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Sunday, May 12, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for over 80 years the key to our future survival

Trump’s True Colors AREN’T Red, White and Blue

Openly calling for suspension of constitutional rights, may help explain why Trump was referred to as a ‘Hitler-like leader’ by Meier, in…1947!

David Foster’s video shows that Trump’s true colors AREN’T red, white and blue but that he’s clothed in, and selling, the same kind of demagoguery as previous dictators:

Dictator Trump

From 1947:

185. So it will be that in the new millennium, towards the end of the second decade, Persia will also be harassed and harassed by the USA and its then unpredictable, domineering, stupid, erratic and confused president.

186. And this will also be the case in the future, because the peoples of Earth, due to their incompetent leaderships, will do nothing about it and, on the other hand, their leaders will be too cowardly to stand up to the USA.

187. These are the resulting facts, consequently everything will remain as it has been up to now, namely that the United States of America, under the leadership of its criminal autocratic presidential leaders, can – and will also continue to – assert its behaviour and enforced influence, based on a sense of world domination, autocracy and megalomania, more and more around the world.

188. And this will also be the case in the new millennium, or rather in the 3rd millennium, when yet another self-important and megalomaniac president of the United States of America imagines himself to be a powerful leader.

189. At that time he will be an unpredictable man with a pathological megalomania who will behave more and more like Adolf Hitler and will be under the delusion that he is a great, invincible and unique ruler – a ruler of power before whom the entire population of the earth must kneel down and grovel in the dust.

190. So he will also behave in the same threatening way as Hitler did in his time, but by doing so he will easily and stupidly force other state powers and peoples to fight back.

191. In particular, in the second decade of the new millennium, this Hitler-like leader of the USA, who is incapable of governing, will not only verbally attack Russia, North Korea, China and Persia, but will also use military threats.

From Billy Meier, at 10 years old, in 1947:

But especially the USA does not find peace and freedom, as its oaf president will prove to the world in the 2nd decade of the 3rd millennium all the more that America’s politics interfere everywhere and even make it impossible, so that even the security of the government building in Washington, DC, is endangered by the oaf president’s rabble.”

From 2017:

17. In the future the USA and the US governors will be exposed to very frequent threats, which will come from both state and non-state acting persons who are hostile towards the government and state, as well as from great parts of the US population, whereby the US population will split into different population groups for which the basic factors have already been created and consequently the US population already in the current time separates into different groups.

From September 28, 2020, before Trump was voted out:

At that time it was the so-called “Watergate” affair that broke the neck of the US president, and this time it will be no different when the present US president will be deposed, because he too will abuse governmental powers in a similar way, trample the US constitution underfoot and set the world in turmoil. The difference, however, will be that Trample-Tramp-Trump will be voted out of office by the majority of the US people, even though he himself as well as his lowly intelligent, simple-minded supporters will organise terror against it. He and his lowly intelligent hangers-on display – as I have already been able to observe on television for quite some time – strong affective behaviours, which make it clear that there is neither intellect nor rationality, which would be necessary for thinking, understanding and acting. And this is the case with the severely criminal, while however protected by his presidency from prosecution, court and punishment, Trample-Tramp-Trump, as well as with his lowly intelligent, simple-minded ones who hang on to him and cheer him on, which is why they seem to me like irrational, intellectless cackling chickens, blindly running after their rooster crowing cock-a-doodle-doo.”

From 2022:

“But what has to be said is that not all Americans are behind the government and its machinations, not even behind the shadow government, which basically turns on everything that nobody or hardly anybody knows about. Fundamentally, it is really only those of the people who want disorder and just as much might as the powerful themselves. In my opinion, these are the sad elements that also cheered Trump and still do.”

Also from 2017, some weighty words from Meier regarding the perils of populism:

10. The governors, the mighty ones of the state and the politicians – of whom a great part already works in a populist form, whereby also lobbyists play a part, however – fall into increasingly diverse forms of populism and come to might with populistic inciting, deceitful promises and with lies, they lead the populations into confusion and, through wrong leadership, into affliction, difficulties and doubt as well as into unregulated states that are destroying the right conditions and are state-endangering, whereby in Europe, along with Switzerland – in which unfortunately also diverse populists and lobbyists can perform their mischief, to the detriment of the rights and freedom of the citizens – also Germany and naturally the EU dictatorship as well as especially France, England and Holland and also Austria, because of the populists and lobbyists in the governments and amongst politicians, the population has its rights curtailed, is disadvantaged and exploited through new charges and taxes and so forth, and will also be in the future.

11. The public media of all kinds also will increasingly become a populist factor of might through whose machinations and sense the populations are influenced and steered in a media-populist form, whereby through the media and its might, false information which serves them is spread and the population is led into delusion.

13. Populistically created and steered conspiracy theories and mendacious reporting will increasingly come about and will lead the populace of all countries into confusion and make them believers of all those who, by exploiting the people, attain horrendous profits from the whole of the conspiracy lies and at the same time control the population.

It should be obvious that Meier’s criticisms of Trump in no way are an endorsement for the senile, warmongering Biden, or any other politician, so-called leader, etc.

This is simply standalone information from Billy Meier, dating back many decades which, unpopular as it will be with many people, is proving to once again be…prophetically accurate.

See also:

The Trump that Everybody Loved

Demise and Destruction by Default

More articles on Trump.

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Bruce Lulla

If Trump deserved 1000 words from Billy, Biden deserves several times that.

As bad as Trump was, in 2 short years, Biden is magnitudes worse.
Biden’s dumbass supporters, who have been programmed and propagandized into throwing tens of billions of tax-payers monies at Dictator Zelensky and the war machine, after constatnt lies and deceptions that have gotten us into needless, all-destructive wars from Vietnam to Iraq, all the little ones in between & now Ukraine, make Trump’s dumbass supporters look intelligent.

Thus Biden has us in this (proxy) war with Russia, sacrificing Ukraine and it’s people.
He is provoking China via Taiwan.
He committed an international act of terrorism beyond compare, militarily, economically and environmentally by destroying the Nordstream pipeline.

Our southern border is a disaster.
There is a fresh financial crisis.
Inflation is raging.

He had lovely Nazi-like Christmas holiday wishes for his own citizens who chose not to get the experimental, ineffective vaccine that Trump facilitated. Words that probably made Joseph Goebbels blush from the beyond.
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. 
But there’s good news: If you’re vaccinated and you had your booster shot, you’re protected from severe illness and death — period. 
Number two, booster shots work. “

And this is no endorsement of baffoon Trump, but yeah, Billy should have spilled at least an equal amount of ink on the senile, warmongering Biden, who is making Trump look good by comparison.

Melissa Osaki

If Billy thought that Biden needed the same attention, he would have given it. There’s obviously something much more deranged and dangerous at play when it comes to Trample Trump. There’s also the possibility that more will be said about Biden in the future. It has often been my thought that Biden isn’t running anything, which is why so little has been said about him. He follows the same path as other warmonger presidents.

Time is the missing puzzle piece when trying to comprehend some of the contact reports.

Terry Carch "I Wan to Move to Erra!

A friend of mine just came down with breast cancer 3 weeks ago since she took a 4rth does of the corona virus vaccine!

Chuck Torbyn

I keep thinking we must be seeing two different worlds. Trump went so far as to actually go INTO N Korea to diplomatically press for peace. He pressed for press with Russia and China as well, trying to mitigate their plans for world domination. That he forced them to be cautious because they weren’t sure what he would do was all to the good. As much as he was able, he tried to make people realize the country belonged to them, NOT the politicians. He hasn’t been persecuted for all these seven years by the left because they LIKED him! He’s tried to limit their control, not expand it. Until such time as earth humans are as advanced as the P’s, the best we can hope for is humans who are wise and work with the best intentions to expand that wisdom to all and live life in a positive manner for the benefit and advancement of all. It’s always been said it’s up to humans to advance on their own so if we can’t learn to work together, the future is homeless. If NO human can ever be trusted to help lead the way, what’s the point of a future? Annihilation is our best future?

Chuck Torbyn

You’re not aware of China’s Belt and Road Initiative to turn client countries around the world into vassal states?

Basil Miracle

Yeah, it’s totally not like America has turned any countries into vassal states or anything. Or deposed their governments, incited violent rebellions, put power mad dictators in charge, funded literal NAZIs, or peppered the world with military bases. How many foreign countries do China and Russia have military bases in again? Surely they have bases in Canada, Mexico, Cuba, and all of that, right? How about in Germany, the UK, Turkey, Spain, Italy, Portugal, and Japan?

Chuck Torbyn

I have to admit, you’re right. I think it’s a case of evolution before the politicians made it an agenda. China’s IS an agenda. I wonder though, what would happen if we pulled out from everywhere and left all these countries to fend for themselves? In some ways HAVE we kept things quieter than they otherwise would have been, wrong things done notwithstanding? Have we somehow kept things from going completely to hell? Sure wish we could have a redo of the last 80 years or so! Or do I?

Phil Marshall

If I can just pretend to adopt the mindset of someone who loves Trump:

“I like Trump because he says things I like and because he’s so anti-establishment and I hate the establishment, and he’s saying things that should be said, and even though he hasn’t kept his promises and cheats and lies a lot that’s okay because it’s not his fault and all politicians do that and I hate them all except for Trump because he tries his best and it’s the people around him that stop him, but I will always fight for him even if he doesn’t fight for me because he will get the job done, and besides he makes me feel reeally good when he talks and says things that should be said, so leave Trump alone he’s the best!”

Melissa Osaki

Ha ha! That was perfect.

Chuck Torbyn

Trump kept more promises than most politicians, obstructions notwithstanding. Federal judges, tax reductions, medical care for veterans with private doctors, the WALL,and so on. He lies, cheats? Prove it! Hyperbole? Okay, you may have me there. Trump screwed up the left’s attempt to take total control. Like fentanyl, like inflation, like vaccine mandates, like the grifter family in office with a VP whose not even a citizen?! Well, if you like were that’s taking the country, don’t say you weren’t warned.

Melissa Osaki


We already know that you love Trump. There’s no need to keep telling us. If you think his actions were honorable and just, that’s your prerogative. Those of us who understand how reckless and deadly he was will never be convinced by your tax reductions and federal judges.

How many people died from COVID due to his reckless attitude towards masks and quarantine? How many of his environmental destructions brought us closer to our extinction? How many people lost their ability to pay for the health insurance when he removed the Obamacare subsidies? How many children went to bed hungry because he made massive cuts to the food assistance program for low-income families? The list goes on, but at least you got your judges.

Basil Miracle

You know the whole “obstruction” thing is really the oldest political football at this point. Especially when one considers that the President can unilaterally enact Executive Orders that have the same power as laws passed by the House and Senate. But, if I remember correctly, Trump, like Biden had the Majority in the House and Senate when he took office(, which basically means he could pass whatever he wanted. Claiming that you can’t get things done because someone is “obstructing” you is just a way to not fulfill your promises or take responsibility, while making it look like someone else’s fault. Biden did that recently with Roe vs. Wade. He had the ability to codify it as law(Like Obama did before him), but instead used it as a political football to get people to vote Democrat in the midterms. At the end of the day, they all do the same thing, including Trump. If Trump were really a threat to the powers that be, he would be in the same place John F. Kennedy is: six feet under.

The real problem with Trump is that he puts an ugly face on American Politics. He gives America an accurate face for what it is, collectively as a country. Selfish, prideful, loud mouthed, stupid, greedy, ignorant, hateful, irresponsible, deceitful, reckless, and war mongering. America’s hegemonic plans require a suave, sophisticated face that appears genuine, honest, and good natured in order to plunder, steal, abuse, destroy, kill, topple governments, fund NAZIs, and dominate the world. Otherwise the other countries in the world might not go along with our dead end plan to plunge everyone screaming off the cliff of nuclear self destruction, and make billions of dollars doing it.

Basil Miracle

That seems really painful. Be careful, you might lose brain cells doing that. A tremendous number of brain cells.

Philip Brandel

A good article on Trumps comparison to Hitler. Though his immigration policy runs deep as I personally know folk whom were ‘kicked out’ of usa because of his decisions which did echo Hitler.

Mark Rudd

Maybe those things you say are true. No one is perfect. I joined this blog after spending my WHOLE LIFE looking for wisdom and truth.Maybe it isn’t here. I do know that Trump DIDN’T openly take my rights away and throw 900 peaceful protesters in jail, and call 60% of the population domestic terrorists. And tell the FBI-CIA-DOJ-DOD to seek out moms at school meetings and track them.I have heard that all this is being done by the Kazarian mafia,ie,rothchilds,who are commencing a worldwide takeover. I know we are challenging AI who knows all the moves of the chess board. I would ask Billy what are the people who believe him supposed to do? We don’t agree with what is happening to our planet,our universe. Get me off this rock! I am supposed to just die I guess, just like all the martians who died when Mars was destroyed by interstellar war, thanks guys. It must be hard to be an advanced civilization and see the same thing happen over and over again, from galaxy to galaxy .Positive energy right? see the light, feel the light, hear the light BE THE LIGHT

Timothy Allen Anderson

Politics, specifically, American politics do not exercise efforts based on cause and effect but rather profit and loss. The two party system is more like gang warfare and neither side has a grip on correctness. There is no desire from the citizens to demand truth in all things nor to revere life in all forms. The citizens are saddled with lies in which to choose their representation and in the end are forced to choose between the lessor of two evils, correctness will never come about this way.

Barry Smith

Under the Trump administration some places in Oklahoma gas was 99 cents. Biden has made everything worse. I don’t like Trumps brash self serving attitude but, I will take his policies over career politician Joe Biden any day. Biden has been in government 50 years and he sponsored two bills as a senator. Now Biden is president everything is worse.

Phil Marshall

And under Biden a lot of families got child tax credits which reduced child poverty which is more important than cheaper gas. Not screwing up absolutely everything is not a sign of good leadership.

Basil Miracle

When you’re rolling downhill toward a precipice, does it really matter if you’re a little higher up the hill? You are still rolling DOWNHILL; you’re going off that cliff sooner or later.

Melissa Osaki

What I find interesting is this desire to create a competition between two severely unqualified leaders, Biden and Trump. It’s the epitome of settling, which is the American way apparently. Rather than sticking to one’s core values, many settle for what they believe is the lesser evil. The lesser evil who degrades other human beings and cares only about himself is not acceptable. This is how slavery, subjugation, and all other forms of abuse were able to rise to acceptance throughout the ages. There are no benefits that can outweigh the horrors.

Phil Marshall

How true. The differences between D’s and R’s always comes down to some personality traits or mannerism that change absolutely nothing. It’s like arguing over the healthiest choice in the crappy food aisle. It’s incredibly childish and turns people away from the important issues because they seem too banal. The lesser evil concept is among the biggest fraud in politics. It’s the very epitome of settling. Even smart people like Noam Chomsky fall for it. He kept saying to vote Biden because he’s the lesser evil and the world is more threatened with Trump, and now here we are closer to nuclear war than ever before — but then that means that Trump was the lesser evil right? No because his tax cuts, deregulation, environmental disregard, chaotic and autocratic behavior are also a threat. In America it is politics all the time without being political, because what the people want and need never gets addressed.

Voting doesn’t work. It’s just not a defense against bad leadership because you just end up voting for people who then do what they want and lie to you about it and use the power of their office to self-serve. So unless people start communicating with each other on a massive scale on what we can do about our bad leadership that doesn’t include voting for X instead of Y nothing will change. Corporations, big business, the military, bankers, and lobbyists don’t vote and yet they get everything they want.

Melissa Osaki

I agree completely. The entire system is broken and needs a complete overhaul.

Terry Carch "I Want to Move to Erra!

What ever happened to the Independent voters and the Green Party? If all the other countries have more political parties why should`t we have more parties too?

Charles V.

We need a very neutral and unbiased party Terry, work your magic and start the movement my friend 🙂



Phil Marshall

The movement needs to be broad and decentralized, otherwise the state will crack down on the “instigators”.

brigitte de Roch

American people are repeatedly told Why Voting Is Important, but they are never told that not voting is also a good thing to do.
It’s as if voting is the ONLY solution. Not to mention that it’s quite unhealthy for them as well.

Every 4 years, my friends yell at me because I don’t vote. Not once have they thought that the potential presidents are all liars. Yet, I am the one who has to receive their emotional and almost angry comments about my choice.

Ever since I have known about Michael and Billy, I have learned to only vote for a representative who provides a plan to deal with overpopulation in a humane way. In the meantime, I find it more effective and rewarding to work with the mission.

Al Jedd

I get the same reaction as I do not vote for any of the Bean Brained MP’s or candidates.


Aufgabe - Mission.png
Terry Carch "I Want to Move to Erra!

So much for the straw, Ha ha.

Terry Carch "I Want to Move to Erra!

Tell me about it!

Basil Miracle

Honestly, in my view it feels a bit like being forced to decide which limb you like the least. I have only voted once for a Presidential candidate in a national election (Doctor Jill Stein in 2016), because I have a principle of actually investigating the person I’m voting for to see if they are qualified and their voting record matched their rhetoric. I simply won’t vote for someone if there aren’t any qualified candidates to vote for in that office. It is laborious to actually look people up and sift through their records, but I personally don’t think that just casting a vote over some rhetoric or party color is a responsible action. I mean, would you pick a doctor at random based on the color of their tie or how sweet they sound on the phone? Or would you dig into their history, skill, where they went to school and what ties they might have to drug companies?

American’s are hopelessly loyal to their parties at times. And that loyalty, or as I see it, enslavement, is often the instrument of their own suffering(Surprise, if you vote for someone serving their own interest, they aren’t going to doing anything for your interests). I’ve personally voted for independent, green party, republican, and democrat in the same election. All because it only matters if they are going to keep their word and that they are a good fit for the office. I really wish political parties were totally abolished and made illegal, since they only engender hatred toward the “other” and narrow our views to a very limited palette of possibilities. Which in turn allows corruption to continue and incompetent morons to lead us all down the gilded road of self annihilation.

george madeyski

So since Biden is not really president but only corrupt cardboard cutout used by Deep State Rulling Elite to push for their Great Reset or (WWIII to clean up on overpopulation since they already made their profits that they don’t know what to do with anymore). Then we have simply 2 choices( if they don’t substitute for another cardboard cutout on Dems side). Trump or Deep State autocratic rule. Is the Deep State what Billy prefers more? And if so why?

Truly concerned.
Thank You

Melissa Osaki

You’ve got that backwards. It’s the abundance of unthinking people who prefer to elect dictators and warmongers.

Terry Carch "I Want to Move to Erra!

God point and good thinking.

george madeyski

No need to fudge the choice here.

You just admitted you prefer Deep State having all those chances to install totalitarian controls and limiting the speech of course and having good whack at suspending our bill of rights as practiced already with ‘Event 201’ by the CIA minions and lead by Avril Haines, Director of National Intelligence, who’s the top spy in the world now: impresario/expert at cover-ups. She’s Clueless President Biden’s top spy and his family confidant currently.

Melissa Osaki

It’s the need to always blame others for your own stupidity that has created the mess on Earth. You can continue making stupid comments, or you can choose to start thinking for yourself.

Trample-Tramp-Trump, as well as with his lowly intelligent, simple-minded ones who hang on to him and cheer him on, which is why they seem to me like irrational, intellectless cackling chickens, blindly running after their rooster crowing cock-a-doodle-doo.

Terry Carch "I Want to Move to Erra!

Hey Melissa, All the news channels are showing those red screwed up chickens in New York City supporting Tramp Trump Humpy Dumpty etc, etc, etc.

george madeyski

We- have asked you repeatedly to give us examples of where Trump is ‘Trample-Tramp Trump’ and you could not produce one yet but you are also using bottom of the barrel expressions regarding me to gain advantage at least that way because I showed you that you are very ignorant concerning what is going on in the Highest office in the Land.

Maybe this JFK 2 Junior quote can help you: ‘But the framers of the Constitution argued that the one advantage that we really have over the short-term advantages of a totalitarian regime is that with the free flow of information, the best ideas rise in the marketplace of ideas and they triumph, and they have been forged in the furnace of debate’.

Melissa Osaki

Stupidity is an accurate description, meaning someone who is unthinking. You’re obviously unthinking when you make such ludicrous claims. Stupidity is a choice, not a personality trait.

Also, please substantiate your claim that Billy or I want the deep state elected.

The rest of your comment was deleted because you won’t talk to me or anyone else in such a juvenile manner. Any further nonsense will be deleted. If you want to love Trump, that’s your prerogative, but everyone else is free to share their opinions without discriminatory attacks.

Eusebio Apellido

It’s funny that in one talk show, when discussing who should put their hat into the ring for President of the US, someone mentioned that a Kennedy was also thinking of campaigning. My first thought was, oh great not another one. But then the conversation also stated that it was the Kennedy who was wanting to have recognise the dangers of vaccines and so my ears perked up and I listened more attentively.
Then I started to hear Trump was being propped up again, where more and more conversations was being discussed about Trump as an eligible prospect for presidency.
If nothing else, what we are seeing here is probably a distraction from searching and finding real viable candidates for position of president.
With what is going on with the coronavirus vaccines certainly someone like Kennedy would be someone folks may be interested in figuring things out and makes steps towards making life better.


Terrans. Really!
Think your way out of this mess for yourselves and quit dumping the responsibility on others.

Alain Herter

Meier was a fervent critic of Trump, also in the politically active sense ( which latter term he denies for himself. Still…). And now you have Biden and his Camel in charge. Good luck with it. Please corroborate this Meiers stupidity, ice the sceptics of Biden.

Melissa Osaki

This might be one of the most ignorant comments I’ve seen in a while, and that’s saying a lot.

Chuck Torbyn

As Bruce Lulla points out in this posting, in a 2016 post Ptaah actually said Trump was a better well- meaning person who was actually trying to do positive things for the country and it’s people. That he was sabotaged all along the way was not his fault. Somewhere along the though, you all started to call him Trample-Trump and if Ptaah was correct, totally uncalled for. If his intentions were still as honorable as Ptaah suggested, what made you do that? Are you saying Ptaah didn’t know what he was talking about?

Chuck Torbyn

I can’t figure out how the P’s say the First World War was actually the second. Perhaps then, the president they’re talking about in the second decade is actually in the third decade. After all, time and time again, Trump told people at his rallies he was the president of America, NOT of the world; that this country belonged to the PEOPLE, NOT the politicians. Hardly the words of a dictator. Meanwhile, the Biden DOJ is planning to arrest ANOTHER 700-1200 people who were only AT the capital on Jan 6. These were SENIOR CITIZENS, among others! He’s declared war on PARENTS, Trump SUPPORTERS, ANYONE who opposes them! I don’t know how you can so willingly be blind to what’s happening NOW, not three years ago.

Melissa Osaki

The first real world war (global war) was the seven years’ war. It happened prior to World War I, so that makes World War I the second world war.

Seven Years’ War (1756–1763)

“The Seven Years’ War (1756–1763) was a global conflict that involved most of the European great powers, and was fought primarily in Europe, the Americas, and Asia-Pacific. Other concurrent conflicts include the French and Indian War (1754–1763), the Carnatic Wars and the Anglo-Spanish War (1762–1763).”

The Plejaren are not confused about dates. It is us who are confused. The Plejaren have been on the Earth observing for hundreds of years.

The constant comparison of Trump and Biden has no bearing on Trump’s character and demeanor. Why is this so hard to understand? As Michael mentioned earlier, Billy and Sfath spent years in the past and future observing everything. Trump has already clearly leaned on the side of being a dictator more than once. He’s deaf to all reason and logic. His treatment of other human beings bears witness to his psychopathic nature. He has managed to make an idol out of himself, and it’s sad and disturbing to see so many fall for it.

brigitte de Roch

You might be better off sticking to the German version of the contact reports. I have seen your name before and I think you live in Germany whose language you must understand a little more than English.

Bruce Lulla

Anyone remember what Ptaah initially had to say about the ‘Hitler-like’ Trump? Were they so off the mark?
Old times Good times.


As you have rightly assessed him, he is, at least as an election-campaigner in his campaign-motives, chaotic and a catastrophic human being. But to this, I must say, however, that he is otherwise well-meaning and not bad, also in regard to Russia and Putin, with whom he, in an honest wise, wants to strive for a peaceful political, military and economical agreement. This in contrast to Clinton, who harbors sneaky and evil war-thoughts towards Russia and therefore firstly in Syria wants to carry out military actions against the Russian military fighting there and even wants to carry out war-like attacks against Russia itself. A fact in regard to her thoughts of attack, which she, as a Putin- and Russia-phobe, has been harboring for a long time and also wants to put into effect. And if she would win the presidential election, then a nuclear war would be unavoidable. But fortunately this will not come to pass, as I already told you on the 30th of June. Of course the world will be shocked next Wednesday when Trump wins the election, because his mode of speaking, was and is not the most cultivated one, however, he has good basic approaches in various directions, which he as President of the US intends to bring to fruition if he is not interfered with by his advisors and those who are might-obsessed and want to direct him according to their scheme, and most likely also will in certain matters, as this has been the case with all US presidents and will continue to be so.

If, however, he succeeds, then he will set out against globalization and against the fact that the USA, as up until now, interferes too much in foreign countries and thereby neglects the order in its own country, but builds it up again.

However, time will tell to what extent he will be able to push through his basic ideas, because beside him are all the might-obsessed ones around him, who do not let him act according to free will, but who will try to steer him to their own discretion, as also was the case with Obama, who lacked what was necessary to prevail. And because Trump is not really a politician but a man of business, in this regard he will have a difficult standing as president in his own area of government. This will also be the case in regard to foreign policy, in which case the machinations of the EU-dictatorship will also be decisive for that, because once he has assumed the presidency, the EU-dictatorship will make an effort, through renewed negotiations, to restore the close relationships and connections with the White House and the US government which it lost through his election.

And as far as I know the EU-dictatorship will try to pull the USA onto its side and together with it form a political, economic and military might-coalition, in which case already a coalition-forming will be attempted quite early, indeed as soon as the first shock has passed which will hit the dictatorship, which expects that, not Donald Trump, but Hillary Clinton to win the election, who stands ingratiating and accommodating towards the EU dictatorship.

Billy   Once more a question about Donald Trump: You said that this man is well-meaning, not bad and in some things completely misinformed – what is to be understood by that?

Ptaah   He is not of low intelligence and not the bad human being that he will be accused of being by his adversaries, who will set upon him and also try to cause rebellion, because none of them know what insidious thoughts and plans his opponent Hillary Clinton really harbors, through which she would trigger a world-wide catastrophe if she would come into power. And in order for this to happen, deceitful machinations will be initiated after the election, in order to prove allegedly false election results, by which Trump has illegally won his office. However, what will result of this planned deception, this we have not yet fathomed, which is why I cannot yet give any details to this. As far as the election campaign speeches by Trump are concerned, these are, first of all, just campaign speeches, which must not be understood as effective in their whole form, because the entire radically seeming ‘calling-out’ as you have often described such speeches, are only partially or not at all to be taken seriously, because as a rule these are always relativised after taking office. Additionally, Trump is in certain things that he advocates, wrongly informed, as for example in regard to climate change, as well as Obama-care and other things, wherefore however there is the hope that he will think better of it in this regard. This will in fact be the case, therefore he listens to reason and will also refrain from non-earnestly meant campaign issues and will revise some wrong values, which correspond in his clumsy campaign speeches only to purposeful platitudes.


I thread I had made online on a lesser known forum regarding billy meier got almost 10k views but it was deleted and now i cant make any more threads i get an error…


Why? it’s an swedish forum. The thread is inaccessible anyway. I do have the specific link to the thread but im not sure what you would do with it.


and i think my account being closely watched

Charles V.

Two things come to my mind when I think of politics.

“Politicians are like dirty diapers, both need to be changed frequently and for the same reason.”

“It doesn’t matter who votes that count, it’s who counts the votes that matter.”

We’re living in a world where it appears and feels as though “Damned if you do, damned if you don’t” in regards to voting, politics, etc.

Take great care of yourselves and your loved ones my fellow mission brothers and sisters, all as one!

