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Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival

Are You a Time Traveler?

On a mission for the survivors of these times

Those of us who’ve been trying to inform and awaken various people around the world – especially the ones with some influence in the media, government, scientists, etc. – to the unprecedented reality and importance of the Billy Meier UFO contacts, often share the common experience of frustration.

It seems that no matter how persistent and persevering we’ve been, the results have been minimal. There’ve been no major news announcements, no courageous actions on the part of any of those who really should be interested enough in humanity’s very threatened future survival.

Should we stop trying and just resign ourselves to certain, seemingly inevitable things, which we’ll discuss in a moment?

For the Survivors

No, we should neither despair nor give up, if we realize that what we’re participating in may not be entirely, or even mainly, focused on positively influencing the majority of people in these times.

That brings us back to 1948…which also brings us far forward into the future.

Watching a movie, when you already know both the story and the ending, can be boring. But for those who haven’t seen it before – who don’t understand the law of cause and effect – great  fear, dread, and confusion may overcome them when they comprehend the very real and unprecedented magnitude of what is now on the near horizon.

And that it’s not a movie…may be hard for the phantasmagoria infected generation(s) to fully grasp.

The seeds must be sown now so that they will bear fruit for future generations. And those who, despite the daunting realizations and implications of the events Sfath actually observed, choose to see themselves as time travelers from the future, also realize that they are on a mission intended primarily for the survivors of these times. We also find guidance and support for our unwavering resolve, of course, in the spiritual teaching.

At some point, I hope to also describe my own experience, in 1972, pertaining to a still perplexing “visit” from my “future self”.


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Dr. Ron Pleune

Yes, a great reminder Michael !!! Seeds must be sown for the fruit to be realized in generations in the future. This may be tough to accept or realize since our time here is limited, but our responsibility is to the here and now and to proclaim the real Truth. Look for ways in which you can tactfully speak to people singularly or as a small group. Be positive in presenting the truth…but not pushy. Read the Goblet of the Truth daily and let it soak into your heart and life. It will change you…sometimes at that moment, sometimes later in the day, week or month….but it will happen!

David Kamada

Great article, Michael. You really got me curious about your future self paying you a visit. I would love to learn more about your experience.


Luis sanchez

Future generations. Don’t lament on the past and multiply your like past generations. If you’ve made it past the noutural dawning…good. If humanity has finally treked the golden middle way…better.

Carolyn Snyder

I saw that when I met you Michael. . . . there was kind of a time anomaly around you, like you came out of a strange place and time! You seemed very “antique” in some way. This impression stayed with me for awhile. In my mind as I listened to your presentation, and that was in Brantford Ontario two years ago, I could kind of see a time line or a kind of time funnel stretching out behind you. The essence of that time is of another planet and in another time configuration. Also, your energy field is much better than most earth people. Whatever you’re doing here, you must be on a “mission” of some sort. I think you must have been a medical doctor where you came from, because I had a strong impression of medical knowledge around you.

Carolyn Snyder

I know, you’re the White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland!

Carolyn Snyder

Emaciate! Riddles you like!

Carolyn Snyder

Good to live on carrots and roots and things that grow underground!

Carolyn Snyder

I kind of play with The Lord of the Rings a lot, and I know that I bother people with it. . . . of course it can’t be a REAL story, now can it? But I draw a lot of parallels between that story and things that are happening on the earth right now. Of course, Tolkien got that plot out of his own mind, not from any extra-terrestrial contacts visiting him in Oxford. Of course, if he HAD had extra-terrestrial contacts, he would have been mum about them. . . . would have kept a discreet silence about his other-worldly visitors. When I think about Malona, it makes me shudder and become very fearful. I must have been there around the time that the world ended and the name Sauron in my mind is definitely linked to Malona.

Carolyn Snyder

I had a dream a few months ago where I was talking to some “knowledgeable” people about a few things. I don’t remember much of the dream, as it’s shadowy like dreams usually are, but one thing I do remember. These people told me that the spiritual world Malona is heading toward the earth and soon will collide and overlap with the earth’s reality. When that happens this will feel like a different world, and everything here will take on an unusual spiritual dimension. Now, perhaps that world will not collide with the earth on a spiritual level because its spiritual reality will recognize that it doesn’t belong on top of the earth. There are powers that would like to see these spiritual worlds collide. I hope that doesn’t happen. The planet Malona still exists in a spiritual or “other” dimension, where it doesn’t realize that it blew apart. Similarly, the Grenfell tower still exists undamaged in another dimension, and the people who died are still living in it. You can accept or reject my hypotheses here, but please think about them!

Carolyn Snyder

I was talking to some of them a few days ago. They seem fine but are afraid to leave the building because they remember there was a fire. Their reality isn’t damaged. So we have to talk to them and convince them it’s safe to go out now!

Carolyn Snyder

And by the way, most folks who died don’t know they’re dead!

Carolyn Snyder

Semjase C B Waters Loo

Sheila Clark

You’re back Carolyn. I thought this was too horrible a place for you? Especially all those rotten people that disagreed with you about the Russia Russia Trump Russia Putin BS. The CBC and CTV just parrot the tards at CNN. Have you clued in yet? Or do you still think the media tells the truth? It would probably be better if you talked to people who are alive instead of the dead end conversations (pun intended) you assume you are having now. The fluidal forces dissolve 3 to 4 hours after death so I doubt it’s possible to carry on a conversation, perhaps it’s just in your mind?

Jedaiah Ramnarine

“Time passes, people move. Like a river’s flow, it never ends. A childish mind will turn to noble ambition. Young love will become deep affection. The clear water’s surface reflects growth. Now listen to the Serenade of water to reflect upon yourself.”

~ Sheik, Zelda Ocarina of Time.

Anthony Svab

It is a bit frustrating! But comeon, who were we kidding; deep down we all know from the times on we have first read the P´s prophecies and predictions that we did not stand a chance to change the future for the better. It has been many times specifically told in the prophecies and predictions that we won˙t. Maybe some of us were firstly kodding ourselves in our naivity that maybe P`s didn`t in their calculations included our efforts, and that would be enough to change the future. But they did! And one might think that knowing the future might be borring, but it is not; no one of us really knew exactly how people are going to “react” to those events, how exactly we are going try to react then and live through them, etc. etc. And, comeon, how many people in the universe can say about themselves they saw a touchdown of an asteroid from the front row and “go out” with such a big bang!! And there is also that great satisfaction, when things are “going to start happening”, when people around you are going to start panicking and turning around for help, asking you why, why, what is going on… when you can, before you give them an advice, say: “see, see, I have told you soo, you should have listened back then, if you would, and told also others, all this could have been prevented, and if even others would not listened, you could have prepared yourself for all of this and, thus, gave yourself a geater chance to survive… now you are like completely naked on the north pole. If you were so currageous then, so “brave” not to listen to our warnings, so “brave” to even laugh at us, mock us, call us even nutcases, be as brave now and try to deal with it, regreat a bit your ignorance and stupidity, and…stuck it up nancy!” I have also told them in the past many times; if you are not going to help warning other people, not going to help trying to prevent those things, if you are not going to be a part of sollution, but continue to be a part of a problem, if you are not even going to prepare, do not come then, when things I have warned you about are going to start happening, to me for help because all I am going to have to help you is a bullet! I promissed many times in the past that I am going to try to help only to those that have listened and prepared at least a bit. I do not want to be guilty of helping “human-retard”, “human-ebola” and/or “human-cancer” to survive, but only to those who are willing to build a better future!

Luis Sanchez

For me when it concerns time travel Temponauts. I think they learn alot from us, they learn about the past.Try to make not make the same mistakes. Be kind to one another. And gain as much learning as possible. I always wonder what trials the Temponauts will have to learn. The learning of precision how it’s important (semjase’s husband mistake).
The Discovery, The Breakthrough, The Tempo. But I think confidence fearlesness and all the humans values will be their best compass.