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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival


They’re getting closer, if that’s any comfort, but MUST implement the Plejaren Protocols

The “experts” blather on but the full truth was published on February 25, 2020 HERE

Once again, the public is being DANGEROUSLY MISLED by inadequate, inaccurate information from the CDC, which was quoted in a new study:

“People are most likely to spread the virus when they are the sickest, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

‘Some spread might be possible before people show symptoms; there have been reports of this occurring with this new coronavirus, but this is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads,’ the CDC said.”

I pointed out yesterday that Dr. Michael Osterholm was also WRONG about:

Lack of awareness of true incubation period up to three months

Keeping children in schools because they are the main hidden spreaders

Not realizing that shutting borders DOES work, as Russia has shown

Hotels, Dorms, etc.

As I mentioned in previous blogs and videos, there are still largely unconsidered and undiscussed factors that can compound the difficulties during – and after the presumed end of – the pandemic.

There are also factors that could extend the presence of the disease, especially because of the actual incubation periods and the fact that children are the main hidden spreaders.

We need to find out how much of a problem…hotels, dorms and offices may turn out to be, because of the possible use of recirculating air systems, etc. While it is to be hoped that the risk of infection isn’t great in such locations, in a sense these may be equivalent to “stationary cruise ships”. More information is needed to correctly evaluate the risks.

Difficult Choices

Certainly, schools must be closed for all stated reasons. Of course, this poses very large problems for many parents, many of whom are also single  parents or others critically important to supporting their families for various reasons.

This is one of a number of difficult choices facing parents, where either choice is fraught with problems. Taking into account that children are the main hidden spreaders of a deadly disease presents previously unprecedented challenges.

Bullet Points

Among the most critical – still not fully recognized/implemented – points raised by the Plejaren, in addition to those already proved accurate from the beginning, are:

  • Actual incubation period up to four weeks to 3 months
  • Spread by asymptomatic people; through air, breath, clothing, etc. 
  • Breathing masks useless, virus penetrates because so small 
  • Full-body protective suit, breathing apparatus only real protection 
  • Hermetic quarantine required, must be longer than 2 weeks 
  • Virus becomes more aggressive over time, claiming more lives
  • Children largely immune but main hidden spreaders of disease** 

*This must be taken into consideration for any and all international travelers, no matter what countries they may have been to, since it must be considered that they have encountered many other travelers who may have been to those countries and/or who may be asymptomatic disease spreaders as a result of exposure themselves.

**Information received, from Switzerland, on March 1, 2020.

See also:


 NYC Physician Reports First COVID-19 Case in His Hospital

Harsh Truth from Plejaren About SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic

Now Harvard Expert Confirms Billy Meier on COVID-19 Spread

The book you need to read…now:

The Might of the Thoughts

Get It Here!

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Matt Knight

In the UK, it probably makes less of a difference if you live in the city, the suburbs, or, the country in this type of situation, than it would in countries like the US, as only the Police and military have access to a large amount of arms and so the authorities can take control pretty quickly. That may be better for when it comes to the open and public organising and rationing of resources and we’re not so squeamish about turning to temporary authoritarian systems when needs must. Calm down all Alex Joneses.

Lots of love to Michael for all your hard efforts, both now and over the many years and hope you are taking good care of yourself and have some good contacts and links in your local area?

Al Jedd

Hi Michael
As usual I’m scanning sites looking for interesting articles.

Lock the door after the horse has bolted

Masks (N95?), Merkel and borders. Bye bye EU.

Increase numbers of Covid 19

Boris said, stay at home if you have a cough. Not chem-cough of course. And gives the hard facts, and some bad advice for schools. Trump follows, saying all flights from Europe are band, but flights from UK are Ok? Scroll down for video.

Tourist destinations will suffer first. No tourists in Thailand due to Covid 19, so less animal to human transfer but monkeys go crazy as in the video.

Be aware and take care

Brigittte de Roch

Hi Al,

Here is one I also found from an Italian doctor and a cardiologist in intensive care in Italy. At mark 3:19 she mentions that they are giving drugs that are actually used for AIDS. I read in the contact notes that Ptaah did mention the virus to be similar to AIDS so I am posting it so that we stay on top of it all.


Diane Grebe

Just watched that video from doctors in Milan!!!! Holy S*** is all I can say!!!!!! I am speechless!!!!

Sheila Clark

In the midst of all this here is some good news. A Federal judge has ordered the release of Chelsea Manning, as per WikiLeaks “The court finds Ms. Manning’s appearance before the Grand Jury is no longer needed, in light of which her detention no longer serves any coercive purpose.”

Barry Smith

Be a good idea if they just closed schools for the year. I knew when the Plejaren gave information about this virus the situation was very serious. Now we see. Now we hear. If the right people in power could open their dam mind , drop their ego , and read we could get busy driving on the road to recovery.

Matt Knight

Boris Johnson’s government is making some bad decisions which appear completely driven the markets who don’t care if people die, just as long as they can stay afloat a little longer. Johnson announced yesterday that we should NOT stop the spread, that loved ones will die before their time (at least, honest) and, if that sounds crazy, it’s because it’s nuts and highlights the dangers of believing, in a religious sense, in the authority of so-called “expert” know-nothings on a pay roll, like Osterholm who was obviously protecting the interests of the bio-weapons industry. The government’s “reasoning” is that we must build “herd immunity”. How many assumptions can you count in that idea? If this virus is like AIDS, then a cure may not be found and instead of building herd immunity, we may just be infecting millions mindlessly.

Barry Smith

Sometimes I wonder If the people in charge read Billy’s information about overpopulation and any way to reduce earth’s population they are okay with it. It’s almost like they don’t really want to stop the spread they just want to use the situation to further spread fear and control.

Andrew Grimshaw

Apparently I am worried that after so many millennia of being the effect of psychopaths, that most are mimicking the psychopaths…

Melissa Osaki

My town in the San Francisco Bay Area is sold out of toilet paper and pretty much all other paper products. The food is starting to disappear too. All the rice, soup, canned goods and tv dinner type meals are moving fast. You can’t get anywhere near the local Costco, Target or Walmart. This will only lead to mayhem when folks can’t get food. I really hope something is done soon.

Diane Grebe

hey Melissa:

I don’t understand the toilet paper fear. This disease has nothing to do with gastrointestinal problems. Is it just fear in general?


Melissa Osaki

Yep, I think folks are thinking that they won’t have access to stores for several months and want to make sure they have enough supplies. Some think that the whole system will collapse and there won’t be any supplies for months and months. I wish more folks would have had the foresight to prepare long ago for such emergencies. Many people walk around thinking nothing bad will ever happen and the stores will always be there. That’s crazy in my opinion. Anything can happen — it’s always better to be prepared and not need it than to need it and not be prepared.

Randy Arena

You and I are amidst a very severe test brought about by overpopulation (Nine Billion at this time, which may be Three Billion very soon). In order to strengthen yourself you must create in yourself again and again the strong feeling that you are standing in the sea of the light, the love, the joy, the peace and the truth of the Creation and that you are situated in it’s life even if you are not yet able to comprehensively grasp this. Knowing this truthful information provides might to KNOW the proper action to take regardless of what someone unknowing might tell you. The virus can lay dormant (apparently) up to three months and children can carry it yet remain asymptomatic (without symptoms), many schools are closed in your area and the children are incubated with their older parents when they need to be hermetically separated!.

Again and again: You are standing in the sea of light, the love, the joy and peace and the truth of The Creation.

Salome: be greeted in peace and wisdom.

Arnoud Schutte

I am ‘screaming’ (so to speak) to the Dutch health authorities right now, have sent them multiple emails, telling them that they should take the Plejaren stringent recommendations seriously, even announcing myself as a medical doctor, with providing them a couple of recent links on this site, especially advising them to close down the childcare facilities and schools immediately, like pres. Macron of France did, but all I get is ‘thank you for your email’. And our prime Minister Rutte (a ‘weak knees softie know-nothing at all’) only tells the public ‘it’s not necessary to close down these facilities AS THE CHILDREN ARE NOT ILL (you don’t say…)
So, ‘we’ don’t listen…


In Poland all schools, kindergarfens have been closed as for now for 2 weeks which might be not enough. All universities, theathers, cinemas as well. Unfortunately the government is very pro catholic so the closure does not involve churches which is stupid when considering the fact that most people that attend the mass are the elderly. We had recently a shocking discovery of a guy who helped the priest serving the comunion that turned out to be covid positive. This happened in small place called Czapury and as far as I know most of the local community is on cuarantine. I don’t even what to think how many people got inffected…

Al Jedd

Hi Michael you are working so hard for the mission,and doing a very good job and I thank you for what you are doing.
Home made PPE
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Listening to the radio and media (nurse), they have said the following:-
Virus stays in air 30 mins
On metal surface it lasts 12 hours?
Can live on hands for 5 to 10 minutes?
On fabric 10 to 12 hours?
Landry detergent will kill it?

Dettol kills the Covid 19 virus

Iran’s mass burial sites seen from space. Friday prays in mosque’s spread the pathogen.

Spain enters state of emergency

European virus cases increase

People cannot trust the media for information on the virus. scroll down for the tweet.
Be aware and take care

Al Jedd

Hi Michael
Following up on home made PPE

his person in Poland has the right idea. Just like the early days December/January in China.
From the Chinese social media, people laughed in the background, as people wore similar home made suits. I don’t think they are laughing now.
How hermetically sealed it is up to the person(s) making their PPE. It looks like he used thin plastic sheeting and heavy duty bin liners, cut to size, and using “Duck tape/Gaffer tape” (The name maybe different in USA). Its the water proof tape with a fibre weave in it. Hardware stores will have both. At least it will protect you from someone coughing, near or behind you, who doesn’t cover their mouth, and also it’s protecting your clothing.
Brigitte de Roch’s video is worth reading/listen too.

Removing your protective suit.
Firstly, when at home switch off fan/Air conditioning unit, as you don’t want the virus to be blown off your suit and around your home.
If you are a couple then you can decontaminate each other, before you take off your suit, using “wipes” /Dettol spray and a cloth.
Single people, spray left hand rubber glove first, then right hand rubber glove. Next start at your boots/shoes, spraying them first before removal, and placing them in the “safe area” in your home, the bathroom is best place if close/convenient. Then wipe/ spray the trouser part, before removing them. Followed by the top part of the suit, which will be tricky, as you will have the hood attached or as a separate item. Assuming you are at the stage were your arms are the only parts covered, pull one arm out of the sleeve and glove, holding the glove so you can put your hand back into the glove, therefore enabling you to slide the other arm out of the sleeve. You still have your mask on, right!
You then can use a cloth to wipe and dry the suit. Wipe the gas mask before you take it off; and breath easier. Wipe/dry the cloves before you take them off, and place them in the safe area. Now wash your hands with soap and water or use the sanitizer geal that they recommended in your country.
It all sounds very complicated, but its quite easy; think logically through it, step by step. And do some practice runs in the safety of your home first.

But remember, you will heat up in a hermetically sealed suit, so go at a slow rate, don’t rush. And make sure your suit is baggy. This is not designer wear.
Why the military haven’t released their manual, on bio warfare protection, I don’t know. It would help.

Melissa Osaki

Your newest video is spot on, Michael. The incompetency of the leaders and the media around the world is astonishing. I know I’ve said it before, but it’s worse than anything I could have imagined. They are thick-headed elitists who just don’t understand the true human condition. They live in their rich fantasy worlds away from the average citizen. I’m so sick of all of them and I’m equally sick of the political and conspiracy nonsense.

If we don’t find a way to come together and end the secret labs, the weapons of war, the hatred of others and the total disregard for our planet, our distant descendants won’t have a habitable planet.