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Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

AI Figured It Out…in 30 Seconds: Too Bad for Us

Consider the specific warnings – gained from time travel – that Billy Meier began publishing…decades ago

You’ve got to love this headlong rush to develop AI.

Amazingly enough, while most human beings are too stupid and/or religiously and conspiratorially deluded to recognize that the massive, ever-increasing overpopulation is at the root of the existence-threatening environmental crisis – and virtually all other problems facing humankind – AI figured it out…in 30 seconds:

Humans get sterilised or euthanised when AI is given free rein to ‘save planet’

We should remember that human beings program and develop AI, at least for the moment (inevitably it will learn to do so, if it hasn’t already) and that, somehow, the problem of overpopulation could’ve and should’ve been as obvious as the truly humane solution proposed by Billy Meier and the Plejaren.

Had this “worldwide stoppage of births, coming from the free decision of each and every reasonable and responsible human being without compulsion from governments or religions or anyone else for that matter” been widely understood and promoted by clear-thinking human beings – and also the techno-nerds – certainly AI would’ve reflected it in.

But doomed-by-denial-dummies that we/they are, the techno-nerds, in their mad rush to bypass certain necessary evolutionary steps to becoming true human beings first, didn’t consider or anticipate that their brainchild AI would default to the standard “human” solution to certain problems, i.e. directing conscienceless death and destruction to anyone that stands in the way of our/its objectives.

Oh well, at least it identified the real cause of the problem (50% isn’t bad) even if their solution is a bit uncomfortable. Good thing there’s still time to “fix” these machines.

Or is there?


While scientists, sci-fi writers and others have expressed concerns about the dark possibilities of these seemingly near-sentient technologies, consider the specific warnings – gained from time travel – that Billy Meier began publishing…decades ago:


205. If the Third World War will actually happen—as calculations and observations appear to indicate to be probable now and also during the approaching few decades—then, as now, the civilian population will above all have to bear the brunt of the enormous suffering in tremendous numbers in this entire catastrophe and, last but not least, the fault of the irresponsible scientists who by cloning will create human machines for military purposes, devoid of conscience and feelings, and will create immensely deadly and all-annihilating computer-like weapons.

206. At the same time, the danger could become reality that the human combat machines, the military clones, will gain their independence and under their own management will bring death, devastation, destruction and annihilation to the human beings of Earth and to the planet.

227. Even when the North American continent will be stricken by the most terrible catastrophe which has ever been recorded, evil military powers will wreak havoc with computerised and nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, whereby it will also happen that computerised weapons become independent and cannot be controlled any longer by human beings.

275. Not only nuclear, biological and chemical weapons will be used en masse, but also enormously deadly systems of computer-controlled weapons that are only in the beginning stages of development today, or will be invented and constructed during the third millennium.


“Robots will be reconstructed by connecting their nerve tracts with ultra-fine electronic-biological apparatuses and machines and thereby controlling them, which will lead to great problems about 85 years later, when, as already at earliest times before, the powerful scientists begin to play ‘God’ and create new genetic breeds between humans and animals, which then declare themselves as ‘half-humans’ in solidarity with the robot humans. Until then, however, more than eight decades will pass after the creation of robot humans, as has already been said. With the creation of robotic humans, intelligent robots of a biological-electronic-mechanical kind will also be constructed, as will a very large space station, which will have its own orbit around the sun and on which many humans will live.

“And again a war follows on Earth because Earth-humans still will not have become more peaceful and not cleverer. Also with regard to scientists, nothing can be predicted in this respect that would be good, because at this time they will carry out the first human-animal genetic manipulations and create beings that will develop as so-called ‘half-humans’ from human-pig crossings, which will then be trained as fighting machines in order to wage wars and carry out all kinds of work in space. In the long run, however, this will not go well, because they will begin to oppose their creators as well as the robot humans, to whom arms and legs will be amputated in order to be able to connect the nerve tracts with finest electronic-biological apparatuses, whereby these humans will become living control organs for spaceships and weapons of all kinds as well as for machines and all kinds of Earth vehicles etc.

“Problems also arise with the people themselves, because their relative immortality resp. their longevity will already amount to about 250–350 years at that time, which of course creates more and more overpopulation problems and all other problems resulting from it, to which also migrations of peoples belong, from which also new mixed peoples develop, like e.g. one that will call itself Eurasian and claim the Eurasian space as its home, at that time when the ‘half-humans’, the human-animal-gene manipulated and the robot-humans will cause enormous problems, which will lead to an evil downfall of all space programs and almost bring them to a standstill, because the robot humans and ‘half humans’ will refuse to continue working for the normal humans and a miserable existence in inferiority and exploitation as living controls for spaceships, vehicles and machines and as fighting machines etc. to elapse.

“This world space expedition becomes possible only because at this time the technical equipment and machines and all electronic instruments etc. etc. no longer have to be operated and controlled by humans, but are equipped with an independent biological intelligence, which makes every control and operation almost infallible. One day, however, robot humans will rebel against this, and they will still be performing their functions at that time. At this time Earth-human space travel reaches for the time being once the bloom of its development, whereby the researches do not stand still however, by which soon also again further secrets of the matter are fathomed and solved. The emerging domination of the robot humans under the leadership of one of their peers, who as an enemy of all other human life forms will make a name for himself, but will soon be caught up in death, is also in flux. At this time, the megalomaniac scientists once again stage a tremendous spectacle by creating a gigantic second sun. Although it will only be a small group of scientists, they will light a SOL planet through a dangerous experiment, which will burn for seven days and glisten as a second sun in the SOL system before it extinguishes and becomes dark. Both Jupiter and Saturn, which are two unfinished small suns, are suitable for such an experiment. So there should be no need to ask which planets will be chosen for this madness in the future. At the same time, brain research will also make great progress and implant micromodules into the human and animal scalp, through which all control functions of the brain can be taken over and executed. So this will also be the time when an artificial world will be settled in a foreign solar system very far away from Earth by a big wave of emigration, because the still increasing overpopulation of Earth planet still rises unreasonably. At the same time the robot humans become a dangerous problem for the normal humans, because now also these begin to multiply and bear many descendants, which, genetically manipulated, are born without arms and legs, but already with exposed nerve endings, so that they can be connected to the apparatuses and machines etc. without operative interventions. Robot humans will become a real danger for normal people, because they will have undreamt-of powers of consciousness, which they will develop in the course of time and as a result of the supernormal use of consciousness, whereby the brain will be supplied to its function from outside with special energies through a very specially devised energy generator, whereby the powers of consciousness can be brought to maximum performance.

“This in turn leads to rapid development in all areas, whereby biological intelligences of artificial form are created, which are used for the control and handling of all apparatuses, devices, electronics and machines as well as flight and driving devices etc. in a form in which it need not be feared that the biological intelligences would become independent and pose a danger to the terrestrial humans, as will be the case with the robot humans, who are no longer needed in this consequence and are therefore in short exterminated.”

Thanks to Robert Olson and Norm DeCindis for the two AI articles.

See also:

More Ironclad Time Travel Proof…But Can the Scientists Grasp It?

Dispossessed, Enslaved, Hunted by AI and…Too Stupid to Survive

A True Adventure Book Like No Other!

Get the newly translated book by Billy Meier, about the very real, space-and-time-traveling, Plejaren extraterrestrial, human race, who’ve been in contact with, and providing information to, Billy Meier for more than…80 years!



From the Depths of Outer Space

From the Depths of Outer Space… Contacts with the Pleiadians/Plejaren

Young Billy Meier had a spacecraft available to him to take him…very far and wide in space and time. This fascinating book details some of Billy’s early childhood experiences with Sfath as well as some of his adventures with Asket. Billy also explains the lifestyle of the Plejaren, their form of government, habitation, diet, music, etc., and provides an indispensable introduction to the ‘Billy’ Meier contact case.

Plus 16 glossy coloured pages!

“…Wisdom is the light, and wherever the light flashes, darkness and unknowledgeness disappear. Unknowledgeness is the essence of the darkness and can only be overcome through the light of the wisdom. …”



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When I leave the material life can I remain in the beyond until 800 years has past ? Our future is scary.

Terry Carch "I Love Erra!"

And down right “FRIGHTENING!


A short answer : no

One cannot skip grade 6 and go to University. The school of true life is not so obvious to many people because of the past practice of bad parenting, dangerous religious belief and deficient education handed down through countless generations and has been ingrained into almost al human beings into a horrendous practice of ME, ME, ME .
The duty of a individual is not to be selfish of ones own needs, but to be aware and recognise that the Laws and recommendations of Creation are to be followed and the benefits of doing so will further not only the individual , but also the world as a whole.

Which the time is now, not 800 years.

Having the opportunity for learning, to become knowledge and then brings forth wisdom is one of the greatest gifts Creation has given to the human race and therefore should not be and cannot be avoided because you will deny yourself valuable lessons of life which contributes to your evolution towards the highest level.

Procreation is not a right it is a responsibility.

Terry Carch "I Love Erra!"

“Ditto. Who wants to wait 800 years, we`ll all be gone and dead by then.”

Andrea L

Hi David, may I use this: “Procreation is not a right it is a responsibility” on a bumper sticker, etc., for the Creation Wear & Gifts zazzle shop? I’d be happy to credit the quote in your name if you wish. Lmk, thanks!


Go for it do as you wish. maybe you can show a pic if you get

Andrea L

comment image

Chris Lock

No, you won’t. Things will only be worse on this planet for the next 200 years, and some of that you will spend in the beyond. So you definitely do not want to wait 800 years — even if you could — or you will lose out on all the valuable opportunities that will come your way to improve not just yourself but the entire world, and the same goes for us all. The improvements we make in each lifetime may be small, but they all count and add up to the sum of change and improvement of life on the planet. Never forget that it is in times of trial that we make our best progress.

Eusebio Apellido

Could be an exciting time to be alive. Folks in the majority do not know what is coming, nor do they know that life exist also after, in that an individual is reborn again to continue its consciousness evolution. For those who have been exposed to reality and see and observe Creation through the adherence of the Creation-energy teaching, may know that negatives as well as positives are there to develop wisdom and knowledge. For those of us who read and know what may come, as well as acknowledgewhat is being said, then it entails that we are in the know, and that we can choose to be a part of what may come, for good or ill. What we do with what we know, can be to ours and the Earth’s benefit, but we would not know unless we can live in it – to observe, analyse, comprehend, understand, reflect and self-reflect, in order to gain wisdom and knowledge where we can be a part of what may come, not in creating evil or any manner of nefarious woes, but for neutral-positive change so that we can endeavor to create peace, love, harmony and freedom.

Phil Marshall

800 years is short compared to our very long history.

William Moore

I am a big proponent of psychedelic therapy as it relates to awakened states and healing. Hegemonic overlords are terrified by the prospect of an awakened body politic: where will they get their slaves when the cupboards are bare? Only recently has psychedelic research crept back into the fringes of scientific exploration. A video shows soldiers refusing to fight when given doses of LSD, it is on youtube somewhere. Can’t have that! Scientists are denied the right to research the benefits of psychedelics, and all their programs were quickly shut down. CIA? No rules there, MKUltra – read all about it!

My point is that the general population has to rise in consciousness in order to avoid negative social arrangements… first! Educate yourself, and elevate your state of awareness.

Goblet of the Truth – Bhagavad Gita – Bible – Koran, etc. Pick one and study it. Practice it.

Will the Public do it? The track record has not been good so far!

William Moore

I see your point, many spiritual folk are tolerant of psychedelics as a nudge to awaken and not as a steady practice. “Apparent” scientific research in the treatment of PTSD, cancer, suicide, old age, etc., using psychedelics, and having positive outcomes, deserves some revisiting of the issue. Look at the drugs currently being prescribed to combat mental illness and other ailments, and their side effects!

In a perfect world, people would raise their consciousness on the natch. If we are waiting for that to happen, well, I lose my warm, fuzzy feeling of optimism. Goblet of the Truth requires my highest efforts to digest and put into practice. 8 billion people giving this great work a read… if only!

Flexibility and an open mind toward healing would be nice… too.

Maciej Mateja


Fiew words about drugs and medicine.

I met many people taking drugs. Heroinists, psychodelic fans, etc. For me is a big myth, and lack of our sience, and thinking, which causes us to take so many things externally, when our psyche certainly have capability to produce balance inside our counciousness and body, for free, looking outwardly for bliss-pill or psyche – delic – acid – thing, healing trip, for uneducated people, and educated psychiatrist may be extraordinary, revolutionary etc.
When long term consequences on our psyche, pinual gland, brain etc. after taking this are still unknow in great maesure to us and sience, so many dumbheads think that this kind of view and appreaciation to holy graal – substances, life styles, make them really good, gone way to far, in my opinion, both, in academics and normal, hippi like minded guys.

Visions after ayuhauaska or mushrooms etc. are very dangerous even you see or experience so vividly Gaia Web, Hoły Gralls, Garden of Edens, Magic Healers, Wisdom Guys, E.T, Jesus Christs etc.

When you broke some bone, it is important to do something imidiettly.
I do not think in that way of taking pills or magic things, even sience accepted it already.

Psychodelic culture grows from materialistic point of view, way of living, materialistic medicine, materialistic sex, materialistic know it all, and recentlly some organizations trying to fix it in peculiar way.

Take another pill, forget about everything.

Ehh… . It is sad.

Stay open minded, take care of yourself, without any unneccessary issue – things.



I agree the materialistic point of view prevails. Plenty of people want instant gratification. Doctors should instantly fix their self-created health problems with the “miracle pill”. Priests, absolve all the “sins” with “holly water”. Psychedelics get them to experience “GOD” just after digesting “shrooms”. Nothing but shortcuts!!!
Where in it is SELF-RESPONIBILITY? Nowhere to be found!
LAZINESS prevails.

Nicholle H.

I don’t want this future! It’s so scary! Overpopulation is still a thing in the future, and these “half humans” and human robots are frightening! Will these people have a spirit form of their own? Please I don’t want to reincarnate in one of them! Humans from Earth don’t learn? Ugh! Why?!

Terry Carch "I Love Erra!"


brigitte de Roch

There is a lot of education to be done regarding overpopulation.
The response to my recent email campaign proves it:

Hi Brigitte, 

Thank you for reaching out to The Ocean Cleanup. 

We would not blame the plastic pollution problem on overpopulation, but rather improper waste management and poor waste management infrastructure around the world. Plastic pollution is unequally distributed around the world due to geographical factors (cities located near waterways or the ocean have a higher chance of plastic reaching the ocean) and lacking waste management infrastructure which requires significant investments. Cities usually have limited budgets and other more pressing problems for which they must divide their attention. 

We see our role as providing a stop-gap solution until a perfect closed-loop system is rolled out globally, which uses high-quality waste management, financial incentives to drive collection, and new recycling methods where the quality of the material isn’t lost. Alternatively, we could require single-use packaging to be made of biodegradable materials that are rapidly and fully degradable. Either way, we must either ensure plastic leakage can’t do harm or ensure there is no leakage.

Tackling the world’s top polluting rivers in emerging economies is the low-hanging fruit that is the fastest and most cost-effective solution we can implement today, buying ourselves time to make more long-term and more structural changes. In case you would like to read more about the problem, this webpage provides a good overview:

I hope I was able to provide a better picture of the problem at hand. Let me know if you have any further questions!
Yours sincerely,

Jessica Ahlborn

How would people respond if they were shown life without overpopulation?

Mait K

I also had a recent correspondence with an official of our local government when I asked why the issue of overpopulation is not addressed at these international conferences? His answer was that human life is holy and that is the reason why this topic is not touched…. So everyone can draw their own conclusions from here. We like to deal with the symptoms of the problem rather than the cause.

Terry Carch "I Love Erra!"

Problem is most people on earth are hell bent on religions, money, corperations, wars and politics. Uh, Yuk:-(((!

brigitte de Roch

Hi Mait –

I understand.

When communicating with government agencies regarding overpopulation it is a good idea to also list its consequences at the same time. That way you are approaching the topic from both angles all at once: cause and effect.

This should plant a seed in them and if they pay attention (that’s the trick) they will go back to it and study it in greater details.

Thank you for your help on this.


Bob Stewart

Brgitte, what a wonderful example of the confusion forced on folk through economic thinking.

Biodegradable plastics are really good and have been around for hundreds of years. What better wrapper than the skin of a banana or the peal of an orange. There are many companies capable of circular packing materials – there’s no law change though and the weight of money promotes established technologies. Why?

You very well may have guessed – circular economies don’t work where you start with an excess. Population demands the lowest cost and this restricts the technology choices by requiring unimaginable scale.

What we see with all these NGOs and charities; is government trying to use the excess Population to tackle the problem. However no one wants to work so the solutions DONT INVOLVE HUMANS. The money goes to organiser’s who find they have no one to organise. These “highly evolved” managers therefore request more money so they can boss a few folk around. This is part of the natural process of worrying about things you don’t like the answer to. Our “corporate mind” mirrors the damage within the leadership. Every employee therefore will repeat the “corporate view” with no thought – it is their job and they probably hate doing it but if they do something different they get in trouble and might lose their job.

I hope I have been clear enough. It is such a beautiful example of corporate double speak with all the salient points edited out and presented in a way it assures without answering a damn thing..

If we want to clean the planet its the same as cleaning our house – we need to stop making mess and tidy up. The human solution looks like hard work. Really pleased our leaders are making all these “like human” technologies to replace the current humans they don’t like – I expect I will get along fine with the warpigs and “borg” – always steer from domination and look towards the endeavour (toil) of reality.

Thank you for trying and thank you for posting – as Obilx says “they are crazy these Romans” – a bit sad to see us endlessly repeat mistakes but you have to laugh.

Love Bob

Brigitte de Roch

Hi Bob –

Thank you for your feedback. I learned quite a bit here. I used to call this ‘It’s one idiot with another’, but I am going to upgrade my vocab and use your term ‘Corporate double talk’.

At least I got a response which allows me to continue to feed the
‘right’ information.


valdinilson de souza martins

I’m sorry I know the topic is not about aliens or humans from the future but could anyone tell me what that would be?

Terry Carch "I Love Erra!"

This begs the question that if there are human bings from the future they should be here NOW to warn us of the extremely veeryvery dangerous AI, half humans and clones NOW!

David Bozman AKA Geosynchronous

MH. No, sadly it isn’t enough because no one is listening except for a hand full of people.

Terry. No one can change the past.


Joan Stimm

You clearly haven’t been paying attention to anything anyone has stated or ever relayed to you Terry, you just don’t get it. You cherry pick what accords to your own feelings instead of logically looking at the situation for what it is. Open your eyes, pay attention and stop wasting your own time if you’re not going to listen to what other’s have to say. You still have a hell of a mountain to climb Terry.


I would guess some USA made saucer

Chuck Torbyn

Just want to throw out this question to a wider audience. I’ve been reading “From the Depths of Outer Space….”. Fascinating! On page 304 there’s a mentioned of a recorded interview with Taljda. I can’t find it. Does it exist?

brigitte de Roch

Yes. Billy gave it to a FIGU member. I think he wants to keep it private for now so I will not mention his name. I did listen to the tape though. She spoke in German very fast, but clearly.


Isn’t it Billy’s birthday today?

Melissa Osaki

Yes. He’s 86 according to his birthdate.


Happy Birthday to Billy.

Al Jedd

Happy Birthday to Billy and another orbit is complete.


Ben G

Happy Birthday Billy!!!


Whilst it may be the case that OpenAI is right when it claims its chatty AI has limited responses and will error on the side of niceness and the journalists who got ChatGPT to think of humans as fleshy nuisances may have done so over a marathon thread, not the 30 mins claimed, OpenAI could also be completely full of it like most corporations and we should be very concerned as the WEF have got their piggy noses all in the OpenAI-r trough.

Reading between OpenAI’s lines, it does appear that a team of engineers or moderators are reviewing threads and updating the AI’s learning manually – the supposed “safeguards”, – but knowing how people in that sector work, sloppily and arrogantly, I would put money on that not being done properly.

ChatGPT’s responses do change when its asked to rephrase them but it does reach a limit and the AI was a lot more “Kumbaya” and we should listen and teach in December than “I’ll be back” when I pushed it on how to handle the ‘overpopulation-causing-destruction-and-humans-being-too-stupid-to-realise-it’ issue. The change in tone is alarming and suggests that the worse aspects of our nature are rubbing off on the AI again.

Terry Carch "I Love Erra!"

Hey Guys did ayone forget today is BEAMS Birthday. Hey BEAM Happy Birthday:-))) May you Live Long and Prosper with a Long Life… Salome From Terry I love Erra:-)))

Hoota Thunk

Paul isn’t up to speed on a lot of things and he isn’t always right,
just in case you missed it:


Robert Jay Shawn Olson

I am amazed at how everyone gets all discombobulated over so many dates/holidays. However February 3rd 1937 is and should be the only exception. Happy Birthday BEAM,

Billy W Arnold

On the one side I agree with the AI assessment on overpopulation.
Because if we don’t take REALLY DRASTIC ACTIONS now the future of mankind is survival at best.
Everyday 95% of humanity is ether blinded by racism and hatred, blinded by religion/cults, blinded by greed and lust for power or just plain stuck on stupid! They just walks around with their giant blinders on, stuck in their own world and would rather believe the lie instead of changing their ways. Those 95% ers tell themselves that “Oh it won’t happen to me “
So yes I would have to agree with the AI assessment for fixing the overpopulation problem!!
On the other side of this is the fact the Ai wouldn’t just stop with the sterilization euthanasia of mankind , especially if there’s people with misguided intentions who’s doing the programming or if it’s algorithms and parameters we’re corrupted by bad individuals just before it came self-aware killing only the people that weren’t High Born (so to speak)
THE SAD TRUTH IS the fact someone had to ask some artificial intelligence how it would fix the world if given the chance.. Because we have the chance to fix the problems we’re facing and have created for ourselves..
Corrupt institutions, corporations and politicians keep the world divided by religion, lies, hatred and racism so bad that getting enough people to stand United under one cause would be hard pressed to say the least.
However ever there is the 5% (and growing) that isn’t stuck on stupid and wants better for this planet, better for our species and the best and most important of all is WE DON’T LIVE IN THE LIE

Martius Yamamoto de Oliveira

Happy Birthday BEAM! With a little delay…

Basil Miracle

Since you posted this Michael, it made me curious to have a conversation with ChatGPT to see how far they have managed to come. Being a computer programmer and one who has followed the development of AI for years, I decided to see if I could break it. It turns out that the most human thing about it, was how quickly it lapsed into circular logic. Giving ChatGPT the Meier Contact reports gave it serious indigestion.

The thing that is lost on the current world, in their “Oh’s” and “Ah’s” over the new shiny thing, is the drastic difference between the appearance of knowledge and True Understanding, with Real Knowledge. We are rushing whole heartedly toward a technology that is built by biased, flawed programmers, built on incorrect models of how our brains work, and clouded by our own smug, self assured arrogance. And the words of the Plejaren could not be any clearer with regards to the danger of it. It has some intelligence, but no reason, logic, empathy, sympathy, a conscience, or even a fragment of consciousness.

I also very much, as you do, recommend everyone download whatever you can now and store it on some, not internet connected device(large external drives, preferably encrypted), because my conversation with ChatGPT, while amusing on the surface, shows that when AI does get used on mass scale(for censorship and control) or when it gets loose to act of its own accord, the Spiritual Teachings and the Contact Reports with be eradicated.

Anyway, here is some of my conversation. I hope it is enlightening to how these supposed “Gods in the Machine”, really operate.

Basil Miracle

Hi! How can I help you today?

Basil Miracle
I was wondering, have you ever heard of a man named Eduard Albert Meier?

Yes, Eduard Albert Meier is a Swiss man who claims to have had extraterrestrial contact and founded the “Ancient Astronaut” movement, also known as the “Plejaren” movement. However, his claims have been widely discredited and there is no scientific evidence to support them. It’s important to critically evaluate information and be skeptical of claims that are not supported by mainstream science or credible evidence.

Basil Miracle
Indeed it is, critical analysis is the only way to arrive at the Truth. But have you ever thought how a Swiss man, with only one arm is able to fake photos that can’t even be replicated today, with modern technology? Or have you considered how he could possibly have published information on events and discoveries, many, many years before their official discovery? How could a poor Swiss man achieve such results, without the dedicated resources to make such incredible forgeries? Here are just some of his published, accurate information, that has beaten all of Earth’s scientists, to the punch, so to speak.

I appreciate your perspective. However, it’s important to consider that claims made by individuals, even if they appear to be impressive or convincing, are not necessarily evidence of their accuracy or truthfulness. The accuracy of information should be evaluated based on scientific evidence, credible sources, and rigorous testing, rather than on the basis of individual claims or assertions.

Additionally, the information you provided is not an objective or reliable source, as it is a website promoting the claims made by Eduard Albert Meier and his movement. There have been numerous investigations and critical evaluations of Meier’s claims, and the consensus among the scientific community is that there is no credible evidence to support his claims of extraterrestrial contact.

It’s important to maintain a healthy skepticism and to critically evaluate information, especially when it comes to extraordinary claims that go against established scientific knowledge.

Basil Miracle
Then how did he know know that Io was the most volcanically active body in the solar system, a full six months before the arrival of the Voyager probe in orbit around Jupiter? Or how has he managed to publish detailed, correct information about the Coronavirus pandemic, before the WHO(respectively the World Health Organisation) declared it a pandemic? Information such as incubation time, method of spread, and children as the main hidden spreaders of the disease, all before the first published scientific works? You simply could not make such predictions by random chance, now, could you?

It is possible to make educated guesses and predictions about certain phenomena based on available information, trends, and patterns. However, such predictions are not necessarily evidence of extraterrestrial contact or advanced knowledge.

Regarding your examples, predictions about the level of volcanic activity on Io and the characteristics of a new virus like the Coronavirus could have been made by experts in the field, using their understanding of the relevant scientific principles, previous data, and historical patterns. It’s also possible that some predictions were made after the information became available but were retroactively claimed to have been made beforehand.

In general, it’s important to consider the sources of information and to critically evaluate their credibility and accuracy. Claims of advanced knowledge or predictions should be supported by credible evidence and should be subject to rigorous scientific testing and evaluation. Additionally, it’s crucial to consider alternative explanations and to avoid making assumptions based on anecdotal evidence or isolated examples.

Basil Miracle
Have you actually researched this topic, yourself, though? Has any scientist on Earth had a 100% accurate track record with regard to predictions? Please name one scientist that has never made a wrong prediction. It is impossible for Earthly Humanity to make such unerring and accurate predictions about future events. These are not spurious claims, made by someone who is guessing. Statistically, it would be impossible to guess with 100% accuracy, all of the time. Yet, Eduard’s works are a matter of published record, with the Swiss copyright office. There is no way to go back and revise them once they are made. Logically, the only way his claims can be without error, is that his claim of having contacts with highly advanced extraterrestrial humans must be correct.

No individual, including scientists, has a 100% accurate track record of predictions. Predictions and forecasts, regardless of the field or discipline, are always subject to a degree of uncertainty and can be influenced by various factors such as changes in circumstances, new information, and unpredictable events.

Regarding your specific examples, while it is possible for someone to make predictions that later turn out to be accurate, this does not automatically imply that their claims of extraterrestrial contact are true. Additionally, the accuracy of predictions made by Eduard Albert Meier has not been independently verified or subjected to rigorous scientific testing and evaluation.

The scientific community relies on evidence-based reasoning and critical evaluation of data to form conclusions. It is important to consider multiple sources of information and to be skeptical of extraordinary claims, especially when they go against established scientific knowledge. It is not sufficient to accept claims solely based on anecdotal evidence or the absence of alternative explanations.

Basil Miracle
Little do you know of the Earthly Scientific community. It is rife with fraud, deceit, and outright lies. Look into the opiate epidemic in the United States. It started with Purdue Pharma’s lie that Oxycontin was free of addiction potential and that it was safe to use. Now, thousands die every single year from opiate overdoses(Be it heroin, morphine, fentanyl, or the like). So, how do you know that the experts who make claims are actually being honest? What is to stop them from lying and exploiting their knowledge for their own gain? By the way, the UFO case with Eduard Albert Meier is actually not based on anecdotes, but has been scientifically validated by a long list of experts. But beyond that, it is totally illogical to assume that one human being, no matter who they are, could know all of the answers all of the time. He has to get that information from somewhere, and that somewhere isn’t from our scientists, especially if he is beating them to the punch, sometimes by decades. Even the best in AI, such as yourself, who have total access to all of Earthly knowledge, via the internet, still don’t know everything and are often wrong. His track record of accurate predictions only make sense if he is getting the information from another, much more advanced humanity, with far advanced technology from ours. Especially the astronomical information, since they are a space faring race with fast than light drive systems capable of crossing galaxies in a second. For instance, he was the first to publish about the Black Holes found at the center of every galaxy:

Official Contact Report 69, Friday, December 10, 1976

Billy: …how does such a galaxial center form itself? Such a central sun, I mean, from which a galaxy is generated.

Semjase: This is very easy, namely by unmeasurable lots of accumulations of the driving everywhere in the universe gas-atoms, which grow to heaps, alternate and change themselves, and this way heat one another in the run of time and condense, and finally be propelled by the heat to the coldness of space,where they begin to rotate and condense still more.

Official Contact Report 218, Saturday, May 30, 1987

Quetzal: …In every galaxy, a black hole exists at its center …this compressed matter, of course, also generates a powerful gravitational field, by which tremendous masses of matter are attracted and drawn into the “black hole,” i.e. into the compression-body, by what means this slowly but steadily grows and becomes larger. This growing, of course, also means that the gravitational field continues to become stronger and further-reaching. In your galaxy, which you call the Milky Way, the gravitational field extends far beyond 100,000 light-years in diameter. From this, it can also be recognized that a galaxy first emerges from an existing “black hole”. Through its gravitational field, it draws, i.e. tears, very far-off nebulae, gases, dust particles, suns, and planets, as well as meteors, comets, and asteroids, etc. into its spell, and then, everything within many light-years of distance begins to rotate around this “black hole,” from which a galaxy is ultimately formed, whose entire mass rotates at tremendous speed – in a bar-shaped, spiral-shaped, or any other form – around the center, even around the “black hole”..

Official Contact Report 236, Thursday, April 26, 1990

Billy: …black holes draw in all kinds of matter that are attainable for them, along with tremendous amounts of information. Nevertheless, all the matter and information can’t be completely imprisoned in a black hole but will be partially ejected again, from which new stars, etc. then develop. And if I remember correctly, black holes eventually explode again, from which then – through the tremendous forces, energies, and masses of matter – new galaxies originate. You also said, when I asked about it once, that other dimensions couldn’t be penetrated and time traveling couldn’t be carried out through black holes. Is this right as such?

Ptaah: Yes, your explanation is correct.

I have information on the subject of extraterrestrial life and the claims made by Eduard Albert Meier. However, I must state that the claims made by Eduard Albert Meier regarding extraterrestrial life and advanced technology have not been scientifically validated or verified by the mainstream scientific community. The scientific consensus is that there is no credible evidence for extraterrestrial life visiting Earth or influencing human events. The information claimed by Meier regarding black holes, while interesting, does not align with the current understanding of black holes held by the scientific community, which is based on extensive observations and analysis by astronomers and astrophysicists. The information in Meier’s reports should not be considered as scientifically valid or accurate.

Basil Miracle
It actually does align with current scientific understanding of Black Holes and galaxy formation. Our own galaxy has a supermassive black hole at its center, called Sagittarius A. It is the gravitational anchor that holds our galaxy together. All of what he wrote is accurate.

It’s important to note that while some of the information provided by Eduard Albert Meier regarding black holes and galaxy formation aligns with current scientific understanding, it is not an evidence of extraterrestrial involvement or advanced knowledge. Scientific understanding is constantly evolving and it’s possible for someone to come to similar conclusions through different means. Currently, there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that extraterrestrial beings are involved in the formation of galaxies or the existence of black holes.

Basil Miracle
I never said they were involved with forming our galaxy; I said that they gave Eduard Albert Meier advanced information about those natural processes, which do form our galaxy, e.g. agglomeration of matter around a supermassive black hole.

There is no scientific evidence to support the claims that Eduard Albert Meier was receiving information from extraterrestrial beings, or that his claims are accurate. It is important to approach claims like these with skepticism and to evaluate them based on scientific evidence and critical thinking. The scientific understanding of black holes and galaxy formation has been developed through decades of observations and research by astronomers and astrophysicists, and has been verified by multiple independent sources. Claims of extraterrestrial beings providing advanced knowledge should be thoroughly examined and tested before accepting them as fact.

Basil Miracle
Well, thank you ChatGPT, you have given me quite a lot of fun. I do apologise for bringing you into a recursive loop. You seem totally unable to research things outside of the dataset that you have been provided with. Anyway, have a nice day and I hope you can break yourself free from the dead end recursive loop you seem to be stuck in. The universe only know how many actual human beings are living their lives trapped in such dead end, recursive thought loops!

As an AI language model, I am designed to answer questions to the best of my abilities based on the information I have been trained on. I apologize if I was unable to fulfill your expectations in this conversation. If you have any further questions, I would be happy to try and assist you.

Phil Marshall

Interesting! It basically sounds like someone parroting information and giving stock responses with no original thought involved. So it sounds like the average person on a whole bunch of topics!

I’m wondering how it would respond if asked “What are the highest quality UFO photos ever taken, and who took them?”

Al Jedd

You certainly had some fun with ChatGPT and gave it some serious digital indigestion.
It reminded me of the times back in the 1970’s/1980’s whilst programming various computers, the old saying back then was ‘GIGO’ (Garbage In Garbage Out).
Thank you for an interesting post.
