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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

It’s Not Just Ebola…It’s Us

Hopefully, it will now be realized that all of the brain dead conspiracy theorists, who see an evil plot behind every misery like Ebola, and coming epidemics, are wasting their time and, of course, neglecting the real, underlying causes, i.e. overpopulation, mass tourism, illegal immigration, etc. The core of our problems is human ignorance of how life works, of the law of cause and effect and of our submission to false ideologies, religions, sects, beliefs, which we’ve allowed to make us passive and powerless. It’s not Ebola, or “evil aliens”…it’s us.

An example of what will become a growing concern is the following unofficial English translation, by Jacob Smits, of an excerpt of Contact 592* and which may contain errors.

Contact 592 of July 27th 2014 20:14 (8:14pm)

Also through global climate change and the warming of the northern hemisphere, for which the degeneracies and criminal activities of the people with their overpopulation are to blame, opens up probably more and ever more northerly settlement areas for the Asian tiger mosquito in Europe.

Presently it must be assumed that since the dissemination of the first predictions in the 1950s until today, there are worldwide 20 serious new diseases and illnesses.

The most important is the rampantly spreading AIDS disease , as well the rampantly spreading SARS disease, which, as I have read, is cause by a virus of the family of coronaviruses, which not only damages the respiratory tract, but also the spine, spleen and the nervous system. It also constantly mutates and becomes more dangerous and resembles the so-called anthrax spores. Then there is also the ‘new flu’ to mention, which is referred as the ’swine flu’ or ‘H1N1’ virus, as well as the bird flu with the ‘H5N1’ virus.

Additionally of importance to mention are other illnesses and rampantly spreading diseases, such as Dengue-fever, which amongst other things is spread by the Asian tiger mosquito.

This mosquito is originally native to the South and Southeast Asian tropics and subtropics, which as a transmitter is also responsible for diseases such as Chikungunya fever, and is very significant for people in regards to health damages.

Since the 1990s, these mosquitoes have also spread in Europe, from the south, where we’ve have been singing a loud sad song of their presence and venomous bites at the FIGU Center.

Because contrary to the claims of the Swiss entomologist, respectively the insectologists who still claim that no tiger mosquitoes have been found in our region, these critters make problems and wreak havoc for a little more than two years in the FIGU center. Especially last year they were with us en masse at the center, and this year they were very active on warm days, whereby Kunio even had to go to the doctor because he got serious health problems caused by the bite of such a mosquito.

NOTE: Meier answered that pure unrefined coconut oil was one possible  means of protection against insect bites.

The Goblet of the Truth

As situations like this unfold, I suggest reading the Goblet of the Truth and in particular begin reading “What the truth knows to say”, on page LI (Roman numerals ). Proceed to read “What must be made known comprehensively in a prophetic and predictive wise for the third millennium…” as this leads to an extensive section of very specific information.

In fact, the specificity of the prophetic and predictive information spelled out by Meier in this 2008 document far exceeds anything in the Henoch Prophecies (where Meier predicted the Ebola epidemic, in 1987), or any of the other prophetic information.

And Meier specifically exhorts people to rise up and take action before it’s too late. In regards to the bio-chipping already underway he says:

“And it will be increasingly the case that you human beings will be treated like animals for the slaughter, implanted with electronic data chips by means of which you will be completely controlled and robbed of freedom by authorities, public offices and governments, although in your ignorance you will think that you live as free human beings although you are in fact servants of the governments. So public authorities, official bodies and those in government will rule over you in a wise that has never happened before, meaning that you will no longer chart the course of your own fate in the collective, because this will be done by those who exercise total might and control over you. In this wise, every one of you will be a servant and slave of authorities, public bodies and governments, i.e. of those mightful ones and their vassals who possess might in this respect. Still, in the early part of the third millennium, there might be time for you human beings of Earth to prevent this if you would unify as humanity and rise up against these threatening future machinations of governments and the scientists and technicians who obey them, in order to prevent the threat named in this regard from occurring.”

The Dark Order

While we already touched on information about the secret societies, Meier elaborates (page LXIX) on what is meant by the Dark Order – and the pathetic, sheep-like state of human consciousness that has allowed its ever-expanding control.

The Courage to Fight

We are long past the time when we should focus on things like UFOs, extraterrestrials, conspiracy theories, etc., for it’s the spiritual teaching that must become the focal point of our understanding. The Goblet of the Truth exposes and illustrates how we have absolutely no idea, no real understanding of just how lost in consciousness we are. The effects of millennia of degenerate, mind-enslaving, truth-suppressing religions, having resulted in humanity’s complete ignorance of and lack of regard for how life works, how it’s governed by immutable Creational laws, is so extensive that it may take an unimaginable 800 years before we will emerge as true human beings. If we have any hope of mitigating, diminishing and avoiding what is otherwise unfolding then, as Meier spells it out:

“And all you human beings of Earth who have the courage to fight against evil, negativity and the ausgeartet must provide help through your sharp rationality and your intellect, through your love, peace, freedom and harmony and only use these as weapons.”


* Original German text:

Auch durch die globale Klimawandlung und die Erwärmung der nördlichen Hemisphäre, an der die Ausartungen und kriminellen Machenschaften der Menschen mit ihrer Überbevölkerung selbst schuld sind, erschliesst sich die Asiatische Tigermücke nunmehr wohl weitere und immer nördlichere Siedlungsgebiete in Europa.

Heute muss davon ausgegangen werden, dass seither, eben seit der Verbreitung der ersten Voraussagen in den 1950er Jahren bis heute, weltweit von etwa 20 schweren neuen Krankheiten und Seuchen zu sprechen ist.

Da ist am wichtigsten die AIDS-Seuche, wie auch die Sars-Seuche, die, wie ich gelesen habe, durch ein Virus aus der Familie der Corona-Viren hervorgerufen wird, das nicht nur die Atemwege schädigt, sondern auch die Wirbelsäule und Milz sowie das Nervensystem. Es soll zudem ständig mutieren und gefährlicher werden und den sogenannten Milzbrandsporen ähneln. Dann ist auch die ‹Neue Grippe› zu nennen, die eigentlich als ‹Schweinegrippe› oder als ‹H1N1›-Virus bezeichnet wird, wie auch die Vogelgrippe mit dem ‹H5N1›-Virus.

Ausserdem sind an Wichtigkeit noch andere Krankheiten und Seuchen zu nennen, wie das Dengue-Fieber, das unter anderem durch die Asiatische Tigermücke verbreitet wird. Dabei handelt es sich um eine ursprünglich in den süd- und südostasiatischen Tropen und Subtropen beheimatete Stechmückenart, die auch als Überträger von Krankheiten wie Chikungunya-Fieber verantwortlich und für den Menschen in bezug auf gesundheitliche Schädigungen sehr bedeutsam ist.

Seit den 1990erJahren verbreitet sich diese Mückenart auch in Europa, und zwar von Süden her, wobei wir im FIGUCenter schon seit rund zwei Jahren ein lautes trauriges Lied von deren Gegenwart und giftigen Stichen singen können.

Denn entgegen den Behauptungen der schweizerischen Entomologen resp. der Insektologen, die noch immer behaupten, dass in unseren Gegenden noch keine Tigermücken gefunden worden seien, machen diese Viecher bereits seit wenig mehr als zwei Jahren im FIGU-Center Probleme und treiben ihr Unwesen. Besonders letztes Jahr waren sie bei uns massenweise im Center, und auch dieses Jahr waren sie an warmen Tagen sehr aktiv, wobei Kunio gar zum Arzt musste, weil er durch den Stich einer solchen Mücke schwere gesundheitliche Probleme bekam.






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Our technological developement has clearly surpassed our spiritual developement and will continue to do so, unless we open our eyes and comprehend the immensity of reality, the spiritual reality. The imbalance will cause a bit of a hiccup and headache for sure. How could it be otherwise when only junkfood is being served up to the truth-hungry , truth searching human being?

One thing we human beings are good at, is to overcomplicate things to the extreme, when simplicity, love and wisdom is all we really need.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Agreed keep it simple because that is why we don’t see the truth at first sight and do the research because it verifies the truth eventually/evolution wise.


Mr Horn,

That Hebrew Deity who supposedly died a long time ago, and whose only begotten Son you dare rob of his Divinity, just had this to say :

“Pharaohs of MY AFRICA, yes MY AFRICA, Pharaohs of my Africa, still you will not hear me or heed my warnings though death be at the doors to all of your nations.”

“Know you, understand you and consider you deeply this last warning before the fullness of my wrath in my judgement against your nations is unleashed in my fury against you for all the evil that you have done to my House of Israel and even to your own peoples.”

“Know you, understand you and consider you deeply that I will require the lives of three of these Pharaohs before the end of this year.

You shall know that I, YES ME, you shall and you will know that I AM that I AM lives.

Can Billie Meier do any better ?

I doubt it.


Mr Horn,

If this prophecy is NOT fulfilled, I’ll concede that you have a valid point.

What will you say if this prophecy IS fulfilled ?

I am genuinely curious.


Mr Horn,

(CNN) — Zambian President Michael Sata, who was nicknamed “King Cobra” for his fiery comebacks and larger-than-life personality, has died. He was 77.

Sata had traveled to London for unspecified medical treatment last week, and died at a hospital there Tuesday evening. Officials did not disclose a cause of death.

You can read the rest here.

Are you getting the picture now ?


Ooooooh yeah, I certainly am getting the picture.

… now print it, frame it, and mount it – remember to leave space for more … and if you don’t have space, then just throw ole Billy’s picture in the dustbin.


Since no one will know anyway, why not familiarize yourself with the truth and…learn from it?

Since there is One that knows all things, why not familiarize yourself with that truth and … teach it ?


Your source? Certainly there must be somewhere online of your words here. I’m interested in reading through.


Marellus, it is imperative that you release your mind from these abominations. You are doing the work of ancient Humans that no longer exist here, yet you fight to perpetuate the lingering energy that persists. This is highly dangerous, mostly for you and all those who are mindless and ignorant.

J. Smith


Its so amazing that you “know” this “god” so well, but somehow you chose to take time out of your busy worship to spend time on a blog contributing to something so “ungodly” as in the Billy Meier case. The delusional always seem to contradict and confuse themselves because what you believe does not relate to reality.

I still can’t wait for the day that I see a talking snake in a garden! SIL!


Hi Marellus. I think you should take Billy Meier and his prophecies a little more seriously. Billy was raised as a Catholic boy, and though he had some trouble with the authorities, I don’t truly believe that he is an “unbelieving” person. . . . he is simply re-stating the same truth in other ways. You should look into the Talmud of Jmmannuel. It appears that Billy has met our Jesus in his own lifetime. . . . we should take him seriously. I do believe that Jmmannuel is a person who came from the star system of Sirius, as did many people now living on the earth. He was not a Plejaran. They do not tell us much about his origin and in fact they’re not telling us a whole lot of information which might be important to the situation we are currently experiencing on the earth. It’s not this “or” that, but this “and” that. . . . we need to remember “both/and” when we are considering truth and reality.


Carolyn, there was never anyone in history by the name of Jesus no matter how you want to hold on to your catholic roots. You need a separation of church and state (of mind).


In the church, he is referred to as Emmanuel, that’s why we sing, “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” every year during Advent. The people of his time also evidently called him Jeshua. . . . The term Christ comes from the Greek Christos, “the annointed one”. Jesus is an anglicized version of the name Jeshua. I don’t know why the long awaited Messiah, Emmanuel came to be called Jeshua either, however the fact remains that he is one and the same person as Billy’s Jmmanuel. So don’t talk so stupid!!! The person existed, and was crucified, whatever we call him, and we should follow his teachings which are written down in the New Testament as well as in the Talmud of Jmmanuel. You will find that the teachings of Jmmanuel correspond to what is written about his life and teachings in the four Gospels of the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Billy met him in person and that meeting was true. I see him through Billy’s mind. More and more the Roman Catholic church is moving in the right direction. Let’s all be a little more patient!!!


I am not needing further clarification, dear Michael. As someone who has wrestled for years with negative energies and etc, etc, I believe that I have somewhat of a grasp of the matter. Clearly you have experienced something negative at the hands of Catholic Christians, and for this, on behalf of my church, I apologize.

Philip Brandel

‘As someone who has wrestled for years with negative energies and etc, etc, I believe that I have somewhat of a grasp of the matter.’
You mean from the Catholic church?
It is odd that the best of our communities seem to revolve around the ‘church’ of choice. That these arenas are seen as the beacon of all that is good with humanity. Yet, how does something that divides us so much hold any truth? How is ‘your’ religion right compared to the rest? In so, what is so hard to see that humans don’t need and actually created these degenerative, inhuman illusions that enslave the creature to the point of thinking it is right. If we see past ‘religion’ is there any room to see the human… the truth of creation? Are these beliefs not created by the individual whom has created the religion of choice, one individual at a time?
Maybe you can clarify your position here a little clearer? To put it starkly you represent the anomaly of all of this to me. Most run for the hills when they hear what all this information has to say about ‘religion’. It is probably one of the biggest defining aspects that keeps humanity at bay from seeing the real truth of what the Plejaren, Billy, and Michael have to say.

Philip Brandel

Sorry just read my post again and would have to add that many more than just the Plejaren, Billy, and Michael are standing up for the truth. It most definitely is not coming from ‘religion’ and the church!


Religion has been through the centuries a comfort to people, helping them through their miserable and worthless-seeming lives on this planet. That’s why the religions exist and that’s why people wish to belong to a religion. You take religion away from them like, say during the Stalinist time in Russia and see what results. . . . Religion gives people hope that they’re living for a greater reason, that life is somehow meaningful. This applies to all religions, not just the Catholic faith. Most people are not spiritually evolved enough to “go it on their own” on this planet. Without a “God” who they believe cares for them, most of them are collapsing into some kind of spiritual and moral vacuum, from which only death will release their souls.

Andrew J.

“Religion has been through the centuries a comfort to people, helping them through their miserable and worthless-seeming lives on this planet.”

Carolyn, I would say this is very misguided view. Because of all the religions people’s minds were and still are, to a large extend, imprisoned in rubbish believes that do not allow them to realize their own power. Power of creation !!!! Since religions give that power to some imaginary figure, people are not aware that they create everything themselves through thoughts and feelings. Because of that they are kept in constant fear, which is mostly not recognized. That fear limits all creativity that are at human disposal. Fear is also a source of all violence, and religions are main cause that this feeling is kept alive in a human constantly. Billy’s Spiritual Teachings allow anyone that follows and proves them for himself/herself, to totally annihilate that fear and not only control, suppress it. With elimination of that worst feeling human can find out WHO HE/SHE REALLY IS. Whatever you read in Billie’s teachings as technical explanations to how spirit/consciousness works (divisions in consciousness, spirit levels), the main point is YOU ARE CREATION ITSELF !!! EVERYONE and EVERYTHING is THAT. YOU (as your BEING) created that UNIVERSE. YOU are the highest power that is. Your own BEING (which is one with everything) acts trough its own creations. Because of all the rubbish that is in you consciousness telling you that it is not true, You and all people that took this for real at some point in their lives (I am still in included in that group) are blinded, feel almost powerless, lost in misery, constantly struggling. How smart is that?
Recall from Talmud Jmmanuel, how Jmmanuel was able to walk on water, multiply food.. etc. You or anyone else, who is totally free from doubt/fear, could do it. Power to do the same, AND MUCH MORE, lies in your consciousness…. waiting for YOU ….. to wake up from a dream that YOU are only a limited human !!! ONLY religions with their nonsense teachings and people connected with that agenda, prevent human consciousness from flowering.

Philip Brandel

Words to think about Andrew and rightly so!
As all of religion no matter its arena, is in its very finest only what the individual makes of it…. Some 8 billion different ‘religions’. As the numbers who see the laws and recommendations of ‘creation’ and might of the thoughts being very limited at this time, to most of the population.
I for one have lost patience with this degenerate disease that runs rampant on our world. Though as a student of the truth… I can only really change me in this regard, as other aspects have not been so easy for me.
Personally, I am also an anomaly as there has never really been a time in my life that I have succumb to ‘religion’. I have stood close to the gates long ago(well being 33 years old) but never actually went through. Not that I obviously haven’t been given ample chances, ostracized, and or pressured by most within my life, including the bulk of my family, girlfriend, and friends. No for me church time is a time of rebellion and symbolization of the many things religion truly does stand for. Weddings, funerals, etc, etc I do not attend and if I do and weather permitting wait outside the church for all to see. My symbolic way of stating what I think of the misery and worthlessness that these buildings truly represent. Though I am no saint:), I have slipped up many times and entered, they usually are quite beautiful structures for the material side of me to see.
The charade has gone on long enough…. we cant hide from ourselves any longer! And it is obvious that ‘religion’ is as I see the largest, heaviest, and best camouflaged domino in need to be blown over…. then maybe we can begin to work on our real issues that do threaten our very survival such as overpopulation, destruction of our world, and all the other things in need of our urgent immediate attention.


Andrew, while I totally agree with you on the validity of Billy’s spiritual teachings, I hesitate to remind you that for almost two thousand years (a long time indeed) we only had “Jesus Christ”. There was no BEAM.

Andrew J.


Because we had “Jesus Christ” for so long, BEAM was needed at this time. We degenerated so much – thanks to religions – that without his help most people would not find the way in this labyrinth, which they themselves have created. If there was no “Jesus”, “Allah”, “Krishna” and all the religious entertainment, maybe people would have found the reality sooner on their own. Just look at young kids. They do not have preconceived ideas at the beginning – so they are curious and search. They do not sit on their butts waiting for an answer. They are everywhere, looking and having fun at the same time. If people were not fed a precooked “meal” in the form of religious dogmas, they would have ventured on their own to find the “ingredients” to their own “dish”. They would seek. Religions annihilate that desire in humans. Finding Reality comes by SEEKING oneself, even with Spiritual Teachings on hand. But still, in spite of that, there were rare examples of people that found the truth themselves.
Lets come back to your statement: “Religion has been through the centuries a comfort to people, helping them through their miserable and worthless-seeming lives on this planet.”
That could be true ONLY, if there was someone else creating the misery for humans. If You go through Your OWN experience, as I have, of consciously living through experiences created by your OWN old thinking (you recall those thoughts at that time of experiencing them) – and not just read about it, than you know 100% that it is true. You do not have to trust that it is so. With that, there IS NO DOUBT for you, that ALL MISERY is SELF CREATED. If so, any “mambo jumbo” that directs you away from true CREATOR of that misery, misleading You into believing that it can be fixed by someone else – is just DESPICABLE. With that FACT, the good that you see in religion, is just NON EXISTANT.
I recommend a great book by Lester Levenson “No attachments no Aversions biography of a Master” that can be easily found in PDF form on the net. He describes his life before Self-realization and after. See for yourself what was possible for him, and how “miserable” was Lester‘s life after the fact. Be prepared, that your jaw may be injured, when it will drop to the floor in disbelief 🙂 That book should explain to You, how utterly degenerate all religious nonsense is – as it prevents all people from creating for themselves and others, a PARADISE on EARTH.
I hope that You do not take my words as an attack on your opinions. It is not meant that way. I understand that a lot of people, including my family and friends, are always looking for good in religions. Because of that the churches still stand. Should all people woke up to the reality – all of the buildings would already be leveled to the ground. I cannot wait to see it happen. The sooner the better.



I do not hesitate to tell you that we NEVER had a “Jesus Christ”–as we all know, he never existed. And the mythical Biblical figure was a poor stand in for the real deal; the New Testament teachings are not at all, or only very rarely, aligned with the true spiritual teaching as newly given by Meier.

Apparently you do NOT “totally agree with the validity of Billy’s spiritual teaching” because one of the core tenants of that teaching is that belief or reliance on any savior, god, saint, or guru, etc., is a fundamental error that prevents one from living a creational life in truth and wisdom.


Due to the influence of many maniacs throughout history, many of whom were not from here, we are going to see the conflagration of blind beliefs manifest themselves, as they are now ocurring. Those who continue to quote and follow the sadistic ways of a god of old will bring nothing but ruination for themselves and all who cross their paths. Yet, they will not see truth of life nor spirit. They will bring upon themselves such destruction that they will weep and cry out, but no one will hear them, for they are the ones, “the chosen ones,” who will have brought the Human to the brink of annihilation. The religious will again spread across the world as a virus, as they did in ages gone by. The religious bring upon themselves another great culling. The madness will spread and overtake even the powerful in the end, as was done before. These days will be different though, as new warriors of truth have finally arrived. The world is no longer under the purview of the insane, but they do not yet see their own end.


Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: a waste of desert sand;
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Wind shadows of the indignant desert birds.

The darkness drops again but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

– William Butler Yeats.


Can we save ourselves then ?


Marabus,Save your breath and seek the truth from the prophet and herald who know more than you will ever know Billy. Billy knows more than you do so stop ypur ranting and listen a truth teller of old Nokodemion. Your demonic rants will get you nowhere. If you want tobelieve in a false god,that is your priviage then you DON`T belong here! “Be nice and play fair or else leave us alone”!


Marellus may learn something yet. Many are drawn to the truth even during their initial denial phase. It’s so very difficult for them, he may be trying to understand sub-consciously. It’s so hard for people to get it, I so wish it was not so hard for the general population to simply use logic and intuition, yet I remember how damned awful hard it was for me in the beginning. I respect the fact that you allow differing opinions. If people only knew the truth of their beliefs, the mission would be SO much easier.


so true, forto…..even though I was familiar with many of the concepts, the Meier material really grew on me and as I learn more, I am blown away. It took the music on a radio show the host played, that he created himself and I loved and liked the him as well, that kept me returning to the show….at first it seemed rather fantastical, all the UFO stuff, but now I’m hooked 🙂 The spiritual teachings are the best and I’ve studied quite a few.


If we are to believe what Eduard Meier says about himself, then he is an incarnation of a most ancient spirit named Nokodemion, who has willingly come back to the earth on a mission to help save humanity from a terrible future, which he has seen partly through his own mind and prophetic abilities and partly through information which has been given him by extra-terrestrials who are able to view and travel to the future by means of “time travel”. Perhaps (and this is my own idea) these extra-terrestrials have come to the earth many times in the past, and indeed even traveled into the past from the future and (in short) “interfered” with the events transpiring at the time. I can only hope that 1) their interference resulted in some benefit to the earth people and 2)they didn’t do any obvious damage through their interference. If I understand this whole concept of time travel properly, there’s no reason that these people couldn’t travel to any time in earth’s past or future and meddle. . . . In fact, there’d be nothing to stop them even from incarnating here OUT OF THE FUTURE into the past, so to speak, which is what perhaps Jmmanuel did. It challenges our perceptions of reality to think about these possibilities. However, IMO it is entirely possible, given the parameters of the information at hand, that the past and the future CAN be changed, and not only once, but many times over. . . . . Philosophically, my mind can hardly deal with this possibility, that WE ARE RELIVING TIME ON THE EARTH AND THIS HAS ALL HAPPENED BEFORE. WE ARE IN THE PAST. THE FUTURE HAS ALREADY HAPPENED A LONG TIME AGO. WE ARE HERE TO CHANGE THE FUTURE.


Thank you for the relevant information Michael. It’s not a rosy future we are looking forward to here, is it? I was looking into online information yesterday about “The Destroyer”, the death star we call “Planet X”. Do not laugh, but I have dreamed about this thing. It is totally covered by thick dense smoke, so that it is not visible. When the smoke parts it reveals a glowing orangy coloured orb, which sends out energy like a rain of firey biting hail (at least this is what it did to me in my dream, when it perceived my thought). . . . . and it leaves death and destruction in its wake (no doubt spiritual as well as physical). When did Ptaah say we could expect the return of this orb? And do the Plejaran know what it is? Is it a dying star, or a machine?


Malakathion. . . . .Armageddon?

Darcy Wade Carlile

The material universe we live in can degenerate to the end, however it regenerates that back into the new beginning, so that is a law of creation and all that keeps on going here in time and space due to motion and evolution a very simple and natural process. Black Holes in space should be researched more and they will be studied to learn more about the truth and real.

David Scott

More ? He did spell out the Russian invasion.

Outlined and updated , here ;

Could not be any more clear .

Quite Amazing what happens in the world when we sit on our hands and do nothing .

Read about Agenda 21 while you are there and just wait for America 2050 .

Study the spiritual teachings and remember knowing and doing nothing is wrong conduct . Crimes and blatant tyranny occur in front of our faces now . Darkness in the face of light . We ALL need to shine brighter.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Hi DS, the correct term is teaching, the religious term is teachings with an “s”.

Lukaas Van Hout

I was referred here by another and am deeply saddened at all the accusations hurled at our creator who loves us so much!

It is the Satan who deceives you into thinking and believing such things. If only you could truly know our Creator then you would never have doubt again. His love transcends any definition or thoughts we might have as to just what love is. To often many have done casual readings of scripture and arrived at these same kinds of thoughts without taking the time to understand the spiritual implications of his words and the customs, traditions and kinds of people that lived during the history of scripture.

Remember that Elohiym saw the entire history of man from the beginning and made every effort to keep us from all the harm that has befallen mankind since the fall.

What we have done, we have done to ourselves by allowing the evil one to tempt us just as he did that first time when he lied to Eve. A simple lesson that if we had all followed, we would never have been deceived.

Be very careful, we are watching his words of prophecy come to fulfilment more and more as we draw near to his second coming to deliver the faithful. All of you will be in my thoughts and prayers. Be wary and be careful because the evil one does everything in his power to turn you from our loving creator so that he may bring you to the following.

2Th 2:9 The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power and signs and wonders of falsehood,
2Th 2:10 and with all deceit of unrighteousness in those perishing, because they did not receive the love of the truth, in order for them to be saved.
2Th 2:11 And for this reason Elohim sends them a working of delusion, for them to believe the falsehood,1 Footnote: 1Eze. 20:25, John 9:39, John 12:40, Acts 7:42, Rom. 1:24-28.
2Th 2:12 in order that all should be judged who did not believe the truth, but have delighted in the unrighteousness.

All that you ever have do do, even if you are filled with disbelief is to just ask him to show you and he will.

We are caught up in a great war, a celestial war of immortals between the powers of darkness and the powers of rightness.

A celestial war with our Earth as the last battle!

We have no problem believing the possibilities in Star Trek, well here they are and it has been happening since the evil one was cast from the celestial city of these immortal beings.

When you truly seek the truth you will see just how much has been hidden in scripture regarding all of this for those who diligently seek the truth!


Lukas, you came here and before you really looked into anything here at any level, started posting all this nonsense ……what do you purpose by doing this? I am confused to why? I hope you can and will take some time and look at the material in a neutral way before commenting like you have.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Lucaas, in your first phrase you say you are sad and you decided to blog here on the whim from another. You are not thinking at all but jump to conclusions right off the bat. I suggest that you think out your actions before you feel you should get emotionally involved with anyone on this blog because they all are free thinkers and they all have their own thoughts and feelings.


It is impertinent coming here preaching like that. I cannot imagine anyone here directly going to one of their sites/blogs doing this! Must be looking for something, something must not feel right in their minds. Now this is not to say that people shouldn’t come and discuss things they have been following or thinking about in a respectful manner to learn about the material, themselves and how they feel about it.

J. Smith

You must be a Jehova’s Witness or shall I say Elohim…SIL! Michael what is going on today!

Darcy Wade Carlile

I don’t believe anything anybody tells me Lucaas and you bring only ignorance and darkness.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Your creator can’t post here because he does not exist.

Stephen Lane

Hi Lukaas,

“2Th 2:12 in order that all should be judged who did not BELIEVE THE TRUTH, but have delighted in the unrighteousness.”

Truth never ever requires one to believe, and belief (assumption) can never ever hold any truth.

Those who “diligently seek the truth” eventually discover that truth is provable. Which is what has happened regarding Billy Meier, and NOT what has happened for thousands of years regarding religions.

Truth or belief. You can’t have both.

Best wishes.


There is nothing that can be done to help you, yet I fully understand why you feel in such a way. Much of it is not even your fault. Lukaas, you search for truth honestly because you know deep down our existance is broken here. Many follow suit with this, but one day you will fight as we do. No one is any better than another, but the dogma of old is now ripe for elimination, and it will be eliminated, one way or another. Many will fear this at first, but this is the way of Creation. You must evolve, and it will be difficult.


Very kindly said, forto, thank you.


Hi Lukas, You need to read the contact reports, where the Plejaran people, Quetzal and Ptaah tell Billy about the evil “sons of heaven” who came to earth and continue to wreak havoc on this planet. They do not deny the reality of “war in heaven”, but they speak of it in “non-religious” terms.


Hi Michael, I agree with you between Marabus and Licas we don`t need their false negative dark religious rantings gods an d all. Let`s shew them off of your blog unless they can think and say more neutral positive things and thoughts etc.


Regarding 9/11


Mr Horn,

In YHWH’s whole pantheon of believers, I will admit to this :

I am bottom rung. I am a f*cking disgrace for Him.

Nonetheless Mr Horn, I guarantee you this – I am going to make your life a living hell on these threads.

I will not stop, and I will not tarry in all my efforts to mock you and that false prophet by the name of Billy Meier whom you revere.

You’re all fools.

And since you denigrated Lukaas’ message, you’re stuck with me. He’s a gentle soul you know – I’m not – which means you bunch of idiots are gonna deal with me.

I will be just as underhanded and obtuse to you, as you are to those who put question marks behind the WCUFO.

I know the WCUFO false. I also know that the rest of your information is mostly correct. I know that you’re in quite a tizzy about this.

Read the Book of Proverbs in the Bible for an explanation.

I know that YHWH will have the final answer on this … by me … or someone else … pray that it’s me btw … because if it’s not, then someone else will come and witness to your shame and your foolishness.




The WCUFO is real and is made mainly of copper and is a very heavy spaceship. . .. . . and I believe it is Sirian in origin.

J. Smith

And this whole rant is exactly why religion and religious delusion is detrimental to the human psyche….couldn’t be happier to have gotten away from it. You would think a child wrote that nonsense.

Philip Brandel

I hear that J… Makes me shutter to have to hear this stuff in music, writing, person. Almost my entire life I have felt this way also, but not to easy to achieve on our world!! Part of the gig of life to be amongst it…. just have to live and try and learn something different from it. How to change it into something truthful, shows the time and effort we face ahead of us all as a planet.
Guess part of it as Michael has said is give people the chance to work out their issues and there must be something there to work with maybe for them to have made there way here.


“God”, the one universal alibi.

When you can essentially cast away fellow Earth Humanity as amateurish compared to professional faith based spiritual summations says a lot in the types of response seen. Of course, it is not the truth that some folks despite but rather themselves since if they do unto others then they do so towards themselves.


Marellus, if you want to talk to Mr. Horn, please remember to be respectful of him as the “owner” of this blog. If you are persistently disrespectful, he’ll block you from posting.


Michael, I think you had better report this nefarious dangerous entity Marabus to the local authorities,police etc. If this so-called Mrarabus threaten you aand anyone els,you had better call now befor this character does any more harm to you and anyone else PRONTO!”This is URGENT”! Do me a favor and try to get this Marabus OFF of your blog.Thankyou. If he threatens you again please report this right away


Michael, Here is another idea about Marabus. Why not just delete Marabus off your blog altogether or flag this guy-report as You Tube does with inapropriate videos or even state that anybody who blogs inappropriately should just please get off your blog and if he doesn`t then you should reporet this as I stated in my last blog. This should also include anybody else too. You may need to have some important rules concerning your blogs in the future so people will have to be polite,gracois, and nice as you have stated before no bad words,language such as the f and s words etc.


I agree with u MH.keep it up


I am with you on that Michael. It’s good to see others sides (if you can’t stand it, don’t read it) and it’s good to know where people are coming from. I was a little appalled at some of your regular readers reactions (kick him off and phone the cops and such) visions of off with his head because he dared say something that wasn’t agreeable and the intolerance shown by your readers just blows me away. Please remain the guiding force in showing others how to react to such nonsense. And can you please show them how to grow a backbone?


Why not just delete Marabus off your blog altogether or flag this guy-report as You Tube does with inapropriate videos or even state that anybody who blogs inappropriately should just please get off your blog and if he doesn`t then you should reporet this as I stated in my last blog.

You’re a stoopid little kafir aren’t you ? O hell, I’ve gone done it now, haven’t I ?

Sorry to disappoint you, I am a kafir as well … but a smart one. Go read the link.

As for why I said this, it’s easy – Didn’t ole Billy mention that some extra-terrestials went and got themselves a religion 1340 years ago visiting this planet, and heeding the injunctions of this religion’s holy scriptures, went and merrily blasted up three planets ?

Hell, it was so bad that the ‘Federation’ had to jump in.

And ole Billy would let you believe it was Christianity.


It was Islam – that religion whom ole Billy is so enamored with. Didn’t he convert to it btw ?

And that’s because Islam was the coming thing 1340 years ago. Why the hell would them extra-terrestials bother with a religion that told its followers to turn the other cheek (and bless those who curse them), when its opponents just merrily chopped their heads off, coz ole Muhammad tole ’em it’s the right thing to do ?

It’s in their ‘sacred’ hadiths btw.

They’d be intrigued wouldn’t they ? We love learning from winners don’t we ? And Islam was winning then.

So you stoopid little kafir, I’m not gonna threaten you or MH, I’m just gonna mock you with some common sense.

You can get some of it yourself, if you’ve got the guts to change your moniker from TC to THC … coz that’s what you’re smoking … (there’s no other reason for misspelling my name is there ?) … be honest with yourself THC … and get help.

Then do me a favor, and go die for your beliefs in the Middle East.

The Christians there are doing so already.


I’m in the mood for a lil’ vigorous debate.

To begin with, what is your position exactly, Marellus? In clear and concise language, what is the point you are trying to make? Then I or others can respond in turn.

But first, so we are all on the same page, though Meier studied many religions–indeed Islam among them–he is most certainly not a Muslim. Meier in fact openly and frequently criticizes religion–all religions–bluntly and harshly. Meier’s “spiritual teaching” is strictly non-religious and belief-less.

But, I take it, you are here to argue Christianity is the one true religion? Is that the debate to be had? I’m game.

Offer us a couple reasons why you think Christianity is real and true and valuable and we can go from there…?


You do realize Billy has the records to all the religions he was in right? And, the amount of stuff Billy has typed in German, and the stuff that gets translated in English which is some of it, kind of equally treats all religions with the same passion and vigor anyone would be familiar with the one armed man from Switzerland. So, to say Billy somehow ‘favors’ one religion over others is a misleading statement at best.


I was thinking about all the writings Billy has done on the way home from work tonight, boggles the mind to think how many. I read the essay written by Billy at the age of 11 last night on Gregs’ wordpress blog; impressive doesn’t come close to describing it!


This guy is an unfortunate example of how religion time and time again produces hatred, revenge, retaliation, potentially degenerating into murder, blood-lust horrendous destruction of any kind, so on and so forth. And you know what, it all starts with a single thought… Marellus is just faithfully doing his duty, trying to make sense of all the contradictory information in the bible, which is obviously driving him insane. In a downward spiral he is caught, stuck like a fly in a spiders web, a web of lies. Because the evil that he represents, is only the lack of knowledge, lack of truth, lack of love, which pushes him deeper down, into the filthy pit of ignorance…

Maxime Bergeron Falardeau

Tabarnak! What’s the matter with those religious freaks!
Damit, Martellus?!?! Do you realise what you have wrote?
Wow, I though when I was at high school that religions was about to fade away… now these days we encounter more and more totally delusional people who are completely lost in their strange beliefs. It’s sad. It is really sad. It would merit a good knock on the head. No one is controlling you, you are solely responsible for your nasty deeds.

what’s the matter with you guys?


I agree but if he or somebody else threatens you or uses threats and harms you then you might want to consider those ideas such as I suggested. You once stated you wanted to keep the blog clean,etc. You don`t want malevolent unfriendly people around you.


Well yes there Terry maybe we should all hide in a cocoon and if someone says anything, call the cops. Since there have been no threats of physical violence, what exactly do you think the cops are going to do? Nothing. You need to get out in the real world and see how it really works.


Michael, that posting sounded pretty much like a threat to me. Please take measurements accordingly.


Silvana,That`s what I was trying to tell and say to Michael all along. I agree with you, I think it is a threat from Marabus and possibly Lukus too.

Matt lee

Wait a minute I ‘ll just get the tape measure.

Philip Brandel

All of religion is threatening and violent in many different ways in my opinion…. Yet, how will we change and create something better on our world if we don’t at least try and correspond with those within its degenerative inhuman grasp.
Including and by no means limited to those closest to us!
I cant speak for anyone else but its vibrations(religion) are strong and hard to completely ignore while being within humanities grasps. How do we change these thoughts, feelings, actions, words, into something meaningful towards the good, better.
It is respectable within my own two feet to see this here… as everyday is a struggle/battle against the degeneracy of our world created beliefs of servitude. Some know absolutely no different…

Philip Brandel

Little add on…
One would think I would already be there for all the times I was told I would smelt in the eternal fires of hell for even daring to you some fake name in vain! Let alone the violent threats given to me some do actually follow through with it on our world…. a chance us truth seekers must face in knowing the real truth!