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Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

The REAL COVID Conspiracy Revealed

Hopelessly stupid leaders, and the hopelessly stupid people who vote them into office, keep the pandemic going


In light of the information in the blog below, as well as what Billy Meier and the  Plejaren stated in Contact 791:

“The majority of all illnesses and deaths caused by the Corona virus occur in human beings – as we have clearly established – who have been treated with inadequate vaccines”

…here’s a link to the latest video exposé by James O’Keefe that should be sufficient to outrage even those still in deep denial.

Common sense is long dead. The children*, the future of any and every society, are tossed to the wind by impatient, selfish, incompetent, ignorant, and greedy “leaders”:

Dummies on Parade, Read and Weep

Maskless Super Bowl Marks Return to Normalcy...

N.J. Governor to End School Mask Mandate in Move to ‘Normalcy’

So, not surprisingly, the young emulate the childish leaders:

Flagstaff Unified School District students protest mask requirement

And there’s a new generation of facile young “journalists”, such as this obviously (intellectually) bright young fellow:

The Covid regime has fooled us all

…who could’ve spared us, and himself, the mental masturbation and learned the – copyright verified, life-saving, never edited, never redacted, never retracted, politically incorrect, always accurate, always published before the CDC, WHO, etc. – truth:

New Online COVID-19 Test


Here’s a Tweet that is heartbreaking, largely because the utterly incompetent and arrogant Dr. Feigl-Ding has been one of the main suppressors of Billy Meier’s impeccably accurate COVID information:

How likely is it that Ms. Calarco ever read the (copyright date verified) information from January 26, 2021, including this:

Well, there are various other things, as also that e.g. the new corona mutations have the property to infect a human being not only with one mutation alone, but that one of their 2 or under certain circumstances even their 3 mutations can be infected, as also that a human being infected and “cured” by one mutation can be infected again by another corona mutation and fall ill.

Certainly, should Ms. Calarco and Mr. Siegel read this and any of the life-saving information from Billy Meier and the Plejaren, don’t wait breathlessly for them to comment, even to criticize, challenge, or question any of it. Courage among the younger generations is in remarkably short supply, along with intellectual honesty, the ability to think deeply, etc. Nothing personal, it’s just that those of us who’ve been trying to help prevent what is now unstoppably upon us have had our own rude awakenings when trying to communicate with the new trend-setters, as well as the so-called “experts”.

Case in point, my own experiences trying to inform the Luddites in Arizona**, only to watch the cases rise from five in the entire state, when I began, to now…1.95 million and 27,200 deaths. The stupid is indeed rising faster than we can bail.

Recommendation from Ptaah and some words from Billy

The following information was published in December 2021. While it’s clear common sense and medically sound, as well as already very familiar to those who follow this information, it’s largely unknown, suppressed, or ignored, including by many scientists and medical experts who otherwise display sound reasoning abilities.

Ptaah lets announce:

Furthermore, it is necessary to wear FFP2 respirators and to keep a distance of about 150 to 200 cm when dealing with fellow human beings, this contrary to all false and contrary orders of the governments.

Billy says the following:

Do not rely on the false orders of the various governments, which refrain from compulsory masks and other protective measures against the COVID-19 virus. The epidemic is not over yet and will cause many more infectious and dead people, through the fault of the rulers who have acted in a totally confused way and have made wrong decisions from the very beginning of the Corona epidemic and have accordingly acted wrongly and made orders that are completely worthless against the spread of the disease and the infections and the deaths that occurred as a result.

Simply being proactive and responsibly wearing appropriate FFP2 grade respirators correctly ensures a certain high percentage of safety of about 90-96 percent against infection by the covid disease virus of any mutation. Simple respiratory protective masks that do not seal tightly at the sides are of limited use and provide only about 20-30% protection against infection.

Males are more vulnerable than females to corona infection and death from any mutation of this disease. The figures to be calculated in this regard are approximately that the ratio of deaths in the same period worldwide is on average about 4250 males, while for females it is about 1550 – and this on average since the 1st registration of Corona deaths in December 2019 in Wuhan, China.

It is urgently necessary that every human being thinks, decides and acts on his own responsibility in every respect of the protective measures against the Corona epidemic and for the protection of his own health – and this correctly and against the completely wrong and the Corona epidemic spreading orders, which make everything worse and more precarious concerning the epidemic.

The ability of logic, understanding and reason of the individual human being is required immediately, against that of the incapacity of the rulers, who confusingly and thus unrealistically issue insane and confused instructions, regulations and guidelines, which drive the disaster of the Corona infections and Corona deaths more and more upwards, instead of finally thinking sensibly, deciding, acting and doing the right thing. Apparently, however, the rulers of all countries are not capable of this, which is why there are now – only officially – more than 6.3 million deaths worldwide as a result of the corona epidemic, with many more to follow.

It is now up to the mind and reason of each individual to do the right thing, precisely for the protection of oneself – and thus also for one’s neighbor – in clear and unrestricted self-responsibility.


Coercion and counter-coercion

Like coercion and counter-coercion, if man is forced to do something, then in any case a counter-coercion takes place, because that is the logic of all dictatorship and all violence. SSSC, 21 September 2014, 23.43 h, Billy

*The children:

Sacrificing the Children Leads to the Death of Society

Stupid People Killing Their Own Children


Arizona Officials & Media: The Deadly Cost of Incompetence

Arizona Incompetence, Impatience and Greed: The Fools Rush In as Usual

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Christer Estrogen therapy in post menstrual women and corona

Melissa Osaki

That’s interesting. Thanks, Christer.

Howard T. Lewis III

Right after the Wuhan biowarfare/5G attack, an assault on an old folks at a convalescent home a mere mile or two from…

NOTE: Comments with unsubstantiated conspiracy theories that don’t directly reference what Billy Meier has published won’t be approved.
(Moderator: MO)

Terry Carch

I spoke to my brother in Florida the other day who told me he is over the Omnicom corona virus but when I spoke to ,u brother I asked him why his voice sounds funny on the phone he said thats his normal voioce, somehow his voice sunds strange to me which gives me the impressions that he isntt telling the truth that he is really not over he Omnicom virus and might come down with the other Omnicom variant and probably get even sicker.

david gustafson

Most parts of world has been living in a self perpetuating unconscious form of a privileged life style that when any inconvenience grows (such as the state it is now), it is met with contempt and is looked upon as suppression.

When the people, figure out that the prison for which they are both prisoner and guard they say is to be blamed for is the same walls that where BUILT WITH YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY while you were entertained. If this is challenged in any way in their developed country with an uprising to the point that it causes any form of economical upset to the billionaires. They will simply create new laws and enforce those laws to maintain their self imposed entitlement. And depending on how forceful the populous might be. If the police cannot keep their defense, the military will take over. The new war towards the oppressors cannot won the a mightfull force, but with an economic strategy to disable covert flow of illegal money transfers.

Mind you the way the self serving leaders and their clever well scripted sales pitch sounds all too familiar like the religion guilt, hoping for us to turn each other into submission or to have us go back to sleep.

Ah the American dream ….
which one has to be asleep to live in.


Depend on the deeper self to decipher the truth, for it is a rare commodity on this broken world. Creational wisdom whispers loudly when we sit in stillness and truly HEAR.

John Webster

Another ‘party ON!’ DC, here we come!

Dalibor Moyzes

Dalibor Moyzes
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By Tori B. Powell

April 15, 2022 / 7:36 PM / CBS News

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