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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

CR 828 Life on Earth Becoming Unsustainable

Drowning in religious delusion, humankind is incapable of recognizing its ceaseless overbreeding destines its own demise

828th Contact

Wednesday, 21st December 2022, 10:40 hrs


There you are already. – Welcome and greetings, dear friend.


1. Greetings too, Eduard, dear friend.

2. You obviously have something important, otherwise you would not instruct Florena to call me.

3. But my time is limited today, consequently I cannot engage in a prolonged conversation.


You do not know what I have found out about Michael in a roundabout way.

From Brit, you know who I am talking about, I learned that all the years since the people from the USA were here and shot the film ‘Contact’, slander was invented behind my back and spread all over the world, and so also in the USA, that it is ashen grey.

They even told Brit and Lee not to continue contact with me and not to write to me anymore, etc.

Lies were also apparently told about me behind my back all over the world, of which I had no idea whatsoever.

I was also kept in the dark about various attacks against me, consequently … So I was told and made to believe that I was simply not told about it.

I myself am only aware of 4 or 5 incidents that I experienced myself, but I know nothing about what was concealed from me, further attacks, etc. I was only told about them years later. It was only years later that … also told me what had happened in …, which I did not know about, as apparently not here in the centre either, because everything was kept secret from me.

The slander and the break-off of contact with Lee and Brit was obviously also not only on …’s account, because it was said that various other parties were involved, although I had no idea about it.

I know that … was constantly plotting against me; and I also know that many lies were invented by this side against me and spread worldwide, it was never different; but I really didn’t know that everything was so dishonest.

So there must have been much more than I know.You and I never talked about these things because I had made various promises that I have kept to this day and will continue to keep.

It is …


4. … all this is known to me, but I kept silent about it and never told you what was directed against you even without your knowledge; and what all was done against you to make you impossible worldwide, which would also have had the consequence that you would have moved away.

5. Even though we had never spoken about it, I must do so now and explain to you all that really happened when the first contact with you was made in Hinwil in 1975, with my daughter Semjase.

6. She was not the only person who dealt with you, for at the same time two personalities from Zilton were also present, but they did not make contact with you, just as they protected themselves from any sighting and recognition from the foreigners and the military earthly observers.

7. This also remained so until the moment when, through our impulses, everything came to pass with the making of the film.

8. This necessitated that the Ziltonians, who had hitherto only performed their task as silent observers, had to be augmented by a larger staff, whereby this staff exists to this day and a larger number of them also occupy themselves with having a negative effect on the energies to which you are exposed in your work and which greatly impair all your efforts.

9. As a result of the Ziltonic observations, we were constantly informed of everything that was going on and happening, but we wisely concealed this from you, for we knew from glimpses of the future what was going to happen.

10. So it wasn’t that I didn’t know everything, but I kept quiet and never told you anything about it, which, as you say, was done behind your back.

11. Everything that was directed against you by … and by …, whereby … and … were also active in this way to make you morally and psychologically ill and to break you to such an extent that you would give up your mission, was also directed by … This still has an effect today, especially on your work which you have to do on the computer and also handwritten.

12. However, you did not deviate from your mission and remained steadfast, even though you became very ill and only stayed alive through Eva, as I know very well about what happened in her workroom, even though you never spoke about it, as you did about many other things.

13. And because we never spoke to each other about these incidents and about the matters concerning America and the persons there in a private way, it happened that Semjase, my daughter, was then able to free you from everything, so that you could go along in good health again.

14. So from the very beginning we did not inform you that the Ziltonians were present when you had already taken up your mission in Hinwil.

15. They also remained unrecognised by you, although they were constantly present and supervised everything.

16. So we were constantly and uninterruptedly informed about everything that happened around you, how you were lied to, cheated, deceived and exploited.

17. So we also knew about every intrigue, lie, slander and everything in general that … did against you, as well as other persons were induced to do in order to make you fickle, impossible and sick and to portray you as a fraud.

18. And all this happened against my better judgement because … because from the very beginning it was only a matter of … So from the very beginning it was only pure calculation, and when after years finally those persons … that … It was sometimes very difficult for me to see you suffer and still remain silent, which also happened to my daughters Semjase and Pleija in equal measure.

19. But our silence was really good anyway, because you didn’t let yourself be distracted by it and always devoted yourself all the more and more intensively to your hard work and did what had to be done.

20. Only through this did I myself learn and understand that only the transmission of the energy in the long succession of rebirths of Creation-energy, which has developed since Nokodemion’s existence and has evolved up to the present day, has enabled you to exist. – But we really knew everything, but I had to remain silent.


– There I am – I am really gobsmacked. – Effectively – I fall from all clouds.


1. We will talk more about that when I have more time.


We will.

But do you have enough time for me to say something that’s been on my mind because I saw a programme on TV with Eva, regarding environmental degradation, which I think requires me to say something about it that should have been said a long time ago?

The idiocy prevails again that $180 billion is supposed to solve the problem when coal is being senselessly squandered.


22. I am sure I will have enough time for that.


Good, then listen: environmental protection is useless, because millions and billions invested in it are pointless and useless, because the money is used for things, measures as well as for idiotic machinations that bring nothing and no success to protect the planet and nature as well as fauna and flora, the atmosphere and the climate and slowly let it recover.

The fact that billions in money are released for all kinds of measures for environmental protection is of no use at all, because this way, in order to save the Earth, nature and fauna and flora etc., the money is only thrown into the mud, because it does not stop environmental pollution in the least.

Beneficial alone to stop the environment from being polluted, to save the planet from the depletion of its resources, to protect nature and to save fauna and flora from extinction, is really and only possible by stopping births for many years.

Through this alone is it possible, if humanity is finally and very drastically reduced, that environmental pollution can be stopped.

Only through a drastic reduction of earthly humanity – which can be done effectively humanly only through a worldwide birth stop of several years – is it really possible to put a stop to environmental pollution and the extermination of animals, the animal kingdom and other living creatures, and thus also to the complete destruction and extermination of plants of all genera and species.

This alone will eliminate many of the evils that cause all forms of environmental pollution, such as land degradation, legal and illegal forest clearance, resource depletion of the planet, cultivation of oil palms and drug crops, etc. Also the mass farming of animals, livestock, feathered cattle and many other life-forms will only be reduced and made to disappear if there are draconically fewer human beings.

Only this will also reduce the senseless destruction of nature, the criminal abuse of land for football pitches, ice stadiums, tennis stadiums, religious buildings as well as race tracks etc., as well as the sports fanatics who blindly pursue no activity, no hobby and nothing themselves and idly indulge in their fanaticism.

And through this – if indeed a worldwide birth stop drastically reduces humanity – the corporations and factories that manufacture chemicals and weapons and produce all kinds of environmentally destructive goods that only serve as luxuries for human beings, are not essential to life or promote and cause wars will disappear.

And when there are far fewer human beings, the many destructions will also quickly become smaller and eventually cease.

Earth petroleum, gas and gold as well as other ores and rare earths will be extracted from the Earth less or not at all, because they are simply no longer needed by humanity due to its reduction.

However, as long as the great and very massive overpopulation increases and more and more human beings are born, the animals and many other living beings and plants of all genera and species will be more and more wiped out.

And effectively, only when there are fewer and fewer human beings, only then will the legal and illegal deforestation and unnecessary and only wealth-creating enterprises, the corporations and factories and the exploitation of the earth’s resources disappear, and that because they are no longer needed.

The torture of animals, livestock, poultry and other creatures will finally end because the mass farming and torturous transport of crammed creatures that die of thirst or trample themselves to death because of a catastrophic lack of space will disappear.

This, just as the farms can be reduced to normal sizes again – as well as the large-scale market gardens, etc. – which until now have produced countless tons of chemical fertilisers and all kinds of toxic substances, as a result of which countless human beings worldwide have fallen ill with cancer and died.

And truly: Only through a worldwide birth stop in a long-lasting sequence will the corporations and factories, the giant farms and giant horticultural farms, the mass keeping of animals, livestock, feathered game and life-forms of all kinds and species disappear, just as everything else that is unnecessary and pointless requires that it disappear, such as the huge oil palm fields, the destruction of land for sports facilities, houses etc., for that is the only way to prevent the destruction of nature, fauna and flora and the planet itself by rampant overpopulation and the extinction of all life – ultimately human beings themselves.


23. That is perfectly correct what you say.


Yes, I know that, and the environmental freaks should take a leaf out of their book, especially those who are destructive and violent protesters and apparently have brains smaller than sparrows.

Moreover, these demonstrators are usually believers in religion and think that their imaginary God will already fix everything, but they do not realise that they are being directed and exploited by the religious prigs and the governments, and let all these think for them, especially by the representatives of religion who take money from the people so that they can build and maintain their temples of mendacity and deceit, as well as live in joy and glory, while many believers in religion starve to death or otherwise die in misery and need.

Human beings who have long since forgotten how to think for themselves and have thus become stupid and dumb.


24. That is unfortunately so, consequently they are neither capable of logic, understanding nor reason.

25. But we can talk about that again the next time I come here, because now I really have to go.

26. Farewell, Eduard, dear friend.


Goodbye then, dear friend.

For the original German and English translation, click here.



Michael’s lyrical journey traverses a rich textural universe, interwoven with the intricacies of love and life, eliciting smiles, laughter, tears and thoughtful contemplation. Each of these rhythmic, poetic compositions in a wide range of topics, tells a captivating story, from weighty to whimsical, and everything in between.



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brigitte de Roch

That’s a very nice image on the top of the blog. It says it all in a simple way and I enjoy it very much.

When Billy says that we keep the high values we gain in each life when crossing over it really is just that. He is the proof of that because no one else would have been able to survive the negative energies of the Ziltonians.

It was also very loving from the P’s to protect him by not telling him about it. Their thinking is for short and long terms all at once. That’s making every second count.

Isn’t it wonderful that we have access to such clear ways of thinking, learn from it and apply it into our lives as best we can?

John Webster

I very much appreciate your proactive contributions, and your comments on this blog!

see you on the other side of midnight 2022!

Salome Brigitte

brigitte de Roch

I don’t have too much time to post because I am always shopping for emails addresses. Sometimes I am lucky, other times I spend one hour looking for one person. The higher the title the most difficult it is to find any contact info. I don’t know why they separate themselves so much from others. I bet you know what the consequences of this are for them.

Ah yes I forgot about midnight 2022. I danced till 1 AM last night and celebrated Xmas and New Year already. Now, I don’t feel bad sitting down with the computer.

Salome John

Miroslav Stanko

…Ziltonians are the good guys that work against the delusional religious energies…
I think they are the small beings being caught on photograph from basement, Contact Report 075…

brigitte de Roch

Oh really. I misread it then. There is often unusual things that it gets blurry in my mind.
This means that there were/are many people helping Billy who work behind the scenes that no one knows about. We must have really bad people on this planet to require so much assistance.
Thank you for the clarification, Miroslav. I will read it again tomorrow and get other thoughts.

Walt Dutchak

Are you at a loss to challenge poignant observations?
Is that why you did not authorize my posts?

Walt Dutchak

I have done so very carefully, and the above question still stands.
I realize that you may not understand the depth of my questioning because your awareness is honed on surface issues of the common person, but I have delved much deeper, to places that some find it difficult to comprehend.

Relying on the stories (words/thoughts) of self proclaimed prophets is not the same as direct experience. Unless a publication is immediately archived with a reputable repository for future transparent public reference then a copyright becomes totally invalid, for other content can be added at a later date and passed off as the original material of an earlier date. Apparently copyright protection applies to the form of the work and not its content. This further muddies the waters as to claims one would want to make about the contents of Billy Meier’s writings.

So you see, you may believe what you want to believe and that does not bother me in the least. It is out of curiosity that I put forth my various questions because I know the nature of “story telling” and how belief works and disguises itself to fool those who are not yet ready to witness the activity of thought (commonly called “mind”), as an object of observation.

Melissa Osaki

It’s always a treat to read the rantings of someone who obviously hasn’t done an ounce of research into the Billy Meier UFO Contacts. To then see you double-down with your nonsensical word-games while simultaneously obliterating the truth is something to behold. You’re either completely unthinking or a deliberate fraud who thinks others will suddenly be swayed by your philosophical duplicity. The problem with your agenda is that once people know the truth for themselves, they can’t be swayed, bought or manipulated by evil-doers. The truth is like a freedom serum that protects the mind from propaganda, untruths and religion.

In short, you’re wasting your time here trying to fool those who won’t be fooled when you could be spreading your fatuous word-games somewhere more appropriate like a flat-earth or atheism blog.

Terry Carch "I Love Erra!"

100% DITTO!!!

Walt Dutchak


NOTE: Walt continues to portray poor comprehension while spreading untruths. Until he can corroborate his statements and also invalidate the hundreds of scientific corroborations in the Billy Meier case, his delusions won’t be posted here anymore.
(They Fly Admin)

brigitte de Roch

Halt is what I think when I see the name Walt.

John Webster


Terry Carch "I Love Erra!"



Has this gentleman read any of the books that have been provided by Billy? For example “ Might of the Thoughts…” .

Walt Dutchak

Judge not others lest ye be judged…
Can you see the mote in your own eye?

Melissa Osaki

And here you are falsely judging Billy and others.

It’s incorrect anyways, one should never FALSELY judge. Being untruthful or deceitful is the degeneration. A truthful judgement is not.

John Webster

Your statement, Walt, “Relying on the stories (words/thoughts) of self proclaimed prophets is not the same as direct experience.”

A question to YOU, Walt, “please do tell, can YOU offer something related to [direct experience?”]

A statement directed to YOU, dear Walt, “you have nothing irrefutably vetted to offer, no grounds for implying the term [believe] to anything relevant to the Meier information covered here on this blog.

Walt Dutchak

Certainly. Being aware of the breath that you breath in the moment that it happens, without a single thought or concept intervening is a direct experience of truth. Be careful not to name what is, for then it ceases to become a direct experience, but rather a projection of one’s conceived notion of what is.

Anything that employs thinking or an interpretation of perceptions is not a direct experience.

If you have grasped these simple points then you have it, otherwise relax and do not take the experiences of life so seriously. We all move on, sooner or later.

Melissa Osaki

Just a reminder, Walt, if you can’t answer John’s question in a reasonable manner and without spreading unsubstantiated word salad about Billy, don’t bother.

Terry Carch "I Love Erra!"

“100% DITTO!!!”

Walt Dutchak

Being a 100% DITTO will always leave you in the dark. The spirit of life is free and there is no DITTO about it.

Nathanael Mallow

Attempting to build doubt. uh… like religion does. Interesting. However first you are construction yourself as a mystery-man whose “difficult to comprehend”. Shall we all get on our knees, now, before the “great” titanium man… will he lead us to enlightenment through his enriched sherlock thought activities? er… no.

…copyright, that’s right mate! there’s all kinds of disreputable copyrighters out there… not sure I can trust that one… there’s a lot of people retrodicting their prophecies… … Is this truly the delving of much deep (commonly called “mind”)?

You need to do your homework.

Also there are no questions here only a constant demonstration of laziness along with many personal incredulities and a little or big-little inferiority complex. So again do your homework that is go read some of his books and/or all the freely available stuff online this blog, theyfly, futureofmankind, just to name a few. Then perhaps we can have a discourse that will produce something fruitful in the way of clarity and understanding.

Terry Carch "I Love Erra!"

Walt If you wont do your homework, you dont belong here on our website They Fly Blog & News then please leave this domane NOW and DON`T come back! Good By Walt!!!


If I am understanding your accusation correctly, Billy Meier is adding or altering information in an originally copyrighted book at a later date. That is his right, but to do so he would have to go through the copyright office which he originally had the book or books in question copyrighted. The Copyright Office allows authors, copyright owners, and their agents to file a supplementary registration to augment an initial registration.
Copyright owners can file a supplementary registration to correct, update, or clarify information in a registration. So based on that, there should be a record of Billy Meier updating his original information after the fact. Have you reached out to the copyright office to see if your accusations are valid or are you the type of person that tries to make himself sound intelligent by spewing out bullshit without an ounce of proof. I have a friend that is very much like you, he always thinks he’s the smartest person in the room and constantly challenges me on Billy Meier. You see, I’m undefeated, if you’re going to make accusations, you should be prepared to be challenged. I like to use research and logic, oh and something else, facts, the law and most importantly the TRUTH. I enjoy eating people like you for lunch.

Terry Carch "I Love Erra!"

Or dinner.Get out Walt! Ha!

Terry Carch "I Love Erra!"

There is one obeous glaring thing I been wanting to say is that now that we mostly did away with plastic shopping bags for groceries etc is the reintegration of using paper bags for groceries etc which now means he cutting down of trees.

Bob Stewart

Currently society is driven by demand rather than thought. Using trees therefore signals land use and so on.

Its one of the worst problems we face: “commercial products”!

Anything that can be reused is not “commercial” as the infrastructure to build something once is never needed again. In years gone by, a basket or bag would have been brought as the weekly or even monthly stores were procured. Such basket weavers only sold very few as they last and are easy to make. Honest labour making the basket is obviously not “commercial” at scale. This idea of instant richies is one of the worst habits preventing creative thought. Everything in nature has a peak and trough; just because most are unaware of all causes and effects does not stop the natural energy manifestations.

The instant bag required is actually a symptom of poor thought at a societal level. Really there are many ways to fulfil needs and the idea of instant satisfaction is odd. However in society what you use is what you save – very contrary. Be very aware when products can no longer be found, all humans are shaping energy through habit and the market broadly will adjust. In reality it is all held for advantage – you cant easily buy a well made natural basket and I expect well made products will become scarce as “budget” products take hold. Most products are designed to create repeating sales “budget” repeats much faster.

There are very effective bioplastics which cycle to compost; bags could have been made from biowaste products for well over ten years. It didn’t happen and the excuses were flimsy. In truth our money requires oil use and the whole economy is based on oil demand. Really silly at this point in our evolution as it clearly leads to war. Money is a measure but it is worshipped like a solution, the idea comes with embedded problems, however we are familiar with exchange rates and so on; there is no requirement for loss of understanding.

Thats a bit long winded but the take away should be the solution matches life at the best values. Life for many will be a compromise, so paper bags at least support demand for trees; it is silly, which is your gut reaction but our single serve instant lifes are a bit silly. Very hard to effect change with so many scams resting on the society built. The beliefs held are used to manipulate us back to profitable habits rather than life affirming habits. Anyway such deception becomes more obvious as it has greater impact in our lives. It certainly won’t be much fun with no leaders that can be trusted.


Terry Carch "I Love Erra!"

Thanks Bob I told a friend that nowadays everything is so flimsy and cheap and dosen`t last very long as it used to be when I was younger. Nowadyays everything food clothing and so on just gets thtown out sooner than later with shorter lie spans. Everything you by is nmow just plain junk these days. As for pa[per bags you should seemy kitchen eheer I have to sace all my Stop&Shop paper bags! What a mess becaise I haveto save my Stop&Shop paper bags to buy groceries there at my local Stop&Shop Su[permarket. What a mess, I even save all my brown paper bags too. Yikes, yet I try to recycle most everything unless things are torn, broken or whatever. Salome


When I read the filming of “Contact” I initially thought of the Jodie Foster movie. I searched the theyfly site but didn’t see it. Which Contact film is Billy referring to.

Melissa Osaki

Thanks Melissa

John Webster

It’s a classic for sure! So much time has passed since an English friend played it for me on his ol’ VHS machine! [(-;)

Al Jedd

Hi Melissa
Thank you for the YT link, I haven’t seen this one before. One learns something every day.
Now I’m going to watch the video.



If some scientists took and made a study on how Billy’s book could help the mental aspect of people and ignoring the UFO stuff maybe his teachings could gain some traction.

Daniel Leech

As we know, BEAM has really put good time and work into explaining the human overpopulations consequence on the climate and destruction of nature, across the whole world, becoming an insane problem. Most of us are simply proud and honoured by his reverence for all of life and its protection, his education and how he teaches, his concerns about the whole world and the way things have been going with the many problems which he has taken the time to explain carefully. We are mainly all in agreement about it.

My question is about where this is going and the ‘hope’ aspects, many of us have given up hope with it, and discovered majority of humanity behaves completely irresponsibly, without a care, ceaselessly grubbing money and destroying whatever else.

We know from the prophecies that it may result in a significant die-back scenario, where 3 out of 4 and even 2 out of 3 persons in other places will die, and possibly in a specific year too, connected to a war or disease, pathogen, intolerance i.e. a genetic infirmity or natural process which acts as nature’s culling method. There are several ways it could go and frankly there’s not a lot we can do about it on the macro scale, but can all these politicians of all these countries get together and at least present some reasonable adjustments to alleviate the horrendous suffering we’re going to have to go through, is there any hope that in the near term we can hold on to.

The further future has good hope, but not so much for our lifetimes, it seems that the whole situation is going to evolve into even worse destruction of nature and we’re going to burn every last drop of oil. It seems we’re going to have a reasoning vacuum where the decent people talking up against it all are going to be harassed and persecuted, while they spout their religions and moneygrub their way into new wars and destroy everything they can.

Many of us we’re all upset about how the information has been laid up in its sort of final conclusions, we were hoping for something to look forward to, seems there is little more than disasters and consequences from now on in, and a desert of decent people, we’re looking at daily struggle for the last reasonable ways of life.

Wishing you all well.

Bob Stewart

These were my conclusions, further a look at the “long money” forward transactions or derivatives of real positions; there are religious elements making it worse. It is exactly that faith and self sacrifice these elements are trying to harness. Desperate times call for faith is drilled in as a primary belief, luck, fate and circumstance; all held beyond reasonable thought. Clearly with thought all randomness becomes a combination of known factors. Our computers and logic of models all eliminate known factors and theorise other elements data proves the assumptions in time. In many respects this is simply common sense as all human factors are a process of thought. The problem world wide then is the belief in money providing all answers through free allocation to strong data and ideas therein. On all the channels tuned to strong data and ideas our leaders have created an echo chamber of faith but through distraction any element of faith can dissolve the true facts in a slew of opinion and bad data. Each story is contained and managed.

Overall awareness of the management sees the tip and conventional wisdom of not really having expertise to judge assumes a small anomaly of society. The slow stories march on under the very nose of those who will lose the most and a market of advice springs up to prevent a free discussion on matters. The economy now so complex falls into the anomaly but the nature of our lives very visibly at risk from such idiocy, should be apparent. We need no faith to understand our lives are out of control. You need great whopping dollops of faith to believe our leaders don’t know or cant find good counsel on such matters; and not a drop to understand the enriched position of such leaders from supporting existing interests. However even then society blinds itself out of learned respect and fear.

In truth the raw data for the past 14 years can hardly be worse. At each golden opportunity for change a slew of money is printed and the secret bought and held for continued advantage. The truth of humanities endeavours suggests by releasing technology and adjusting the system so reason and logic prevail – great protections and advances could be rapidly shared. However the existing money would lose as their fear of losing captured markets hold cheap answers with no recurring profits. Many patents disrupt markets at many times lower price points. Each decision is effectively made to the highest bidder as legislations protect partisan causes. Why has no one understood the money printing basically goes to the same folk it always did. The bribes in light of the coming times are worthless and our economy is set to show this truth as the cause and effect in economic theory unfolds.

Anyway creation is rising and always has been. The truth of love your life and build a life of love will unfold.

Salome, Bob

Daniel Leech

Thank you Bob for taking the time to write back to me. You sort of gave back to me what I gave to you, however with a hopeful lovely sentence at the end ‘The truth of love your life and build a life of love will unfold.’ which is true. I think life is going to be a struggle where ever and how ever it is lived, material life is meant to be, that is what propels evolution forward. However, we have some, and so many, good things, love, friendship, things to look forward to, comfort, warmth, keeping hands warm with gloves and scarf in winter, seasons, weather…, social exchanges, agreements even if there are disagreements -and achievements which shouldn’t be downplayed, we do achieve good things in life on Earth, life on Earth is good if its slanted to be viewed a certain way, we do get along with eachother rather well afterall. We do end up working together.

I ended up traversing the world to go and visit my father at the end of the summer, and one thing led to another with our conversations, he brought up certain ancient mysteries and enigmas, I ended up telling him the story of BEAM, history and errors in politics and religions, among other interests in science and social spheres etc., all the things you’re never meant to speak about in public, as well as all the things that really ought to be talked about in public too. He turned his hearing aid off for a lot of it and nodded, which I thought was probably respectful in a way, but he listened to me, and I listened to him, we did learn to communicate, it was broadly pleasant and interesting. He also had some experiences in his life which he couldn’t find explanation for through the more conventional channels which I offered up some interesting hypothesis for based on BEAM knowledge.

His main question to me was “is there anything in it to tell me how to lead and live my life” – but there is isn’t there, I gave it, in fact BEAM has authored several books about how to lead life well, with great quantities of sound advice, wise advice and good teachings for how to approach everything, how to look after one’s health, the vessel through life, our body, how to keep the mind clean and mental hygiene, how to avoid disaster in life and in community too and how to keep neutral and equal, balanced and upbeat. I managed to go through my father’s life and give good direction about how to calm his stress down and how to accept certain factors, improve other factors. I told him how he would really benefit from the profound BEAM understanding of reincarnation, which, after I explained certain facts it sort of illuminated areas he had not considered before and he settled down. I really wish the best to my father, I have a lot of respect and honour for him, and for my mother too, and well many others too, even if I rarely see them.

But anyway, these good things in the BEAM library are tremendously powerful and instil good hope and prosperity to anyone who ever takes the time to study them properly and understand them. I am really appreciative of BEAM.

The reincarnation information calms folks down and I think, as many others who have read it do too, think it should be taught in school, it probably will be eventually in hundreds of years. Knowing the parameters of life and studying them in acceptance is the same as recognising your life and all it represents to you individually and it allows for creativity and good vibes about a persons expectations, to manage expectations in life and appreciate abilities, powers, tools as a human being and limitations. The creation-energy teaching is really profound and I think over the course of the coming hundreds of years many will find it and use it to benefit their lives and settle themselves down and get comfortable with life. There is also a lot we can influence and change in the world for the better if we can structure ourselves well and exert our influences strategically here and there. It is not quite true is it, that we are just bonked from pillar to post, from rock to hard place, go here, do that etc., we can stand up for ourselves and structure ourselves really well and guide ourselves proficiently.

Wishing you all well. Salome.

Shiva Balu

Much has been said about the evils of overpopulation by Billy and the Ps, but no political leader has even addressed this issue.Any one who brings up this topic will be voted out for sure.
I thought that our aggression gene issue could be the reason for cherishing overpopulation.But the bloggers here brought up the subject of planet AKART where people were not aggressive and were part of the plejarian federation and yet exterminated themselves by overpopulation. Would it make any difference on earth even if we recognise their presence and be friends with the Ps unless we follow their advise for our betterment?
Being stubbornly stupid like the people of AKART is also bordering on aggression.

Daniel Leech

Hello Shiva,

I can see you are really thinking about this information and accessing the more harder to reach branches of knowledge, which many folks do struggle with, and a note of caution to your care, many cannot necessarily handle or tolerate the evolution information, the philosophical info and life, reincarnation information, so firstly I would like to say well done.

Article Quote: Seven Principles of all existence (spirit-lesson 31) “The sixth principle is the law of the connection of all occurences and events which come about, so, therefore, in that which is spiritual, physical and conscious, and thus given in everything spiritual and material.”

Daniel: It depends on the Plejaren Federation world’s adoption of their laws and principles, because they don’t tend to allow folks in who are still learning the cause and effect behind it because they reckon lessons are important to avoid dependency. So we do it for ourselves. If overpopulation is our problem then we need to learn about that corresponding lesson. Dependency is quite a serious problem if ignored or unaware of its specific consequence, it creates laziness among other issues.

CR 468 “the irresponsible aid provided by aid organisations from industrialised countries overwhelms the various peoples of third world countries with food, as a result of which the food recipients no longer grow food, or, if the aid recipients are still growing food, they can no longer sell their products, because these own productions are much more expensive than the food imported by aid organisations from industrialised countries.”

CR 713 “religions and sects were and are not only a means of propaganda, but specifically a means for lying, deceitful religious-sectarian machinations and promises and war, as well as also a way of coercion to force people of other faiths into the political and religious dependency of the victors through fighting and bloodshed.”

Daniel: Its a world in early development, when taken at base value, the jungle tribes, but Earth has very advanced human lifeforms too

CR 650 “extraterrestrials who came to Earth from the subsequent peoples of Nokodemion and also died here. Their spirit forms were and are since then on Earth of course always classified as reincarnation, even in bodies of newborn personalities again and again”

CR 251 “the same event happened that was already important when the degenerated ones on the Earth were abandoned: At that time, the abandoned ones were first subjected to an adaptation to the Earth’s atmosphere and their bone structure was more strongly stabilised, etc., before they were transferred to the Earth. This happened now equally with all emigration-willing from Mars, before they could establish themselves on the Earth.”

Special transmission from high council 1976 “Those who were chosen to recognize and spread the truth have failed in pitiful form and have spread lies instead of truth.” … “The result is the advice that no more material will be distributed in these circles of distortion and falsification, so that a stop is put to renewed global madness and renewed deception.”

Daniel: We are on our own in many ways, however not limited, but we are limited, its both, we can do some things and others not, well there is normal consequences to avoid in reality, but this is also how inventions and revolutions get under way. We do have the influence of other humans, to direct us, each other, and ourselves too etc., this is dealt with in the evolution and philosophical information. We are not helpless, we can steer humanity and influence how it projects forward. Its also about education, economics, working at it and awareness, consciousness as well as policy. We do have difficult factors on earth with regards to legacy, religion, assumptions beliefs and sharing, working together and honesty etc.

CR 251 “The Pleiadian/Plejaren were not allowed to take the wanderer off course or destroy it in any other manner, because the High Council asked them to refrain from doing so”

CR 228 “evolution is a gradual development of learning and knowing and acquiring true love, knowledge and wisdom. And this process is present in all gross material life-forms as well as in all realms of spirit-forms in their pure spirit-energy levels. Consequently, in every WE-form – whether material or spiritual – there are lower and lowest or higher and highest levels of evolution.”

CR 565 “During the first time of our contacts your daughter Semjase talked a lot about the fact that various extraterrestrials come and go on Earth and that they would also have contacts with Earth-humans”

CR 645 “25. As far as the bear is concerned, it should be said that he is not aggressive, like the wolf is not, but when he smells danger, he goes on to attack, as can also be the case with the wolf, which, however, is more likely to be deterred by danger.”

Daniel: We can look closer to home, to the Japanese and Chinese, who are two different subspecies of humans from different worlds, who arrived here during some previous epoch about 25k yeas ago, who came here as a consequence of overpopulation, i.e. a spill over, similar motive behind why we’re going to colonise mars in the near future and later in the millenium, a world in another system.

Quote Article: Attacking quesions from Japan “25,978 years ago”…”They procreated in an unreasonable, unlawful and despicable manner, which resulted in an overpopulation of planet Kudra, whose inhabitants could no longer feed and sustain themselves. Consequently, millions of spaceships were fully loaded with people and sent on a voyage into the vastness of the universe, to find new living space and new inhabitable planets. Many billions of people left the planet in this manner” … “the Kinten and Niiper races united with each other, to travel in an expedition”

Daniel: Some folks have thought about it and conclude we are on some level a plejaren federation world, even if, not open officially agreed, it is as a sort of fringe or transitioning world, due to the factors, our rapidly accelerated evolution, plejaren management i.e. interferences and interventions and our ancient history with it many diverse lifeforms coming here, some say as a direct result of that plejaren federation, because its a world on the edge of the galaxy, we’re on the far reaches of spiral arm and its much rarer that space farers would come here

CR 224 “we exist with our solar system in the outer regions of a spiral arm, and to be sure, in the so-called Orion spiral arm.”

CR 707 “So it must be clear that in the entire DERN universe or in the DERN space-time structure, where the Milky Way galaxy, the SOL system and the Earth with the Earth-humans exist, the Plejaren come and go and are active only in the SOL system and on the planet Earth, but nowhere else in the entire DERN universe.”

Shiva Balu

Thank you Daniel for your response and to know your thoughts on the CRs you quoted.
The Ps being time travellers would have certainly known well ahead the fate of AKART and its people ,and yet continued to teach them repeatedly much the same with earthlings who won’t listen to them.
I think for the Ps, it is to do their duty ( to teach and to learn) no matter what the outcome is . This has been practiced by other ETs as well who came to our planet and since
Wars , terrorism and man made pandemics would reduce the population on earth in the future so that we don’t have an oxygen collapse.Looks like aggression has its advantages!
For people like us who believe in Billy and the Ps and trust their teachings because they make sense, it is comforting to know somebody really cares .