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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

The Cynical Fraud that Is SETI

The ongoing, deliberate cover-up and concealment of the Billy Meier UFO case keeps SETI in business

“If some day we receive an information-rich signal from another star, no one expects it to be written in English, Chinese, or Swahili. Instead, researchers engaged in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) often suggest that mutual comprehension will come through the language of math.”

Thus spoke SETI’s resident prophet, Douglas Vakoch, who in the most unscientific of terms confidently declared how an extraterrestrial race would make contact with us, while also leaving out German, the actual language in which the Billy Meier contacts have been conducted for the past 73 ½ years. Vakoch’s prognostication has also proved to be further incorrect because thousands of pages of the information have already been translated into English and other languages.

Why do clueless people like Vakoch presume to speak for extraterrestrials – who already made it clear that they chose not to communicate with him – or is that rhetorical?

Jill Tarter, Vakoch and Seth Shostak (who’s apparently very busy…at cocktail parties) are quite aware of the inconvenient reality of Billy Meier contacts with the Plejaren extraterrestrials. In order to avoid drawing any attention to it – which would put them out of business – they don’t even dare to publicly call the case a hoax. In their so-called “Search for Extra-Terrestrial” Intelligence they’re like the hierarchy at MUFON, who also avoid the Meier caseand collect their salaries for not finding what they say they’re looking for.

Jill Tarter even said, “I wish that TED would empower Earthlings everywhere to become active participants in the search for cosmic company.” So how can one not regard SETI as a fraud when they call for assistance from the public…and then refuse to look at, or acknowledge that they have, it?

It’s the Salaries Stupid

It’s nice to know that the salaries at SETI “…are competitive with comparable work environments in the Bay Area.” – considering how much money this organization tales in. But it doesn’t cost anything to look through the proverbial telescope. Maybe they forgot that not so very long ago they were students who were being taught to be scientists, to suspend prejudices and preconceptions, to test claims and evidence using the scientific method, logic and reason in pursuit of…the truth.

Did Shostak, Tarter, Vakoch, etc., simply keep the Meier case from the rest of SETI over all these many years? How do their fellow scientists feel about being part of this farce, the cover-up and concealment of the Meier case?

Granted, this may be an ego buster for those nice folks listed below* who, somehow, seem to have been kept out of the loop on the most important discovery in all of science and human history, one that their organization is supposedly dedicated to discovering…as millions of people worldwide already have.

Regarding Vakoch’s question, “What would you say to an extraterrestrial?”, the answer from anyone who’s studied the Meier material might be, “Thank you for coming here and caring enough to try to assist us to assure our own future survival, despite our belligerence, arrogance and suicidal stupidity.”

The odds that any of these people – including those at the equally pointless NExSS – will rise to the occasion is very low, simply because their first considerations appear to be their funding, tenure, so-called reputations, etc.

When know-nothing “scientists” (science fiction writers) decide just how an extraterrestrial race will contact us, it only shows that they’re deliberately ignorant of the Billy Meier contacts…and more interested in perpetuating their careers.

It also shows how people are easily fooled when they put their faith and trust in outside authorities and don’t do their thinking for themselves.

The Billy Meier UFO case is what the cover-up is really about. And SETI is complicit in that cover-up.

Asteroid Apophis

It is no different of course in regards to the danger posed by asteroid Apophis. As we pointed out before, despite the feel good fanfare and promotional fervor over movies and T-shirts having died down…Apophis is still coming.

Having failed to elicit even one response from any of those parties, scientists included, we are left to consider what Meier said, on May 27, 2015, about the likelihood scientists coming together to do something about this very real threat.

Let’s hope that real intellectual honesty, scientific curiosity and the search for truth can be revived at SETI, which otherwise seems to be a very badly misnamed enterprise, to say the very least.

(For more information from the Meier contacts on outer space related topics click here.)

Please see today’s video here!

See also:

NASA Engineer: The Billy Meier UFO Case Is Real

The Great “Scientific” Masquerade

Concealing Contact at all Costs

Apophis: Let’s Try This Again

NASA’s “New” Mars Report Published by Billy Meier DECADES Ago

* SETI personnel…do they really not know about the Billy Meier Contacts? Feel free to ask them, that’s what they’re paid for:



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Terry Carch

More likely the microscope.

Allen Anderson

When Nikola Tesla told J.P. Morgan, ” we can supply every home and business with electricity for free because it is all around us”, J.P. Morgan said, ” great, where do I put the meters”? It’s the same thing over and over again, the freely available information Michael and others have made available will never draw the attention that it deserves from these frauds and charlatans because liars will never tell the truth as there is no profit in the truth and there is no profit in free, but if there were a charge attached to the information, they would certainly speak up about the profit seeking prophet so they could then create some worthy, in their minds, controversy about the last Herald to walk the face of Earth. No matter how clear the truth can be seen, the fog created by those with the most to gain from the continual obfuscation of the truth, will continue to hide the truth to the best of their abilities. The truth will not take hold with these nefarious ones, the average citizens of the world MUST stand up and be heard. This is why it may take another 800 years, as the people must re-learn to think and act for themselves in order to save themselves.

Matt Knight

When he eventuallly gets round to making a credible point and taking a decisive stance, “The Cynical Fraud that Is MOSHE” may start picking up some some intelligent signals himself, but, alas I fear he may too SETI ‘n’ his ways.

Daniel Zumon

I really feel passionately that the SETI employees have committed an injustice against they’re fellow countrymen by narrowing they’re bandwidth of perspective, what say you Matt Knight?

Matt Knight

Well, they’ve definitely got the information now so let’s see but I wont be holding my breath. The interesting thing about reading info from Meier & getting it is that it makes the absurd things in life really obvious – it’s like an evolutive step in the right direction.

Allen Anderson

I could not agree with you more Matt, well said.

Moshe Levy

Zinger comes from outta nowhere! I take plenty of stands, but if you’re asking about me taking a stand on whether Meier is a fraud and liar, I can’t prove my stance so expressing it is outside the parameters MH has set for me on this site.

Now how am I a fraud?

Matthew Deagle

Well, for one you just said that you have a stance that you believe in but can’t prove. That’s pretty questionable.

Moshe Levy

Matthew Deagle-you asked me to take a stance. A stance is an opinion. It is by definition not provable. Do you want me to state facts or opinions? MH has censored me in the past for providing opinions because I can’t prove them, and he’s censored me for providing facts because I’ve repeated them too often or they were not from my own original research. (A double standard, I know-no one else’s research here has to be done completely themselves.)

Moshe Levy

I’m simply responding to a question about my opinion.

Matt Knight

Moshe – Sorry I was getting on board with your whole calling-someone-a-fraud-without-having-to-provide-any-evidence thing that you were doing. I just thought I’d check out all the “more likely explanations” for your apparent stupidity before deciding either way.

Moshe Levy

I accept your apology.

Matt Knight

What apology? Interesting that you don’t disagree with me that I was doing what you are doing, but, you expect and accept an apology for that. At the very least you are a hypocrite and therefore very likely a fraud, or, just not as smart as you think you are (fraud too).

Moshe Levy

Matt Knight-“What apology?” You said you were sorry so I was accepting your apology.

I think every phrase in your comment was wrong other than the apology. I didn’t state that I know Meier is a fraud but I’ve provided plenty of evidence that points in that direction. I haven’t seen your name before so you may not have read previous comments of mine. No one has tried to refute any fact I’ve presented. But, if I present my evidence again, MH will likely block my comment. So you’ll have to look at my past comments. And if you care to refute my facts, I’d love to hear about it. You’d be the first.

Moshe Levy

MH, suit yourself but I think your site is a lot more interesting when you let me comment.

One final thought: your blog posts are sometimes cynical and angry. It’s really no wonder when your world-view is that a vast conspiracy exists to keep you and Meier down. If you come to grips with the reality that people just don’t believe the existing evidence for completely rational reasons, then you can engage in the more constructive pursuit of getting Meier to provide you with evidence that can actually convince people (film of Meier getting in a craft and having it take off and showing the interior, providing a metal sample to a neutral lab selected by a truly neutral third party, written works that predicted events before they happen rather than adding it in later editions of the book after the event, etc.).

I’d love to have strong evidence that this Meier stuff is true, but it hasn’t been produced yet. Fifty pieces of weak evidence do not equal one piece of strong evidence. Produce that one piece of strong evidence and you’ll convince a lot of rational people and you’ll be less cynical and angry.

Philip Brandel

Its never good enough!
Is hard to always get involved with this argument but in some ways over the years its seems to help solidify ones own. So if I may add a little to this for my own sanity:)
This is also like certain foods that are never as good as when they are fresh, and freshly cooked. Another analogy that most can never get past is that this is decades old! The best evidence is not new, shiny, ready for integration into today’s belief driven, techno brat diet. It isn’t served on a silver platter ready to eat fresh, by a master chef in these regards. It is aged and because of its lack of taste for so many within the fantasy of instant, techno phantasmagoria belief driven satisfaction, think it smells and tastes like ‘horse apples’. Well mainly the physical evidence, as most I hope would in many ways agree with the spiritual teachings, if they could get past a few hiccups within some of the other less obvious writings!!!? To always ask for bigger and better things makes one always seem to never understand how good, what they do have is. Or to truly understand it in some, many ways? Especially for those stuck in a warp of time consisting of things that could not be farther from truly being rational human beings!
It seems for all to many, for the bulk of humanity at this time, a space ship could land in their back yard, smash ones foot and they would still believe it to not be good enough, just a sign from god:) The line between belief, profit, and self satisfaction, less self responsibility have all but vanished in the eyes of true rationality, for so many on our blue world. It just wont be good enough it seems, to me, until we cultivate the proper technique in deciphering old recipes and learning to cook the things we need and yearn to on our own. As it seems the recipes are here for us to understand and we each have to find our way in preparing the dish we desire, to lead us back to the true taste and texture it was intended to represent, in the first place.

Moshe Levy

To be clear (and I admit I haven’t been), I can’t demonstrate that Meier is a fraud, just like you can’t demonstrate that people working at SETI are. To do that, we have to prove what their motives are. You and I can have very strong evidence in one direction or another, but unless we’re in the brain of the people we’re discussing, we can’t be 100 percent sure.

I know you have a very hard time admitting when you’re incorrect (that’s one of the things that makes this site interesting), but I can’t imagine how you’ll justify that double standard.

It reminds me of your diatribe against anonymous posting and your subsequent admission that you’ve done it yourself (without acknowledging the inconsistency). That stubbornness (or perseverance) is what makes you a great leader and a poor philosopher.

Moshe Levy

And thanks for letting me continue to post. Under that gruff exterior, I can tell you have a big heart. I mean that sincerely.

Daniel Zumon

Moshe is more awake than anyone else here including me.

Moshe Levy

I can’t speak for SETI, obviously, but it’s a safe bet that the emails you guys are sending don’t provide compelling evidence.

Example: one of the main arguments raised as evidence is that Meier wrote about scientific discoveries before they were covered in local newspapers in Switzerland. When the choice is between Meier having somehow gotten ahold of a scientific publication or that he’s in contact with aliens, most people would lean toward that Meier read it.

Daniel Zumon

What I find deplorable about the Billy Meier case is that because it deals with UFO’s and UFO’s has not been set out properly on our world by the responsible people yet, namely because our evolution has not reached that stage yet (absolutely understandable under every possible circumstance, evolution undermining and we dont even have UFO’s yet). That we get all sorts of weird crazy individuals come along, and personally speaking I find that incredibly distasteful. In my normal offline life I would NEVER under any circumstances initiate any kind of open honest discussion, never let those individual in and hand out all the answers to anyone who is distasteful, so its perfectly understandable that I keep a proper arms length from the community, because I have to protect my family from any distasteful disturbances, I have to protect my own personal life from any distasteful crazy buggers, to keep my peace, relaxation, my ability to control and moderate calmly.

So I dont even care if you can’t see that this information is directly referencing the much wider reality Moshe, actually. I am only entertaining here online, I support Michael Horn and others, and especially support the FIGU, but because of that open endedness it will forever been at a full solid arm’s length, though I do realise that there are around a thousand individuals worldwide that have in all sincerity realised the nature of the information presented and I have utmost respect for them, again I just can’t risk any unnecessary disturbances. Perhaps when there is a more official governmental stance on many of these situations, I may then step forward properly.

matt lee

What is wrong with moshe

Thomas Turk

Moshe is not a fraud. He’s a plant to sow discord and doubt.

Matthew Deagle

All right, I just mass-emailed them about entropic gravity and radio-signals deteriorating after 2 lightyears.

Matthew Deagle

For the record, as of 15 August 2015, not a single one of these SETI-people has replied to my e-mail about the prediction of the entropic theory of gravity by an extraterrestrial contactee. They may either be uninterested due to a priori assumption that this is “impossible” and so they don’t need to look any deeper into the evidence, or are knowing and conscious disinformation-agents. The former however would not surprise me. Most scientists on this planet are pusillanimous pea-brains, and even “alien searchers” are apparently unconscious of the true size of the universe.

David Scott

Hey ,I got it …. lets pay a guy, and a huge support team to sit and wait for a radio signal to prove to mankind that ET does not exist , UNTIL we have a reason to use this crisis and not waste it . How perfect . Its a giant slush fund if you ask me . I would like to always see someone follow the money. In fact would that not be the best TV series ? Call it ‘Follow the Money’ and have a team of investigators just follow the trail capturing all the facts and then towards the ends show up and ask the real questions. Epic . Second thing is aren’t we so much smarter than this ‘wait for the signa’ idea ? Its obviously so stupid I laugh so hard it makes me cry and my stomach hurts. Such a bunch of clowns man. If and I say if anyone was intelligent the one question of why ‘they’ or UFO s are seen here and what in the world are they doing . The one answer is to keep an eye on us crazy ass humans . We are so insane and at the same time so increadibly DANGEROUS TO ALL LIFE IN THE ENTIRE GALAXY , as Billy eloquently writes about speaking of the destroyer comet. If anyone that is intelligent does feels he is a fraud, In that story alone you can find a wealth of intellect displayed so well . And the thing is , his stories are depictions of things that are intensely unique and fascinating and so obviously based in reality. Just sayin . Because obviously the Plejaran showed up at the exact time we were insane ass humans now capable of blowing up the entire planet and a certain threat to their way of life. Oh and everyone else in space , so it does stand to reason they were not the only ones eating popcorn , watching the shitshow here on earth shaking their heads and rolling their eyes. Their probably is no better ‘show’ in the universe than watching these crazy ass humans do crazy insane stuff . That’s probably the most popular form of entertainment in the universe , watching the ‘Stupid Humans show’ after dinner every night. As the world Burns…..

Terry Carch

Couldn`t agree more with you Dave. Seems to me humanity on Earth is getting stupider, dumber and sicker than ever. What ever else is new? This explains why the P`s are willing to wait 800 LONG years for Earth humanity to wake up IF EVER!::_(((

Daniel Zumon

Be careful there my darling Terry, what you just said is tantamount (equal to) terrorism, and that is precisely why the Plejaren never framed the specifics in the way you just did, its why they used very particular carefully selected words to describe the very specific details of the situation. Careful.

matt lee

Daniel be careful what you infer as you might burn people

matt lee

Terry there is nothing wrong with the world and everything is how it ought to be
People are smart and they know what they are doing
There is no reason to change anything because everything is sweet and fine.
People will live happily ever after

Terry Carch

Matt, What I`m getting at is the most people are NOT heading the warnings that BillyMeier is talking about such as the asteroid Apothis, WW3, etc. However as I`ve stated ,yes you are right most people are still learning and evolving.It`s the news which is most of the time very negative while the celebrity culture seems to be more entertaining,less negative. Most people can`t afford a good academic college education even if they could, they would wind paying in debt for the reat of their entire life which could lead to the dumbing down of the human race(de-evolving). Knowledge is power. Thanks to the internet we are learning and finding more information but NOT through chat rooms mind you. For example you can now learn a language such as German on the internet instead of paying thousands of dollars in college to take a course in German as an example. However I personally prefer to think positive thoughts. However are we going to find solutions to such issues at the astoroid Apothis,WW3, etc, for example.How are we going to live and survive if we keep thinking negative thoughts instead of potive thoughts. If we keep on thinking negatively then surely WW3 will hap[pen. If we think and take positive action action then we can with hope not fear take the necessary steps to avoid WW3 as an example and learn and evolve from our mistakes by way of educating ourselves NOT though guns but though diplomatic talk,talk talk and education-learning.

matt lee

Terry I’ve come full circles on this and have arrived back to the same position I’ve started from and frankly I have learnt to let go of the things I cannot change immediately
You need to wait for others to catch up and go through the turnstil.
Nobody I’ve met in the real world have even heard about the words peace love harmony and freedom in this one full combinations let alone the name billy meier.

Terry Carch

I agree with you Matt. But I remember Billy saying that even when we go into space and beyond planting a flag etc in the name of peace is just a bunch of words. “Peace alone is NOT going to solve the problem unless we REALLY clean up our act and RALLY take the necessary steps to REALLY go into the cosmic universe not just in peace but to go into the cosmic universe by NOT fighting but by co-operation and getting along with other cultures and customs etc. As I stated in my last post from the Star Trek TNG,Captin PIcard was a diplomat before he was captin of the USS Enterpise and Patric Stewart dsated in his You Tube video “Keep talking and talking and talking and talking instead of putting a gun to somedody`s head.” Bringing peace to the universe while still fighting wars on Earth just goes to mean you are not really being serious and not telling the truth! As I`ve said and I`ll say it again,Billy is right just saying peace is NOT enough when going to moon,Mars and beyond our solar system. Same goes for love,joy, and so on.

Daniel Zumon

Terry, you honour BEAM and that deserves honour. But lets be clear, for most people any sort of hypothetical future anything is less of any possible concern than the more important things, local things that actually matter, like local economic changes, political changes, injustices, diseases, eating some faeces from they’re dog cat mixed into the food getting sick with cholera, bubo, a local tsunami, a local fire, a local toxic cloud, local alien invasion, local weather tornado, local damage to the electrical substation, local damage to the mobile phone antenna, local family level problems, organ failure (especially if your job is to play the organ for weddings etc).

Look even the plejaren dont care so much about there neighbour to the extent where they might try and live someone else’s life, because they know that is a creative-natural-law impossibility, that we can only ever live our own lives. The television broadcasters tried education for many many years and many went bankrupt, politicians tried education for many many years and they were hounded persecuted, not voted, and corporations like mcdonalds coca cola etc, wanted desperately to do the right thing before they invented those companies but ended up with what the market wants, and therefore what people want, and do

Terry Carch

Sorry to get off topic. George Noory just stated on c2c that there is a Russian military buildup against NATO in Europe. Noory just said we need to get a second START treaty sighned NOW or else we`ll have another war.

Diane Magsig

MH, I am just beginning to see the problems you face just trying to tell the truth. I am grateful for your dedication on educating as many as possible about Billy Meier, the Seven Principles teachings,the evils of overpopulation and Apophis. The sheer quantity of information should be enough to convince..everyone.
Keep up the good work. You are not alone as I try to inform as many around me as will listen about Billy and his messages.


Sorry to skip off topic. Can anyone point to any good articles from Billy or others on over-population.



matt lee

Dub there is no overpopulation problem
The truth is what people believe it is or what they say it is and that is that

Daniel Zumon

I agree with everything you’ve said except what you’ve said here Matt, Overpopulation is the single cause of all the damages, the damage to the evolution itself, we cannot any longer just ignore people and live in absolute happiness as you say, and as we have done traditionally, if it was not for very special factors, such as BEAM for example, people such as myself would destroy every last possible thing under overpopulated conditions through the course of time, because there is no point in doing anything, ever, under overpopulated conditions, no point starting a family, no point working, accumulating assets, land, no point developing any new technologies, no possibility for being peaceful, being left alone, you be careful to check that one Matt. I did agree with you about taking the notch down on the severity of other things 🙂 – the other worldly area is in absolute chaos apparently, families breaking up, civilization itself breaking down

Daniel Zumon

I never had him down for being bent (dishonest)

Daniel Zumon

The truth is no place for an individual that is being dishonest, you know better than this Michael

Daniel Zumon

Distorting the truth {facts, popular agreements, things that make rational sense to a thinking person}, that is ok as you say, I mean I enjoy comedy and satire myself, but I mean its like a doctor saying your kidney is fine, believe it is or what they say it is and that is that, not even a good luck or any notification of a joke being expressed, serious face and all. I mean theres a fine line there, no? Imagine if BEAM suddenly came out and said, it was all a big joke guys, there is no issue, without even indicating that he was saying that to give us time to reflect.

matt lee

Gee Michael just when I thought I was just starting to warm up to the party and rev it up a notch……hehe
Oh well I’ll just stir the pot of speghetti sauce instead.

matt lee

Be happy Daniel cos it is the refuge of the wise who are patient enough for the change that they have worked to bring about that’ll come about eventualky knowing it’ll never happen in our lifetime

Daniel Zumon

Thanks matt, I’ll keep everything incredibly geographically and time localised, and ignore most of the injustices that take place on a minute by minute basis worldwide at every possible level, and just focus on the invigorating feinstoffsinnlich, while setting a level of greed that allows me to never have to succumb to any of those injustices, aka normal

Silvana De Angelis
Silvana De Angelis

That posting was placed in the wrong spot, it was in relation to Dubhaltagh request on Billy’s articles on overpopulation.


Good man.

dubhaltagh o hearcain

Yeah no problem

matt lee

Daniel I get it
I get where you are coming from.
I am not blinded to all those things you’ve mentioned.
Speaking for myself I’ve gotten to a stage in life now where I need to shut up and actually do more of what I’ve spoken about over many years.
My track record is embarrassing and hypocritically just theoretical.
Every time we air our grievances and the proverbial preaching to the choir we empower the problems instead of solving them.
Remember what Billy said?
We can’t force change on other people.
We can only help them to the info.
They and they alone can change themselves for better or for the worse according to their own volition.
As much as we would like a better world for everyone this aint gonna happen for a very long time because of the free will thing.
You are well intentioned and good on ya but look out there in the real world.
The most common response from people I get when I try to raise important issues are “look I don’t give a f***, I only want to focus on my own life and immediate concerns as I can’t do anything about it anyway, end of discussion”
Can you see what I am getting at?
It’s a long wait

Philip Brandel

Wondered where you had gone Matt? Been awhile since you have written here at MH’s blog.
“Speaking for myself I’ve gotten to a stage in life now where I need to shut up and actually do more of what I’ve spoken about over many years.
My track record is embarrassing and hypocritically just theoretical.
Every time we air our grievances and the proverbial preaching to the choir we empower the problems instead of solving them.”
Could not agree more with this in a few personal ways! Time to put up or shut up for many! Better for the self than to think anyone else needs a history lesson. How much many are hiding and afraid to do more than air their concerns rather than live them through change, let alone actually live them within personal self responsibility to change for oneself, for the good, better, best in the real world.

matt lee

Hi Phil long time no see
I hope you’ve been well.
I am not the only one but raising a baby is not as easy as I would’ve imagined.
Good to see everyone kicking with gusto as usual.

Philip Brandel

I hope the same for you Matt! It seems in the end your child will be lucky to have such a dad, as yourself. Good to read your words ones again, non the less.
We have been conversing in some of the same areas on and off for A LOT of years:)
From almost the beginning of it all for me…..

Though this is a conversation obviously for a different place.

Anyone hear back from SETI? Got nothing after emailing almost all of them! Going to try again later today with a little more push!

Moshe Levy

Can I offer a different perspective? I’m not sure everyone is entitled to a reply from the SETI institute, which is a private organization. After all, if every scientist had to research the claims of every person who claimed a telepathic connection to aliens, they wouldn’t have time to do the specific work they were hired to do.

On your other request, MH, I’ll respond to it soon.

Sheila Clark

Hi Matt, your a busy guy. Personally I have a hard time with the overpopulation problem because I too have contributed to it and I feel like such a hypocrite. But we still have to be vocal about it, it’s the only way. One of the signs of atmospheric collapse was the clouds are getting lower. I sure notice that around here.
Not an email back from SETI, Philip, not one…

matt lee

Good on ya Philip
Iam sure your son is doing just fine under the care of such a dad as yourself.
Yes we have started this journey around about the same time
This means we could share nostalgic memories of our freshman years hopefully over a beer some day.

Matthew Deagle

Moshe, if you are the one from Lakewood – come on. You are being “skeptical” about Billy Meier, the reincarnation of the actual prophets Jeremiah, Elijah, etc, and yet you live in “Orthodox” central and thus presumably believe in every silly fable of the medieval rabbis.

Thomas Turk

Moshe already twisting the truth there? He says… every person who has a telepathic connection. Yup.. that’s Billy? It’s all in the mind Moshe implies.. just as Carl Sagan said that any body who sees a ufo is hallucinating. All alternative sites have plants who eventually give it away when agitated It’s better to ignore them.. they’ll just keep repeating the same hogwash ie WCU is a dustbin lid.

matt lee

Just say no to overpopulation
Howdy Sheila
Totally unplanned pregnancy puts you in between a rock and a hard place.
You either have to murder or you have to add to it.
I am glad I chose the latter.
Well taking cues from Billy I feel less guilty for breaking my vows never to have children knowing I’ve got two less birth children than he.
What’s with the low clouds are you under the clouds.
Sorry oops
Anyway if I have a suggestion try to punch a hole through the clouds with your mind
Last time I tried I created a storm.
BTW no joke.

Moshe Levy

Thomas, my point is that many people think they’re in contact with aliens. SETI employees have specific roles, and they can’t devote time to responding to all those people and still have time to do their jobs.

Terry Carch

Here is an article from the c2c News for 8/13/15 from Mirror tittled “Peace-loving aliens tried to save America from nuclear war claims mission astronaut Mitchell I don`t know how much truth there is in this article but if this were REALLY true then maby billy would have told us so?


Sir firslty thanks you for spreading the billy Meier case

Too much informations
A very pirate tresory-

I already read the talmud of jmmanuel

But it seem like it wasn’t finish

Billy was promised to receive the remaining part from ” The Arahat Athersata plane (Arahat Athersata (Sanskrit) ”

You know, the part where Jmmanuel go to teach in india and others countries

Thank you infinitly sir if you can provide mee the version who contain All theses part

My spirit need to Eat.

Matt Knight

I’m only sorry you don’t get it Moshe. You claim to stand somewhere between there being; “…much more likely explanations for Meier than that he’s talking to aliens”, and, “I can’t demonstrate that Meier is a fraud”? Where exactly is that stand then Moshe as it sounds to me like you’re dancing. At least, when questioning, which is healthy, present your own theories. Do you even consider that effective cover-ups can and do happen? If yes, then you have to consider that all the evidence that Mahesh has provided gives weight to the serious effort that was put in to discredit Meier, exactly as Meier explained. Think about it: Only a powerful group could have coordinated all this fakery associated with Billy’s trip into space. This group would have to be connected to high positions within Hollywood and Russian media & NASA, etc., to get all the source materials for the fakes. They would also have to have some superquick transportation systems and databanks to access images & get them to Meier in time so that he & the Plejaren would not notice. The fact that Hollywood made a mockery out of the ‘Men In Black’, years after Meier published that they were responsible for the fakes, again, hints as the size of this cover-up as do many peoples’ personal experiences in this case. For me, Mahesh has proven that there was no practical way possible that Meier could have carried out the fakes by himself, even with the help of those immediately around him. One can only conclude that the extent of this cover-up is massive & far reaching. You’re dancing to the tune of those that will lead humanity to destruction and think it’s all a joke. You may want to stop dancing, give us one original thought of your own or, change your tune (again) before it’s too late.

Moshe Levy

The alternative to Meier’s account of events related to his trip through time and space doesn’t require a vast conspiracy. I’m too exhausted to describe an alternative scenario now but I will in a couple of days. Matt, just tell me where to post it.

Moshe Levy

“If you can’t figure it out, don’t bother.”

MH, you seem upset. May I recommend meditation? I find that it really helps me relax.

Moshe Levy

Misdirected crankiness and irritability.

Matthew Deagle

You’re right – it doesn’t require a vast conspiracy. It just requires a majority of vastly thick-headed people on the planet Earth.

Daniel Zumon

The plejaren used your name Michael in a contact report about how not to entertain conspiracy on top of wider conspiracies, creating alternative realities to the meier case and alternate realities to realities, deluding people, not to do that. We’ve given moshe every possible answer now, I recommend that he has deluded himself or has a mental health (brain cognitive) condition, where he will voluntarily delude his own psyche’s developed understanding of reality. Moshe is probably from the entertainment networks, where they invent new ideas to sell to the conspiracy community.

Daniel Zumon

You know about religion Michael?, Well if say for example in real life the Brahmana means the one who has realized the Ultimate Reality, from the vedas, about 5000 years old. Then Moshe Levy is a modern day american the exact opposite (polar opposite binary opposition) to that, in terms of his ideological religiosity.

Matt Knight

Whilst you await inspiration to respond, you should be able to show the following in your response:

That in the pre-internet and pre-mobile phone days, the videos, photos and drawings that were used as source material for the fake space photos were practically available to Meier in Switzerland at that time, according to what we know and can prove he had access to in terms of funds, travel receipts, witness accounts at the time, distribution of these source materials, library & shop stock available at the time, etc.

The “reason” why Billy would go to the huge expense and trouble to take photos of a fully-sized “WCUFO” and Semjase’s beamship, etc., in broad daylight and on the ground, (that convinced the very best experts and scientists, both, at the time and ’til today), but, then used easily-discoverable copies for the space pictures, despite already having access to huge models for land-based photos?
and related…
What happened to Billy’s supposed master model-making skills that skeptics afforded to him for the WCUFO land-based photos when it came to making the known-to-be-fake space pictures?
What would the costs, time, work and risks be for creating special effects with models to look like they are in space with its vast expanses of black and lack of identifiable objects for scale – compared to the costs, efforts, risks of doing this on the ground in broad daylight with known and measurable buildings and landscapes, etc? Why choose to carry out the latter and produce poor evidence for the former?

If Billy has access to information and funds way beyond his reach and skills, how he can he be being aided by anything other than ETs when all powerful Earth-based groups would have vested interests and investments in one of a thousand industries that he openly and regularly criticises, e.g., Military, Religious, Political, Financial, Media, Science, Oil, Cars, Chemicals, Mining, Sports, NASA, UFO communities, etc.? Name the terrestrial power groups that have not made money from these types of industries and explain why they would want to lose money?

Why the sources for the faked space images being available to Meier, somewhere in the world, is any better evidence that he faked his pictures than every murderer being alive at the time of a homicide being guilty of the crime? Describe how a detective might work to narrow the field of investigation a little?

Daniel Zumon

You know those british David attenborough BBC Nature documentaries, that basically just film animals, insects, weather, rivers, plants etc, Even those have studious skeptics with their idiotic conspiratorial theories, who bombast, they have a whole call centre in new delhi dedicated to it.

Moshe Levy

Matt, you wrote a lot! To respond to your first point:

I think your argument is that I can’t demonstrate that Meier had access to the paintings in those pictures and that therefore the photos were in fact originally taken by Meier but not until after the aliens sent a telepathic signal to the artist who painted it before Billy’s trip. (I’m using one picture here. Meier’s explanation for other pictures varies.)

So, my argument is this: A reasonable person will think it more likely that Meier found the painting and took a photo of it than that aliens sent images to a painter, the painter painted a painting, and then Meier was taken aboard a spaceship where he took a photo of the same phenomenon that was sent to the painter.

This piece of evidence fails miserably when you look at the reasonableness of the two alternatives. Billions of people have gotten access to paintings that I can’t prove they had access to, but by Meier’s own account, at most ONE person in history may have gone on an alien adventure.

To anticipate MH’s reply, I’m only looking at the specific evidence for space photos. Address that. Not every other equally tenuous piece of evidence you have. We can dissect them one by one afterwards if you’d like.

Moshe Levy

I don’t blame you! It’s a lost cause. Time to retreat. And diversion to another topic.

I was just responding to Matt’s first paragraph. It was about the photos of the paintings.

Moshe Levy

And what about the prophecies and predictions? Do you want to avoid discussion about those too?

Matt Knight

You think wrong Moshe… about alot of things. Try reading my first paragraph again. I was addressing all the material that Mahesh has been looking at which represents different source materials. I’m keeping it short as it looks like you struggle with words.

Matt Knight

Oh and to help you along… many of those words grouped together in blocks are called paragraphs and attached to them are question marks. When you get a moment, maybe address one, even, two of them. There are no more answers comin’ from me because sometimes we should just use questions as opportunities to think instead of responding vacuously.

Moshe Levy

Matt, I’ve re-read your first paragraph (after the intro) and it still looks like you’re talking about space photos to me.