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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Threats from a Neo-Nazi

Things wouldn’t have gone this far without support of “UFO researchers and investigators”

The internet has made it easy for people of low, or no, character to hurl libelous, defamatory claims and statements against innocent people with impunity. This is done not only on blogs and forums, etc., but in abundance on sites like YouTube.

The Billy Meier UFO case is of course a frequent target for such vile actions. While paling in seriousness and danger to the 23 assassination attempts on Meier’s life, they perpetuate the false, unsubstantiated charges against the case.

A recent example is that of Kevin Randle, who plastered his blog with false claims and attacks that he, admittedly and shamelessly, copied from long refuted and debunked skeptics. Randle’s behavior was cowardly enough since, despite his decades as a so-called “UFO researcher”, he’d never done any actual research into Meier’s evidence.

The Neo-Nazi

It’s one thing to just be a phony and an incompetent, but it’s quite another to be a neo-Nazi, anti-Semite who spews vile attacks anonymously…and then threatens a law suit for exposing him. Such is the case with Mr. Silvio Santini, who masquerades under the name Magic (and possibly other names) on YouTube.

I recently received a number of emails from Mr. Santini claiming that he isn’t the same person as Magic and threatening that, unless I remove my public comments identifying him, he will sue me. We exchanged numerous emails where I provided various links, etc., that seemed to indicate that they were, in fact, the same person. I asked him to provide me with a sworn, notarized statement to the contrary, where after I would remove, and apologize for, my comments.

Sunday morning, I received another email demanding my retraction and again threatening legal action. Talk about irony and cowardice (and chutzpah!), a defamer who considers it…defamatory to reveal his defamation and identity.

I have sent the following below to Mr. Santini…complete with Mr. Santini’s threats “to take you and Meiers cult out once and for all” and his request to Bob Wiegand to arrange a visit to FIGU, specifically, “A day with the least amount of traffic/visitors and an empty parking lot is certainly preferred.”:

“Mr. Santini,

We are prepared to make the following public statement and publish it on my blog (with the photos):

‘The person who posts defamatory comments under the names Magic, Oliver, Jo Weiss, etc., is not Silvio Santini (photo bottom left) but actually Silvio Solaris (photo bottom right), who is obviously a completely different person, bearing absolutely no resemblance whatsoever to Mr. Santini.

It is Mr. Solaris who is associated with the anonymous person Magic who is indeed a degenerate, racist, pro-Nazi, anti-Semite, etc., and the author of comments like:

Magic2 months ago (edited)

The pedophile huckster and mongoloid Michael Horn is trying to challenge a man who is waaaay beyond the scam and game he is pulling. Well…good luck Mike ‘the impotent midget kike’…>You never know what is gonna be around the next corner… :-)) Btw. I am not Silvio` lol…. I am so much ahead of this game to take you and Meiers cult out once and for all you have no idea -:))

Magic3 months ago (edited)

Christian Bachinger I challenge you because Meier is full of SHIT. He protects the Zionist agenda of a one world government. He NEVER mentions that ISIS is a creation of the CIA and Mossad to destabilize the middle east. Wonder why? Ever heard of greater Israel?

It is also a mere coincidence that Mr. Santini and Magic are cameramen, cinematographers, etc. Obviously Mr. Santini couldn’t be Solaris/Magic because Magic endorses pro-Nazi sites like

Further, the following email to former Navy Seal, Bob Wiegand, is also obviously from someone impersonating Mr. Santini:

From: Silvio Santini []

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 1:50 AM

To: WiegandsFiles

Subject: Billy Meier / Control Pictures

Dear Bob Wiegand,

I hope you are well and in great spirits.

I posted my comments at your youtube channel as ‘Magic’ in regards to Billy Meier and Michael Horn.

Mr. Horn said: “Skeptics are always welcome to visit Meier”. So I would appreciate it if you can schedule a date about the second week of May with FIGU to visit Meiers property for some control pictures.

A day with the least amount of traffic/visitors and an empty parking lot is certainly preferred.

Please do not share my personal- as well as contact information with Michael Horn, Taro Istok or anybody not directly involved with this procedure.

Best Regards,

Silvio Santini


Michael Horn’

Why litigate when I am prepared to make this very public retraction on my blog, which has readers from 192 countries? Certainly, this will help clear your good name in the industry, internationally, etc.

Unlike your attorney, I’m willing to do this for free.


Now perhaps Mr. Santini will make some real magic and disappear along with all of his hateful comments, under any and all of his various screen names.


While each person is responsible for their own thoughts, feelings and actions, things wouldn’t have gone this far without the support of the relentless torrent of false, irresponsible, defamatory, unsubstantiated claims and attacks against the Meier case and its evidence by the “UFO researchers and investigators” in the UFOCI.

Packed with profiteers and phonies ,who saw an easy opportunity to make a buck with all their speculative, dead-end theories and claims, they also supported and promoted the attacks on the Meier case, often, like Kevin Randle, without a piece of self-researched and verified contradictory evidence, just their own lust for fame and fortune.

As Meier was told, in 1953, that MUFON would be his “greatest adversary” *, they along with others in the UFOCI who specialize in disinformation and chasing lights-in-the-sky, like Open Minds, have close ties to all the various “UFO experts” and host numerous expos and cozy club conferences, from which any presentations of the singularly authentic Meier case are noticeably missing. Many of the presenters are also openly anti-Meier. So, in the grand American tradition, the truth has been marginalized and made subservient to profits and the inflated egos of wannabes who managed to land themselves in the midst of the least scientific field that would allow them a forum in which to conduct their charlatanry.

All of this plays nicely into the agenda of the intelligence agencies, deep state, globalists, military-industrial, religious and political interests the consequences of which, ironically, Meier has long warned about (see: 40,).

In this environment, is it any surprise that the internet attacks proliferate and that degenerates, like Mr. Santini, not only chime in and pile on but feel empowered to threaten those who dare to call them out on it?


*71. In regard to that, take note especially of the coming worldwide organisation for ufological work, MUFON, because – along with various pathological know-it-alls and slanderers of truth – it will be your greatest adversary.


See also:

How MUFON Helped the Spread of ISIS

You Can’t Handle the TRUTH

An Open Letter to the Human Community

“I Don’t Want to Find What I’m Looking For” 



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Jacobus Kotze

If only the world new what was really going on behind the scenes. What happened exactly with the latest assasination attempt on Billy, if I may ask? And how did he manage to avoid it for the 23de time? Was it another shooting?

Wyatt Clancy

Seems like a disgruntled civilian, hired hitman etc did it. Unintelligence agencies could just induce heart attacks, or use any other cowardly technique they specialise in. (And where were the night-watchers?)

Jacobus Kotze

no words really.

Ashton Collins

Michael Horn,

could you give me really good documentaries on the kind of things you are talking about in your blogs, such as: overpopulation, global catastrophes, etc…?

Greg Dougall

There is a narrated version of Billy’s essay on the environment, written in 2015.
You can watch it
or read the text

Stefan Loeschl

Greg, thank you for the links!

Ashton Collins

Do you know any more documentaries?

Luis Sanchez

This solidify’s the current barbarism of the people of our kind/humans humanity on our planet yet again. Something to note theirs a unmanned telemeter disk that orbits our planet that signals any intelligenant life form in close proximity to earth “warning aggressive humans reside here.” Something to also note…the mission has already SUCCEEDED. And also The Goblet Of The Truth has already left earth and is disiminated in the Dal system. Humanity of earth should be wise to look around see what the barbarism has caused/effected. From Marco to micro…we are not a green planet (which is actually the really color of HEALTHY PLANET, meaning large land mass hasn’t been inilated). Train your eyes and observe the vast deserts of the world…like death valley were there was previous human tradegity. In the Caribbean (the ATLAN-TIC ocean, specifically) their resided an advance race of more because of barbarism (contact report 35). The Helix, NGC 7293…is a system that destroyed by a real Darth Vader. I remember I shared a picture of NGC 7293 with a kind women I was speaking to at the time, her response was “it’s beautiful.” Their’s no beauty in barbarism…only remenents of it.

Luis Sanchez

Give a sec

Darcy Wade Carlile

Distortion in your reality.

Stuart Brutsche

I do not know where said claims originate from, but the introduction to the GoTT definitely mentions it’s wide dissemination throughout the universe…. “The consciousness that my introductory and descriptive words for this work would one day
reach many billions of extraterrestrial people searching for the sense of life, many of whom are living on the most distant worlds and planets, occasioned in me a deep venerability, profound respect and great deference for the millennia-spanning work of the prophets.” (Page XV, GoTT). Also, correct me if I am wrong, but I was under the impression that Asket’s people in the DAL universe are already sufficiently spiritually advanced to not require the GoTT (like the P’s).

Darcy Wade Carlile

Chances are they are still learning and developing their behaviors because asket still has a material body and so she can still be prone to making mistakes so in my opinion yes she could share the goblet.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Why do you say that towards me always and not to other bloggers? It makes me wonder why you get so many opposers?

Luis Sanchez

Just to revise my last statement additionally, contact report 210 elaborates on NGC 7293.

Maxime Bergeron Falardeau

I’ve seen plenty of his comments on YouTube . -_- .

Let’s hope he does’nt hurt himself or anyone else…

Terry Carch

Sorry fir ny long rant but this is a serious issue that need s to be thought out if we`re going to survive on this savage barbaric world called earth otherwise we will all perish in a nuclear war. I`m not willing to wait 800 years just to find out that earth people finally grew up. By that time I`ll be nothing more than a cadaver decomposed into ammonia with people walking all over me in the dirty soil. I won`t see,hear,feel etc,etc,etc, besides if the Ps an other more kind ben evolent helpful good huamns can live to be 1000,10000 2 million years old thanks to the laws of Creation,why can`t we all learn and do the same as the people from Timers,Erra do? Why can`t this world learn to “Grow Up?”

Dolly Worby

I agree. That’s my understanding too. We can do the best we can on each lifetime, to learn from life experience. It’s a journey on the physical plane. The part piece of Creation which resides on our bodies while we’re here gains knowledge and wisdom. This is why it’s important to be mindful of our thoughts and feelings. Positive neutral that is.

Maxime Bergeron Falardeau

Hello Terry.

300 years old is the maximum I can see a human living right now, in these conditions, for the comming centur(ies). Our spirit-forms should re-incarnate arround 3-4 times until then (800 years from now). This is my own view. I’d personally be happy living up to 70, this is what it takes to become mature apparently. Can’t endure so much in these conditions. There are more grown-ups then it seems, only they are not considered yet and are pushed aside. There are quite a few young adults, youg persons, children actualy, who are much more aware then their predecessors.

Life = Striving
Death = Evolution of the Spirit = Life

I think that natural death occurs when enough knowledge wisdom and experiences etc. are gathered and need to be “processed”. It is not necessary to live up to 10 000 to reach that point on Earth.

Striving to make a boy! (and then a girl of corse)

Ned Duke

Well if the worst happens and the global population is in the very low thousands then the spirit form will be waiting quite a long time for reincarnation. After all, a good chunk of the land and sea in that potential scenario should be unlivable and irradiated for quite sometime before it could be recovered/reclaimed to be productive. That means that all those stories of “underground cities” aren’t actually going to house tens of thousands of people but rather are (most likely) large supply caches for hundreds of people to survive potentially thousands of years.


Mike, why do you waste your breathe with these bozos like Santini, the guy is part of what I call the 85%. The 85% in my opinion, is the percentage of humans on this planet that are a waste of life and refuse to use any logic at all. There are approximately between 8 and 9 billion people on the planet and we need to get down 539 million. This guy likes to hear himself talk, let him take legal action, I would call his bluff. The will end up showing his true colors. He’s just another coward hiding in front of his pc. The internet can be a useful tool but unfortunately we have to deal the likes of these people as well. Mike I want to change my site name to simply joe, is that ok?

joe ayoub

I’m not talking about people that are full of hate, I have just reached a point when dealing with people who refuse to look at the FACTS concerning any topic before forming an opinion. IMHO there is no way anyone with a functional brain can seriously research Billy’s material and listen to the interviews or videos with Lee Elders and walk away without saying this guy is for real. If they doubt it after that then they must have a hidden agenda. If this guy made threats then let the law deal with it. Last I heard it was against the law to utter threats. I find it very hard to have a mature intelligent conversation with the average person, as soon as the topic turns to Billy or climate change or anything that is of high priority to mankind and a switch goes off that shutdowns the logical side of their brain. These are my 85%!!!! It may be harsh but it would make for a better place.

Taro Istok

There’s also the philosophy of discouraging others of such slanderous behaviour. For one reason or another, the Meier case is a disinformation magnet. Too many phonies hiding behind anonymity, getting away with spreading disinformation much too easily. Plus, this alerts others to keep an eye out for not only this joker but many others. When we pool our information we can expose these frauds and their agenda.

Luis Sanchez

Well Kevin Randle as well as Santini actually have a good case study concerning long term effects of extreame skeptics. KK (if you don’t know who I’m referring to kindly do your research reference contact report 483). Simply put, emotional response negitively to the material is counter productive. It really does take time. Personally I don’t have words to describe the emense graditute and thankfulness I have for the material the teachings even just simply having opportunity of speaking with everyone who’s found the same information. It’s clearly not for the faint hearted. Michael actually described the studying of the material. It’s the magnitude of a doctorate.

Terry Carch

Well Luis, Reading the Prophecies and Predictions twice in the past is pretty scarey to me in the first place 1. Let`s be clear, The Prophecies and Predictions are very very negative and not very very helpful. 2. I don`t want to become a Borg let alone become half human half animal.

Sheila Clark

Terry, the negative prophesies are given specifically to change them into positive. They tell us where we are headed and if we don’t want to go in that direction, we try to stop it. So they are helpful. Or would you rather be blind sided? I personally think it’s better to know, than not know. Don’t be so worried about becoming a Borg either, that might be in your next incarnation so you’re fretting in this life, for nothing.

Terry Carch

It`s always better to think positive thoughts rather than negative thoughts,that`s why I would rather not read the Prophecies and Predictions again beside some things have changed over time which will render some of Billy`s Prophecies and predictions irrelevant such as the case with Russsia which is no longer a communistist state for example.

Andrew Grimshaw

Salome Joe
I hear you! I oh so hear you.
To me there is a great number that can’t accept a bloody good idea from someone, anyone that is not themselves. My own father is the CEO of the organisation that rejects any good idea from me. This to me is another of the very many negative effects of overpopulation. If we weren’t so bloody overpopulated we could both educate and separate out the false and negative ones much easier and faster.

Stuart Brutsche

That’s…. interesting but I guess I don’t quite understand the connection. Is there something to some type of numerology after all?

Melissa Osaki

Ok, Michael, you’ve piqued my curiosity. I’ve seen you guys talking about these numbers on numerous occasions and I’m wondering what exactly do they mean? I’ve read the contact reports regarding the numbers, but I’ve never really taken it any further. What do these numbers mean and is it good to know the number that your name represents? Sorry for all the questions, but my curiosity is getting the best of me.

Stuart Brutsche

Now that you mention it… I do remember references in the contact reports to actual Numerology/Astrology, as opposed to the kind traditionally used on Earth. I suppose it could be possible that these Gematria folks might have stumbled across it.

Stuart Brutsche

Thanks Michael, I must have neglected to read that one in its entirety. Seems it may be quite a while before we are capable of using astrology in a precise way. Perhaps that is for the better, since terran humans would (as usual) likely place it upon a pedestal above self-directed and conscious development. Sometime I’ll have to look around and see what else I can find on numerology, though.

Silvana De Angelis

Michael, on that same report, :164, they speak about asteroids and their sizes, out of topic but of great interest, here is news from NASA about “2012” the asteroid approaching us and this new test to their Planetary Defense System

Taro Istok

I don’t think “Semjase Tlazolteotl” is Santini. Writing style and content don’t match.

Jedaiah Ramnarine

For some reason I cannot post

Jedaiah Ramnarine

hey now =(

Jason Thomas

Jedaiah, I believe Michael was only joking with you in a friendly matter, as I’ve myself picked this up entirely. Hope this helped!

Jedaiah Ramnarine

@ Jason
Oh I know :), and I’m poking fun right back at him. Mike and I are good 😀

Jedaiah Ramnarine

Check out Contact Report 127.

You should use Billy and Semjase’s table concerning numerology, because the numbers are very accurate, unlike much of terran numerology, which is very religiously based. I’ve studied numerology for years. The numbers do have meaning, though for everyone, it can be taken differently; according to the consciousness and purpose.

I also recommend Nick’s Numerology. This guy does it in a non-religious, neutral manner, one of the few numerologists I see out there doing it right, in terms of understanding meaning, not table.

Jedaiah Ramnarine

Michael, there still seems to be a problem with the html. Sometimes you can’t post links, even to sites like futureofmankind.

Jedaiah Ramnarine

Yeah, sometimes you can, and sometimes you can’t. You might have to ask your webmaster. I think it’s probably a block with certain letters or links, but I can’t be completely sure.

joe ayoub

Sorry, but you lost me on this one!!!

Jedaiah Ramnarine

Here’s a fun fact.

J E S U S = 18
1 5 3 6 3 = 18

Historically speaking, 18 is regarded as one of the worst numbers; the number of death, mental illness etc.

18. (based off chaldean table)

“This number has a difficult symbolism to translate. It is pictured as “a rayed moon from which drops of blood are falling; a wolf and a hungry dog are seen below catching the falling drops of blood in their opened mouths, while still lower a crab is seen hastening to join them.” It is symbolic of materialism striving to destroy the spiritual side of the nature. It generally associates a per­son with bitter quarrels, even family ones, also with war, social upheavals, revolutions; and in some cases it indicates making money and position thorough wars or by wars. It is however a warn­ing of treachery, deception by others, also danger from the elements such as storms, danger from water, fires and explosions. When this “compound” number appears in working out dates in advance, such a date should be taken with a great amount of care, caution and circumspection.”

Of course this is a bit much and slightly religious. A better reference to 18 would be found here:

“18/9 is about the balance between materialism and the spiritual ideal. Unfortunately, most often the former is more recognized. In either case, wherever the 18 shows up in a chart, it is destined to be an active part in one’s life. Hyperactivity and/or hypersensitivity may be a problem. They may also be dreamers who have a hard time accepting reality as it is and prefer to do nothing. It is important to watch your health, as those with this number may have fragile health concerns. In the occult, the number 18 is often linked with war and destruction. Those with this number will need strong faith in all areas to succeed. Depending on the orientation, it can bring possessiveness or detachment to material things.


The 1 which is about self initiative, independence and original ideas is embracing the 8, which is about taking those ideas and either implementing or discarding them. This results in evolution or destruction. Obviously, analysis is required in order to ensure that the ideas are fool-proof and will benefit the world for a better cause. This is where the -7 comes in. This number can easily see life wearing rosy-colored glasses, refusing to look deep down and realizing the truth of such things. Such realities will only break in the end and cause the suffering -7 is known for. But it is all to gain a better perspective of the world around us, as the +9 tells. Much wisdom will be gained through your experiences as long as you have the eye to see them. It is important to keep an eye on your health at all times. If it remains possessive to something then it can compound to dysfunction and illness unless it is released.”

Sheila Clark

If you are reading this Silvio please note that Billy’s call for a one world govt is due to the fact that alien races will not contact us as we are now. Only with a one world govt with no deception will they make their appearance known. It’s not the same thing as your idea of a NWO with oligarchs at the helm. Along with Billy’s idea of one government is the International Coalition of Peacefighters whose mandate is to stop all wars, murder, torture, rape. In the Henoch tradition and not beholden to any country, only to their mandate. Armed with the latest weaponry, surround, subdue, intern lawbreakers into a camp without modern technology. How can you argue with sound logic?

Corey Müske

I feel you Sheila.~