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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

COVID-19 Reality Update

If people are logical the economy won’t collapse and we’ll have a chance against the virus


This is an update of information, relayed by a person on another forum, who said they had a conversation with Billy Meier These are the points that he said Meier made:

  • The current lockdowns being implemented by governments are useless
  • All countries should implement complete lockdown for at least 3 – 8 months (UPDATEActually this should have happened in the beginning in China to stop the then epidemic at its source. The longer and more strict a shut down, and the more people are observing the regulations, the fewer deaths etc. and the better to slow down the spreading of the pandemic. Actually the pandemic already exists in ALL countries on our planet, not in just most, as is claimed, and many countries don’t inform about the real numbers. There are already 9 to 10 times more infected people than is reported.)     
  • The lockdown should include all businesses, with the exception of food transportation, medicine, energy & garbage services
  • There is no medicine at the present time
  • Half-a-billion people could die from it during the course of the pandemic (UPDATE: Yes, that could be the case if the pandemic is not halted by taking the necessary strict and effective measures. Theoretically, assuming that more or less all human beings on the planet get in contact with Covid-19, and that 1% of them dies: 1% of 9,000,000,000 is 90 million, which is quite a large number. If the mortality rate is higher, the result will be higher accordingly. )
  • Bodies after death can carry the virus for a long time, for the time being cremation is recommended (UPDATEThis is recommended when the dead corpses cannot be buried in a city or crowded area. On the other hand there may arise problems when the crematoriums cannot process the great number of corpses. Then mass graves are a possibility, but these need land that is currently used for agricultural purposes, etc.)   
  • If people are illogical, then the economy will collapse
  • If people are logical then the economy won’t collapse and only then will we have a chance against the virus
Renew, relax, refresh, regenerate

We’re in for a very long haul, and there’s no better use of our time than focusing on the spiritual teaching and learning to consciously control and direct our thoughts, so as to create the kind of lives we truly want.

The Might of the Thoughts

Get It Here!

Additional tools for relaxing in the center of the storm:

Consciousness Awareness Workshop

A good affirmation:

Stets bleibe ich entspannt und gewinne dadurch Macht über mich selbst.

(I always remain relaxed and thereby gain might over myself.)

Sit & Get Fit

A seated movement, flexibility and stress relief program.

Arahat Athersata



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Jim S Portillo

Logic say’s the pandemic may likely mutate to the point Ptaah has mentioned in the recent contacts released about the COVID19. It’s also unlikely the public will have the patience and more importantly-common sense to take the appropriate precautions with all the misinformation coming out of the White House and CDC/WHO. Unless Congress gets involved to prioritize life over $$$ the virus will remain and keep mutating since the appropriate measures have been ignored and downplayed. Let’s hope it doesn’t get this extreme though the numbers of people infected globally are being minimized.

Barry Smith

The future is in our hands . what we choose to do or not do will set in motion things positive/negative for the whole world , as we are in this together. Each of us must limit our exposure to the dangers of getting this virus. Social distance, a good mask , gloves, washing everything , proper hygiene, no mass transportation, etc. My thinking is if we all take the steps needed, the rampant virus cannot spread any further. It needs a body to spread to . We must be smarter than a microorganism one billionth our size. Love to see us render the prophecies void by us changing direction to the good and positive . Salome

Tony Vasquez

Now we’re getting into the true reality of the catastrophe this pandemic is, both in the world and right here in the USA! To me, the two most important things Billy said are:
•There is no medicine at the present time (and there won’t be for 1-2 years)
•Half-a-billion people could die from it during the course of the pandemic (that is a realistic estimate)

On Tuesday the death toll in New York City surged to the highest level yet, 789, even though a “shelter-in-place” order has been in place for quite some time now. That is not good at all! And what’s happening in NYC, will happen in most of the country.

Let’s take a quick peak at reality, and why I think the death toll of this virus is 3x-10x higher than officially reported. Let’s take a look at what is happening in NY State. I’m sure the same thing is happening across the country.

What makes this even more frightening to many people studying this, is that the number of deaths in New York State is actually being substantially undercounted, because the only coronavirus victims that are included in the official death toll are those that were tested before they died.

Only those tested before they die are counted as COVID-19 victims, a New York City councilman said Monday, so, the actual death toll could be far higher than the 6500 already recorded in the state. So what is the true death toll? We don’t really know, but what we do know is that the number of people “dying at home” in New York City is now close to 10 times higher than normal. Another 200 city residents are now dying at home each day, compared to 20 to 25 such deaths before the pandemic, said a spokeswoman for the medical examiner’s office. And many homeless people and Ghetto people are literally dying in the streets and back alleys from this virus.

Overall, the number of confirmed cases and deaths continues to rise all over the country at a very disturbing and alarming pace. But as I said, the true number of cases and deaths is probably 3-10 times higher. So, instead of USA – 435,609 cases, and 14,833 deaths, it’s at least 1,306,827 cases, and 44,499 deaths, and there’s no let up. Also, 1000 young people, 20-50 years old, have died from it in the USA.

As I said yesterday, the most important thing is to point out that this virus is a bioweapon. Billy did say that, and I knew that in December witnessing what was transpiring in Wuhan. Many people were falling down dead in the streets, and the hospitals and morgues were filled with 100s and 100s of dead people. The 7 crematories were burning bodies 24/7. 21 million cell phone users stopped using their cell phones, according to official phone records, in a country where everyone uses them all of the time, every day. I would say at least 5 million of those people were COVID-19 victims. It was/is obviously a horrific bio-engineered perfect bioweapon at work, and it did not originate from any animal or other natural source, as the naïve and brainwashed people believe. There is no doubt about that in my mind.

Whether this virus was “accidently released” from that secret CIA lab in Wuhan, China, which I don’t believe, or if it was released intentionally, which I think it was, it is a BIOWEAPON DESIGNED TO KILL 100s of MILLIONS of people. If it did “escape” from that secret lab, that was the greatest breach of maximum military security, and maximum safety measures, in military scientific medical history! I can’t accept that!

As I said, I’m not naïve. I will never believe this whole thing is anything other than a biological war attack on Humanity by the very secretive, very deadly “secret society”/Illuminati/CIA. They want to accomplish some very serious global things with this – crush the world economy, create panic and civil disobedience, bring in Martial Law, bring in the chip and the New World Order, etc. Many of you know exactly what I’m talking about. Think about it – if it is an attack by them, and it certainly is, do you think that would ever be reported? NO!

Again, since it is a bioweapon attack, YOU should act accordingly. Also, the medical professionals should too. Hazmat suits are necessary for them, and Hermitically sealed rooms at the hospital are necessary too. Right now, hospitals are literally breeding grounds for this pandemic. They put 50-100 of the very sick and dying patients of COVID-19 in one big room. THAT’S VERY VERY DUMB. That will only spread this virus to no end. It spreads through breathing and talking. It’s airborne, for Christ sake! Why do you think doctors and nurses are contracting it and dying?!

An intelligent person had better take charge of the fight against this pandemic, or we will certainly be in it for a very long time! Like Billy said, probably 500 million deaths await us. I certainly believe that to be true. And asking these governments and the population of the Earth to be logical, is like asking Dumb Trump to get smart all of sudden, it ain’t happening! Illogical is their middle name! Have they ever been logical about anything important? NO! Good luck to all of you. Be safe!

Tony Vasquez

Billy said 500 million people could die from this pandemic. WOW that’s a HUGE number. That will not sit well with the optimists and the hopeful thinkers. I was thinking 50 million, but I can see 500 million if things keep on going the way they are for 2 years.

Arsim Bajrami

In my calculations 500 million is minimum just in China alone + world wide = !!! Because out of control populations and drugs,corporations and no respect for anything is got to stop no doubt! The only way is we can do the math right because we are late!

Terry Carch

Arsim ” If the CIA and the Deep State want to dangerously kill us all just to save themslves,why not give them HELL and tell these greedy corporate bullies that there are fr more better ways the birth stop and birth check with no more than 3 kids spaced 7 years a part!”

Kris Johnson

What is the other fourm? and who is the person, that talked to Billy? I thought Billy was in locked down and does not talk to many people except the good folks of FIGU. Thanks for all the great updates Micheal. All the best to you.

Tony Vasquez

Billy says 500 million people could die in the world in this pandemic. Maybe 5-10 million in the USA? In my opinion the main reason that will happen is because Trump downplayed it, belittled it, said it was a hoax, and has mishandled it from the beginning. He said it was no big deal on TV before the entire world. Because of all that he should be considered a mass murderer and imprisoned. Vote him out of office in November!

Below is a video that you should watch related to this.

Jim S Portillo

Some translations of the readings are seeing this as a new lung disease. If so, then logic points to this virus remaining with the populace. The city of Wuhan has been re-opened with conditions to it’s citizens, some people will relocate as well as travel to other cities of which it’s not certain what percentage of people are still asymptomatic carriers. But the virus needs to run it’s course as it has globally.

Hearing politicians, the media and so called experts state that once the peak has been reached then certain strict measures will soon be reduced is puzzling? We’re HELPING to SLOW the spread, not STOP the spread of the virus since the virus varies from per person as the seriously infected people are being informed of a shorter time-frame to recover from Covid19 as opposed to the possible 4 week to 3 month quarantine estimate.

Scott Reed

Hello everyone. Here is a link to a study on the effectiveness of N95 masks protection against airborne viruses titled, “Do N95 respirators provide 95% protection level against airborne viruses, and how adequate are surgical masks?”


Tony Vasquez

I saw something very interesting today, because what happens in NYC will probably happen in the entire country, maybe in the entire world, this is very important! A hospital in NYC that had been receiving 200-300 COVID-19 patients per day, did not receive ANY today. People who are getting sick with this are staying home, instead of going to the hospital. That’s probably because of 3 reasons – it cost too much, they think they will get sicker and die there, they would rather die at home. Of course, dying at home will greatly help spread it. So, as you can see, from Trump badly mishandling this, to the population doing all sorts of things to spread it, this pandemic will escalate and escalate! 500 million deaths are a definite possibility, and all on Trump’s watch!

Simon Walsh

Hi Michael,
Is this source and info all good and reliable ??

Barry Smith

The source has been 100 % accurate for over 78 years. They have never been wrong. I have followed the case since 2003 , they haven’t been wrong once in 17 years from my personal experience.

Simon Walsh

Hi Barry, I’m not disputing Miere, I’m questioning the sauce that say whom spoke with him on the phone. Salome 🙂

Sheila Clark

Question more sauce there Simon. Make sure the sauce is an even consistency and that it’s not a secret sauce or too saucy. Maybe try spelling Meier the right way otherwise you appear like someone who is not familiar with his work.

Paul Wrenn

Thanks Michael, upon your advice for Earthing products, I have watched the Earthing movie, which is freely available in YouTube, and I ordered some of their products, and noticed a quality difference in my sleeping.
For people in Europe who wish to order the products their is this guy who is an official supplier of Earthing products:


Since this is an unofficial release, I have a few quibbles.
1. Who was the original publisher of this article? Can a link to the original article be provided? Have you confirmed the authenticity of this information? Is it really billy providing the content?
2, I remember only mentioning in billy’s conversation with the aliens that China and the US would hide the true number of infected. But in this article, it actually says outright that 500 million people will die.

Melissa Osaki


Michael said that it was confirmed by Christian Frehner of FIGU. Here is his most recent comment to someone else who inquired about it.

” Hi Simon,

If you mean the information in this article: it was confirmed – and updated – by Christian Frehner of FIGU.”

Also, please use your first and last name when commenting. Thanks

Eusebio Apellido

So sad the human being of the Earth hath become. Believing in tin gods, idols and saviors to lead the way, confident in the best of times but never understanding that in hardship these ones who we are conditioned to look up to, will never be helpful. Since in actuality they have never been there for us to begin with. This is a very hard lesson that we in the whole planet Earth must learn because to do otherwise leave us in conscious enslavement, never knowing which is right or wrong, positive or negative but only in belief to those who believe they know who and what they are but in actuality prove to be ineffective in dealing with disasters. However acknowledgement is not a belief, as I see it. To acknowledge something means that I see the possibility of that something to exist or to be true – while always having the possibility for that something to be false or in error. Now to prove the existence of that something is for me to observe, analyze and contemplate whether what I acknowledge is real and true or just fantasy – all the while making mistakes and errors but in a fashion that I accept whatever errors I make and am responsible for whatever conclusion is to be had. So self-responsibility plays a role towards my acknowledgement of finding a truth because whatever insight I gain I can back up with knowledge and hopefully wisdom. The leaders of today is in dire straits because they talk the big talk but with belief in their thoughts and feelings. And since this is so, acknowledging mistakes is anathema to their mode of thinking and so the citizenry is in dire straits because we put ourselves at their mercy.

John Webster

Eusebio, you tell it like it is, and I sense you possess a healthy level of self responsibility. Thumbs UP!