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Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

The Solution to Transgender Athlete Issue?

It’s simply a fact of human behavior that even when acts of compassion are intended, there are people who will take advantage of and abuse them for their own selfish reasons

It seems that in their crazy rush to force acceptance of transgender athletes, the privacy and comfort of biological women is suddenly of no concern to many people, including those who are supposed champions of women’s rights.

Even worse, the ill-thought-out social experiment has already affected the safety of biological women, opening the door for predatory opportunism.

While it’s very common for certain politically partisan people to idolize and idealize people because of any conditions, afflictions, limitations, differences, etc., they may have, it’s simply a fact of human behavior that even when acts of compassion are intended, there are those who will take advantage of and abuse them for their own selfish reasons.

Even the – politically correct – imbeciles in various sports organizations perform all sorts of acrobatics in order to not offend anyone (i.e. anyone who’s going to make a bunch of potentially financially disrupting noise). There are even existing, or proposed, rules about testosterone levels and ages by which the person must be undergoing hormone replacement therapy, etc., which already overlook the flaws in the whole, heavily politicized process.

Before offering further speculation about how people “identify”, please consider this possible solution:

How’s about biological men compete against biological men, biological women compete against biological women, and trans athletes compete against…trans athletes?

What would be the downside to that, other than taking away the divisiveness and insult to human intelligence such “accommodations” are creating?

Identifies As

It’s nothing personal, of course. But I am partial to seeing things as they actually are and I don’t choose to accept other people’s distortions of reality.

I see the above as a pictogram for “shameless bully, loser, finds way to win”. Apparently, just like the “harmless” inmate referred to above, Thomas also didn’t have plumbing reassignment surgery, i.e. he decided (probably for sentimental reasons) to keep his original equipment.

As far as using how people identify to make and enforce policies, it seems that there are some very obvious problems that may occur with the concept of “identifying as”, such as if:

Heavyweight boxer identifies as a featherweight woman

Heavyweight boxer identifies as a featherweight man

Convicted criminal identifies as an innocent person

Unqualified person identifies as a surgeon

The possibilities are only limited by one’s runaway imagination.


Certain concepts pertaining to having a level playing field, which have long been championed by fair-minded people, have been thrown out the window as a result of false compassion, humaneness, diversity, etc. Of course, this mess has been nurtured by the know-it-all, looney left.

While “diversity” sounds great, it’s not a qualitative term in any sense. At its worst, it’s an invitation to disaster conjured up by guilt-ridden do-gooders. When push comes to shove, nobody wants to receive any kind of critical care or health services from people who were only hired, promoted, etc. because of diversity, instead of…qualifications.

Equal Treatment

The fact that there are inequalities in our society exist for a variety reasons, including racism, sexism, ageism, etc. The obvious solutions, such as treating all people equally, can solve the problems to a great degree.

Since treating people equally also means providing the same educational opportunities, and since minorities are often most hard hit by unequal and inferior educational opportunities, this needs to be remedied. Sometimes though, and increasingly more so today, situations among some minorities have also degraded because of absent parents, especially fathers, leading to young men (and increasingly women) joining gangs that are a very poor substitute for receiving love, healthy guidance, good values, etc. Even the best of teachers can’t compensate for these handicaps.

All of these issues also proceed and increase as a result of overpopulation, the effects of which contribute to and/or create the problems, or environment in which to develop.

What’s the Rush?

As also already discussed, there is a huge amount of damage being done to children because of how easily actual perverts, misanthropes, and others degenerates have infiltrated and exploited the system in order to act out their hostilities and abusive agendas.

Children may certainly go through a number of different phases, experiments, curiosity about human development, sexuality, etc. As they age and develop, they may change their minds about how they feel, one way or another. Adults with impure motivations may want to rush to lock, or force, a curious child into life-damaging decisions, the long-term, possibly irreversible ramifications of which they simply aren’t yet developed enough to comprehend, or cope with.

Compassion and Understanding

Now, regarding issues faced by transgender people, here are some statements from Billy Meier and Ptaah, which also express compassion and understanding of the situation and challenges:

“The human being is born as a girl or a boy, or the other way around. If the human being is therefore transsexual, he/she has the feeling of living in the wrong body. The biological gender is however completely different to the felt or desired gender. What this means for transsexual human beings can be very different. Fact is that transsexual human beings cannot choose their fate, because they are fundamentally born as transsexuals. There are so-called female to male transsexuals, who are female and who would rather have a male body and who also more likely show a typical male behaviour. On the other hand, there are male to female transsexuals who are male, but feel like a woman and show more likely a female behavior.”

From CR 244:

“I don’t want to talk about it any further, because the whole irresponsible act of those responsible makes me pissed off. So let us talk about something else. I have another question about homosexuality. According to the laws of creation, male homosexuality is contrary to nature and therefore a natural degeneration, but there is no law, no commandment and no directive of creation that says that homosexuality should be banned or punished. Nevertheless, homosexuality has always been frowned upon and often even punished with death. Even today, homosexuals are very often defamed, trampled, abused, cut, excluded and kept out of occupations and pushed into the mud, although this would not justify any law or commandment of creation. According to the creative laws and commandments, homosexuals also have exactly the same rights in every respect as the so-called normals, the heterosexuals. There is not a single point in the creative laws and commandments to be found which speaks of homosexuals or transsexuals, etc., having other and lesser rights than those people who describe themselves as normal in this relationship for their naturalness and unkindness. Therefore the whole hatred and all ostracism against homosexuals and transsexuals, etc., is pure human machination, which started sometime in the distant past, but which I would like to know when, how and why it came about.”

It isn’t a person’s natural, or acquired, predilections, preferences, affections, attractions, etc., that are the issue. Nonetheless, favoring people because of these things perpetuates inequalities, bullying, resentments, opportunism, advantage-oriented political actions, etc.

Idealizing and romanticizing behaviors, such as creating “pride” events based on one’s sexual orientation or preferences, or overlooking bad behaviors, like bullying, etc., also reek of condescension, confusion, as well as attempts to compensate for abuse or discrimination suffered, underlying prejudices and/or feelings of inferiority, etc.

While it will take hard and honest work – based on seeing things as they actually are – to effectively remedy these societal ills, the issue pertaining to trans athletes may, by comparison, be far easier. So, again:

How’s about biological men compete against biological men, biological women compete against biological women, and trans athletes compete against…trans athletes?

(NOTE: I had already written most of the article when I saw this news. Also coincidentally, and seemingly out of nowhere, Todd sent me links to Billy Meier’s quotes.)

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Homosexuality is an effect of a greater cause, and the cause is the lack of knowledge, discernment, and cognition about the Creation, which generates a wide range of distortions and degenerations in the human consciousness.

Judge by cause, not effect.

Nonetheless the homosexual condition is far from being addressed accordingly, becoming part of an agenda that actually promotes the delusions, instead of offering fairness and understanding.

In general the Earth human beings are raised immaturely by the parents, just to become adults with infant perception and behavior towards life.

So, the politicians, business men, and other decision makers are nothing but immature adults making childish decisions concerning the future of the world.

You will recognize them by their fruits.

((( Salome )))


Homosexuality is not due to a lack of knowledge or anything similar, it is a genetic difference that is harmless and completely natural.

Excerpt from Homosexuality – What is the Cause?

Homosexuality is a kind of sexuality that occurs naturally, yet it is against nature. Occurring naturally, yet being against nature in this case means that the kind of sexuality appears through a natural process which, however, cannot serve the law of natural procreation; consequently this kind of sexuality is against nature, that is to say, a naturally occurring kind that is against nature. Homosexuality is a kind of sexuality that is based on genetics, wherefore it is considered natural, but due to the impossibility of procreation, it is categorised as being against nature. Hence, homosexuality is called a naturally occurring kind of sexuality that is against nature.

I’d also like to point out that one of the Plejaren women (don’t remember which contact report it was) has a girlfriend.

Throwback C. Magnon

Um, genetic, that has never been proven. I think there are many causes. In “Love and Orgasm” the author talks about how the vast majority of homosexuals didn’t receive enough love from the same sex parent. So they’re using their bodies to try to get the love they desperately miss. Edgar Cayce said that some homosexuals were the opposite sex in a previous incarnation, and that they identified very strongly with that sex and don’t want to change, so they continue the same behaviors and refuse to adapt to their new circucmstances. What is disgusting to me is that pedophile groomers use this woke agenda to get access to kids. And giving a kid under 18 surgery to remove their breasts, or giving them hormone suppressants to disrupt their natural development, these should be criminal and have very harsh penalties. This trans agenda is just a further extension of feminism which grows more radicalized every year. Watch this short analysis.
The REAL History Of Feminism That Leftists DON’T Want You To Understand

Melissa Osaki

The Plejaren have said that it can come from a genetic cause. There can be other reasons too, but genetics are one possibility.

“Certain genes and their characteristics determine the type of sexual variation, including homosexuality. But genes and their characteristics, in turn, are tiny particles of nature and are thus subject to nature’s laws and directives. This then implies that nothing can be abnormal in the sense of its naturalness, if nature permits, indeed creates it; whereby furthermore it follows that homosexuality is a natural manifestation whose anti-naturalness is simply based on its lack of any possibility for procreation.”

Ben Shapiro may be right about a few things but I don’t think I would hold him up as any kind of expert on feminism. He’s also not exactly a champion of equal rights and equal roles in society for women. It’s obvious in the kind of cretins (energy) he attracts. The comment section on that video is one of the most disgusting things I’ve seen in a while. You have a bunch of imbecilic and cowardly conservative men (and women) who think that women shouldn’t be allowed to vote or participate in society the same way as men. “Women and feminism have destroyed the world.” Women have never been in charge of the world and only in recent history have had roles in a few leadership positions. If these people would use their brains for more than a hat rack, they would see that it is/was the men who brought us to the brink of destruction. It has been power-crazed men who are hell-bent on controlling and dominating the world. When women do finally rise to their rightful places of power, the crybabies over there might actually have a good life.

Francisco Liranzo

Spot on Michael!

At times the most likely solution is the simplest one by merely the “shaving away” of unnecessary assumptions (Occam’s Razor). 

“We shall advance when we have learned humility; when we have learned to seek truth, to reveal it and publish it; when we care more for that than for the privilege of arguing about ideas in a fog of uncertainty. “
~Walter Lippmann, c.1917


All things being fair… In accordance with Creation.

Excerpts from contact report 244, December 27th, 1992

I don’t want to talk about it any further, because the whole irresponsible act of those responsible makes me pissed off. So let us talk about something else. I have another question about homosexuality. According to the laws of creation, male homosexuality is contrary to nature and therefore a natural degeneration, but there is no law, no commandment and no directive of creation that says that homosexuality should be banned or punished. Nevertheless, homosexuality has always been frowned upon and often even punished with death. Even today, homosexuals are very often defamed, trampled, abused, cut, excluded and kept out of occupations and pushed into the mud, although this would not justify any law or commandment of creation. According to the creative laws and commandments, homosexuals also have exactly the same rights in every respect as the so-called normals, the heterosexuals. There is not a single point in the creative laws and commandments to be found which speaks of homosexuals or transsexuals etc. having other and lesser rights than those people who describe themselves as normal in this relationship for their naturalness and unkindness. Therefore the whole hatred and all ostracism against homosexuals and transsexuals etc. is pure human machination, which started sometime in the distant past, but which I would like to know when, how and why it came about.

Melissa Osaki

The problem is that the new trans ideology wants more rights than everyone else. Men want to be allowed into women’s bathrooms and locker rooms to walk around naked while not considering the dignity, privacy and safety of the female. It’s also completely wrong to allow men/boys to compete against women/girls in sports that require physical endurance or strength. Michael’s common sense approach is very good.

Terry Carch I Love Erra

Some time ago I heard Rene Zellwger and others suggested sharing public bathrooms for both men and women but yjat was before the corona virus hi the US two years ago. Also how will they deal with women’s mensural cycles especially now the womens menstrual cycles are so out of wck due to those terrible fraudulent bad vaccines and if you need to take a baby to the public bathrooms to change diapers' if both sexes have to use the same public bathrooms not to mention no soap, water, drying your hands, etc. Where is the sanity in cleanliness in these public bathrooms in this day and age of COVID SARS 2 and Monky Pox too? Sha ring bathrooms with the opposite sex in public bathrooms isnt moral, ethical and logically in this day and age of COVID and Monky Pox just isn`t very logical and a smart idea with all theses COVID and Monky Pox ravaging this planet now! Gender Nutrial and LGTB better think twice about the value and safety of using public bathrooms etc in this day and age of all these terrible transmissible diseases ravaging earth!

Melissa Osaki

My answer is simple. Males go to the little boys room and Females go to the little girls room. Everyone is either male or female with billions of different personalities, likes, dislikes, etc. These trans bullies are bringing back gender stereotypes that were slowly fading away.

Terry Carch I Love Erra

DITTO I agree especially in this day and age of SARS 2 COVID and the Monky Pox. Who wants to get sick and die from all theses terrible diseases!


Thank you for the reply, but this was not the purpose of my initial comment.

If humanity is to break away from degeneracy, then we must accept all truths-reality regardless of our own personal views, opinions, experiences, etc. One cannot accept half truth and proclaim alignment with Creation.

One cannot truly love and also conveniently hate in the same breath. Hate-resentment is pure programmed human machination. Spirit does not incarnate already hating another.

Billy’s statement does not imply, state or embrace degeneracy, nor was I referring to any form of degeneracy should be accepted.

The opinions above appear to reveal a bias thinking, which perpetuates throwing out the baby with the bath water (so to speak). There are legitimate transgender individuals. To not herein provide equal and fair representation to them as well, only serves to maintain a biased opinion, adding to what is already not right.

Whatever is not right is doomed to fail regardless of a plot or scheme.

Melissa Osaki


No one is denying the existence of anyone, and all people should be treated with dignity and respect. That does not mean however that the rights of one group can supersede the rights of another. It also cannot be accepted that the feelings of others are forced on everyone else.

We are all of equal value but that does not mean that I have to believe that someone can change sex. That’s living outside of reality and not in line with Creation or the truth. If someone thinks they are a man or a woman, I have no problem with that at all and I will certainly respect them as a human being. But just because a man says he’s a woman does not mean that real women have to be cheated out of awards, scholarships, trophies, sports positions, etc. That’s an absolute delusion.

Forcing a lie on others is a religious act and should never be tolerated.


No one is asking you to believe a thing. But I do respect Billy’s words.

Things Worth Knowing No. 04
Wissenswertes Nr. 04
by “Billy” Edward ALbert Meier
Changing-form of the genders through incarnation:

“The gender-form of the human being is changeable through its incarnation, a fact professed for a long time, which is no longer undeniable. However the question emerges therefrom, why and how does this changing-form come about. Why do human beings on the earth live as man or woman. in order to then however be again then differently-gendered in next the life? And how is it, that this changing-form of the genders actually comes about through the incarnation?

The question, why does this changing-form come about, cannot or only very vaguely be answered, because the WHY lies in the absolute individual
realm of each human being and consequently for each individual human being an entirely personal WHY is decisive for a change-of-gender through
the incarnation. Since this WHY thus poses a purely individual matter for each human being, it is impossible, to draw up a schema with an over-
all-validity for the mass of human beings.”

Melissa Osaki

Humans cannot change sex.

Spirit-forms can cause the gender to change over millions of incarnations, but never during material existence. Billy is talking about changing gender from one life to the next, not during a single lifetime.



This is an excerpt from the above linked booklet:

“If now the hormonal-balance is confused in a very great amount through the Willpower and determination-power as well as through the power of imagination, i.e., through the inability, to completely unfold this power, then a very distinct homosexuality steps into appearance, which in its strength is also again subject to variations. Or however the inability of the obtainment of determinative Will-power, determination-power and power of imagination thereto leads, when these lie very deeply, to that a human being developmentally-changes him/herself through the next incarnation into a hybrid-Wesen (inner core nature) , into a transvestite thus, into a Wesen (inner core nature) , half man, half woman.”

Melissa Osaki

It doesn’t mean that someone can change sex. You’re a bit confused.

Sex is your DNA and chromosomes. A human can’t change that once they are born. They may be a male and have a feeling of being a female, but that doesn’t mean that they can physically change sex. It’s an essence, a feeling, etc.

No one is saying that that doesn’t exist and that they shouldn’t be treated equally as all other human beings. The problem comes when they demand that their rights supersede biological females.

There’s no fairness or equality in letting men take away women’s right to bodily privacy and dignity, not to mention putting rapists in women’s prisons or forcing little girls to get undressed in front of a fully intact male. That’s outrageous and not acceptable on any level. Forcing beliefs on others is religious thinking.

Everyone should be treated equally, but that means that men who think they are women should have to compete against other men who think they are women. I’m quite certain that society would welcome such common sense.

Terry Carch I Love Erra

“DITTO 100%!”

Scott Reed

Also like you Michael I am partial to seeing things as they actually are and I don’t choose to accept other people’s distortions of reality.
Dictionary definition of ‘female’ now includes ‘males’ who ‘identify’ as opposite sex:

Some human beings who don’t recognize the reality and the truth that comes from it try and change it to their incorrect understanding. This inevitably leads to chaos in countless forms.

Throwback C. Magnon

Why do mis-named “trans” men hate real women so much?

Pat West

All trans male-athletes failed in life as men, so they “believe” it’s their right to destroy the lives of real female-athletes in order to make up for their own failures and inadequacies.

It’s not the women’s fault that these so-called “men” failed in life as a man.

The way I look at it, “If you don’t push back, you will be pulled in.” People need to step up and stop this delusional and illogical approach with male trans-athletes competing against women.

One does not reach equality by bringing others down.

Stephen Lane

Do they?


Michael’s suggestion could work but only if transsexuals were in agreement with that, or you would be forming something that no-one wants or takes part in and back to square one.

There’s a bigger question here about sports: I think Ptaah once said that on Erra they don’t have sporting events or exert themselves to the religious-like extremes of physicality as we do here on Earth, nor do different genders dance together in public.

The way we do physical and gender based activities here on Earth may demonstrate a primitiveness that we need to evolve from. In that sense all this may be looked back on as being about how we fairly divide up the shit pie. We have to whip horses to make them “winners”.

Melissa Osaki

I think you’re right. I don’t think they will accept it or want to participate in a trans sports category. There are many reasonable trans people who see what’s going on and don’t agree with it. There seems to be a loud minority who are responsible for having sensible laws rewritten and forcing companies and organizations to allow biological men to enter the private spaces of biological females. It boggles the mind how easily people are coerced or browbeat into submission, especially when a large majority know it’s delusional.


Instead of this vague and unscientific notion of ‘indentifying as x’, it seems to me that one should analyse and meditate on his/her thinking processes, behavioural patterns, differences and similarities in thinking between himself/herself compared with other humans beings both male and female, as well as analysis (preferentially by an unbiased, neutral, trained professional, which should nevertheless be prerequisite to receiving any hormone therapy or other permanent modifications).

If after an extensive self-analysis, confirmed by an unbiased, neutral, trained professional, it is then determine than a human being’s thinking process, respectively, his/her neurology, is of a different sexuality than their apparent sexuality, then further steps can be taken to correct this incompatibility, WITHOUT any pushing, bullying, peer-pressure, or other unneutrality being put on the person in question.

This is in sharp contrast to the current situation, where any are pushed one way or another, directly or indirectly, subtly or unsubtly, towards ‘changing sex/gender’, as well as the opposite where individuals with a real disparity between neurological sex and physical sex are mistreated and pushed to conform their neurological sex to their physical sex.

Interestingly, looking at Billy’s booklet: ‘Wechselform der Geschlechter durch Inkarnation’ (roughly: ‘Changing-form of the sexes/genders through incarnation’), the term ‘Geschlechter’ and ‘Geschlecht’ and so forth are used, which a quick search on Wiktionary shows to mean the following in English:

Geschlecht noun (strong, genitive Geschlechts or Geschlechtes, plural Geschlechter or (obsolete) Geschlechte)

1. sex; gender
2. (grammar) gender 
3. sex organ
4. genus, type, race
5. lineage, generation, family
6. dynasty, house

So therefore, the politicised debate in Western culture, particularly in the Anglosphere (English-speaking world) and other language regions and cultures that have let themselves be influenced by the simple and inadequate English language, over ‘sex’ vs ‘gender’, is simply non-existent in the German language–if used and understood correctly of course.

In the booklet ‘Wechselform der Geschlechter durch Inkarnation’, Billy explains that preferences can and do develop in one lifetime, that effect the hormones, and therefore genetics, including the chromosomes, in the next life.

Here’s an excerpt from the booklet:

If, e.g., a woman determines for the next incarnation to be a man, then the then following male lifeform precisely and in accordance with the preceding determination will be formed as a man in one or other form.

And another excerpt:

As a comparison-case serves hereto now a further example, with which the determination-power through the Will-power is not so very distinct, like that described in the previous case: The function of the hormonal-balance is not in complete form, but rather precisely waveringly
formed, whereby a weak hair-growth steps into appearance and thus also female characteristics, etc. Concerning the sexuality also no longer an expressed markedness (distinctness) in monosexuality for only female partners, but rather a bisexuality steps into appearance, which varies according to a wavering determination-power. The rule proves that a very great and predominant percentage of the men in these forms developmentally-changed and exhibit bisexual penchants. This was at the latest shown to be confirmed through science and can no longer be dismissed by the hand.

Billy goes on further to describe how is the hormonal-balance is very confused by a very great about through the Willpower and determination, or by other causes, then the human being developmentally-changed himself/herself through the next incarnation into a hybrid-Wesen (iner core nature), into a transvestite thus, into a Wesen (inner core nature), half man, half woman.

Therefore, it seems that for true transsexuals/transgendered-folks, as opposed to pretend-transsexuals or folks ‘experimenting’ sexually, that their condition is not something changeable, or a matter of a vague and unscientific ‘indentifying as a man/woman’, but a very real, physically present, neurological and even physiological and physiognomic difference and conflict.

AGAIN, this has nothing to do with those that pretend to be transsexual or are otherwise experimenting or simply effeminate or masculine-like.

Hopefully this clears the air a bit.

Also, about the only real solution to the bathroom issue is something Michael Horn suggested a while back: have seperate, self-contained stalls with REAL PRIVACY, this would also solve a number of other unrelated issues, such as degenerate men or women sexually assaulting women and men in public bathrooms, as well as perhaps reducing the smell and improving the CLEANLINESS of PUBLIC bathrooms during a PANDEMIC.



Terry Carch I Love Erra

This is exactly what i was trying to say about those unhealthy public public bathrooms in my last post because of the pandemic issues because we now have a very serious problem due to all those variations and mutations of the corona plagues and other various disease bruing all over the world and using these public places that other people use might and could also spread these various corona plagues and other dangerous disease even further. Iv heard in Switzerland these public bathrooms use blue lights for example and Ive seen andheard of dark blue light forthe bathroom comodes too. Years ago there were also cleaning ladies that went into those public bathrooms to mot and clean up too. But now iwith all the technology we have now there must be a better way to keep these public bathrooms clean and safe to uses if the need does arrives due to all these various diseases brewing all over the world etc. “You DON`T want all these diseases such as the COVID SARS 2 spreading even more after using theses stalls for example even further if that last person left all those germs there before you enter into those public bathrooms otherwise you might just get and catch the COVID SARS 2 virus from the lest person who entered that public bathroom brfore you etc!

Gordon Barnes

You are born male or female, that’s it, no confusion there, just as nature intended.

Terry Carch I Love Erra

Urgent, Biden just tested positive for the corona virus…

NOTE: This is the wrong blog article for this comment. Please use correct articles for your comments. Thanks (MO)

Melissa Osaki

For all who agree that, in the interest of fairness, safety and dignity, sports should remain separated based on biological sex, please take a minute to sign the petition.

The petition is presented by the U.S. chapter of Women’s Declaration International on the basis of Article 7 of the Declaration, “Reaffirming women’s rights to the same opportunities as men to participate actively in sports and physical education,” which is consistent with Article 10 (g) of the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), as well as with the Title IX Education Amendments of 1972.  

The petition statement:
WDI USA Statement Regarding the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports

The petition:
ICONS Petition in Support of Women’s Sports

Last edited 1 year ago by Melissa Osaki