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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts โ€” singularly authentic โ€” ongoing for 80 years โ€” the key to our future survival

Michael Horn Live, EP 36

Let’s get together and have a little chat

New Link!

Michael Horn Live, EP 36

It’s been a while since our last get together. For those who may be available to participate, pose questions, etc., we’ll cover things like:

  • Billy Meier regarding self-healing, Trump’s policies, America’s fate, etc.
  • Creating biotopes for preservation
  • Lecture and workshop at CONTACT IN THE DESERT
  • Disinformation campaigns regarding UFOs
  • Meetings of spiritual teaching study groups

Here’s the link to the show!

Michael Horn Live, EP 36

Thursday, June 20, 2019

7:00 PM Pacific Time

Let us know if you’re thinking of joining us!

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Timothy Ransom

I am looking forward to your message!

Tom Childers

I would love to join. Can you let me know how to join? I don’t see a link on this page. Thank you.

Kevin Bakker

I definitely will be attending Michael. I wonโ€™t miss it.

Ian Perry

Great to hear you doing them again!

I’d like to ask a question but alas I’m in Australia and will be sleeping for work next day. Why don’t you allow some questions posted from here?

Ian Perry

Great, thanks!

My question is – Can the coming 2 civil wars and subsequent break-up of the U.S. be partly due to the coming global financial crash if the crash happens before the break up thus triggering the civil wars?

Tony DiGiovanni

Are you aware that since 2028 (height of Aquarian Age)we have been coming back to inform us of several events. Apextv has time travellers videos that do not mention Spirit teachings of course, but have some informational content. Bit coin and sea level rise are of particular interest. In general we have reverse engineered advanced technology and are messing with it. Will become public in 2028 in short.

Melissa Osaki

Hi Tony,

What actual verifiable evidence have these alleged time travelers provided to prove they are from the future other than CGI videos and photographs of future cities?

Luis Sanchez

Real temponauts, real time travelers, using real chronons in the art of Temponautics (time travel). Billy was leaving frashlights behind in 14th century France before the โ€œmodern age.โ€ A leap into the past that left ripples into the pages of history. Billyโ€™s the greatest teacher ever.

Melissa Osaki

That’s right Luis, and we can plainly see that the verifiable evidence in the Meier case speaks for itself.

Andrew Grimshaw

G’Day Ian, We Aussies will be participating from 12 midday Friday, if I am correct.
Do not sleep so much. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Andrew Grimshaw

PS. I am glad that you survived the dessert, MH! Yet, looking at your figure, I guess you do not eat dessert that often! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Luis Sanchez

Iโ€™m in, but first the question I must ask is โ€œhas Billy been provided with any updates concerning future events ? If so what are they and HOW can the negative be prevented?

William Thomas Heaton

Just what I’ve been waiting for! I’ll be there! I may even have a question or two…
Much gratitude for all your work over the years!
Will H.

Greg Dougall

Will, I’m assuming you’ll know when it is time to vacate “the city on the fault”?

Kit Varela

Omg! That’s sooo cool. Can’t wait! I’m currently healing very well because of your advice and re-reading “the might of the thoughts”. Forever grateful.

Armando Morales

Thanks Michael…

randy arena

Will this be on youtube? What platform?


Patricia McCusker

Looking forward to it, thanks Michael

Joseph Darmanin


In my opinion, you should always try and post the “Michael Horn Live” here about one or two days in advance so that those of us who for some reason can’t watch the episode live can at least post their questions to you here.

My question to you Michael is this:

Do you think Iran did actually attack that Japanese oil tanker, or is it perhaps the American government is not telling the whole truth about the incident?

The reason why I’m asking you this question is because as you obviously already know, tensions between Iran and the USA is unfortunately escalating.

Another question for Michael Horn:

When was the last time you had visited Billy? And when Billy had told you that it is basically only going to get worse within the next few years for the USA, did he tell you this with absolute certainty? Like as if he was telling you a prediction?


Oh yea!

Melissa Osaki

Please remember your last name when commenting. Thanks.

Joseph Darmanin

Why was my post removed? I thought I had asked legitimate questions to Michael Horn.

Melissa Osaki

Hi Joseph, I only saw one previous comment from you about Pompeo. If you had a second comment, please resubmit because it didn’t come through. Thanks

William Thomas Heaton

Here’s a question that came up in a dialog with a friend: are brainwave entrainment audios, (i.e. binaural beats, hz frequencies 432hz, etc.), have a calming and soothing effect or are they damaging to the brain?

William Thomas Heaton

Sorry, bad grammar, that should have been “do brainwave…”, not “are brainwave…”

Joseph Darmanin

Ex-CIA director Pompeo says something that doesn’t really surprise us:

Ty from Connecticut

Salome and thanks for all the helpful and informative advice…..I will definitely tune in tonight

Melissa Osaki

Thanks Ty, please remember to use your first and last name when commenting on the blog. Salome