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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

The Law of Provision

Prosperity and abundance are, first and foremost, of an inner nature and are expressed in joy, love, peace, freedom and harmony

Forging Our Destiny

As Billy Meier said, “You are the smith of your own destiny”. And that destiny, like everything else in our lives, is directly connected with and determined by our thinking, through the might of our thoughts. He has made it clear that a thought is a might unto itself and that properly controlled, consciously formed, neutral-positive thoughts bring forward the desired results in time.

Since many factors and human beings are involved in life, we can’t always control all of the circumstances we may find ourselves in. But as Meier points out, we can control our own thoughts.

We think constantly but we are rarely consciously aware that we are doing so, or of the content of each and every thought. Nonetheless, these thoughts lead to and create our feelings; it’s not the other way around. And these feelings in turn lead to our actions, thereby creating our lives.

The Law of Provision

So it is also with the material life in terms of having that which one requires to live in the world. We often mistake our wants and desires for our true needs. And rarely do we realize that to have what we truly need means that we are…wealthy*.

Regarding the law of provision, Meier says:

It must be heeded that the law of provision only functions for those human beings who live according to it. It is clear that it can be doubted by this or that human being, yet only because there is no understanding of the principal (sic) which is based on the fact that prosperity and abundance are, first and foremost, of an inner nature and are expressed in joy, love, peace, freedom and harmony, and then only secondarily as material wealth, and so forth.

            Might of the Thoughts, page 326

Maybe You Can’t Bank on That Anymore

There is no shortage of information about the present and coming financial crisis. I reported on what Meier told me, in 2006, about how if things go a certain way, we in America may as well  “roll cigarettes with your paper money.

The photographs below were taken in New York City by Arie Levy-Cohen**, a student of the spiritual teaching. They show barricades being built around certain banks, to perhaps prevent direct attacks on them, and also NYPD barriers that can be moved for use in crowd control…should situations similar to what’s already happened in other countries ultimately happen here.

As I said before, we can’t always control all external circumstances but Meier has given us very clear guidelines as to how we can control our own destinies through the might of our thoughts.

It can be seen that the spiritual teaching is also a practical guide to daily living…as well as the key to our future survival.





*My friend Scott suggested that “affluence” is a better word but perhaps they both convey the idea.

**You can read more about Arie, formerly a wealth management specialist with Morgan Stanley, here and here.

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Please also see some of his advice in the Comments section here.




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Arie Levy


In truth, we all know these are indeed times that call for us to recognize Human Beings are a “WE” form and as such, we must help each other in the face what WE as Earthlings collectively face.

Some in finance see what may be coming as Financial Totalitarianism (, others call it a Sovereign Credit Bubble Crisis, and others a Currency War…..but, whatever you call it, it surely does seem the sheeple’s “THOUGHTS” are shaping a future for something never quite seen before in the world, ever. (this sadly coinsides with the profecies you are all familiar with)

It will surely make a difference to be strong, neutral+positive, healthy and in as good a place financially as you can possibly afford: Dare to Prepare! In this way, you and I might all stand together and be of service to others in need. I for one shall have the GOTT as the rod upon which I stand and share my light with those whom I am lucky enough to help.

Thank you MH for keeping this flame alive!!! let your light so shine that all can see how special life is!!!


Arie Levy

QUESTION: Hi mr. Armstrong, I’m aware of your blog for almost a year and try to daily follow your posts. I’m from the Netherlands and also over here government and other officials try to make the people believe that we’re recovering from the economic crisis. There is no mention given about a coming debt crisis. I as 23 year old student worrying about my future. Classmates and friends experience hard times to find jobs and start a family. In these times it is almost impossible to find a job paying a non slavery salary. Let alone the recent requirements to get a mortgage. My question to you: how to deal with these developments in these turbulent times? What can i, as student with minimal savings, do to ‘survive’ the coming sovereign debt crisis and to life a fulfilling live? Just go on with your posts! You’re opening a lot of eyes worldwide. Best regards, PV

See response here:

Andrew Grimshaw

Thank you Arie. That is by far one of the best reads outside of the
Teaching of the truth, teaching of the spirit, teaching of the life
that I have had for quite some time.

“We have lost ALL representation for politicians have become the career bureaucrats and thus exempt themselves from most of the laws they inflict upon the rest of us.”

Why I oughta…

Billy Wilson

Arie Levy, Thanks for all references my wife and I went to cash only 15 years back. Jefferson’s words “the earth belongs ,,, to the living” and therefore “the dead have neither powers nor rights over it”

Darcy Wade Carlile

Hi Billy, I think the EU is wanting to abolish cash and other valuables like jewelry and use the bio-chip instead.

Darcy Wade Carlile

If cash were abolished by the USA standards, then you might as well roll your bills up and smoke them.

Billy Wilson

Darcy Wade Carlile, The piece of paper I have in front of me says Federal Reserve Note which means all I have is a peace of paper that is part of someone else’s loan. Talk about smoke and mirrors. Where does reality begin my I suggest BEAM.
Billy Wilson

Billy Wilson

By cash only I meant no loans of any kind, that keeps us focused on what wants and needs are. When one has to take and give payment in full right now that will put you in the moment in a hurry. Here in the US outlawing metals has already been done, in 1937 which is still on the books, at-least I can not find where it was canceled. We have been collecting seeds for growing micro-greens, I can not eat gold nor will someone steal my seeds, that would mean learning how to use and have food in days.

Anthony Alagna

“It must be heeded that the law of provision only functions for those human beings who live according to it. It is clear that it can be doubted by this or that human being, yet only because there is no understanding of the principal (sic) which is based on the fact that prosperity and abundance are, first and foremost, of an inner nature and are expressed in joy, love, peace, freedom and harmony, and then only secondarily as material wealth, and so forth.”

Thank you MH for continuing to explore the spiritual teaching on your blog. This entry is indeed excellent.

It is not esoteric or a mystery that Meier says “…prosperity and abundance are, first and foremost, of an inner nature…” The more material stuff you have (own) the more of a burden it becomes; and it weighs you down from thinking about (meditating), reading, studying, etc. about really important things, like the teaching of life, the teaching of spirit and the teaching of truth. If you have a lot of crap that you have to store, make payments on, need to replace often, etc. you are OFTEN THINKING ABOUT (meditating) creditors, shopping, stores, brands, latest trends, celebrities, homes, cars, electronic gadgets, stock prices, market trends, bank accounts, credit scores, etc. This does very little if anything for your spiritual evolution because you are spending all or most of your time thinking about non-spiritual ideas.

The trick is to have just enough material wealth to have the comfort to think as much as you can about spiritual issues, instead of being bogged down by the material world. Things like: “What is Creation?” “What is religion and how does it differ from the spiritual teaching?” What is a Universal/Creational/Natural law and what is a directive?” “What is joy, love, peace, freedom and harmony?” and so on…

This is one of the reasons Billy recommends modesty. All a person needs is food, clothing, shelter, and this can be modestly decent meals, name brand duds, and a clean home. A person does not have to be homeless and living off the land to have ‘all the time in the world’ to think about (meditate), read, study, apply, etc the spirit teaching. Here again, this is where practicing and applying balance (neutrality) aids a person, couple, family, to find compromise between a material lifestyle that also affords a good bit of ‘free’ time to think about or otherwise study the “inner nature” of oneself, or otherwise put oneself/family on a spiritual path of discovery and practice.


It’s time to buy more gold & silver.

Dennis Ryan

Yes! Preservation of wealth.
Silver is the better performer though. After the 2008 GFC gold went from $1,200 to $1,850 an ounce. Silver went from $20 to $49 an ounce. Two and half times. Silver has always performed this way compared to gold. Silver is the smart option.

Anthony Alagna

Talmud of Jmmanuel, Chapter 10: Commissioning Of The Disciples

“9. “You shall not amass gold, silver or copper in your belts.
10. “Also, on your travels you shall not take large bags with you in which to carry food, water and clothing.
11. “Go on your way with only the bare essentials for eating and sleeping,
for keeping yourselves clean, and for a change of clothing.
12. “Never carry too much with you, because you would only burden yourselves and become welcome victims of waylaying bandits.”

“Waylaying bandits” are NOT just criminals looking for a mark, but also market crashes, currency crisis, economic turmoil, mismanaged government, etc.

Billy Wilson

Michael that is sad I traveled the world twice over with no more than 20 dollars in my pockets, on the many streets with so little, I walked as a young man and meet so many wonderful people during those years. The best of humanity I ever meet had even less.

Billy Wilson


matt lee

C’mon Norm you can’t eat gold and silver but you can with seeds and long life survival food.
Buying land also helps.


C’mon Matt Lee, I’m disabled & I may need to pay for nursing help when my insurance company goes belly up.

matt lee

Yeah I knew you were on wheelchair Norm due to a hit and run when you were a teenager.
It must be hard
I can only imagine
I hope you are coping ok.
When TSHTF though gold and silver would be last thing on people’s minds.
Hurricane Katrina was a classic example of what desperate people will resort to and precious metal would’ve been the last thing on their minds.
I don’t know if you’ve seen any episode of ‘The Walking Dead’ but this one is a good one.

Billy Wilson

Matt Lee, Why buy lots of land ? I tested going Micro Greens in a 4′ x 8′ spot in a back bedroom with 40 watt work light last winter and could not eat all that grew. Even tried as cheap as possible a bag of black sun flower seeds sold for bird food, Will also work as mice bait if you really need to get some protein.

matt lee

Billy I just said land and not lots of land.
If you’ve got an acreage you can dig and hide things especially an emergency or survival bunker.
You can store your valuables and food and protect your family from the elements.
BEAM said hydroponically grown food is inferior but hey its better than nothing right!??

Billy Wilson

matt lee, Micro greens a grown in dirt and in three months I used less than five gallons of water. As far as digging in as your just digging your own grave. Research the journals of people that made it through the Serbian civil-war. If that does not make you want to find away to love thy neighbor nothing will.

Terry Carch

Has anybody noticed now that Pope Francis is in New York that that the stock market is going down? Seems to me this is starting to look very familiar to me from what Billy predicted in his CR and the Henok Prophecy. I may be wrong but I think this is the beginning of what Billy said about the coming two civil wars. One of theses civil wars might be the financial totalitiarian state just mentioned. This is just my guess?

Billy Wilson

Terry Carch, Did you also notice when pope’s face first hit the CNN cameras at the military airbase they called him a pastor and a profit? Plus just had second acupuncture today it is amazing hope your suffering is also eased.

paul russell

It became clear to me at a certain point in life that as I changed on the Inside, everything changed on the Outside. The inner reality helped to manifest the external reality, in like measure (degree of change).
So it is easy to confirm this aspect of spiritual teaching based on my own life experience. I need no further proof.
Interesting photos from New York. The pyramid scheme we call the Economy may crash & burn. After so much cash is printed there has to come a day when the balance sheet is finally torn up and thrown away.
The U.S. had a good run and abused its power every step of the way. The law of cause and effect will become obvious as the pendulum swings back around. Austerity may be only the beginning.

Geoge M

In my experience with government ministers, voter psychology, political campaigns, public serpents of all stripes etc, I think that while Mr Levy is correct in principle, though also think the explanation is incomplete due to the emphasis on individual human beings, such as career bureaucrats, and also, in saying that the youth must “take back their government”.
The reality is that people, in their cowardice, ignorance, and apathy, have allowed the worst kinds of people to come into, and stay in, power, and to construct a system designed to allow only the worst kinds of people to come into, and stay in, power.
Simultaneously, members of the public actually comply with orders from “leaders” who are plainly criminals.
The problem is therefore as much the public who is obedient, as it is the “leaders” giving criminal orders.
The result is that a self sustaining system has been created that is so monstrous that it may not be broken from the inside by the few good politicians, or the relatively few thinking members of the public, or a movement of youthful thinking people.
The problem is the system. Not the parts of the system. It is the whole interdependent pattern of command giving, and command obeying, that tears apart any opponent, inside, or outside.
But, I am still hopeful, because we are dealing with people, not sheeple. People are fantastic little creatures, who occasionally do change their minds about being a person infected with sheepilism.
I cannot accept, therefore, that the illness of sheepilism is permanent. If I did, then my thoughts would reinforce something that ought not to be reinforced 🙂
Speaking of that, what on Earth is the correct noun? Sheepilism? Sherson? Sheperson? Persheep? Pershon? Ah this is terrible.

Andrew Grimshaw

or maybe
with a helping hand from a
wolf in sheep’s clothing

Arie Levy

Hi George, kindly note that the reference regarding the “the youth must take back their government” steams from a blog belonging to Martin Armstrong (not me). I shared it as I do think the youth are the future, and to present his point of view.

Also, I suggest we cannot separate the System from its Parts for they work together as one, just like the material and spiritual come together as one (with the proviso that we know the “spirit form” is itself “one” on its own).

Further, I do not accept either that “the illness of sheepilism is permanent” – in fact the ST’s clearly offer that all human beings can choose to change and improve. The Jeremiah predictions (whilst 800 years away) suggest that we shall indeed overcome this period and There Shall Be Peace on Earth~! I seem to pay special attention to his mentioning this will come to pass when women take the scepter of power from men, and bring about the prosperity along with joy, love, peace, freedom and harmony.

Lastly, here is Stansberry’s survival blueprint (one can imagine a few things);


Billy Wilson

Arie Levy, I finished reading the point of view in the paper America 2020. The clear picture that I seeis in the economics being taught to the world is so wrong. Forcing every aspect of live under a model that demands growth is just wrong, no matter the color it is painted. And by not demanding highly trained managers being in elected and appointed to non-elected positions will always fail. Any system that allows the creation of none human creatures with the rights of free speech, the freedom from death and the applicability to grow like a global tick (trust funds, partnerships and corporations ect….) ,will have a dead host sooner or later to such parasites. We need to cash in the interest due from the federal reserve banks that was due with the first penny it made, that account is still zero, And were is all the drug money, fines, permits, fees on import and exports ect… . Every human being has a right to food, clothing, healthcare, education and most of all the right to work using their talents given for this life time.. But no matter which ‘ISM: we have it will fight to the last drop off human blood for control, for it has no piece of the Creation to ever learn from.

Geoge M

Arie, you are correct, the blog regarding the “youth taking back their government” emanating from a person other than you. I apologize for my oversight.
Regarding the system and its parts working as one, might I add an interesting idea. It seems unrelated, but is actually excellent, in my opinion.
There was an engineer named Gabriel Kron. He built electrical networks, and electrical engines.
He realized that when you build a network out of many small pieces, that the network as a whole did unexpected things.
This phenomenon was driving many engineers quite mad at the time, because every time they changed one small piece of one small bit of equipment in a network, the entire network changed in a large way.
Hence, they were wasting lots of time rebuilding things over and over so as to get it right.
Mr Kron proposed that every element of every piece of the network should be torn apart into its different components (in his case, mechanical element, electric element, magnetic element, heat/cold element etc) and then those patterns be compared to each other so as to uncover the underlying, mystery pattern that had been driving all of the engineers mad.
He called this method “diakoptics”. Translated from Greek, it means “many cuts”, ie a fragmentation of the fragments of the system.
There are several reference works, including such writings as “Diakoptics: piecewise solution of large scale systems”, that are relevant.
It is my opinion that the analysis of our society is being done very poorly, in that many analysts are only looking at the financial pattern, or employment pattern, or party politic pattern, or young person perspective, or retired person perspective, resulting in those analysts being very surprised when things go wrong.
Just like the pre-Kron engineers were constantly surprised, and had to rebuild everything.
Just like these bankers are surprised, and are rebuilding the outer perimiter of their banks with large blocks of concrete.
I thought that this kind of thinking would be of interest to you, as a prognosticator, and so brought it to your attention.
If the system and its parts are to be be brought into cohesion, which is, after all, what we here are all trying to do, then the method of Mr Kron ought to be considered, understood, and perhaps, applied.

Billy Wilson

Having built a Kron generator and having years of working on systems that failed to what they did in lab or factory once placed in the real-world. The more complex the systems the harder it find ones that have acquired the level of skill to be able use the human senses to know just from the tones, the smell or the vibrations where the error is. Thanks to the placing everything into compartments of knowledge no one seems to be left that finds any need in being crossed trained in many areas of knowledge. We are far smarter than we demand from our self s. The biggest problem I would run into was getting tech’s to just pick a spot to start working on the problem, anywhere right or wrong just start, everything would start to make sense.

George M

Billy Wilson, I agree very much with your ideas about compartmentalization being a terrible problem.

I am also quite amazed that I am talking to someone who has built a Kron generator. Or who knows who Kron is. First time for everything 🙂

I personally have a specialized skill set learned in university. I thought that I, and others with that particular degree, would be the best in the world at performing that function. Wrong. What I saw was a stagnation, where people got faster at doing the job, but not better. Not to mention that anyone who proposed doing something differently was looked at like they had grown horns.

If you only have one skill, then the best you can hope for is to refine your skill. To do what exists a little better, a bit quicker, but make no progress worth talking about.

I think that, in order for progress to occur, the integration of multiple skill sets must happen, so that the product of each gives birth to a third, new, set of possibilities, which after a time becomes a skillset in its own right. And then you combine two of those.

I wonder if many people know that the artificial heart valve was designed by an engineer with heart disease, after being told that he would die due to no replacement valve being available, who decided that he would learn a bit about biology.

I think that would explain why a certain group of people ensure that their children learn multiple professions.

Billy Wilson

George M, The rapid aging gene was found by two people who knew nothing about DNA.. They where self taught, they joined together with a impossible goal, They did not save their son, but they where able show him what was wrong and why before he past away. The human being can do so many amazing things when they will it to be, and far more when working together..

matt lee

Billy does it better
He gave us the Creational spiritual teachings.
The 7 fold laws of Creation
The natural laws.
Kybalion is a classic from Hermes Trismegistus too

Sheila Clark

I can’t help to think about our upcoming federal election on October 19 in Canada. Our current government had a 1.9 billion surplus last year and is projecting a 6 billion surplus this year. This is due mostly to fiscal management by former finance minister Jim Flarhety (may he rest in peace). What I can’t understand is the other two parties disregard for fiscal management and are quite willing to spend like drunken sailors to put this country into debt for our future generations. They are backed by the dishonest media’s ability not to tell the truth about what would really happen if either of the other parties were elected. Harper is by no means perfect, but he is better than the alternatives.

Geoge M

Sheila, when looking at numbers and money, I have found it important to consider that money is not a constant thing.
Harper is saying “1.6 billion” this or “1.9 billion” that, but really, money is then printed out of nothing (ie 1.6 billion “nothings” become 1.6 billion “somethings”, or debts cancelled so that 1.6 billion “somethings” become 1.6 billion nothings.
When looking at what is constant, the pattern is simply this:
The people who have a printing press that turn “nothings” into “somethings” can always decide who has power to spend, and who doesn’t. Who gets to afford a house, food, or business, and who doesn’t.
The people, like Harper, who “borrow” the freshly created “somethings” that were made from “nothings”, have the power to tell the people in a country that they have to give something of theirs to the government, so as to give that back to the people who printed the “somethings”.
So they write a bunch of laws declaring that, because of the borrowed “somethings” made from “nothings”, that the people of the country must do this or that, being of such things as letting a national park be logged, or have their public hospital turned into a private hospital, or send the national defense force into another country to blow up their stuff.
The constancy lies in that the decision makers, who are ultra selfish criminals, always make decisions and do whatever they want, while the people make no decisions, and generally don’t get what they want.
So the amount of “somethings” and “nothings”, whether measured in billions or trillions or merely dozens, means little, because they change.
Only the pattern of “these people make decisions” and ‘those people go along with it” matters.
I find it incredible that people are quite happy to fight in wars or watch others around them starve, because somebody decided to change the balance of “somethings” and “nothings” on a computer screen.
Human beings are often so distracted by the number of “somethings” and “nothings” in their bank account, that they forget about things like family members, or neighbours, or their community, or their own spirit, which, I am sure most will agree, are actually the only “somethings” that matter.
In my up close and personal experience with politicians, I have found that, by and large, they are people who put on expensive suits and use grand language so as to trick people into thinking that they absolutely know about things to such a degree that they should be the special snowflake in charge, when in fact they are executing actions of which they know little, that impact upon people in ways that they do not know at all.
Your drunken sailors definitely know that drinking a lot of a substance called alcohol makes the somethings in their brains change into a different set of somethings, while they go to the bathroom and watch the somethings that went in emerge as a definitely different something.
Therefore, please end the slandering of drunken sailors. 🙂

Sheila Clark

Well George, it’s not Harper saying it, it’s the auditor general, who is not beholden to him. You see, we actually have a different system than yours, your federal reserve hasn’t been audited since the ’70s. Do you not understand what a surplus is? No it’s not the same here where you guys print new money all the time. If that was actually the case our dollar would be on par with yours, it’s not.
I agree with you about career politicians who are usually lawyers, but I find the bureaucrats way more harmful because they can’t be removed from their positions whereas politicians can.
Here every vote counts unlike your superpac where they get to decide. All hospitals, emergency services, environmental laws, natural resources are governed by the provinces themselves. So don’t try to blame Harper for what the provinces are doing. Do you realize how many dumb people think Harper is in charge of all that? For example a couple years ago in High River over 1,900 homes were broken into by the RCMP with no consequence and ordered by our provincial government. We just voted those bums out this year. Harper is one politician who has actually kept all his campaign promises. He is also ahead of the other parties when it comes to IS. The others have already said they have no desire to fight IS. And I don’t care how many drunken sailors I’ve slandered.

Geoge M

Sheila, I am in Australia. Not in the US 🙂
Australian and Canadian governmental structures are very, very similar.
I was not, and am not, arguing with you. I am sharing thoughts.
My experience in politics exceeds that of the average person greatly.
What is missing from your post that is extremely important is the effect of political parties.
In reality, the prime minister, or any other person in government, does not make decisions in the way that the average person thinks that they do.
Policy is mostly decided after consultation with, and direction from, other members of the party, many of whom were former elected politicians, or future politicians being groomed, behind closed doors.
If a sitting minister has their own ideas, which might conflict with the interests of the party, then other ministers within the party are instructed to communicate that, or be…unhelpful…to the minister who has all of these ideas that deviate from what the party wants.
If the minister is not cooperative, then they are removed.
If the minister is chief minister, or prime minister, then there is a “leadership challenge”, whereby the person is voted out and marginalized.
If the minister is not quite that senior, then they are either tolerated, marginalized, or removed, via a variety of methods, depending on circumstance.
If you read Meiers writings, you will see several references recommending the removal of political parties, and/or party affiliations.
The advice is sage.
When you have political parties, then the party, largely made up of unelected people, and their associates, IS the government.
Please note also that many of these people are not bureaucrats, or politicians of any kind. You likely never heard of them, and will not likely be able to ascertain many of their identities should you try.
They are merely people who, one way or the other, weild influence. They may be wealthy, socially/economically connected in some way, hold blackmail material, or otherwise have enough standing in the party to make decisions.
Political parties are gangs.
Harper is in a political party.
Patterns of power do not usually have exceptions.
If you think that Harper is your friend, look at page 144 and 145 of the “Economic Action Plan” legislation of 2013.
That is a lovely bit of law that basically says “if a bank goes bankrupt for any reason, then the money in people’s private bank accounts can be kept by the bank”.
I have no doubt that Mr Harper is keeping his campaign promises to you.
IWhat I am concerned about is that he has also kept the campaign promises that he gave to other people who are not as nice as you are, that you probably wouldn’t like very much.

Sheila Clark

Well George how do you know I’m a nice person? I’m not a member of any political party but do have an opinion, I’ll take the guy who is running a surplus over the guys wanting to run deficits any day. Plus the media have tried to find dirt on Harper and all they could find was him kicking a chair at a town hall meeting years before he ever became PM. He’s pretty squeaky clean as far as politicians go. Plus he’s usually the smartest guy in the room so I’m sure he listens but ultimately makes the final choices himself. Which is way better than having the 20 to 30 levels of government which stand higher than the President.
The US is $18 Trillion in debt and there is going to have to be an end to that at some point, don’t you think? There are banks that should fail and the states should have let them fail instead of bailing them out, just prolonging the inevitable. So our economic action plan is basically saying no we won’t bail you out. Is that a bad thing?
Personally I like the Plejaren system of a real democracy.

matt lee

George you said ‘My experience in politics exceeds that of the average person greatly’
Can I ask how so?
Were you a polly at one point or an advisor to a polly?
Or a member of the main parties?

matt lee

Sheila I was on that bandwagon myself thinking that the TBTFs should’ve been left to die but Billy has written that stupid people think that way as the tragedy of doing so would’ve been enormous.
I was confused for a bit but did eventually get the logic behind BEAM’s words.
The whole system would’ve crashed all over the world so can you imagine if we were able write these words on this blog let alone have a smartphone with a network to check into theyflyblog.

Sheila Clark

Hi Matt I don’t doubt you that Billy said that, but do you remember where you read it, can you provide a link if possible? What I don’t understand is how the inevitable is not going to happen.

Arie Levy

MH wrote: “”I haven’t read much of the report yet but I wonder (doubt) if he’s mentioned both religion and overpopulation as core elements in all of these problems.”” An interesting question, but the short answer is no. The very words “religion” or “overpopulation” are not mentioned even once in the entire document, so far as I can recall or see.

matt lee

Sheila as far as I can recall it was in the Q&A to BEAM section.
It’s all in my head uncategorised and unclassified that often with the enormous amount of information talked about by Billy I find it dificult to keep track of and to find it when I need it.
My synaptic nerves must create a gordion knot with Billy info somehow so I might try getting a box cutter or something.

Sheila Clark

Hey, no worries Matt. I’m can never remember where I read it either. Chill out, go for a stroll, play with your little guy, tell your lady that you love her.

Allen Anderson

I just wanted to thank all who participate here on a regular basis, none of you will ever truly know how much you help me, and maybe that is how it is supposed to be, I just feel compelled to let you all know how much I appreciate your contributions.


I always liked this simple way to put it.

Imagine if the emperor gave his check book to a friend , then borrowed money from him at interest. Its a silly scenario, but that’s what happened. in 1913, the US Gov’t gave its sovereign power to a banking cartel dominated by JP Morgan. This cartel has held the American check book ever since.

Billy Wilson

Norm, The House of Morgan was really just a small bottom sucking carp in a sea of sharks. at that time.And as big Mr. Diamond may appear to us today is nothing in the big picture. And maybe by the time he goes his way, his estate will have to have a zero balance after 20 years.Can you image death means death what a wonder no more Vanderbilt, Rothschild or Morgans and so on controlling the world from a graveyard. At some point we may all be equal when we find away to give the death penalty to the dead.,

Sheila Clark

Yes I was shocked to find out CNNs own Anderson Cooper is Gloria Vanderbilts son. Do you notice if he is biased in his reporting?

matt lee

Hi Sheila
Give me this opportunity to be rude and crude by answering your rhetorical question with ‘does the bear s*** in the woods’
The level of cronyism and nepotism is just unbelievable.
Looking at Mika from MSNBC you would’ve thought gee another parrot with fake hairdye until you saw her surname come up.
It’s becoming absolutely clear that to them it’s about us vs them
As George Carlin use to say ‘you ain’t invited’


During college, Cooper spent two summers as an intern at the Central Intelligence Agency.

matt lee

Yeah good on him
He served his country well in Vietnam.
That’s probably why he has done a fantastic job of exposing the lies because he knrw the ins and outs of the game.
Beyond the pale horse is a classic in my opinion and the protocols of the learned elders of zion is published at the back as well.
I’ve read this a decade ago and is still fresh in my mind.

matt lee

Oops wrong cooper
I was referring to milton william cooper

Darcy Wade Carlile

CNN is the disinformation channel.


Thank you, Michael.

David Scott

Ignorance is not an excuse and complacency is not acceptable. Inspect what you expect. If you do nothing , expect nothing. The time is now to find a calm moment to meditate. The might of thoughts is your realization that you in fact matter and your hopes ,dreams and wishes can manifest for the good of all. You will have to fight for this peace of mind. The environment has been cloaked in resistance to your peace, your positive intent ,your will and your destiny. Its been skewed to take from you and you will have to fight hard to find a moment in time when you are still. In peace, viewing your utmost dream of the future for all.
You may find your belly these days tight and wrenched with unjust feelings of the direct engagement of the truth. That is your first step into embracing your will and your fight in this time of need.Let the will of your heart out of your treasure chest of good intention.Together we join in this silent revolution of the truth.

matt lee

David that sounded like a script straight out of Braveheart 🙂