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Friday, May 3, 2024

The Billy Meier UFO contacts singularly authentic ongoing for 80 years the key to our future survival

Formerly Skeptical Author Confirms Billy Meier’s Dire Warning

Breakdown of ocean conveyor belt could extinguish life on Earth  

Science writer Chris Mooney, the author of the new article in The Washington Post regarding the degradation of the oceans due to climate change, says that he…” was formerly somewhat skeptical about the notion that the ocean ‘conveyor belt’ circulation pattern could weaken abruptly in response to global warming. Yet this now appears to be underway…”

This is critical because of the very real – but as yet unrecognized – potentially fatal danger to all life on Earth should this progress to a complete break down of the conveyor belt:

Official Contact Report 544, Saturday, September 1, 2012

Billy: But the over-population causes damage, and indeed increasingly, because it is growing ceaselessly and through that, with all the trappings of terrible things, which are created from it, ever more natural disasters appear. In this regard, you told me privately recently that, by means of the climate change caused by humanity, the world’s oceans heat up quite enormously and thereby the so-called global conveyor belt, which drives the water through all the world’s oceans, could break down.

Ptaah: That is right, because if the global conveyor belt – which, as the enormous current, runs through the oceans and constantly mixes their water – breaks down, then the movement of the oceans will cease, which then means that the majority of all life on Earth will be extinguished. At the present time it is already very bad, because the oceans have warmed to an alarming degree, and indeed in the last 17.9 years, with a thermal energy, which must be computed as the equivalent of two (2) billion Hiroshima atom bombs. Through the fault of the Earth humanity, the Earth is now already in the midst of this destructive process, whereby the oceans, and the global conveyor belt, increasingly heat up increasingly dangerously.

In 2008, Meier bluntly pointed out that “…the first eight years of the 21st Century have now passed, during which the prophecies and predictions of the 1950s, as well as of the 1960s, have been fulfilled as they have in all the decades since, and indeed, up to the current time.” Clearly, this trend has not at all improved.

Certainly the suppression of the Meier case and its contents by various members of the UFOCI, like MUFON, etc., and equally suppressive, profit-oriented pseudo-scientific groups like SETI, have actually contributed to causing great harm to humanity and all life on the planet.

As previously mentioned, all parties interested in our future survival need to stop relying on any so-called “experts” regarding the authenticity of the Billy Meier contacts and his information and conduct their own research.

While the realization of the inescapable authenticity and accuracy of the prophetic information can cause some people to become paralyzed with fear, or feel powerless to do anything about the now seemingly overwhelming magnitude of the situation, inactivity won’t help in the least.

All of this is the result of humanity’s very incorrect, irresponsible and greedy thinking, over a long period of time. It is only through a radical correction in thinking, feeling and acting that we will be able to correct and reverse the damage that we’ve done or allowed to be done.

While there are no quick fixes, the only long lasting remedies will of necessity originate and arise from proper thinking and actions by each individual. This is precisely what the spiritual teaching is all about. “Unfortunately, the term itself often triggers inaccurate associations with religions, belief systems, New Age nonsense, etc., in some people’s minds.)

The spiritual teaching, however, is a non-religious, belief-free teaching, a study and practice for correcting the inaccurate, illogical, irresponsible and delusional “thinking”, if one can even call it that, of the aforementioned associated terms and systems.

I suggest that even the most timid person who recognizes the truths and dangers should not only delve into the spiritual teaching (much of which is freely available) but also begin to…take action by forwarding information such as this to any and all scientists, forums, blogs, media, journalists, etc.

Let’s not miss the opportunity to help bring awareness to others, to contribute to the rest of the world now that we know what’s really at stake.

See also:

Billy Meier’s Environmental Warnings

The Might of the Thoughts


Today’s News Yesterday

MUFON, UFOCI Force Cancellation of Billy Meier UFO Case Event!

The Meier Contacts – The Key to Our Future Survival

Thanks to Nicholas Majchrzak for the new information.

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I was just reading this article at work and once again! as ptaah has stated.

christian martinez

what do you people think about this: using one of those circuse lights to shine a spiritual symbol on the clouds or on a mountain so as to get that particular image on peoples subconsciousness , across the us , to help avert a civil war ewwwww.

Billy Wilson

christian martinez, You are the very first to suggest that thoughts are like creation, three dimensional and as such the true nature of the spiritual symbols are not two dimensional but have form. Billy has to use pen and paper to try to get to us a reference to build upon. Just as satellites have showed us our planet is effect alive in three dimensions, yet no one will look at it as a whole and see just how ill it is, that count on its very health to be.

Sheila Clark

Hi Christian there are T-shirts available with some of the spiritual symbols on them. We picked up a couple from Michael of FIGU Canada who made them himself. They are awesome especially when someone asks you what they mean. And believe me when I tell you that whenever I see someone wearing the upside down peace symbol (death rune) I tell them it’s the wrong way and what it means. It must get through because I rarely ever see them wearing it again.

Terry Carch

Recently Noam Chomsky held a lecture at the New School in New York City. Chomsky recently spoke about American exceptionalism and it`s greed and lust for warmongering and avoiding the global warming issue along with Isrial and Saudi Arabia. not just on the worlds oceans but also buy the greed and lust for gas, oil and coal instead clean safe solar,wind, water and food etc. I wonder if MH could possibly send Noam Chomsky all of Billy Meier`s priophetically accurate CR and Henok preditions to Noam Chomsky and just mabye we can get all this information out to the general public who right now is being entranced by the likes of Pope Fransis and other religious fudalisms etc. Seems to me this world is STILL asleep at the wheel and unwillingto face the facts as they really are right now. You might want to read and watch Noam Chomsky`s lecture on Democracy Now with Amy Goodman or You can read the transcript or watch the video or even both because Billy Meier and Noam Chomsky are both sounding the Civil Wars and WW3/4 alarm bells right now. So much for Pope Fransis and his prayers fior peace and stopping the global warming crisis etc,etc,etc.


Also send to Zero Hedge.

George M

Perhaps MH is busy doing other things.
Perhaps the people suggesting that MH get in touch with Chomsky and Zerohedge might want to do so themselves.
Perhaps MH is actually the wrong person to write to them, because they might google his name and pre-decide that listening to MH is a bad idea, based on their own preconceptions.
Perhaps a situation whereby many regular people chirp away at editors or information gatekeepers to get their attention in an unbiased way might be the more effective stretegy.

George M

I’d like to use another example, to stress the point.

In politics, when politicians are fighting and/or trying to make other politicians look like idiots using legitimate points, a common tactic is for politicians or their staff to write letters to the editor, or internet comments, using a random name taken out of a phonebook.

The reason for that is because, were they to use their own name, then observers would instantly recognize the comment as the usual “politicians are fighting again”, and not actually look at the ideas presented. The reader is instantly biased.

Using a random name out of a phonebook actually causes the reader to consider the ideas in the writing without bias, and so a message actually gets through.

I am not suggesting that people use a fake name when contacting others. I am merely stressing that, sometimes, an email from a regular person penetrates far more deeply into the mind of the target reader than an email from a prominent person such as MH.

The responsibility therefore falls on everyone except MH. If you, reading this, now know that your email is likely more effective than MH’s email, then it is actually your job to do it. So do it. It takes 30 seconds. Right now.

Andrew Grimshaw

Are you by any chance suggesting that we have a symbol war as opposed to a devastating and murderous symbolic war? 🙂

David Scott

Hello everyone,
Thank you Michael for another riveting point. If you visit you will concur that it is one of the most important stands on the front of truth. We are in the crosshairs and our time here is NOT guaranteed. If we do not inspect what we expect we get what we get. And the ones riding on the back of the people demand that we will like it. To be short, Fukashima, BP oil disaster and the most toxic dispercent known to man was used strategically to kill you. As is Toilet to tap water which contains all the pharmasuetical drugs and additives in your water.
We have the knowledge to be great, we also have the spoils in our every day life. We have to bring back the knowledge to use and the solutions to apply. Again , to the spiritual teachings… The evil is now full on employed, every action has an opposite ~ yet equal reaction. This means the positive is still in the bank. In me , in you , we need to get it out. That means the spiritual teachings on self meditation and contemplation personally, to empower our selves , our families, our culture , our world. One person at a time and one second at a time to allow this bank of good or greatness a way to assimilate into our lives and our world. We are more. Never in time has it been more important to do so.

Terry Carch

Right on David. “we NEED to get our act together NOW or else our lives will be forever shortened thanks to all that is now taking place. If we don`t act now then what will be left is an ugly murdering future with NO end in sight to save our very own lives,our necks. The time is NOW!”

Jacobus Kotze

Yes Terry, maybe its time for you to stop believing in evil Ets doing business with our governments rubbish.

Terry Carch

Right on Jacobus. But tell me why when ever there are articles that ask if ET exist, why those big ugly grey heads with beedy black eyesfor photos? Coast to Coast posted an article that ask this very question with 97% believing ET does exist but the article shows the big grey head with the black eyes. I get the feeling people on Earth don`t believe there are other human beings too in this big huge vast cosmos.

Darcy Wade Carlile

Terry those greys are Earthlings made in the good old USA.

Sheila Clark

Yes Darcy it was pretty telling in Brantford where author Bob Mitchell could only find 4 Canadians who claimed to have been abducted by aliens. I asked him if they may have been lying. Oh no he replied because they had been under regression therapy and Bob trusted the therapist. With Billy’s information I finally put 2 and 2 together and it was the regression therapists who are putting the fake alien abduction memories into those “supposed abductees”. In the words of Ptaah – hypnotism leaves false memories. So in reality those regression therapists should really be giving their heads a serious shake and take the oath of doing no harm.

George M

Terry, I would say that the use of the image of so called grey aliens with beady black eyes is due to:
1) irresponsible journalists using caricatures for the sake of sensationalism.
2) government types attempting making the idea of alien life seem like a fantasy so as to dissuade serious investigation, and/or to discredit investigators, especially regarding technology of the type that would ‘disrupt’ the economy.
3) organized religious types doing the same as government types.

The net effect is simply this: keep people believing that we are the only life in the universe, so as to keep things on this planet the way they are going, for the benefit and delusion of the few.
Note: when I say ‘disrupt’ the economy, what is meant is ‘repair resource and service distribution so that it serves all humans, rather than the few humans who dominate the present, rotten system’.

Sheila Clark

Terry, Do you know Joe?

Terry Carch

Sorry Shelia. No I don`t.

Sheila Clark
Please watch this Terry. MH is interviewing Joe and you need to know Joe.

Andrew Grimshaw

HELP your neighbor; who is everyone.

“And it is stipulated that everyone speaks with his neighbor, which every human personifies, and that the word and the voice are raised in honesty and everything is said, screamed out and even roared out, or is written, which, in the name of justice, of righteousness and humanity, of human dignity, of peace, love and freedom must be said, screamed, roared and written.
Thereby, however, the corresponding active deeds must not be forgotten and not come too late, because this is of just as much importance.” – Billy.

Andrew Grimshaw
Sheila Clark

Meow! Just clearing my throat …ROAR! I’ve often wondered if the ability to roar has anything to do with being born under the horoscope sign of Leo? What are your thoughts Michael?

matt lee

Gee I envy you Leos as born on the sign of scorpio all I can get out of myself is clamp clamp prick prick.

Terry Carch

Hey guys can you tell me about someone who was born under the sign Libra like me.? Thanks.:-)))

Billy Wilson

Terry Carch, Horoscopes are currently worthless to us at this time we do not the knowledge any longer to get anything at all from it.If you will go to , and do a search for the word horoscope you’ll never see it the same again. Our calendar is also wrong making it even more impossible to count on in the discussed in contact notes.

Terry Carch

Thank Billy W. I was just be humorous,hahahaha. :-)))

steve Tillbrook

We can be really good pals now, we can trade socks and muffin recipes, since we are both born in,, what month was that?

Sheila Clark

Yes let’s trade mufon recipes. You go first.

steve Tillbrook

Sheila, that comment was for Terry Carch, who has a sense of humor and has been very friendly toward me, she doesn’t snipe and infer negative motivations in others. Isn’t that indearing and lovely?

Sheila Clark

I’m still interested in your mufon recipe.

Sheila Clark

Just because you have freedom of speech on this blog doesn’t mean you won’t be called out on something that seems “off”. Hate to break it to you, but that’s how we learn. Apparently not everyone is gifted with common sense or even the same sense of humour. You may call it sniping, I call it getting to the truth at hand.

steve Tillbrook

Hello Sheila, Calling people out with tags like ‘moron’ and telling people they spew crap is for the schoolyard and is not edifying or intellectually refined. lt does lead one to conclude that certain posters are abusive souls and should be avoided.. Anyway check by last post on echoes of future past concerning Celente page 5..

Have the nicest day possible for yourself.

Sheila Clark

Excuse me but it was you saying not to leave food out because you would roll up a used bandaid and put it inside the food. Yes you are a moron if you are doing that. Are you trying to tell me that people who do that are simply fun loving guys? I find it sick and disgusting. Is your wife and children aware of this practise of yours? And you are calling me an abusive soul? Lol.
Plus I don’t like your disparaging comments about Billy Meier. Your use of the word soul tells me you haven’t read much of his material.

matt lee

Well this is gonna be a bad one so laugh all you want but there is a word going around that Librans end up becoming Librarians
Gee was that bad joke or what

matt lee

Oh wow
That was a good one Michael
A real classic
Now speaking of libraries where did I put my membership card

steve Tillbrook

Hey its Meeeeeeeeeee !!! l’m the other Libranian,, see its like “brain” but not spelled the same..

Terry Carch

Shelia, Just saw the video of Joe. Yes I did see the video before. Thanks.

Andrew Grimshaw

I was wondering what your opinion is on a few sentences I threw together conveying what I understand from my experiencing the Teaching of the Truth, Teaching of the Spirit, Teaching of the Life?

We are the lucky ones as we can think about our experiences in a way that leads to thinking about how and why this experience is experienced and how to continue experiencing this experience.

It’s not what to think; it includes how and why to think.
What, how and why one thinks, is that which causes the experience that is experienced.

The that which experiences is the BEING. And the material existence/experience is being.

I understand the following:
Experience is that which is thought, sensed, felt, actioned, encountered, observed, etc.
BEING is existing in the creative existence, the spiritual existence.
The essence of BEING is the spirit. The spirit energy. LOVE.
Whereas, being is the current existence-experience, the material life, the material existence.
Neutrality is the lack of exclusively positive or exclusively negative experiences that have the possibility to be experienced; and the subsequent experience.

So as to distinguish the fundamental law of the necessity for opposing forces; so as to have motion, I assign and arbitrarily assign, respectively, the following:
Positive is good and the attracting force.
Negative is evil and the repelling force.

That we have the might to grant power and influence to the thinking that contributes to the continued pleasing and joyful experience of existence of this Universe, which we are but a part, by using our morals, wisdom, rationality and intellect, is the thinking that we must think, must be understood.

Always evolving to a better existence and experience.

I understand that it’s not a question of whether there is equal amounts of good and evil in existence; but the possible experiences that could be experienced and thinking into existence the positive, stemming from the neutral, lived experience. This being the wise thing to do in light of learning and coming to the realisation that it’s thoroughly more joyful when we think positively, stemming from neutrality, than to think negatively.
The loving, peaceful, free (and by free, I understand it to be opposed to being controlled through suppression and exploitation) and harmonious experience is what we want to think into existence to experience, as this ensures the continuance of experiencing existence; whereas the opposite will bring nought but poor physical, mental and psychic health, bloodshed, killing in depravity, murder, ruin and eventual darkness of consciousness and a, for all intents and purposes, practically a lack of motion and then eventually a cleaning house will be what was.

We shouldn’t have extreme cases of damaged bodies for consciousnesses to have to experience.

And it sits right with me that the cause of this is that another BEING learnt this and used this wisdom and Gewalt (1) in an act of love to create our BEING into existence, just as the Ur (2) -BEING did, and as will ours; whether we all make it or not.
1 using all available coercing means, powers based in the psyche, mind and consciousness, capabilities and skills, in order to carry out and wield monstrous (immense/tremendous) actions and deeds
2 German prefix meaning first, primal, original.

One has might, power and influence and must utilise them in the necessary manner, when necessary.

HELP your neighbor; who is everyone.

“And it is stipulated that everyone speaks with his neighbor, which every human personifies, and that the word and the voice are raised in honesty and everything is said, screamed out and even roared out, or is written, which, in the name of justice, of righteousness and humanity, of human dignity, of peace, love and freedom must be said, screamed, roared and written.
Thereby, however, the corresponding active deeds must not be forgotten and not come too late, because this is of just as much importance.”
– Billy.,_Dignified,_Valuable

matt lee

The english language being what it is everyone has their own ways of making sense and meaning out of the ST with their own understanding of the language so I really couldn’t make any suggestion and recommendation other that just keep it simple Wayne, follow Billy’s advice and to trust yourself and your inner voice to guide you as I am sure you will get those impulses.

Andrew Grimshaw

SIL! If I didn’t know you any better, Matt, I could think that you were addressing me as, Mr. Kerr. ;->

matt lee

Good one Wayne
Gee although SIL is Michael’s creation from time to time you are allowed to make some noise by using LIL.
Go on mate give it a crack

Andrew Grimshaw

Billy Idol – CyberPunk – Power Junkie

Pearl Jam – Ten – Alive

Coldplay – A Rush of Blood to the Head – Clocks

Silvana De Angelis

Good morning all, I’ve found this articles related in one way or another to the topic above please also read the links.


Arie Levy

…..i second that by posting this cliep from the movie Dune….where Paul “Moadhib” rises from his journey into himself and comes to realize he is aware, awake and ready.

“Father, father, the sleaper has awakened”~!!!

Andrew Grimshaw

This is my anthem for the next little while.

Andrew Grimshaw

Look; I know that the peace prize ain’t worth an expensive suit, what with things as they are; so, yes I see the speech is lacking; but it’s Cat!

Terry Carch

Here is the article from Coast to Coast In the News the last article on the bottom for 9/26/15 Alien life exist in the universe according to majority of UK and German Public-The Independent but why those always those ugly big grey heads with the black eyes.

CS Swalby

Webster G Tarpley speaks german and will be in New York by the United Nations this Sunday to greet President Putin of Russia with folks holding signs demonstrating for peace.^tfw

Silvana De Angelis

This article provides a good explanation of the phenomenon occurring in Greenland that due to the increase in the global temperatures causes the melting of the ice.