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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Huffington Post: The Billy Meier UFO Case

Will it reach enough people in time?*

Decades of mainstream media censorship of the Billy Meier UFO case were shattered by the publication of a new Huffington Post interview with Michael Horn.

This follows the first major breakthrough, which occurred when a skeptical professor facilitated the first of two presentations in an American university,  NAU, following previous attempts to present the information at ASU.

Then we unexpectedly popped up in a WikiLeaks release pertaining to the revelations about a covert intelligence agency.


Those who are new to the Meier case may wonder why all the intrigues and suppressive efforts against Meier – including 23 documented attempts on his life, the most recent in September 2015. The simple answer is that the truth is too threatening to the powers that be, the various religious, political, governmental, military, corporate, economic interests, etc.

The largest UFO organization, MUFON – which is also an intelligence agency asset – forced cancellation of a presentation in Kansas City. Make up a story about being “abducted by aliens” and get front page coverage. Tell the truth about the still ongoing contacts between Billy Meier and the Plejaren extraterrestrial human race – now spanning 75 years – and be prepared to be ignored, or attacked by every skeptic, and crazy know-it-all. Until now.

The Stakes Are High

We are a short time away from the presidential election and we already know what Billy Meier’s point of view is about the two major candidates and what awaits America as a consequence of our own long-standing policies.

One of the first principles of the spiritual teaching is to see things exactly as they are. In these volatile times there is the temptation to instead see them as being either better or worse than they are. And there’s the ever-increasing tendency towards escapism of every kind, from virtual reality to projecting all of one’s hopes and dreams on the equally illusory tales spun by politicians, so-called leaders, religions and belief systems, etc.

It’s often said that people don’t change for the better until the pain is great enough. The wise among us will instead recognize the true state of affairs and choose to learn more about the way to live.

Hopefully this article in the Huffington Post will introduce many more people to the most important true story in all of human history and the key to our future survival…which is why they came here.

*NOTE: This article actually appeared – briefly – in the news section of the Huffington Post, on October 17, but was…removed because it was “too controversial”. They agreed to re-post it today in this section.

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gerald chamblack

funny, i’ve clicked to see the huffington page and i see in the same day they put this article about “jesus” haaalala…

Hakeem the dream

great work!

Brock Bradford

Wow… Cool ….. Groovey…. Hope the horse led to water will drink.


Michael you are absolutely right that people don’t change for the better until the pain is great enough. I read in the news that Putin giving leaflet to the people and asking asking them to help the government for building underground shelters in case of Clinton elected then third war will be started.

Jamie Coffey

Finally some news worth reading.
Keep up the endless work you do MH
Truly life changing

David Kamada

Congrats, Michael. A really nice break! I hope the Huffington article reaches many people. Shared it on my social networks to give it one more nudge.

David Kamada

Noted, Michael. On my way!

David Kamada

I posted a comment on the HP page twice, but it won’t display my comment for some reason. I’ll keep trying.

Ned Duke

Good to hear. I am happy that some folks within the chains of power aren’t as incompetent and suicidal to follow into the abyss with the Bafath’s (who are no longer around) world enslaving plans. Of course, maybe a few of them realize that the whole ET invasion scenario cannot work if the end results in being unable to save the very same people dying from natural disasters, pervasive and incurable health issues (like cancer), or a host of other things like complete and utter poverty (both of material wealth and consciousness).

Let’s up more of the same intelligent folks that want to live in a world worth saving rear their heads out and make good use of folks that want to do just that. They have already squandered such a change with the last 8 years with a President that would not have mind turning things around but only met with self serving interested parties hell bent on making things more difficult than it should have been.

Terry Carch

Hi MH Sorry to be off topic again but you might want5 to read this article from coun Security Politics and the Closing of the Open Society by Jan Oberg for Wednesday October 27,2016 As the old saying goes: “So We Were Warned”


Great, Michael. The message is breaking through – at a critical time.

Terry Carch

Boy with the election less than 2 weeks away,we need all the help we can get less this planet go down in a huge firestorm(WW4). Keep up the great work you are doingf MH,we need you. Peace in Wisdom Salome, Terry

Dolly Worby

Well the water of truth will find its way to express reality. I hope this trickle gets stronger. Thank you Michael for all your good works.

Raj Kum

Kudos Michael …..

We should also contribute by publishing in Facebook …. Don’t get discouraged that there are no likes ….. What is more important is it will enter into their subconsciousness ….. like a small snowball …… as the time progresses ….. It will keep on growing and they will understand and then the change will come in people …..

Don’t think that your friends will laugh at you ….

And also don’t post big big posts or entire contact report or link to the sites … No one will read it …..

Just post few lines about Billy Meier’s information ( like mystery of Pyramids , crystal skulls , upcoming civil wars , election results )….. then people will definitely read it …..

If you post future events which will take place very soon …. Then people will notice your posts and then they will think it is legitimate ….. then you can gain their trust ….. then people will take the matter seriously and will start to think …..

This is the best way to publish about BM ….. or else if only we people come and visit this blog ….. It won’t be of much use …… Its time to spread the truth ….. We need to start posting in Facebook ……

Let us be a part of a new phenomena ….
Let us be a part of the little snow ball ……

Adrian Martinez

I wish I had the funds to start a “who is Billy Meier?” campaign. Get that question, along with a website to direct those curious to the Billy Meier material, on shirts, bumper stickers, billboards….maybe get some graffiti writers, scribbling the walls across all major cities, asking “Who is Billy Meiers?”. Maybe I went too far with the graffiti writers… But You catch my drift.

Charles VanLoan

I realize it’s been awhile since I last posted. Primarily Michael, thank you and keep rocking it brother, we’re all with you! Secondly, I want to send my love to all who visit and participate in this blog/forum/community. You are all bright rays of sunshine in a world that desperately needs it. I’m a frequent daily visitor, observer, absorber and implementer, if that last word is a word; well, it is now. Nevertheless, we are in a snapshot of humanity’s time-line where it up to us (those with the truth, knowledge and wherewithal) to do something about the things that need correcting. As much as those in power would like to, you simply can’t break a stick in a bundle; we are that bundle my brothers and sisters, and others will join the collective effort, count on it. Our sticking together for the future of our human existence is extremely important right now.

Your idea Adrian is a great one, relative to “Who is Billy Meier”. One could also use “Who is B.E.A.M.?”. Either one or other variations would work rather efficiently, considering those who don’t know who “Billy” Eduard Albert Meier is, would have their curiosity peaked with said question(s). Bumper stickers, T-Shirts and billboards all would be viable solutions as well, if the individual/collective effort is there. I don’t care what problems there may be, there is ALWAYS at least one solution, fact!

Posting said question(s) within Craigslist’s main community boards across the nation and worldwide with the question(s) and including the following link in said posting ( or maybe another more viable link, could/would be another alternative in propelling the compacted snowball down the hill in a more expeditious manner. My brothers and sisters, utilize your resources, your intelligence, your inner drive for peace, love and harmony and do not allow negative reactions to your listings slow your intent and drive. I’ve already done my part and posted in my community. (The link should be here: If they flag it or take it down, I will be that annoying turd that simply won’t flush, I will keep posting it.

Even if people reject the notion or talk rubbish about Eduard being a scam, hoax or whatever, let them, it doesn’t matter. What matters is the sub-conscious imprint said question creates within their mind and being. Although it would be nice, you don’t need to win them over, merely get their attention. Remember, thoughts are things and things are verifiable energies. Everything in life is a relative energy to the next. Although we are far from perfect, we humans are curious creatures and we yearn for the truth, we love and yearn to discover new things, some just don’t know it yet.

I want to post one more thing if I may, and thank you again Michael for this blog/forum/community and for all you do brother!

To live by choice, not by chance.
To be motivated, not manipulated.
To be useful, not used.
To utilize, not exploit.
To inspire, not coerce.
To lead, not follow.
To make changes, not excuses.
To excel, not compete.
To listen to your inner voice, not the random opinions of others.
Self-Esteem, not Self-Pity.

We ALL have a choice!

Love, Light, Peace and Wisdom to All, Salome!


Charles VanLoan

Nice, thanks for the kind sentiment Michael and for providing the link. We do what we can brother, not what we can’t! I’ll be sure to keep the snowball rolling and keep coming up with other alternative measures to enlighten others to the truth.

The bitter truth is still a better pill to swallow than a sweet lie! Unfortunately, so many humans have been swallowing the latter. If history has taught us anything, it’s that everything changes and evolves.

Love, Light, Peace and Wisdom to All, Salome!

Timothy Allen Anderson

Hello Charles, I bought some t-shirts through Zazzle, the ones that ask…”Who is Billy Meier, and why are they trying to stop him”? I get some interesting questions and stares, some people roll their eyes when I tell them who he is, and some have asked for where they can learn about him. Maybe some of them are posting here, I don’t know, but it is a small yet effective tool to attract attention.

Charles VanLoan

Greetings Michael and my fellow brothers and sisters!

A few things if I may. It looks as though my Craigslist post is still up and running. I’ll be posting new listings on Craigslist as soon as I create a few more and I’ll be sure to be linking them to the relative pages on this site and others, with updates to follow. Relative to posting on Craigslist, and if my memory serves me correctly, you are allowed to “renew” your listing after 48 hours, in order to bump it to the top of the page, and in our case, in order to “re-fresh” people’s minds. i’ll be renewing my listing tonight. I have a few more ideas to attract people’s attention to the cause/mission that I will be posting in the very near future, of course with updates to follow.

Second, Timothy Allen Anderson, good on you my friend and keep up the great work! Relative to our individual and collective actions, effort=results, it always has and always will! Unfortunately, I receive the same reactions from individuals, even family members, when I debunk their “beliefs” after attempting to enlighten them to the truth. I swear, some people are allergic to logic, reason, rational and independent thinking. It is frustrating as all h-e double toothpicks, but I always remind myself, as long as I’m doing something about it, and keep plugging away with neutral-positive thoughts, intentions, feelings and actions, then it is worth it. The proverbial snowball we speak of and all are a part of didn’t occur and didn’t gather all of us in one roll, so to speak. It took effort, it took momentum and it took time. A rolling snowball down a hill doesn’t get bigger by sitting static.

There’s an old saying, “The Truth Never Hurt A Just Cause”. In our case, the truth won’t hurt our individual and collective cause/mission either.

Love, Light, Peace and Wisdom to All, Salome!


miles Cooke

Americas up and coming civil wars posted , job done

Timothy Allen Anderson

I do not want to bitch here, but why is there 20 comments on this blog post already and yet only TWO people who comment here, have bothered to comment on the Huff Post Article? PLEASE, GET ACTIVE!!

Terry Carch

How about addiig the Billy Meier post to John Podesta who is running the Hilary Clinton campain? Maybe we can get Piodesta`s attention here even if hiary won`t listen. It`s an idea?

Sheila Clark

Hi Terry you need to read some of wikileaks Podesta emails to get the jist of what kind of guy he really is. Stuff he knew and covered up. FBI Comey found newly discovered cough cough emails. Maybe this time he’ll do what’s right and indict.
Good job getting on the hufferington Michael, those cowards removing it. Was wondering if you have any evidence that mufon is intelligent? Because the ones I spoke to seemed awfully dumb.

Sheila Clark

Well that’s good Michael that there are a few good men/women at mufon. I doubt they’ll throw her under the bus, but they will have stored ballots they can use thanks to George Soros voting machines.
Clif High is former CIA so his claim of being self taught is bogus. Plus he’s known about Billy Meier for years and doesn’t mention one word about him? Billy is far more accurate than Clif’s “spiders” and he didn’t like it much when I told him so. Plus he’s been so wrong about so many things over the years. Clif says there won’t be a civil war, Billy says there will be 2 civil wars. Who do you trust with the truth?

Sheila Clark

We had some interesting email exchanges years ago, but he refuses to come clean about the truth of Billy Meier, so I filed him into the disinformation category.

Terry Carch

Hi MH I just watched the the youtube video with Clif High. I hope Clif is right that we got too many preobles but he doesn`t think there will be a nuclear war becuase that we be the end of all life on Earth. I just hope Clif is right otherwise we will ALL burn in hell by 2020 give or take sooner or later somewhere around 2020.

Terry Carch

Hi Sheila, I just read some of the wikileaks Podesta files which to me doesn`t say much. I think all these politicians are a bunch of phoney albatrosses com lauds,in otherwords all they do is LIE and stash there fortunes in forein currencies so they won`t have to pay their taxes if any at all and get away with murder so that the rest of us have to pick up the tab by paying our taxes etc,etc,etc! That is why6 we have a deoression and an economic downturn already as Clif High stated in that youtube video that MH suggest we watch which I just did. Maby you should watch and listen to what Clif High has to say on yoube too and you`ll see just what I mean. Clif say we`ll have alot of problems but at least we won`t crash and burn as Billy predicted bedauseif we did,there would be no life on Earth. Sheila please check this youtube video out that MH suggest we see and listen to.Thanks Salome Terry

Terry Carch

Good point MH but who wants to be annihilated killed off and die in a nuclear war!

Sheila Clark

True MH, nowhere close to Billy’s accuracy. Not even his poll discrepancy is news as all one has to do is look at the crowds these candidates are pulling in and see which one is filling stadiums and which one can barely fill a high school auditorium. It’s not rocket science, it’s not spyder science either, just observation.
Clif High has no clue whether there will be a civil war and the fact that he’s saying there won’t be one, tells me he never really left the CIA. His MO is to get Trump supporters complacent so they won’t get out and vote. So he can continue to spy on everyone’s computer because Hillary will not stop him. If you don’t believe me ask yourself why Clif hasn’t been charged with any computer hacking crime?

Sheila Clark

Hi Terry if you didn’t see anything in the Podesta emails, you either haven’t looked at them or you are so jaded that you feel it’s all part of politics. There are rules and ethics and laws associated with being a politician and they should be held to account, if they break the law, they should be charged with a crime. Yes I watched Cliffy’s video, he said nothing new or interesting, it’s the same old crap he was spewing 4 years ago. Funny that you would take Clif High’s word that there won’t be a Civil War only because it makes you feel better. You need to get a grip on reality there girl. Quit taking the easy way out because it’s never worked for you before so why would it now?

Terry Carch

Hey Sheila I got your point.I didn`t know Clif was CIA but quite frankly I hate religions and politics. They go together like slt and pepper. I prefer the arts,culture,science and medcine. There are alternative options we need to start to think about i fwe want to save lives on this planet. How else do you think the Ps left planet Earth for Erra to save their necks! Money won`t buy you happiness,peace,love,etc.etc, etc. Think about this one Sheila, How do you think the Plejarens surived and learned to live peacefully for 50,000 years. The Ps are telling us what to do. Now it`s our turn to learn to do the same and follow their example like your parents taught you and handed down to you to hand down to your childerence and grand childers too. It`s up to us to take the initiative and follow the morall ethical rules that the Errans set up for us to follow such as the laws of Creation etc. This is what we have to learn to do otherwise there will be more malevolent criminals trying to take you for more joyrides than you could evcer imagine such as this horrific presidential election that will surly bring more death and destruction such as the two civil wars and WW4. We need to stop these criminals from trying to take over this plane t or else we will “ALL BE DEAD” Puttin is no angel either but he`s not stupid like Trump and H.Clinton who will try to use us to no end with their phoney patriotism and phoney games and trinkits. Politics is nothingmore than a smokesceen for more endless wars,violence and crimanl bevavores and stealing more money from unsuspecting innocent human beings like you and me. Clif does have one good point and that is the news has to die because as the old saying goes “No News is Good News!” How can we survive on Earth with all this negativeness. That is why I also belive in afferamation in order to get through the day to day everyday living in order to survive. You need to hand affermermations down ifyou want to live and hand affermations down to your children and grandchildren etc if we are to survive and live on this rotten prinson called Earthg. Stop winning Sheila and start thinking posivie thoughts like the Ps do on Erra etc otherwise we wil ALL go down into smoking cauldrum of cancer,radiation poisoning etc. Look what happended in Japan in 1945 and 2011 with Fulkishima and Chernoble in Russia. The Japaniiese people are going to die very quiickly from thyroid cancer thanks to the radiation from the Fulkishima disaster in 2011. I`d think twice if I were you!

gary lomas

Hi Michael, and well done. Re’ your reply to others on thier question : Why didn’t I know about this before ? Just to add another string to your bow… My reply is ” That is a question you had better ask yourself…”