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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival


Why I keep pointing out how impeccably accurate our COVID-19 info is


According to information I received today, some pig farmers in the midwest are now well aware that pigs are susceptible to catching and transmitting the virus and, with some workers already infected, a lot of pig farms/pork processing factories are therefore shutting down. This situation will also affect the food supply…as I pointed out on March 10th.**

The Plejaren warned about the human-animal component on March 16th.***

Below, you will find a new column* wherein I refer to information that was verifiably published before the events/social symptoms occurred.

So, in anticipation of the obvious question, the reason to keep pointing out how impeccably accurate our COVID-19 info has been, since February 25th, isn’t just to say “We told you so.” But that must be said because what’s really being said is:

The most impeccably accurate information about the rampantly spreading disease, COVID-19,  was first presented on February 25th. All subsequent corroborations are irrefutable evidence of the accuracy of that information. So, at the very least, we should welcome confirmation of the evidence and the reliability of the source that provided it and the subsequent, equally accurate information.

But the reality is that “We told you so” is received…defensively. People feel they’ve been made wrong by having it pointed out. This also speaks to the very prevalent and completely unsupportable position that one is infallible and all-knowing, etc., and that to be educated, shown the facts to the contrary, is somehow an…insult rather than a positive, informative, potentially life-saving act.

How delightful that Americans (and perhaps others) are so proud of their arrogant, defiant impregnability to being educated, to be shown the truth…even once it’s been irrefutably confirmed and established. Clearly, it’s perceived by some people as worse than death to point out that they were incorrect.

If you consider the many, futile attempts to get even one media, news or press person to respond, we can see:

*Why The Tragedies Will Continue

We are now beginning to see reports of tragedies like this.

While we’ve been understandably caught up in the ongoing daily reports about the people who are suffering and dying from this rampantly spreading disease, there was very little discussion in the news about the additional consequences of such an unprecedented societal disruption.

For quite some time though we’ve been warning about the “coming times” and speaking about things “as the time fulfills”. We’ve never seen the warnings as only pertaining to some singular event, as I pointed out on July 6, 2019:

“Some people have misinterpreted this to mean that there is a sudden and complete collapse of the country coming immediately after January 1, 2021, or even right after January 1, 2020.

That isn’t the actual meaning of the statement, although by either date it’s quite likely that America will be significantly more troubled, polarized and moving towards anarchy than it is even now.”

But we’ve always tried to consider events in the context of the law of cause and effect, not just as single, isolated events with neither preceding causes , nor subsequent consequences. So, it seemed only logical to point out, on March 10**:

“But what the quarantine also may mean to Americans is an equally unprecedented situation here. The apparent hampering of medical professionals by the CDC, should it continue, as well as inadequate precautions, facilities and equipment, etc., will pose massive health care problems, as the disease continues to spread rampantly.

And, I recently pointed out, the possible consequences in terms of societal breakdown and aberrant behaviors, hampering of services, shortages of foods, etc., may greatly compound the situation in a worst case scenario.”

As the pandemic has continued, there were additional things to point out, such as this, on March 11:

“In this video, I also go over the largely unconsidered, possible post pandemic problems affecting the supply of food, medicines, water, etc., since everything will rely on the health of people involved in every step of the production and delivery of all products.”

It bore repeating on March 27, as we started to see foretold events taking place.

Now, as we gaze upon the latest news:

CDC considers loosening guidelines for some exposed to virus
WHO officials are investigating human transmission of the coronavirus to pets*** 


…I guess all I can say is:


Some of the still most critical and not fully recognized and/or implemented information, as presented to us on February 25th:

  • Real number of infections and deaths much higher than reported
  • Actual incubation period up to four weeks to 3 months
  • Spread by asymptomatic people; through air, breath, clothing, etc. 
  • Breathing masks useless, virus penetrates because so small 
  • Full-body protective suit, breathing apparatus only real protection
  • Hermetic quarantine required, must be longer than 2 weeks
  • Asian races initially most susceptible but will spread to others
  • Virus becomes more aggressive over time, claiming more lives

*** Again, better late than never. But, of course, there’s this information from March 16th:

3. Thirdly: Condensing breath-droplets do not only arise from human beings but also from animals and certain creatures.

9. Ninethly: An infectious contact can also occur via infected persons that are coughing and sneezing, or by dogs and cats, because also pets can be carriers of the coronavirus. Also, the indirect way of contact infection or smear infection with the virus from items, body surfaces or food on which the infec- tious air borne droplets have settled, leads to contamination if they subsequently get into the body via the mucous membranes, for example, the mouth, nose or eyes. A transmission via the faecal-oral way and other body excretions is also possible, as is a transmission via infected animals, creatures and house beetles, such as cock-roaches and so forth.

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Kevin Bakker

It might just be a coincidence, but scientists refer the COVID-19 as a “wolf” as in past predictions.

Rocky Waters

‘Wolf’ is mentioned in CR 251 (spelled exactly the same in the original German report and the English translation ‹Wolf›) and refers to two possible (prophetic) outcomes; either a “horrible animal”, or, an “epidemic”. Here’s relevant info…

“But all this is also connected with great dangers, because through space travel also dangerous diseases and epidemics are brought to earth as well as the extremely malignant ‘wolf’, like a prophecy of this horror, which can be both a horrible animal and a deadly epidemic, which unfortunately cannot be clearly defined and therefore remains open for an explanation.”

‘Lupus’ (Systemic lupus erythematosus) is Latin for “wolf” and [Wikipedia]: “the disease was so-named in the 13th century as the rash [from ‘discoid lupus’ as the artist ‘Seal’ experienced) was thought to appear like a wolf’s bite”: “Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), also known simply as lupus, is an autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissue in many parts of the body.”

There could be similar skin effects that look like bites, from other, yet, other unknown viruses out in space.

In regards to Wolf referring to an animal, ‘Dire Wolves’ were real creatures that became extinct and were more muscular than Wolves today:

Imagine a similar creature, but, huge, or, even tiny, due to, e.g., gravitational differences / genetic engineering that could be used as attack in ‘packs’ around the atmosphere of a planet whereby their technology could beam them into your ship. That would make for a pretty, “horrible animal” experience in space.

Tony Vasquez

What you said Michael is very important, but to me, the most important thing is to point out that this virus is a bioweapon. Billy did say that, and I knew that in December witnessing what was transpiring in Wuhan. Whether this virus was accidently released from that secret lab in China, which I don’t believe, or if it was released intentionally, which I think it was, it is a BIOWEAPON DESIGNED TO KILL MILLIONS. If it did “escape” from that lab, that was the greatest breach of security and safety measures in scientific medical history!

I’m not naïve, I will never believe this whole thing is anything other than biological war by the “secret society”/Illuminati/CIA. They want to accomplish some very serious global things with this. Think about it – if it is an attack, do you think that would ever be reported? NO!

And since it is a bioweapon attack, YOU should act that way. Also, the medical profession should too. Hazmat suits are necessary for them, and Hermitically sealed rooms at the hospital are necessary too. Right now, hospitals are literally breeding grounds for this pandemic. They put the very sick and dying patients in one big room. LOL VERY DUMB. That will only spread this virus to no end. Why do you think doctors and nurses are contracting it and dying! An intelligent person had better take charge of the fight against this pandemic, or we will be in it for a very long time!

6200 people have died from this virus in the last 5 weeks in NYC alone, 14,600 in the USA. How many people have to die before Trump is relieved of his duties and put in prison. He is incompetent, negligent, guilty of murder, and completely incapable of handling this. He’s in way over his head! And the way he puts the economy first, over human lives, is criminal, and mass murder. I know people who voted for him, don’t like to admit they were wrong, BUT YOU WERE WRONG. YOU WERE TRICKED. An your judgment is very bad. You didn’t want Hillary, which was correct, both of them were extremely bad. Someone else should have been found, someone qualified, to be president.

Greg Dougall

I am from NY and live in the County that had the first break out. It was a synagogue in New Rochelle where 60 people all came down with cases. The National Guard was sent there shortly after to test people and set up a small lockdown area. I think the spread had a lot to do with the NYC public transportation and buses. NY was VERY late to do a lockdown or stay at home order. Millions of people used the subway system and buses before then. This article from March 5th
says the bat mitzvah was two weekends ago, or around February 22nd. The NYC stay at home order didn’t go into effect until March 22nd. That’s ONE ENTIRE MONTH! One month of millions of people using the dirty public transportation, as well as planes, to spread the disease.

I really dislike how so many people are saying the country should get back to work and all of this is overhyped. True, rural areas have very few cases, or had no cases a month ago, but it IS being detected in rural areas now. They just thought they were untouchable.
We all live on the same planet, and one thing in one part of the world affects the other.

Melissa Osaki

I’m tired of hearing it too, Greg. Are these people living in another reality? Even China has reopened Wuhan, which is stupid and will prove disastrous in my opinion. They will never tell the truth however.

Tony Vasquez

1,898 people died today from this virus in the USA! Every day now it’s between 1500 and 2000 deaths! Everything that is being done by the governmental officials and most of the population, is not working! How many people have to die before it becomes clear that Trump and his gang can’t handle this?

Today on TV, Trump was talking up a drug with deadly side effects to cure COVID-19. What an idiot. Many doctors have come out and said that drug will not work, and there is NO proof that it will, but Trump insists people “try” it. LOL

I know Michael, and others, including me, would like to see those in charge listen to the Ps and Billy about this pandemic, but I doubt if that will ever happen. The conspiracy against Billy Meier is too strong. We will just have to wait until these idiots in charge figure this out, if they ever do!

Jim S Portillo

Especially agree @ (21:50 Youtube) COVID-19: The Truth Doesn’t Feel Good.

We can sound the alarm to help ourselves to lessen the effects, but we’re all in the same boat (Earth). Although we (here) seek spiritual knowledge the global issues affect us all. I’ll keep an eye on this too:

Rocky Waters

Billy’s expands on coronavirus incubation and MH’s point about know-it-alls in the following new Contact Report and in such an articulate, hilarious and precise way in this preliminary translation from Friday the 8th April, CR 735 (if you’ll excuse my “paragraph riding” LOL):

“I would like to expand on this by saying that such earthlings consider themselves to be nincompoops and incompletely clever, but who in reality are only stupid sayings, wise noses, quibblers, hair-splitters, pedants and syllabians, as well as paragraph riders and seven righteous people”.

Many fascinating points made by both Billy and Ptaah in this recent contact, like this:

“And this is also the reason why each influenza vaccine is only effective for a single wave of influenza and thus only for a certain number of months, but is then completely ineffective for the next influenza generation. Therefore, the constantly changing influenza virus requires annual research and the vaccine must be adapted to its new genetically modified characteristics.”

Loads more info about Coronavirus in this .pdf doc. (Thanks Scott, FIGU Forum moderator- for the info):

It revises the whole Edward Jenner understanding about vaccines and many fruits can be gleaned from this information to tackle the coronavirus, e.g., did you know (I didn’t until just now) that the term ‘vaccine’ derives from the Latin word for ‘cow’, also, reflecting the origins of smallpox vaccination… and more importantly an aspect of Interferon-gamma, i.e., Yogurt or Kefit. Wikipedia has other hints that point to the antibodies in milk products being the thing we need to identify, produce and desperately NEED.

“However, the exact origin of the smallpox vaccine is unclear. In the 20th century, the smallpox vaccine was identified as a separate viral species known as vaccinia, which was serologically distinct from cowpox.”

It makes sense that what Jenner found was not to fight smallpox with “like with like” as had been assumed, even when I was at school, but, to fight like with whatever keeps that in balance, or, may even be an integral part of the process in the creation of certain mammal milks, the effective antibodies serving the young’s protection after birth.

Rocky Waters

Guess what I’m saying is, that by studying BAT MILK, it may be easier to identify the relevant antibodies that keep bats (and their young) immune and in relation to finding that magic component of Interferon-gamma, but, I’m no expert so may be making rookie mistakes in my thinking.

Tony Schwab

I just can´t understand why some here haven´t grasped yet that all this about Coronavirus is the beginnig of what BEAM told in his new prophecies in the second half of 2017:

The great misery and the end of the overpopulation-crescendo will be that the global elites will realize that they can only guarantee the retention of their power by drastically reducing the population, and this reduction of humanity threatens to be implemented in the future in a lawless manner by these world powers, if the mass growth of the population is not stopped beforehand by means of a drastic global birth-stop and a global birth-rate-control. The world powers resp. the governmental mighty, the people-rulers and the capitalist powerful, who as such form a global elite, which overall is also strongly religious-sectarianly involved, as will remain the case in the future, will, in the manner of their actions, be much, much worse than the war-crimes and human-rights-crimes that took place under the NAZI-regime.

The future globally powerful elite will show no mercy at all and will carry out an extermination of human beings, which could not be more terrifying. And that may occur, according to probability-calculations, in a variety of ways, such as e.g. that various old deadly plagues are cultivated and prepared with new deadly agents, but also that artificially cultivated diseases can be used to decimate humankind. The calculations also point to the possibility that infectious biological materials will be used secretly for the decimation of humanity, and that their lethal effects will be presented to the public as new and incurable plagues, whereby the toxins permeate the entire organism via the respiratory tract and the mouth or also through the skin or mucous membranes, so that inescapably, unstoppable mass die-offs occur. Also belonging to the arsenal for decimating humankind to a governable size are such things as intentionally provoked famines and wars and poisoning of the food and drinking water, which will take place worldwide, thus not only in a few murderous and dictatorial states. Also to be considered a possibility is that a thermonuclear war will be used to depopulate the human mass, in order to reduce them so that they can again be governed, so indeed also in that way, a mass murder of peoples resp. a murder of humankind can take place on an unprecedented scale.

Why are then some of you still so naive or don´t understand that governments, media and all others responsible do not listen to any of your warnings just because all this about Coronavirus is what they are all involved in and wanted to happen all along. It is their plan to get as many people sick and dead as possible. This is why they are never going to listen to your warnings! From those BEAM prophecies we can also learn that Coronavirus is not the last bioweapon they are going to release. You all know this very well already for more than two years, so why are you then so surprised that non of them want to listen to all these advanced warnings about the danger of Coronavirus?! They are spreading it intentionally!

All this what is happening with Coronavirus is also something that enables the “elite´” plans about ID 2020, UN agendas – Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030, and all of these plans were planned years ago.

AI and ID2020

The European Commission is involved in a crucial but virtually unknown project, CREMA (Cloud Based Rapid Elastic Manufacturing) which aims to facilitate the widest possible implementation of AI in conjunction to the advent of a cashless One-World system.

With the help of Coronavirus the “elite” is trying to achieve what BEAM and Pleiarans warned us more than 50 years ago:

Realize already that Coronavirus is not an accident but a part of their plan!

Rocky Waters

Tony, Please think about it: You are claiming more knowledge than Ptaah and Billy… on a blog that supports Ptaah and Billy. How arrogant do you think that appears here, on this blog? Are you in contact with intelligent ETs? Are you saying Ptaah is wrong when he says this was an accident and was not intended for release? Do you think the many and various world leaders, etc., are faking illness and death? Did Babylon, just, miss the memo?

If the maximum number of people this virus would kill, according to the Plejaren is 500,000,000, do you think this effectively achieves the depopulation goal when there will still be 8, 500,000,000 (plus) people around?

We are not saying this wasn’t connected to bio-weaponry research, nor that it won’t be exploited for nefarious purposes, worsening the outcome, but, anyone with any sense will say that “don;t know”, but, the web is just stacked full of know it alls trying to “educate us” with theories that aren’t helpful, which, 9 times out of ten, turn out to be bad science and guesswork and when they are willing to risk, not only their own lives, but, others because of these cherished beliefs about this virus and when some even clearly recognise the validity of the information from Meier and make connections from that, but, when those theories are not as interesting, consistent, accurate, corroborated as Meier and his info is.

Tony Schwab

Pleiarans and BEAM didn´t exactly said it was an accident but an “accident”:

Billy: Also regarding the secret laboratories where the virus originated, which we indeed call ‘escaped’, it should at least be made clear that the Chinese government has nothing to do with it, nor with…”

Ptaah: We should not talk too much about that.
In fact, it is experimental research carried out by a secret group that…as I explained to you in detail, in which case…

Why do you think that Ptaah would´t want to tell more about this if it was just an accident?!

They also said in their warnings in 2017 that the “elite” are going to release many plagues:

“The future globally powerful elite will show no mercy at all and will carry out an extermination of human beings, which could not be more terrifying. And that may occur, according to probability-calculations, in a variety of ways, such as e.g. that various old deadly plagues are cultivated and prepared with new deadly agents, but also that artificially cultivated diseases can be used to decimate humankind.

The calculations also point to the possibility that infectious biological materials will be used secretly for the decimation of humanity, and that their lethal effects will be presented to the public as new and incurable plagues, whereby the toxins permeate the entire organism via the respiratory tract and the mouth (If this is not what precisely describes Coronavirus then nothing is!!) also through the skin or mucous membranes, so that inescapably, unstoppable mass die-offs occur.

Also belonging to the arsenal for decimating humankind to a governable size are such things as intentionally provoked famines and wars and poisoning of the food and drinking water, which will take place worldwide, thus not only in a few murderous and dictatorial states. Also to be considered a possibility is that a thermonuclear war will be used to depopulate the human mass, in order to reduce them so that they can again be governed, so indeed also in that way, a mass murder of peoples resp. a murder of humankind can take place on an unprecedented scale.”

Coronavirus is very likely just the first one, and about 500 millions of dead with only one plague is for the “elite” a job well done!

Don´t you find it odd that in a past decade UN and “friends” came up with so many plans; Agenda ID 2020, Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030, and , just by “chance”, this “accident” of Coronavirus and “the battle agains Coronavirus” enables the “elite” they can roll out and fulfill all of these Agendas i nthe same time?! Is it just an accident that as soon as Coronavirus appeared governments all over the world started to roll out also many other things that Pleiarans warned us they would in their warnings in 2017, especially regarding some of the 42 points in that warning?!

And if Coronavirus is not a part of their plan, not a part of what Pleiarans warned us in 2017, why all of the governments and media all over the world totally refuse all Pleiaran warnings and advices how to properly hande Coronavirus?!

Some of us are also forwarding all these Pleiaran warnings about Coronavirus to all government institutions and media in our country , already from the first week since Michael started to post them on his blog; but there is absolutely no response either. Why would governments all over the world do that if Coronavirus would be just an accident and not a part of their plan?!

Is it just a coincidence that all governments are doing such a bad job so that so many are dying. To me all this appears like they want that there are as many dead as possible, but in a such way that they can introduce Martial Law and AI in the same time. Why would they then in the mean time, in spite of Coronavirus restrictions, still build so many 5G-s all over the world? Are all those workers building 5G-s all imune to Coronavirus or what!

I can very well understand why Pleiaran`s don´t want to be responsible for the consequences if they would tell the whole truth how this Coronavirus “accidently” “escaped” from two of these secret laboratories, and, “just by “accident””, from both of those two laboratories at the same time. Wauu, what a coincidence! And that they would mention that there is a secret group involved in all of this in the same time. No way this could be done intentionally or by design … no way??

Can really nobody else here read between the lines when Pleiearans and BEAM are trying to tell us something in that way?!! In Michael` response to my first comment I got a feeling that at least he does, at least to a some degree.

Melissa Osaki

I think those are all good questions, Tony, and I also agree that sometimes they can’t come right out and say what is really going on. It’s too dangerous and poses a threat to Billy and all FIGU members. We see this and acknowledge it for what it is, but I also think that the Plejaren want us (Earth humanity) to do our own research and find these truths for ourselves.

I also found it weird that it could “leave” two facilities on accident, but I’ll just leave it at that.

Rocky Waters

No, Billy quite clearly said on the 21st March, 2020: “The current SARS-CoV-2 virus or the coronavirus, as it is popularly called, was accidentally and unintentionally spread and released from two secret laboratories in Wuhan.”

Not going to address all your points Tony, but, respect your right to them. Just don’t agree with the conclusions you are drawing. He’s my response to one though…

“Why would governments all over the world do that [ignore the advice] if Coronavirus would be just an accident and not a part of their plan?!”

Firstly, I’m not convinced that they have ignored the information at all. Without going into detail, I think alot of people have been working hard to ensure this information isn’t missed. As the facts have emerged, day by day, the veracity of the information means a lot of hats are being and will be eaten and breaths quickly drawn and, once they have confirmed this, they will still not advertise the case because of the source being in contact with super-intelligent, highly-advanced, ETs. They know the highly religious general public won’t be able to handle it and they’re probably right, at least the majority, but, if they start following the advice, even introducing the recommendations surreptitiously, that’s still a positive move in the right direction and will prepare the public for the later reveal much quicker than the doom and gloom longer term 800+ year prophecy for us to wake up. Think Ptaah even hinted at a thousand year possibility before we wake up, after all the destruction, as well the possibility of the complete extinction of humankind on Earth.

Carina Andaloro

With this created monstrosity, wouldn’t the elitists have also created medicine only they would know about and take to protect them from this virus? If they figured out how to kill millions with this bioweapon, wouldn’t they have figured out to protect themselves against it? Do we have any information on this?

Carina Andaloro

Looks to me like everything is on schedule for Bill Gates’ global vaccination agenda using humans as guinea pigs. He must be thrilled. Have any politicians and/or elitists died from this virus?

Rocky Waters

Yes and conspiracy theorists will say you’ve imbued the “holy spirit” when your house is on fire:

Carina Andaloro

Thank you for sharing. I was hoping it broke it down by country. I will Google it.