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Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

The “Experiencers”: More Labile People in Search of Significance

The new, political pop-religion is Experiencerism, an instant, online refuge where any dope can join the party/congregation just by confessing, “I’m an experiencer!”


As if suffering the wannabe “UAP investigators” isn’t bad enough, there are also the self-described “experiencers”, a loose term denoting nothing of real significance, ironically, the very thing the labile-minded attention-seekers desire.

This club also has a low bar for membership, welcoming those who, perhaps after having a nightmare, watching too much sci-fi, or overdoing it on social media, etc., think they’ve seen, encountered, or have been “contacted” (another vague term) by extraterrestrials, “aliens”, inter-dimensional, or other mysterious beings.

Even if it’s only lights-in-the-sky, airplanes, birds, swamp gas, kites, kids on trampolines, stars, lanterns, fireworks – it doesn’t matter because, as long as it’s some kind of phenomena, (preferably unidentified) the poseurs can claim they experienced it, thereby making the whole farce even more meaningless.

Born of the inner emptiness afflicting the masses that’s caused many to flock to politics and religion – both outer-directed escapes from complete self-responsibility for their own lives – the new, political pop-religion is Experiencerism, an instant, online refuge where any dope can join the party/congregation just by confessing, “I’m an experiencer!”

Amen brother, join the congregation.

The Reason

Despite the pompous charades, filled with pretenders who are consumed with the pursuit of phenomena instead of substance, there actually is a …reason that this primitive, violent world has long been of interest to an advanced human race, who’ve maintained a hard-fought-for progressing society that has, for tens of thousands of years, lived in peace, love, freedom and harmony. In an act of selflessness, they undertook a self-obligated mission, and troubled themselves to present to us, through one solitary, unassuming man, the means by which we could avoid our otherwise certain, looming self-destruction and assure our own future survival.

The people were warned…and did they listen? Some but not yet enough.

The Newest Book!

Get the newly translated book by Billy Meier, about the very real, space-and-time-traveling, Plejaren extraterrestrial, human race, who’ve been in contact with, and providing information to, Billy Meier…for more than…80 years!



From the Depths of Outer Space

From the Depths of Outer Space… Contacts with the Pleiadians/Plejaren

This fascinating book details some of Billy’s early childhood experiences with Sfath as well as some of his adventures with Asket. Billy also explains the lifestyle of the Plejaren, their form of government, habitation, diet, music, etc., and provides an indispensable introduction to the ‘Billy’ Meier contact case.

Plus 16 glossy coloured pages!

“…Wisdom is the light, and wherever the light flashes, darkness and unknowledgeness disappear. Unknowledgeness is the essence of the darkness and can only be overcome through the light of the wisdom. …”



Diamond also posted on Rumble:

Billy Meier – May 2016 – Trump and the Two Coming US Civil Wars, first foretold in 1981

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Timothy Allen Anderson

In a world where the masses are endlessly demanding facts and fact checkers to do their work for them, demanding truth be given to them even though they have yet to prove that they could accept the truth when it is presented to them. The evidence seems to be mounting that no course corrections that will have the necessary effects are taking place, in fact quite the opposite seems to be the order of the day.

Terry Carch I Love Erra

In other words who`s fooling who?

Grega Thunberg

Here is the unclassified version, of the last year’s “government report on UAPs”…
discussed around 15:00 into the video

Barry Smith

All the questions the UFO community asks , have been answered if they would just take the time and read through the contact reports. Everything from Atlantis to bigfoot to the pyramids is explained. 80 years of conversations with people from another planet/dimension.

John Webster

Thanks, Michael, for another great flowing exchange in this video interview with David Mauriello! I hope to connect with him at his facebook page.

Barry Smith

Watching the interview, go Michael, go. If there was ever a time we need people to become peaceful and begin to think for themselves it’s now . The Plejaren warned about these dangerous times upon us, they said don’t mess with Russia or else game over. For goodness sake if people would read the Sfath contacts and compare it to known history – mind blown. He was absolutely correct. Everything happened exactly as he predicted in 1948 , plastic credit cards, cell phones interconnected electronically around the world, etc. I’m absolutely worried about the destruction of America, I have to live here. Powerless to stop the insanity. I am available if the Plejaren need a cargo pilot , no distance is to far. Can I be transferred to Erra ? Lol just kidding but not really. If it were possible, although I know it’s not , I would jump on it. I’m on the wrong planet. Yikes.

John Webster

I think if you’re as aware of the Meier information as you’ve shown to be, you will have a better start at preparing for your future, not to mention others [certainly family loved ones] within your sphere of influence. Salome.

Miroslav Stanko

…that Diamond – Oppenheimer Ranch Project show – people that believe black holes do not exist and that man made climate disaster do not exist either – not the best place to talk about Billy 🙂