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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

The USA Shall Be Imperiled

How empires fall, a lesson never learned and often repeated

Click here for the vlog.

With the heat being turned up on Trump and his associates, as well as on  some mainstream media and political organizations, and with rumors that Trump is going to do more shaking up, etc., I am reminded again of this information from Billy Meier last October:

16. The USA and the rulers of the USA shall be imperiled in the future in many ways, which arise from both governmental and non-governmental anti-government and anti-state actors, as well as from large parts of the United States population, so that the US population breaks up into different population-groups, the basic causes of which are already present, so that the USA is already separatized into various groups at the present time.

With all the focus on Trump, the unasked question is why do they want Pence in there? If the movement to oust him wasn’t an illegitimate, bogus effort, it would seem that voting him out in the next election would be the logical way to go about it. Then, both Trump and Pence would be gone. But this way, should the fabricated charges and machinations lead to his being removed from office, Pence would become the president.

So, we can consider what Meier was told about 2020, as well as his decades long warnings about the coming civil wars.

Cause and Effect

When speaking about the prophetic accuracy in the Billy Meier UFO contacts, we’re discussing more than just corroborations of information. We’re also being shown how cause and effect determine these situations and events.  And, remarkably, as the prophecies and predictions fulfill, contemporary commentators, unfamiliar with the Meier material, may use similar observations, descriptions and language in their reporting.

For example, a new article  says:

“But in recent months it seems that America’s unwavering commitment to fight all of the world’s scourges has brought all those governments and the wealthy individuals who support them to a critical mass, joining forces to create a parallel financial system which would be out of reach of America’s long arm. Should they succeed, the impact on America’s global posture would be transformational.

America’s global supremacy has been made possible not only thanks to its military power and its alliance system but also due to its control over the plumbing of global finance and particularly the broad acceptance of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency.”

…which is eerily similar to this from the Henoch Prophecies:

193. The military politics of the USA will likewise know no limits, as neither will their economic and other political institutions which will be focused on building and operating a world police force, as it is the case already for a long time.

194. But that will not be enough, and, in the guise of a so-called peaceful globalisation, American politics will aspire to gain absolute control of the world concerning supremacy in economy.”

The article also discusses these factors:

All of those actions and others point to one direction: In the coming years the dollar will be facing a barrage of attacks with the goal of eroding its hegemony and the energy trading market will be one of the main battlefields where the future of America’s economic dominance will be decided. Any successful attempt to delink commodity trading from the dollar will have a cascading impact not only on the global economic system as we know it but also on America’s posture abroad.

…that relate to and echo this from the HP:

196. If this does not happen, many small and great nations will lose their independence and their cultural identity and will be beaten down, because the USA will gain predominance over them and with evil force bring them down under its rule.

197. At first, many countries will howl with the wolves of the US, partially due to fear of American aggressions and sanctions, as will be the case with many, many irresponsible [ones] in Switzerland and Germany but also of other countries. In part, others will join in because they will be forced somehow to do so or will be misled by irresponsible promoters of American propaganda.

198. Finally, many Asian, African and European states will rise up against the American hegemony, once they recognise that the United States of America is only taking advantage of them for purposes of war, conquest and exploitation.

199. In this way, many countries will become puppet states of America before reason and realisation will emerge in the responsible ones of governments and in many of the population, resulting in a turning away from the USA.

In regards to the Johnny-come-lately geniuses for whom all of this is “news”, I’ve often said that those of us who’ve familiarized ourselves with Meier’s information, and that of the prophets before him, have “read the script, seen the movie and know how it…ends”. Another thing we can be sure of is that, to a person, all of the political commentators, mainstream and alternative news, conspiracy theory and other public voices will avoid any mention of this information because they see no…profit to themselves in disseminating it.

I would be delighted to be proved wrong. But do know that this blog will also be sent to Zerohedge, GoldCore, etc. Sit back, watch the snow fall, the grass grow and the economy crash before the know-it-alls deign to learn the easier way…let alone tell their audiences.

More events specifically foretold in the Henoch Prophecies appear to be underway. Both Sweden and Germany are in the early stages of major civil unrest, which in both cases appear to have connections to the illegal refugees and migrants crisis.

Our Future History

We still have a chance to rewrite some of our future history but that will most likely be on a very small scale and pertaining more to what individuals and small groups may do, should they heed the warnings. And this is where we come to the core reason for the Meier contacts, the spiritual teaching. It’s a good time, as always, to learn the way to live.

The Real Dope on Dope

Speaking about how empires fall, there’s an interesting new article linking the use of cannabis and schizophrenia, which is interesting in light of information published by Meier in 2004 and 2009, regarding the real, vastly underestimated dangers of marijuana use.

More about the Mayan

There’s a new article about the fall of the Mayan civilization, which turns out to be another corroboration of Meier’s prophetically accurate information. We now have…hundreds of specific examples on the website and this blog, spanning a wide variety of sciences, environmental and geopolitical information, etc.

America’s Coming Civil Wars

See also:

Billy Meier’s Warning of US Collapse Now Echoed by Financial Analysts

An Uneasy Feeling

We Look But We Do Not See

NEW Prophecies and Predictions from Billy Meier

Will You Be Among the Survivors?

The COMING 10.0 Quake that Will Shake the World

It’s Only a Matter of…Time


Thanks to Curtis Louthan and Mary Kingsley for information.

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Michael, I find your comment odd to say the least. “But this way, should the fabricated charges and machinations lead to his being removed from office, Pence would become the president.” As a fellow student of Billy Meier, you take tremendous liberties in espousing views that you cannot possibly know about (whether the charges against Trump are true or not) and in doing so you attach Billy’s name (by inference) to these conclusions. Unless I am missing something, your comments are your opinion 100% and little more in this regard. We are both folks involved with FIGU in one way or another and of course your credibility is much more profound than mine, but as a student of what I like to believe is Truth (based on facts and information and accompanying analysis), it seems that you may be espousing your own personal views projected outward at a minimum and possibly misleading fellow watchers of these matters by concluding things you cannot possibly “know” (in that “knowing” as much as we can know anything is still often subjective even with facts present).

If you are of the mind that there is a “deep state” and that there is a grand conspiracy that literally thousands of people are somehow operating in unison, then I feel your message may be moving from Billy and Truth focused into the world of the politically absurd. I know I will not be popular with fellow students of Billy for saying this, but I cannot also be silent when I feel that folks are projecting their own values into a discussion that mixes analysis with facts in a way that is both declarative and inferring that Billy espouses the exact same view. I have never heard Billy say there is a grand conspiracy against Trump, nor has he implied it to my knowledge. Even if he has (I would love to be directed to those comments) then hasn’t Billy admitted that he espouses his own political views that are not necessarily related to higher information provided to him by Ptaah or any other higher being? Therefore it seems you may have already concluded that all charges against Trump are “Trumped up” so to speak and this conclusion coming from someone involved in a group that I respect so dearly feels very reckless and concerning. Truth matters and so why not wait to see what all evidence exists before condemning a political process that may or may not alter the nation of the USA for many years to come? It seems problematic at the very least.

I respect your work on behalf of the mission, but declaring that all possible impeachment claims are somehow “invalid” is not reasonable and borders on the fringe conspiracy theories that have led so many folks into myth and fabricated analysis (e.g. Fox News and the Qanon).

All the best Michael and I present these views with all due respect to you and all other readers. Discussion, facts and analysis matter so that we can discover truth. It is a slow and difficult process to rely on actual information to conclude things, and in this world, more and more – “facts” are not facts at all, but accumulated assumptions and inferences based on opinion, with facts often on a partial contributor to the final analysis. Salome.

Paul Slusher

Hi Michael, thank you for your thoughtful response. However I still see your comments as problematic. We have no idea what evidence does or does not exist and if you follow the far right and Fox News narrative, their view mirrors yours in a way that is concerning to me. You say ” there’s been no foundational evidence to support those charges in over 1 1/2 years.” This is actually something neither you, I or Fox News knows at this time. Having met with FBI agents in my previous work, many are very loyal to the Truth and work very hard to do so. I don’t know the entire organization, but having been in law as well, I know how long it takes to do certain aspects of investigation and “discovery”. It can take years.

WATERGATE took years to uncover and that was 100% real and was also bashed by the republicans for a long time as a fake story until it was exposed in full. Moreover, your comments project a viewpoint that is not provable, hence my concern about your adherence to “Truth”. The links and comments by Billy are all applicable in various ways, except in the way that matters most. At no point has Billy expressed that the story is “fake” and from what I hear from folks in FIGU, they are aware that Billy expresses political views that are actually not necessarily based in fact, but opinion. He does so often and that is of course his right and we all know that he is more often correct than he is not (in fact I have yet to see him be “incorrect”). But the fact remains that we do not know what Meuller and/or the FBI know or don’t know.

For the record, I worked in a division of the State Department for Bill Clinton and it is my view, government conspiracies and/or “deep states” are total B.S. and impossible to maintain. It would require far too many people to be “complicit” and silent simultaneously. I was recruited by the CIA but rejected it because I was concerned about what they were doing and what the overall intention was. I was a Vietnam and SE Asia specialist at the time and they wanted me for that purpose. Soon thereafter I left to go to Law School and start my new life doing good work (in my view). The work I did for the U.S. government however also was positive, since my job was to work on dealing with human rights issues in China and a few other regions.

I just feel that anyone who is very close to FIGU should be very careful to make it clear what their “opinion” is and what is fact-based. Too many readers are gullible and conspiratorial to the point of being rather ridiculous (and lost) and as a result one can accidently promote agendas that are not based on truth or facts and therefore these “stories of conspiracies” start up via interpretation of the reader coming from credible sources that are not espousing facts but giving views and/or “what ifs”. My concern remains that you are mixing opinion and fact in a way that is problematic and unclear.

I have also seen how some (particularly on FIGU based facebook pages) treat Billy as a “messiah” or some sort of “never to be questioned” individual. I wish to meet him and will hopefully next year, both my wife and I. But I would never fall prey to the practice of simply accepting things as told to me unless I can see a logical or fact-based connection. Too many are treating Billy as someone to simply trust without thought or analysis and to me – this is completely averse to the teachings of BEAM. Thinking for oneself is key and so when facts and opinion get cooked into the same pot – this is when the Fox News style of information starts to be baked and put out into the public.

It is the reason that so many folks cannot determine fact from fiction and conspiracy theories are abound unlike I have ever seen them. We are indeed in a dangerous time, when folks are caught up in some truth and some lies and will react without thought and with too much emotion. Thinking seems to be taking a backseat.

I appreciate your response and your tireless work. I would suggest, in a non-insulting manner, that you keep an eye on the information you present when it is fact or opinion, for so many read your material and trust what you (and what others) say that Billy “infers” or means in a way that is not at all congruent with what I read Billy saying. It sometimes appears that most folks “conclude without confirmation of data or facts”. When we go down that road, this is how religion got started and is propagated by this lack of analysis based thinking

Trump has lied non-stop since being in office in ways that are both dangerous and racist (if not outright oppressive to certain sub groups he doesn’t like). I cannot see any reasonableness whatsoever in this guy. In fact I see him as very dangerous on levels that many may not understand. That being said, I await the FACTS and the EVIDENCE as all should be doing. Concluding what is and is not going on is, in my view, both dangerous and possibly very misleading. We can only guess at this point.

In any case, all the best Michael. No need to respond unless you feel you want to, but I am not requesting it. 🙂

Luis Sanchez

Contact Report 31


Now you make me laugh, Semjase. Mount Everest is indeed the highest mountain on my dear mother Earth.


121. My words are meant seriously… they speak of the facts.

122. But of course you could not know this since you are starting from a mistaken assumption.

123. Your scientists count the elevation of land or of a mountain, in meters above sea level.

124. That is the exact mistake, for such measurements should not use sea-level as the starting point.

125. The starting point for all measurements should be from the center of the planet, which never changes.

126. This is because planetary shapes are never exactly round, but tend more towards the elliptical.

127. When you say that Mount Everest is the highest mountain of Earth, then this is correct only with respect to sea level


I sense that starting point to many of
these issues , are at the core…the center…the inner world…within the true starting point of all things. Instead of countless shallow waters of beginnings and endings.

Self Love, Honest Joy, Inner Peace…within the inner world..the starting point…the core.


Here we go again with another MH reality check….

Okay Capt Obvious,

Nearly everybody in the USA knows already we are getting imperiled. Even your great President Trump has called for civil war, if he is removed from office, in one of his mad rampages. Pense, although a religious freak, would be a boring alternative. AND WE NEED BORING… BIG TIME! Shouldn’t we all be singing songs around a camp fire right about now?

Okay, let’s do politics today…. Folks would have to be living in a conspiracy delusion to consider any aspect of a Trump presidency anything other than a clown car driving off a cliff and sending hundreds of thousands of Americans into peril! Meier’s own recent prophecy talks about America losing allies, and low and behold who hasn’t this madman insulted besides mother Russia?

And let’s not get into Meier’s bromance with Putin. This man can do no wrong in Billy’s eyes. Meier can call the EU a dictatorship yet can not find the same words for ole Putty. Yet this dictator has amassed enormous wealth siphoning off the old Union, with little benefit for the average Russian folk or Russian economy. When is the last time you offered a Russian made phone? How about a Russian made computer? Does Russia have anything like Amazon, Tesla, Apple? What great innovation, like a WWW, has the great Russia given the world? The only reason the Russian people love Putin is because he has dictated Christianity to keep his people small in consciousness so that they consider him a great leader from and of GOD!

Certainly Putin is far, far more intelligent than the moron in the White house. And in the end he wants power otherwise he would be giving it to his people and country. If Putin was such a great man he would be dismantling his nuclear weapons and just deploying DEFENSE based weapons. But no Russia does not sell you a computer, she hacks you! A hack and vodka economy held by a bunch of whacked out Christians holding on to a tin god. To be honest, I think the Ps and Billy are way off about Trump and Putin. Trump’s own wife seems to detest him. His whole presidency has NEVER been about a SOLUTION or SOLVING a PROBLEM, but rather destroying the legacy of the USA’s first African American president. This is his selfish MO period and anybody with any common sense and observation skills can see this; so go back to school Ptaah, Billy on the old “Don.”

Certainly in the jungle the top of the food chain is constantly challenged. It is not uncommon for a species to fall. But do we want to rub it in???

Terry Carch

Last night I mentioned the split between the North and the South I think this is the beginning of the break up of North America and possibly the two civil wars. Unfortunately Billy can`t and won`t give us any time and specific dates due to the CIA wanting to kill Billy so its up to us figu members to watch closely and say guarded because sooner rather than later rather than later “ALL HELL WIL BREAK OUT. I read well over six decades ago about how the French went underground to save lives and avoid the Nazi invasion by using trains underground to send European Jews from being sent to concentration camps and hiding the European Jews in their home either in the basement or in the attic so the Nazis could not find the Jewish populations but some were killed while others escaped to North America. Now I wonder if the tables are being turned around for North America instead of Germany and I`m wondering if the US will be the first one to anilate this planet earth with the first preempted nuclear bomb to gain control of the people on earth for starters biochiping ALL of eath human beings so these horrible nefarious dark forces can watch and spy on EVERY SINGLE HUMANBEING to control EVERTHIG we say and do like Soviet Russia did before August 1991 and also tell us what we can eat and what to wear,etc,etc,etc. The only difference would be is no waiting outside on bread lines but this hideous rotten 1% would make us suffer as salve labor with NO choices of food, clothing, healthcare and housing! If this isn`t Orwell`s 1984 and Adieus Huxley`s Brave New World or both what is left of the U.S. of As will go down into the Fourth, Fifth maybee even the Sixed Nuclear war,etc! I keep thinking I`m living thousands,millions billions of years in the past etc. As the old saying goes “History repeats itself.” Salome

Kelly Clover

You make the assumption that forcing Trump out thru impeachment or forced resignation would result in Pence becoming president. This may or may not be true depending on the final outcome of Robert Mueller’s investigation. Consider this scenario:
Robert Mueller’s goes before the public and says here are our general findings: “We find that Donald Trump accepted bribes to do favors for the Russian mafia and Vladimir Putin. Trump’s policies were severely corrupted because of his greed.”
“We have known for quite some time that the Russians used propaganda on social media to help Trump win the 2016 election and we believe that Trump willingly and knowingly accepted the Russian assistance.”
“We now believe the Russian interference went farther than we first thought. The Russians also hacked into certain voting machines and changed the recorded vote totals. We believe that the Russians effectively changed the outcome of at least 4 states thru this process. Those 4 states are Florida, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. We believe that Donald Trump’s election to the presidency was in fact bogus.”

Kelly Clover

The president’s recent behavior in and of itself makes it obvious to me that he must have committed some extremely horrible crimes he wants covered up at any cost. Why the endless attacks on the news media? This is what dictators do to control what people hear in their daily news. It’s what the Nazis did under Adolf Hitler. It’s what Vladimir Putin does to ensure he stays in power.
At this point I strongly support impeachment on grounds that the president has abused his power. His public statements are too inflammatory and could be interpreted as inciting violence or deliberately trying to cause a civil war. I am very bothered by his extremely dishonest attacks on the news media. It’s not their job to only report what the president wants to hear.
It’s extremely unlikely that Robert Mueller is going to make a finding that Donald Trump did nothing seriously wrong. I do not claim to know what all he will find out but the parallels with Richard Nixon are very strong. You may recall that Nixon’s assistants were prosecuted and jailed first before any action was taken against the president. It will be the same story here.

Melissa Osaki


What does any of that have to do with Pence not becoming President should Trump be impeached? This hysteria over Trump is like nothing I’ve ever seen before. It’s quite clear that those elite forces behind the scenes will stop at nothing to discredit Trump. We already know from Ptaah that they are instigating malicious lies surrounding Trump and him winning the presidency. Not only did Ptaah tell us this, but if you think about it and observe everything from a neutral rational standpoint, it’s highly obvious.

““And in order for this to happen, deceitful machinations will be initiated after the election, in order to prove allegedly false election results, by which Trump has illegally won his office.”

Kelly Clover

I would be all for Trump if he was what he claims to be but he’s not. Before seeking the presidency he had a long history as a con man who routinely lied, cheated, and bullied to get what he wanted. Tell the people who got ripped off on the Trump University scam that this is a good man. Tell the large number of construction contractors who were gypped out of large amounts of money that this is a good man. His refusal to release any of his tax returns raises the question of what he’s trying to hide from us. Tell Melania that a husband who has affairs with porn stars and then arranges large hush money payments that this is a good man.
As candidate and as president he has resorted frequently to highly inflammatory and totally unnecessary insults. His insults against a judge who was to hear the Trump University fraud case is troubling. His publication of a highly inflammatory Tweet video which promotes the assault of news reporters is troubling. His inflammatory and totally unnecessary insults against a disabled person is troubling. His inflammatory and totally unnecessary insults against the parents of fallen soldier who served honorably is troubling.
His constant attempts to intimidate the news media so they cannot report the news freely without heavy interference from the White House is troubling. There is no “Deep state conspiracy” as such. This is a lie created by those who will defend Trump at any cost no matter what the truth is.
Donald Trump’s extremely inhumane treatment of asylum seekers is troubling. Don’t peddle the lie that such tactics are necessary to enforce the nation’s immigration laws. They are not!

Melissa Osaki

Case in point: the hysteria continues with the MSM in the forefront of brainwashing and spreading malicious lies about every last thing President Trump says and does. This begs the question: does only the MSM have the right to free speech or does the President also have the right to free speech? I don’t recall ever hearing the President calling for the imprisonment of a journalist for their lies and slander–firing or boycotting maybe, but imprisonment no. I have however seen countless pundits, journalists and know-it-alls call for the impeachment, imprisonment, assassination and coup d’état of our democratically elected President for his alleged lies, collusion, affairs and tweets. I haven’t seen a single shred of verifiable evidence that the President colluded with the Russians, made racist remarks or did anything other than offend some people with his crass remarks.

Paul Slusher

Mellssa, I would suggest you look harder then. The evidence of his racism, and dog-whistling racists is blatant. Moreover he has insulted disabled people, Mexicans, women, fat women, ugly women (he is clearly having issues with women with his countless scandals, lies and cheating on his multiple wives). So if you are on the “we love trump” train, just know that there is no evidence that he is worth the body fat he carries around on this planet. He is a dangerous liar who is a pawn for the wealthy elites who paid for him to win the election.

Melissa Osaki

I’m sorry if you misinterpreted my relaying of the situation as a love for Trump because I simply have no political horse in this race. And the fact that you would try to sway me by using the woman card is quite insulting to my intelligence. How many times do Michael and I have to tell you that we are not on the right or left. We are simply on the common sense train and all this hysteria is making people blind to what is actually going on. Now please, stop with the accusations of us being politically motivated and leaning to the far right.

Jacobus Kotze

Paul Slusher,

How dare you call Rosie O Donnell fat/ugly? Sexist.

(just a kidding)

Kelly Clover

Most of the lies are being spread by various hyperpartisan talk show zealots and by pastors who are only interested in what Donald Trump says he will do for the Christian community, not his deplorable moral character.
You say you don’t recall Trump ever calling for the imprisonment of journalists. He has certainly tried to incite violence against news reporters as he did with a Tweet video which shows him beating the crap out of a CNN news reporter. He has repeatedly labeled the news media “the enemy of the people”. That’s exactly what Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin did! Intimidating the news media is one of the first things all totalitarian dictators do. A totalitarian dictatorship cannot succeed unless freedom of the press is destroyed. That’s exactly what Donald Trump is trying to do!
Where you have been regarding Trump’s racism? Have you forgotten about his outrageous treatment of Puerto Rico when they were devastated by the worst natural disaster in their history? He downplayed the seriousness of their plight and dragged his feet on badly needed assistance. We now know that about 3000 people were killed by the hurricane disaster. These are American citizens who have the misinformation of living in an American territory rather than a state and having no representation in Congress to look after their interests.
Have you forgotten about Trump’s public statement shortly before the 2016 election where he asked the Russians for assistance in finding Hillary Clinton’s missing emails? That’s collusion right there!
Have you forgotten about his extremely inhumane treatment of asylum seekers from central America where young children and babies were taken away from their parents to punish foreigners for seeking asylum? If Christ were alive today he would strongly condemn this behavior by our president. I believe much of this behavior IS MOTIVATED BY RACISM!!!
If you are only listening pro-Trump hyperpartisans like Sean Hannity, Judge Jeanine, or Mark Levin of course you won’t hear the truth as it really is.

Melissa Osaki

I’m not going to address this ridiculously one-sided narrative. I agree with Michael, please do some research and open your eyes to see the whole picture.

Andrew Grimshaw

Now, follow that up with this:
Talmud Jmmanuel

Sheila Clark

“Tweet video which showed him beating the crap out of a CNN reporter” – are you serious Kelly? You didn’t notice it was actually a CNN banner put over the face of Vince McMann in a play wrestling act about 10-12 years ago? Makes me doubt you can tell real from fake. Please get off the CNN Crack because if you don’t outright overdose on insanity, it will kill you with the war drums beating towards WW4.
Years ago Bill Maher would have called out Brennan as a war criminal, now he’s…we’ll see for yourself, it’s pathetic:
In their hatred of Trump, they lovingly embrace the warmongering deep state. The assessment of the video is way better than actual video clip and I’m sure the Bombard body language expert would have a field day.


Dear Kelly and Paul,

I think it is an outrage that this blog sees your comments and opinions as counterproductive or even dangerous. I even see fellow bloggers questioning identity and calling for IP address checks. Both Paul and Kelly have shown decency, and presented reasonable arguments. These comments should be welcomed and eagerly challenged with enthusiasm by contrary viewpoints. But instead some want to turn this into red vs blue team. And then call out their neighbor for being on a team or the wrong one.

Personally, I don’t care if Trump is a republican or democrat, in my opinion his incompetence is a danger to the USA. Regardless of how you think it went down, the USA as a country is in trouble right now because of the division and riled up emotions. This is a recipe for civil war, not peace and love. No matter how much my neighbors may be cheering the demise of the USA, I live here and do not want to FALL. Nothing in natures just takes a demise. This is my opinion and I can see where Kelly and Paul are coming from without being labeled political. This is no different than a drunk bus driver putting many passenger and passerby lives in danger.

I am not going to list off things and continue to judge Trump, only to say that he is not bringing people together he is dividing. He is not calming the tensions, he is fanning the fire! He is not trying to bring countries together, he trying for trade wars. He is not working day and night to solve the immense problems facing the country and world, he is concerned about his image! He is not a statesman or diplomat, speaking with tact, sincerity and calmness, but rather a loudmouth strong arm. A person with these qualities would not even be able to keep a job at McDonald’s, let alone having impact on the lives of billions of humans on planet Earth.

Please MH and Melissa, let’s stop with the prophecies and all the politics and religion that goes along with it. Self improvement is the key to the spiritual teaching, not calling out your neighbor for not agreeing with Billy or the rest of his followers.

Best regards,

Melissa Osaki

Hi Anthony,

If they had presented reasonable arguments, they would have presented all sides of the argument. When you come in guns blazing with only a part of the picture, you should expect some reasonable debate and pushback. There is nothing wrong with discussing the prophecies, politics and religion as long as folks aren’t attacking others with name calling and ad hominem attacks. No one here has to agree with Billy or the Plejaren, but they can definitely expect reasonable debate.

Melissa Osaki

Should President Donald Trump be impeached, Vice President Mike Pence would be next in line based on legal standard and procedure. That being said only two Presidents have ever been successfully impeached: Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton, both of which were acquitted of the charges held against them by a Senate trial. While Richard Nixon was also impeached, he chose to resign rather than face charges.

The only way that Vice President Pence would not succeed President Trump is if they impeached him as well.

Here is the current list, in order, of the people that would succeed Trump.

1. Vice President Pence

2. House Speaker, Paul Ryan

3. President pro tempore of the Senate, Orrin Hatch

4. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo

5. Treasury Secretary, Steven Mnuchin

6. Defense Secretary, James Mattis

7. Attorney General, Jeff Sessions

8. Secretary of the Interior, Ryan Zinke

9. Agriculture Secretary, Sonny Perdue

10. Commerce Secretary, Wilbur Ross

11. Labor Secretary, Alex Acosta

12. Health and Human Services Secretary, Alex M. Azar II

13. Housing and Urban Development Secretary, Ben Carson

14. Transportation Secretary, Elaine Chao

15. Energy Secretary, Rick Perry

16. Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos

17. Veteran Affairs Secretary, Robert Wilkie

18. Homeland Security Secretary, Kirstjen Nielsen

Terry Carch

There is only one problem Melissa. Trump signed the NAPTAA Accord with Mexico and then said ANYBODY was born and raised in not only Mexico or the US should legally or illegally b e “thrown out of the US and sent back to Mexico” so where is the logic behind such a stupid illogical act like that from Trump? Does that make any sense to you or anyone else? You tell me? This doesn`t make any sense to me!

Melissa Osaki

Hi Terry,

Can you direct me to the article or video where Trump said, “ANYBODY was born and raised in not only Mexico or the US should legally or illegally b e “thrown out of the US and sent back to Mexico”. I can’t make heads or tails out of this comment. Thanks & Salome

Paul Huddart

Hey MH a bit off topic, but when you search for the TheyFly store google gives the old link where it looks like nothing is available.

Paul Huddart

that is the first link in google search

this is when you press the goblet of truth book link

Bruce Lulla

Only on this blog, is there more disagreement over politics than religion.

Michael Begley

In 1797, George Washington warns us of 3 problems that could lead to our destruction in his farewell address:

1.) Political Parties will divide us.

2.) Foreign wars will destroy us.

3.) National Debt will cripple us.

MH is right when he states, “How empires fall, a lesson never learned and often repeated.”

If anyone wants to educate themselves on the short-sided, human societies throughout history, I recommend, “Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed” by Jared Diamond.

People need to remember, there has NEVER been a civilization that has lasted forever. We keep doing the old things, just in a new narrative.

Terry Carch

I don`t know where to post this article but here it is from for Friday August 31, 2018 by John LaForge The Tip of the Radiation Disaster Iceberg “We need to keep any eye out for anymore radiation disasters that might just cause more ugly horrible demeaning radiations from leaking into the human population in the future or else we will ALL perish for sure and there will be no more Earth to reconcile with in the first place!!!”

Stephen Lane

Intersting article concerning a second hidden goverment of the USA:

Russia denounces the diarchy at the heart of the UNO and the USA

A history of Empire!:
Empire’s Double Edged Sword: Global Military + NGOs


Paul Slusher

I noticed that my response to Michael was not posted. That is odd. I posted a second comment responding to his response to me and so I wonder – is it your policy Michael that you don’t allow “running conversations”? I only intended to reply one time, not continue it. I hope you approve the second comments because they were (I think) pertinent.

However I am posting this link because I am bothered by the constant drumming on Facebook and all over the place (mostly by right wingers) that this is all “fake” – the Trump Russia connect. Well – I think that none of you know this at all and should rely on facts, not stupid conspiracy stories or analysis that pretends to know facts that none of us are privy to at this time. But even more important what was in the news today.

This is big news potentially. We don’t know the full ramifications of this, but it is clear that there ARE some connections (legal or possibly illegal) to Putin and Russia. This article only touches on one tiny aspect, but we should not live in denial about the facts.

Terry Carch

Hi Melissa I just refreshed my browser and cleared my cache but I`m still getting “Hi Jetpack All Systems Go so I still have to use The Future of Mankind website under FIGU News to log onto They Fly Blog. I`m not computer savvy so what did I do wrong? Sorry about that. Any other ideas? Thanks Salome Terry

Melissa Osaki

Let me look into it and I’ll get back to you. Salome

Terry Carch

Thanks Melissa:)))

Melissa Osaki

Terry, try clearing your cookies and let me know if that works. I’m looking into a few things regarding your issue and I’ll email you when I have more info. Thanks & Salome

Andrew Grimshaw


If you human beings of Earth do not turn to the truth of Creation and its laws and recommendations in what is now the third millennium, if you do not turn to better and good things and do not follow the true rules of life as they exist in the creational laws and recommendations, then all evil events of all kinds will broaden in ever worsening succession. The creational-natural laws and recommendations are written in the ‹Goblet of Truth› and in …

MH & MO, that was odd, I clicked on the reCAPTCHA box and it didn’t even challenge me with the usual choosing of photos.

Andrew Grimshaw

If you mean the chip on my shoulder, that’s unmissable. If you mean a biochip, I wouldn’t doubt it, somehow. If you mean that after a few times the program recognises the combination of my name and email address, how thoughtful (although it’s NOT that as I just had to choose a few photos). Curiouser and curiouser…. 😉

Terry Carch

G-Day Andrew I too didn`t get the ususal capcha but funny on some other website they post the capcha so high that I don`t know what top click so I end up having to play a guessing game of sorts I tried both the up arrow and the page up with no luck or else I just move onto another website? Any ideas mate? Salome Terry:-)) P.S. Wish I could visit and move to Australia if only I had the money:-))

Andrew Grimshaw

Hi Terry,
You could try changing the size of the page by holding down control (ctrl-bottom left or right of keyboard) and pressing the minus button as many times as needed (usually top right of keyboard). Reverse process using the plus button to return to original size or continue to press to magnify the page. You can hold down ctrl and press the minus and plus one after the other to change the page size.

I have the feeling that the captcha function may be disabled if MH or MO are logged in to administration of the site and we happen to be posting comments at the same time!??!!

paul russell

At the end of empire, only love remains.
Time is short, very possible we might see a horrific economic crash in sept. or oct. of this year. We are living on borrowed time here. And time is running out.
If you have stocks, sell. If you have money banked, pull it out.
The next bubble-bursting crash is past due.
And if, like myself, you have no money, relax – nothing is under control.


Thanks Michael. My last words are these. I respect you and your work, but if you are really saying “maybe” to the accusation that Trump lies and lies and lies and lies, then Michael I dare say you are contradicted by volumes of facts. So, although we may disagree on various things, I think it is very problematic that you won’t admit that Trump is a pathological liar – or certainly acts as such. That is not disputed by anyone except the FAR RIGHT and the conspiracy nutjobs like Q-anon. So, I fear that by saying “maybe” you are losing some very important credibility. That may not be your concern, I understand but to me as a FIGU observer, student and soon-to-be student of the spiritual teachings, it concerns me.

Moreover, what is also surprising about your comments is that you don’t seem to know about Watergate and yet you claim that on some level the media is lying, etc. I would just comment that you are parroting the exact viewpoint of the very far right and the conspiracy-focused fringe media. By not being familiar with how this is almost the exact same narrative as with Watergate, it makes me state aloud “If we are not aware of our history, we are bound to repeat it”.

All the best Michael, you and I are both working for similar goals, this much I know. But I do fear that your political narrative (and your narrative is indeed political and appears to be in fact a bit partisan – sorry – I don’t mean to offend) may make your entire delivery appear to be flawed.

FIGU is very important to me as it spreads it message and I would hate to see some folks see what appears to be a promotion of a pro-right viewpoint (that is not necessarily backed up by facts) distract those drawn to Billy and the teachings. The media is not the enemy, and when folks repeat that Fox News and Steve Bannon-type rhetoric, it makes the vast majority of intelligent, aware, conscious, “woke” folks take pause, as I do.

If you are right about all of this, then of course I will owe you a grand apology and we WILL find out over time. But for now, I think the lack of facts, and the layered media criticisms and “maybes” about Trump and his 4,000 misleading or blatantly false statements makes it hard to for even me, a very pro-Billy, pro-FIGU guy to hesitate to take these views you project seriously. That’s all. I am on your side, but I wonder if you are on the side of truth on this particular issue, or are you perhaps caught up in a side narrative. I don’t know. I wish you all the best and love to you and all the people around you.

I will not comment further for this blog is certainly not the “Paul Slusher show” and I don’t intend to overstay my welcome. I will just say that the facts matter. Opinion is just that – talk that fills space in our minds, in our thoughts. But facts are so very important. Conspiracy folks are almost always short on facts and heavy on opinion. This, to me, is a dangerous human pattern that seems to be on the rise more and more and, as with religion, can lead folks into left field (or right field as is more often the case) and truth, well – that is often an afterthought.


Paul Slusher