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Sunday, May 5, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

The Trump that Everybody Loved

It wasn’t only knuckle-draggers and far-right racists that embraced his shameless, ruthless glorification of materialism

It remains to be seen if, come November, the country will say, “You’re fired!” to Donald Trump and if the Bolton book will be a factor. But the fact that he rose to the presidency at all is, fundamentally, a grim reflection on the real, core values – such as they are – of millions of Americans.

You can be sure it wasn’t only knuckle-draggers and far-right racists that resonated with and embraced his shameless, ruthless glorification of materialism and the acquisition of wealth by even ruthless means.

Perhaps his running for the presidency, as a Republican, was a cynical calculation as to how to best sell himself to voters, some of whom may have viewed him as an acceptable option to the dismal prospect of an early nuclear incineration under a Hillary Clinton presidency.

Playing to their strangely low expectations, Trump’s thrown a few bones to placate his followers…while destroying the environment, international agreements and allowing the wealthy to get even wealthier.

The public welfare is a secondary consideration to Trump’s own, fooling those who saw him as the embodiment of everything they thought they wanted to become, and unwilling to see the consequences of – once again – having chosen slogans over substance, in the grand American tradition.

His supporters preferred to not see that this power-hungry emperor had no clothes and would gladly take theirs, without hesitation.

The epitome of the detached, acquisitive, narcissistic, short-sighted “leader”, Trump is a man without empathy and real regard for others, who continues to feed and fund the war machine, while remaining clueless and in denial about the COVID-19 pandemic.

Among Trump’s most rabid  supporters, are the deluded, easily misled people who espouse QAnonsense and see their hero as the antidote to the devilish Deep State. They don’t realize they’ve been fooled by an old ruse, where two factions of essentially the same entity – two puppets manipulated by the same greedy puppeteer – fight for the prize which, in this scenario, is power above all else.

It should also be no surprise that, rather than making the country great again, it’s more likely that he’s complicit – in ways seen and unseen -in paving the way, as:

28. Speculators will bring about a global financial and economic crisis of such proportions as has never before been seen, so that the whole financial economy falls into terrible straits, and also very much trouble and great scarcity of commodities occurs.

And even for the most mega-MAGA supporters, the same, inescapable destiny awaits, as an unavoidable consequence of Trump’s policies, and the long history of the relentless pursuit of wealth for its own sake, by him and others like him:

29. Even in the USA, the people will be dispossessed as a consequence of the global financial crisis, which shall become a pretext for deploying the military and police forces against the angry and partly also heavily armed population.

In the end, Trump may exemplify that old saying, “Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it”, which also goes for those who, dreaming of being his apprentice, so uncritically embraced his shameless, ruthless glorification of materialism.

See also:

Conservatives: Feds Close to Spending More Than on Revolutionary, Civil War, WWI, II Combined

Wag the Don?

The Wrong, Wrong Man



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Mark Gilbo

Trump is so easy to beat but the democrats keep screwing their voters with horrendous candidates. He’ll probably win again, barring any major screwups, and we’ll have 4 more years of chaos and uprisings, if we even have an election.

Trumps a pawn and controllable. The real problem are the secret services and bought off congress/senator men and women who are lifelong hacks.

Norm DeCindis

We all know John Bolton is a Warmonger and is pissed Trump didn’t start the multiple wars he had lined up for him. Trump was a fool to hire him. Doesn’t matter religious fanatic warmonger Pompeo is still there. But what the heck are we going to get with Biden? He’s a mess.

Matthew Reed

Don’t forget that Trump use to claim he “hires the best people”.

Terry Carch

Hi MH Are you aware that Arizona is a very Very republican red state? Let me explain. The reason I suggest you move out of Arizona is because Arizona is now turning into a republican red state like Texas,Mississippi, Florida, etc. Her`is my point. “Your fiend Trump will be in Tulsa OK son and this so called “Emperor with with a BIG MOUTH AND NO CLOTHES is most very likely going to as the expression goes walk right up to you,knockon your door and op9en his MOUTH and “We`re Doin Great” when we very well know the guy with a BIG MOUTH with ALL HIS CASH will “RIG THE ELECTION,CANCEL THE ELECTION OR BOTH AND TEAR THIS COUNTRY INTO “5” DIFFERENT TERRITORIES AND DECLARE DO AS I SAY FOR I AM ATILLA THE HUN, GENGHIS KAHN etc and REALLY MESS up the good ol` US of A even more and turn this once p[resteen beatyful country of ours in en evem MORE DIRTY FOSSIL FUEL NUCLEAR PLANT COUNTRY,Oh don`t worry MH if you come down with COVID 19 and radiation poisoning because it`s got his name ALLOVER it includ on top of the DORAL goklf cuntry club in Miami Florida! Go Figure MH That is why Colardo is more neutral positive wjth the Creational Truth and the Colorado figu group too! At least you won`t get Trump stepping all over your toes in and walking all over you too in

Terry Carch

“Don`t forget that Arizona is now turning into a Red Neck State MH,you might end up with the White Supremist and Ku Klux Klan right in your very own back yard raunchy rowdey and ready to fight like hell,guns,tanks and all the violence that will make George Moor and police brutality look and sound tame and that includes that dang Trump,Bolton,Pompeyo,Mitch McConnal,Rand Paul kick but! OUCH!”

Terry Carch

Thanks MH I`v been wanting to move to Erra for a very very long time ever since I first heard about Erra back in October 1997 when soebody gave me the big Sightings back for my birthday.

John Webster

Nothing incorrect about the ‘light humour’ exchanged here … thanks Terry / MH! On another note, let’s get that gofundme total to the MAX asap! I do have to ask, why that particular $ total requirement? Thanks …

John Webster

Ok very good Michael … I’m confident we all can assemble a heightened total beyond the indicated amount anyway. Let’s goooooo! Great recent blogs btw …

Shiva balu

Hi Terry
When Billy visited erra he says it is so quiet there he felt he was disrupting something by just talking.because people are so spiritual they can communicate with each other without phone lines.
We earthlings are chatterboxes (nothing wrong with that).
No kitchens in erra
So no variety food prepatons or junk food.
No refrigerators in erra So no storing /offering soft or hard drinks.
No cars in erra.and hence can’t go out for a spin.
Since people live for 1000 yrs in erra there are hungry only once in 3 days when just an apple peach or oear will do.
We live for 100 yrs maximum and have to eat 3 times a day.atleast twice a day.
With our level of evolution erra won’t be a much fun place to go to.

Melissa Osaki

The quietness sounds like a dream. Heck, the whole place sounds wonderful. Maybe Terry will let me tag along on her vacation. =)

John Webster

I’m likely behind on the info, but, what;s with the ‘forbidden’ box that sometimes appears on this blog when attempting to contribute text??

Melissa Osaki

I’ve never heard that one before. We have the reCAPTCHA test, the cookies checkbox and the subscribe to comments checkbox. Does it prevent you from commenting? If it just appears once in a while, it’s likely a WordPress glitch.

Terry Carch

Vacation Melissa? “I`m looking to move to Erra and live thee but you`re welcome to join me if you like:))) Salome

Terry Carch

Hi Shiva Ever since I irst jeard aout Erra back in October 1997 I`v spent 23 years studying,reading and learning all about Erra. That is the real reason why I wanted to by a computer so I can learn as much as I possibly can about the people from Erra and their wonderful laws of Creation etc. I just fell in love with their spiritual beliefs and their culture etc and would love so much to move there and spend the est of my life there too etrc. Salome Terry

Belinda Gishnock

Terry Carch

Hi Melissa Sorry to bother you but something just happened to the video. There is an error which said try again later,I don`t know what happened? Sorry

Terry Carch

Hi Melissa I finally got the video but I had to switch over to your youtube site to get the video you posted along with other videos you have on your youtube site. Thanks. Salome

Jim Portillo

Per Contact 722: Ptaah:

“Trump is a comedic actor, and the way you describe him is exactly the same as the great danger he poses to the whole world, but all his advocates are stupid and do not recognize his dangerous unpredictability. The man is not only an actor, but also a hypocrite, who gives himself as conciliatory, sociable and peaceful to make good weather for himself, as you like to say, but he is bossy and willing to destroy the still existing weak approach of world peace and the whole still partly existing world order for his greed for power. He is ready to plunge the world and the earthly mankind into irreparable ruin, as Hitler did, but failed to do so. In this sense, Trump also promotes racism, ethnic hatred, religious hatred, left-wing and right-wing extremism, violence and degeneration by force of arms, and so on.”

If Biden wins you have the first female VP as not sure what agenda will be followed (Russia conflict IMO). If Trump wins then we have the same old conflicts which will be further heightened while having gridlock within Congress and the Senate (no matter who wins). One can also see civil unrest heightened if Trump losses within his base (better armed too) given he’ll likely play the collusion card if he loses the election. Aside of Covid19 and the economy – 2020 will be remembered for protests/unrest (likely what will set off future events prophesied?

Bruce Lulla

Hindsight is 20/20, apparently even for the likes of an extremely evolved ISHWISH, i.e. King of Wisdom, like Ptaah. That said, look at the previous choice, “Queen of the warmongers” as Tulsi Gabbard rightly dubbed Hillary Clinton, and look at this one — dimentia Joe. A total disaster, all the way around, yet again.

Ptaah: if I want to disclose my opinion on his behaviour, I must say that he actually represents a separate party, namely his own, thus his own one-man-party as it were.

As you have rightly assessed him, he is, at least as an election-campaigner in his campaign-motives, chaotic and a catastrophic human being. But to this, I must say, however, that he is otherwise well-meaning and not bad, also in regard to Russia and Putin, with whom he, in an honest wise, wants to strive for a peaceful political, military and economical agreement. This in contrast to Clinton, who harbors sneaky and evil war-thoughts towards Russia and therefore firstly in Syria wants to carry out military actions against the Russian military fighting there and even wants to carry out war-like attacks against Russia itself. A fact in regard to her thoughts of attack, which she, as a Putin- and Russia-phobe, has been harboring for a long time and also wants to put into effect. And if she would win the presidential election, then a nuclear war would be unavoidable. But fortunately this will not come to pass, as I already told you on the 30th of June. Of course the world will be shocked next Wednesday when Trump wins the election, because his mode of speaking, was and is not the most cultivated one, however, he has good basic approaches in various directions, which he as President of the US intends to bring to fruition if he is not interfered with by his advisors and those who are might-obsessed and want to direct him according to their scheme, and most likely also will in certain matters, as this has been the case with all US presidents and will continue to be so.

If, however, he succeeds, then he will set out against globalization and against the fact that the USA, as up until now, interferes too much in foreign countries and thereby neglects the order in its own country, but builds it up again.

However, time will tell to what extent he will be able to push through his basic ideas, because beside him are all the might-obsessed ones around him, who do not let him act according to free will, but who will try to steer him to their own discretion, just as what also was the case with Obama, who was lacking the necessities to be able to prevail. And because Trump is not really a politician but a man of business, in this regard he will have a difficult standing as president in his own area of government. This will also be the case in regard to foreign policy, whereby also the machinations of the EU-dictatorship will be decisive for it, because once he has assumed the presidency, the EU-dictatorship will make an effort, through renewed negotiations, to restore the close relationships and connections with the White House and the US government which it lost through his election.

Billy We will see what happens, whereby I do not doubt that your prediction from June was right, and that the catastrophic human being, that is to say, the lesser evil will win the US presidency – thus Trump. …

Billy Once more a question about Donald Trump: You said that this man is well-meaning, not bad and in some things completely misinformed – what is to be understood by that?

Ptaah He is not of low intelligence and not the bad human being, that he will be accused of being by his adversaries, who will set upon him and also try to cause rebellion, because none of them know what insidious thoughts and plans his opponent Hillary Clinton really harbors, through which she would trigger a world-wide catastrophe if she came into power.
Additionally, Trump is in certain things that he advocates, wrongly informed, as for example in regard to climate change, as well as Obama-Care and other things, wherefore however there is the hope that he will think better of it in this regard. This will in fact be the case, therefore he listens to reason and will also refrain from non-earnestly meant campaign issues and will revise some wrong values, which correspond in his clumsy campaign speeches only to purposeful platitudes.

Terry Carch

Hi Bruce I`m really a liberal progressive left wing democrat green party person and I was going to vote for Bernie Sanders but now that Sanders is out I guess I won`t have much of a choice,not looking forward to voting if at all! I`m beginning to really lose touch with politics because I don`t see anything good and worth the effort in this just as Iost touch with religon and godhood back in the late 1950s and early 1970s etc. Salome Terry

Jim Portillo

The lesser of two evils, but IMO it’s not as if the Plejaren go into the past/future to forecast or identify the personality of an individual – as more so observe events that will positively/negatively impact society. They may see good intentions but in the end the individual may be negatively influenced for the wrong reasons. Trump’s always screwed the system over being for tax purposes or other reasons that would benefit him and his businesses or partners.This speaks volumes more so about were society is now and the future consequences/effects that will play out. For these so called leaders to be the best option politically speaks to greed and power more so than running for office for the right reasons.

Terry Carch

Hey Jim Trump doesn’t pay his taxes thats`t why he moved to Florida,so much for “Tramp Trump Clown!

Chuck Torbyn

Ptaah has a better opinion of Trump than MH! It’s even more in line with mine! What does that say about MH and others then?

Melissa Osaki

That was an older opinion and has since changed. Have you seen the more recent conversations between Billy and Ptaah? I wouldn’t call it favorable. Besides, Michael is entitled to his own opinions.

Anthony Alagna

The Universe/Creation is in constant motion, striving for evolution. So, like the Universe, man too is to strive forward for evolution, which is contrary to religion which is being stuck in the past. So this also goes for an opinion, which should also evolve like the Creation. If man is striving forward, then we should expect changes in opinion, just like we can observe constant change in nature.

The evolution or change in opinion from the Ps, about their assessment of Trump, demonstrates this continuous forward striving for improvement. So it would be religious if the opinion did not change, or was stalled in a backwards link. This is the spiritual teaching in practice.

Anthony Alagna

This also applies to assessing a person from their past behavior. Again, reality or the Universe is striving forward so it goes against the truth to brand a person as racist, for example, because of their past, when reality dictates that there should be or should have been improvement in character.

This is why the Ps gave Obama and Trump a chance with positive assessments at their start. Their hope was that these humans would improve with what traits they already possessed going forward, instead of branding these politicians or whatever as failures to the people and the planet even though the odds where pointing in that direction…

Elias Gutierrez

One could say that same argument to further their agendas such as some of the Christians do with Trump by saying “He took the Holy Bible to the world with a photo-op when they hated him! It’s even more in line with mine! What does that say about all the non-Christians and others then?” It’s a fallacy argument with no weight, and a simple Elementary School way in the likes of some of the idiotic anonymous boards/thinking such as QAnon, 4chan, or even religious-thinking.

Just as Melissa Osaki pointed out, Ptaah’s humble opinion about Trump was back in 2016 and he was probably right at the time. But, as the months and years pass on, Trump has become more and more delusional with megalomania and narcissism, and Ptaah changed his opinion recently by comparing him to Hitler as well as calling him a dictator. Yet, Ptaah and the Plejarens are more wiser and humble to admit their mistakes and own it such as their opinions, and change them compared to most humans on this planet.

Lastly, Michael Horn is entitled to his own opinions. Salome.

Terry Carch

Elia “IN my own humble opinion Trump IS Hitler or WORSE!”

Belinda Gishnock

I apologize to Terry Carch. I wanted the video for Contact Report 423 to play, not Contact Report 001.

Joe Molnar

Why do people put Trump down so much. He has done a good job with what he has at his disposal. The fact that he is not a politician is the best for America. He will win again as his opponent is weak.

John Webster

Joe … are you kidding? Respectfully, I don’t normally offer assessments of character, but you’re advised to adhere to the Plejaren / Meier / theyflyblog truth, otherwise what are you learning here?

Jim Portillo

The lesser of two evils between Biden and Trump? Also IMO, women would like to see a female hold the high office (even if for VP at the moment). Time will tell but IMO think Biden can steal some of Trump’s voters on the moderate conservative side. Myself?.., independent if you ask.

Terry Carch

Joe Mabye you should join George Noory who is a libertarian who supports Trump and guns who is the exact opposite of me a progressive liberal Green Party Democrat! Ater all I wanted to vote for Bernie Sanders but he didn`t have enough money,votes etc so he desided to bow out so now it`s Biden “NOT Trump!”

matt lee

Trump is the best president the US has ever had.

Jim Portillo


This is a FREE COUNTRY Trump’s no face mask rally, Tulsa, OK.

Christopher Mainwaring-Taylor

Could you enlighten us with examples of what he has done to qualify as the best president in your opinion?


matt lee
John Webster

Matt, taken from the link you provided … your statement, “The likes of Trump and Killarys of this world are just a symptom so lets focus on the root cause” is what pops out at me the most. And I would use your statement [the word ‘symptom’ initially] to commence a back ‘n’ forth on why humanity continues with such nonsense. But then, the word ‘symptom’ directly applies to humanity in general, not just smaller examples of the big picture. And then finally, SYMPTOMS are a basis for most discussion on this blog. I appreciate your, should I use the word ‘reasoning’? Sure, that fits. Thanks for being here!

matt lee

Good on ya John and keep up the good work.

Mark Weatherly

Great discussions and I see different perspectives that display logical and rational thinking. Coupled with this, I have to keep in mind that everyone is right according to their own perspective. As Ptaah so wisely pointed out that Hillary is a hawk and was hell-bent on provoking Russia into a nuclear war. For some reason she is a Russo-phobe and doesn’t like China as well. Perhaps she has smoldering resentments against Russia, as they have denied any collusion with Trump, regarding their alleged meddling before and during the presidential election and nothing serious turned up in his impeachment proceedings. I did vote for Trump in 2016, but am considering abstaining from doing so, in this forthcoming election. At that time, in my opinion, he was the lesser of two evils. The current field of candidates is nothing to crow about.

Joe Molnar

Each to their own. You have your views I have mine.

John Webster

Everyone perceives at different levels, Joe … except for maybe the core group who surround Meier, and others who contribute on this blog. What could you offer this blog that shows you understand that the law of cause and effect has delivered the world in which we inhabit?

Tony Schwab

No matter who – Trump or Biden, the destruction is coming, both are different sides of the same coin! At least Trump bought americans and the whole world a few years by beating Killary, thus preventing her to start nuclear holocaust already in 2017.

Globalfascist senile war criminal and paedophile “uncle” Joe Biden is just Killary dressed as a man – Killary 2.0.

Like we in most other countries Americans don`t really have a choice who t ovote for! Like Stalin once said: “It does not matter who you vote beacuse you are always voting us (the “elite”)!” and “It does not matter how you vote but only how we count the votes!”… like Macron proved in last elections in France…

And like Plejarans said that in last elections, if Demonorats knew they would lose, they would cheat like no one ever cheated before. And you can take it to the bank they are going to cheat like hell this time around. That is why civil war in US is unavoidable; just like bacause of introduction of mandatory vaccination and/or microchip implantation.

Anywho, they – the “elite” are going to get global genocide through, either in the way Plejarans described in 2017, and with the help of vaccines and microchips, or through nuclear holocaust.

Choose what you will….

John Webster

I’m sure many here have seen this graphic depicting Trump on the Time magazine cover. I didn’t do a screenshot, and I’m not one to use such imagery to incite negativity, I simply appreciate the message.

Terry Carch

I just hjad a friend drop by wh o told me that Hitler died in 1945. A year later Trump was born in 1946 and she told me that Trump may be the reincarnation of Hitler, but so far this is just a rumor but I think Trump is such a liar and a
racist ruthless dictator,what else is new, etc!?

Melissa Osaki

Even though we aren’t spending as much time on the other side, I’m pretty sure that Adolph would have spent more than 1 year in the beyond. Let’s forget about rumors and conspiracies because they tend to be nonsense and also make it harder for people to find the truth.

Joe Molnar

With the overpopulation more time is needed to come back. Do not compare Trump to the beast, no comparison at all.

Melissa Osaki

The overpopulation causes us to spend less time in the beyond. That’s why folks are getting weak and crazier as the population levels rise. If someone lives to be 100 years old, they should spend approximately 152 years in the beyond, but we are nowhere close to that. The last report from Billy was that people are only spending around 10 to 30 years in the beyond, some more and some less.