who made corpations more powerful than a human being in the America will now life in. And take some time for Mozart and the Goblet of Truth your next life may be grateful.
Billy Wilson