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Sunday, May 12, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival

Imperiled, Trump Takes Elevator to Basement

President goes shopping for bargains while rioters ransack cities

Fire Sale!

In the midst of the long forewarned breakdown in the US, one might wonder what’s become of the infamous…QAnon, which seems to have missed a few important things, in its cryptic, crossword puzzle messages to its deluded followers. It appears that now, instead of “draining the swamp”, “making America great again” and the so-called “sealed indictments”, their  masterful leader has opted to take a less heroic stance:

Trump Taken to Bunker Friday Amid Protests Outside White House

It brings to mind this warning from Billy Meier, on October 20, 2017:

16. The USA and the rulers of the USA shall be imperiled in the future in many ways, which arise from both governmental and non-governmental anti-government and anti-state actors, as well as from large parts of the United States population, so that the US population breaks up into different population-groups, the basic causes of which are already present, so that the USA is already separatized into various groups at the present time.

The entire transcript should be read for even more information about what is now almost certain to come, in terms of imperilment to the country and its leaders…as well as to the global economy, etc.

From the 625th Contact, May 24th, 2015

“And to be said with the entire matter in regard to the spreading paranoia in a great part of the US population, is that also the federal institutions are befallen by that, whereby in this regard especially the police are at the forefront because it is a verifiable probability that an Afro-American is seven times more likely to be shot by security forces than a white human being is.”

Of course, it must also be made very clear that the people who dishonor the name of George Floyd, and the very ideas of peace and justice, through senseless acts of violence, theft, assault, arson, etc., are using the death of a man almost none even knew, as an excuse for their stupid, brutal, resourceless, unreasonable, worthless, vile and despicable actions.

See also:

The Wrong, Wrong Man

The Game Is Rigged Choose Not to Play

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Chuck Torbyn

Compared to the pot smoking community organizer who never held a real job and was only interested in manipulating, I’ll stick with the builder. Unfortunately, the manipulations going on behind the scenes have sabotaged many a president. Even with the best intentions, if too many people are influenced negatively blindly, they can be led down the primrose path to the detriment of the whole country. That’s what’s happening now as the unreleased rascism, continuing from after the Civil War, foments actions and anger which should not be happening. Cause and effect. So many things in life just didn’t have to happen. Frustrating.

Chuck Torbyn

I know people who have worked for Trump also and only had good things to say. In business he’s a tough negotiator so I wouldn’t be surprised that what YOU heard was “sour grapes”! In any case, all we can do now is hope for the best and navigate these rapids as best we can. Good sailing all.

Chuck Torbyn

Caldwell Banker is a realtor. Do you seriously think Trump bought a very expensive property, perhaps the one in Greenwich CT. on Long Island Sound, and never paid? Really? Something sounds fishy in that story.

Neall Calvert

There is probably no way for anyone to know the truth about such things today, with certainty, unless there was a trial. . . . But someone who broadcasts a headline stating “Imperiled, Trump Takes the Elevator to the Basement,” essentially calling someone a coward, when it is an untrue fabrication (as 90% of mainstream media stories about Trump are shown by reliable commentators to be), puts their reputation for veracity at risk.

Terry Carch

“Oh yeh guys,here`s more:) from Friday June th through Sunday June 7th 2020 Bunker Mentality by Richard C. Gross Check this article out,it`s a real doozy of an article about Trump`s behavore and attitude toward the human race of Planet Earth! Go Figure!:)))

Chuck Torbyn

J’accuse! Keep it civil and accurate now. Everyone can see I never accused you of being a liar. What I DID question was the circumstances of the real estate transaction you noted. 40 years? Details might be a little fuzzy by now. Accuracy. That’s all I ask.

Terry Carch

Hey guys guess what, ” your friend in the White House is hiring and firing all over again!!” Trump (or Rump) is so screwed up what`s going on with this shady character who can`t get his head on straight and his father was a Klansman! When will this Rump STOP ranting and raging and snarling in front of everybody for once and grow up and act like a grown up, be nice and act like a president for once and respect the rights of everyone,black,white Latino,gay, lesbian, immigrants ,seniors, the handicapped,etc,etc,etc!!! ” If Trump wants to get himself reelected than he need to learn to respect the free will and the rights of other cultures,customs equal rights other others just mentioned and STOP acting like Gherkins Khan, Attila The Hun, and a Southern Rabble Mouser and behave like a human being NOT like Attila The Hun who insist on putting the national guard in with pepper Spray to put non-violent protest out to kill with lethal force who`s only request is to respect the rights of blacks, and minorities who don`t even use have weapons! “Where is civility with this stupid Attila The Hun in the White House,you tell me???

Chuck Torbyn

No sense belaboring the point. If one nebulous “something” is all you’ve got, Trump will never be other than a monster to you. Everything else is just name calling. Meanwhile , the future awaits. We shall see what we shall see.

Melissa Osaki

I understand this very well as I live among many brain amputee Trump haters. They absolutely hate him, but it’s for all the wrong and idiotic reasons that the media wants them to hate him for. Trump is chaotic in his approach to everything, which would explain his short attention span. He’s not a leader in the sense that he’s balanced and just. He might be able to get certain things done, but at what cost?

I’ve kept myself neutral about him for a long time and I understand that he was handed a raw deal regarding the Russia nonsense and other things, but he’s still not the right person for the presidency and that’s a very rational and solid assessment. Michael is very fair and reasonable so I know that he wouldn’t say something about Trump that wasn’t true.

Sometimes you just have to step back and look around. Leave your biases behind and honestly and logically assess the situation. I understand the deep desire to want to save your country from destruction, but having a godlike view of someone and thinking that they will lead us into a Utopian future is another form of religious belief, especially when that clearly isn’t going to happen. I’m not saying that anyone here looks at Trump in that manner, but many people do. I study a lot of history so I feel like we’ve been here before in this very same situation, and I can tell you that it didn’t end well.

Chuck Torbyn

Melissa, very reasonable observations. There was a great series on the History Channel recently called “Grant”. He tried to make America “Great” for EVERYONE after the Civil War as envisioned for the country. He was sabotaged at every turn, eventually failing. I get my ideas from comparisons, negative or positive, forward or backward, helpful or hindering, etc. Unfortunately most leaders strike me as failures and cowards, for one reason or another, NOT working in the interests of the country and it’s citizens, promises and words notwithstanding, so when I see someone actually DOING positive things, I’m, at the very least impressed. ALL criticism and NO credit is suspicious. No one else sees what I see? Who’s crazy here?

Chuck Torbyn

Trump has been the President for less than three years. This virus has impacted us for about six months. NO ONE could provide the solutions you list in such a short time. NO ONE. Even as overpopulation is the real enemy, the deeply embedded political machines also work against the future. There are no saviors. All I hope for is the best we can find at the time. The problem is what our sensibilities tell us as to who we think the best is. Guess we’ll never agree about that.

Melissa Osaki

He’s also been a big promoter of religious delusion.

Anything good that he’s done can’t make up for the disastrous environmental deregulations and adding more religious freedom to discriminate against people. How can we ever live in a fair and just society when people are freely allowed to treat others like inferiors. It’s gross. We have many religious communities who still openly discriminate against gays and treat women like inferiors. That should never happen in a society that prides itself on freedom and liberty for all. A real leader would never pander to this type of group and would seek to end all forms of discrimination. The sad part is that they can’t ever put someone up for election who isn’t an idiot. The ones who want health care for all and an end to military intervention never make it because that doesn’t make money in a greedy and materialistic society.

Chuck Torbyn

Okay. Trump was against invading Iraq and warning against China YEARS ago. He was against the deal with Iran. You’d have to go to conservative stations or websites for everything he’s managed to forward but some, like funding black colleges, prison reform, economic opportunity zones in poor neighborhoods, school vouchers, and so on. He’s ONE man, fighting an ingrained political culture, WHILE they’re trying to IMPEACH him! And still, you’re all against him? What the hell are you all for then? Politics is the art of the possible. Unfortunately, most of life
is an overlay of multiple things, some good, some bad. It’s sort of like a cancer that can’t be operated on. As you, MH have even noted, there are bad actors and such taking advantage of things. Can’t we fight the bad and try to improve the good or do we throw it all out and start from scratch? Unfortunately it appears we’re going toward a point where the young don’t know any better and are being led toward the cliff. Maybe religion is inaccurate, but it is the one source of hope for the future that seems to be what we as humans need. What other source can any of you suggest? Until we get better at being alive, it seems to me most people are just doing the best they can. And before you point it out, most people will have NO idea what to do with this BEAM material. They’re not there yet. Another option please. Maybe tough love and exposing the truth finally? It’s going to upset SOMEBODY anyway!

Melissa Osaki

It’s more than inaccurate, it’s downright barbaric. Religion has no hope because it treats certain people like lepers and inferiors while raising up bigots and barbarians. Religion requires violence and oppression to remain the dominant force, but it’s a self-defeating strategy. It’s basic physics. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. If religion is the hope you see for our future, especially after knowing about the Spiritual Teaching, we really are in a world of crap.

Yes, young people have been led astray, but that’s still no excuse for behaving like imbeciles. We shouldn’t excuse their bad behavior based on them not knowing better, that’s a cop out. People face overwhelming odds all the time and still make the choice to do the right thing. I’m so sick of this victim mentality. We choose to be the change we want in the world because it starts with us and spreads out from there. You can’t fight the bad while still holding regressive thoughts of your own.

Chuck Torbyn

I know, I know, religion sucks. I do agree. I just never like to say “It’s too late”. I always HOPE for the best. The confusion in what I say I guess is the obvious intuitiveness in humans that SOMETHING greater than ourselves is behind everything, they just don’t know WHAT. Even various remote tribes around the world have ideas of something. They certainly don’t know about BEAM and the P’s though so how are they going to be brought up to speed if the rest of us are doing such a bad job? Why don’t my long lost brothers and sisters want to meet me and the rest of us here? I’m ready. Why wait if it’s going to happen eventually? Why not help us stop being stupid and ignorant? Certainly stopping all the damage done in the name of religion is as good a reason as any. Wouldn’t the future be easier to endure, and maybe better, if we had a better hope based on knowledge rather than ignorance. Am I wrong to want to hope for better things? I certainly can’t help make them better.

Melissa Osaki

No one is wrong to want and hope for a better future and I assume that’s why most of us are helping with the mission, but the problem is believing that you can’t make things better. Every single person counts and adds equal value. We are all a part or piece of the whole. Holding yourself responsible, striving and doing the right thing is what will bear fruit. Hoping that a better or milder form of religion will guide people to enlightenment is misguided and only prolongs the suffering.

It won’t happen tomorrow or the next day, but little by little, it will grow. We can’t look at this as a one generation or one lifetime issue, this is far larger and longer than that. Stop focusing on this moment in time and look at the larger picture. If we ever want to have a peaceful world, we have to take that first step, because not taking it will only cause many more lifetimes to be riddled with pain and agony.

Chuck Torbyn

“We are all part of the whole”. That’s exactly my point. If you’ll excuse the reference, I try to do unto others as I would have them do unto me. I’m sure many people try to live that way. The problem is that all people know is that we’re all out here in space, in the universe, alone. We deserve, and NEED to know we ARE part of a bigger whole. THEN we WILL have knowledge, reasons, and ways to heal our wounds and our souls, and that, basically, do unto others IS, kind of, the way of Creation. Then, we WON’T haven’t any temptions from ANY religion! We won’t need it; we’ll be part of the universe! And you say “patience”.? Enough patience already. I want to know about the REAL world!