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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Facebook Censors TheyFlyBlog – Fears Truth More Than COVID-19 

All the money in the world can’t outsmart the prophecies or bury the truth

There are things that Facebook, the media and the US government don’t want you to know or think about. It may be typical of immature children to pull the blankets over their heads to hide from “monsters” but it’s proving to be deadly when supposed adults do it.

While we learned about this shutting down of meat supplies today, WE TOLD YOU SO as far back as March 10, as we reminded you two days ago.

The question that was just asked about mosquitoes and the coronavirus was first raised here on March 24.

Those who are now considering questions about recovered patients testing positive, may gain better understanding by reading the information from the Plejaren from February 3, in the 731st Contact (number 17.) and from April 3, in the 735th Contact:

Contact 735 English

As far as the undercounting of coronavirus cases, you might remember that WE TOLD YOU SO on February 25th and, as WE TOLD YOU SO yesterday:

“There are already 9 to 10 times more infected people than is reported.”

So, apparently the pain isn’t great enough yet to let the truth come out.

The Truth

And the truth is that, on February 25th, 2020, all of the most important facts pertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic – and how to control and contain it – were received and published on this blog. More, also impeccably accurate information, has been published subsequently and always in advance of any “official discoveries”, etc.

And the truth is that – unless the so-called authorities set aside their egoism and pursuit of profit – this rampantly spreading disease will increase in numbers of casualties, virulence of mutated strains, etc.

The longer this continues, the more certain will be the fulfillment of the prophecies and predictions of new US civil wars, a global financial collapse, the American people being disposed and attacked by the military and police and, ultimately, the final death throes of what was once the United States of America, as the launching of a new world war against Russia will bring the fulfillment of Jeremia’s Predictions:

“And there will be new and big mights across the big ocean, and from one of them new legions of barbaric hordes under the command of mightful ones who have got very badly out of the control of the good human nature will set out in order to carry out wars and conquer the world and to get hold of the countries’ mineral resources. However, on the other side of the big ocean, the walls of cities and villages of the conquerors wanting to seize the might over the world will collapse, and the might will then only be destroyed and be a scorched land and only be muddy water.”

If it isn’t clear that the “big might” determined to “carry out wars and conquer the world” that ends up as “a scorched land and only be muddy water” is America, the prophet Henoch made it clear…well over 10,000 years ago:

17. Far in the West, it will be different; the United States of America will be a country of total destruction.

The government, Zuckerberg & Company – and the rest of the greedy, disgusting media – don’t care about the law of cause and effect. As I wrote 12 years ago:

“So the paradox is that all efforts to continue with essentially the same doomed policies of aggression and domination, in whatever clever guise, only assure that the dreaded resulting mega-blowback will occur.”

…because all the money in the world can’t outsmart the prophecies.




COVID-19 Predicted…THOUSANDS of Years Ago?

Thanks to Bruce Lulla, Annie Newman, and Greg Dougall.

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Tony Vasquez

As I said before, Billy Meier is world famous, this blog is world famous. I think Trump actually reads this blog. So, we possibly do have a chance to influence him in the right direction.

I just watched his daily press conference. He said a number of things that are incorrect, but I want to emphasize one. He continues to say that he wants to re-open the country soon, as early as May 1. According to Billy’s projections of up to 500 million worldwide COVID-19 deaths, that is way too early, and would be exceedingly dangerous.

Trump said that keeping people home will cause deaths too, he didn’t specify – he’s probably referring to suicides and deaths due to poverty. But there is no comparison with that and the millions of deaths that would come from the virus with new infections. He had better not open this country back up too early! He would directly cause millions of deaths, and the economy, which he’s trying to save, would still not return to normal, because most Americans would not go out as long as the virus is out there.

So, it’s all about listening to the Ps and Billy as to what is the correct way to handle this thing. We will see what happens, but right now Trump and his gang are on the wrong path for sure. The Ps and Billy are always correct, so I am very doubtful that any of the governments in the world will do the correct things for a long time to come. I think the deaths will have to reach into the millions before they do!

Someone asked, “What can we do?” As if he is overwhelmed by all of this. What you can do is make sure you and your family do not contract this disease and spread it. Follow the guidelines the Ps have given us. Good luck, be safe.

Terry Carch

One very interesting thing Trump mentioned is that he stated we had better start looking into all these other viruses and diseases too otherwise we might enter into another pandemic etc. There is rumor of a second wave of the corona virus son with a third wave by the fall of 2020 and the winter of 2021. Who knows just how long all this will last?

Robert Olson

It is so heartbreaking that believers (AKA: “un”- knowers) in just about everything else but the BEAM information will not listen!!!
Their stubbornness, ego’s, greed, etc.., is causing so many deaths,
It is way over due that us knowing ones form strong alliances ASAP.

Simon Walsh

Hi Micheal, can you please share the link please to the other blog with the conservation between Billy and this person is. Thanks

Simon Walsh

Thanks Michael, wasn’t sure if it was fact or not. Not good then is it, 3/8 months closure of businesses which are not essential, but if thats what it takes then that’s what should be done. Which means I won’t be cleaning windows for a wee while, as I’m more than certain that window cleaning is not essential work. Tuff times ahead for all, that’s for sure. Good luck with it all to you and your family/friends. We’ve already had a 4 of our customers die due to Covid, so it’s definitely about by us (Liverpool, England) and is spreading fast. Until we have tests to tell if we have it or not the people will keep on spreading it like wild fire. It’s nuts. Good luck to everyone! 🙂 Salome

Jim S Portillo

Contact 735 helps put things into perspective aside of simplify the message even more for those who’ve over assumed things. One thing that stood out for me from contact 735.

This pointing to maintaining a healthy immune system in the future (especially for those who experience the worst symptoms) to help our organism fight any future potential gene variations as a result of impulse symptoms which could later transform and attack an organism when it’s weak. ‘This may vary depending on the symptoms experienced for those who have dealt with the more severe symptoms from COVID19.’

But best to be prepared for any possible negative outcome in the future.

Al Jedd

Hi Michael
Just to let you know, that UK’s beloved leader, is recovering in hospital, and doing the best he can to help the nation.

Tony Vasquez

Billy said:

“Half-a-billion people could die from it during the course of the pandemic.”

In my opinion, that could easily happen. Below is why:

1. This is a perfect bio-weapon, designed and created by an evil genius bio-engineer/genetic engineer, who literally thought of everything. It is a piece of genius. It has 3 main components – HIV, FLU, and PNEUMONIA – if you contract it and don’t die, you will still have HIV, permanent lung damage, asthma-like condition, and permanent brain damage.

2. It is very contagious and can be spread by asymptomatic victims – 80% of infected people are asymptomatic. Whole families can be infected by one asymptomatic child or adult. Millions of infected people are walking around with it right now and don’t know it.

3. It can be airborne easily and live in the air for 24 hrs. You must be 15 feet from an infected person to be safe.

4. It can be transmitted through breathing and talking very easily – good masks should be worn when out at all times for protection. If you breathe it in, you will contract it for certain.

5. It can be transmitted through any kind of surface – door handles, boxes, packages, bottles, grocery carts, etc. Wash your hands many times a day, if needed.

6. It can be transmitted through food, water, drinks, saliva, touching, pets, clothing and shoes. Hugging and kissing can be dangerous.

7. There is no medicine for it – and there won’t be for at least 1 year. People who get very sick with it will die a horrible very painful death from Pneumonia for certain.

8. The half-measures the governments are doing will not stop it, or even slow it down. They should do what the Ps and Billy are telling them to do, but will they? Because of their stubbornness, ignorance, arrogance, and lack of intelligence, they probably will not.

9. The populations are helping to spread it by not social distancing and staying at home the way they should. Also, many people are dying at home, 5x-10x as many as in hospitals, which is greatly helping to spread it.

10. Many people, including politicians, are not taking this seriously enough, causing many 1000s to be infected. They continue to congregate and mingle, as if this is no big deal. They continue to compare it to the flu. It is 20x more contagious and deadlier than any flu.

Make no mistake about it, be clear about it, this is the REAL DEAL bio-weapon designed to kill millions. If 500 million die worldwide and 10 million in the USA, it will not surprise me.

I knew it was a “fantastic” bio-weapon in December when I saw those people falling down and dying in the streets in Wuhan, China. And when I heard that 100s of people were piled up dying or dead in hospital corridors. And when I heard the crematories in Wuhan were burning 1000s of dead bodies 24/7. I estimate at least 5 million people have died in China from it.

And don’t make me laugh with your false optimism, “positive attitude”, or false hope concerning this. All of that is useless and probably will cause you to contract it. Get dead serious about this, don’t joke about it, or downplay it. Billy said 500 million people could die from it – that’s not funny, or insignificant, at all! If one of YOUR loved ones die from it, I’ll bet you will stop joking about it, or downplaying it.

Read my other posts on this blog for more details and explanations regarding this pandemic. But most importantly read and study what the Ps and Billy have told us regarding this. Follow their instructions!

Melissa Osaki

We should be careful about spreading conspiracy theories and consider the MIGHT OF THE THOUGHTS when doing so. A wise person once told me, “our thoughts are very powerful and focusing them incorrectly can bring upon us that which we fear the most”. In other words, be careful what you wish for.

I’m also fairly certain that the HIV conspiracy has been debunked by actual scientists.

Tony Vasquez

I never spread conspiracy theories! Many scientists in many countries, including Russia, China, Iran, India, England, and the USA have analyzed this virus and have come to the same conclusions that I mentioned above. I won’t post the links, people will just say it’s fake news or misinformation. But I have very reliable sources for my information. The truth will eventually come out, like it always does.

And I don’t wish for anything! I think, analyze, judge, plan, and produce.

Melissa Osaki

Please do post the links where scientists conclude that COVID-19 gives you HIV.

Bruce Lulla

I hate to rain on the doom’n gloom parade here, but Jeremia’s predictions could apply to any number of wars that have already occured on Earth, and Henoch’s words, while now written digitally, are not written in stone, since they are ‘only’ prophecies and not certain-to-happen predictions.

Let’s think and act neutral-positive. Perhaps much good will emerge from the current troubles or enough to divert our course from Henoch’s worst-case scenarios.

Even Trump said ‘in a certain way, this (pandemic) can bring the world closer’

And in no way, am I suggesting that MH take his foot off the gas peddle here. Full steam ahead in that regard. Dude is as relentless as a pit-bull. Much admiration and appreciation for his attitude, actions and work.

Tony Vasquez

You are incorrect. It’s not a gloom and doom parade. It’s a facts parade. Michael is 100% correct in his articles, and most of us who post are correct too.

Tony Vasquez

I disagree, truth is NEVER negative. I post what I think is the truth, or know is the truth. To me, she is showing how naïve she is. But whatever Michael, it’s your blog. I have no desire to argue with anyone about anything. Thank you. I’ll keep on posting until further notice.

Terry Carch

I forgot to leave you with the c2c radkio and paragraphs from Bruce Lipton who has 2 websites etc. sorry. Salome

Randy Arena

My best to you and yours. Enjoy being with those close to you yet still safe and sane. If the virus is asymptomatic for 3 months, then I am staying in for three months. I have 50lbs of rice (will last me a year) and I grow food in the back yard. Amazon will deliver what you need in bulk, I would get it before a total shutdown. Take it easy, sleep well and be healthy. It’s about to get very real. Do not allow all this to affect your happiness and do not be a hero because a bean straw dummy did not listen to the repeated warnings. Enjoy a nice long life and Salome: be greeted in peace and wisdom.

Tony Vasquez

If Billy says that 500 million people could die in this pandemic, is that being negative, or not optimistic? No. He is just stating the truth. Billy doesn’t relish in death and destruction, neither do I. As I have told you, I’m a very realistic person. I’m not a pessimist or an optimist. Both of those are a waste of time and energy, and can lead to being naïve and deceived.

Melissa Osaki

There’s a difference between stating facts and spreading unsubstantiated claims as if they are truth. If they are true, great, link to the scientific data.

There is absolutely nothing naive in pointing that out and asking for substantiation. I suggest re-reading some of your comments and try to understand how they come across to readers on this blog.

Tony Vasquez

I really don’t care how my posts “come across” to the readers of this blog. If they agree great, if they don’t, so what? I don’t write to please people. My purpose is to inform and help a few people, if I can. But I know everyone has to do their own investigation into the truth to be convinced of it, or to act upon it. That will always be the case. You can have the last word, I don’t care, this discussion is pretty much pointless anyway. Everything I have pointed out should be obvious.

Tony Vasquez


Below is a link about HIV and COVID-19. You can (google)look the others up yourself. And don’t ever say I spread conspiracy theories again. That is an insult. You don’t know me very well to say that.

Melissa Osaki

It doesn’t say that it gives you HIV and that Indian research paper was already called out by scientists worldwide. The spike proteins found in COVID-19, which are also found in HIV, are found in many other viruses. This absolutely does not conclude or prove that COVID-19 gives anyone HIV and to tell people otherwise is misleading and fear-mongering as Michael suggested.

And thanks for the advice, but I will continue to do my job as I see fit. Thanks

Tony Vasquez

I knew you wouldn’t understand, that’s why I refused to discuss it with you. You are naïve and brainwashed. But when all of the truth comes out about this virus, you will shut up.

Melissa Osaki

You can’t find a single article or research paper that proves your conspiracy to be true, but I’m the naive, brainwashed one who doesn’t understand? That is some special kind of thinking, Tony.

Here’s how you can get me to stop talking about it. Provide a link to real evidence that supports your claim. And maybe inform Ptaah about it too.

I’ll leave you with something to think about. You don’t end up with cake when you only have the eggs and butter, you need all the ingredients to make cake. Eggs and butter are also found in cookies.

Tony Vasquez

Michael you said:

“One can take true facts and use them…negatively. The truth becomes negative if it’s used to scare, berate, intimidate…”

LOL that’s funny that you misunderstand me to that degree. I don’t do any of that. I simply express my opinion, anyone can accept it and agree, or reject it and disagree. In the grand scheme of things it doesn’t make much difference. Don’t be so sensitive as to what people think about the posts. Just stick to the truth, and let people express their opinions freely (without obscenity). You hate censorship, and being barred from FB, etc. It’s the same thing.

Terry Carch

This may be off topic: I just came up with an idea, with all the money going into wars,defense,etc, why not use this same money into find a cure for all those diseases such as cancer, heart diseases, viruses such as COVID 19, COVID SARS 2!etc!,After all we are missing a third strand DNA which prevents us from aging etc, and stem cells too toprevent us from aging too!

Melissa Osaki

Good idea, Terry, but I think you mean it causes us to age too quickly. It would be nice if it were the other way around and our bodies didn’t grow old so fast.

Terry Carch

I read some time ago the star system Syrians millions of billions of years ago did away with the third strand DNA code and reduced us to the the very short lived two strand DNA code. Then before we cme to Earth millions of years age there was a nuclear war on Mars which also destroyed Malona now the asteroid belt. This is why the people of Earth are so aggressive now and likely to start two civil wars soon and this could lead to WW4 hence the shortened two strand DNA instead of the benign three strand DNA but I could be wrong Melissa. Right now our survival is at state due to all theses wars,diseases, environmental destruction,etc.

Shiva balu

This is off topic. Could I please get the original ‘Event Tine line’ emailed to me? This was accidently deleted in my computer. I have just the abridged one that is available now . Thanks

Terry Carch

I just found this article for In The News down in the left hand corner of c2c: The Daily Mail Online 4/12/20 “US Government Gave $3.7 Million Grant to Wuhan Lab at Center of Coronavirus Leak” WARNIG! You may end up with an add so if you have incognito,you may need to use incognito in order to read this article! Salome

Mark Weatherly

Hello Terry- I can’t find the article entitled “US Government gave a $3.7 million dollar grant to Wuhan Lab, at center of covid19 leak. Apparently, I don’t understand what c2c is. Please advise. Mark