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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival


Who among us hasn’t also tried to hide from that which was real and true?

As I reflected on the dishonest attempt by Mick West to debunk Billy Meier’s UFO film, for a moment I saw an overgrown child, with no self-awareness of how transparent his motives were, fearfully and from atop a ladder, desperately trying to make some bogeyman or imagined monster go away in order to rid himself of the perceived threat to whatever safer version of reality he’d constructed and clung to.

Truly, who among us, at some point in our own lives, hasn’t also tried to hide from, or lashed out desperately against, that which was real and true but that we perceived, for whatever reasons, to be an existential threat to our own being and sense of self?

Why is it we human beings are so often hesitant, conflicted and afraid to be honest, to speak the plain truth?

How is it that we have institutionalized loathing, disdain, ostracism, torture and even death for those who dare to speak the truth?

A large contribution to this corruption of the good human nature can be seen to have originated and continuously perpetuated by…religion. So odious is the truth to dogmatic religions and many of their adherents that we have the word heresy to attack, restrict, restrain, and bludgeon into bloody submission those who would seek and speak the truth, bearing little resemblance as it does to religious beliefs.

This tradition of deviousness, distortion and domination to enforce a perverse and corrupted perception of reality was also institutionalized, for nonbelievers and believers alike, through the fallback safety system designed to assure the extension of control and corruption into the everyday life of all people, in the form of politics.

Both religion and politics have extended themselves into every area of our lives and even those who’d claim to be affiliated with neither may still engage in cultic behavior. Those who strongly identify themselves as skeptics, or Skeptics, in so doing nakedly reveal a prejudicial belief system, a circle-the-wagons mentality that can be just as irrational and nasty in the face of strong opposing views, and towards those who espouse them, all the more so when those views are supported by actual evidence.

It’s not uncommon to hear skeptics parrot the fallacious belief, “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence”.  But, as I’ve pointed out, all that’s really ever required is subjecting any claim to analysis and testing in accordance with scientific methodologies. After all, wasn’t Galileo’s claim once considered “extraordinary”?

While skeptics may revel in the opportunity to roundly ridicule and taunt the “easy targets”, like those who claim psychic powers, or other non-existent paranormal abilities or evidence, they bring out the big guns and resort to any-trick-in-the-book, prejudicial and downright dishonest means to suppress, stifle and…scare away the “monsters” of  truth and honesty that threaten what amounts to a religious world view in itself.

Of course, disagreeing with skeptics, or those of any religious, political or cultic mindset, doesn’t in itself automatically mean that one is fully honest and truthful with others or themselves. A self-honest person doesn’t seek to hide from their own flaws and shortcomings and just focus on those of others. Again, “who amongst us?”.

Being honest with others starts with being honest with oneself. We must see things, within and without, as they really are. As we do so, we find ourselves not only surmounting our inner fears but actually being relieved of the complex, tiresome burdens, and maintenance, of self-deception. We experience greater peace, love, freedom and harmony with others as well.

The more we experience this self-liberation, the more we want – and the more we want it for others. Of course, here is where things can get a bit tricky as well. We run the risk of missionizing, proselytizing, falling into feelings of superiority, etc.  Everything in life can be a double-edged sword; vigilance, discernment and self-discipline, a balance between the positive and negative are always required.

We also take joy in discovering – if not always in being shown! – our own mistakes and errors, as it leads us to yet more self-discovery, self-awareness and overall…honesty.

It is this journey into ourselves, the meaning of life and Creation, the...spiritual teaching that is the real reason and purpose of the Billy Meier contacts, not the UFOs, or even the prophecies, etc. But bringing the truth to a world that is so heavily saturated and invested in untruth and dishonesty has seemingly required a very patient, enduring, and at times seemingly indirect, as well as direct, approach.

Now that we know, now that we are aware, we should use the time we have to develop the necessary understanding of, and compassion for, ourselves and others, and see each other as truly being…of equal value.

And speaking of honesty:


See this article about the murder of the Pope that Wendelle described and see how close it is to what Billy Meier told him and all who were present.


See also:

Skeptics, Copyrights and Proof

Peer Review of Billy Meier’s UFO Evidence and Information

The Might of the Thoughts

Get It Here!

Arahat Athersata


Get It Here!


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Diane Grebe

Beautifully put Michael.

Diane Grebe 🙂

Paul Regalado

Bravo Michael! As always, a pleasure to read the Truth

Julia McKenzie

Wonderful article and topic, Michael. A most truly important and necessary thing this “honesty” is to make ourselves aware of practicing it on a daily basis if not every second.

Arnoud Schutte

Well spoken/written, Michael!

Arnoud Schutte

I just watched the video at the end of this blog post, with Wendelle C. Stevens. To be honest, I have to say, the first appr. 40 minutes I had some difficulty following Stevens’ narrative, while it is very detailed and a bit ‘from the heel to the branch’ (that’s a Dutch expression, it means ‘a bit all over the place’). But from 40 minutes onwards, it becomes easier to follow, and is more focused (on Billy).
I have seen the other youtube video (or a few other videos) with Wendelle Stevens about Billy Meier ( I am referring specifically to the documentary, from the late 70’s?) a few times, which I can recommend to everyone (but that/those video often disappear and later re-appear from/on youtube, so I don’t have a direct link at this time, I could alway find it using the google search “Wendelle C. Stevens documentary Billy Meier youtube”).
Especially interesting for people who don’t have some of the DVD’s yet from the store or from the store.

Arnoud Schutte

P.S. I watched the first 40 minutes of the video again, and I stand corrected. Somehow I must have been distracted or not focused enough when watching this part the first time. There is no ‘from the heel to the branch’ or something like that, my apologies. Besides, no disrespect whatsoever, I have seen more videos from Wendelle Stevens about the Meier case before, and they were/are always a pleasure to watch.

Michael Basal

Hi Michael,

Yes, this cuts to the chase of the whole matter of the world we currently reside in. My compliments to you on this.

Earlier this year I had come to a realization of a somewhat simple significance and summed it up into a simple statement. I began telling / relaying this to a very select few at first. I have been broadening it as of late and also mentioned it to you in an email recently. I built on and expanded on something another person has said, Dr. Guy Mcpherson, who faces much the same responses as you, or anyone, on the Meier material, but only on the subject of abrupt climate change. Something we are all now facing and the urgent dire potential of which was recently warned of by Billy in a VERY RECENT CR. You have it posted in your recent blog “Don’t donate a Dime.”

For those interested you can go directly to it here. BUT BE FOREWARNED, THIS IS NOT A SOMETHING EASY TO HANDLE!

Excerpts from the 722nd Contact report of 8 August 2019 | SKiLLs SoLoN

Anyway, back to my simple statement, it is below;

“Hope, Faith and Beliefs are for those that do not want to know how things really are.”

Dr McPherson’s version was basically around “Hope.” I came to realize faith and belief were just expansions of the same.

Also, I found this just a day or so ago also on Guy McPherson’s site.

“The only people who are mad at you for speaking the truth are the people that are living a lie.”

If you consider this, you will find it fits virtually every the time. Even if you have to exchange “Mad at you” to Disagree with you.”

Maybe these quaint sayings are simplistic but they fit and define the reality we all now face. The only way I sadly see any of this getting any better, assuming enough earth humans survive (Future generations that is because I do NOT see this happening anytime soon, if ever) is when things get so VERY, VERY BAD to virtually unimaginable proportions on this earth that even the most diehard believers (not those that know) will have absolutely no option or choice but to then KNOW they were wrong and were willingly mislead. As a result these people will have no option but to change their thinking to knowledge and act accordingly. And then begin to pick up the pieces, clean up and rebuild a BALANCED and HARMONIOUS society and, of course, the planet too, assuming that will still be possible. Though VERY hard to accomplish by that point.

Salome to all,

Michael Basal.

Michael Basal

A Very interesting comment by the late Wendelle Stevens in the new video from FIGU, Michael has posted in this blog. Michael has previously mentioned this, more or less, in at least one other of his blog posts I recall.

It is at about 1:01:30 but especially from 1:02:00 to 1:02:45

An interview with the late Wendelle C. Stevens – YouTube

Matt Knight

Wendelle always strikes me as someone with good character, a kindly man who speaks truthfully as is more often than not found around the long time friends of Billy. I would have liked to have spent time with him as Michael has.

Matt Knight

Yep! Please share any stories you have Michael.

Re. Knights of Malta in London and connections to government is interesting. I’m sure I read that the Knights of Malta helped the mission at one time and in particular a lineage connected to Billy – possibly his family – on the archipelago. Interesting that the Express also has the the Knight emblem. Of course, there’s only one proven Knight around here and whatever others may think it’s actually just German for ‘farm labourer’, who would make good fighters probably and hence the famous footballer-like reputations they achieved and that has lived on in myth.

Randy Arena

The reason we are not all of us aware of Et’s is due to our problem with honesty. At a fundemental level we all lie. Part of the reason we do this is because we are led by liars and those who they themselves do not know the truth such as the spiritual teaching. The other part is a lack of knowledge with use turns to wisdom and the power or might to create what we want to see in the world.

Folks tell me to have “faith” that this or that will work itself out. I have a lifelong friend who is religious yet steeped in dogma so much that he called me “revolting to those with faith” that I should seek consciousness and somehow be above god. I told him belief is accepting evidence without factual information as truth which to me is lying to yourself. I told him, imagine you have a plane and you can see the enemie’s army over a mountain. You see where they are and how many there are. Those that have faith will cross the mountain accepting the fate that awaits them from their enemy and might even “turn the other cheek to allow more punishment” whereas those aware or conscious will know there is an army of enemies waiting and be aptly prepared. It’s funny how religious folks get all balled up in words and phrases whereas having awareness is like the fishes and loaves story, you can do it if you think about it properly and know the actual facts and procede with logic.

How do I know the truth: The Billy Meier material. Also I’ve spoken with the reincarnations of men who were once (and still are if you understand nonlinear time): Judas, Jmmanual, Gallileo, Aristotle, Socrates, Mozart, Faust, Genghis Kahn and Leonardo Da Vinci. Reading the spiritual teaching also helps understand and make peace with yourself that know bars can hold or take away from you.

Salome, Be greeted in Peace and Wisdom.

Matt Knight

Hey Randy,

Genghis Kahn? Not sure about that and are all those others confirmed? We know Jmmanuel has been and I can see resemblances in, e.g., da Vinci. It’s impossible for you, or, anyone to have, “spoken with the reincarnations of men” as they’ll be dead.

“I told him belief is accepting evidence without factual information as truth”. Isn’t that what you’re doing though by making these claims? No disrespect intended. I know you may be referring to others in your list and not just Billy, but, unless confirmed by the Plejaren in text, I would question the value. Does it matter anyway? It’s who we are today that really counts.

Melissa Osaki

Not to butt in here, but I did get a confirmation from Christian Frehner regarding Mozart. That would also go for Aristotle, Socrates and Galileo because they were on the graph that Christian confirmed was accurate. I don’t remember seeing Genghis Khan, but I’ll find that Nokedemion spirit lineage chart and repost it later when I get home.

Matt Knight

Hopefully, Christian provided the source for the info too. We can’t really prove any of it, but, of course, this doesn’t mean it’s not true.

Personally, through dreams and reflections I think one can get some clues and recognise connections to previous lives in his life, but, this cannot just be accepted on that (dream) data alone.

In my experience, there are, if you like, running themes in ones life that can be recognised. but, not emotionally, or, imaginatively, per se, but, practically, in the details, in regards to certain events, abilities, or, relationships and that are in the creation of specific things, symbols, writings, ideas, objects, art, or, a connection to these, etc., whereby the creator/ connection is associated with “knowing” certain things about it that has not been read, or, later finding out those things are exactly right, or, in alignment with others aspects of, e.g., another philosophy, or, specific location, or, skill, or info from history, or, from the Meier case, which suggest that these connections span the ages and various incarnations.

Without the tech to confirm though, it can be a bit like reaching into the dark, delusion, or, fantasy and psyche wards of full of people who think they’re something they’re not. It’s also easy to confuse subconsciously taken in things with these connections, so, the evidence for one must identify for oneself has to be pretty impressive, specific, arcane, not widely known, or, publicised before. It’s full of traps and lies though.

Melissa Osaki

Hi Matt,

I don’t think Christian mentioned how he knew. For the personalities that have photos or paintings available, there’s something in the eyes that make me feel pretty certain about the truthfulness of it, but the other personalities are too old and there aren’t any real images of them.

Here’s the lineage chart. You can click on it to enlarge it. I don’t see Genghis Kahn on there anywhere, but look up Rasputin when you get a chance. He has a very strong resemblance to Eduard, especially in the eyes.

Luis Sanchez

Just to add Melissa, Rasputin is in the Nokedemion lineage also . And also Genghis Khan, was a tyrant megalomaniac illogical moron that belongs with other idiots of like as Caesar (during the burning the of Library Of Alexandria push humanity back 300 years, that idiot Caesar),in other words the Nokedemion lineage wasn’t Genghis Khan.

Luis Sanchez

CR 680

Ptaah 61. The very highly developed technology handed over to us makes it possible for us, for four months now, to keep entire planets under surveillance in seeing ways into the future, though the view into the future however at the present time and in technical possibility is limited to a maximum of 41 days.-

41 days of watching a time course is wow, I mean it’s truly intrepid. I wondering because the CR is from 2017 if the Plejarens capable to extend their initial 41 day time course view now to a year. It’s Temponautics at a maximum perfection refinement.

John Webster

‘Honesty’ … a term that applies to a very few on this ball o’ wax. Humans are a fear-based, whining bunch. Life can bring down a hammer of truth on anyone … and usually the fight or flight [fear based] mechanism is rapidly revealed. ‘Honesty’ can be examined in many ways. We can be aloof, we can interrogate, we can intimidate, and quite often it’s the ‘poor me’ syndrome that applies to all humans. Then we can look at words like hate, greed, jealousy, vanity, lust etc. These words are all-too-engrained in the human stock.

Ashley James

Do you Know James Moore John?

Just been on Quora, it seems everyone there is accusing Meier of doing “Nazi Salutes” he speaks German so when he writes “Victory” or “Hail” he is contributing to Hitler.

I’ve never heard such nonsense but that is the case apparently according to Quora users. I have been attacked by the Quora users for “Defending Meier”

John Webster

No, Ashley, I do not know the person. I am happy to say I have never used, nor do I want to know anything about Quora. And, of course, it’s logical to type, that I don’t know who you are too! {-;)

Luis Sanchez

Life isn’t as cold as the sun…life is the neutral warming of the unifinate love.

Belinda Gishnock

To Michael Horn: I was like 12 minutes into watching your interview with “Patriot Watch Media,” and then I fell asleep. When I went back, the video was gone! What is going on with that?

Have a good Sunday,


Melissa Osaki

Hi Belinda, are you referring to this video.

It appears to be working fine. Salome

Belinda Gishnock

Hi Melissa,
I watched that one when it was available. Michael Horn did a second interview and the video appeared less than a week ago. He talked to the host and a woman, I believe her name is Tamara Calderon. If it was her or someone else, I remember her facial expressions that she wasn’t too peachy keen on Mr. Horn talking about upcoming US civil wars. I have no proof other than this. It’s incredible how many interviews he has done over the decades in speaking on behalf of Billy Meier.

Salome and Good Day,


Melissa Osaki

Ok, Belinda, we’ll wait for his response. Thanks.

John Webster

The video IS “working fine” … and may I say … the two young online enthusiasts of Patriot Watch Media … were certainly on the receiving end of very important info! Those young fellas will hopefully take all the Meier / Plejaren information deep into a positive future result for this planet! Great interview, Michael! You actually know how to interact with younger folks! You absolutely know how to interact with everyone!

Michael Basal

As to the “UPDATE” news article of Oct 20, and on the Popes murder as stated in the video of the late Wendelle Stevens, it is remarkable! But absolutely no surprise, at least to me. I will simply say that is likely why this video was released by FIGU when it was, two days later after the news article on Oct 22nd.

How many people will even make the connection of what is now another confirmation BEFORE anyone else – the public knew of this murder, outside of Billy, the P’s, the core core and obviously Wendelle.