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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival


The self-seeking, grandstanding charade continues. Project Blue Book archives were just released, as many people may now be aware. And one of the funny things is that nowhere in those archives on the website hosted by John Greenewald can I find any mention of…Billy Meier, let alone the photograph of his that the New York Post used when they featured the FoxNews report:

The New York Post used one of Billy Meier's UFO photos form 1975 in their article about Project Blue Book
The New York Post used one of Billy Meier’s UFO photos form 1975 in their article about Project Blue Book

(click to enlarge)

Isn’t it interesting that one of the preeminent chasers of lights-in-the-sky goes to all the trouble to post the gloriously inconclusive results of Project Blue Book when – for years – I’ve been asking, urging, prodding him to “discover” the Meier case? Unfortunately, I’ve made John very angry for doing so. I apparently showed little respect for his “boy wonder” approach to the field of UFOlogy, which has an implied seal of approval from UFOfficialdom, the powers that be, etc.

Last year I not only pressed John about the Meier case, I included him in an email to my list of skeptics, telling them that I was going to include them among those who were now saying the case is authentic. This delightful little ploy elicited a lot of responses, of which John Greenewald’s were the most pointed, unambiguous and clear in revealing his ignorance, bias and, most likely, evidence that he really must have some kind of support from those who maintain suppression of the Meier case. The only other alternative is a level of amateurish, arrogant incompetence that, time and again, pays off in our beloved, dumbed down America with some sort of success.

So here are excerpts from our exchange in which John leaves no doubt at all about…

John’s brilliant conclusions as a “UFO researcher”:

“Unfortunately, most of your evidence is laughable, at best…You back a story that is a hoax, in my honest opinion.”

Regarding the WCUFO…and John’s self-assessment of his own brain capacity:

“In closing, here is one of your ‘evidence’ photos which I attached below.  I feel this, is more than enough proof, that the Meier case is a joke.  I am confident to say this photo is not photoshopped, edited, or tweaked in ANY way.  I’d be comfortable agreeing with you.   However, anyone with a first grade photography lesson, can tell you this is not a spacecraft from another planet nor does it resemble anything larger than a large shoebox set inches away from the camera.  It is clearly an object very close to the camera, while the house in the background goes softly out of focus.   Anyone else with half a string bean for a brain, can also tell you that the majority of Meier’s photos always have part of the craft not captured on film. The example below, the bottom.  Other examples, the top. Why? The model is sitting on something, or strung up hanging from a string.  It’s as simple as that – in my opinion.  The others where you can see the craft in the distance? I would venture a guess that these models are literally thrown and a photo is snapped. Why? They always appear to be the same approximate distance from the camera, and always appear to be in the same trajectory.  My opinion, of course, but your photos are NOT the smoking gun.”

Regarding the prophecies:

“All those other silly ‘prophecies’ that you claim Meier made, consist of writings with links to news stories claiming Meier is the next Jesus, or whatever you may be claiming to your followers. No proof when any of these rantings were written, or even if they were written by Meier at all.   Other areas of your site consist of the copy and paste of thousands of pages of all sorts of stuff that really make no sense whatsoever. “

Regarding providing “proof”:

“You want to provide proof? Setup a video camera, and have one of Meier’s alien friends sit on camera, and give their predictions, prophecies, teachings, whatever they want to give for the human race to see, instead of these ridiculous photos and silly ‘prophecies’ which appears to be the only proof you guys can conjure up.  Because if there really was a message to spread to all of us lesser-lings from the more enlightened and higher powers like you and Meier – I wouldn’t think an intelligent, alien race, would travel millions of light years, and find some Swiss guy with no public outreach ability, to trust all their intergalactic wisdom to, then trust a man like you to run around and spread that message of light around the planet, while cursing all those who don’t believe you.”

Maybe about now, dear reader, you’re wondering (or not) just why the Project Blue Book archives were released and posted on his site.

It’s clear that John thinks that I’m a rude, nasty guy, taking all of the fun out of the game of chase-your-own-tail trivia that UFOlogy is to him. I have the bad taste to call out people who pretend they’re grown up, important persons without demonstrating the tough, competent seriousness and…character to carry the weight and responsibility that bringing forth the truth demands.

So, John Greenewald, my willfully ignorant, self-important, young friend, please enjoy this photo of the WCUFO that was displayed in Times Square while you were carrying on about your precious lights-in-the-sky:

WCUFO in Times Square


(click to enlarge)

I’m also adding a few links below that effortlessly rebut your adolescent critiques of the Meier case and its evidence. Maybe, if you get a glimmer of the truth, if it isn’t too harsh and disruptive for your profit-oriented agenda, you’ll wonder just…why you’ve had a rather easy time maintaining a platform that helps to distract from, and disinform about the only scientifically proven, still ongoing Billy Meier UFO contact case.


They Came Here

URGENT: Another Prophecy Fulfilling

NASA Engineer: The Billy Meier UFO Case Is Real

New Pentagon Report Corroborates Prophetic Information in Recently Released Film

The Billy Meier UFO Case: Now You Can Prove It to Yourself

Prof. Zahi’s Analysis Report on the WCUFO

Prof. Zahi’s Analysis Report on the Pendulum UFO

Prof. Zahi and Chris Lock’s Analysis on The Energy Ships

Russian Military Movements…and the Henoch Prophecies








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only for those who have a brain………what a load of nonsense, keep on keeping on, MH, you are doing just fine, fine indeed! It is wonderful, is it not, the Meier photo was used, what a marvelous slip of the subconscious…….hahaha 😀

John Greenewald

I think you may want to do your research. Your article above is indicative of how much time you put into things.

First, my name is spelled Greenewald.

Second, I have no control over what photos the press uses. I did not give out ANY, so therefore, your gripe is with New York Post, not me, for probably using a stock photo.

Third, the mere fact you wasted all of this time writing the above, and how factually incorrect you are — you aren’t doing Billy Meier any favors if he really has some kind of truth to his background. In addition, you are rude, you do have that correct. No respectable researcher would type the above, let alone continue to harass me because I don’t by into your fiction.

Good luck with your smear campaign though! Your lack of education on the topic, me, what the document archive is, etc. etc. is a sad state of affairs and really doesn’t make me look bad — but rather — you. But, alas, there you are writing your blog about me thinking it will somehow make Billy Meier more believable, and public begin to hate me because I don’t buy it. Aren’t we all entitled to our opinion? Ahh yes, I forgot, only if it helps you sell a book.

Hope it was worth the effort — but I am heading elsewhere now. Like somewhere worthwhile.


J. Smith

He’ll continue to run from the evidence as they all do….runner runner! Everything he wrote above and in the replies to you screams ‘NO RESEARCH DONE’. We are living in a world where people can dismiss evidence with belief based assumptions and defaming opinions. This guy is another joke in the barrel.

Antony E

And I used to think that Kal Korff was a thorough investigator !!


Just you keep on doing your thing Greenhorn. Its important you learn and this is your way. You’ll figure it out in time. Just dont say you weren’t warned.


“No respectable researcher would type the above, let alone continue to harass me because I don’t by into your fiction.”

Dear Figu,

“And John Greenewald and others who are so “offended” are welcome to come here and hash it out, if they’re up for it.” Okay let’s go…

How much more clear can it be to you? This person has clearly looked at the case and thinks it is fiction. This is not surprising nor is it abnormal among so called UFO experts, let alone the general public. And we all know that these people are NOT really experts. And that is okay because we are all mistake prone human beings. Yet the small minded Figu earthlings, have the mindset to insult and pursue someone who simply does not agree with Billy Meier? And you people should know that this Billy Meier case takes an enormous amount of time on an individual’s part to determine for real! But no, you continue to lie to yourselves and think that some green pea can immediately see value because some ‘expert’ somewhere said that the photos are real?! I love Figu, and at the same time I can’t stand you mother bleepers. And mostly because all you FIGU PHONIES should be learning something from sincere human beings like John Greenewald too. But instead hammer away as if you are wisdom kings, because you know about Billy and kiss his a**. You people are like a bunch of wind up robots bouncing off people and pushing them away.

Kind regards,

Dear John, you are right to turn away from this site and not come back. I may do just the same. Peace be with you. May you find truth on your own.


Hi Anthony: I wanted to take the time to write this post and express how sad and shocked i am to see you making this decision when you used to write all these wonderful postings which benifited countless people on a daily basis. i really have great respect and hold you to such a high regard based on the ways that you express what is on your mind, I never would of expected you not being a part of this blog when you have so much good to teach and offer others, I have to mention that I was especially proud the other day when Nicole and i went to see Michael’s presentation and you were there helping him in such a proffecional way, I was proud to see nice good knowledgeable people right there next to him, I have to apologize that it took me several hours to realize that it was you, The one that writes his name in a weird way.
I just want to say that there may be disagreements in the ways we see things sometimes and it may be overwellming to witness people who just seem vane and cold and carelessness, but that’s what’s the world is full of, the Green one is just an example. The point is the followers of the truth should stick together and not let disagreements veer us from the greater purpose. You brought so much wisom and truth to the blog it would be a shame to see you not be a part of this cause after all the hard work youve put in and possibly lives that youve changed. Salome.


I think so MH, I am seeing this more and more in “normal” society as well. Just plain and simple logic going out the door in the hopes that something, that something being born out of delusion, inside of them is preserved along with their standing in the delusional world we live in and I am afraid it is only going to get worst.


what these people really don’t understand, while they are calling MH rude, etc which he admits himself, is – he is fighting for a better, more peaceful world, a sustainable world, it’s very existence actually.

J. Smith

I won’t say you’re rude Michael you just straight up tell it like it is and if people realize what’s going on they would agree. The truth is harsh, isn’t it? He just has to deal with it; they all do!


The Meier case is the only thoroughly investigated and authenticated ufo case(it’s more like a case of highly advanced human beings visiting earth and giving advice).the ufo community is full of con artists. The real hoax is the ufo community. Good job,Michael, keep exposing them.


Seeing “lights in the sky” is NO proof of seeing ET UFOs.


I don’t imagine Greenewald would ever come back to publicly explain how he came to dismiss the 5-YEAR Wendelle Stevens investigation which detected NO signs of any hoax. Being such a huge “UFO enthusiast”, I can’t imagine he’s unaware of it. What was the longest amount of time spent investigating ANY of those other declassified cases? A month? Maybe a year?


You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him think. Er— drink 😉


John Greenewald scientific exploratory approach is based on his emotion and opinion only; where is the honest investigation and scientific analysis?

Greenewald says:

1. I feel this, is more than enough proof, that the Meier case is a joke. . . .
2. I am confident to say this photo. . .
3. I’d be comfortable agreeing with you. However, anyone with a first grade photography lesson, can tell you this is not a spacecraft from another planet. . .
4. in my opinion. . .
5. I would venture a guess that these models are literally thrown and a photo is snapped.
6. My opinion, of course, but your photos are NOT the smoking gun.”
7. I wouldn’t think an intelligent, alien race, would travel millions of light years, and find some Swiss guy with no public outreach ability. . .




Well, in June his opinion, by his own admission was not valid. Now he’s an expert. So, he must’ve really rolled up his sleeves these past few months. Or he’s relying on “Truthiness”(if it FEELS true, it IS true).


Although he’s suggested he won’t return, I have a thought for Mr. Greenewald should he feel compelled to come back:

What good is the Freedom of Information Act when you are unable to properly analyse information that is free?

Matt lee

Good one Taro
Although I might add nothing is free in this world, wait for it, except for Billy’s impeccable and scientifically authenticated and ironclad information but earthlings have a bad habit of devaluing that which comes free.
In Greenewald’s world anything that requires ‘free’ thinking is absolutely valueless but what comes in via the freedom of information act (with fees and charges) is freely freed from devaluation and is thus hoarded and passed off as investigative research.
Of course he is free to decide whether this amounts to serious research or whether it simply amounts to nothing more than the abuse of the word ‘freedom’.


Yup. Project Skew Book. It was all about distraction then as it is now.

Allen Anderson

While Hollywierd may not have a lot to offer as far as real tangible information goes, but there was a line in the move “Tommy Boy” that I think sums up the unwillingness of people today to put forth effort to KNOW the truth rather than FEEL like you have heard the truth from someone else……”you can get a look at a good steak by shoving your head up a cows ass, but wouldn’t you rather take the butchers word for it?”

Sure it can be a real crappy job, but the end result of finding the truth through effort, diligence, desire, and self motivation, will always bear tastier fruit than reliance on others with ulterior motives.

Just the letter from Aug. 25th 1958 alone offers more tangible evidence of truth in this one case, than all perceived “evidence” from every other single case in ufological history combined.

I recently posted a few comments on the story about the information made public through the failed project blue book, and the responses have been quite favorable. I hope that my references to are going to bring more fresh visitors who will hopefully find that the Billy Meier case IS the reason for the ongoing cover up and continual obfuscation of the truth.


The contacts and other phenomena are real as the hand in your own face, period. Believe it, don’t believe it, go skydiving, take a hike, whatever you need to do, but it’s ALL real. Nothing more can be said really at this point. Some know, some don’t and with that we have to get on with our lives. period. Most of the time the “ball” is out of our court and we have to learn to live with it.

Melissa B

How does someone with intelligence or common sense look at the Meier material and call it a hoax? I simply cannot understand. In fact, it’s actually illogical if you really think about it. It would have to be someone who never really had to “work” or struggle in the real world that would think that a one armed Swiss farmer with 3 children and a wife would have all this extra time on his hands to concoct the sheer volume of information that includes scientific info, photographic material, prophecies, contact reports and so on and so on–in the 70’s and 80’s no less. This isn’t a few pictures of blurry lights in the sky with a couple contact stories. This is a mountain of information that is meticulously dated, shockingly accurate and takes months if not years to read. This is not some delusional, anal probing alien abduction in the backwoods of the Swiss Alps. That would be more believable though, right? Ignorance must truly be bliss!


last night I listened to this Greewald and the looked up the Blue Book in this guys Volt page This guy has a nack for avoiding the REAL TRUTH and the REAL EVIDENCE just like ALL the other know-it-alls who think and claim they have the real deal. I got an ideal, there are several real photos of the WCUFOs we can show this Greenwald to prove the point that diispite Billy`s disabilities and the fact that these good ETs from Erra etc, have educated Billy for a number of years. The WCUFOS can really give away the REAL proof Why not have this Greenwald just listen to the sound of the beamship on your website to prove our point of the REAL evidence and let it rip from there MH.

J. Smith

Melissa B,

Well said!


No offence but you would really be wasting your time with this guy. If the self proclaimed investigator has not figured it all out by himself by now. Hes likely a few cans short of a six pack or he is blatantly avoiding the truth for reasons we already know about. Your better off watching an episode Mick dodge. Jees i love that guy!!

Melissa B

Thanks, J! This case is so clearly authentic that I just can’t comprehend the irrationally stubborn denial of it. As Michael has said, it has to be a deliberate suppression and disinformation campaign.


indeed, well said, Melissa

Philip Brandel

From one of the ufonies; “Other areas of your site consist of the copy and paste of thousands of pages of all sorts of stuff that really make no sense whatsoever. “ Maybe this in part is some of the ‘anti-religious/ nonreligious’ stuff that challenges this guys beliefs. Unbelievable how people can base everything on beliefs, let alone feelings. Always seems a little of from actually… thinking. Maybe it is time these ‘researchers’ start this process. Its never to late, and not like it has everything to do with us! Though I guess some will never see how enslaved they are, mainly from themselves, and beliefs of not being in control of everything to do with oneself, including researching and thinking before one opens their hole.

Jeff Tan

Hi Michael

I just found another NY News Article which features the Plejaren Beamship photo in better detail.


Jeff Here is another Idea that will get this Greenwald and others to look and think twice before they can say”Gotch Lights in the sky”. Ha ha ha ha.:))

Jeff Tan

Also this news article just popped up over here in Oz. Check it out and of course no mention of the Meier whatsoever.


it is, I just love the fact they are using the Plejaren Beamship photo again and with the caption “When the U-2 started flying at over 60,000 feet, the number of reported UFO sightings exploded.” Good find, Jeff.

Jeff Tan

Cheers but you would have to thank Chris Lock because he found the better quality photo from Splash News link 🙂


I am still amazed they used Billys photo! Here we have a big story, people have been hammering on for years about the government coming out with what they know and they use a Meier photo! Well, it makes sense doesn’t it. Could it be there are no other photos of “UFOs” that would fit the bill that weren’t ships made by terrestrial agencies? Could be. Could it be there are other photos of “UFOs” that could be actually real but are not good enough at all nor sure enough as to the actual origins of the craft to include with this coming out story? Very likely. They use a clear photo of a beam ship that has been fully explained and documented, oh the irony!!!!

J. Smith

And look how slick they’re…they post the photo but leave out any details of its origin. That actually looks like an original photo if I’m not mistaken. They’re just too fake to accept, but not to fake to showboat and use to lure people in.


It looks like a scan or photo of a ratty page from a book. Those look like crease lines. I’m guessing it’s from the Wendelle Stevens book from the 70’s.


Everybody loves #494. I’m curious about the copyright situation. Obviously FIGU doesn’t have the Disney-money to go after its frequent and liberal use(“X-Files”, for example) but can’t they at least try to get proper attribution, especially from a news organization? Their source, Splash, is probably using it illegally.


Now, if the New York Post is aware that SplashNews is using an image without respecting the copyright owner’s licensing requirements(attribution), wouldn’t they be obligated to make an editorial correction somehow? Or stop using their questionably acquired material? I guess, same s–t, different pile.


I suppose I could. But now that I think of it, if this is an online-only article, they’ll likely just replace the photo with something else. It might be better to have the photo seen without attribution than not at all.


No commenting ability. But I shot a quick email to the editor about the comments section to see what happens.


So I just sent my third email to the New York Post. A little something to start the week.

Email#1 – Thu, 22 Jan 2015

Hi. Just wondering if there’s any way to add comments to the UFO records article:


Email#2 – Fri, 23 Jan 2015

Hello. I wrote yesterday but received no response. Is there any way to add comments to the UFO records article:

Your photo is factually incorrect.

Email#3 – Sat, 24 Jan 2015

DOES THE NEW YORK POST ANSWER TO THEIR OWN FACTUAL ERRORS? This is my third email attempting to address this error with no reply as of yet. The photo you have selected to use in your UFO records article is in CONTRADICTION with the caption below it. Your caption reads:

“Out of the 12,618 recorded UFO sightings noted by the Air Force between 1947 and 1969, 701 remain ‘unidentified.’ ”

This photo is from the Billy Meier case.

1) It was taken in 1975.
2) It has never been OFFICIALLY acknowledged by the United States Air Force.
3) It has been IDENTIFIED as either a hoax perpetrated by Billy Meier or a Plejaren spacecraft photographed by him.

My emails will be posted to Michael Horn’s blog for record. He is Mr. Meier’s U.S. media representative.

Was I a little impatient? Meh-beh.


Email#4 – Thu, 29 Jan 2015

Is there no one at the New York Post who answers to factual errors? I’ve written the editor 3X. No response. Why do you list your email address on your website?

Well, I gave it a shot. Sent the last one to four of their addresses. Nadda. So much for journalistic accuracy.